#waldo the flying mouse
tymime · 11 months
I'm designing characters and storyboards for this potential series starring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit! Now that he's public domain, these guys are taking the opportunity to use him. We're obviously struggling, but I still have faith in this project.
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vcg73 · 4 years
A Decade of Colfer Halloween
City of Los Angeles: 2010
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Sea Monkey: 2011
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Marie Antoinette’s Guillotine (with sock monkey photobomber – not sure who that is LOL) - 2012
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The Llamanator (original creation superhero) - 2012
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Sexy R2D2 - 2013
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael - 2013
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Grumpy Cat - 2014
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Toad (from Mario) - 2014 - guest appearance by Brian the cat 
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Flying Monkeys + the Wicked Witch of the West – 2015 – with Will Sherrod and Ashley Fink
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Robin the Boy Wonder – 2015 (Couldn’t find the photo with Will as Batman)
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Work Loader with Ripley from “Aliens” - 2016
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Sexy Mickey Mouse - 2017
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2017 -  A fox, but I don’t know what the context was.
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Nightmare Before Christmas -2018 – with Will, Ashley, and friend
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Peter Pan -2018 (as Michael Darling, with Ashley as Wendy Darling)
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Democratic Candidates theme 2019 – Chris as Elizabeth Warren
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Elton John – 2019 (Found this on Pinterest. I’ve never seen a photo of this that showed off the shoes before so I had to grab it.)
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And for the 2020 Quarantine’oween: Where’s Waldo
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marijacintoa · 3 years
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“Be silly, be honest, be kind”    - ralph waldo emerson
A whole bunch of nature aesthetics, from pinterest and tumblr (note: I’ve played this character in different iterations before so some posts might not fully make sense for marisol), including: arms covered in leaves; a cat sat on a doormat so that the mat reads ‘gay’; a circle of flying bees which says ‘we come from the earth, we return to the earth and in between we garden’; someone with a pride sign saying ‘love will win’; zion moreno in a field of flowers; a mouse using a flower as an umbrella; different types of mushrooms; ‘good vibes only’ written in sand; and wildflowers growing in a removed slab of pavement.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Based on the real life girl that lost her boyfriend at Epcot. Emma loses Killian at a theme part and tries calling him, but his phone is dead. So she's forced to turn to social media to find him, and a real life where's waldo comedy ensues!
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So, anyone up for a new addition to Single Riders Won’t Stay Single? You totally don’t have to have read this ridiculous universe to understand this, but if you want to, the entire thing can be found | Here | or | Here | 
I hope you guys, enjoy! It was kind of fun to get back into the humor of this story! 
“Okay, so what are the rules, guys?” she asks as Killian drives them into the park. She knows that they’re not listening, that Declan and Hope are too hyped up on adrenaline for their first trip to Disney World after literal years (according to Declan as he so eloquently puts it every single time they talk about it) of anticipation. She’s not necessarily thrilled over the trip, personally partial to Universal herself, but as she’s learned, her kids don’t exactly care when or how mommy and daddy met. They literally only care about the fact that they’re going to Disney World, which is all Declan has talked about since his friend Jackson went over summer break last year and couldn’t stop talking about it. Seriously, the kid can work in Mickey Mouse in a conversation about politics. He’s eight. He’s not talking about politics. But he could still work it in. She’d bet good money on it.At least she as Ada to talk to about how she and Killian met. She’s two and can’t do anything about Emma blabbering to her, but that’s the beauty of having a toddler. The again, Ada definitely doesn’t care how she and Killian met, so maybe all she does have is Killian. But that’s okay with her. There’s no one else she’d rather talk about that story with, even if she does think it’s a story good enough to share with anyone with ears, Mickey Mouse or otherwise. Seriously, she could write a movie or something about parts of her life they’re so insane. Who the hell meets their husband because they’re standing in the single riders’ line for the Hulk rollercoaster? No one. Absolutely no one. It’s insane.
Maybe she should write the people at Marvel and ask them if she could be in one of their movies. That would probably make her kids pay attention to her. And, you know, it would probably mean she wouldn’t have to keep working as a bail bonds person. That’s not exactly a convenient job to have when you have three kids and your husband doesn’t work normal hours either. At least she can get away with doing research for others at work instead of having to go out into the field herself. There’s only so much she can do while balancing so many different aspects of her life.
They should have gone somewhere more relaxing for winter break. They should have gone somewhere and with just she and Killian, the kids staying behind with Mary Margaret. Maybe a beach. It definitely should have been a beach. And her phone could be thrown into the ocean or something. She doesn’t think Verizon covers you if you willingly throw your phone in the ocean. She didn’t check when they switched over to them last month.
What they don’t know won’t hurt them. It might hurt her though. She kind of needs her phone to live. That sounds dramatic, but it’s true. She needs her phone to be able to get in touch with Killian and to make sure she knows where all of her children are at any given time. They can all run like crazy, so it’s kind of hard to keep up with them. Hence why she’s trying to have this conversation. “Hey,” Killian says, his voice loud enough to reach over their talking, “listen to Mum, guys. We don’t go inside unless we listen to Mum.”“Sorry,” they both shamefully admit, looking at her with sheepish yet still happy faces. “It’s okay, guys,” she smiles, looking in the backseat at the smiles on their faces, mouse ears on all three of their heads. They’d insisted on mouse ears, and Killian being Killian, bought each of them the one they wanted even before they got to the park. Declan’s just got on a normal pair, but Hope is all decked out in one covered in sequins while Ada has an actual bow, the ears hurting her head so they compromised. Hope was not happy about it. This is all insane. So insane. She needs a new word. “I know that you’re excited, but this is a very big place with lots of people. And it’s very important to me that at all times you’re either holding onto my hand or daddy’s hand, okay?”“Okay, but what about Ada?”“What about her, baby?”“Is she going to hold onto your hand the whole time?”“Yeah,” Ada giggles, and everyone looks at her as she reaches her hand out to Hope, trying to hold her hand. “I hold your hand.”Killian chuckles and she reaches her hand over to grasp his forehand, her heart swelling at how sweet her kids are. They’re definitely going to have a meltdown at some point today, but right now they’re sweet. “That’s so good Ada, but you’re going to sit in a stroller. She’s going to sit in a stroller, but if she’s walking around, she’ll hold onto one of our hands, okay?”“Okay. When do we get to see Mickey?”“This afternoon,” Killian answers vaguely before they’re pulling into the parking lot of the Magic Kingdom. Killian had wanted to do Epcot simply for the alcohol, but that’s not really going to fly with the kids. They’re definitely more interested in seeing the rides based off of their favorite movies.
The beach vacation with just them is sounding better and better. She’d even wear one of those awful t-shirts that say “Life’s a Beach” if it meant she got to go. Most of the time she’s kind of thinking that life’s a bitch…okay, most of the time is an exaggeration. She’s just remembering how much it’s costing for all of them to get into this place today.
It’s a lot.
It also takes longer than she expected to get up to the front gate, having to take a trolley from the parking lot, but with much squirming and squealing and actual wrangling, they’re inside and mixed among thousands of other people walking down Main Street. She’s got a tight hold on Declan’s hand while Killian holds onto the other two, and even though it’s loud, surprisingly hot for January, and crowded, she can feel a bit of excitement running through her veins. The look on her kids’ faces, though, they’re priceless.
Okay, so maybe not priceless. She was just thinking about how expensive it was for them to get in here, but she’s totally got to put that behind her and just enjoy the day and the fact that every single on her kids cannot stop talking about the giant castle in front of them or the fact that everything looks like it’s been taken out of their favorite movies. And technically it has, but to them, it’s kind of like they’re getting to be a part of it all.
