nalyra-dreaming · 29 days
Sorry if you’ve talked about this before but my mind is consumed with Devils Minion - Do you think Louis is aware of the depth of Armand’s feelings for Daniel and how far their relationship went? I think Daniel’s memories of Armand are entwined with his memories of Alice, so when they pull his memories of Alice, like the proposal gone south, they are really talking about Daniel asking Armand to turn him. What I don’t know is if Louis knows this or sees a false memory of the real Alice. Does my rambling make sense?
It does!
So, I personally think that Louis called in Daniel for another interview because Louis knows what Daniel means to Armand, yes. (And Armand went along with it, gritting his teeth, because Daniel is sick, and he probably wanted (but couldn't admit to himself) that he wanted to see Daniel again.)
Because Daniel is the one tool to crack Armand.
BUT. And here it gets tricky, as others have theorized as well, it might be that the memory wipes Louis got happened after the first interview in San Francisco. After Armand's "Lestat Lestat Lestat" rant. Because Louis flipped his shit there and Armand had enough. (It may also very well be that Louis asks him to, but in any case I think that is the moment it may have happened.)
And a few years later someone wiped Daniel's memories.
Now, Louis would have known about the hunt and the relationship between Armand and Daniel, especially if it was the truth that they had been together without a break (which will be something we will still see yet, in the books they split up at some point).
But, it's debatable if he was always there. And maybe he wasn't there for certain events and events that were then "remixed" into memories with/from Alice when Daniel's memories were altered.
Because my impression is that the Louis in Dubai (with the slightly manic smile) does not know they're talking about a memory pertaining to Armand there. I think he's genuinely pushing with the offer to reach out to Alice there because he knows it will hurt (just as he was hurt by that comment Daniel made), BUT he does not know why it hurts. Armand does though. And he tries to soften the blow, immediately.
I think Louis probably knows what Daniel meant to Armand, and that they split up eventually, but not the intimate details of the "why". He knows Daniel got his shit together (likely for Alice). He knows Daniel's memories are shot.
And he has recognized his own are as well, and some of those alterations have been discussed between them. But as the interview progresses I think more and more pieces click into place - because Louis wants to remember - and he realizes he and Daniel have a lot in common, which will in turn lead to the alliance between them (and against Daniel) which was mentioned at the TCA panel (I reblogged a post by @virginiaisforvampires earlier with the Twitter screenshots).
Because Daniel, and especially Daniel the reporter, the investigative journalist - will WANT to remember as well. In capital letters, definitely. He'll push.
Oh he'll be afraid after he remembers some things (methinks ep5 especially), but that won't stop him. And neither does the pain stop Louis this time. And Armand... won't be able to stop both, and so it will all unravel.
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allamericansbitch · 9 months
So glad you are back! 💜💜 It’s been weird without your rational reactions on my dash but I hope you got some peace.
definitely did! makes em so happy people noticed i was gone and were wondering where i was 💗
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 month
This isn’t a super serious question but it’s something I find curious - why do you think Armand still refers to Daniel as Mr. Malloy now that he’s revealed he saved him in SF?
I think Armand desperately wants to keep control and some distance seems to be the way to do that (for him).
Daniel... Daniel is Daniel. Daniel, who he loved (and loves). Daniel, who will become his only fledgling.
Everything about Daniel is raw for Armand in Dubai, for reasons we will still get to see (and apparently a big chunk of it in episode 5 and 8, wohoo :)).
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nalyra-dreaming · 29 days
So I’m going out of town for Memorial Day weekend and won’t be able to watch the show till Tuesday and while I’m excited for a fun girls weekend I’m also going kinda nuts knowing I’m missing an episode! I discovered the show after season one had aired and watching and discussing it in real time has been so much fun. I also just got my best friend obsessed so we are going to start watching together next week. I will not be normal till this season ends and season 3 is announced. Y’all have fun with 18th century Lestat. I’ll meet him on Tuesday! I guess that at least means less time between episodes 3 and 4…
:)) that is the best way to look at it!!
But yes, this episode will be incredible, I cannot wait to see Armand's little fanfic *snickers*
Don't worry, 18th century show Lestat will stay I while *laughs* (and I bet he will be discussed in depth :P Cannot wait to hear your thoughts on it?! (If you like^^)
Oh and getting your best friend to watch - *high fives you* Goals :)) I hope you have a fantastic time dear!!!
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allamericansbitch · 9 months
Really sorry about what this fandom is doing to you. Of all the fandoms I’ve viewed from the sidelines, this one is by far the worst. Lots of ❤️ your way.
thank you sweetheart ♥️
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