#like wanda is learning new things of course but like-...damn
inkblot-inc · 1 year
hii ink!!
what would happen if skitch and r got into their first fight? would it be over something major or minor?
Hi and hello :3
How do I admit now that I was thinkin about this a bit the other day-
Wanda and Skitch's first fight may or may not be expected (maybe even a subltle hint of this problem in the sick!Skitch ask), but as sociable as Skitch can be, lighthearted and all, and they don't really get personal/rely on other people. It isolates themselves and pushes others away even though Skitch may not mean to.
Wanda does the same thing too in her own way, but she's not nearly as hard-stop with it. Wanda knows that she can count on and rely on other people to talk to and look after her, even though that circle of people is small.
Wanda brings this up, I wanna say like four months into their relationship, because she's let Skitch into her life and even though Skitch has let Wanda in as well, Skitch still kept her at arm's length when it comes to certain things, when at that point it's a pretty noticeable gap. "You know about me, but when I think about it, I don't really know much about you. Why is that?" To put it briefly.
Skitch hasn't really gone into depth about themselves (not saying they have to full on trauma dump or some shit), not because they don't want to but because "there's not much to know" (*ahem* a damn lie). A good bit of Skitch's life is repressed to them. Not because crazy shit happened per say, but because there are just things Skitch doesn't want to think about/talk about/remember, so to them why should they bring it up?
Wanda was definitely the more vulnerable one in that fight in specific because she is a well-known public figure, basically a celebrity. Most anything Skitch would want to know about Wanda and/or her life is really a google search away. Again, Skitch has a right to that privacy, it's the fact that seemingly the most basic things about Skitch were learned through circumstance she would have preferred to hear from Skitch directly (ex: Wanda had to learn that Skitch was adopted through a joke Remy made in the shop the week before this fight).
The crux of this argument is that Wanda and Skitch are in a committed relationship to each other, sleeping in the other's house, sharing wardrobe space, *ahem* other forms of intimacy, but Skitch in a way still feels like a stranger to Wanda. A wild thing to think about when Skitch's dick has literally been rearranging Wanda's guts for months-
Once that point gets across to Skitch is when they make some headway and apologize for freezing Wanda out in that way, which is the last thing they wanted to do. Wanda's not trying to push or force Skitch into talking about their past and every little thing and that's the most important part to remember.
Part of making another person a part of your life is letting them in so they can see you and get acquainted with those parts of you as well, and it was this fight that helped Skitch realize they hadn't been doing that with Wanda.
"So what do you wanna know, doll?"
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The Flip Side Part 6
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~9.5k
Summary: Your motivation to continue working as a mobster in Chicago is dwindling after the birth of your daughter.
A/N: So glad to be going home soon! I can go places on my own and I can wear shorts without being stared at! Yayy! Will reread this later to look for the damned flipped dialogue🙄. Enjoy!
Warnings: angst, smut, being arrested, threats of violence
Unfortunately, Wanda was no stranger to stress and anxiety. Even before meeting you, she’d been an anxious person who’d often lose sleep or hair over certain things that brought her stress. She would say; however, that since meeting you this had gotten a lot worse. Your lifestyle and your very existence was a dangerous, unpredictable one that Wanda had accepted into her life without fully understanding it. She’d learned quickly that in order to cope with the stress, she had to practice both mindfulness and blissful ignorance.
Despite how well these have served her in the past, she knew that this wasn’t an option tonight. She’s not sure if she’s ever felt this stressed, and she’d ended up taking one of your meds when you told her about what was going to happen to you tomorrow. The idea of you being sent to jail for an indefinite amount of time for a crime you didn’t commit was making her blood pressure skyrocket. 
You’d told her everything that Bucky and Nat had shared with you. She knew you didn’t do this because you’d been with her the entire day that Jacobs was killed. She hadn’t realized that you had planned to target him, but now that she did, she wondered the same thing as you and the rest of your friends. 
Who wanted to beat you to it so badly just to frame you? 
The idea of anyone putting in that much work to get you in jail and out of the way was a little daunting, and no one wanted to consider the significance of this. Once your friends leave, you and Wanda are left sitting at the dining room table in silence as your wife tries to process the bad news. Boone is sitting by your side because he can tell you’re anxious and he goes between licking your hand and laying his head on your leg to comfort you. Natalya is asleep at this point, but Wanda has the baby monitor sitting on the table in front of her as she pets Fat Louise as she purrs in her lap. 
“How confident are you that your attorney can get you out of jail?” 
Under any other circumstance you would say that you had no doubt that your friend Gavin could get you out within hours. He was a brilliant attorney who was well-respected and you’d rarely seen him lose. That said, given the number of unknowns with your situation, it’s hard for you to determine what factors, or rather people could be working against you. This means that something that seems easy and straight forward might take a little more time and effort. You don’t want to tell Wanda this because she’ll worry with you, but she deserves to know the truth. You don’t want to tell her you’ll be out soon and take days to actually be released. 
“Hopefully within a day or two.” 
Wanda’s frowning as she mulls this over before shaking her head. She’s not going to stress about this particular detail for too long, at least she’s going to pretend like she won’t. She hates the idea of you being away from her, and being vulnerable in jail all by yourself. She also, belatedly, realized that you won’t be around to make her feel safe in her own home. The security system and the personnel downstairs were still there of course, but they weren’t you. You answer her next question before she gets a chance to ask it. 
“I’ll make sure that someone is keeping you as updated as possible. If Gavin’s busy then maybe Bucky or Steve will keep in touch.”
Wanda just nods in silence as she thinks about how much she hates this. She’s so stressed about all of this that she understands why it triggered a panic attack for you. She takes a deep breath and puts Fat Louise on the ground with a groan. You’re breathing deeply as you try to figure out how to deal with the antsy feelings that’s come over you. You’re just waiting around to get arrested, and the lack of control over the situation made you want to binge. 
You realize what you have to do as soon as you remember that Yelena had left a full bottle of wine behind. Wanda had asked her to because she’d considered drinking it, but now she knew it wouldn’t make her feel better. If anything, she’d be paranoid that she would miss you leaving. Wanda looks up as she watches you stand and head for the kitchen without a word. She’s not sure what’s you’re doing, but when you grab a knife and a bottle opener, Wanda’s on her feet. 
“Y/n? What are you doing?” 
Wanda walks towards you and just watches as you cut the metal off of the top of the bottle to reveal the cork before starting to open it up. You can’t remember the last time you did this and your hands are practically shaking in anticipation. You shake your head as you finish up and pull out the cork, but you don’t let Wanda fret for long. 
“I’m getting rid of this so I don’t think about it all night. Unless you wanted some?” 
Wanda shakes her head before watching as you pour the entire bottle of 0.5% alcohol wine down the drain. She watches you relax slightly once it’s gone and you put the bottle in recycling before taking another deep breath. You’re bracing yourself on the counter and you turn to Wanda with an apologetic look that she appreciates but doesn’t know what to do with. 
“I’m sorry, Wands. I don’t know how this happened, but we’ll figure it out.” 
After checking on Natalya and the dogs one last time, you and Wanda end up in bed exhausted but not anywhere ready to sleep. You know that as soon as you wake up, you’re going to have to leave your wife and daughter for a stuffy interrogation room followed by a cold jail cell. You resist the urge to text Gavin again just to be sure he’s on standby. He’d texted earlier just to reassure you that he would be ready to come to your aid, and after thanking him you’d had to tamp down the urge to share all of your fears with him. Instead, you put your phone away and make sure that everything is set up for your wife. 
You’d long ago given her access to your bank accounts and given her power of attorney. You’d insisted she keep her money from the restaurant separate for legal purposes, but you also made sure that she knew where all of your important documents were including your will and the numerous deeds for the buildings you owned. They weren’t in the bank or in the penthouse that might be searched tomorrow depending on how things went. You try not to worry about the many weapons that are hidden around in the various rooms of your home. You turn to your wife and wonder if she’d be willing to hear what you feel you have to say. Luckily your time together has been enough for her to be able to read you like a book. 
“I know what you’re going to say, Y/n. I’ll make sure that everything is taken care of. “
You’re still frowning by the time you lie down next to your wife. You hate the idea of cops in your house. You just hate cops period, but the idea of them searching for something in your house makes you nervous. Other than weapons they’re not much else of value. You have a safe with money, extra magazines and some jewelry. You hope that Gavin keeps them from coming here, but you’ll have to worry about that later. If they did end up here, you’re at least glad that you have the dogs to keep an eye on them. 
“Can you come over here, please?” 
A few seconds later you’re in your wife’s arms on her side of the bed. You sigh happily as Wanda kisses the top of your head. She’s very stressed right now, but she knows that there’s nothing she can do about it. She just has to let this run its course and once you’re arrested, she’ll talk to Gavin and figure out what his plan is. Then maybe their friends can figure out who’s behind all of this.
” I know this is scary, detka, but we’ll figure it out.” 
You’re still frowning after Wanda says this and she sighs in defeat before turning slightly so she can look at you. You speak up before she gets a chance to ask, and you meet her gaze with a worried one. 
“I hate that I have to leave you and Nat.” 
Wanda won’t lie. She hates this too. She can’t remember the last time you went away on business and left her in the penthouse alone. Definitely not since having Natalya, and that made the idea even scarier. She knew where all the weapons you kept in their home were, and she had five, well really three dogs that she’s sure would protect her and Natalya if necessary. She hopes it doesn’t come to this, and she reminds herself that she won’t be completely alone either way. She still has your friends and her brother. 
“I do too, but we’ll have Pietro to keep us company until you come back. Don’t take too long though.”
This brings a smile to your face which is what Wanda was aiming for, and she smiles victoriously. You know that she’s only partially kidding because despite loving and appreciating her brother’s presence he can be a lot sometimes, and she’d prefer your company on most days. You just hold Wanda for a while and try to relax, but you keep thinking about what could happen to you once you’re in jail. You hate it but you’re a pessimist and you have no idea how long you’ll be in there for. You know how risky it is for you to be locked up because it only takes minutes for your enemies to figure this out and try to use it to their advantage. 
The most important thing to you is your family, and you were going to ask Bucky or Steve to keep watch on them regardless of if Pietro comes to stay with Wanda. You don’t want to risk anything happening. You tighten your grip around Wanda’s waist without realizing it and she sighs slightly before squeezing your hand to get your attention. She can easily tell that you’re fretting, and she wants to help you feel better, if possible. She knows that this is not a situation that she is really prepared for. 
“You’re stressing yourself out, Y/n. Is there anything I can do to help you relax?” 
You want to say a lot of things that might help you relax. Only a couple are viable options given that you’ve quit drugs and alcohol so you just shake your head as you move as close as possible to your wife with a ragged sigh. 
“You being here with me is all I need, Wands. Thank you. For earlier too.” 
Wanda’s hold on you tightens as she kisses your head with a smile you don’t see, but you can hear clearly. Wanda’s more than happy to just hold you all night long. Especially since she’s not sure when she’ll be able to have you here again. She feels the same way about pulling you out of your panic attacks. As much as she hates them, she loves the feeling that she gets when you come back to yourself. It’s a combination of intense relief, pride, and a smidge of sadness. Regardless of how difficult things could be, she’ll be here for you tomorrow, the next day, and every one after that. 
“I love you, detka. You don’t have to thank me for that.”
You wholeheartedly disagree, but you’re not in the mood to argue with your wife. You just want to cherish the rest of the night that you have together. You look up at her and kiss your way to her mouth. Your first attempt is on her chin because you can’t see in the dark, and the second is on her cheek. When you finally find your wife’s lips you initiate a chaste kiss that eventually becomes heated. 
“I love you too, Wands. I don’t deserve how good you are to me.” 
Wanda’s protests are cut short as your hands begin to wander down from her waist to her hips. She hisses as you squeeze her thighs with a groan. Your wife’s thighs are probably one of your favorite parts of her body. You shift so you’re able to get a better hold of them as you continue to kiss your wife. Wanda’s breathing is slightly labored when she breaks your kiss and reaches down to catch your wrist as your fingers brush her inner thigh. 
“You don’t have to, Y/n.” 
No matter how much Wanda would love to do this with you she doesn’t want you to feel obligated. She also doesn’t want this to turn into something too desperate. She refuses to believe you won’t come back to her soon. She’ll make it happen somehow. It doesn’t matter who she has to go after. 
Your smartass response is paired with a smile as you try to pull your hand free. You never feel put upon with Wanda, and you would certainly never see sex as an obligation. 
“I know I don’t, Wands. I don’t have to do anything technically.” 
You don’t get the reaction you’d expected, and you frown as Wanda’s grip on your wrist tightens as she shoots you a stern look that’s lost to the darkness. She shakes her head before leaning in so she can speak directly into your ear. She feels you shudder as she speaks, and she feels you nod almost immediately. 
“That’s not true. You have to come back to me and Natalya, Y/n. No matter what. We need you. “
You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you nod again in understanding mixed with relief. You’ll make sure you’re back to your wife and daughter as soon as possible. No matter how much Wanda feels that she needs you, you’re certain you need the two of them more. You’re not sure where you would have ended up without Wanda. 
“I always will. You don’t have to worry about that, my dear.” 
Instead of offering a verbal response, Wanda kisses you again and she releases your wrist with a sigh. You don’t take this as permission to continue though, and you break apart for just long enough to ask. 
“Can I touch you, please?” 
Wanda doesn’t have the willpower to tell you no when she really wants you to do just that. She nods before she’s reaching out for your arms, squeezing your biceps with a smile as she parts her legs slightly. 
“Yes, please.”
You waste no time reaching between your wife’s legs to see if she’s ready. She jumps slightly and hisses as your fingers slide through her heat over her shorts. Wanda curses as you start to suck and bite her neck. You’re not shy about it but you make sure that it won’t leave marks as you sneak your hand past the waistband of your wife’s too small shorts. 
“Oh shit!” 
Wanda gasps as you slide your fingers through her wet folds, dipping them inside just enough for Wanda to tense up in anticipation. You moan at the fact that Wanda is practically dripping against your hand. You want to drag this out and do this right, but it’s late and you do need to sleep to prepare for tomorrow’s shit show. For this reason, you don’t hesitate long before you’re pushing your fingers deeper as you curl them against the soft spot that makes Wanda mewl desperately. She doesn’t hold back the loud whine as she starts to rock her hips toward you silently urging you to go faster. 
“Fuck, oh-oh God!”
Wanda tenses further as your free hand squeezes her breast. If you had more time, you’d take off her shirt, but you’re almost positive that if you stopped what you were doing to get better access to her chest, Wanda would not be happy. With this in mind, you continue to push and curl your fingers as Wanda’s breath starts to hitch. When her movements become more desperate, you use your thumb to circle her clit to push her over the edge. 
You muffle her loud moans with a kiss, and Wanda bites your lower lip with a groan as she takes in the feeling of her orgasm hitting her hard. She’s still panting when you pull your hand free, and she immediately reaches out for your hand before you can take it too far away. 
“That was amazing,” 
When you feel Wanda’s mouth around your fingers, you groan loudly and feel the pressure between your legs intensify. You wish more than anything that you could see what Wanda looks like as she sucks your fingers, but your imagination and previous experience are enough to get you painfully turned on. When she releases them with an audible ‘pop’ you imagine that she’s smirking at you in satisfaction. 
“But now it’s my turn, detka.” 
When you wake up the next morning, it’s earlier than you thought, but later than you could have hoped for given the circumstances. You leave your wife briefly to check on Natalya, but when you confirm that she’s still resting soundly, you decide that you need to take a shower. It seems silly given that you’ll undoubtedly get dirty, maybe even bloody in jail, but you want to face the police looking your best. You don’t want to appear as intimidated as you’re sure you’ll feel. 
Returning to your room, you see that Wanda’s still sleeping peacefully and you smile before retreating into the bathroom with an inaudible sigh. You’re not sure how much time you’ll have so you take a relatively quick shower, and immediately check your phone when you get back to the bedroom. You have no new messages and that makes you more nervous than you thought it would. 
Despite planning on staying home until the cops came to find you, you didn’t intend to let them up to the penthouse if you could help it. You don’t want them near Wanda, your daughter, or your dogs. Despite their lack of training for this particular behavior, your shepherds really didn’t like cops. Boone once barked and tried to lunge at one that you walked by, and Rogue actually bit one who was trying to grab you. 
“Hey, detka.” 
Wanda’s watching as you fluff your hair with a towel while looking for a change of clothes. She feels her smile widen when you turn to her with both of your towels in your hand. She doesn’t have time to sit up before you slide onto the bed to greet her. She giggles at you before meeting your lips in a quick kiss. She wonders how long you’ve been up, but she waits to ask this as you sigh before rolling onto your side. You close your eyes and reach out to pull your wife closer. 
“Morning, Wands. How did you sleep?” 
Surprisingly well despite knowing that she would be waking up this morning with very little time with you. She’s actually a little surprised that she didn’t have to wake up earlier to say goodbye. She’s at least grateful that they’d waited. She tells you some of this and you smile widely before considering your options. You’re a little hungry, but you wouldn’t mind staying in bed for a little bit longer. 
