#wayv sceanrios
chicken-fifi · 1 month
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KEY: Smut🌶️, Fluff 🥰, Angst 🥺, Violent 🔪, Ships 🚢, Suggestive 😏
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astroyongie · 2 years
Hi. Could you post SFW for Ten. 🥰🥰🥰
A To Z Analysis : SFW
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A = Affection
Ten is very affectionate as a boyfriend and he always seek the contact with his partner after a teasing session
B = Best friend
He is the type of best friend that will always gossip with you, hold your secrets, criticizes with you, support you, judge your partner and help you with whatever you need
C = Cuddles
Depending on the moment, he can be very cuddling but he prefers to do it when you both are on the couch
D = Domestic
Settling down is one of his prioritizes in life and he would be quite domestic, cleaning, cooking, helping around. There wouldn't be any toxic gender roles
E = Ending
He would be devastated with a breakup and usually he would try to cut all ties with his partner but he might end up being friends with them or keep touch if his ex wants too.
F = Fiance(e)
He wants to marry, he wants to have his family and just live that like (most) people. He isn't scared of commitment
G = Gentle
It's complicated, because Ten is overall very gentle with the ones he loves, but he can also be a little bit harsh emotionally when he is upset
H = Hugs
Loves hugs, hugs from behind, front, on the sides, doesn't matter he loves them all
I = I love you
Probably says it first while blushing and giggling. He just loves to say it and he means it.
J = Jealousy
Can get very very jealous, and he will show it and be all pouty and upset about it. It comes easily and it happens whenever he feels insecure about the situation
K = Kisses
His kisses are soft and gentle, not too wet
L = Little ones
Loves children and he will want to have some of his own when he gets a little bit older
M = Morning
Mornings are usually lazy, he hates to wake up in the morning and he is usually in a bad mood until he gets his breakfast
N = Night
Nights are full of talking, gossiping, sharing stories and just hugging and kissing in general
O = Open
He isn't very closed so he will reveal things about himself quite early in the relationship. He has no secrets, no shame, he will be an open book
P = Patience 
He has a lot of patience but there's certain topics that he would get angry very fast
Q = Quizzes
He remembers a lot about you and he gets a lot of information that he uses to impress you or to make you happy
R = Remember
Ten's favorite moment with you is when you have confused to him the first time, and probably your first kiss and date
S = Security
He is protective on his own way, jealous more than protective as he doesn't really know how to deal with that
T = Try
He puts a lot of effort actually, he always tries to use things that you love and like whenever you guys have dates or anniversaries. Ten makes the best of your world
U = Ugly
He has a ugly habit to tease you when you are angry which only makes you more angry
V = Vanity
Just like any idol is image is important but he doesn't mind to be bare and his true self with you
W = Whole
He feels lost and incomplete without you, and he usually communicate it with you whenever he feels like that
X = Xtra
Despite being very teasing, Ten has a good heart and he wouldn't want to hurt you truly
Y = Yuck
He hates when his partner had strange habits with food, like mixing foods that are weird
Z = Zzz
He likes to sleep naked or with some undies, he doesn't snore that much.
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iraacundus · 4 years
Butterfly Lies - Five
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chapter five ✭ masterlist ✭ previous ✭ next ✭
mafialeader kun x reader
words: 4.2k
genre: smut, angst, fluff
warnings: violence, offensive language
money makes people do strange things, is what people would say, it can even motivate them to murder. kun didn’t have people killed for the money, he had them killed for the power, he was a monster among men, is what people would say. in reality kun had only ever been motivated by one thing, his love for you
✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭
You were confused for a second when you woke up, Kun’s arm draped over your body, pulling you towards him in his sleep.
Memories of the night before flashed through your mind. You expected to feel angry at yourself for taking such a step but the sight of Kun’s face when he slept prevented any such anger.
You moved your hand up to trace his face lightly, following the line of his eyebrow, down his check, before your finger finally reached his lips.
Your cheeks blushed red as you leaned forward slightly, placing a kiss on his lips, just for a second. It was enough for his eyes to flutter open.
“This is the best wake up call, I’ve ever had,” Kun said, his eyes opening slowly as he smiled. The pure look on his face made your heart ache, thinking about how every morning could have been like this if it wasn’t for your situation.
You wanted this to be a one-night thing, to go back to your policy of staying away, but his smile made that impossible. As he pulled you in closer, your head against his bare chest, the sound of his heartbeat in your ear.
You knew you couldn’t cause pain to Kun’s heart again; you couldn’t mess him around like that, you didn’t want to. You wanted to stay in his arms forever.
“Do you have work now?” you asked him, ignoring his statement about the kiss out of slight embarrassment.
Kun shook his head.
“I don’t have to go in until later, I figured we definitely need to talk now.” He was smiling, but at the mention of a ‘talk’ you could see the worry behind his eyes.
“What we need to do is have breakfast, do you have food?” you asked, rolling away from Kun and standing up. You walked out into his kitchen and started looking through the drawers, careful not to open the one with the gun this time.
Kun’s cupboard was shamefully bare for a man who was such a good cook.
“Why do you have like four things in your fridge, how do you survive?” you questioned.
Kun shrugged,
“I eat out a lot of the time now, my cooking skills are starting to go to waste.”
Despite that he managed to find flour, milk and eggs in the cupboard to make pancakes. You offered to help but you both knew Kun would be three thousand times more successful alone. So, you decided to take on a role that focused more on just sitting and watching.
“You really are talented at everything,” you praised him, it was Kun’s turn to go red.
“Stirring mixture isn’t really that hard, I promise to buy some ingredients and make you something really nice when we have time,” he replied. He looked so cute with the small bit of flour that had ended up on his nose.
You jumped off the counter and stood close to him, gently brushing the flour off his nose before placing a light kiss on the same spot.
“I refuse to believe that there are people out there who are scared of you when I see you like this,” you told him. Kun shrugged as he poured some mixture into the frying pan.