To be a kid and to get lost in the magic of it all.
They’re not at all interested in Tomorrowland until they see the Toy Story ride, and their day pretty much starts off with them spending their time in a line. It’s air conditioned though. She lives in Massachusetts. It’s never this hot in October there, but it’s got to be at least ninety degrees here. Florida is ridiculous.
(Florida really is, though. Every weird news story comes from Florida.)
Why is she acting like she’s never done this before? She loves going to amusement parks. This is going to a fun trip, and she’s going to enjoy it with her family by shooting at these little monsters from Toy Story.
“You’ve got a friend in me,” Killian whispers in her ear, the scruff brushing against her lobe and making a shiver run down her spine.
“To infinity and beyond or whatever,” she teases as she pecks his cheek.
“And you say I’m cheesy.”
“You are. Also, Declan and I are totally going to beat you guys when we go through this.”“That’s a challenge then, love?”
“Most definitely.”If she does say so herself, she beats Killian’s ass at the ride, and she’s totally going to use that as a bragging right for the rest of the day. Or at least quietly because Killian was on the same team as Ada and Hope, and she may be rude sometimes, but she’s not about to boast about beating her children…in front of her children. She can do that in secret.
After they wander around a little more, Killian going on a small rollercoaster with Declan and Hope, they start wandering to find the Little Mermaid ride. Ada’s been really into that movie lately, and while this trip is really more for her older siblings, she should at least be able to get to do something she likes. It’s kind of hard to find things for a two-year-old, but she’s trying.
She’s also trying to find out how to get to the dang ride. There are maps everywhere, but with people crowding around them, the park becoming fuller and fuller as time passes, everything is a bit more difficult, especially when they wander into Fantasyland (She knew the damn mermaid ride existed somewhere. It’s not like Ariel is from Atlantis.) and the entire place is packed with people dressed up in costumes that all look exactly the same. Did they all buy these costumes here? Is that what’s happened? She’s pretty sure that she read about there being some kind of beauty shop here that will do that for the kids. How has everyone already had time to go there? It’s still early.
“Hey, babe,” she starts twisting to the side to look for Killian only for him to not be there. She stops in her tracks, turning around to try to find her husband while people yell at her for stopping the flow of traffic. She can’t find him, and the moment she realizes that, her heart quickly pounds in her chest as she checks to make sure that she has all of her kids. Declan’s hand is still in hers, Ada is still in the stroller, and when she looks to her left Hope is walking just up ahead of her. “Hope,” she calls, speeding up to grab onto the back of her jumper. “Hope, baby, come here.”
“What?” she laughs, smiling up at her as she pulls her daughter back into her side.
“Where’s daddy?”
“Um, I don’t know. He told me to come find you.”
Well shit.
No, she’s thinking in her head. She can think shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Okay, come here,” she sighs, taking a deep breath and making sure she’s got everyone while her eyes continue to glance around for Killian. She doesn’t see him anywhere. This is so not good. “We’re going to get a snack at –  ” She looks around the park until she sees the Cheshire Café. Seriously? The Cheshire Café? That thing is creepy. Why would anyone want to eat from there? The cat in the movie always kind of looks like it wants to eat Alice. “We’re just going to get something to eat while I call your dad.”“Where is Dad?”
“I have no idea.”
She orders them all food, miraculously finding an empty table near the restaurant, and she sets them all up before calling Killian. Their faces are already so red despite the sunscreen they applied, and it’s just…they need more. She and Killian are not really tan most of the time, and their poor kids are the same way. She’s got so much sunscreen in her bag. She’s pretty sure she bought out all of Target before they came here.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up,” she mutters as she listens to his phone dial ring only for it to disconnect before the voicemail picks up. “What the hell?”
“That’s a bad word, Mommy,” Declan points out.
Crap. She said that one out loud. And now she’s thinking in terms of crap instead of shit. Someone should really have come up with better curse words and substitutes for curse words. These are…not good. Killian knows a million random words that no one else knows, so he could probably help out in this dilemma that isn’t actually a dilemma.
A dilemma, Emma.
That kind of rhymes or goes together or whatever.
Nope. No. she needs to focus.
“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
She dials Killian’s number three more times, but each time his phone goes to voicemail. He’s either ignoring her and ending the calls immediately or his phone is dead. She’s not sure which one would piss her off more. How in the world can his phone be dead? Just how? The man is the most meticulous person she’s ever met, and she knows how he charges his phone every single night.
Where the hell is he?
She’s lost her husband in the middle of Disney World. If a kid gets lost, amusement parks have sections for that, but what do they do for men in their mid-forties? Probably nothing because who loses an adult?
She does. She loses an adult.
“Where’s Daddy?” Declan asks as he pops a piece of popcorn in his mouth. “I’m not sure. Hope, when did you last see him?”She shrugs, her mouth covered in purple icing from the cookie she’s eating. Did Emma even buy a cookie? She’s not entirely sure that she did. Oh God, she hopes her kids didn’t steal a cookie. This isn’t even the right place for the Cookie Monster. Does the Cookie Monster steal cookies? Does this even matter?
“I don’t know. He was there and then he wasn’t. Can I get another cookie?”
“No, just one before we eat lunch. And drink some water please.”
“Daddy has the bottle.”
“Of course he does,” she sighs, hanging her head a bit. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll get you guys a water.”
Emma: Where are you?
Emma: Answer your phone.
Emma: Seriously, Killian. Answer the damn phone.
Emma: We’re sitting by the little Cheshire Cat Café thing if you’re looking for us.
Emma: I really hope you’re looking for us.
The more minutes that tick by, the more she begins to worry. Like, really worry. She wants to go look for him. She knows she could probably find him that way. Hell, her entire job is finding people. But she knows her best chance is staying her and hoping that he finds them. She really needs him to find them. That need grows more and more the longer they stay sitting at this table, all of her kids becoming restless and needing to be able to move around and go on all of the rides that they’re watching pass by.
The so-called happiest place on earth isn’t feeling too happy right now.
It’s kind of feeling like the crappiest place on earth.
Okay, so that was bad even for her. She is not meant to work in advertising.
She doesn’t know what to do. She’s in a huge place filled with thousands of people with no way to communicate with Killian. Does Ariel have some kind of shell phone she could use? No, no. the jokes are bad even in her own head. She needs to stop.
She needs Killian to show up. How the hell did she lose a fully grown man?
Her gaze stays between her phone, her kids, and the crowd, and after about twenty minutes of sitting at the table, a Facebook notification pops up on her phone. She never really uses it, but she’s been in this Disney group for tips and tricks about how to save money and make the best of your trip. It hasn’t really been helpful, but she might as well try this. Desperate times call for desperate measures or whatever.
Emma Jones: This is going to sound odd, but I’m looking for my husband in the Magic Kingdom. His phone is dead, and he somehow got separated from our family. Here’s a picture of us from today, so he’s wearing this outfit. He’s British, if that helps. If anyone sees him, can you send him to Fantasyland and to the Cheshire Café? Thank you.
“Oh my God,” she mutters underneath her breath as she messes with her sweater, “this has got to be the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever had to do.”
“Where’s Daddy?” Declan asks again, and she turns her focus back to her kids.
“I don’t know,” she answers honestly, shrugging her shoulders before she brings Ada into her lap. “But I’m sure we’ll find him, okay?”
“Do we have to wait for him for the rides?”
“Um,” she hums, not really sure what to say as her phone buzzes on the table, “yeah.” When all of their lips start quivering, the meltdowns coming, she has to quickly respond before she’s both lost her husband, her mind, and all sense of control. “At least for a little while, and then we’ll go on the Little Mermaid ride, okay? If Daddy doesn’t show up today, we’ll just have to ride things without him and tomorrow he can come with us.”
