expert-de-couteau · 9 years
Marry, Fuck, Kill: iamxkira, wammyslittlemurderer, murders-and-sweets
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“Heh… outta those three? Um.. lets see here. Hm… Marry Light, Fuck Beyond, Kill L. Y’know… that was a harder decision than I thought it’d be, greyface.”
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iamxkira · 9 years
Send me “❤” if you like how I write!Bonus points if you tell me what exactly what you like about it!
Oh my gosh thank you so much! You are literally one of my favourite B’s. Have been since I found you like, a year ago on tumblr. And you RP and write so well, too. So, right back at you.
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chaxtique · 10 years
Put a word in my ask and I will write a Headcanon about it for my Muse.
     It isn’t often —— no,      but when the night     falls —— dreaming     is often a curse. It      leads to nightmares     that feel so read,      and appear so vivid,     that even waking      with wide eyes and      images continuing      to play before her      eyes. The image of     his form repeating      those same words.      And the ending is      always the same. A     bullet and her own      voice echoing in her     mind.     Y o u ’ r e  W r o n g
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trepidatixn · 10 years
Um. Hello.
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thevampireniko · 10 years
Tagged by wammyslittlemurderer
"You can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to. Hit shuffle on your iPod, phone, iTunes, whatever it is you listen to music on and then write down the first 20 songs that come up. Tag up to 10 people that you want to do it too!"
Never Gonna Take Me Down - Beyblade Soundtrack Kickapoo - Tenacious D I'm Still Here - John Rzeznik My Best Friends - Ray Greene Master of the House - Les Miserables Soundtrack Marukaite Chikyuu (Chibi Italia) - Aki Kanada Everybody's Fool - Evanescence Życzenia Powrotu - EKT Gdynia Nothing Else Matters - Metallica Hypnotize Me - Gosia Da Lux & Warren G Red and Black - Les Miserables soundtrack Yucho Sentai Dara Ranger - Hirano, Aya & Sasaki, Nozomi Ephiphany - Sweeney Todd soundtrack Driver's High - L'Arc~en~Ciel Na Orbicie Serc - Taniec Wampirów Not Meant for Me - Static X Nadzieja - Ira You Can't Take Me - Bryan Adams I'm Still Here - John Rzeznik Kayleigh - Marillion
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alteregotylerdurden · 10 years
❝People are blinded cattle following a system they don't understand, but lookin' at you, I don't think you're one of 'em.❞ A smile, Tyler taps the cigarette to rid it off the ashes, before taking a drag; ❝Rather reassuring to see that some people don't have their eyes covered by useless media and corporate brands, bogged down in worries over bills and getting the latest technology. Buying things they don't need with the money they don't have. Hell, I don't even think you'd need the club. You're not boring, not repressed like the others are. You're not a copy of a copy of a copy. I don't even need to talk to you.❞ He leaned forwards slightly, and gave him a smile, ❝But I am anyway. Unless you walk away and make me look like an idiot.❞ He shrugged, and leaned back again, ❝Wouldn't be the first time. But the best thing about being free, is not having the responsibility to be somewhere, not caring whether you get into trouble or not. So if you walk away now, at least I know that you're a douche-bag.❞
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thevampireniko · 10 years
Tagged once more :D
Tagged by wammyslittlemurderer
Rule #1: Always post the rules.

Rule #2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones.

Rule #3: Tag 11 people then link them in the post.

Rule #4: Tell them you tagged them.
1. Who has been the most influential person in your life (real or fictional) and why?
Too many to list.
2. If you could go back and change one decision that you made, what would it be and how do you think your life would have differed?
Too many to choose from.
3. If you got to meet your favourite person/character in real life and spend a day with them; what would you say and what would you do?
Probably freak out and embarrass myself ^^"
4. If you run a RP blog, what made you choose the character you chose to RP? If not, what made you decide on the URL you have?
It's a Bakura RP blog. Started mostly to fill OTP needs ~
5. Favourite sweet?
6. What are the lyrics which mean the most to you?
I am a question to the world, Not an answer to be heard
7. Random book quote?
“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”
8. What makes your best friend, your best friend?
Shared interests and patience for my whines. And love of cats.
9. How many bands have you seen live, if any?
A few. Mostly local ones, though.
10. If you got the choice to find out when and how you were going to die, but in doing so you’d forfeit five years of your life, would you do it?
Sure, Why not?
11. How do you think you would differ had you been the opposite gender?
Not sure.
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yourtimeisnear · 11 years
wammyslittlemurderer replied to your post: “//yo does anyone live in Derby.”:
//I LIVE IN NOTTINGHAM AND IT'S LIKE 30 MINUTES AWAY. (But it's still not Derby so there's no point in me adding this..)
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i-was-his-hurricane · 11 years
wammyslittlemurderer started following you
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"--Getting an insanely negitive vibe from you."
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actoring · 11 years
A stalker {-WammysLittleMurderer-} has approached
Options: Greet. Screech. Run. Silence. Other.
Chosen: Screech.
Upon seeing the infamous B, Umbral put on a look of fright, screeched at the top of his lungs, and fell to his knees. It wasn't as if B was all that scary to him, but the thought of provoking a startled reaction from the cold-blooded killer was absolutely tantalizing. After Umbral's screech ended, he shook, then fell to his side, covering his face with his arms.
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//So I probably should say something before someone starts asking me. I have NOT read Another Note yet, but I am in the process of reading it!! I'm ten pages in, it's very slow moving in my opinion but I'm excited to get further!~ Sorry for any confusion. I have no problem role playing with any Bs but I might screw up a couple of times. ^^;;
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littlerussianvampire · 11 years
wammyslittlemurderer replied to your post: Ooc //*hugs* Everything alright? ((Yeah I don't even know what's wrong I just feel bleh))
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trustme11thedoctor · 11 years
wammyslittlemurderer replied to your post:“oldworldsrunnerup started following...”
//Of course! Doctor Who's brilliant!! :D
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yourtimeisnear · 11 years
wammyslittlemurderer replied to your post:“//fuck I can’t sleep and my head hurts. uh.. yeah”
*whispers* Paracetamoooollllllll.
//idonthaveanyandimgenuinelytired sdfghjkl; I need to get up early in the morning too>>;'
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contenttobeaweapon · 11 years
wammyslittlemurderer has come to play~
He yawned quietly to himself as he wandered about the halls, sleepy cat-like eyes slowly scanning the area, somebody was here right now..he just couldn't tell who yet.
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