About ten minutes later you and Wanda roll out of bed to get dressed. You dress up a little more than you typically would, but you’re expecting company and Wanda seems to realize this as well. She wears her normal clothes before promising to meet you in the kitchen after she checks on Natalya. 
The dogs are fed and let outside by the time that Wanda wakes up Natalya. You’re warming up a bottle while juggling eggs and orange juice as you grab a pan from the cupboard. 
“Hey, I have her breakfast going. I was just getting started on ours.” 
Wanda nods before stepping in to help you and this time you don’t protest as she helps you cut the time down by half. You don’t want to show it but you feel slightly rushed and want to make sure you can eat and spend a little time with your wife and daughter before being carted off to jail. 
Boone’s sitting beside you as you eat when your phone vibrates beside you. You can’t help but stiffen and start to sweat until you grab it and see that it’s Bucky. Your feeling of relief only lasts for a second until you read the message. 
They should be there in about 15 minutes. 
You sigh heavily and type out a quick reply before setting your phone down. Wanda’s looks to you expectantly and you just nod before standing up to clean the dishes. 
“They’ll be here in 15 minutes.” 
Wanda isn’t surprised by the feeling of dread that overcomes her at this news. She’d been waiting for this moment for over 12 hours, but she hadn’t realized how ill-prepared for it she was. How did one really prepare to send their wife off to jail, even if only for a bit? Thinking back to last night, she’s not sure she’d change anything about it. She just wishes this moment wouldn’t come. 
You realize that your wife is tense with anticipation and you frown before abandoning the dishes for now. You set them back down before moving so you’re kneeling at Wanda’s side. You look to Rogue who is now at eye level on Wanda’s other side before putting a hand on her leg with a sigh. 
“I know this is scary, love. I’m not sure there’s much I can say to make it any easier, but just know that I’ll be back, okay?” 
Wanda reaches out to squeeze your hand as she wipes tears from her eyes. You hate how upset she is and you kiss her hand before giving her all the reassurance you really can right now. 
“I will be back, Wanda. I promise I won’t leave you.” 
When you and Wanda manage to get around to cleaning the kitchen you hear the obnoxious buzzer go off only a minute after you sit down on the couch with Wanda. You reluctantly pull away from her and Natalya to confirm that this is your entourage. 
There’s a pause as you lift your finger off the button, and you turn down the volume quickly when a booming voice comes through the speaker. You frown at the familiar voice and the use of the word ‘we’. Of course, this wouldn’t be without excessive force. As per usual. 
“Y/N, Y/L/N this is Chief Donner with the Chicago PD, we need you to come down to the lobby.”
You hold back the strong urge to sass him and tell him that you’ll be down there at some point, but not anytime soon. You look to your wife who’s holding Natalya tightly in her arms. She’s gotten up at this point and you just take a deep breath before deciding to get this over with. Dragging it out would only be fun for you, but you’re sure Wanda would rather you cooperate so you don’t get into any further trouble. You’re not even going to bother mentioning how many times this man has threatened to come after you. He’s probably near gleeful to finally be able to knock on your door – so to speak. 
“I’ll be right down, Chief.” 
You walk over to where your wife is fretting, and you offer her a smile before leaning over to kiss your daughter. 
“I love you little one, be good for Mommy while I’m gone.” 
Wanda can’t help but tear up again and you quickly wipe them away with a serious look. You love both Wanda and your daughter more than you could put into words. You’re not sure what you’d do without them, and you’re not about to find out. You’ll be back soon, and you’ll figure out who the hell is after you. Maybe even while behind bars. You just needed Wanda to be careful while you were gone. 
“I love you so much, Wanda. I’ll be back soon.” 
You kiss your wife like you’re just going out to the store, but Wanda doesn’t accept this and quickly deepens it. She pulls you closer to her side so you don’t squish Little Nat, and you wrap your arms around the duo carefully. When you have to take a break to catch your breath, Wanda pushes you away with a sigh. This isn’t easy for her and she knows that if she doesn’t get you to leave now, she’ll be dealing with however many cops are downstairs coming up to find you. She turns away before shooting you a sad look. She steps back toward you when she realizes you’re frowning, and she kisses you one more time before smiling tearfully. 
“Go, detka. I’ll see you soon.” 
The ride down to the lobby seems to fly by and you regret leaving your phone with Wanda. You didn’t want them to take it from you and she’d agreed to keep it. Now, you wish you’d texted your friends to tell them what was happening. You assume that Bucky did it, but you couldn’t be sure. When the elevator dings as you arrive to the ground floor you take a deep breath before preparing for the doors to open. You put on as brave a face as you can as you stand up straighter. 
You’re not surprised to see the crowd of almost half a dozen cops waiting for you. You nearly roll your eyes, but the sight of your friends standing between them and you, makes your heart soar. You smile slightly as they turn to face you and you walk out of the elevator as if you own the building. Which you do. 
“Good to see you guys, at least some of you.” 
Steve, Bucky, Nat and Yelena had all wanted to make sure that you weren’t alone for this stressful, slightly traumatizing experience. You haven’t been arrested since you got sober and they have a feeling this won’t be a pleasant experience for many reasons. Bucky had already contacted your lawyer and he was already on his way down to the station. Yelena had volunteered to follow you once you’d been taken away just to make sure you got to where you were supposed to go. She wouldn’t put it past the cops to try and get some time alone with you. Given how long you’ve been in this business, you know all of the high-ranking officials, some of them on a first-name basis. 
You’re very grateful for your friends’ presence because it gives you just enough confidence to keep it together. You can do this. You’re not alone. Your friends, your family will be there for you. They’ll get you out of jail. 
“What can I do for you gentlemen?” 
Unsurprisingly they tell you what they found and then one of them moves forward to handcuff you. You don’t say a word, and you shoot your friends a smile before following them out to your ride. Your anxiety is building and it’s in this moment that you realize you forgot to take your meds. Well, you’ll either get them in prison, or you’ll just have to make do. 
“Y/N, Y/L/N, you are under arrest for the murder of Senator Jacobs. You have the right to remain silent…”
Wanda’s grateful for the fact that her brother shows up only 15 minutes after you leave. She realizes that someone’s briefed him of what’s going on because he doesn’t even ask about it. He asks if she’s okay, and she really doesn’t have a good answer for this so she just shrugs from where she’s sadly slumped on the couch.
Pietro frowns at his sister before he takes a seat beside her. He looks over to Natalya who is resting in her crib beside the dogs. He wonders if she’ll miss your absence, and if so how long it will take. You’ve been home more recently. But Natalya’s got to be used to you disappearing occasionally. 
“I know what you’re thinking, Piet.”
Pietro knows that despite his feelings towards you, there’s a good reason for what happened today. He doesn’t think that you killed anybody because not only do you leave that to your minions, but you wouldn’t be dumb enough to leave a gun for the police to find. The only reason you’d do that is if you wanted to get caught, or if you were drunk. Given that Wanda hadn’t told him about any concerns she had, he figured that something else must be going on. 
Last time he’d talked to his sister about you things hadn’t gone well, and to avoid having another argument about you he quickly shakes his head. He’d like to stay on his sister’s good side, especially if he’s going to hang out here for a few days, or however long it took for you to get back here. 
“Do you? Because I was going to say that everything will be fine. Y/n didn’t do this and she’ll be back before you know it.” 
Understandably, Wanda looks a little dubious as she turns to study her brother. She knows that he’s not your biggest fan. Hell, he’d tried to stop them from getting married, but Wanda had hoped that he’d come around sooner rather than later. She supposed this was later if he truly did believe this and wasn’t just telling her what she wanted to hear. She wouldn’t be surprised given that her wife was in jail for murder leaving her alone with their daughter. And their many fur children. 
“Oh yeah? How do you know that? “
In the back of her mind, Wanda knows that she’s giving Pietro a hard time, but she can’t help it. She’s still miffed that her brother has so little faith in you and she feels the need to be defensive about it. You’re not here to defend yourself, not that you would if you were. You’d stopped trying to fight with your brother-in-law a couple years after marrying Wanda. It never ended well and you felt defeated and Wanda always got annoyed, so it wasn’t worth the hassle. Pietro would believe what he wanted about you, and you could only do so much to change his mind. Wanda’s thinking about the last fight you had with her brother when Pietro responds with a sigh. He realizes he probably should have been more understanding of what you’ve gone through. He was trying to be better now, but he still had a very long way to go. 
He risks reaching out for his sister and putting an arm around her as you had done earlier this morning. Wanda sighs in defeat because she can’t be mad at Pietro right now. She doesn’t have enough energy to dedicate to worrying about you and staying pissed at her brother. 
“Well, Y/n has always been good at accomplishing whatever she sets her mind to. Especially when it involves you, so I have no doubt that she’ll come back to you soon.” 
Wanda turns into her brother so her face is against his chest. She sighs as she tightens her hold on him and considers what he’s saying. He’s right about you always doing your best to make sure she was happy. Whether that was by staying out of trouble as much as possible, or making sure that she had an attentive wife, you always did your best to show your love. This would be no different hopefully. Despite several factors being out of your control, Wanda believes what Pietro says. You have an amazing lawyer and a wonderful group of friends that would step into the line of fire for you. 
“You’re just being nice to her because I’m upset.” 
Pietro admits that this was his initial motivation when mentioning you, but he was serious about trying to treat you better. It was only about 6 years too late, but he was going to prove to his sister that he could get along with her wife. He didn’t dislike her, he just had trouble letting go of his instincts to protect his sister from pain and heartbreak. Unfortunately, he was so determined to do this that he failed to realize how it tended to make things worse and his relationship with his sister-in-law was nearly non-existent because of it.  
“No, Wanda, I mean it. She’ll be back, and once she is she’ll eventually leave for—”
Pietro trails off before he can finish his thought and he suddenly panics at his misstep. He hadn’t meant to say this and when he feels Wanda sit up, he realizes he should have just kept his mouth shut. Wanda frowns as she shoots her brother a confused look. Why does he seem to think you’ll leave her for good? You would never do that to her and Natalya. Her frown turns into a scowl as she crosses her arms in annoyance. Just when she thought Pietro was going to try to be decent towards you. 
“What the fuck does that mean? Why do you think she’ll leave?” 
Pietro’s eyes widen in fear and confusion because he hadn’t expected Wanda to get this mad about it. She had to know that you were trying to take a very large step back from the business. As in you were trying to set things up so you could leave altogether. This is a long-term goal certainly, but now that you and Wanda had Natalya, he couldn’t imagine that you wanted to return to your larger, more dangerous role. He scratches the back of his neck as he tries to figure out how to address his sister’s ire in the most efficient way possible. 
“I just mean that she’s taking small steps away from the business so she can leave for good. “
Wanda’s anger evaporates like smoke once she realizes that she and her brother are talking about something completely different. She shakes her head at her own insecurity and doubt towards her brother before offering him an apologetic look. Things are a little tense right now, and she couldn’t deny that watching you leave this morning had felt like a goodbye. She wanted to believe that you would be back soon, but there were no guarantees in life, no matter how rich or influential you were. 
“Sorry, Piet. I thought you meant something else. I guess that is a good thing.” 
That’s putting it lightly, but Wanda doesn’t have the capacity to think about that right now. No matter how much she’d like you to retire and just spend your time with her in the restaurant with Natalya. She knows that you couldn’t do that any time soon, and trying to would be riskier than any of them were prepared for. 
She misses her brother’s frown as he attempts to work out what Wanda had thought he’d meant. It only takes him a few seconds, especially when he noticed how flushed his sister is. Wanda gets up to check on Natalya to distract herself from what she’s sure is coming next. She briefly wonders how long it will be until she has news on you. 
You’re exhausted already and it’s barely 10am. The clock on the wall of the tiny interrogation room you’re in ticks annoyingly loud as each second passes. After being brought to the station, you’d promptly gone through the booking process that brought back bad memories. You’d been strip searched, had your fingerprints taken, and gone through a too invasive health check before being told that Gavin was here to talk to you. You’d said nothing on the way here, but as you sit in this uncomfortable chair with your arms and legs in shackles you wished you’d been a little less compliant. 
You think you’ve been waiting for an hour, but the clock tells you it’s only been 15 minutes before Gavin walks in to the room looking as calm and collected as usual. Thank goodness for him. 
“Y/n, sorry for the hold up. They had a lot of silly questions.” 
This comment is directed toward one of your guards that is standing in the corner of the room. You fight the urge to smirk at this as you shake your head and insist that it’s fine. You’re just glad that you’re not having to sit in silence anymore. You’re also very grateful when the duo leaves you alone with your lawyer. 
“I appreciate you being here, Gavin.” 
Your friend offers you a smile before he gets right down to it. He’s helped you multiple times in the past, but this is the first case of yours that you’ve been charged with murder. There has never been sufficient evidence to get you in a room like this more than a couple of times. He was sure that you were innocent because he believed you when you said you were at home with your wife and daughter when Jacobs had been murdered. This had also been corroborated with your building’s security team, but this wasn’t enough considering the fact that they’d found your prints on the murder weapon. 
He says all of this and watches as your frown deepens at the news that this case is not going to be as straightforward as you’d hoped for. You knew that DNA was always tricky to get around, but it wasn’t impossible. You wonder how they’re going to do this for only a second before Gavin fills you in on his progress so far. 
“We’re having the lab try to age the fingerprints, but that can take 24 – 48 hours. The only thing we could think of is that the prints were old, and maybe someone else used that gun to frame you. Hopefully once we get that information, we can prove that you didn’t do this and you’ll be out of here.” 
You like the sound of this plan, but you don’t like how long the timeframe is. It’s relatively short all things considered, but any time away from your family and in this hellhole is too long. However, you know you can’t complain because this is the best that Gavin can do. You’re impressed and you ask if he has anything else you should know, and he hesitates for a moment before saying no.
“Why did you hesitate?” 
Your friend frowns as he considers how to best break the news to you. Despite being a high-profile individual and the inherent risk that lies in housing you with other inmates, you’ve been denied solitary. You can’t stop the slight panic you feel at this and you are already thinking of ways that you can defend yourself. 
“You’re going to be housed with two other women.” 
You groan under your breath before nodding and pretending like this wasn’t going to bother you. 
“Thank you, Gavin. Let me know when we have more answers, please.”
When Gavin leaves, you’re escorted by your babysitters to a holding cell that, as advertised, has two women in it. You don’t even look at them at all as you figure out how you’re going to get out of this mess, or at least to a more private cell. 
“Why do you think that Y/n will leave you?” 
It didn’t make any sense to Pietro why his sister would think this. He’s focused more attention on your flaws than he should have, but he’d be blind not to notice how much you love his sister. You’d been through hell and back with her by your side, and you’d told your friends that sometimes you think you’d only been able to do it because of her. Having a definitive goal and proper motivation to recover had been enough, and for you that was your fiancée and your desire to have a life and a family together. You’d shown no indication that you were no longer interested in that. 
Wanda shakes her head as she picks up Natalya and wanders over to where the dogs are sitting on the floor in front of the couch. She smiles as she pets Rogue and Boone before sitting back down. She and her brother sit in silence for a while as Wanda rocks Nat back to sleep. 
“She’s doing so well right now, but I guess I always have this fear that she’ll relapse and our life together will go down the tubes.” 
Pietro can’t help but wonder how much of this fear his sister has is due to his behavior over the years. He hates that something he’d done for her own good is causing her more anguish than comfort and he promises himself that he’ll do better. His sister deserves better. Pietro shakes his head as gets on the floor and reaches for Wanda’s hands with a sigh. One is behind Natalya’s back making it a little awkward, but he doesn’t care. He needs Wanda to listen to him when he says this. Wanda looks to him with a frown and he offers her a smile that immediately makes her roll her eyes. 
“Wands, you know how hard she’s worked for you, for all of you. She’s going to be okay. She has her family’s support, and she’ll only be away for a day or so. Nothing more.” 
Wanda doesn’t respond, but she moves back so she can lean against her brother again with a sigh. She rests her head on his shoulder, and she tries to believe what he says. You’ve given her no reason to be worried, but any disruption to your schedule, your life, this extreme could be difficult to deal with. Hopefully it will be as temporary as you and Pietro think. 
“Well, if it isn’t Y/n. What did you do to wind up in here?” 
Your first instinct that you’d run into these women before was unfortunately right, and they were cornering you now as they tried to intimidate you. You just sit on your uncomfortable cot with your back to the wall, and as neutral an expression as possible. You know that these two are employees of one of your rivals – she’s a giant pain in the ass. You had limited run ins with them, but unfortunately, they remembered you and were aware of your existence in this too small cell. You look around the sparse, dirty room and wonder if you’ll be able to sleep here. The bars of the door are just big enough for you to bash your head against and maybe knock yourself out if necessary. 
“What do any of us really do to get here, Nikki?” 
The brunette just scowls at you before her friend, the taller and scarier one steps forward with a sinister smile. The last time you’d seen this woman, it had been at a drug deal and a fight broke out which was unfortunate for many reasons. Not only did you not get all of your product, but the redhead had punched you so hard in the gut that it hurt to sit for days. 
“We’ve been off the streets for a while, Y/L/N. Have you not noticed?” 
This question catches you off guard but you hide it quickly behind a flippant attitude that only angers them further. You have to hide your smug look because you’ve been in here for 10 minutes, and that’s a little fast to get beaten up. 