Hope literally groans before she throws her face down on the table, only peeking her eye up to give Emma an evil eye that will never not chill Emma down to her bones. She’s got some crafty kids who can be kind of terrifying.
Her phone keeps going off on the table, so she picks it up only to see notifications filling her screen, every one of them from Facebook and none from Killian.
(And none for you, Glen Coco.)
Gregory Hart: How do you lose a grown man? Oliver Judson: This guy was my professor at Harvard, and he’s lost in Disney World. Lmfao. Isabella Santiago: He was mine too! Super hot. I’m pretty sure I showed up to class just to look at him. I almost failed. Lol. Beth Johansson: What does it say about Harvard that their professors can’t keep up with their families? Shameful. Jake Smith: I think I saw him in the Frontierland section, but I don’t know. There’s a lot of guys dressed like him. Blue jeans and a button up are not exactly distinctive. Should have worn a Hawaiian shirt or something.
Sylar Ng: Okay, time to place bets. Where do you think this guy actually is?
Exploring the hall of Presidents? He’s a professor, so probably pretty boring.
With another woman?
With another man?
In line for Space Mountain?
Stuck on It’s a Small World so he’s about ready to pull his hair out?
Eating Dole Whip?
Back at the hotel to catch a nap without his kids? Hannah Hoistler: Have you ever considered this to be a good thing? You can get in the single riders line? That’s like a fast pass to freedom.
Hannah Hoistler: Oh wait. Forgot about the kids. Never mind. Emma Jones: that’s funny because that’s actually how we met, so while I’m very fond of the single riders line, I do like riding my husband. Emma Jones: *with my husbandEmma Jones: I like riding him, but that’s not anyone’s business. Anyways, someone please help me find my husband.
Yeah, she’s officially gone crazy if she’s spending her time talking about her sex life with complete strangers online. Strangers who aren’t exactly helping her find Killian. All of the responses are a little insane, but they’re hilarious. And as stressed as she is right now, this is making her laugh.
“Mom,” Declan groans, “we’re never going to go on any rides if we just sit here all day.”
She looks at her son, looks at the desperation in his eyes, and really, she can’t keep them sitting her. She just can’t. Killian is a grown man lost in Disney World. It’s not like he’s been kidnapped by Mickey Mouse or something. He’ll figure things out, and she’ll just hope that someone finds him or that they miraculously run into each other in a line or something. It’s happened before, so there’s no reason it can’t happen again.
It’s probably not going to happen again.
“You’re right, kid. Let’s go.”
It’s basically a mad dash to all of the rides and shows from there, even if they end up having to stand in the lines for a little while, even with their fast passes. But her kids’ anticipation for everything is insane, and with the renewed energy they got from the sugar she just fed them (probably not the best move on her part), they don’t mind waiting, especially as they talk to other kids around them about the movies and rides and about just how big Cinderella’s Castle is. Of course, just because Declan and Hope are excited, that doesn’t really mean much about Ada. She conks out around three, and it’s kind of difficult to balance a sleeping toddler in a deeper sleep than Aurora and two kids who could climb Rapunzel’s tower without any kind of assistance from the giant rope of hair or a magic carpet ride or something.
But she makes it work. She’s never had to parent alone outside of their usual activities, kind of hopes that she never has to do it again, but after she gets used to it, she kind of masters it. No, she definitely masters it. And they have a fantastic day full of far too much food all of the rides her kids can imagine until they’re watching a parade on Main Street with ice cream in their hands and their feet all tired from moving around the park all day.
Seriously, she probably burned off all the calories.
Her phone has been going off all day, and while no one has found Killian, her post has apparently been shared over a thousand times, and even without her telling their friends what’s happened, they’ve shared it too. Liam is having a field day with it all.
“Swan,” a familiar voice calls, and her head whips to the side so quickly that it hurts. But then she sees Killian moving through the crowd, his hair sticking up like he’s been worriedly running his hand through it, and she’s not sure if she wants to smile at him or slap him. “Oh, my love,” he sighs when he gets to her, immediately squatting down and kissing all of his children’s cheeks before he slants his lips over hers, “where have you all been? I couldn’t find you.”
“You’re in trouble, Daddy,” Hope sighs, her eyes never leaving the parade.
“Am I now?” he asks her, his eyes filled with worry and his cheeks tinted red. She bets that he didn’t reapply his sunscreen.
Wow, she really is such a mom, even if she fully believes everyone should protect their skin.
“Where the hell did you go?”
“I don’t – I don’t know. My phone fell out of my pocket when we were walking, and I sent Hope up to you while I turned around to get it. It’s absolutely shattered. I’ve spent all day talking to the people in the front office and then looking in every damn section of this park.”
“That’s a bad word.”
Her kids are really into pointing out cursing today, and she’s not sure if she’s proud of it or annoyed by it.
“I know, bud, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry, love,” he whispers to her before kissing her once again. His lips taste like chocolate, and she knows he must have been eating a lot today too. He eats when he’s stressed, which she finds weirdly endearing. “I tried calling on an office phone, but you got the new number when we switched carriers last month and I don’t…”
“You don’t know my number?” She slaps his shoulder before shaking her head. “Oh my God.”
“I know, I know. And I literally…I haven’t memorized another number besides yours in eight years.”
Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. They obviously need to stop coming to amusement parks. Or at least know each other’s numbers. She doesn’t know Killian’s new one either, but she isn’t about to tell him that right now.
Probably not ever. She’ll memorize it later, and he’ll never have to know.
“So after today” she sighs, scooting over and allowing him to sit down in the cramped space next to her before Ada crawls into his lap, immediately snuggling into his chest like the daddy’s girl she is, “I’m kind of thinking that this morning I should have told you to always hold my hand so you don’t get lost.”
“I mean, what makes you think this wasn’t an elaborate plan just so I could hold your hand?” he laughs before he twines their fingers together, the float with all of the Aladdin characters going by singing a Whole New World. There’s a pun there. She just knows it. She’s also just too tired to think of it.
“Because that would be pathetic.” She squeezes his fingers before bringing his knuckles up to her lips, kissing right over his wedding band. “Also, they’ve had a lot of sugar today. You can be in charge of bedtime.”
“I would expect nothing less.”
“And, by the way, you’re internet famous today.”
He quirks a brow. “What now?”
“I’ll tell you about it later, babe. Let’s just enjoy the parade.”
He squeezes her hand before leaning over to whisper in her ear, “I will always find you.”
“I know, but your efficiency needs work.”
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dw817-dailymotion · 5 years
dw817′s Dailymotion
Who am I ? I'm dw817 and I write imaginative books and stories and upload rare videos besides. For a summary and listing of all my current works, read on. To see what videos I have available for you, skip below:
FUTURE BARRIER My primary work. What happens when a teenage boy and girl come across a piece of technology from one-million years in the future ? A grand adventure: Future Technology, Unrequired Love, and Absolute Vengeance. A clear one for both teen and adult literature. Read all chapters ONLINE now ! Future Barrier 1st Book, 74-chapters (complete !) Future Barrier 2nd Book, 71-chapters (complete !) Future Barrier 3rd Book, 99-chapters (complete !) Future Barrier 4th Book, underway, new chapter every Monday Future Barrier Character Synopsis, 8-chapters (complete !)
THE NANCY PRINCIPLE My secondary work. This is an interesting bit of writing. The first book is non-fiction so it recounts what actually happens when I was hired to work for the government in a room full only of WOMEN. Each teenage girl trying to outstink the others in their perfumes and outdo the others in their business outfits. And then I show up, a teenage boy really, and how they treated me there and WHO they hired to keep me in my place. A clear one for both teen and adult non-fiction literature. Later book is fictional as I grew rather fond of my female boss. Read all chapters ONLINE now ! The Nancy Principle 1st Book, 33-chapters (complete !) The Nancy Principle 2nd Book, 35-chapters (complete !)