“I’m only this nice to you sweetheart,” he said in earnest but shortly followed up with a cheeky wink. He turned back to focus on flipping the pancakes, getting it perfectly in one try.
You didn’t have quite the same luck with the pancake flying through the air and landing on one of the kitchen cupboards… you let Kun flip the rest.
You sprayed cream on them and got maple syrup all over your hands making them sticky.
“I feel like a little kid,” you laughed, trying to lick the syrup off your hands after finishing your pancakes. Kun chuckled in response but you could see the concern rising in his face again. You couldn’t ignore it forever.
You cleaned your dishes away and sat down with Kun on the sofa, before he could speak you interrupted him.
“Can we have just five more minutes before we…?” you asked, not waiting for an answer before you brought your lips to his. Trying to assure him in a way that words couldn’t the way you felt about him.
Kun drew away quicker than you would have liked, ending by returning the kiss on the nose.
“We can’t avoid this y/n,” he said. You had been avoiding it for years and you almost wanted to keep avoiding now you had experienced this side of Kun. Yet you needed answers more, you needed to understand why your best friend was doing this. How did a teenage petty criminal become a killer?
“I need you to start being totally honest with me Kun,” you said, at exactly the same moment he had said,
“Do you still love me?”
You were a little thrown off, clearly the conversations you both thought you needed were not the same conversation. Silence was the result.
“I need answers Kun,” is all you managed to reply. Kun stared off at the wall unable to look you in the eye as his finger traced the top of your hand.
“I don’t tell you things to keep you safe, y/n… you know this.” “Do you not trust me?” you asked him. He shook his head rapidly, swallowing the arguments he was about to make and giving in.
“Ask what you want, I can’t promise I will answer, but I will try to, and I certainly won’t lie anymore.”
That was a compromise you could live with.
“I need you to explain what your gang really does and how you suddenly became a gang leader, when I met you that wasn’t what you were doing, I’m sure of it.”
“Correct. I became a gang leader over time. This will sound crazy and I really cannot explain why but would you believe me if I said I created my gang to keep you safe?”
“That doesn’t make any sense Kun,” you said, yet you knew he wasn’t lying, Kun didn’t break his promises to you, if he said he wasn’t lying he was.
“We run as a rival gang to some really bad people… not that we are good, I would never try and say I’m a good person. My intentions are simply to be better than him,”
“I can’t say his name, you would know who it was though, he’s someone I really hate.” This statement brought you no closer to the truth, you couldn’t think of anyone Kun hated.
“We do all the same evil things, run drugs, white collar crime, killer for hire, we just put a lot of money back into the community to try and make it better. We also don’t kill innocent people if we can help it, they have to have done something bad. I doesn’t make it better; I sound like I’m trying to justify myself. I know there is no justification.”
You want him to explain it properly, but you know he won’t. The fact he told you anything was an improvement and you didn’t want to fight him anymore.
“Everything I do, I do because I love you,” he said. It was a truth that was as clear as day, you could see it in his eyes.
“And you trust me completely?” you questioned, he gave a firm nod in response, “then let me go with Ten to Korea without you coming to. I do my job and you do yours. If I work hard to become as competent in this life as you, then you can tell me the whole truth.”
“Why do you need to know so badly, isn’t it enough to know I did it because I love you?”
“That’s exactly why I need to know. I need to know what you had to do for me, or I can never be happy accepting your love. You did it because you love me, fine. I need to know so I can love you without the weight of a secret so big.
“Meet Ten at the airport tonight at six, I will send a car.”
“Thank you,” you said, the hint of a smile on your lips as you rested your head on his shoulder. “When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes, you’re the only thing I think I got right,” Kun whispered, his lips against your hair.
“Thank you for doing it for me… whatever the reason, even if I don’t think you should have, I’m still grateful.”
“I love you,” he said, bringing his lips down, gentle kissing your exposed shoulder. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him and hold him tight. You knew the second you slept with him there was no turning back.
Even before then this had been inevitable. You would never truly have been able to give up Kun.
If you can’t beat them, join them.
It was that mentality that had you on a plane at eight the next morning, reading a magazine next to Ten who was still disturbed from the free fruit the flight attendant had handed out.
All you knew about the trip is that you were meeting Johnny from NCT to work out where to start up a joint office in Seoul.
You were currently more focused on how comfy your first-class seat was, it wasn’t something you had ever experienced before.
You played with a ring around your pinkie finger. Kun had given it you. It was a GPS, not all the time, you were not accepting a boyfriend who was that much of a stalker, it only turned on when you twisted it, in case you were in trouble. Kun had a similar one that matched.
You thought it was slight overkill when truly all you were doing was scouting out office buildings, Kun had been insistent though.
The plane landed an hour later at Incheon airport where a private car was waiting for you and Ten – the life of luxury continued.
The distance to Johnny’s office wasn’t far but the traffic was shocking, so it took a while. As Ten napped you started googling possible options and noting them down on your phone.
It was dark by the time you had reached the NCT Corporation building. It was much larger than Kun’s building but then that was because it was a much larger organisation. That was the whole reason Kun wanted to strengthen ties between the two. Kun’s company was technically a subsidiary of NCT corporation anyway.
You placed your sunglasses on even though it was dark and checked your lipstick. You wanted to create the impression that you were here for business, even if that business was friendly.
They thought Kun was impressive, intelligent? Wait until they met you. You had no idea where you had found this confidence, but it was something you were running with.
“After you,” Ten said, motioning into the building. You smiled and thanked him graciously, walking past, through the doors and up to the front desk.
“Miss Y/L/N and Mr Leechaiyapornkul from Qian Industries here to see Johnny Suh,” you said, looking down over your sunglasses to speak to the receptionist. Before they could make the phone call, a man’s voice greeted you.
“Y/n, Ten, lovely to meet you both.”