“Oh yeah, I have been looking for you specifically in between doing actual work.”
The duo stare at you like they want to say more, but as a guard walks by, they decide to keep it to themselves for now. You just watch with a sigh as they retreat and you try to relax for a split second. You’ve been so tense since you got here and you are just counting down the hours until you get out. It’s 23 to 47 by now, right? 
You take a moment to consider what your friends are doing right now. Were they working? Probably, Gavin was the only one who was working your case at the moment, and that was on standby while they waited for the lab to finish processing your fingerprints. Maybe they were trying to figure out who was framing you. It seemed difficult given the amount of evidence that everyone had. It unfortunately all pointed to you. 
This thought makes you pause and you wonder for the first time how your fingerprints could be on a gun you never used. Or at least don’t remember using. The first thought that comes to mind is that you were drunk, and you hate it but it’s a viable option. If you were drunk when you last used this gun it’s very probable that you don’t remember it. That said, you have been sober for years, and how would anyone just happen to find a gun of yours and preserve it well enough to pull this off?
You’re shaking your head at the ridiculous thought before you consider other options. These are honestly more disturbing than someone finding and keeping one of your guns for years. You consider how someone could get your fingerprint. Gavin mentioned aging the prints found on the murder weapon, and you realize that this means he’s thinking the same thing as you. Someone was framing you, but they were going to extreme lengths to do it. The premeditation involved in following you, and lifting your prints is a little daunting. You can think of a single person who would go to so much trouble. 
The two occupying the cell with you turn as you noticeably stiffen in your cot. Your eyes widen before you try to shake the ridiculous thought. There’s no way that’s possible. You’re just grasping at straws. Killing time with ridiculous theories. You take a deep breath before closing your eyes and trying to calm down. You try to picture the usual go-to for you when you’re feeling overwhelmed, and you end up smiling a little at the thought of your wife. 
“Steve? What are you doing here?” 
Wanda realizes that she’s being rude when Steve just smiles sheepishly at her as he steps off the elevator. Since you’ve left, she’s been on high alert, and the sound of the elevator going off made her jump up to go investigate. She knew that only a handful of people had access to it, but she couldn’t help but want to make sure she was prepared for anything. 
After checking her phone to see the camera feed for the elevator she recognizes the familiar face and releases the breath she’d been holding. She greets her friend and he follows her toward the kitchen for a drink. 
“I just came to check in, and give an update. Hey Pietro.” 
The older Maximoff waves before he stands up to greet the blonde. He’s also thirsty and when he sees his sister grab a couple of glasses, he takes this as a chance to get some water. Natalya is sleeping, but he brings her along to the kitchen as Wanda pretends not to fret by heading to the fridge. 
“Okay, that’s good. Do either of you want a beer?” 
Pietro and Steve exchange confused looks, and the former turns to his sister who’s clearly flustered as she shakes her head. 
“What am I saying, we don’t have any beer. There’s not a drop of alcohol in this place.” 
Wanda looks surprisingly distraught by this fact, and Steve is quick to step in and try to bring her attention back to him. The feeling of his hand on her arm makes her turn and she sees his reassuring smile and instantly believes what he says. 
“Wanda. It’s okay really. It’s good news.” 
When the trio are sitting at the table with Natalya in Wanda’s lap Steve tells the Maximoffs what he’d been told a bit ago. He’d been on standby today since Bucky is covering for him, so he can keep an eye on Wanda. You’d asked him before you were arrested to keep Wanda safe, and to stick annoyingly close until either you were out of jail or when they had more answers about what was going on. There was still very little progress on finding out who was behind all of this, and you were worried. You’d tried to hide it, but you’d been so anxious that your nervous tick had come back. He hadn’t seen it in almost a year. 
Steve takes a deep breath as he waits for either Maximoff to react to what he’s said. Wanda appears deep in thought and Pietro is just looking at his sister in anticipation. When almost a minute passes and she doesn’t speak, Pietro decides to take the lead for now. 
“So Gavin thinks that she’s been framed with either an old gun of hers or someone stealing her fingerprints?” 
It sounded far-fetched and Pietro had a difficult time working through this. He wasn’t the only one and Wanda just shakes her head a couple of times before looking between the two in front of her with a grimace. The idea of someone going to such extreme lengths to get you into jail makes her wonder what the master plan is. She doesn’t know enough about what you do to really hazard a guess, but she’s afraid that this isn’t the only thing that’s going to happen. 
“All of this just to get Y/n into jail? Does someone just want her out of the way for a while?” 
Neither Steve nor Pietro had an answer for this and they shrugged or shook their head in response. Wanda sighs in defeat as she considers what else Steve told her. The good news supposedly. 
“As long as the lab results show that the fingerprints are older than say last week, she’ll be free to go?” 
That was Steve’s understanding, and unless something else came up you should be able to get out if they couldn’t find any other evidence to pin the crime on you. Your alibi was pretty solid.
“That’s the hope.” 
Wanda just nods absentmindedly as she dares to wonder what you’re up to right now. She hates the idea of you sitting alone in a jail cell because she knows you’re counting down the hours until you should get out. Hopefully you are alone because Wanda can’t imagine how a reunion with any other criminals you’ve wronged will go behind bars. 
By the time dinner is brought to you and your cellmates, two of you have black eyes. You’d gotten into a fight about which cot you’d get of all things. They’d tried to get you to sleep on the floor just to spite you, and you’d decked the taller one, Tanner in the face. She’d punched you back, and now you were bruised and just sitting back on your same bed. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to sleep tonight. You’re a little worried about getting killed in your sleep with these two. They could gang up on you and smother you with a pillow or just strangle you with their bare hands. 
“Dinner, ladies. Good to see you’re all getting along.”
You look to the three trays the guard is holding with a grimace. Whatever it is smells gross and looks even worse, but you stand up nonetheless to grab your tray with a tight smile. You’re not going to eat this, but you’re not going to give it to the duo that immediately begin eating their meal. You go back to your side of the cell and sit down with a huff. 
This was going to be a long night. 
Yelena released an annoyed huff as she looked around the bar for her sister. She was running late which was a bit of a surprise, but she figured she just got caught up with work. She had a deal that she needed to supervise tonight and as much fun as that wasn’t, it was necessary to continue work even while you were locked up. In fact, it was probably more important just to make sure that things continued to run smoothly. Your absence couldn’t be noticed by your employees. Even if they were aware of it, things still needed to go according to plan in order to keep their loyalty intact. It was something that you might not care about too much at the moment, but it was still important. It only made their jobs more difficult, not to mention dangerous if people became less compliant. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” 
Natasha sits down on the stool next to her sister with a sigh as she looks around for the bartender. She really needs a drink and she only has a little time before she has to run and deal with this shit show that’s developed throughout the day. 
Unfortunately, people weren’t as ignorant of your arrest as they were hoping. Of course, it was on the news and this type of thing spread like wildfire among the minions. People were starting to get uncertain about the future and it was causing a lot of delays. She’d already had to convince three vendors that you would be out of prison soon and you would expect them to have continued to work in your absence. It was exhausting, but Nat had been able to confirm that everything would be set to go down in an hour. She just had to show up and make sure things went smoothly. 
“You look tired, sestra. Was the deal that bad?” 
Nat groans at the question and she reaches out for her drink with a shake of her head. She tells her sister how things have not even happened yet. She’d just had a lot to figure out on the front end, and it was certainly going to be a long night. Yelena frowns at this and as she watches her sister down her drink, she realizes what she needs to do. 
She doesn’t have much to do tonight and she can tell that Natasha could use a break. Or at least another drink. She glances at her phone to check the time and make sure that no one has called on her for anything before she reaches out for her sister. She slaps her on the shoulder making the redhead scowl before she turns to her with a questioning look. 
“Let me handle it, Natasha. It’s just making sure everyone behaves right? I do that all the time.” 
Nat’s already shaking her head because she should be there. She should be the one to make sure that everything goes according to plan. She is going to say this but Yelena speaks up first with a shrug and a smirk. 
“Seriously, sestra. You need to rest, you look exhausted. Maybe you and Bucky can relax together.” 
When a peanut comes flying at Yelena’s face, she has to duck to avoid it. She scowls at her sister who just laughs at her expression, and then what she says next. She figures that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take the night off from this particular duty to try and figure out how things are going with your investigation. Maybe she’ll check in with Steve and see how Wanda’s doing.
“Natasha don’t throw those at me. You know I’m allergic.” 
An eyeroll is the only response that Yelena gets until Nat registers her sister’s words with a frown. She turns toward her before deciding that she could get another drink before heading out. She closes out for both of them as her last drink comes. 
“You are not allergic. You just don’t like them.” 
Yelena simply shrugs before she raises her glass to Nat’s with a smile. They drink in silence for a minute, both lost in their thoughts before Nat turns to the blonde with a grateful look. 
“Thank you, sestra.” 
Yelena waves her off before deciding that she should head out too. She has a bit of a drive and it’s better to show up early to these things. As she stands up with her sister she wraps and arm around her shoulders, only having to stand on her tip toes a little as she leads Nat to the doors. Tonight, would hopefully be a piece of cake compared to what you had to do tonight. Yelena knew how much you hated disruptions to your routine, and being thrown in a holding cell was certainly a disruption. God forbid you weren’t alone; you’d probably be too paranoid to sleep at all. 
“Not a problem. This will be easy as cake.” 
Nat laughs as she opens the door for them, immediately breathing in deeply so the cool air will rush into her lungs. 
“Pie. Easy as pie.” 
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Part 3.
Avengers x fem!reader
Words: 2160
Synopsis: This takes place in Avengers: Age of Ultron. When The Avengers were at the rock bottom, Nick Fury and advised by Maria Hill, to initiate the B.A.B.Y Protocol. Will a young, damaged and broke girl agree to this initiative and help a team to save this planet earth?
Part 2. 
Main Masterlist.
Everyone go on their separate ways after dinner. Clint hit the gym, stretching some muscle for tomorrow. Steve and Thor are planning or finding any possible ways on how take down the talking machine. Wanda probably taking a shower, Tony and Bruce are still arguing in the lab about something that only they know while I’m singing, doing a little dance heading to Natasha’s room.
I about to knock the door when I hear a woman voice. “It’s open.” Natasha said without looking at the door but still acknowledge your present. “Sorry I don’t have any cute animal or flower pajamas for you kid.”
             “How do you know it’s me?” Sure she’s a master spy or assassin but still, you need to learn that one from her. She just smiling and sit on her bed, patting a space for you to sit next to her. “I can hear your singing and footsteps you know. You can do better than that.”
             “In my defense, I wasn’t going to stalk you, or on a mission to be quiet.”
“So, you’re not here for the pj’s.”
             “I’m too old for pj’s.”
“Tony still wears one.” She smirks.
             “He is Tony. He even has his own pj’s brand. I sleep in my donut uniform. I’m pretty sure everyone of you guys have your own pj’s. It’s quite some time since we talk.”
             “Yeah.” She’s looking at you one hand rubs your head down to your shoulder. “How’ve you been Y/n?”
             “I’ve been, okay. I guess.” You just shrug.
 “You’ll get used to it. All you need is time and diversion. We kind of have a similar past. It’s just something that we have to do. Those who are innocents, are collateral damaged. You can’t change that. Every time we want to do the right thing, good thing or making things right again, there will definitely someone or something that will be sacrificed.”
             “I never told you my past.”
“Where do you think I’ve been on my free time? Clint and I do know what you’ve been up to.”
             “All of them?”
She smiles. “Not all though. Maybe once, twice a year. We see that you handle it pretty well for someone your age. The fire on that baby formula factory, impressive.” She laughing while your face is turning red, embarrassed on that occasion.
             “Oh god. Can we not talk about that factory? It was embarrassing.”
She keeps on teasing you. “Yeah? Like that bread store?”
             “Hey, they deserve it. They’re processing drugs. I’m just helped them fasten their operations. That’s all.”
             Natasha looks down at you. “By burning them?”
“That’s the only fast option that I had! Don’t point it at me. We both had a thing with fires and explosions. You know that.” We laugh a little bit, remembering those memories. “Hey. You be careful tomorrow okay? I want to be in but Maria told me to sit this one out first.”
She nods. “Yeah, I got that information Maria send it earlier. It’s okay, we can handle this. I hope. If something goes wrong, you’re the best backup we ever have. You’re young. You still have a long life journey ahead, don’t waste it, sis.”
You mumble something under your breath. “If I can life that long.” Natasha tilt her head to you and frowning. “Why did you say that?”
You feel so damn stupid and panic right now. You need to do something to change the topic. Being stupid, you held up her widow bites. “Hey, is that new?!”
             “Y/n. You know that is widow bite.” She watches you strangely.
“Really? I already know that? Oh yeah. Of course I know. Duh.”
             “What are you hiding?”
“Its not made to kill right? Just knock them off.”
             “I suggest you put it back down and tell me, what are you hiding.” Natasha said calmly but that doesn’t help your panic. Of course you’re not listening to her and do something stupid again by bringing it close to your face.
“True or false? This thing is no-“ You feel your body has been jolted and electrified. You can’t think of anything but you do feel the pain and electric moves through your veins straight to your heart. Yes, that is so much worse than lying to your big sister figure.
             “Great. Y/n!!” Natasha didn’t catch you while you are falling because the electric can be transfer to her to if she catches you. She grabs and toss her widow bite away from you and calling your name a few times when your body hit her carpet. If it was on normal person, that person will wake up in 10 or 20 seconds so while she waited, she grabs her leather suit and rub it on your body to diffuse the shock. Natasha calls you again. “Y/n, Baby. Wake up. Hey, you can wake up now, it’s okay. You’re okay. Y/n? Y/N??!!” She keeps on rubbing her suit on your skin. “It’s not funny Baby. Why are you-?”
She hears something beeping. The source not coming from her phone or her suit. She hears it again and she looks at you. Natasha bring her ear close to your abdomen and stop at you left chest. Then it clicks her. Its coming from your heart. Now, she’s a little bit more panic. She unbuttons two button from the shirt you’re wearing to see what exactly happening and she see medical scar and it’s a little bit bulging on the area. Natasha pick you up while Jarvis already alert the whole team when it senses someone heart rate in the team is on dangerous level.
Tony and Bruce are the first one arrive at the medical area since they’re just in their lab, next to it. Clint sees Natasha running, halfway to the medical area, he takes you from her arm and keep on running without asking a single question. Steve and Wanda follow close behind. “What happened?” Steve ask while running and Natasha didn’t even answer him and keep running.
Clint put you on the table. Electrocardiography or Holter monitor and Defibrillator are on standby. “Her heart beeping. Been unconscious around 4 minutes.” Natasha told Tony and Bruce. “Take off her shirts. Jarvis, run full diagnostic and internal image on left chest area, stat.” Jarvis do everything that Tony asked. “Right away sir. Full diagnostic running, I suggest that everybody leave the room for a moment until the CT Scan is done.”
Thor is the las one arrive and he meet them outside the room. “Who’s sick?” Wanda answer him because Tony, Bruce, Natasha and Clint busy discussing something. “Baby. Something about her heart.” Thor ask her again. “Can you read her?” She shaking her head. “No. I can’t if I didn’t touch or being near her.” “Jarvis still running diagnostic and examine her.”
Meanwhile with the other four. Clint asking Natasha the whole story and she tells them. “She shot herself?” Bruce asked. “Unintended. She panicked about something after when I said something about long life journey. To keep from blowing up her secrets, she took my widow bite to create a diversion. Change the topic about our conversation.”
Bruce takes off his glasses. “It’s not radiation. Palladium?” Tony shake his head. “I don’t think so either.” “Allergies?” Clint ask and all eyes on him. “You know that kid doesn’t have allergies. She ate everything what’s given to her.” Clint agree on Natasha’s statement and nodding. “Right, right. Should we call Hill?” “I think it’s better wait and see if we can figure it out.” Steve suggested and ask Natasha. “That widow bite. What did it do?” “It provides electric shock enough to make a person unconscious. Usually it takes 10 to 20 seconds for someone to gain their consciousness but she took longer than that. Then, I heard the silence beeping.
“She need that again.” Thor said and all eye are on him, he continues “Your electric bullets equal to a small lightning right? She’s sick because of that right?” “Yes. So what’s your point big guy? Blame me even more that I did to myself?” Natasha’s tone is now changing at Thor’s question while he’s thinking how to explain it to them. This whole earth thing is still new to him but he understands of what happen.
             “How do I explain this? A’ha! Okay. Like this place, this building goes dark. Then Tony will find that switch on the big box or that disembodied voice do something to bring it back on. Got it?” He happily told them then one by one of them gets it.
             “Bulging and beeping…” Natasha recalled.
“Widow’s bite…” Tony added.
             “Recharge.” Bruce pointing at Thor for his explanation earlier. “Battery!!” Natasha and Tony stated. “Tony, do you have-“ Tony beats Natasha’s sentence and running out and thank Thor “I’m going to take it! Good job Point Break!!” “Glad to help.” He smiling proudly and playfully punch Steve’s bicep. Wanda still processing their conversation. “What he’s going to take?” “Back up power source.” Thor’s smiling and Steve ask for confirmation “A generator?”
