#wakfu lgbtq+ hdc
cocogum · 4 months
Yugo’s ambiguity.
I love to think that the reason why Atone is nonbinary despite being an extension of Yugo is because Yugo physically LOOKS ambiguous when he’s older.
Like my guy looks like an accurate angel if it took human form, not female but not male either. He looks very much like he’s in the middle.
If it wasn’t for the fact that we saw his upper body being exposed in Toross’ world and heard him speak, then I genuinely think that he could’ve been perceived as neither gender or a mix instead.
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And his wakfu wings (or antlers as I like to call them) clearly emphasize the angel look even more!
If someone were to take his hat off and build his body to make it look like Grougaloragran’s human body, then we would have the embodiment of ambiguity.
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No joke, I genuinely believe Yugo has the face for it.
Even when we see him from the back of his head, we can’t tell if this is a guy or just a girl with short hair.
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*This scene was the only one I could find where we get a distinct shot of the back of his head in his adult form*
Every eliotrope gets something from their creator no matter how small or big that physical or mental trait is. Whether it’s his lust for fighting (Bouillon), his cockiness (Sidaire), his stubbornness (Oropo), or even his belief that he can do what he must to properly lead (Ripulse).
*I would’ve actually mentioned the female eliotrope who was in Oropo’s group as well and related a trait of Yugo’s to her but since we didn’t get too much of her in the episode, like even knowing what her name was, I didn’t include her in the enumeration*
So who’s to say Atone doesn’t represent a mental trait of Yugo’s but rather a physical trait?
It would make sense given how Yugo doesn’t actually think he identifies as nonbinary but simply looks ambiguous without even realizing it himself.
I just love to think that’s the case because Atone has honestly been making me wonder what he could have possibly gotten from Yugo. Eliotropes are at their core alter egos of Yugo. They have at least one thing that connects them to him. Like broken glass fragments that complete a mirror when they’re all put together. And Yugo is that mirror.
Atone is an extension of Yugo’s ambiguity and it makes perfect sense.
Yugo has such a good complexion but it’s so vague at the same time that I can definitely see how he could be interpreted as imprecise just by his face alone.
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An angel taking human form is exactly what comes to mind when I think about him 💕
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So by that logic, having Atone being nonbinary would not only give us a wink at Yugo’s unspoken physical ambiguity, but it would also give us a copy of Yugo if he had been entirely identifying as nothing concrete.
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cocogum · 6 months
✨Wakfu lgbtq+ hdcs✨
Qilby (aromantic)
“I hope the planets will still be here by the time we wake up.” - S4 EP10
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reason(s) : he’s a sucker for knowledge and is completely devoted to the planets and the krosmoz in general. the only type of love he expresses and seems to feel is the familial kind. he thinks about his people following him to discover worlds and Shinonome is the only primordial sibling he thinks about.
Amalia (pansexual)
“Because I don’t know what I want?!” - S3 EP8
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reason(s) : this whole ass analysis post I made about her speaks for itself.
Yugo (demisexual)
“I feel like I have an eternity to live.” - S3 EP8
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reason(s) : Yugo lives for a long time. He’s not the type to act like a playboy so he won’t be hopping from partner to partner but would rather take his time getting to know someone on a deeper level before deciding if he loves them or not. although there is a possibility that he may not approve of a romantic relationship even under such circumstances.
Nora (lesbian)
“You’re not gonna make a pretty girl wait.” - S4 EP3
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reason(s) : her whole aura in general and the way her body language behaves around Amalia.
Elely (lesbian)
“Women are complicated aren’t they, Yugo?” - S3 EP9
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reason(s) : just this quote alone.
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