#wanda and skitch sharing space
inkblot-inc · 2 years
Wanda is over here like “your shirt? No no, this is OUR shirt. Didn’t you read the fine print when we started dating? What’s yours is mine.” XD
Wanda is a shameless clothing thief fr 😂
Just imagine Skitch is taking their laundry out of the dryer to fold and Wanda walks past, then she just doubles back to pluck the shirt Skitch just folded like, "I was just looking for this shirt! thank you, love *quick kiss to the cheek*" before walking off to her home office.
Skitch is just frozen holding a pair of pants, "Umm... You're welcome?"
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
The more time Skitch and Wanda spend together the more stuff of Skitch’s just migrates into Wanda’s apartment. She likes having the reminders of Skitch around, plus it make it much easier to steal Skitch’s clothes. It is a bit annoying to trip over a workboot when she gets home later from work though.
mhm mhm
The shoe rack goes ignored for the longest time and it's just a small pet peeve of Wanda's 😑
Just seeing how Skitch's single drawer in Wanda's dresser progreses all the way to them using the extra space in Wanda's closet, to Skitch having more than one jacket on the coat rack by the door 👀
also Wanda just swiping a few of Skitch's shirts as they come out of the dryer-
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inkblot-inc · 11 months
So about Skitch and Wanda having separate rooms, I’ve met a couple that had separate rooms but also a room together. Like one was used there’s for more crafting stuff and the the other used theirs for like a mini-library. Then they had their shared room. It was a pretty cool set up.
Yes yes precisely, you get the vision.
I thought I mentioned the third shared master bedroom in that hc, but apparently, I had a brain fart-
I'll reiterate that Wanda and Skitch's room serve as their own spaces, with their own collections and aesthetics furnished separately (hence why Skitch's bedroom has a larger and better TV for playing console games and why Wanda's bedroom has a softer mattress and tons more blankets because the layering makes her more comfortable, just to give one example).
I will say that their shared bedroom is the least used out of the three. Conceptually, yes, it's the happy medium that they both decorated and can use by default at the end of the day and it for sure has its uses...
In reality, Wanda and Skitch use each other's rooms a lot more related to the intention for their day/night.
The shared master bedroom is deadass just the default. It's like two and a half steps away from being used as a guest bedroom 😂
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
hii ink!!
what would happen if skitch and r got into their first fight? would it be over something major or minor?
Hi and hello :3
How do I admit now that I was thinkin about this a bit the other day-
Wanda and Skitch's first fight may or may not be expected (maybe even a subltle hint of this problem in the sick!Skitch ask), but as sociable as Skitch can be, lighthearted and all, and they don't really get personal/rely on other people. It isolates themselves and pushes others away even though Skitch may not mean to.
Wanda does the same thing too in her own way, but she's not nearly as hard-stop with it. Wanda knows that she can count on and rely on other people to talk to and look after her, even though that circle of people is small.
Wanda brings this up, I wanna say like four months into their relationship, because she's let Skitch into her life and even though Skitch has let Wanda in as well, Skitch still kept her at arm's length when it comes to certain things, when at that point it's a pretty noticeable gap. "You know about me, but when I think about it, I don't really know much about you. Why is that?" To put it briefly.
Skitch hasn't really gone into depth about themselves (not saying they have to full on trauma dump or some shit), not because they don't want to but because "there's not much to know" (*ahem* a damn lie). A good bit of Skitch's life is repressed to them. Not because crazy shit happened per say, but because there are just things Skitch doesn't want to think about/talk about/remember, so to them why should they bring it up?
Wanda was definitely the more vulnerable one in that fight in specific because she is a well-known public figure, basically a celebrity. Most anything Skitch would want to know about Wanda and/or her life is really a google search away. Again, Skitch has a right to that privacy, it's the fact that seemingly the most basic things about Skitch were learned through circumstance she would have preferred to hear from Skitch directly (ex: Wanda had to learn that Skitch was adopted through a joke Remy made in the shop the week before this fight).
The crux of this argument is that Wanda and Skitch are in a committed relationship to each other, sleeping in the other's house, sharing wardrobe space, *ahem* other forms of intimacy, but Skitch in a way still feels like a stranger to Wanda. A wild thing to think about when Skitch's dick has literally been rearranging Wanda's guts for months-
Once that point gets across to Skitch is when they make some headway and apologize for freezing Wanda out in that way, which is the last thing they wanted to do. Wanda's not trying to push or force Skitch into talking about their past and every little thing and that's the most important part to remember.
Part of making another person a part of your life is letting them in so they can see you and get acquainted with those parts of you as well, and it was this fight that helped Skitch realize they hadn't been doing that with Wanda.
"So what do you wanna know, doll?"
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