They both earns a glare from Natasha. “Defibrillator device or something.” She said.
Bruce try to correct her. “It’s an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). Its specialized designed to-“ 
“Oh hush! I’m not a doctor.” Natasha grumbled and walking back inside the room when Jarvis said it was clear to enter.  
Three hours later, you are awake and the first person you see is Natasha. Sitting on a chair next to your left side. She notices your head moving and stand to have a better look at you. “You alright?” You remember what happened earlier before and try to joke about it but she did not find it funny. “Damn, that thing sting. You should name it widow zap!” She furrows her eyebrow. “That thing only zap on who have a heart condition. Normal people doesn’t have to go on surgery. I’ll tell Maria what happened and you are not going in any mission.”
“But I’m here to help.”
“That’s because they don’t know! We don’t know!”
“I’m doing whatever I can to help this earth.”
“Don’t you understand? You could get yourself kill! Clint and I agree. You sit this one out and we’ll send you home. We’ll find the best doctor for your treatment.”
“Now you care?”
“What do you mean?”
“You didn’t get to make a decision for me Nat. You and Clint both! Not after left me alone without a damn note!” Your eyes starting to tear.
“Took down The Red Room and kill Dreykov was the final step in my defection to S.H.I.E.L.D! Free the others. They can do whatever they want or how to live on their own.”
“It’s 2006. I was 13!!” You shout at her. “Bold of you assume they all live. He doesn’t let a single soul of widow breathing since you take off. I consider myself one of lucky bastard. My age was too young to go through the experimentation. The rest, either success or dispose the fail subject. And you’ve been missing.”
“I, I didn’t know.” She sits on the edge of your bed.
“No notes, no massage, no letter, nothing! I look for you everywhere I can. Two years later I found out you work for S.H.I.E.L.D. You know how happy I am when they took me in? To finally be close to you. Work with the same organization. You are the only person that I know for my whole life.” You’re smiling. Remembering that day. “We met at the academy, you introduced me to Clint. He’s a nice guy. When I feel like whole again, you two left.” Your smile fades.
Natasha wipes a single tear that falling on her cheek. “I didn’t know.”
You softly look at her and hold her hand. “But it’s you Nat. You always know. You always have plans. I tried to figure it out. Think what is in our mind, what’s the plan? I can’t.”
“Maybe I don’t always have plans.”
You trying to lighten up the mood. “Different people, different path. Yeah, you’re young too. That time.” You smirking and see her reaction. “Why are you smirking? Are you saying that I’m old?” Jarvis voice echoing the medical room. “Miss Romanoff, Captain Rogers require your presents at the hanger 30 minutes before take-off.”
“I guess that’s your call. I’m going to take a nap.” You sadly said, knowing she have to leave again.
She hugs and rubs your back. “I wish we had more time. You, don’t do anything stupid. Have a lot of rest. When I’m back, we’ll discuss about finding your doctor.” You smiling hearing someone said that to you. “You know I’m not a kid, right? I’ve survived before.”
“I’m gonna make it up to you. So shut up and sleep.” She pushes your head down to the pillow and tuck you in.
“Don’t die.”
“You too. We’ll see you when we’re back.”
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kasshole69 · 2 years
truly, madly, deeply - 1
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff, (eventual) Natasha Romanoff x Reader, (eventual) Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: You’d been living a good life, well as good as it could get with how full of lies it was. Why? It was the only way to get by when you were an unmated omega with an uneasy past. That's all flipped on its head when you see a matching soul mark on two certain avenger, leaving your lies to crumble right in front of your face.
A/N: ayo i’m finally posting this lmao, i read a a/b/o fic on ao3 that wasn’t all about sex (not that those are bad) and it literally took over my life for a few weeks and it wasn’t finished so i wrote my own! a main focus of this fic is reader having a condition called touch deprivation. the name describes it well and it’s described in the fic (this was also based on another a/b/o fic) anyways! i hope you enjoy, second chapter will be posted after this so if you enjoyed please let me know!
also there are two ocs that only affect the beginning of the story and will kinda become absolute
chapter 2 chapter 3 ao3
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The day had started out simple enough. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner and sleep. A routine you’d grown accustomed to. A routine that usually involved you talking to your roommates Lexi and Brooke when you were home. You’d known Lexi since you moved to New York about 3 years ago, meeting because you both needed a roommate. With you both being omegas, it worked out perfectly. You remember the days when she would talk about how she couldn’t wait to meet her soulmate, and lucky for her, she didn’t have to wait too long as she met Brooke about a year after living together. Instead of having to move out, or have Lexi and Brooke find a new place, the three of you lived together and it worked perfectly. Rent was less expensive, and the three of you were able to help out one another. You also thought that they felt bad for you, thinking you were forever going to be alone with the lie you’d told them.
The last thing you needed in your life was someone to depend on. Especially not someone you didn’t even know. You’d spent the last years of your childhood forced to be with someone, someone who didn’t care for you like he should, and you’d be damned if you’d do that again by meeting your soulmate. You knew how it went when omegas, like yourself, met their soulmates. The second you meet your soulmate, your body immediately becomes attuned to them, knowing that it needs them. Your body puts itself through unending pain whenever you're away from them for too long without being bonded. If you were to ever meet them, it would also mean the end of the freedom you have.
How does one avoid fate though? Well you’d come to learn that most people learn about their soulmates through word of mouth. So you’d cover up your soul mark and tell people your soulmates had died. While it wasn’t the most humane thing to do, it kept you safe, kept people from asking questions. Of course you’d told Lexi and Brooke the same sob story but didn’t bother hiding your soul mark from them since you were living together and there was no point.
So when you came home to Lexi shouting at you about how you had other soulmates, you froze like a deer in headlights.
“Oh my gosh Y/N! This is so exciting! And two Avengers too? Isn’t this great!” Lexi exclaimed whilst holding your hands and jumping up and down.
“We already called Avengers Tower, they said that we can come by tomorrow to meet them,” said Brooke, coming in just behind Lexi.
You were still in the middle of processing all this when Lexi started showing you the news articles. Avengers Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff reveal that they are soulmates! What does this mean for the team? With a close up image of that stupid mark you had on your wrist. In a way this was a blessing, now you knew exactly who you needed to avoid. All you need to do now is find a way to convince Lexi and Brooke not to make you go up there.
You decided to play dumb. “I don’t think that’s the same mark, mine looks like a different shade of red.”
“What? No, you guys definitely got the same marks,” said Lexi while giving you a confused look.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s best that we don’t go up there just in case. Wouldn’t want to get my hopes up, you know?”
“Shouldn’t that be the reason you do go up there? Just in case they are in fact your soulmates,” said Brooke giving the same look as Lexi.
“Exactly! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow anyways, probably wouldn’t have enough time to make it there anyways,” you say as you head to your room not wanting to get into a big argument with the two.
“What’s so important that you can’t meet your soulmates?” Lexi asks almost angrily.
“Literally anything else.”
In a much softer tone Lexi carefully asks, “What?”
“I’ve just-,” how were you supposed to explain this to them? Getting into your past would just lead to more questions. The best solution? Another lie, “I don’t want to meet them, being the soulmate of an Avenger comes with a lot of risks and it would probably be safer for me to keep my distance. Aren’t they in a pack anyways? They should be fine without me.”
Lexi and Brooke give you a shocked look, with the former deadpanning. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am! I feel completely content! I don’t need them, and since they aren’t actively looking or know that I exist, they won’t need me either.”
You can tell neither of them know what to say, Lexi is opening and closing her mouth like a fish while Brooke has a deep crease between her brows trying to decipher what you’ve just said.
“Please, can we just keep this between us?” you plead with the two of them.
They share a look of concern before looking back at you with pity. Lexi finally says, “Alright, if that’s what you really want. Are you sure you don’t at least want to meet them?”
“No, I’ll be fine living my life and they’ll be fine living theirs. No need to upend everyone’s lives over something as silly as soulmates,” you say as you start to walk towards your room.
“Soulmates aren’t-“ Lexi starts before you quickly cut her off so as to not start another argument.
“Thank you guys! Goodnight!” you say as you slam your door shut.
Universe just had to send you a curveball, but thankfully it seems you hit this one out of the park. Not only are the two people who know about your soulmates are sworn to secrecy but you know exactly who to avoid. Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, should be easy enough to avoid since the Avengers are currently living at the new compound in upstate New York.
Now all you gotta do is stay updated on the Avengers whereabouts and continue to live your life. Since you now know who your soulmates are and that they are relatively easy to avoid seeing as the media keeps a keen eye on them, you feel very secure. Before you never knew when you would run into your soulmates, constantly living on edge.
Although, you could definitely see an appeal to being their soulmates. Two unbelievably strong women with stunning appearances wasn’t something you were complaining about. Even with that, the media was not making it easy to like them, especially Wanda. Saying things like she is a loose cannon and is not in control of her powers. While it’s a given to not believe everything you read or see on the internet, it only helped solidify your desire to stay away from them.
And with that life moved along. Everything was normal, aside from Lexi giving you petty remarks every time you asked for a favor saying things like, “if you would just meet your soulmates I bet they would be happy to do this for you” or “why don’t you ask your soulmates?” It grated on your nerves but it was better to just live with it than let get into an argument with Lexi, especially when she knew who your soulmates were. You didn’t know if she would go that far, but you weren’t taking any chances.
As time went on though, you started to be in immense pain. First it was just tingles all over your body, kind of like your body was a big bruise. The pain would increase when you made jerky movements. It would gradually get worse, feeling almost like you were burning all over. You were calling off of work more and more because some days it hurt too much to even move. Lexi and Brooke noticed and offered to take you to the doctor, but you refused. Whatever this was would pass, it just needed time.
Today however, you felt like you were going to die. Your boss had already said you were calling off far too much and that if you missed one more day you would be put on suspension. So despite it feeling like you should be in a full body cast, you got up and got ready for work. The clothes felt as if they were poking your skin and your feet on the floor felt like you stepped on legos the entire way down the hallway. While the hallway was only a good 6-7 feet but it took you 10 minutes to get down it. Every time you bent your leg it felt like it was bending the wrong way, like you were purposely breaking your legs every time you took a step.
Lexi and Brooke looked at you as you made your way down the hallway and could immediately tell that something was really wrong with you. Despite you having been in excruciating pain these past few months, you’d done a decent job of covering it up. Only ever letting it show when a particularly sharp pain hit you.
Lexi rushed over to you helping you walk to the kitchen asking, “are you okay? Don’t tell me you're going in to work today.”
It took you a second to answer because moving your jaw was a painful task in itself, “yes, i’m fine.”
“You sure? With the pace you were going down that hallway you won’t make it to work until next week,” Brooke stated in a smart-ass tone.
You gave Brooke a dirty look before doubling over in pain.
“Y/N we really need to take you to the doctor! This is not normal!” Lexi exclaims whilst helping you keep from falling over from the pain.
“No, I’m-“ you start before you feel another rush of pain. You had probably hit the ground at this point, with the pain in your head and abdomen felt as if you were being stabbed. You can hear Lexi telling Brooke to do something but you can’t make it out, the pain being the only thing you can focus on. You open your eyes to look up at Lexi but it’s so blurry and you just want to close your eyes again. You think you can make out Lexi saying something to you but you just can’t keep your eyes open. As you close your eyes the pain starts to dissipate as you pass out.
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themculibrary · 2 months
Clint Barton Angst Masterlist
Dollhouse (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot clint/laura, wanda/vision M, 12k
Summary: The torture bingo card.
It was an old joke that had been passed around the SHIELD agents with a darker sense of humor. Phil had disapproved. Fury had pretended not to know. Clint had joined in right away, only to find he had been able to fill out half the squares before the game had even begun, courtesy of a life of bad cards, poor decisions, and worse luck.
No one was ever supposed to win. -------------------------------------- The Barton family gets an uninvited guest, and it has no intention of leaving.
Don't Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid (ao3) - samalander clint/natasha T, 8k
Summary: Even after Clint is freed, even after the battle is won and the villains vanquished, he can’t get warm. He can’t escape the little seed of Loki, and how it is killing him.
And his fingers are turning black and his chest is always numb.
Clint Barton is freezing to death from the inside out. And there is no one who can save him.
Evaluation (ao3) - CNWrites G, 3k
Summary: This time, Bucky looked up. He gave Clint a hard look. “In your own words, you took out three police cruisers and about half a block of the city. Care to explain things a bit further?”
Clint blinked, then blinked again. Bucky was still giving him that look, and it didn’t seem to be because he was playing a part. “Hey, wait a second. You don’t think I… wait, seriously, you’re not blaming this on me, right?”
In which Clint Barton gets arrested in the middle of a mission. Bucky Barnes gets sent undercover as his psych evaluator in order to help... at least, that's what Clint thought the goal was. Turns out the evaluation is less of a cover than he expected.
hard love (ao3) - myglassesaredirty N/R, 1k
Summary: It's not right. It's not fair.
All she wants is love. A father figure, a mother figure, a friend, a mentor. Just to know that she's loved, truly loved for all that she is and that she is not.
And he turns her away. She can't make sense of it.
I am split in half, but that'll have to do (ao3) - MANIAvinyl clint/bucky N/R, 4k
Summary: Bucky sits there for a while, at the grave that Clint picked for Natasha, staring out into rippling water with something heavy tugging at his heart. Something helpless.
Because he can’t fix Clint. Some things you have to figure out in your own, no matter how much it hurts for the ones around you to watch.
Or; One year after Natasha’s death, Bucky finally gets Clint to admit that something is wrong.
I'll Write Your Memories Until You Live Again (ao3) - macie_the_hero T, 2k
Summary: Clint doesn't know if he'll be able to ever forgive himself. No matter how much he writes, no matter how many journals he fills out, they'll still be gone, and he can't do a damn thing to save them.
I Wanted To Feel Again, But Not Like This (ao3) - incogniteau clint/natasha T, 1k
Summary: Clint returns to living the farm life after the defeat of Thanos, but is it really living without his wife, Natasha, there?
like sick flowers need the sun (ao3) - hoosierbitch clint/phil M, 7k
Summary: Clint hasn't felt this alone in a long time. Coulson's gone, SHIELD isn't a home anymore, and no one on his new team seems to like him. After a lifetime of being ignored, Clint's gotten good at demanding attention. He'll annoy and frustrate and piss everyone off until they notice him. To him, any attention—even the negative kind—is good attention.
This poses a problem when they all finally learn to just ignore him.
Monsters & Magic (ao3) - Night_Hawk G, 10k
Summary: “Natasha…?” Barton's voice is filled with near-tangible concern.
Well, this is delightful. “How touching,” Loki taunts in his smoothest voice. “You will listen to her, of course, Agent Barton. You always have had a soft spot for Tasha, haven’t you?”
Clint and Natasha deal with the aftermath of Loki's mind control
The Aftermath (ao3) - crazyinfj (orpahn_account) G, 1k
Summary: After being a puppet to Loki, Clint faces his fellow agents. For the first time since he first joined SHIELD, he feels utterly alone and misunderstood.
Febuwhump Day #26 Prompt: Recovery 
This isn’t so much recovery as it is Clint Barton gets the hug he deserves
The Love You Deserve (ao3) - flawedamythyst bucky/clint T, 8k
Summary: Clint had been in his aunt’s house for less than an hour when it became clear that this hadn’t been his greatest idea.
Clint tries to reconnect with his blood family over Christmas. It doesn't go well, but luckily Bucky's there to pick up the pieces.
this world is not meant for you (ao3) - wheelsupsevenup minor clint/laura T, 4k
Summary: Clint kind of hates the circus.
It’s a little late in the game to be making this realization, almost five years of carnie-ing and assorted archer-related performances under his belt. He’s made a real name for himself in the big wide world of carnival companies in the American Midwest, and he’s not even legally allowed to drink yet.
Not that anyone has to know that.
or; four times clint barton doesn’t miss. (and one time he does, on purpose.)
Turing Test (ao3) - Harishe bucky/clint M, 45k
Summary: In the aftermath of successfully protecting his apartment building from the Russian Mafia, Clint struggles with the loss of a friend and tenant, as well as his hearing. It all seems to be going according to plan until Bucky Barnes shows up in his motel room in the middle of the night. Bucky showing up is only the start of this new, begrudging adventure of revenge and discovering the truth.
Where My Demons Hide (ao3) -TheLittleMermaidDJ T, 13k
Summary: After New York and Loki, Clint is dealing with everything by NOT dealing.
But a mission gone to shit and the appearance of a lost friend might end up being just the thing to pull him back from the edge. Assuming it doesn’t kill him first.
Post first Avengers film.
worth fighting for (worth dying for) (ao3) - bumblewyn M, 2k
Summary: Clint had thought that it would finally be over, that he could finally go home, only to find his messed up mind unable to believe the truth of what he fought so hard for.
Turns out it’s not that easy coming back to a life you’ve mourned for five years, no matter how badly you wanted it back.