You looked over to see a tall, smiling man that you assumed was Johnny.
“The pleasure is all ours,” you replied as Ten shook his hand.
“I hope your flight was good?” Johnny enquired. You grinned,
“Flying first class is certainly the high life.”
Johnny seemed to laugh genuinely at your joke, you could tell why Kun wanted to work with this organisation if its workers were like Johnny.
You didn’t waste much time after that, Johnny led you to where he had picked out his top three choices and cross referenced them with yours.
“Your number 2 is the same as mine y/n, I think it could work. If you want, we can stop by there now and see?” Johnny proposed.
You nodded, glancing over at Ten who was texting someone absentmindedly. You had sort of taken over the main role of the mission.
“Yeah for sure, that would be great.”
Johnny’s car was sleek black and brand new. You climbed into the passenger seat, Ten grumbling about having to sit in the back. Apparently, it undermined him as a senior gang member.
You reminded him you knew Kun first, that you were his first ever supporter which caused Ten to at least grumble slightly more quietly.
“You and Kun go way back then huh?” Johnny asked.
You smiled.
“He’s an old friend,” you confirmed.
“Whose hopelessly in love with her,” Ten added causing you to blush.
“I don’t think it’s quite like that,”
“You didn’t have to live with him when he was ignoring you, ‘oh I really don’t want to hurt her, oh I’m so sad, I’m Kun and I’m sad because I’m avoiding my girlfriend.”
You flipped Ten off.
“Do they call you Ten because that’s the age you act?” you asked him, “this is work Ten get it together.”
Johnny started laughing,
“No worries, I find it kind of funny anyway, a lot of our guys are like this too, especially some of the younger ones.”
Something about the tone of his voice made you think you really needed to meet these ‘younger ones’ someday.
Your thoughts were brought to a sudden end as the horn sounded, and a large SUV drove straight into the back of Johnny’s car.
“Fuck!” Johnny exhaled as the car stopped, “are you both okay?”
You nodded slightly, undoing your seatbelt and stepping out of the car. You had a small scratch on your forehead nothing major. You were more annoyed as you knew Kun would make a fuss.
“What the hell man?” Johnny called out to the driver of the other car, “watch where your… oh its you.” His voice faded out.
You looked round the side of the car to see men holding flick knives walking slowly towards Johnny. Ten ran over to stand beside Johnny, pulling a gun out of his jacket.
You started to panic slightly. Your idea of what being part of a gang was, was slowly changing to a much more dangerous idea. The reality of which you weren’t sure you were prepared for.
Ten shot two of the guys in the leg as Johnny tried to punch a few. There was six of them and only three of you. Two of you really, you were hiding behind the car.
“Ah look they have a pretty girl,” one of the men called out. Clearly you had not been hiding well enough.
Ten looked over to you, suddenly remembering you were there, it was only for a second but one of the guys managed to lean over and stab him in the arm, causing him to drop his gun, before Johnny could knock him out.
There was three of them left standing and only Johnny to face them. You saw one of them reach for Ten’s dropped gun and you panicked. You don’t know what happened, but you pulled your shoes off and ran towards where the gun was on the ground.
You picked it up and threw it away as hard as you could before grabbing the side of your heel.
You stabbed the man coming towards you in the side of the neck with your heel. One of the men deserted leaving only one, who Johnny managed to incapacitate.
You leaned over and pulled your jacket off, placing it on Ten’s wound tightly.
“Do you have a doctor or something?” you asked Johnny.
“I’ve already sent out an alert,” he said.
Moments later another black SUV pulled up but this time friendly faces jumped out.
You had been studying NCT’s key players and you recognised them as Doyoung and Jeno.
They helped you lift Ten into the car and shut the door. Jeno started to drive as Doyoung tried to deal with Ten’s injury.
“You’re lucky it’s not as bad as it looks,” he told him.
You realised you should probably call Kun, but for some reason it scared you. You knew Kun wouldn’t be angry at you, even if it had been your fault, but you knew he would be worried, and you really didn’t want to cause him anxiety.
He picked up on the second ring,
“Yes love?” he asked, in any other situation your heart would have been fluttering.
“Ten got stabbed,” you said simply. Kun’s voice didn’t panic like you thought it would, he stayed calm.
“Is he alright? Do you have a doctor?”
“We have Doyoung, I think that’s similar,”
“Yeh Doyoung’s great, are you okay? What happened?”
You explained the whole affair to him, he didn’t interrupt once.
“I’m getting the next flight out, stay inside their building, call me if anything happens with Ten, if I’m on the plane call Sicheng.”
“I love you,” you told him.
“I love you too, stay safe.”
The van stopped suddenly outside the NCT main building. Someone opened the door and helped you out before shutting it again.
“They need to take your friend round back… for obvious reasons,” he explained. “I’m Taeyong by the way.”
He looked slightly scary, he had a large scar across his right cheek, but his voice sounded almost cute. There was no way you could actually be scared of him.
He didn’t offer up any more conversation, nor did you, still in a slight state of shock.
He pressed on the elevator button and waited. When the doors opened with a ding, he motioned for you to enter first.
You nodded your head and smiled at him in thanks.
You both remained in silence until Taeyong led you into what must have been his office. It was both bigger and furnished more expensively than Kun’s, something you thought wouldn’t have been possible. Then NCT was a much larger organisation – WayV was only a subsidy.
“As the leader of NCT I would like to apologise for what happened today, I know you have only recently joined Kun’s organisation… this was meant to be a very safe enterprise.”
You were both surprised and unsurprised that Taeyong was the leader. You had a vision of someone scarier despite the fact Kun wasn’t scary. But when you looked at Taeyong, his concern and calming energy seemed perfect to make him a leader.
“It’s not your fault, occupational hazard I guess.”
Taeyong had the whisper of a smile on his face as he turned around and poured to drinks, sitting down at his desk and pushing one across to you.