STAR WARS - THE FORCE WITHIN Cleary a fan-fiction story of quite a few chapters. I address the issue of what happens between Episode IV (A New Hope) and Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back). I mean we're still on Yavin in the first Star Wars movie, then suddenly we are on the ice planet of Hoth with no interim video to explain - what happened ? This then is my interpretation of how our intrepid adventurers of Luke, Leia, and Han are forced to leave Yavin to Hoth - with quite a bit of deviltry from Darth Vader himself even though the Death Star has been destroyed. A clear one for teen literature. Read all chapters ONLINE now ! Star Wars - The Force Within, 28-chapters (complete !)
SOME ADDITIONAL MULTI-CHAPTERED WORKS Sometimes you just can't get enough of a good thing and have to write it out and share it with others in additional chapters and pages. Here are some other books I have written that do indeed contain multiple chapters for their subject matter. Read all chapters from all books ONLINE now ! Wit And Wisdom, Campfire Tales, Points To Ponder, Double Trouble, Saturday Matinee, The Concession Stand, The Theologian's Cafe, Zachary Smith - Ruler Of The Universe, The Dream Machine, Dream Diary, Gosh-A-Lotta Stamps, End Days, BLOG, Writer's Cafe Wizardry. More later !
WANT MORE ? Try out these other short-stories, writings, and articles I've written - all available to read ONLINE now ! I N D E X, PROSE AND COMMS OF RPGS, 50-Look And Look Again, Effective Forums [1] [2], You Think Your Luck Is Bad, Ninety Percent Off, When The Sky Caught Fire, Lost In Translation, Sea Monkey (Age restricted), My First Uploaded Google Play Application, Look On The Bright Side, Solar Eclipse (08-21-17), 45000 Hits, A Morse Of A Different Color, Reaching A Human Being At 2-1-1, What Do You Dream, Fresh Peaches For Donald Trump, A Halloween To Remember (Age restricted), Selling My First Videogame, Halloween 2017, Swim Ring Exercises, Why I Program, How To Fish (A Short Story About Helping Others), Building SRTs From DVDs, Personality Test, I Am INJT, Happy 4th Of July (2015), Happy New Year 2015, Merry Christmas 2014, Happy Birthday Advice, Leonard Nimoy Dies At 83, Dating Advice, Alien Rescue, My Happiest Memory, Kids Gallery Halloween, Teen Gallery Halloween, The Misunderstood Dragon, Hear Is To Your Health, The Blue Rose, The Paradox Of Turning Clocks, Tribute To Alice In Wonderland (Age restricted), The Price Of War, Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk, What Is A RPG, Anime - A Kaleidoscope Crash Course (Age restricted), Assholes R Us (Age restricted), Legends, The Fairy Lipstick, Outworld, The Power Of Doubt, Drowning In Ads, Access Denied, Online Blocking, Decisions Decisions, My Guardian, The Riddle Of Religion, I Hate Snow, The Prophet Of Profit, Service With A Smile, Why I ♥ Writer's Cafe, Little Escape Artist, Me From A To Z, Where Were You God. More later !
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You are Earth visitor #
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This super-rare and very family-friendly TV series features Juliet Mills as the Nanny who takes care of three children. And one has to wonder if all of the amazing things she is capable of. Is it truly magic as most people believe ? Or is it just love ?
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Prudence has a nightmare with a monster named Wiblet, and Nanny helps her overcome her fears.
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Butch is negatively influenced by a "hip" kid when the Professor misses another one of his activities.
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A new girlfriend of the Professor thinks that Butch and Prudence are not grounded in reality and should be involved in her children's therapy group. Butch tests whether there is a tooth "elf" by not telling his father when he loses a tooth.
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Hal gets a telescope for his birthday but Butch is the one who discovers a new comet.
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Nanny suggests a family picnic on a lovely Spring day. The family members all have other ideas until their plans are mysteriously thwarted.
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The Professor gives Nanny driving lessons as the pair prepare for a second household car.
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Nanny and the children's rescue of some ducklings leads to trouble for Nanny.
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Waldo finds a dinosaur bone and buries it in the yard. Nanny and the children's hunt for a rose bush eating gopher uncovers Waldo's treasure and results in a dig for more !
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Nanny and the children stage a protest to stop the city from cutting down a favorite tree for a road expansion project.
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Professor Everett receives a fabulous job offer from Astrodynamics, but it means moving to Astroville. The children don't want to leave their home, but put a brave face on for their father's sake.
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The Professor is contacted out of the blue by an old college girlfriend and isn't sure he's ready to see her again.
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Hal feels too much pressure to complete various projects and school work, with a big science competition being foremost, it's making him irritable and miserable. Nanny offers a good luck piece, that acts like a magic amulet that restores his confidence so much he no longer worries at all.
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[ Willy McBean And His Magic Machine ]
Little Willy McBean joins up with a Mexican monkey named Pablo to travel back in time and stop the evil Prof. von Rotten from changing history.
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[ Nosferatu ]
Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent's wife. Enjoy this remastered edition of one of the oldest and creepiest silent horror films of all time. Nosferatu.
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These aren't your seemingly average cute little girls. No, they each have a unique way of handling every day life's little problems by TRANSFORMING into new and amazing vehicles ! Please enjoy all 4-episodes of this rare and hard-to-find mini-series.
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Mickey Mouse meets Mickey Mouse in this charming and animated classic tale of mistaken identity. It's your riches to rags story.
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This spunky little gal from Nevada has vivid daydreams that teach her so very much about the world around her. In this episode, she imagines herself to be a dancing princess.
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Everyone's favorite little daydreaming girl runs into an interesting situation where - something stinks. And we don't mean figuratively.
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A marvelously done stop-motion animation featuring truly likeable characters with all their quirks and kinks. A lonely deaf taxidermist falls in love with a withdrawn and blind woman.
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Done in the style of Scooby-Doo, this Hanna Barbera series features an animated Charlie Chan the amazing detective and his family of all ages which consist to assist.
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Today's Chan episode is a mystery about baseball and a famous player for the game who has been kidnapped.
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If you're looking for Hentai and Panchira, look no further. This very silly series has plenty of kinky panty-shots, ludicrous fan-service, and action and adventure besides. This pilot episode is entitled, "Beautiful Agent."
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Agent Aika continues this kinky fan-service series with the episode, "Naked Mission."
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Very funny and very British Angry Kid gets into all kinds of adventures in this live-action mini-movie which features some very clever stop-motion animation and over-the-top incidents between him and his devilishly intelligent little sister.
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It's the classic cartoon of cat versus mouse except in this case it is the anteater versus the ant with some hilarious situations between the two.
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Who will win ? The Tortoise or the Hare ? Find out in this amusing upgrade to the classic original tale.
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Join now with four elite Galaxy Rangers with unique abilities defend law & order among the space colonies and protect humanity from the evil Crown Empire.
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These are the amazing Herculoids. This animated series features Zok, a flying space dragon. Igoo, a rock ape. Tundro, a ten-legged four-horned rhinoceros. Gloop and Gleep, two protoplasmic creatures able to change shape. And finally the Herculoids family themselves, Zandor, the leader, Tara, his wife, and Dorno, their son.
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Josie and her cartoon friends go on adventures that is out of this world. In this opening episode we find them landing on the planetoid Zelc and encounter a creature named Bleep. At the same time, Josie is kidnapped by an alien named Karnak, a deposed ruler who is intent on reconquering the populace of Zelc.