You Can Sit Beside Me When The World Comes Down (ao3) - KC_Polar_Bear clint/laura, phil/melinda T, 20k
Summary: "She was looking at him the way she’d looked at him earlier, him standing there in the street surrounded by dead Yakuza, telling her he had a job to do as though anybody had told him to be there except his own impotent rage. When he’d told her not to give him hope, not to give him a ladder to climb out of the hole he’d dug himself into because it was so much easier down there in the dark, where he couldn’t see all the things in his world he hadn’t been able to protect.
In all the years they’d known each other she had never looked at him like that. He hated that he’d put that look on her face."
you’re climbing out of yourself (you’re going to smash into the sky) (ao3) - andibeth82 clint/laura G, 4k
Summary: He goes to New York, he sees a show, he thinks about Natasha, he meets Kate Bishop. He takes her home under the guise of needing his suit back and makes sure she’s safe and meets the pizza loving dog she swears isn’t hers and he tries not to be a bitch about it all or think about how his kids are sleeping alone in a big hotel room, unaware that their dad has abandoned them for the night.
(She asks him to sign his bow and as he stares down at the recurve that’s clearly modeled after his old SHIELD weapon, all he can think of is how he should tell her never meet your heroes.)
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ginnsbaker · 11 months
Hi chapter thoughts here I probably will still break this up tho :)
First vision. I think his plan is probably to “expose” wanda and reader to yelena or something maybe take a picture of them together. But to be honest I don’t think it’s gonna have the desired effect because i think the two of them genuinely will end up together anyway so trying to hurt reader by breaking their current relationship is more like a blessing in disguise. (Started with this cos it was quick and we all know everything else is super long so get ready)
I already touched on it briefly but once again Wanda’s character growth and maturity. The way you write her development especially the therapy sessions continues to amaze me. Its not rushed to fit the pace of anything else its completely raw and i just love what you’ve done with it.
The sex thing. Oh boy. “You can tell its been longer than yelena inteded” thats just so awkward. I kinda feel bad for her but was also slightly amused by the situation if not a little second hand embarrassment but yeah I mean i get it you had a dream of a top 10 experience with your ex wife who had lots of time to learn what you like and stuff and then woke up and its the wrong person uh down there.
Past Wanda’s present. If thats not the sweetest god damn thing. Correct me if i got this wrong but she managed to track down the actual one from readers past not a new copy but the original one. The time and effort that must have taken is insane like I genuinely can’t put into words the feels i got from this part (where can i find me a wanda). And its such an amazing gift not only for the sentimental value and what it means to reader but it shows how much she truly loves them and also actually listens to what they say and pay attention. Very sweet 10/10 loved it.
THANK YOU CLINT. Im so happy he mentioned seeing wanda having been to a therapist and a substance abuse specialist. I hope it plants seeds in readers mind even though they immediately denied it (i see them protecting her reputation they care) im hoping they connect the dots because agatha was dropping hints earlier and they had to bring her home when she was drunk but i have a feeling they’re gonna be oblivious 💀.
Yikes Yelena dropping reader in it by saying they’ve seen Wanda recently in front of Nat. She knows what shes doing. The talk with Nat went about as well as I expected and its a very sucky thing to happen on your birthday (thanks yelena). I do see Nat’s point and if I was her I would probably act the same way but if I was reader (which I guess i am?) i would be slightly frustrated because she’s not considering it from reader’s perspective shes seeing it from the point of Yelena’s big sister which I completely understand but she’s supposed to be reader’s best friend. Sometimes our friends make decisions we don’t agree with but all you can do is advise them and support whatever decision they make. It seems that Nat is giving the advice but isn’t willing to give the support if a different decision is made which i completely understand it is her sister its still a bit sad. Its true what they say sometimes friendship breakups or fights hurt way more than romantic ones.
Agatha is still such a good friend and a great character we love her.
Okay so I thought i would cover everything i wanted in 2 posts but it might be more so up next reader and their mom, reader and yelena, the present, yelenas speech and of course reader and wanda
Vision - It's got nothing to do with Yelena. And he's got everything to gain from it. Chapter 14 will immediately get to that.
The sex thing - I think I write awkward sex better than normal sex lol. I actually had fun writing that scene.
Past Wanda’s present. If thats not the sweetest god damn thing. Correct me if i got this wrong but she managed to track down the actual one from readers past not a new copy but the original one. - Yes. She tracked the original, the one that R's mom accidentally donated away. While Yelena got her a fresh copy of the same puzzle because she thought the one framed is worn down.
Natasha - She's very anti "getting back with your ex wife". I think she's looking at it from her own experience. Her own thing with Bruce never worked out. They were very on and off, and she finally managed to crawl out of that cycle and thinks that it's a similar situation with R and she can be strong enough to do the same.
Keep them coming :D
It's going to be a week before I post chapter 14.. but who knows.. so better send them all in before then lol
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
Infinity War Part 2
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Word Count: 2582
A/N: Oh, damn, she do be a short one! Also, IW feels and spoilers (if for some reason you still haven’t seen it, and if so, get on that shit!). Also also, crap. I have to rewatch Endgame to be able to write the next few parts. Imma go scream into the abyss real quick. Enjoy! (And just a quick note: the Not-Chitauri are actually called Outriders according to the MCU Wiki, but there’s no way any of the characters in the story (Stephanie in particular as it’s her POV) would know that, so when it says “Not-Chitauri”, just know that they’re called Outriders)
Status Report:
Where was I? Oh, yeah. Aliens were invading Wakanda, I got a new suit (three of them, actually), I didn’t knock Steve into the next millennium… yeah, I think we’re all caught up here. I’m sorry for the wait. Things got really intense, and I couldn’t bring myself to write for a while (you’ll understand why later). Now, on to the good stuff.
ANYWAY, all of us loaded onto these hover-boat things (Wakandan technology is truly amazing), and Rose said, “How we looking, Bruce?”, into her earpiece, so he replied, “Yeah, I think I’m getting the hang of it,” then flew past the boat me and Steve were standing on and landing while letting out an excited yelp because he was ironically wearing the Hulk Buster armor from the Wanda Fiasco during the Ultron thing, which was actually kind of cute.
He said, “Wow! This is amazing, man! It’s like being the Hulk without actually-…,” then proceeded to trip over a large rock and face plant into the dirt, making me let out a snort and Okoye shoot a judgmental look at him as her boat passed (I wanna be like her when I grow up). He said he was okay, then Rhodey and Sam flew overhead, Rhodey saying, “I’ve got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line,” as the two of them went to join the large Wakandan army awaiting orders.
A larger man whom I was told was named M'Baku was leading who I assumed were the Jabari in a tribal chant (Jess gave me a rundown of Wakanda’s LOOOOOONG history on FaceTime once), then he quieted them to shake hands with T'Challa, who said, “Thank you for standing with us,” and M'Baku replied, “Of course, brother,” in Xhosa, the language of Wakanda (I’ve been learning, but I can only understand simple phrases so far). The girl alien from before and a beefy (presumably) male alien walked right up to the barrier, so Steve, Nat, T'Challa, and I walked down to greet them. Nat said, “Where’s your other friend?”, referring to the alien she stabbed in the train station, and the girl replied, “You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone,” so Steve said, “That’s not gonna happen,” me adding, “Not in a million light years, Girlfriend.”
T'Challa said, “You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood,” so the girl said, “We have blood to spare,” then lifted her spear with a grunt, and the giant ship things started moving. Our little group joined the rest of the army, and Bucky said, “They surrender?”, so Steve said, “Not exactly,” then T'Challa began to lead the Wakandans in a Xhosa chant when he noticed movement in the trees. All at once, a whole heard of aliens burst through the trees and came charging towards the barrier. Jess said, “What the hell?”, and Nat said, “We must’ve pissed her off,” which made me smirk slightly. The aliens (which were definitely not Chitauri, because they were bigger and nastier looking, though they did look similar) tried to claw through the barrier, but that either rid them of their limbs or their torsos (obviously killing them, which was not a pleasant thing to witness).
Okoye said, “They’re killing themselves,” then a few of them started making it through the barrier, so T'Challa told his warriors to arm themselves, then they opened fire on the Not-Chitauri (that’s the best name I could come up with for them) with their electric spears, Bucky and Bruce joining in with an automatic rifle and repulsor rays respectively while Sam flew in overhead and deployed his drones to thin out the crowd. He yelled, “You see the teeth on those things?”, and Rhodey said, “All right, back up, Sam. You’re gonna get your wings singed,” then dropped some bombs on them, causing those who hadn’t made it through the barrier to start circling around the outside.
Bruce said, “Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us… there’s nothing between them and Vision,” so Steve replied, “Then we better keep ‘em in front of us,” and Okoye asked, “How do we do that?”, making T'Challa say, “We open the barrier,” before touching his earpiece and saying, “On my signal, open North-West Section 17,” with a determined look on his face. I heard a woman say over the line, “Requesting confirmation, My King. You said open the barrier?”, and he repeated, “On my signal,” prompting M'Baku to say, “This will be the end of Wakanda,” earning Okoye’s response of, “Then it will be the noblest ending in history,” and a smirk from me. Steve opened his new shield gloves (which looked pretty badass), T'Challa shouted at his warriors to put down their shields in Xhosa, then shouted in English, “Wakanda forever!”, and put on his mask, so all of the warriors let out a battle cry, and everyone started charging towards the barrier.
I saw a sliver of barrier open, and both Steve and T'Challa charged ahead before jumping over a small river and starting their attacks, so I went icy and flew around shooting ice spears at the approaching hoard of Not-Chitauri, occasionally landing and fighting melee style the old fashioned way, my new suit accommodating my movements and powers just as Shuri said it would (which felt awesome). I noticed an alien knocked Bucky’s rifle away and was about to get him, so I went icy and bodychecked the sucker away from him before stabbing it through the head and heart with icicles. I helped him up, and he said, “Thanks, Steph,” so I replied, “No problem, Buckaroo,” and mock-saluted before going off on my own again.
Eventually, all of our strongest fighters (including myself) were getting dog-piled by the aliens, and Bruce yelled, “There’s too many of them!”, but just when we thought we were goners, a familiar-looking rainbow exploded onto the scene, then an ax lit up with electricity flew out of it and took down a whole bunch of the suckers, freeing up me, Steve, Bruce, and T'Challa. The rainbow faded away to reveal Thor with short hair, an anthropomorphic tree, and a raccoon standing on its hind legs while holding a large gun and wearing a shirt and pants. I flew over to Steve to help him up, then Bruce laughed while yelling, “You guys are so screwed now!”, which made me roll my eyes, even though there was a smile a mile wide on my face. Thor yelled, “Bring me Thanos!”, then sprinted forward and showed off some power that I didn’t even know he had, but I wasn’t going to complain about it.
Steve and I were kicking some ass while Thor was slicing and dicing with his new ax nearby, so when we had a little bit of a break, Steve said, “New haircut?”, and Thor replied, “Notice you’ve copied my beard,” while gesturing to his own, making Steve gesture at his in a “yeah” kind of way. I smiled and said, “Glad to have you back, Thor,” so he said, “Glad to be back, Lady Stephanie,” then smiled back before saying, “By the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree,” and gesturing at the walking tree I mentioned earlier with his ax, who happened to have his arm impaled through three aliens. The tree thing yelled, “I am Groot!”, so Steve (ever the polite one), gestured to himself and me while he said, “I am Steve Rogers. And this is Stephanie Carter,” making me wave slightly and say, “Hello,” only slightly confused by the fact that there was a talking tree (I’ve dealt with weirder things in the last 6 years, believe me).
Gigantic wheel things (I honestly have no idea what they were, but they were terrifying as shit) broke through the ground and started plowing through everything, so I flew up and tried to push them away from the army, but to no avail. I joined Okoye and Nat in their fighting, and just when we were about to be plowed over, Wanda came out of nowhere and stopped the wheel things that were coming at us with her powers. A hoard of Not-Chitauri started coming for us, but she threw her arms behind her and sent the wheel things at them instead. Nat and I smirked, and Okoye put her spear down while saying, “Why was she up there all this time?”, with an unamused look on her face, which made me laugh slightly (again, I want to be her when I grow up).
Sam said, “Guys, we got a Vision situation here,” and Steve said, “Somebody get to Vision!”, so Bruce said, “I got him!”, and Wanda said, “On my way,” before getting hit in the face by the girl alien. The girl said, “He’ll die alone. As will you,” so Nat said, “She isn’t alone,” making her look up to see me, Nat, and Okoye surrounding her. I held myself in a fighting stance and said, “No one messes with my daughter and gets away with it. Especially not an extraterrestrial bitch,” making her let out a battle cry before starting her assault.
I heard Bruce say, “Guys! Vision needs backup now!”, but I was preoccupied with the girl alien and couldn’t respond. Eventually, all three of us were knocked down, but I got back up to keep fighting only to be pinned to the ground with a sword at my neck. Wanda lifted her off of me just in time, and into an oncoming wheel thing, killing her instantly and splattering me in the face with blue blood. I sat up slightly, then after breathing hard for a couple of seconds, I said, “Okay, that was gross,” making Wanda and Nat let out slight chuckles.
She left to go find Vision, then I heard Steve say over comms, “Everyone, on my position. We have incoming,” so we all found Steve in a little grove of trees, and all of them were moving even though there wasn’t any wind, which made Nat say, “What the hell?”, and me say, “You said it, Sister,” her smirking slightly in response. A portal opened up, then a giant, bald, purple man wearing a golden gauntlet on his very large left hand stepped through it, making an icy chill run through me at the realization that the new challenger was Thanos (kind of ironic, but whatevs).
Bruce said, “Cap. That’s him,” so Steve opened his shields again and said, “Eyes up. Stay sharp,” before all of us charged him. He made Bruce phase through him and into the rocks with the Space Stone, sent Steve to the side with the Power Stone, then caught T'Challa by the throat and sent him to the ground with a punch to the head, which made me realize how juiced up on the Stones Thanos really was. I only looked over my shoulder for half a second to see Wanda using her magic on Vision’s stone, and my heart broke for her before I turned my focus back to Thanos.
He sent Sam spiraling to the ground, he almost turned Rhodey into a pancake, he sent Bucky, Jess, and Okoye flying, he pinned me and Nat under rock spires (which wasn’t very fun), and he broke free of Groot’s tree roots. Steve charged in to go toe-to-toe with him, and he managed to hold the gauntlet open for a solid 15 seconds before getting socked in the face and crumpling to the ground, which made me let out a sob, because there was no way he could have survived a hit that hard right in the face, even if he was a super soldier.
Wanda managed to destroy the Mind Stone, but Thanos used the Time Stone to undo it, making me smack my head against the ground in defeat, but while he did that, Bruce was removed from the rocks, the rocks trapping Nat and I were taken away, and Steve definitely wasn’t dead (though I wasn’t completely sure that he had died in the first place, because I couldn’t get up and check due to the rocks that were on top of me). He ripped the stone out of Vision’s head after knocking Wanda away, and I felt my blood turn to actual ice and my stomach churn when I saw the color drain from Vision’s body quicker than you could blink.
Thanos dropped Vision’s body on the ground and put the stone in his gauntlet, then after a few seconds, he got hit in the chest with lightning, making me smile slightly. Thor chucked his ax at him, and even though Thanos used all six stones to try and hold it back, the ax kept going and lodged itself in Thanos’ chest (that’s one powerful weapon there (no offense to Mjölnir, wherever she might be)). Just when I thought it was over, Thanos lifted his arm, then snapped his fingers, making my eyes widen at the thought of what he could have done with that snap.
The gauntlet started smoking, and Thor said, “What did you do? What did you do?!”, but Thanos teleported away without saying anything, leaving no trace of his presence except for the purple blood stain on Thor’s ax (ew). I ran over to help Steve up, and he said to Thor, “Where’d he go? Thor. Where’d he go?”, then I heard Bucky say, “Steve?”, so both he and I turned to see Bucky disintegrate right in front of our eyes, making Jess freeze with a look of horror on her face.
She said, “Bucky?! No!”, then knelt where his ashes were before starting to cry. She sobbed, “I just got you back! I just got you back!”, then looked up at me with tears streaming down her face and said, “Steph? What just happened?!”, before she disintegrated as well, her ashes mixing with Bucky’s, making my blood start running cold again because I just started realizing that Thanos’ endgame was much more sinister than I had first thought. Steve and I knelt where our friends had once been, put a hand on the ground each, then shot confused and broken looks at Thor, who still said nothing.
I heard Okoye shouting in Xhosa and Rhodey calling Sam’s name, then I heard Wanda weakly say, “Mom?” (which scared me enough as it is because I’ve never asked her to call me Mom before), so I turned to see that she was kneeling by Vision’s corpse with an utterly defeated and heartbroken look on her face. She started disintegrating, too, making me whisper, “Wanda?”, get up, and sprint over to her, but I was too late, and she dissolved into a pile of ash, making me kneel where she once had, put my hands on the ground, whisper, “No…,” and start sobbing quietly.
Steve came to my side, then after rolling Vision’s body over, he plopped down on the ground beside me and pulled me onto his lap in a vain attempt to comfort me. Nat came sprinting over, but she stopped dead at the sight of Vision’s body. Rhodey said, “What is this? What the hell is happening?”, but Steve could only say, “Oh, God,” while I kept sobbing silently into his chest because I was so broken that his loving embrace that usually calmed me down wasn’t helping at all. That’s gonna be all for now. Bye, everyone.
