#wall rose.txt
arminsarlet · 1 year
armin’s hope to see the ocean is one of the few (if not only) character motivations that doesn’t revolve around revenge or sacrifice or pride; it’s a pure hope for peace and discovery and the preservation of humanity. it isn’t a coincidence that eren brings it up to levi when he pleads for armin’s life to be saved over erwin’s.
while i do believe that the primary motivation for levi’s decision was to give erwin the peace of a dignified death, i also think that armin’s dream to see the ocean saved him. levi sees that humanity doesn’t just need a ruthless devil to lead them to victory, they also need someone who truly believes in the beauty of humanity, someone that sees a future beyond mere survival.
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frodo-baggins · 11 months
you know what petty thing abt the movie trilogy continues to annoy me to this day? on like page two of fellowship bilbo literally says ‘you had better come and live here, frodo my lad [...] and then we can celebrate our birthday-parties comfortably together’ and peter jackson was just like. actually. fuck frodo 
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rosesradio · 9 months
ily audiobooks ily podfics ily audio descriptors of action in films ily stories being made more accessible through any audio medium
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leesangy · 1 year
GOD !!! do u ever think about how sangyeon got casted as an idol just because he made his older sister breakfast from scratch for her birthday and she posted a picture of him, the food and the story and he went viral ???? the guy literally got casted for being pretty, nice and thoughtful!!?? BUT HE BECAME THAT GOOD OF A SINGER???
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kimjiwoong · 1 year
ooo comeback day truly was ruined for me lmao I'm so bitter
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kerryeurodynes · 2 years
i’m sorry but people thinking kerry is a fantastic dad and amazing with kids is fake abdofb ker loves his kids in a distant, awkward way but he’s a Bad Father, cannot be anything but that, does not like kids and isn’t good with them, and that’s okay!!! let him have those… qualities? negatives?
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juniperhillpatient · 3 years
whenever I drink without eating it occurs to me that my supposedly almost supernaturally high alcohol tolerance miiight have more to do with the fact I’m almost always eating than anything else lmao 
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spearcast · 3 years
I can't sleep bc of my brain despite how exhausted my body is
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rosifire · 7 years
man is it wrong for me to just want to Do Nothi ng...
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arminsarlet · 1 year
jean and armin are such perfect foils for each other, which makes them the ideal team to lead the scouts. this is foreshadowed in the return to shiganshina arc, when armin—in his panic and self-doubt—defers leadership to jean. when jean, after easily giving quick orders, encourages armin to continue coming up with a plan, he is setting up their dynamic for the rest of the series.
armin is cunning and calculated, but he doubts himself and feels guilt for putting others at risk. jean is quick on his feet and works on instinct, but he is overconfident and feels guilt for not being more ruthless at pinch points.
they make a good team because of this balance and their later arcs run parallel to each other because their flaws are opposite.
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arminsarlet · 1 year
one of the tragedies of armin’s character arc after becoming the colossal is that levi’s choice moves him from the outer edges of things where he can safely strategize and analyze away his feelings and into the center of conflict. the colossal is the first titan we see on screen, it’s emblematic of the series as a whole. to the characters, too, it’s a symbol of the beginning of the end. a bad omen. besides the potential of the founding titan, the colossal is the largest and most powerful of the nine. and it just falls, unbidden, into armin’s lap.
for armin, who dissociates himself from conflict with analysis, inheriting the colossal is a bigger curse than it is a blessing. at least at first.
i just think about how many sleepless nights he must have spent, trying to pick apart all of the reasons that might have led to levi’s choice to save him. the thinking about himself as a weapon for humanity, the realization that he saw eren that way instead of seeing him as a friend. how does one deal with becoming a symbol? a war machine? how does one allocate an inheritance of destruction?
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arminsarlet · 1 year
when i’m in a dickriding competition and my opponent is floch forster
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arminsarlet · 1 year
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i will have conk crete thoughts about armin and hange’s relationship and the parallels between them at some point but for right now have this page that made me cry today :)
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arminsarlet · 1 year
sorry for the eruri spam i love old man yaoi love is love 😁👍🏻
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arminsarlet · 1 year
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arminsarlet · 1 year
loving armin arlert has led me to places i wouldn’t go with a gun
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