#wanda and gabi and mc deserve then
dropout-if · 8 months
I saw this on another IF but I thought it would be really cute to ask! Or maybe a little drabble? If you are up to it, of course!
But the ask is, how would Wanda and Mc react if in the middle of the night Gabi came to their bed because she had a nightmare and was scared?
I'm so in love with Wanda and her route, especially these domestic moments we can have with her, mc and Gabi as a little family. Thank you for your time 🥹💞
You fall asleep with your arms around Wanda’s waist and your legs intertwined— and you wake up to a small elbow on your face, and a knee to your stomach.
One possible culprit crosses your mind, you mumble a sleepy, “Gabi?”
“Nighty night, [Name],” she answers immediately, her voice hushed as Wanda keeps snoring away “I’m sleeping here tonight!”
“Sssh!” you remind her to be quiet, back away a bit so Gabi can find a small space between you and her mother. You manage to force yourself to fully wake up, “Are you— Okay? I thought you said you wanted to sleep on your own bed?”
Gabi turns uncharacteristically quiet and sheepish. Her soft, chubby arms wrap around your midsection, she squeezes you, and says, “I had an ugly dream.”
You rub a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“... No.”
“Okay. Fine, that’s fine. You can stay— Do you want me to wake mommy up?”
“I mean— You can try. But mommy can sleep through a bomb!” Remembering Wanda, Gabi lets go of you, turns around and snuggles against her instead, “Do you ever ever get nightmares, [Name]?”
“Sometimes,” you admit, “Everyone does. It’s normal.”
You faintly see the way Gabi nods. She tells you, “I’ll be brave then! If you— If mommy and you are here and we sprinkle fairy dust under my bed tomorrow.”
You promise to do just that—Gabi kicks you accidentally as she shifts once again. You have a feeling she won’t stay still until morning comes.
“It keeps away the monsters,” she explains with a small yawn.
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dropout-if · 9 months
Pretty please, how Wanda reacts to MC saying "I want to be the partner and the parent you and Gabi deserve"?
“Normally—” Wanda pauses a little, bites the inside of her cheek, “I’d ask if you see yourself doing that in a year, in five— or ten years.”
It’s such an un-Wanda thing to say that she renders you speechless for a few seconds.
Wanda adds—her smile is a bit more strained than usual, “If you and I ever break up— It’s whatever. It didn’t work. But Gabi can’t lose you, I—”
“I want this. I want to be— your family. For the both of you,” you nod.
“Aw! You—” her cooing sounds a bit thick, drowned in the tears Wanda is holding back “We’re gonna drive you completely insane! I can already picture Gabi picking a horrible color for you too— Next time I’ve to dye my hair.”
You smile when she smiles, and tell her, chuckling, “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
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dropout-if · 9 months
hi izzy!! i’m not sure if you’re still doing the emoji asks hehe but can i ask for 🖍️🌈🌪️🌠☄️ for all the ros please?? thank you <3
Hi Nikka~ I'm still doing them yep🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ I was looking forward to someone asking a few of those ty💕
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🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
Generally, I'd tell everyone to see a therapist (I'm very tough-love-approach when it comes to giving advice so picture me saying all this menacingly).
Jade/Jean- it's okay to not be perfect, it's okay to not be needed.
Uma- your pain is valid but so is everyone else's. You should communicate more openly.
Statler- take a break. You deserve it.
Wanda- you think everything is dandy, but ignoring your problems doesn't make them disappear.
Kai- eat your veggies. Please. Take better care of yourself.
Travis- sometimes it's better to talk things out instead of bottling it all up.
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🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Jade/Jean- “Don't be afraid to take risks and follow your dreams. Trust yourself more and remember that setbacks are just opportunities to grow stronger. And don't forget to cherish the moments with loved ones along the way.”
Uma- “Explore your creativity fearlessly. Don't worry too much about what others think. Embrace your uniqueness and let your heart guide you. Your journey is your own, and it's worth every twist and turn.”
Statler- (they're the kind of person who gives advice but doesn't really apply it to themself) “Don't be afraid to express your feelings and show vulnerability. People value your compassion and support.”
Wanda- “Don't be so trusting of people who promise you the world. Be safe. Love yourself. Take chances, have fun, and don't be afraid to express yourself. Follow your passions and let your infectious energy inspire those around you.”
Kai- “Be more confident. Care less about what people think. It's okay to be different and march to your own beat. Embrace your curiosity and dive deep into your interests.”
Travis- “Trust in your intelligence and your ability to achieve your goals. Focus on your long-term vision and don't get too caught up in petty conflicts. Your determination will lead you to success.”
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🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Jade/Jean- I think J has always been J in a way. They were the first character I created for dropout and I've always had their character very clear. There's one thing that's spoilery to say but I did change their main conflict.
Uma- wasn't a tattoo artist originally, just a struggling artist trying to get through life. Uma wouldn't really want a life in which they didn't work through art, so tattooing was a very fitting solution (I was also cleaning one of my tattoos when I thought of it lol).
Statler- has probably changed the most? They used to be very stuck up and unkind they were honestly a little annoying to write? Their high school version retains some of those qualities but I like this self-sacrificing version of Statler much more.
Wanda- Gabi's dad was an important character in Wanda's plot but to my own daddy issues I completely erased him from existence lol.
Kai- wasn't originally into the whole sleeping around thing lol. They completely rejected people, even the idea of friendship. Kai atm is much more approachable, they want to be around people (but not too much).
Travis- there used to be no grievances between Travis and MC. He was the third best friend but as I developed his backstory... things changed. It's made his entire disposition towards MC generally more angry.
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🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Jade/Jean- unparalleled success and recognition. Also enough motivation to finish their book.
Uma- inspiration to finally create a painting worthy of being in an art gallery.
Statler- world peace + the ability to heal and bring happiness to those they care about.
Wanda- to change the past.
Kai- to travel the entire world for the rest of their life.
Travis- complete control over his own destiny and the ability to shape the future.
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☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Jade/Jean- J is always confident and has their life together. It is accurate to an extent. While J exudes confidence, they also struggle with their own insecurities, moods, and past regrets.
Uma- people often see Uma as carefree/careless and aloof. Uma is indeed a little serious toward strangers, but this is not the case with their friends. They also have a deep emotional complexity beneath their carefree exterior.
Statler- their life is perfect, as Statler themself is perfect. People also assume Statler is always the dependable and caring friend. They are most definitely not perfect, nor they have had the perfect life. Statler's caring nature is genuine, but they also grapple with their own challenges, including Noir.
Wanda- people tend to think Wanda is careless and naive due to her bubbly/vibrant personality. Wanda generally portrays a positive disposition, but she faces her own struggles as a single mother and has her own set of concerns.
Kai- a carefree fuckgirl/boy who doesn't seem to care about anything or anyone but themself. In reality, Kai's adventurous spirit hides deeper emotions, and their relationships have more depth than meets the eye.
Travis- people assume Travis is cold and unforgiving. Though they are partly right (he is somewhat spiteful) Travis' thought process is a little more complicated than that.
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