“I had hoped to meet you in better circumstances, he doesn’t talk much about it, but everyone can tell Kun’s obsessed with you.”
You blushed red. You couldn’t believe everyone knew who you were and that Kun had liked you for years.
Taeyong smiled at your cute reaction.
“He doesn’t gossip about you or anything, he just used to get sad about it when he was very drunk. He seems happier now, he even texted me a smiley face emoji the other day.”
It was your turn to smile at the relationship between Kun and Taeyong. You were glad you were a part of his world, only if it meant you could finally see friends of his like Taeyong, you could finally see the whole picture.
“Do you know if Ten is okay?” you asked. Taeyong nodded.
“I would have let you stay with him but Kun instructed me not to before he got on the plane. He didn’t want you to see how gruesome it was.”
You internally rolled your eyes, Kun was slightly ridiculous, you had already watched him be stabbed how much worse could it get.
“I have to go do some work to sort this out, you are welcome to stay here and watch TV on my iPad or something,” Taeyong offered somewhat sheepishly.
“Kun told you to make me stay, here didn’t he?” Taeyong nodded.
“And while Kun doesn’t tell me what do to I feel like it’s easier just to go with him on this one, sorry y/n.”
Taeyong left and you settled for playing a crossword app he had. You got so engrossed in it you didn’t notice how long had passed.
You realised Kun’s flight would have landed about ten minutes ago.
You were excited to see him because you missed him even over such a short time. Equally you were slightly worried of how he was going to act, what he was going to do, seeing as he already had you on office arrest.
You take another sip of your rather strong drink. You were determined not to be persuaded my Kun to step down or back out again. He may have been your boyfriend, but you knew you could handle yourself. At least you were learning how to.
Moments later Kun burst through the office door and walked over towards you. You stood up instinctively, noticing immediately how pale his face was.
He wrapped his arms around you without saying anything. You let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in. It wasn’t that you had felt unsafe before in Taeyong’s office, but you felt much safer with Kun right by you.
“Thank goodness you are both alive… I should never have let you come y/n,” Kun said, resting his forehead on your shoulder, “at least not by yourself.”
“I wasn’t by myself,” you protested, “I was with Ten… who would be much less alive had I not been there.” You wanted to have this conversation and sort things out but equally you knew it wasn’t the right time.
“You don’t have to tell me how amazing you are love; doesn’t mean I don’t worry about you… when I got a phone call from Taeyong…I”
You pulled Kun’s chin up,
“But we are both alive and fine, I’m totally fine Kun its okay,” you said, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around. I’m sorry,” Kun apologised.
“I am fine though, worried about Ten of course, but I’m strangely fine about the whole situation. Finding your gun in the kitchen was much more perturbing to me.”
“That’s because you are in a form of shock, you’re not processing the situation properly,” Kun said. It could have been true; you really didn’t think that was the case though.
“Ten has to stay here for a few weeks,” Kun explained, “we can go visit him now, but then we are getting the next flight back to China.”
Kun held your hand as you walked out the office door, his grip firm, unwilling to let you go.
Ten was fine when you saw him.
“It’s not exactly my first rodeo, also that stab with the heel? You’re a stone-cold bitch that was epic.”
“Don’t call her a bitch Ten,” Kun reprimanded but you smiled and gave him a high-five.
“At least someone knows skill when they see it,” you laughed back to him.
It wasn’t long before someone who worked for Taeyong was driving you and Kun to the airport.
“Is the airport not that way?” you asked Kun when you turned in a different to the one you remembered.
Airports are easy places to make you a target, we are going to the private airfield.” Kun explained.
That also explained how he had got a flight so quickly here.
The car stopped right outside the steps to a private jet.
“This is insane Kun,” you remarked, “we would have been perfectly fine on the normal plane.”
“I’m not longer taking that chance,” he said, “plus why not take private jet when you can afford it?”
“The environment?” you protested.
“Just get on the plane,” Kun told you, unable to argue you with your last point. You walked up the stairs, with more objections but invariably excited to be on a private jet.
It was dark as the plane took off, heading back to China.
“I missed you, you know?” you told Kun. He smiled squeezing your hand.
“I love you, y/n, I’m not putting you in that kind of situation without me again.”
“What would you being there change?”
“It would change everything, because if anyone ever tried to stab you when I was there, I would stand in front of the knife.”
It pained you to know that was true. You would never want Kun to sacrifice himself for you. But you knew he would in a heartbeat, he never had to say it. Hopefully it just never came to that.
“You are the one thing in my life that’s truly good. I need you to know that.” Kun told you.
When the seatbelt sign turned off, you stood up and moved to sit on Kun’s lap, wrapping your arms around him.
“I love you too,” you told him, holding him tight. There were worse things in life than Kun not leaving you alone. You didn’t like being apart from him anyway. You had done that for a few years and had hated it enough to join a gang. Kun’s gang.
“There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you either,” you said, stroking his hair softly. Head in the clouds, high above the clouds.
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mx-o · 4 years
》 nct ot21 mafia! au
》 warnings ; swearing, mentions of blood, murder, guns, drugs and all other typical mafia things really
a/n: this is in collaboration with @johnnyschocolatebitch and this would not be possible without her :)
you can access through the tag #/mxx neo city
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neo culture technologies, a multi-national company with major stakeholders in most of south-east asia. many acclaim that their success of the billion-dollar corporation can be awarded to their near recent investment and purchase of a renowned chain of hotels in the region. even with the great news of their success and newfound popularity, neo culture technologies’ foundation had seen to be crumbling. then again, what did you expect from your average white tie corporation that dealt a few hands?
it seemed as if slowly, all the branches—tokyo to bangkok had suddenly become more closed off and almost disappeared. so what happens when, out of the blue, a few wrong hands are shone in a new light?
prologue | one | two | three | four (1) | (2) 
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nsheetee · 5 years
Medieval Archer!Winwin x Princess!Reader
Winwin strides confidently to the center of the stadium, his shoulders back and chin up as he takes a glance at the Northern sitting area. On an elevated platform sits the King and his family, dressed in some of their best robes with their glittering crowns on their royal heads. The sight is blinding in the high sun, but Winwin can still look past it all to see you. You sit next to the Queen’s, your mother’s, right side, your back straight and your hands in your lap as you nervously look on. You weren’t nervous about the feat Winwin was about to complete, but more about what will come afterward.