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The Pussycats land on the planet Arcobia, where they try to help expose the corrupt Prime Minister Rulo as the true thief of a device that is very important to the planet.
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A classic stop-motion animation film about your Forest Ranger's and Fire Fighter's favorite friend. It's Smokey Bear !
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Three choice episodes linked together make-up this rare and interesting animated police series that takes place in futuristic Detroit where crime is dealt with by mechanical justice. It's ROBOCOP !
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[ Daydreamer The Movie ]
An anthology of a combination of live-action and stop-motion animation fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen: "The Little Mermaid," "The Emperor's New Clothes," "Thumbelina," and "The Garden of Paradise."
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This tells the classic tale of the hard working ants and the not so hard working grasshopper. The question is, who is ready to survive when old man Winter comes around ?
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One of the first videos I've posted on Daily Motion so many years ago. I'm keeping it though because I hate to get rid of anything.
0 notes
A Record of Wasteland’s Should-Be Residents, Locations, etc.
Credit to @wasteland-unused for doing the research! I’m hoping that if these ideas are all compiled into one place, it’ll be easier to think of a story involving them. There’s a lot of stuff, so look below the cut. They’re supposed to link to their respective pages, but something’s gone screwy with my blog’s theme...
The MixUps
Phoebe the SeaBee
Fear, Shame, and Ignorance
The Lost Boys
Zeke Holloway
Lucky, Madame Mim’s cousin
Atticus Thorn
Pink Elephants
Mousercise / Ossercise
Vermithrax Pejorative
Toby Bear
Max Hare
The Hunter (from The Black Cauldron)
Major Domo and Minor Domo
The kid from A Cowboy Needs a Horse
Terrible Tom
Waldo C. Graphic
The robots from Modern Inventions
Blackbeard, the original central pirate captain in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride
Looking-Glass Land Chess Pieces
Double-O Duck (a prototype of Darkwing Duck)
The White Rabbit’s Monkey gardener
Moana’s nine brothers (and maybe prototype!Moana)
The Cape Dogs
Casey and his daughters, the Caseyettes
Scrapped Dumbo crow designs
Captain Hook? (the version from the Peter Pan peanut butter commercials)
Concept art Dash
The characters of Fun with Mr. Future (possibly including Mr. Future himself)
Snug the Pilot
Winnie the Pooh characters (jerkass comic versions)
The Broken Toys
Redfeather the Turkey
Creepy Thanksgiving parade floats (from the ‘70s!)
The Argumentative Grasshopper
Neverland Mermaids
Scrapped worm-like monster from Hercules
Scrapped versions of Elsa and the Queen of Arendelle
The Music Box
Windwagon Smith and his love, Molly
The original Hatbox Ghost
Old King Cole (Would he still be a king? Because Oswald is king...)
Early version of Lady
Bucky Bug, June Bug, and Bo Bug
Early Captain Hook
The Magic Mirror
The Skeleton Crew from James and the Giant Peach
The Fair Folk
The Horned King
Orddu, Orwen, and Orgoch
Patricia and Percy Pig
Slimy the Weasel (as a Blotling)
Giant dinosaur mouse
Herbie the Love Bug
George Geef (and maybe Goofy Jr, too)
Push the Talking Trash Can
Expedition Everest’s animatronic yeti
Kat Nipp
Trudy van Tubb
Experiment 000 (Cyber)
Zeus / Jupiter and Vulcan (Fantasia versions)
Yeti animatronic
Fifi the Pekingese Dog
The mice in Great Guns and All Wet
Babkak, Omar, and Kassim
The Crows from Dumbo
Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear from Song of the South (and Splash Mountain)
Keelhaul Pete
American folk tale characters (protagonists, primarily)
Fifinellas (female Gremlins) and Widgets (baby Gremlins)
The Dreamfinder and Figment the Dragon
Drossel von Flügel and Gedächtnis
Master Control Program (MCP)
Rejected Sleeping Beauty fairies
Various obscure Disney robots
Sheriff Crabb
Rocky the Rhino
The Lion and the Unicorn
Woody Pride (scrapped version)
Inspector Javert (from That Missing Candelabra)
Yzma (scrapped version)
Francine “Fanny” Cottontail
Maleficent (scrapped versions, plus disguise!)
Julius the Cat
Belle’s extended family
Previously-scrapped Beetleworx
The pirates from the King Neptune short
The Mechanical Cow
Eega Beeva
Willie the Whale
J.P. Whiskers
Sora (scrapped version)
Miklos Mouse
Sylvester Shyster
Señorita Cactus
The Mariachi Butterflies
Donna Duck
The Aracuan Bird
Miguelito Maracas
Scrapped Peter Pan pirates
Maximilian (already has a Beetleworx, but perhaps put the real one in?)
Elvira (and scrapped version of Edgar?)
The Fujitas
Captain Gore and Priscilla
Scrapped “Drink Me” bottle
The White Knight
The Gryphon and the Mock Turtle
The Duchess and company
The Golden Harp?
Scrapped Dwarfs (with, um...certain exceptions...)
Bootleg Pete
Dentist Pete
Robin Williams lost boy from Back to Never Land
Lucky the Dinosaur
Sunflower and/or Otika
The Jabberwock
Characters from Mistress Masham’s Repose
Humphrey the Bear (He made a cameo in 2, apparently, but how about a proper appearance?)
Clara Cluck
The Nutcracker Sentries
Don Quixote
Captain Cleaver
Wintertime Park
The Tick Tock Croc Aquarium
Oswald’s Barrel House
Mickey’s Kitchen (possibly re-opened in Wasteland as Oswald’s Kitchen)
Cannibal Cove/Pirates’ Cove
Mission to Mars
The factory on top of the beanstalk
The Walt Disney Story
“Disney’s America” (or, as I like to call it, Americaland)
World of Motion
El Rio Del Tiempo
Discovery Island (see here if you’re wondering about the Adventurer’s Club)
Pooh’s Playful Spot
River Country
Disney’s Dark Kingdom
Disneyland New York?
Time Keeper
Silent Film Stunt Show
Previously-scrapped Wonderland area
Back to Never Land
Demon Jungle
Beastly Kingdom
Feed the Birds
Arabian Nights Reprise #1
Wherever You Are
Mickey Mouse Disco
We’re Gonna Get Outta this Dump
Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim
Laughing Place
Proud of Your Boy
The Cinderella Work Song
Dancing on a Cloud
If You’ll Believe in Me
I’m Odd
Snuff Out the Light
Beyond the Laughing Sky (which may sound kind of familiar...)
Warrior Face
You’re Never Too Old to Be Young
Music in Your Soup
Beta Epic Mickey tracks (known so far)
Blue Oak Tree
Beware the Jabberwock
Dream Caravan
World War II Insignias
Pack Mules?
Photo Cutouts
Duck Pimples
Cranium Command
Stitch’s Great Escape
Beacon of Souls
Mickey Mouse Club Circus
Flubber AKA Flying Rubber
Wind-Up Mickey Toy
The Star of Astoroth
Plaza Swan Boats and Mike Fink Keel Boats
Guns and other military equipment
Scrapped Content from Epic Mickey
The characters, concepts, etc, from 10 scrapped Disney and Pixar films
The collar of the Cat from Outer Space
1930′s Horace X Clarabelle Valentine’s Day card
Mickey’s Army Uniform
Animatronic Hook’s Flying Ship
A very hurtful (to Oswald) quote from Walt (WARNING: angst)
Disney Animator Memorials
Tom Oreb “stylish” 50′s redesigns of classic Disney characters
What’s this about ICP!?
