#walt disney was a businessman first and foremost that is what made the studio perform so well compared to competition!!
repurposedmeatlocker · 10 months
With the new Disney movie Wish out, I find it interesting how a lot of people's criticism comes down to the argument that "Disney used to be about artistry and pushing the animated medium. Now, it is only concerned with being commercially appealing and financially safe."
While this has some truth to it, it feels awfully simplistic in regards to what the studio actually, and always has, represented. Even back when the studio first came to fruition, commercialism was ALWAYS a part of the Disney formula. There are definitely films that diverge from this, but ultimately, it is the financial superiority of the company that has allowed it to stand in power for so long. It may have just been a small element in the beginning, but it is a growing factor that only now has taken unashamed center stage.
A film like Wish is not showing the company "falling to the evils of capitalism." It is showing, in bold text, the dark shadow that has been behind the corporation the whole time!
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