Winwin nocks one wooden arrow into his trusty bow, pulling it back with perfect technique and after taking a steady breath, releases the arrow. It flies across the stadium and  hits the center of the bullseye perfectly, raising some whispers from the onlooking crowd which quickly settle down once Winwin nocks another arrow.
This one arrow could either make or break his life. If he makes it, he wins your father’s game fair and square, and you have the freedom to become his wife. If he misses, he’ll be sentenced to death by beheading for defying the King’s orders.
Winwin isn’t nervous at all.
He spares a glance at you and hesitates for a split second. Would you really want this type of life with him? He’s just an archer, not even for the royal family. You’ve grown up in royalty and leisure your whole life, and you would give it all up for him? As you slowly stand from your seat, your eyes easily meeting Winwin’s, he knows you love him enough to give up everything for him.
So with one last breath, he lets go of the arrow.
A cracking sound ripples through the stadium as Winwin’s second arrow slices through his first, and shortly afterwards cheers erupt from the audience. You knew Winwin could achieve this astonishing task, he knew it too, but relief still floods through you once the deed is done. The laughter that bubbles out of you is unstoppable as you fly out of the sitting area, down the stairs, and out to Winwin who’s waiting for you in his spot.
He drops his bow, catching you as you practically jump on him when you meet. He laughs as he lightly spins you around and more cheers come from the stands, but your thoughts are only on Winwin, and his thoughts are only on you. He knew his hard work would pay off one day, and as you kiss him with the promise of staying by his side forever, he stares at the arrows that are stuck in the target:
The only bullseyes that ever mattered.
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neotan-astrology · 4 years
Xiaojun as Boyfriend
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the cute shy boyfriend
having Leo sun makes him just naturally charming
always makes you laugh
as well as laugh at everything you do
loves to have your attention but gets flustered when you give him attention
blushes a lot
will randomly sing songs for you
the type to give forehead kisses
will randomly bring you flowers
acts he is not romantic at all but is actually really romantic
your family will love him more than they love you
loyalty is extremely important to him
probably the most trustworthy person you know
with Virgo Venus he’ll be hesitant when it comes to his feelings
will take the relationship slow
will think so much before making any kind of move omg
shows his love through actions
helping you in any way he can
will give you the best advice possible
paying attention to the smallest details possible
will remember important relationship dates
the kind of person to give you personalized gifts
super super supportive
loves sharing his experiences with you
no pda specially not in front of his members
he gets awkward and embarrassed
will stick to something low key like hand holding
but loves to cuddle in private
also extremely protective
he has a Scorpio Mars so intimacy is actually very meaningful for him
will want a soul connection with his partner
can get jealous at times
kind of person to ‘ride or die’ for his partner
overall he just has a soft heart so protect him!!
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yoongsicles · 3 years
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warning: almost cheating
wc: 1,673
genre: lil' fluff, angst
Track 2: One Last Time (Ten Lee)
Sometimes you still question yourself if choosing your modeling career was the right choice or even leaving your family just so you can go to Paris.
There's still a lot going on inside your mind to this day. Ever since you've been chosen to become one of the models in your agency to go to France, you have never been so happy in your life. It was a dream come true for you but being there made you realize how incomplete you are.
Sometimes you still question yourself if choosing your career over him was the right choice.
Him. Ten Lee.
You two were inseparable ever since elementary. He was there in your ups and downs, you were there when his parents got divorced. You were his first everything and he was yours.
For him, you were the love of his life, his everything. But that was before you broke his heart.
You are officially invited to Ten and Lisa's wedding.
You've read this countless times but it still hasn't sunk in. Lisa was your high school best friend. You knew from the beginning how he feels about Ten but since you were still his girlfriend back then, Lisa didn't have a choice but to accept the fact that you're his.
And now. They're about to get married.
"It's good to have you back here" your sister, Yeri held your hand while she's driving. She just picked you up from the airport.
You're still looking at the invitation when Yeri noticed you.
"You don't have to go, you know" she sighed still focused on the road. "I can't miss Lisa's big day," you said putting the invitation inside your purse.
"Don't you think it's kind of insensitive for her to send you an invitation?" she asked and added "Three years ago when she told you that she's dating Ten, that was foul. I mean you're her best friend and dating your ex is just" she sighed again.
"I have no control over their feelings, Yeri. All I have to do right now is to support them" you tried showing her a smile but failed.
It was exactly six years ago when you chose your career over Ten.
When you got to Paris, you still tried continuing your relationship with him but you weren't happy anymore. Long-distance doesn't work for you but for him everything was possible.
Until he was the only one left trying. Ten knows that you're about to give up but you already did.
Ten supported your career still even though in return, he'll lose you.
When Lisa told you that he was dating Ten two years after you broke up, that made you realize that breaking his heart was a mistake.
And now you're too late.
"We're here" you got back to your senses when the car stopped. Looking at your house, you can't express how happy you are now that you're finally home.
Two days after returning to Seoul, you and Yeri went to Lisa's bridal shower.
"Now you're nervous" Yeri teased you, "I told you this is not a good idea. What will happen to you at the actual wedding? Passed out?"
"I'm fine" you smiled at her. You saw Lisa entertaining her guests and took her a minute to saw you too.