Unproduced Disney TV shows
The magic sword from The Black Cauldron
The Golden Pelydryn
The Crypt
The Black Cauldron concept art by Tim Burton (potential Bog Easy Blotling ideas?)
The Great Movie Ride
Indicators of the fallen of Wasteland
Peter Pan’s Shadow (either a Pete Pan’s shadow or Blotlings resembling Peter Pan’s shadow)
The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter
The Jug Pump
Disney Princess Academy
Blotlings inspired by The Army of the Dead from The Black Cauldron
Chernabog’s Minions (as Bog Easy Blotling designs)
America Sings
More about Gremlins (Read the PDF of the book here!)
Pig Head / “Toonarooned”
Scrapped Blot ideas
Tapestry of Nations Parade
Creepy vintage Oswald merch
20′s slang
The Shadow King
Blot!Mickey (could be used for a Blot!Miklos or something)
More creepy vintage Mickey merch
Gas flares
15 notes · View notes
sueboohscorner · 7 years
#IntotheBadlands S2 Ep 2 & 3 “Force of Eagle's Claw” & “Red Sun, Silver Moon” Recap & Review
“Red Sun, Silver Moon”
Episode Grade 9
We pick up where we left on in the season finale and with Sunny Identity revealed, the Engineer sets a battle between Sunny and Mouse (don’t let the name fool you that guy was twice Sunny’s size). Sunny and Bajie are shackled together as punishment for Bajie ratting him out. "You’re going to live or die together,” the Engineer taunts. Sunny and Bajie take some hits but manages to block most of them and prevent Mouse from breaking Bajie's leg. 
Bajie and Sunny manage to escape out of the pit, but Mouse catches up with Sunny and Bajie, and during the fight, Mouse pushes Sunny hazardously close to a giant spinning exhaust fan. Bajie gabs Mouse Machete and lodges it in the fan before it beheads Sunny, then they tried quickly to crawls out in-between the giant blades. Mouse grabs Sunny’s legs before he could get to the other side and Bajie pulls hard, and both Sunny and Mouse came through, and the machete drops out, and the fan started to spin again and Sunny fly-kicks Mouse, sending him into the spinning blades. Mouse’s body splashes on the Engineer's face who witness the entire thing and Sunny and Bajie escape.
The Widow's Sanctuary, Tilda is reprimanded by Waldo (who betrayed Quinn and changed alliances) for slaughtering a group of Clippers in Odessa’s honor after the Widow granted them their freedom. Waldo tells her that they are at war and that she should do away with her emotions, using Sunny as a reference. Tilda asks Waldo if he heard anything from the River King, but Waldo tells her that he thinks Sunny is dead, which made her assume the same is true of M.K.
Meanwhile, at the Totemist compound Lydia new home after being banned from the Fort, the community celebrates a wedding. Lydia thanked them for welcoming her back to the group. In the middle of her speech, a spear impales the groom to a tree, and two Nomads kill another Totemist woman and drag her away as the congregation bows to their knees in silent prayer. One of the Nomads holds a knife to Lydia’s father Penrith throat, but he doesn't react, but Lydia jumps in and stabs the Nomad in the stomach. Lydia fights the second Nomad and manages to kill him. Lydia find out if her father was ok, but to her surprise, he reprimanded her for her violent actions on their land telling her she had no right and they would have rather died that soil the lane with blood (ungrateful much).
Now to M.K at the Monastery, he wakes up from a nightmare to find The Master stands over him with an origami blossom and tells him to follow her and Tate notices. The Master takes M.K. to a room filled with mirrors, and M.K. stares at his reflections, the Master explains to M.K that the mirrors hold memories and then crushes the paper blossom in her hand, turning it to smoke and M.K. inhales it, and it sent him to the cargo hold. M.K is surrounded by bloody bodies, and hooded figure grabs him and then take off the hood revealing to be M.K. in his dark state sending him into a shock landing him back in the mirrored room. M.K. wakes up in the Master's personal chamber and realizes he killed the people on the ship, but The Master tells him that it was not him it was not him but the one who takes control. The Master urges him to claim his gift from his dark self before he can ever leave the Monastery.
Quinn promises redemption to the men who stayed loyal after the Fort was compromised. 
Lydia pays Ryder's a visit at his new mansion formerly belonging to Jacobee, Lydia tells Ryder about the Nomad raid and tells him his help would make a good impression on his own worker Cogs, who are religious. She tells him that she is aware that his Cogs have been abandoning his poppy fields to fight for The Widow and offered Ryder her help but Ryder, defensively grabs her and reminds her of her lack of faith in him. 
Ava tells M.K. that Tate ran away, as She inquiries about M.K.’s training telling him that she has never seen the Master take on a novice. M.K. confides in Ava telling her to think about the worst thing she's ever done. Ava admits they’ve all killed people. After a long talk with Ava, M.K. returns to the Master to face his dark self again. This time he's sent to the woods, where he hears his mother screaming from afar. He runs but is stopped by his dark self, who advises him to go back. The two get into a fight, M.K is badly hurt after getting a gut punch making his mouth fills with blood in the present.  The Master strikes him with chi to bring him back from the mirror vision.
Quinn shares the history of baptisms in the Badlands, mentioning that he had neglected the ritual with Ryder, but fate has presented him with a second chance to baptize the Badlands' newest heir. Quinn caught the Loyalist he observes eyeing Veil and stabs him in the eye with a deer antler as a warning to the men. Veil watches as Quin drinks deer blood and brushes some across Henry's forehead.
Waldo brings The Widow news of Ryder’s invitation for all Barons to meet at a conclave. Telling her that if Ryder convinces the other Barons that she attacked the oil fields violated the Foundation Treaty, Waldo warns they can expect an attack. The Widow suggests gaining the upper hand by killing them all first. Waldo advice against the idea is telling her it was reckless and suggests a diplomatic approach, though he stands by the use of violence if the Barons initiate.
The next day, Quinn shows Veil to a tiny room where sunlight pours in through the ceiling. She smiles.
Sunny and Bajie continue their journey but reaches the top of a hill and looks down at a huge wall that runs the entire length of the Badlands. Bajie tells him that they can go through if you know the right people.
I really enjoyed the episode, the scene with Sunny and Money was very exciting, and although Bajie betrayed Sunny, in the beginning, he is growing on me. I am not sure if he will stay loyal to a Sunny bit if he is smart he would, as for Veil I hate that she saves Quinn even though he serves his purpose now protecting her to some extent. I am more Team Widow now that I know her true motive, but I am not sure if I trust Waldo, he just does strike me the person who want a free living. I said this because the advice Sunny last season about having a normal life.
“Red Sun, Silver Moon”
Episode Grade 9
Sunny and Bajie journey continues through the barren landscapes of the Outlying Territories. Sunny suspects that Bajie has no idea where they are, after bragging that he knows of a shortcut through the wall. Bajie tells Sunny of a smuggler named Nos that they could trade something in exchange for passage through a secret tunnel. Sunny does not like the idea of a smuggler. Naturally, it is how he ended up in this situation.
Sunny and Bajie arrives at a stone bridge and is immediately confronted by a swordsman stands in the middle telling them that they brought trouble with them. He throughs his ringed sword in Sunny’s direction and it passed Sunny's head, killing the attacker who was creeping up behind them. The swordsman informs them that there was a hefty bounty on their heads and that every Stalker with a rusty blade is after them. More men attacked, and both Sunny and the man fight them off together, and Bajie chokes one to death. The man tells Sunny to follow him telling him “Live or die, it's your choice.” On the way, Sunny and Bajie discusses their options, and Bajie mentions to him that the swordsman only saved them so he can kill them and collect the bounties for himself. As they looked over at him, they saw his tattoos which indicated that he was a Clipper. Sunny ignores Bajie's fears, and they continue to follow the swordsman.