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MCU Taglist: @earth2bucky, @spilledkauffie, @libraryofloveletters
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For requests if possible could u do Natasha(or Wanda, or both) where R gets into sewing or croshaying stuff for them and they wear it out to missions but they get teased by the team because r likes the most vibrant colors,( and she’s new to croshaying/sewing soo…) but they don’t care cuz r made it for them and their just like….What u don’t like the color neon pink with Navy blue? 🧤 , if u do decide to write this thxxx
Bright Scarves
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Requested Wandanat x Crocheting!Reader
Of course. Thank you so much for sending this in I absolutely loved writing this. I hope you don’t mind that I added a bit more and you enjoy reading it just as much tho.
Words: 1411
Genre: Fluffy
Warning: you get a little sad at the end but it like a blink and you’ll miss it type of thing
Summary: How you became an Avengers as well as met your now girlfriends. Look at the request box above for the rest.
When I was little, I grew up with my grandma since my parents passed away when they took me home from the hospital. My grandma had been the first to hold me and told herself that she would make me feel like the most loved person to exist. Despite how other people in her position would have blamed me for the accident, she never did and stayed true to her promise. Growing up with a woman from her time had what other people would count as “drawbacks.”
No, she’s not homophobic, and no, she didn’t give me crap for liking a woman on two in my case. It’s nothing like that. It's just that my grandma loved crocheting so much she started teaching it to me. She began teaching me as soon I could understand what she wanted me to do, so I was four at the time. We would crochet after school and on weekends. I always went for the brighter colors because I found them so alluring, and I still do.
You’d probably think, ‘oh, so just a normal person’ well, that depends on what you define as the average person. Despite not having any control over what happened to my parents, my grandma became a bit… how do I put this protective. (When I say protective, I mean I had school at home, had zero friends, if I wanted to go on an electronic, it would have to be to learn things. Also, she had people come over to teach me every self-defense move under the sun. As well as Ti Chi, Karate, etc. Then if that weren’t bad enough, she’d have me take “extracurricular classes” that would help me with all that.) Safe to say, because of my grandmother's “protective” nature, it caught the eyes of a certain SHIELD.
I only found out when I joined SHIELD that my parents were one of them, and their “accident” wasn’t an accident, and my grandma knew. That explains everything, including why she kept me so far away from people. She didn’t want them to know about me, and she did everything in her power to keep me away from them. The only reason I even got on their radar is that I was over being cooped up in that damned house when I was eighteen. I love my grandma, but that house was basically a prison. I could never go past the gate, and if I ever asked, I’d be shot down faster than a speeding bullet headed for its target.
Now you’re probably wondering how going out once led you to be taken into SHIELD. Well, when I went out, the place I just happened upon was currently having an undercover stakeout. One of the undercover people was supposed to fake being a robber and take something that a woman from Hydra had. I was there when that happened, and when someone yells help,… well, my instinct is to help. So when I caught up with this person, we got into a fight, and I won. Against a certain Agent Maria Hill. I returned the bag to the woman. On the bright side, when I started running, Hill took what she needed out because you can never know what’s going to happen. But, of course, that doesn’t mean Hill was expecting to lose. So when I gave the woman her purse back, she didn’t get what Hydra needed.
So I think you can guess the rest. After taking down Fury’s number two, I was tracked down, questioned, all that lovely stuff. I was eighteen, so I could legally become a part of their mary band of agents, and grandma couldn’t stop me.
About a year before Loki, I was brought onto the Avenger Initiative at twenty. That’s where I met my first girlfriend Natasha, tho we didn’t start dating until after SHEILD fell. Then when Ultron happened, I was twenty-four, and I had met my second girlfriend, who we didn’t start dating till after every Avenger agreed that the Sokovia Accords was a terrible idea. So we met up with everyone who signed them, and we created our own so that we would be able to guarantee we all agreed with everything inside before we also signed.
Part of the agreement was that if there were any suspicious, the people would tell the Avengers, which would take priority depending on how worried the leaders of that part of the world were. You would think, ‘ok, so what?’ well, those would be a stealth mission for the most part. Me being me, I love crocheting, so I’d make such things for my girlfriends, and sometimes I “only” finish making these things when they have to go on one of these said missions. So when they would say things like, “I have to go on a mission now, but I can later.” I’d say something like. “Do you not like it?” Which inevitably leads to them using it throughout the mission.
The things that I usually make are mittens, scarves, and headcovers. That wouldn’t be a problem if, as I said earlier, I wasn’t so obsessed with the neon colors. Something like this is happening right now.
I’m just now boarding the quinjet with the new neon pink and neon navy blue scarfs that I just finished making. The mission seemed to be pretty big, so Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Rhodey, Clint, my girlfriends, and I were all there. But, of course, Thor, Bruce, and Vision are in a different jet if we need more than just Wanda to take care of things.
I was the last one on board, so it was hard to miss the neon-colored things I brought when I came on. Everyone finds it so funny how someone who could take out just about 30 people without breaking a sweat could find something like crocheting fun. ‘Blame grandma’ is what I would give them. When they saw the scarfs, they all knew who they were for, and Tony looked like he was ready to milk a none existent cow.
I go right up to Wanda and Natasha and pat them both on their shoulders. When they turn around, everyone is watching as I lift the scarves in front of myself and say, “I made these for you two so you don’t get cold.” They are both wide-eyed and mouths gaping on the inside, really not wanting to put them on, but they’d never say that to me. I’m entirely aware of this and find it amusing to watch them go through with it. Tho I’ll never tell them that. “Wow, detka, it’s so great, but this is a stealth mission.” I look at Natasha with the best watery eyes I can muster and say. “You don’t like it?” Wanda is broken the second she hears my voice crack. “What! No, we love it here. Give it to me. We’ll put it on right now.” Wanda takes both scarves and puts one around her neck, then the other around Natasha’s.
Natasha gives me a fake smile. She hates it, but she loves me too much to say. I’m sure she’ll never admit it, but she finds it cute and loves the fact that while I’m crocheting, I’m thinking of her, and that shows how much I love her. But, of course, if I didn’t, it wouldn’t come to mind to make her something.
When they put it on, I give them a big smile and sit in my seat. Wanda takes a seat next to me while Natasha goes to the cockpit with Clint. I see Tony go up to Natasha with a huge smile then hear him say. “Nice scarf, Romanoff. But, are you sure that’s a good color for you?” Despite doing this as a loving, playful joke, it still hurt when he said that, and I started thinking that maybe I should stop. Tho, that only lasts until Natasha gives him this look of death and says. “What, you don’t like the color neon pink with navy blue?” That gets me to cheer up in an instant. Tony backs up with his hands in the air in defeat. “Sorry I asked.” We all set off, but our cover doesn’t last long before someone sees Natasha’s scarf when we get there. ‘You know, maybe I really should reconsider making neon-colored stuff for things like this. Nahhh, where’s the fun in that.’
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
Part 1 Wanda x Reader
Summary: You bump into Wanda Maximoff at a grocery store. Wouldn’t be a problem if either of you were anyone else but you two were no ordinary people.
You would think having the ability to take anyone’s power would be awesome. It’s not.
With a simple touch, you could take any person with special abilities’ special powers from them. You figured this out in grade school when you high-fived one of your friends for the first time. Suddenly you could see through walls. That same year, you figured out they could take those powers back. 
A few years later you found out they could only take those powers back if they wanted them. You tried giving someone their invisibility back but they would not have it. Now you are stuck with it. You are stuck with a few others too, like walking through walls and mimicking voices. Those you got from random strangers on the street. 
Obviously, you tried to give them back. You wouldn’t take what isn’t yours, but it was an impossible task. Finding a stranger you bumped into in New York is kind of hard. 
You’ve tried passing off powers to other people but it never worked. You could only return them to the person who gave them to you. To give them back, all you had to do was touch them again and they had to want the powers back. It was that simple. 
So when you bump into Wanda Maximoff at the grocery store, things get a little complicated. 
You’ve made a friend recently who turns out to be Sokovian. Seeing as his birthday is coming up, you thought it would be cool to cook him a traditional Sokovian meal. A few searches on Google and you print out a list of what you need. 
You leave to the nearest store that would have all you need. You check off your list, heading toward the aisle of spices. You finally find the one the recipe calls for and lucky for you, it’s the last one. You reach for it but you feel someone else’s hand touching yours, reaching for the same thing. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she says. You look at the woman who is standing really close to you for a stranger. She has intense green eyes, you notice. She pulls her hand away. 
“It’s alright,” you say. 
“Was that the last one?” she asks, awkwardly.
“It seems so,” you confirm. “But we can ask an employee if they have more somewhere?”
You flag down an employee two aisles down and ask. They shake their head and then tell you they won’t be getting more until next week. The woman with the green eyes sighs. 
“We can split it,” you suggest. “I don’t need the whole thing. At least I don’t think so? I just need it to make a Sokovian dish that calls for it. I probably won’t be using it for anything else.”
“I don’t know. Sokovian food is delicious if I may say so. You’ll get a taste and might regret sharing this with a stranger,” she teases. 
You smile and ask, “Oh, are you Sokovian?”
She nods and you add, “Well, then I insist on sharing it with you. Maybe you can actually give me a few tips on this recipe?”
“What are you making?” she asks you. You show her the recipe on your phone and she kindly shares some of her expertise which you’re grateful for. She follows you around the store making conversation as you grab the rest of what you need. Technically, you follow her around as she suggests you other stuff to add to the recipe.��
You add a mini mason jar to your cart. You both head to pay and outside pour some of the spice into your mason jar and give her the rest of the bottle. You thank her for all the help and wish her a great day. 
Wanda gets back to the tower in a positive mood. Everyone notices and asks her what happened. She replies that she just had a nice interaction with a stranger and it made her day. 
Though her day was made, the rest of her week was hell. She doesn’t know what is wrong with her. Her powers have been failing her. She doesn’t understand. At first she thinks it’s just the more difficult things she can’t do but then she notices how no one’s thoughts appear in her head. It’s quiet. She only hears her own. 
Something was definitely wrong.
You thought you were imagining things but after guessing what your friends’ were thinking for the umpteenth time, you knew you had taken someone else’s power. 
You don’t think it’s too bad at first. Only your friends’ heavy thoughts made their way into your head. Unfortunately, some of those thoughts you can never unhear again. 
The problem comes when you go to the library for the first time with this new power. The library is hell. It’s full of people who are just thinking loudly. See in public, there are people who are thinking loudly of course, but there are more people distracted and speaking without thinking, which you never thought you would be so grateful for. 
You don’t last in the library for very long. So libraries are on your list of places to avoid. Soon, movie theaters are also on that list and then so are museums. Any place where people are meant to be quiet is where it’s loudest in your head. 
You wish you knew who you touched to get these powers. You begin to think back at everyone the past few weeks that you might have had direct contact with. A hand you shook or an arm you bumped into. You’ve always been cautious about your surroundings so these things wouldn’t happen.
Everyone you greeted at your Sokovian friend’s party you’ve greeted before. No one was new there. The Sokovian at the store!
Damn it. You never got her name or anything. Maybe you’ll encounter her at the store again. The next few days, you spend hours at the same store. People begin to think you’re an employee and you almost feel like one, knowing exactly where everything is from spending so much time there. 
You’ve even made plans with one employee to go hangout. But no green eyed Sokovian makes an appearance. 
Three weeks you have this power when you find that not only can you read people’s thoughts, but you hold things without actually touching them. It happens when you drop something in the kitchen. You reach for it to catch it before it hits the floor but it’s nowhere near your grasp. However, it never hits the floor. 
You then notice a red mist-like substance coming from your hands floating in the direction of the object. You see that it’s holding it up. After that, you start practicing with random things around your apartment. You begin with lighter things, thinking you would only be able to hold weight that you could in your actual arms, but it is not so. 
You work your way up to lifting your car in the air and in that same moment you learn you could do multiple things like lifting your car and replacing the flat tire. 
Two months with these abilities and you feel you start getting the hang of it. You still can’t go to the library. You’ve tried again but the voices are too loud. You still go to the store where you met the woman that unintentionally gifted you these powers to try and return them. She seemed like a decent person and you don’t know what she used these powers for. Maybe she needs them.
You still have yet to find her. 
Wanda hasn’t been on a mission in three months. Instead, Bruce has been poking and prodding her with needles and running countless tests trying to figure out what happened with her powers. Three weeks ago she began to go to a therapist because Steve thought it might be a mental block of some sort that she had to work through.
Though therapy was doing wonders for her, they weren’t getting her anywhere near having her powers back. Bruce’s tests weren’t helpful either. She’s been stuck in the tower for three months and her days have never felt so repetitive until now- train, go to therapy, undergo tests. Rinse and repeat. 
The media had begun to notice as well. She turns to another TV channel where the news anchor asks “Where is Wanda Maximoff?” as if she’s disappeared from the face of the earth. In a way she has.
Fortunately for her, you are watching that same channel. You are cooking dinner and have the television channel on for background noise. You hear them talking about the Avengers. They’ve never been of much interest to you, although they should be seeing as though you live in the same city and something is always going down here because of that reason.
“For those who have been living under a rock,” the new anchor starts, “Wanda Maximoff is one of the newer additions to the Avengers.”
“She’s the one with the red magic, isn’t she?” the co-anchor asks. That grabs your attention. You turn to look at the screen. “That’s right. She joined about a year ago after the fall of Sokovia.”
That had to be a coincidence, right? 
“She hasn’t been reported to be on any missions the last three months,” the reporter continues. That definitely couldn’t be a coincidence, you think, counting back the time you’ve attained these powers. 
“Here is a clip of Maximoff using her magic to save diplomats at the embassy five months ago when…” You don’t hear the rest as you watch the clip play. 
It’s the green eyed Sokovian who helped you out at the market. Your suspicions about it being her who had these powers were correct. You just didn’t think you took powers from an Avenger. Someone who definitely needs these powers to do her job and save people like the clip shows. Shit.
You smell the food you’re cooking burning. 
Wanda pounds her hand on the mat. Sweat clings onto her shirt. She’s tired and out of breath. 
“Again,” Nat commands. Wanda huffs and stands up, getting back into her fighting pose. She takes a swing that the Black Widow easily dodges. Not two moves later, she hits the mat again.
“Again,” Nat repeats.
“Natasha, give the kid a break,” Steve says, watching from the side. 
“It’s okay,” Wanda assures him.
Natasha explains, “If therapy and tests aren’t working, maybe self defense will.”
Steve seems doubtful but allows it. They really need Wanda to work through whatever is blocking her from using her powers. He winces seeing Wanda hit the mat.
“I’ve told you for the millionth time. My name is Y/N L/N and I need to speak to Wanda Maximoff. Or any of the Avengers, really. Or even one of their assistants or something. It’s vital,” you try helplessly. 
“Unless you have clearance, I can’t let you up,” the guy at the desk says to you for what feels like the hundredth time. You’ve been coming in the past few days trying to get someone to let you see Wanda. 
“Look, it’s really important. Can’t you, like, give her a message or something?” You’re desperate at this point. He laughs. 
“Ah, yes, let me just text her real quick. ‘hey Wanda. It’s that one guy you said hello to once downstairs. There’s some girl here that needs to talk to you’,” he acts out sarcastically, which you do not find amusing. 
“Listen, buddy. If you do me this favor and get your boss or whoever can give me clearance to see her, I promise she’ll be so grateful for you helping me get to her that she’ll come and thank you herself,” you vow. 
“I can’t help you, Miss. Now please go or I’ll have to call security,” he warns.
You rub your temple in frustration. “Fine. There’s no need for that...Michael,” you read his name. “I’m going.”
You turn around as if to head for the door but then do a 180 and sprint past a security guard who shouts at you to stop. You make your way for the elevators as the security guard runs after you. You press the button for the elevators but you notice they’re nowhere near the ground floor. 
The security catches up to you and in panic, you push him away with Wanda’s powers. He goes sliding across the floor and you bolt for the stairs.
You don’t even know which floor you would find Wanda in but you assume it would be somewhere up top. You begin your ascend. You reach the fourth floor and realize you should start using the StairMaster at the gym. You hear multiple security guards quickly making their way to you. You panic and walk through the wall, not knowing what was on the other side. 
You’re in some kind of engineering lab. You don’t think anyone saw you walk through the wall, so you try to act casual and stroll through the lab trying to find an exit. Then you hear someone call you. “Hey, you.”
You ignore them and act like you didn’t hear. They tell you to stop walking, loud enough that you can’t ignore it. You turn around to see a woman in a lab coat. She asks, “You’re not allowed on this floor. Who let you up here?”
“Oh, uh. Michael sent me,” you lie. “Sorry, I’m new. I must have gotten off on the wrong floor. Maybe you could help me find my way?”
“Where are you meant to be working?” she inquires and you’re stuck not knowing anything about the Stark Tower or Avengers Tower, whatever it’s called. 
“The lab,” you say. Your vague answer obviously creates another question. “What lab?”
“They haven’t told me yet? I’m not actually working in the labs. I’m doing more secretarial duties, taking notes and scheduling stuff.”
“For whom?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at you. You can feel her catching onto you and it’s the only reason why you try this.