"Oh my God, you're here!" she ran towards you giving you a hug "Hey," you said still hugging her "Six years, y/n. Six freaking years and the only thing that can get you back here is my wedding" Lisa squealed holding both of your hands.
"Well, I can't miss this," you tell her smiling. Yeri scoffed beside you giving Lisa a fake smile.
The night went well. You saw your high school batchmates, got to drink your favorite wine, and you also got to bond with your sister.
Lisa's bridal shower was about to end when you saw Ten entering the venue. You felt like everything stopped. Seeing him again after six years was overwhelming that you can't even think properly.
He went to greet Lisa and the other guests. "You're not supposed to be here! This is an all-girls party" you heard Lisa shooing Ten away but he just held Lisa's hand tighter "I'm here to pick you up. It's getting late" Ten replied.
You were waiting for him to notice you until he did.
"You never told me that Ten got way hotter now," you told Yeri still looking at Ten "Uhm because he's already your ex?" she answered.
"Y/n! Come!" Lisa called you but your feet were glued on the floor so Lisa decided to bring Ten and walked towards you.
Both of you and Ten had an awkward greeting but he made sure he's making you feel comfortable by having a proper conversation with you.
"I'm glad that you'd get to attend," he said. You don't know how to answer that so you just gave him a smile. Ten has known you enough that he can see the pain in your eyes.
He tried not to think about it but seeing you so beautiful tonight can't deny the fact that he missed you too. After all, you were his best friend.
On the way home, you don't even know if it's the alcohol that's making you sad or seeing Ten earlier. You still can't move on from how good he looked.
You still love him. You still do and it sucks.
The night before the wedding, you've decided to visit Ten in his apartment. You knew Lisa's not gonna be there because she's not allowed to be with his groom until the wedding.
Different emotions filling you up right now as you knocked on his door. Drinking too much will make a person too vulnerable and make you do something you'll regret the next day.
And here you are at his doorsteps.
"Y/n?" Ten was clearly surprised because the last thing he wants was a visitor this late at night.
"Can I come in?" Ten was hesitant but he was worried that something's up so he decided to let you in. Walking past him, he smelled the alcohol all over you.
"Are you-" before he even gets to finish his question, you cut him off by saying "I still love you" which shocked him. He was confused, so confused that he became mad at you.
"Why now?" he asked "I know I don't deserve you anymore but please hear me out for the last time" you started crying in front of him.
"I'm sorry it took too long for me to realize the mistake I've done. I swear I tried coming back but Lisa was already there"
"Yes! She was there and is still there. She never gave up on me, y/n. Unlike you who made it seem so easy"
You were sobbing and Ten was just looking at you.
"I'm so sorry" you hugged him and he was doing nothing. Just letting you hug him. Ten missed you so much but this isn't right at all.
When you let go of him, you looked him straight in his eyes still crying "I missed you" you whispered. This isn't supposed to happen, you both thought but your emotions are fighting back.
Both of you know that the love is still there but for Ten, it's the love for his best friend and not for the person who broke him before.
On the other hand, all you wanted to do was kiss him again but before you could even do it, you passed out in his arms.
Waking up to familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings, you see yourself wearing a man's shirt. Realizing where you are, the events from last night flashed in your head.
You facepalmed. You swear in your life that you'll never gonna drink again.
You get up immediately to get your things. You saw Ten sleeping on his couch. I can't wake him, you tell yourself.
You just felt horrible that you're in his apartment, six hours before his wedding but thankful as well because nothing regretful happened last night. Yes, saying those words last night wasn't regretful at all for you because now you have the chance to fully move on.
Ten woke up to the sound of his alarm. Turning it off, he got up to see if you're still in his room but you already left. He sighed remembering what happened last night.
He noticed his and Lisa's wedding invitation on his table alongside a letter.
It was from you.
Dearest Ten,
I'm sorry I wasn't able to bid goodbye properly but what I'm sorry the most is the pain I've caused you. You didn't deserve it at all. The consequences I got when I lost you were enough for me to let you go and what happened last night was a part of it. Even though it wasn't my plan to get drunk and barge in like that, I'm still thankful that all is out now. I'm finally free from the burden inside me. I have decided to go back to Paris and never come back again. It's the least I can do for both of you and that means I can't attend your wedding as well. I'm just scared that everything will come back again if I see you getting married so this is the best solution. Yeri was right, I shouldn't have come in the first place but I think that was because I wanted to see you for the last time again. You were my best friend and you still are but unfortunately, everything has its ending and I'm afraid this is ours. Our history will always have a special place in my heart and I thank you so much for being a part of it. Please make a much better history with Lisa. You deserve each other and I'm glad she's the person you're gonna spend your forever with. Be happy always :)
Thank you for bringing me back home. I will always love you, Ten.
The Breakup Playlist
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kp-moodboards · 5 years
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a garden stroll w/ yuta
{requests open}
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mylovely-yukhei · 5 years
[1:36 pm] you and yukhei build an incredible blanket fort and watch movies inside until you both fall asleep.
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panickedmarklee · 5 years
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Honey, Honey | Part Thirty 
As if being the new student wasn’t hard enough, of course Kun had to go and start to fall in love with the ex-girlfriend of the only friend he had in the entire school. But he could push those feelings aside, probably. Anyways, it’s only just a crush and she definitely doesn’t like him back, right?
Exchange Student & Frat Boy ! Kun  
NCT social media AU
Updates Everyday ! 
Part Twenty - Nine | Part Thirty - One 
an : part thirty yay !! and recently I reblogged the playlist I made for this au so like, maybe check it out if you want bc I feel like it was especially relevant recently
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svtts · 5 years
↠ 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 38; ‘𝘪 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩.’ & 𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬
when you agreed to meet all of jungwoos friends, you’d imagined maybe meeting them in blocks not all once. however, jungwoo was so excited to introduce you, he forgot how loud his friends were.
it was overwhelming meeting nine new people at once, all of them very excited and outgoing. instead of being squashed into on dorm, you all sit in their practice room. 