We them see M.K. training diligently at the Monastery after which he visits the Master and requests to enter the Mirror Chamber once more, but the Master denies the request saying, “You must learn to stop fighting yourself.” She warns that if he pushes too far, the consequences could be deadly and not only for him.
Now to The Widow's Sanctuary were, Waldo, Tilda and the Widow discuss Ryder’s upcoming conclave where each Baron must arrive unarmed with their second-in-command, while Ryder's Clippers will be patrolling the perimeters for Nomads. In attendance should be six Barons. Therefore, The Widow needs at least two on her side. Waldo urges her to start winning some hearts and minds at the reception beforehand. The Widow told Tilda that she would not be joining her because she needed her there to be in charge of the Sanctuary and instructs her to blow up the oil fields if she doesn't return.
We then see Quinn cradles Henry reading him a story as Veil quickly fetches Quinn to perform an X-ray on him to diagnose the status of his continued headaches. Quinn complains to Veil how he was duped by his young bride, Jade, into thinking Lydia tried to kill her. Telling her “Trust is such a delicate thing.” Veil asks what he's preparing his men for, and he said, “We all pay for our sins, eventually.” Veil develops Quinn's X-ray, and hides the original film, which shows a growing tumor in his head, and shows him one of a healthy brain; they give him an opium-laced concoction to drink. 
Sunny and Bajie, freshens up, sit around a fire while Sunny shaves his face. Sunny and Bajie mentions the Clipper of myths of a legendary Regent named Nathaniel Moon who left the Badlands and now hunted fugitives. Moon admits that it was him, but insists he's not out for their bounty. Moon explains why he left and Sunny mentions a woman waiting for him and Moon advise not going back, for her sake.
Back to Vail, as she was about to cut up the X-ray showing Quinn’s tumor, she is interrupted by Quinn's Loyalist Clippers Edgar, who needs stitches.
While Bajie sleeps, Sunny finds Moon training with his sword, and they had a conversation from which Sunny learns that Moon has 999 kills, and I learned that Sunny’s has 404. Moon tells Sunny why he keeps killing telling him he was waiting for someone good enough to be worthy of his thousandth tattoo. Sunny grabs a sword just as Moon points one at him. Moon admires
Back at the Monastery's M.K. hears a scream and follows the sound which leads him to see three Abbots carrying a trunk to a secret chamber and watches from outside the room as the Abbots haul Tate from the trunk and strap him to a table. Tate promises not to run away again, but one of the Abbots still switches on a control panel. Ava appears and drags M.K. away and explains to him that Tate was being cleansed for not following the rules, telling him that they are treats to the people outside. M.K. ask Ava to leave with him telling her that the Master is a liar because she’s simply afraid of them, but she refuses.
Sunny wakes Bajie to leave, but Moon blocks their way and requests a battle with a worthy opponent in exchange for giving them shelter. Sunny tells Bajie to find Veil if he doesn't make it back to the Badlands and gets into his fighting stance. Moon charges after him and the battle begins they fight until Moon loses sword, Sunny kicks him in the face and Moon fell to his knees with his mouth full of blood and thanks to Sunny for the fight as he prepares for an honorable death, but Sunny refuses and turns away. Moon charges after Sunny with his sword, but Bajie hurls a sword, slicing off Moon's hand. Moon bleeds out while Bajie takes Moon's signature ringed sword telling Sunny that it was their ticket out of here. Moon yell out at Sunny that he would leave a trail of bodies before he makes it back to his family.
The Widow and Waldo arrive at the conclave. Ryder and Jade greet them. The Widow smiled and said, “Let the fun begin.”
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: Hidden Through Time (Nintendo Switch)
It’d be easy for this one to fly under the radar, but I had a blast playing Hidden Through Time. It’s like an animated Where’s Waldo book, starting you in the stone age and working your way up. Twenty-six distinct locales are included in all, varying greatly in size. The first map has you only finding three items, but by the fourth one, you’re into double digits. All told, it took me over four hours to beat the game, not bad for a $7.99 download.
There’s an online component to increase your gameplay time and add enjoyment, but I’ll break that down in a bit. In the main game, the map variety leads to some huge areas, ones you’ll be unable to observe in full without zooming out entirely. Thankfully you can scroll and zoom however you desire. I tended to start with the corners and work my way inwards. If you get stuck on the giant maps (and you will), you can move onto a different one and return later, which limits frustration without fail. There are also clues provided for each item to find, most of which are helpful. They give you an idea to help point you in the right direction without being too obvious. There’s no timer, a wise decision.
For what this game is, the presentation is sensational. Static screenshots frankly don’t do Hidden Through Time justice. It’s a bright and colorful kid’s book brought to life on-screen. Seeing all the animals and people milling about is a real asset. You can click almost anything and get an animation, a sound effect, or both. There are so many items to interact with, and clicking on structures reveals activity (and sometimes hidden things you’re seeking) inside. This is joined by calm, pleasant music, positively working in the game’s favor. Matching well, it adds another layer of enjoyment. Indeed, it’s so relaxing that any stress from being unable to find a tiny item soon melts away.
Now it comes time to talk about the online play, which you’ll likely tackle after beating the main game. The number of user-created maps to play is remarkably more than I expected. While they vary in quality, you can sort them by like percentage, clear percentage, and so forth. I enjoyed playing several, and it’s clear a solid bunch find the map editor to be useful.
I’m not sure I can count myself among them, though. Is the editor intuitive? Not particularly, at least on the Switch. I suspect the bulk of these user-created maps originate from the Steam version, built via a mouse. Despite working in handheld mode, it’s clear the developers didn’t take full advantage of the touch screen ability of the Switch. It feels like it’s fighting me when I play this way, so traditional is the better, albeit slower way to go.
If I could offer this encouragement, it’d be to not have hesitation in taking a cue from the Super Mario Maker games ease of use designs. Perhaps it’d be better if Hidden Through Time had even a basic tutorial included, but nope. This mode will complain that “Only UNIQUE items can be objectives!”, but will leave me to wonder why a pipe isn’t unique, but a tree is. I will say things get better with practice. I’ll also add that, if this online mode was updated, the game could sell for double the price and score even higher.
Still, the main story mode leaves a positive impression, no two ways about it. It’s a good one to play cooperatively, too. Despite being listed as single-player, Hidden Through Time is a lot of fun if you have more eyes watching the screen. They can help you find small items in pixel-hunt fashion, or spot which cowboy is hiding amongst a lively group of other cowboys, all looking very similar. Good times!
I had way more fun with Hidden Through Time than expected. Of course, if you’re not a fan of the hide and seek premise, this game might not change your mind. But this is a bargain when you consider it’s just $7.99 for everything it includes. If the map editor can be enhanced, this very good game would become a great one. I’m looking forward to seeing what Crazy Monkey Studios come up with next.
The post Review: Hidden Through Time (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: Hidden Through Time (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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airoasis · 6 years
Cool/Decent SMS, Motivational Quotes SMS
Reality of fear: U r not frightened of the dark. U r terrified of what remains in it. U r not scared of heights. U r afraid of falling. U r not scared of individuals around u. U r just afraid of rejection. U r not afraid to like. U r simply afraid of not [...]
? Ladies resemble apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones due to the fact that they r afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as great, however simple. So the apples up top [ ...]
Constantly keep expecting good. As the chinese say ... "Keep a green tree in ur heart, the singing bird will certainly come."