“For the big guy, obviously,” you say and then focus really hard trying to read her mind, hoping that a name will pop up in her head. Did Bruce get an assistant? You smile. “Bruce.”
“Well then you are way off. He’s usually working on the 87th floor,” she tells you. 
“Well, thank god there’s an elevator,” you chuckle nervously, pointing behind you. “Well, I should get going before I’m any later. You turn around confidently but as you walk away she stops you once more. You think you got caught but she says, “Elevators are that way.”
She points to the opposite way you came from. You laugh to play off your mistake, “Duh. Sorry, the lab is so big. Thanks.”
You head the right way. You speed walk to the elevators and then jog when you hear a rougher voice telling you to stop. “She’s on the fourth floor.”
You assume they spoke into their walkie, and you know you don't have much time before they catch you. You think quickly. You can’t make your way to the elevator because then obviously they’ll just stop the elevators. You don’t want to walk through a wall; the dangers of that are extreme given this is Stark Tower. You could accidentally walk into an ongoing experiment. 
You had to hide. And suddenly, you had the perfect plan. 
The security guard runs to you. He thinks you’re running for the elevator but then you turn before you get there. He sees you dive behind some clunky machine, presumably to hide behind. You clearly never have won a game of hide and seek in your life, he thinks as he goes around the machine to catch you. 
He’s left utterly confused when you aren’t there. The only trace of you are your clothes down to underwear on the floor. Four other guards make it to the floor. One asks him, “Where is she?”
He doesn’t know how to answer. “She was right here. Search the floor. She’s hiding and I think she’s naked.”
They disperse taking your clothes with them. You let out a breath of relief at not getting caught but then mentally curse that they took your clothes. You still haven’t learned how to make other things invisible yet. You never really used this power. Maybe you should start practicing.
You hustle your naked ass to the elevators, feeling incredibly exposed even though you know no one can actually see you. You press the elevator button and wait impatiently. It dings and opens. 
“The elevators!” You hear one of the guards yell. Two run your way as you step into the car. You put all your energy into staying invisible. It would be really awkward if you were suddenly exposed. You hold your breath when one of them looks in the elevator. You keep yourself in the corner furthest away from them. In their eyes, there is no one in the elevator. 
“She’s not here.” They leave and the doors close. You click the button for the 87th floor.
This will probably have 3 parts. 
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johnkrrasinski · 3 years
started from a call
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 3,610
Warning: angst with a happy ending! that's all.
Summary: written for @wkemeup's 9k writing challenge with the prompt "character a leaves an embarrassing, drunk message on character b’s voicemail and spends the rest of the night trying to discreetly delete it from [b]’s phone." inspired by a bit of ross and rachel from friends too. you found out from steve that bucky was in love with you in high school but after he returns home with a girl in his arm, you cancelled your plans to tell him how you feel. will you and bucky have your happy ending?
a/n: please like, reblog and leave a feedback. :) enjoy!
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"Alright, I'll see you tonight. Bye." He leaned against the kitchen counter and hung up the phone with a grin on his face. "You hear that, Sam? We're going on our third date tonight." He threw his phone up into the air and caught it so casually without spilling a drop of his coffee sitting on his right hand. "Looks like I'm getting that 300 bucks soon."
"Hey, easy. You ain't going to that date yet, who knows? She could bail on you. It doesn't count if the date doesn't end well."
"Oh, but it will. I just gotta turn on my charm and next thing you know, we're already meeting the parents stage."
"Meeting the parents? That's a big step from you, Buck."
"Hey, I'm a man of my words. If I said that I'm going to change this year then I'm gonna stick to it."
"So Leah isn't just a one-time thing to get 300 bucks?"
"Maybe yes, maybe no. We'll see how tonight goes. But one thing's for sure is that I'm getting that 300 bucks."
Sam and Bucky made a bet as their New Year's resolution that Bucky would never go on a second date with any girl or remember to call her in the morning after a wild night. His commitment issues had given him a reputation as the player in the gang. It wasn't a new thing anymore to anyone that when they visited Bucky's place in the morning, they would see a girl with a dopey smile and slightly ruffled hair walking out of his apartment, giddy that Bucky just made a promise to call her later.
You, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Steve were hanging out at Nat's place. The six of you had been friends since college. You, Nat, Bucky and Steve had known each other since high school and the four of you kept in touch despite going to separate universities. You met Wanda when you went to NYU and Steve met Sam while he was in Harvard. Long story short, after the four of you graduated, you and Wanda lived together as roommates and even started your own bakery business. Steve and Bucky lived in the same building as you and Natasha and Sam lived nearly alone. They were too independent for roommates. Don't even start on Natasha and how much she valued her personal space. That's how the six of you ended up here, gathered at your place on a Saturday afternoon.
"Are you gonna pick her up tonight?"
"Of course. Gonna clean up well, bring her some flowers and knock on her door at 7 pm precisely. Which girl isn't gonna fall for that?" Bucky walked over to the couch you and Nat were sitting on and leaned on the headrest, his arms caging both you and Natasha.
You didn't say anything nor did Natasha because she knew about your feelings for Bucky. Despite never feeling that way about Bucky in high school, your feelings changed a week ago after learning that Bucky used to be in love with you but never had the courage to tell you. That's why he never had a girlfriend during his high school years and he wanted to take you to prom and confess his feelings to you but he was too late. Another guy had already snooped in first.
You were his first love but it wasn't reciprocated until now. That's why in college, he learned how to get over you and slept with as many women as possible because he felt like he lost four years of his life of finding the one. He never intended to be a player and feed girls empty promises, it just kind of became his way of dating. He was too afraid that no one could live up to you yet he enjoyed being with women. Hence, the bet.
The day you found out from Steve about Bucky's past feelings for you while playing truth or dare, you immediately wanted to call him up but Bucky was out of town for a few days and as soon as he was back home, he had Leah in his arm. Your heart was crushed. Wanda told you that it would probably last for a few days and that he'd eventually be single again but you totally did not expect this thing to turn into something serious. You loved Sam with every fibre of your being, he was like the big brother you never had, but you wanted to curse him for making that bet.
So you just rolled your eyes and stayed silent throughout this entire conversation, even though your heart felt like it was being stabbed over and over again. "Alright, I gotta go. Got a big date tonight. I'll see you guys in a few hours." Just like that, Bucky walked out of the room without knowing the pain his words caused you.
The next day you were sitting in your bed watching The Notebook in your pyjamas because you were too heartbroken to do anything productive. It was Sunday so you could just have a whole day to yourself and do absolutely nothing but cry. Wanda knocked on your door bringing a plate of cookies and she had a pitiful look on her face. "y/n? Sweetie? I made you these cookies, they might make you feel better." Sometimes you thank the stars for bringing her into your life.
"Thank you, Wanda. You're so nice to me." You know you probably sound like a hormonal whiny kid but everything made you cry at the moment.
"Do you need anything else? I know how it feels to get your heartbroken, trust me. When me and Vision had a fight and we didn't talk for days all I wanted was to curl up and never leave my bed, so in case you need anything, I'm here." She offered you that warm smile of hers.
"No, all I want right now is to just eat these cookies and go back to my film, thanks Wan."
"Okay, I'll be outside." Your pity party was interrupted when Nat arrived in her leather jacket and burst into your room.
"Get up, you are taking a shower and you're getting that face beat."
"Natasha, what the hell? Leave me alone."
"Y/N, listen to me. I got a date for you. His name is Scott and he's a real nice guy, he's funny, he's a good friend of mine and he is really smart. He is so much better than Bucky, I promise you. Now c'mon, I already told him that you are meeting him tonight at Stark's restaurant at 7."
You whined, doing anything you can to get her to leave you alone with your tears and your cookies but you knew that once Natasha set her mind on something, there's no talking her way out of it. Damn that woman with her determination.
"Y/N, c'mon! Wallowing all day isn't you. I know you and what's good for you. That's why I found you a great guy who will charm you so good that you will forget Barnes even existed. You can't let him win, y/n. If he's going to be happy with someone else, then you better show him that you can be much happier with other people."
You stared at her, trying to absorb her words. There's some wisdom in that. You're not the type to cry over a guy, not even for even Bucky Barnes. So you let Natasha drag you to the shower and asked Wanda to do your hair when she does your makeup. She chose an outfit for you, a dress that was not too sexy but chic enough to leave a good first impression.
Scott was early to the restaurant and he looked elated to see you. He was wearing a grey suit with no tie and he had a really exuberant smile on his face, the type that drew people easily. You could see why Natasha called him a nice guy.
"Wow, sorry, I just- didn't expect you to be this beautiful."
"Ah, thank you, Scott. Have you been waiting long?"
"No, not at all. I just arrived here like five minutes ago."
The night went on and Scott did most of the asking and talking, you answered each question curtly with forced enthusiasm in your face and body language. You weren't even listening to half of the things he said because your mind kept playing images of Bucky with Leah and how you heard from Sam that the date went well so he lost 300 bucks. You kept thinking about Bucky and Leah and how they would probably get married and have kids and live in the suburbs with a golden retriever while you'd still be single and you'd compare every man you meet to Bucky. Maybe it was your karma for not reciprocating his feelings in high school.
Five glasses of wine and you spent more time nodding than talking. Honestly, all you wanted to do was to just go home and go back to The Notebook because their love story was much better than your love life. Scott woke you out of your daze, "Natasha told you that I was cuter than this, did she?" after you gulped your sixth glass of wine.
"Oh Scott, I'm so sorry. It's not you, it's me. I know it sounds cliche but it's just... I'm not in a place where I'm looking for a boyfriend. You are a really likeable guy and I swear, if we had met at another time, maybe I would be a better date but right now, I just- I have someone else in my mind." You sighed, it felt like a relief to get that off your chest.
"Is this guy... an ex-boyfriend?"
You chuckled, "no... He wishes."
Scott nodded, "look, I don't know what your situation is but I've been through a divorce and it's never easy. But eventually, you'll be fine. You can't see it now because you haven't had closure." Then it was as if the bulb above your head was turned on.
"That's it.  Closure, yeah. That's all I need. Okay, give me a minute. I'm gonna call him now and I'm going to get my closure."
Scott sat there watching you comically trying to find your phone in your purse and tapped on Bucky's contact number. The normal you would be sweating with every ring but intoxicated you had no worries in the world... For now.
"This is Bucky. Can't pick up right now, leave a message." Beep.
"Hello, yes, Bucky! Or James, should I call you James? I always thought Bucky was a weird name. Anyways, I'm just calling to tell you that I am fine and I am on a date with Scott. And speaking of dates, I just gotta tell you that I'm happy to hear that your date went well. And that, my friend, means that I am over you. That's right, I'm over you. Tell Leah I say hi." You said sarcastically.
You hung up the phone and threw your phone back into your purse. You felt like you just won a chess game.
The next morning you decided to sleep in because your heart was pounding and you could barely sit up without feeling like you might fall. You were supposed to be working at the bakery but since you owned the bakery, Wanda let you sleep it off until you recover. You couldn't remember anything from last night, how you got back to your apartment was a mystery. You tried to put the pictures together, from being forced to go on a date, meeting a guy named Sean? Simon? Sebastian? Scott! Yes, Scott. You ordered your meals and then... Nothing, it was all blurry. You weren't even sure if anything happened at all after eating your meals.
The apartment was empty because Wanda was working at the bakery and it was just you with your hangover pills. Bucky came to your apartment without knocking because Wanda told him on the phone that you were home. He greeted you with a smile and asked about your date.
"Uh, let's see. I think there was a restaurant, I know there was wine. And there's a guy, Scott and pretty much that's all I can recall."
Bucky made a yikes face. Seeing the state you were in, he could do the math (of the wine you had). You probably enjoyed the alcohol more than the guy. What a doofus, he thought. If he was the one going on a date with you, you'd definitely remember every detail from last night.
"Leah's downstairs and I'm taking her back to her place but I left my keys here last night. Have you seen it?"
"No, check the drawers. Maybe Wanda put 'em there."
"Ah, okay." He opened the drawers and found the keys to his bike.
"Did we... Speak on the phone last night?"
"Nope, my phone was dead and I didn't charge it all night so I haven't really checked it. Why?"
"Nothing, nothing. It's just... Never mind. My memories are a bit hazy right now. You should go, say hi to Leah for me."
Bucky nodded as you walked back to your room to go lie down. Your question reminded him that he should probably check his phone now because there could be work-related messages but the first thing he heard was a voicemail from you. "Oh, y/n. I got your message!"
That instantly stopped you in your tracks. Your eyes went wide and you froze. You immediately turned around and ran to grab his phone away from him. Bucky had a confused look on his face, "who's Scott?"
"Oh my God, no, Bucky, give me the phone. Give me the phone!" But it was already too late, he was already halfway through your voicemail and by the time you successfully snatched his phone out of his grasp, he had already heard every word.
Bucky stood there dumbfounded, he needed time to process everything you just said to him. "What do you- what do you mean you're over me?"
"Oh, God... Alright, um- lately, I've um- sort of, have... Feelings for you." You never had to chase a guy or confess your crush first so this felt new and my God, it was nerve-racking.
"You have feelings for me..." He said it as if he was convincing himself that his ears got it right. Bucky couldn't believe the words that just escaped through your lips, for years he had dreamed of this moment. Though never did he ever want you to make the first move but adolescent him wanted to hear you say what he'd been wanting to say to you too.
He didn't say anything for what felt like minutes and you couldn't decipher his thoughts from the look on his face. "I need to sit down," he pulled one of the dining chairs and leaned on his side in a defeated posture.
"Bucky... Please say something." You alerted him in a hushed tone, not wanting to startle him than you already did. But he didn't. He was lost at words. What the hell was he supposed to tell her?
"Look Bucky, I'm sorry for telling you this way but I had to. I just- I've been wanting to talk to you about it since you came back to New York, well- actually, since Steve told me but-"
"Whoa, Steve told you?!" He interrupted.
"Yeah, it just accidentally slipped when we were playing truth or dare..."
"Okay well," he stood up from his seat, yet he still couldn't look you in the eye. "I can't do this right now, Leah's waiting for me downstairs and I gotta go." He basically ran out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving you alone.
Once your hangover had begun dissipating, you decided to help Wanda at the bakery and took the night shift. She must've been exhausted from managing the bakery alone while also helping the employees in the kitchen so you told her to go home and leave it to you. The bakery's usually slower at night.
When it was nearing closing time and your employees had gone home, you decided to clean up and turned off the lights and checked everything one last time before locking the door. The bell above the door dinged and you were slightly annoyed because who the hell comes to the bakery at this hour?
"I'm sorry we're clo...sed." It was Bucky. He stood there in a black coat, with an expression you still couldn't figure out. "Bucky, what are you-"
"You have no right to tell me that you've got feelings for me." His tone was harsh, he never spoke that way to you or anyone... Ever.
He walked closer to you, maintaining his gaze, "You can not tell me that you've got feelings for me now when I'm doing well with my life and Leah..."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I was in love with you for years! Years, y/n! And you never said and did anything and now when everything's going well you're ruining it!"
"I am ruining it?" You repeated the question because you couldn't believe what you just heard. How dare he said those hurtful things to you.
"Yes! I was doing fine with Leah and now I don't know what's going to happen with me and her anymore..."
"Yeah, well, I was doing fine before I found out that YOU were in love with me and never had the balls to tell me!" You did everything you could to not cry, you hated crying in the middle of an argument.
"Hey, it's not like I didn't try. There were your ex-boyfriends and your dates and I had to move on. I couldn't wait forever! And now, now you're too late."
"Oh, so what? You're just gonna walk away and pretend that this never happened?"
"Yes, I'm going to do exactly that and I'm going to go see Leah." He turned around like he did earlier in your apartment and left you alone once again with your heartbreak.
"Fine! Go ahead and see Leah because I don't give a fuck about cowards like you or whoever you sleep with." You slammed the door and tried everything you could to not have a breakdown here because you really hated letting an argument hurt you. You sat on one of the chairs where the customers would sit and you hid your face with your hands and cried.
Not because you just lost an argument but because of what Bucky said and it felt like you had lost Bucky before you even had him. Now there was no hope left for you and Bucky, things were too complicated.
You didn't know how long you had cried there, alone, in the dimmed lighting of your shop but after you felt like the tears had dried, you wiped the traces of your tears from your cheeks with the back of your thumb. You stood from your seat and was ready to go home. You couldn't wait to eat some leftover pizzas, take a warm shower and cry into your pillows until you fall asleep.
But when you were about to leave, you saw Bucky standing on the other side of the door, watching you through the windows with a softer expression on his face. You opened the door and Bucky instantly grabbed your waist and kissed you as if his life depended on it.
You gave in to his kiss, letting him pour every desire and yearning into your lips for as long as he wanted. You grabbed his face because you wanted him impossibly closer and you shut your eyes, letting your guard down. Because it was Bucky, and you'd known him for as long as you could remember and you both deserved this moment.
Bucky eventually pulled away until both of you were running out of air. You were breathless from his kiss, you never knew he was such a good kisser. (It's Bucky and he's had a lot of women on his bed, of course, he was excellent at it. Who were you kidding?) But now that you've had your own front-row experience, you felt a tad of possessiveness at the thought of sharing those lips or any part of him with anyone else.