‘hey.’ a guy, his hair a natural black, strong cheekbones and jawline. ‘im mark.’ he says shyly. you bow in response as jungwoo giggles with jaehyun at your flustered state.
‘let’s do it again.’ the person you recognise as taeyong speaks over everyone. 
‘i’ll be right back.’ he says, then running into a line with the others, jungwoo sends you a wink, and you roll your eyes. the music plays, regular, the song you’d listened to with him. 
the precision and talent left you speechless, when they finished, all of them breathing heavily. you clapped breaking the silence, and mark looks at you through his hair. 
‘it was really good.’ you say, laughing nervously. they thank you before deciding to wrap up the practice and heading out for a bite to eat. whilst walking, you found mark next to you, both of you deep in conversation.
‘i like your laugh.’ he says randomly, your cheeks becoming a pink colour as you blush at his compliment.
‘thank you.’ you stutter, looking down. 
‘its like perfectly sweet and cute. a sound i could listen to all day, dreamy and angel-lik-’ he stops when he realises everyone is listening and he’s rambling. johnny whistles and you hide your face and mark nervously scratches the back of his neck.’but really.’
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caprisheadspace · 5 years
Hey Loves!
Pls Read!
how would y’all feel about a CrazyRichAsians!Au ? maybe crossed with a Mafia!Au? Feedback is very appreciated, like which groups you’d like to see, and just other opinions or ideas, Thanks!
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 5 years
Works in Progress
UPDATED: 03.28.2019
I decided to post this so everyone could see what I was working on at the moment or what I have in my inbox - please do take note that the scenarios will take longer for me to post because I have a little bit of writers block but I am trying to get them up! xx 
💭 - brainstorming |  ✍️ - currently writing | in queue
Stray Kids
you come out to chan as bi (as his friend)
their s/o sits in their lap
stray kids as a fan
felix scenario - he meets your parents for the first time  ✍️
felix - his s/o used to self harm 
chan sceanrio - you walk in during his vlive
The Boyz
they have a crush on you
sunwoo scenario - he takes you to meet the rest of the boyz
boyfriend!chanhee (new)
sunwoo scenario - asks you to be his s/o
Hwall scenario - he’s jealous of a cute kid
their s/o has a brooklyn accent
taehyung scenario - he falls in love with a kindergarten teacher
boyfriend!jhope  ✍️
they want to make the next move with their crush
their s/o learns the choreo to hala hala
they catch their s/o twerking
their s/o snorts when they laugh
their s/o sends them nudes
their s/o is dirty minded
their s/o snorts [when they laugh]
hongjoong scenario - he teaches you how to produce music
hongjoong scenario - long distance relationship 💭
seonghwa scenario - he gets injured 💭
yunho -enemies to lovers (bulletlist)
their best friend sits on their lap on a bumpy car ride
someone hurts their s/o 
they have a chubby s/o (NCT 127)
they embarrass themselves in front of their crush
their s/o is needy after work
their s/o is an ‘02 liner (older than Taehyun and Kai)
yeonjun scenario - he’s jealous of a cute kid
their s/o is multi talented
choi hyunsuk scenario - angst
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mx-o · 4 years
》 nct ot21 mafia! au
》 warnings ; i dont think any :)
》a/n: my exams are all finsihed so i will be trying my best to upload more!! any feedback would be great cosidering this is my first and only fic. 
word count: 1.4k
masterlist | previous
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yakuza /jəˈkuːzə/ noun
a powerful Japanese criminal organization.
four, part two
there was a sour taste in kun’s mouth when he spoke.
“ah hyung, please don’t be so formal,” yuta sighed in discontent. taeil and kun smiled at him, regardless of what they thought.
nakamoto yuta was a wild card. not a lot of people really knew his story and it was kept that way for his own sake. yuta had been involved in the wrong crowd for a long time back in osaka, japan. in fact, his father had been involved since before yuta was born. yuta hadn’t ever been on the right side, what with his father being a low-rank in the yakuza and his mother being ‘missing’ due to a rift between his father’s gang and a rival gang two cities over. taeyong had met yuta in a robbery—taeyong’s to be specific.
taeyong had been travelling back and forth between seoul, tokyo and osaka handling business for nc tech as they had just started out and really only had about six members. yuta had seen him pass by often, from where he saw through the widows of the beaten down homes, he ‘stayed’ at. he’d figured taeyong was just another rich businessman he could scare into getting a few hundred from but boy, he wasn’t expecting a job offer.
taeyong brought him back to seoul with him to train alongside johnny and sicheng, and so grew to become close friends with them both. however, it didn’t last long since nc tech’s first international branch was opened in tokyo, and yuta was offered the position. what he never would mention though, is that he’d been in some serious trouble with the rival gang that took his mother and taeyong saved him just in time. he owed that man his life.
“yuta, how nice of you to join us. i thought doyoung was joining us as well?” ten piped up, taking a swig of the carbernet from his glass, ever so swiftly.
“ah, no. i’m afraid he couldn’t make it,” he spoke calmly looking at his watch. yuta knew how to lie well, there’s no doubt—but he didn’t know how to lie to the only group of people who knew all his tells. no one mentioned the fact.
“what a shame. send him my regards,” taeil managed to say, a slight grit in his teeth.
by this time donghyuck had long put down his water glass, now feeling a strong grip on his shoulders from the man he’d yet to look at. his body was stiff from the sudden touch from the newcomer, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
“this must be your new trainee. what’s your name boy?” yuta said cheerfully, leaning into the chair and closer to donghyuck himself. this only caused the poor boy to let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
he replied quickly, mustering up any and all the confidence he could, “haechan, sir. my name is haechan.”
yuta chuckled lightly, leaning away from the chair, “ah, there’s no need to call me that. it only makes me feel old.”
donghyuck had wanted to stand up out of his chair to greet the elder properly, but he was trapped between the man himself and the table. he only managed to look down at his lap at this point, being intimidated by what he recalled as the strongest and most powerful men in neo culture technologies. thank god yukhei was nothing like them, he thought.