Loveless life resembles a fruitless tree However friendless life resembles a rootless tree Tree can live without fruit but not without roots
Romance! A mosquito & & hen fell in love wid each other. 1 day they kissed each other Hen passed away of dengue & & Mosquito passed away of bird influenza Moral: Sachi mohabbat:-)
What A Mystery A cockraoch hesitates of Rat, Rat is scared of Cat, Feline is afraid of Pet dog, Pet is scared of Male, Guy is afraid of Female, And Woman hesitates of... Cockraoch!You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with suitables and dreams. You were born with success. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so dont. You have wings. Learn how to use them and fly. (Rumi )I've constantly been scared of losing
individuals I like. Often I question, exists anybody out there afraid to lose me?In a practical Examination Inspector showed legs of bird n stated: Inform the bird's name Sardar: I do not know Exminer: U r failed.Wats ur name? Sardar: You see my legs, and tell me.A 60 years old male, sitting on a bench,
with his s-series Mercedes parked behind him, having a most current model of Rolex watch in his wrist, a thousands rupees mobile in hand, Armani suit, italian shoes, checkbook of swiss acounts, is having TEARS in his eyes Why? Due to the fact that he is seeing a gang of young [...]
Always do wat u r scared to do in life because, to the questions of life You are the response & & To the issues of life You are the option Its all in "U".:)
If you r in a dark room, You find blood all over And the walls are shaking - Don't worry buddy, U r at the safest place, You r in my heart.Y do couples hold hands during their wedding event? Its a rule much like two boxers shaking hands before the battle begins!Q: Exactly what is more painful? When an individual whom u trust, harms u? OR The person whom u hurt, still trusts u? Consider that & & reply!Nothing in the
nature lives for itself Rivers don't consume their own water Trees do not consume their own fruit Sun doesn't give heat for itself Moon doesn't ever go on honeymoon Flowers do not spread fragrance on their own Moral: Living for Others is the Rule of Nature
Which is more uncomfortable??? "when an individual whom u relied on, harms u." or "the individual whom u hurted, still trusts u." keep thinking
It was a high counsel that I when heard offered to a young individual, "Always do what you are afraid to do.) (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
I want an angel of Grace always sits Beside you & & Covers you with mild Wings So that, You walk wrapped in Allah's grace, Protected & & serene permanently
I'll walk wid u in every step of Life But assure me You'll hide your wings when we stroll together! cause, i don't desire the world 2 understand that u r. ... an "Angle"
Butterflies do not understand in what color their wings r but human eyes know how nice-it is. Also u do not knw how sweet u r however i understand how unique u r 2 me!When someone hurts u. ... Do not feel bad since its the law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets optimal number of stones
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A baby mosquito came back after its First battle ... Daddy asked: "how did u feel?"... It replied: "Dad it was fantastic. evry1 ws clappin 4 me" Moral: Take evrything favorably
Ur sky is as much as u 'd wish to reach, ur life is as lonesome as u wants to make; Ur delight is as much as u decide to feel, ur nite is as long as you choose to wake. No one sets the limit for u, no one can etch the span of the [...]
A Bunny Runs, Jumps & & Lives Just For 15 years. While a Turtle Does Not Run Not Does Anything. Yet lives for 300 yrs. Ethical: Exercise Is Hell Simply Sleep Well.;-RRB- Good Night:-)
Not every flower can represent love however roses did it. Not every tree can stand thirst, but cactus did it. Not every monkey can read SMS but hey you simply did it! Enjoy your day, and don't forget to smile!If I had wings I would fly To accept you in a caring hug So that issues simply pass by Delighted Hug Day.
"Never ever feel sad on losing anything in your life Due to the fact that whenever a Tree loses its leaf, A new leaf is all set to take its location!"
A woman resembles a bird. The thing most pretty in this world. The childhood of women is their golden age. After that world keeps them into a gorgeous cage. This innocent creature looks like a fairy. Who loses her plumes aftr geting wed. She leads all her life in serving others. She also has [...]
If somebody comes n informs u, That u r fool, lazy & & dumb! Do not b afraid, go to him, Catch his neck, and tell him "Kisay hor noo naa dasin"
Life resembles a MOVIE ... If u r unfortunate - DRAMA If u r afraid - SUSPENSE If u r mad - ACTION When u take a look at the mirror - HORROR
Tree leaves do not look green permanently, Roses do not look fresh permanently, However I hope to ALLAH that Smile on your lips stay forever. Excellent Morning & & Have A Good Day
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: Hidden Through Time (Nintendo Switch)
It’d be easy for this one to fly under the radar, but I had a blast playing Hidden Through Time. It’s like an animated Where’s Waldo book, starting you in the stone age and working your way up. Twenty-six distinct locales are included in all, varying greatly in size. The first map has you only finding three items, but by the fourth one, you’re into double digits. All told, it took me over four hours to beat the game, not bad for a $7.99 download.
There’s an online component to increase your gameplay time and add enjoyment, but I’ll break that down in a bit. In the main game, the map variety leads to some huge areas, ones you’ll be unable to observe in full without zooming out entirely. Thankfully you can scroll and zoom however you desire. I tended to start with the corners and work my way inwards. If you get stuck on the giant maps (and you will), you can move onto a different one and return later, which limits frustration without fail. There are also clues provided for each item to find, most of which are helpful. They give you an idea to help point you in the right direction without being too obvious. There’s no timer, a wise decision.
For what this game is, the presentation is sensational. Static screenshots frankly don’t do Hidden Through Time justice. It’s a bright and colorful kid’s book brought to life on-screen. Seeing all the animals and people milling about is a real asset. You can click almost anything and get an animation, a sound effect, or both. There are so many items to interact with, and clicking on structures reveals activity (and sometimes hidden things you’re seeking) inside. This is joined by calm, pleasant music, positively working in the game’s favor. Matching well, it adds another layer of enjoyment. Indeed, it’s so relaxing that any stress from being unable to find a tiny item soon melts away.
Now it comes time to talk about the online play, which you’ll likely tackle after beating the main game. The number of user-created maps to play is remarkably more than I expected. While they vary in quality, you can sort them by like percentage, clear percentage, and so forth. I enjoyed playing several, and it’s clear a solid bunch find the map editor to be useful.
I’m not sure I can count myself among them, though. Is the editor intuitive? Not particularly, at least on the Switch. I suspect the bulk of these user-created maps originate from the Steam version, built via a mouse. Despite working in handheld mode, it’s clear the developers didn’t take full advantage of the touch screen ability of the Switch. It feels like it’s fighting me when I play this way, so traditional is the better, albeit slower way to go.
If I could offer this encouragement, it’d be to not have hesitation in taking a cue from the Super Mario Maker games ease of use designs. Perhaps it’d be better if Hidden Through Time had even a basic tutorial included, but nope. This mode will complain that “Only UNIQUE items can be objectives!”, but will leave me to wonder why a pipe isn’t unique, but a tree is. I will say things get better with practice. I’ll also add that, if this online mode was updated, the game could sell for double the price and score even higher.
Still, the main story mode leaves a positive impression, no two ways about it. It’s a good one to play cooperatively, too. Despite being listed as single-player, Hidden Through Time is a lot of fun if you have more eyes watching the screen. They can help you find small items in pixel-hunt fashion, or spot which cowboy is hiding amongst a lively group of other cowboys, all looking very similar. Good times!
I had way more fun with Hidden Through Time than expected. Of course, if you’re not a fan of the hide and seek premise, this game might not change your mind. But this is a bargain when you consider it’s just $7.99 for everything it includes. If the map editor can be enhanced, this very good game would become a great one. I’m looking forward to seeing what Crazy Monkey Studios come up with next.
The post Review: Hidden Through Time (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: Hidden Through Time (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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