euiontumble · 1 year
#euipost #fraud #biden #bidenomics #wallsteet
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thecjwestd · 3 years
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markkoltagroup · 4 years
Mark Kolta Expertise
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pricescigar · 3 years
Thank you so much for the questions! Let's begin!
Is blood truly thicker than water?
They say blood is thicker than water. It's a medieval proverb in English meaning that familial bonds will always be stronger than bonds of friendship or love.
Elvira didn't know the true meaning of "family" Until she joined the CIA, her father, Lieutenant Dietrich Wolff. Was cruel and sadistic enough as it comes, no one dared to cross his path. Her mother being murdered by her own husband, her uncle dying in World War 2. Her aunties and other uncles, either disease or though the causes of the 1930 wallsteet crash. Her grandma lived long enough to see through it all until she passed away when Elvira was sixteen.
If someone said to Elvira:
"Is blood thicker than water?"
She'd simply say no. You can't choose where you come from, but it's also the people you meet along the way
Does Elvira plan things out or does she simply wing it?
Elvira very much like her father who was a tactical marksman in the battlefield, and you know how soliders love turning their own children into weapons. Planning is all what she knows, wether it would be for anything. In any given situation.
She rarely ever "wings it" Things could go wrong so many quickly, so she prefers to mentally plan for anything.
Is Elvira different around other people?
Oh very much so, not in a rude way of course. If she's different around you, it's a good sign. She feels comfortable around you, she feels at ease and safe with you. She's different to those who she's comfortable with, and to those who she isn't so comfortable with. Elvira can become very nonchalant, blunt/honest and very reserved.
If it came to a situation where if she was with the person she felt comfortable with most, and with a person she didn't feel so comfortable with. Well you can guess who she would treat better.
(Elvira may know a lot about human decency and who respect well enough, thanks to her upbringing) But respect is also given, not earned.
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karlstad · 5 years
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suckers on wallsteet
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🤑 📊 CURSO BASICO de CRIPTOMONEDAS. Bitcoin trading de cypto - opciones cap 4 #cnbc #stocks #finanzas #dinero #emprendedores #exito #negocios #motivacion #inspiracion #libertadfinanciera #trading #emprendedor #empresario #metas #trabajo #liderazgo #independenciafinanciera #emprende #frases #millonario #millonarios #turiestrategia #nyse #wallsteet
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djwolfbrandt · 6 years
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Summer in New York is simple awesome! You never know what or even where you going find something going on. #downiswhatsup #dine #around #downtown #newyorklife #summer #awesome #wallsteet #trinity #district #tasty #food #jazz #band (at Wall Street Historic District)
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Visiting the true Beauty and the Beast: the Charging Bull and the Brave Little Girl of Wall Street 💵 #nilissues #myjourneys #withmomma #newyork #chargingbull #bravelittlegirl #wallsteet (at Wall Street)
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luigibucci · 8 years
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Calling Dow 22k...in 2 months? 📈 - - #stocks #money #income #finances #profit #shares #forex #nyse #dowjones #tsx #nasdaq #billgates #trump #donaldtrump #usa #jobs #cnn #bnn #financials #commodities #401k #wallsteet #baystreet #oleary #kevinoleary #trudeau #goldmansachs #daytrading invest #investor #technicalanalysis #forextrader
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Why do people hate furries?
I tried looking up the reason and the biggest answer I got was "because the porn!!" But that doesn't seem like a good enough reason for HATRED, at least not to me. I've been a part of fandoms for shows, novels, movies, and comics and our fanfic/fanart goes to some weird places with its smut. Like. WEIRD. Places!... Anime, regular or hentai, does too. Video game stuff can also be mega weird, and I recently learned there are folks who are into seriously into monster porn (Y'all I saw things with no skin and many eyes and weird skeletal systems... i can't blame anybody but myself for the nightmare of that one. After all, I didn't have to click it). Hell, "regular" porn sometimes has me squinting at my screen going wtf. All of these, while they may be called weird, aren't HATED, or at least the entire group of people aren't hated. But furry stuff and furries are? Why?
I remember when I was younger, people would give cosplayers a hard time... because apparently being an adult was supposed to mean not outwardly showing that the imagination still exists or not outwardly showing that you LIKE still having an imagination? And heaven forbid an adult do more than pay taxes, read the wallsteet journal, and drink black coffee. (Can I just say that I'm so glad people are over the belief that putting cream or sweeteners in coffee is "childish".) Anyway, people don't give cosplayers as hard a time any more. I guess I just don't see the difference in copslayers and people who dress as their animal character thingies?
If there's a person dressed as a big blue fuzzy dude wearing a 3 piece suit and an xmen logo slapped somewhere, people think it's fine. At the same event though, if someone is dressed like a fuzzy dog, people think it's bad? I don't get it. One is dressing up as someone else's makebelieve character, while the other is dressing as their own? And they're at a thing where costumes are allowed...so...
Is that what it is? People cringe at original characters and I know that there used to be(?) a hate of OCs in fics but that doesn't seem to be as big of a thing these days. People either kinda accept the cringe or ignore the work and move on? And the furry thing is just that, I think: a whole bunch of bring-your-own-creation?
If people just thought "good lord that's weird as shit" I could understand (because, not trying to sound mean or anything, but it is kinda weird at times). I just don't understand the actual hate. People wanna light them on fire and I don't get it. 
Does it matter that I haven't knowingly met any irl? I take pictures with all of the various suited people when I go to festivals. Pink Panther is at Pride every year, there's a company that has a mascot with a golfball for a head who we dance with at Pride too. There was even a TRex this year. When I did go to the Ga Ren fest, it was cosplay weekend so there were superheroes and fairies...and furries. And I'm a "can I take a picture with you" person. I've never had a full-on convo with any of them though. Idk. I just ?????
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msaturn · 7 years
Is there some sort of Brain Parasite infecting YouTubers or something
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luigibucci · 8 years
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Insanity at the NYSE...Snapchat IPO and its buyers...incoming NIGHTMARE? probably 📉 - - - #stocks #money #income #finances #profit #shares #forex #nyse #dowjones #tsx #nasdaq #billgates #trump #donaldtrump #usa #jobs #cnn #bnn #financials #commodities #401k #wallsteet #baystreet #oleary #kevinoleary #trudeau #goldmansachs #daytrading invest #investor #technicalanalysis #forextrader #snapchat #ipo (at Greater Montreal)
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writerswithspines · 9 years
#weakminds #wallSteet #banksterLover #feelthebern #insider #demdebate
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