“yuta, come. we were just about leaving. let’s continue this at the office, yes?” taeil took lead in relieving the awkward situation. he stood first and lead yuta towards the door while the other five men followed suit.
[jan 17; 10:07]
ten led his trio behind kun and taeil as they entered the elevators of the main lobby of neo culture technologies beijing. they were escorted by the building’s security, turning everyone’s attention towards them. it’s not every day you see the heads of neo tech all walk into the same building at the same time.
they had waited in the elevator for the short while it took to reach the top floors of the building. when they reached around floor 48, they all instinctively seemed to reach for their neckties and adjusting them, as if they were the ones that needed to impress.
they headed to the conference room on the 49th floor. luckily, all neo culture technology buildings carried mostly the same floor plan, so they all knew the way despite it being the first time for some of them.
the frosted glass double doors of the conference room opened to reveal six men, roughly around the same ages, gathered around the oval table. the other seven men walked in, kun and taeil leading and taking their seats first, ten, johnny and sicheng following. donghyuk had noticed that the four boys he actually knew were standing and took it as a note to stand too.
yuta had already been there for the past fifteen minutes or so and had been catching up with yukhei and the others.
wong yukhei, or as known by his codename, lucas, was the current COO of neo culture tech beijing. now, many people have no idea just how he landed the highest position there, but it had a lot to do with kun. beijing is nc tech’s newest and biggest branch, one that they had waited almost 3 years to launch. they had recruited many of their finest from china—take sicheng as an example—and had turned them into the best of the best. that explained why most of their chinese members, were still in training. they took all the fine tuning and polishing to make the best that they could be in that field.
yukhei, however, wasn’t really that. he was more of a ticking time bomb that would explode under too much pressure. but he was smart, tactical even, and could see how a scenario would play out given the best view of it. that’s why kun had him take over his position, so that he himself could return to korea to oversee more pressing matters and when the time came, relieve yukhei of his title. that time is yet to come since yukhei had only been in charge of the branch for roughly five months already and successfully oversaw the building of their newest hotel and the training of four recruits himself.
kun was the first to speak up, “i see the hotel came along fine, congratulations,” he said with contentment, almost like a proud father.
“it’s not completed until we open to the public, hyung,” yukei’s deep voice mused.
that’s why they were there in the first place. to open the hotel and get down to business—the shipment.
“ah, yes. we have a party to plan, then don’t we?” kun jeered. johnny and yuta’s ears perked up at the mention of a party. “where are xiaojun and hendery, by the way?” he asked, noticing the two that weren’t present rather than addressing the elephant in the room. well the four elephants in the room.
actually, they’re more like foxes and they go by renjun, yangyang, chenle and jisung.
taeil had his eyes on them since he had entered, causing them to bow their heads in respect. the same with haechan since he really was just copying their moves anyway.
“lucas, introduce me to your recruits, i’m afraid i haven’t formally met them yet,” taeil said with intrigue, eyes still focused on the boys and kun’s question remaining unanswered.
“ah yes, my apologies,” yukhei began, changing his train of thought from the excuse he was going to give kun for his partners’ absences. “these are my recruits—renjun, that’s chenle, yangyang and he’s jisung, our youngest,” he introduced pointing to them in the order they stood from left to right.
“renjun specializes in weapons, chenle does finance and a little bit of hacking and code, and both yangyang and jisung are training to be assassins,” he stated proudly, mirroring kun’s tone from earlier. taeil’s expression hadn’t wavered.
yukhei had usually been lenient with them when it came to training but had still enforced on them that they needed to complete it before the hotel had opened considering it would be their new front and a new territory that would need defence.
that time had been nearing close and they had undergone heavier training these past few weeks, yet none of the boys looked distressed or tired even.
“you four, and haechan—you too, can you give us a moment while we get down to business?” taeil said, still looking at them.
the youngest five left the room immediately, a soft “yes sir” emitting from chenle.
“alright, let’s get started.”
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nsheetee · 5 years
Requested 🎃:
Kun + “I don’t care that it’s midnight, you need sleep and so do I”
“Oh, c’mon Kun. There’s still some houses that have their porch lights on, we can still get some candy.” You whine as Kun drags you back home by your hand, his other hand carrying the bag with an alarming amount of candy in it.
“It’s late and we both have to work in the morning. I can’t even believe you convinced me to go trick or treating with you. Aren’t we too old?” He asks, turning on the lights in your home as he walks into the kitchen, setting down the large bag of candy on the counter.
“Halloween has no age restrictions, Grandpa.” You tease, walking behind him. “Plus, It’s not that late out. It’s only 12.” You shrug. Despite your words, you feel the tug of sleepiness pulling you from the kitchen to the bedroom. Kun notices how you try to cover your yawn into the crook of your arm and rolls his eyes.
“I don’t care that it’s midnight, you need sleep and so do I.” He states and you both walk into the bedroom. Kun helps you take off your costume, and then helps you wipe away all the face paint that went with your costume. You both get ready for bed and settle under the covers; Kun’s arms around you and your head on his shoulder. Like perfect puzzle pieces settling into each other.
“Y/N…” Kun suddenly speaks up in the darkness of the room. You hum, letting him know you’re listening.
“Sometimes… I feel old. I feel like I’m too grown up for my age. Spending time with you makes me feel young again. Thank you.” Kun laments, sealing his words with a kiss on your hair. You nuzzle further into him, letting him know you understand and Kun sighs with contentment. Sometimes, he does feel old; but right now, he thinks he can’t feel any younger.
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kp-moodboards · 5 years
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“- you smiled”
“- and I realized why people call you sunshine” |jeno edit
{requests open}
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