"I couldn't go back to her knowing you are here alone and I had thrown away what I've wanted for as long as I could remember."
"I'm glad you came back." You pressed your foreheads and you rested your hands on his chest. You could get used to this.
"I hope it's not too late to say this but, y/n y/l/n, will you let me take you to dinner and see a movie after maybe?"
"I wasn't the one who said it's too late," you halfheartedly teased him.
"Shut up, so is that a yes or a no?"
You bit your lip and nodded, "yes. Definitely a yes." You stared into his ocean blue eyes, so deep and beautiful, you could easily get lost in it.
"y/n y/ln, I'm going to put all of your ex-boyfriends to shame."
"Hm, we'll see about that." You put your arms around his neck. Then a thought crossed your mind and your smile faded away, "what are you gonna do about Leah though?"
"I'll talk to her in the morning. Let's take you home now, yeah? It's getting late."
You bit your lip and nodded, "okay."
Ninth grade you dreamed of popular jocks and athletic seniors, but little did you know that, sometimes, the one who sincerely loved you was the book nerd who loved The Hobbit a little too much.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Can you write a little mix member x avengers cast?? Maybe?
Hello love! Thank you for the request, I apologize for taking so long to work on it! I’ve written this as a headcanon, since I haven’t done any of those in a while. I hope you like it❤️
The Marvel Cast Finds Out You’re In Little Mix
Why is this lowkey a crack fic/headcanon😭💀
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Alrighty so, I feel like they probably wouldn’t know you’re part of a band or who Little Mix is.
Since SADLY, the girls aren’t as big in the States as we’d like them to be:(
The people who definitely might know you are ✨The Brits✨ and Scarlett because she has a young daughter who probably listened to Wings or something—kids find everything on the internet these days.
Working with Marvel was your first acting gig; so none of them knew anything about you or if you’ve been in other films, etc.
Except for Tom Holland, who was lowkey fangirling at the fact he gets to work with one of the Little Mix members.
Side note: he’ll be deeply offended when he figures out the others don’t know about Little Mix or that you can sing.
The rest of the cast (RDJ, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Seb, Lizzie, etc.) had a hunch that you were some kind of writer.
You were always humming to yourself and writing in your notebook or typing down notes in your phone when something came to mind.
Though they didn’t pry at your business because—well, it wasn’t their business.
They could find out about your other job through many ways. Maybe you guys are doing promo and some interviewers mention the band and things about a new album, to which most of them were confused about.
“So (Y/n), I know this is your first time acting. How different was it from performing on stage and acting on camera?”
Everyone’s attention would be on you (this is a panel btw) Mackie’s looking at the back of your head in confusion, Robert fully turns in his seat to look at you, Lizzie is also curious, Evans is looking between you and the reporter—everyone is just confused.
“Performing on stage? Did you do Broadway (y/n/n)?” Evans asked. Tom (Holland) scoffed shaking his head, disgusted to be part of this group of uncultured swines.
You chuckled and shook your head, “No, I’m a singer. I’m part of a girlband.”
The whole cast gasped in shock. Mackie let out a loud “WHAT?!”. Robert leaned even closer to you trying to see if you were lying. Others whispered amongst themselves asking each other if they knew.
Tom (Holland) just sat back watching everyone’s reactions along with you. Amused at the amount of questions that were suddenly being thrown your way.
He’d also be quick to add, “NOT just ANY girlband, but the biggest girlband on the planet.”
For clarification, Tom’s a very proud Mixer.
Scarlett finally recognized you, knowing that she’s seen you somewhere before, but could never put her finger onto it. “Wait you’re from Little Mix!”
“THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME TASTE!” Tom yelled, dramatically turning to Scarlett.
After the initial shock, everyone was very curious. They wanted to hear your music, wanted to know the other members, when your next tour was—they were very ecstatic.
When you guys finally reached London for the press tour, there was a lot of hype for Little Mix because you guys were going to finally reunite after months of being apart.
The girls were allowed to visit set, but since you guys were working on your new album, they were stuck in London. You were relocated to Atlanta, filming an Avengers movie and working on the album via FaceTime/Zoom.
You and the girls reunite the same night you land in London! As tired as you were, the five of you hung out in your hotel room.
You were all excited for the days to come. Not only were you doing promo for the movie but you and the girls were going to be performing again on night time talk shows and were having a Live Lounge session with BBC Radio 1.
The panel of the cast discovering you were part of a band went viral. Many of the fans couldn’t believe they didn’t know about your other job.
There were even edits going around social media of the cast looking clueless and or reacting to your ‘secret’.
Then there were ones like “Tom Holland being a Mixer for 10 minutes and 57 seconds straight”.
Your favorite one was where they zoomed in on everyone’s confused expression while that one Nicki Minaj song played in the background.
It was mentioned in almost every interview after it went viral.
“So none of you had a clue that (y/n) was also a singer? Like at all?”
“I didn’t even know homegirl could sing, matter of fact I never imagined her to be in a girlband.” — Anthony Mackie
“I had a hunch that she was a musician or artist, but no one ever listens to me.” — Chris Evans
“(Y/n)’s in a girlband? Since when?” — Paul Rudd
“After we found out, I listened to all six of their albums on the flight here.” — Elizabeth Olsen
“Of course I knew, my music taste is immaculate compared to the others.” — Tom Holland
“Shut the fuck up, Tom.” — Anthony Mackie
“I really enjoy Black Magic, it reminds me of Wanda.” — Paul Bettany
The cast was so eager to hear you sing and watch you perform with the girls.
They finally got to do that when you invited them to the Live Lounge session. They also got to meet the girls.
You were very happy at that moment; seeing the two groups of people you love meeting each other and getting along meant a lot to you. It gave you a lil warm tingle in your heart.
Since there were no fans in the studio, it was only you and the girls, the band, and a bunch of the Avengers.
While the cameras rolled and you guys were performing, they were crowded together behind the scenes. Some of them were sitting on the carpeted floors or standing against the walls.
They were absolutely stunned when they heard you sing. You had a powerful voice that ranged from high to low, something they never expected of you.
When they heard you and the girls sing or harmonize with each other, it was like they were all in heaven.
“They sound like angels.”
“My ears are tingling, but like in a good way.”
“Seriously, how did we not know she can sing like this?”
“Hear me out—this is a perfect reason as to why we should have an Avengers musical.”
“Chris if we hear you bring up a damn musical one more time I swear.”
“Their voices go so well together, how do they even do that?”
Scarlett would secretly film videos to show her daughter. I have a feeling that Evans, Tom, RDJ, Sebby, and Mark would record some parts as well and would post it onto their Insta stories.
When fans found out they were at the Live Lounge they freaked out.
Ever since they found out you were in a band, they’ve been the biggest fans and supporters of the group.
They’re always promoting your albums on their social media accounts without you even asking.
Privately and publicly praising you guys for performances or achievements.
Your two main groups clashed and now everyone was friends. It was definitely the most weirdest collision— Little Mix and the cast of the Avengers. But it worked out perfectly.
Everyone got along with each other and the girls would always visit you on set.
They’re always playing the band’s song in the background on set.
Most of them won’t admit, but they definitely memorized the lyrics to almost every song.
*cough cough* Mackie and Hemsworth
I feel like Samuel L. Jackson would join in on the action too, one way or another. Somehow he got looped in.
ANOTHER THING OMG, they would definitely stand up for you and the girls whenever Piers Morgan or some asshole hates on you guys or pulls a jab on you all.
Best beileve Evans will be calling him out publicly on Twitter.
“Why are you so worried about a bunch of talented women who are doing their job and bringing happiness to others? They’ve done nothing to you, you’re always the one making jabs at them. Leave them alone you fucking British meatball.”
I feel like Robert helped you and the girls find a better management company after learning about the unfair treatment you all faced under Simon’s care.
In conclusion: The Marvel cast would be ecstatic to learn about you being a singer and they’d become your biggest fans. They truly adore you and the girls for your amazing talent :’)
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On your 'Stark isn't a role model most most people like' comment; that's the unfortunate thing, a bunch of people DO see him as a great character and role model. I can't tell you how many arguments I've gotten into irl who thought Stark was a good person. Despite, you know, the fact that he is a literal war profiteer, hypocrite, and bigot. (Don't even get me started on him grooming Pepper) I'm pretty sure it's an Elon Musk type thing where people just assume 'rich = good and right' and its yikes in every way
Absolutely, there's a weird love for billionaires that I never quite understood. I don't know if it's because some people think by kissing their ass they'll turn into one or if dealing with them makes them think they're part of the elite group and better than us poor and stupid sheep struggling to make ends meet.
I can understand people liking him but most of the stuff he did in the movies is unjustifiable. He was a war-profiteer and didn't stop selling weapons until it affected him and a bunch of American soldiers (he didn't give a damn if non-white people died. And the folks who claim he didn't know? He didn't want to know, there's a difference).
Then he spent years building weapons of mass destruction, refusing to answer to the American government and of course he was allowed to do that because of who he was. Which hey, I'm more than happy that he didn't hand the suits to those fuckers but let's not forget his privileges are the only reason he got away with it because what happens when others want to do the same and keep acting without the government's interference? Oh right, the Raft.
He's never been held accountable for anything, he's never had to face any consequences for his actions, the only shit he's had to navigate through is problems of his own making and Thanos.
What price did he have to pay for building Ultron and destroying a good chunk of land in Sokovia? A little bit of guilt after a mother told him about an American kid dying there? What of the Sokovians who died during the attack? And what does that guilt translate into? The Accords. Something that doesn't affect him at all since he's not enhanced. So the rest of the team suffers from it but he doesn't.
What price did he have to pay for kidnapping a 14 year old, taking him out of the country without telling his legal guardian and getting him involved in a fight with powerful individuals who didn't know who the kid was? None. Or worse, he's told he's a "father figure". Oh and before he was going to introduce him to the world as the new avenger, did he speak with May? Did May know? She's his legal guardian but he didn't tell her, he doesn't own that kid but who cares, right?
What price did he have to pay for trying to murder Bucky in cold blood? None, he went back to the compound and was free as a bird while Steve, Sam, Wanda and Natasha were forced to go hiding, Scott and Clint had to agree to a deal with the government while informing them of their families and Bucky went on cryo again.
Does he ever learn from any of this? He doesn't. He keeps making promises of change and growth but whenever shit hits the fan he always acts the same way. He destroys the suits and promises to stop but he keeps building them anyway. He sees he has stepped over people's boundaries and he says sorry only to do the same over and over again. He claims to understand civil rights and feels guilty over his actions but when the time comes he's more than happy to violate them. He speaks of freedom and peace but builds devices to control the citizens, even has one of them in house arrest because in his eyes she's a "weapon of mass destruction" not a human being.
He was so full of it and the worst part is Marvel kissed his ass so bad that every time he started with his idiotic speeches not a single character was ever allowed to correct him, so it doesn't surprise me that some people think he's a role model. Or perhaps they think he's a role model of what not to be in which case... I'd agree with them.
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
wildest dreams
witch!wanda x reincarnated!reader 
summary: wanda had walked around the earth for centuries with no magic and hardly any soul left after losing her soulmate. she thought that her lover would never return and that the only reunion they would have would be in the afterlife, but a run-in with bucky changes everything after he insists that he met the long gone y/n at a fountain in the park. 
yet another au by me... 
word count: around 6.5k?
imma tag one person bc she gets upset when she isn’t tagged- and idk if anyone else would actually be interested?
also this picture is not mine, and the dividers are by @firefly-graphics !!
without further ado, it’s almost 6 in the morning but i give you this!!
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She held you tight, fingers digging into your skin as she trembled above you. The rose bushes were rustling in the wind next to you both, the sweet smell of the flowers contrasting with the moment. You were halfway gone already, eyes far off but trying to swim back to the surface, wanting to look at her one last time before the inevitable happened. 
  “S…” you tried to say, but she hushed you immediately, tears falling down on your face and mixing with your own. You shook her head at her as hard as you could, begging for her to let you continue. “Say you’ll remember me,” you ground out, fingers tightening around her hand. 
  “What?” Wanda asked, voice already thick with grief as she tried to decide whether or not it was better to keep the knife lodged between your ribs inside of you.
“When I come back-” you cut yourself off by coughing up blood, and Wanda didn’t even wince when it splattered on her cheek. “Back for you, promise that you’ll remember me.” 
 “Darling,” Wanda whispered back, her voice cracking as she bent over and rested her head on your stomach for a moment, hiding her sob. She could feel her magic tingling inside of her; under her skin, in her bones, dancing on her fingertips. “I wish I knew- I wish I just knew how-”
  “Please.” You said, a desperate look in your eyes as you halted her words, already knowing what Wanda wanted. But natural magic was nothing to mess with. She sobbed again with her lips pressed together, no sound escaping her. You squeezed her hand tighter as the sun started on its routine descent, basking the two of you in an orange glow that you would have stopped to admire in any other moment in time. But Wanda would grow to hate that shade of orange with every breath in her. “Please.” It would always remind her of the sound of your begging, voice reaching for something that she couldn’t see. 
Maybe it was the desperation in your voice, or the way that she just knew that you were well within your last moments, because she looked up at you one last time. “Of course I’ll remember you, darling. I couldn’t even dream of forgetting you.” There was a wheezing sound that came from your chest as you cracked a bloody smile, and then you gave one last squeeze before you looked away from her, your soul settling in the afterlife. 
  Wanda Maximoff would never forget it. Suddenly, her previously  irrational fear of losing her magic became real, but that feeling didn’t even come close to the one she got when you grew lifeless in her arms. 
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Ever since you knew what a normal person was supposed to be like, you had identified that you, in fact, were not the normal person that you were probably supposed to be. Normal people didn’t daydream to the point where it felt like their bodies weren’t in the present anymore. Normal people didn’t have birthmarks under their ribs that aced and burned. Normal people didn’t feel out of touch with their world, like they weren’t even meant to be in the century they were in. Normal people didn’t feel like they were searching for something tirelessly, something just under their noses. And normal people surely didn’t dream of the same set of hands, same pair of eyes, or the same voice over and over again, a new setting every time, but always the same, faceless person. You either drew the same faceless person or rose bushes, and every sketch book you ever had was full of them. 
At first, you were sure that you were going insane. Every time you closed your eyes, you would see a flash of reddish brown hair, or the same set of eyes, or the same pair of pale hands. You kept seeing this person without ever seeing a face for nights at a time before you went to see a therapist, who just ended up telling you that worrying about it was only going to make it worse, whatever it even was. But eventually, you learned to get used to it. 
Acceptance turned into expectancy. You went to sleep knowing that there was going to be a pair of hands accompanied by the same slender fingers as always before you, sometimes intertwined with your own. You knew that there was going to be a set of eyes on you, watching you intently with no ace to go with them. You knew that you would hear whispers of the same voice, speaking so clearly in a language you didn’t even come close to understanding, and soon, you were craving to see and hear those things. And wanting to see them led to something that you never told your therapist; drawings. 
You drew nearly every day under the sky, trying to find different park benches to see the sun rise and set at different angles for inspiration. You loved the sky, moon and stars alike, but there was something special about sunrises and sunsets. Sunrises and sets both meant new beginnings to you, out with the old and in with the new, and each rise and fall filled you with a strange feeling of nostalgia. You were watching the sunset on a park bench by yourself, a sketchbook sitting on your lap as you held an idle pencil, still thinking about the way you wanted to draw the hands. The birthmark between your ribs started to tingle, letting you know that it was about to burn again. That damn birthmark. You dropped the pencil and scratched at it, trying to beat the annoying feeling at its own game. You cursed the mark, but your eyes didn’t leave the sky, and you noticed your heart swelling in your chest, faint despair in the pits of it, churning around like the middle of the deep sea. 
 You shook your head and put your pencil in your hand again, brain not even having to work hard at all to see the features of the faceless person who was in your every dream. 
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Even before she ever met you, Wanda didn’t sleep well. She would toss and turn for at least an hour before she finally found some temporary, flimsy form of peace. Her sleep was always light and she hardly ever had dreams, which was customary for a woman like her at the time- an un-blossomed witch. 
It was hard for her to remember the time where she didn’t have magic, but that time certainly existed. It lasted nearly thirty years. She never aged a day past twenty one, time moving past her without a care in the world. She was stuck right there, no magic except for the little bit in her bones that was keeping her young. And then she met you. 
You were the person that kicked her magic into gear. You were her kindred soul, her other half and the power to her magic. Meeting you had flung her right into the world of magic and spells, things that she only watched others do, but even as she was introduced to an entirely different world, she could remember only really wanting you. Her heart and soul called to you far louder and stronger than spells called to her eager mind. When she met you, it all fell into place. It was an easy love, one that was never going to be disputed or questioned, and loved it. She was prepared to move heaven, earth, and the gods for you, if she had to. Your arrival into her life had caused her to finally blossom. 
But now, she had bloomed and flourished and wilted all the same, and she was just waiting to decompose. 
“Have hope,” was all that Bucky, a warlock who had been tortured enough in his own way, would tell her. “Have hope that something good will come to you, and it will.” 
She never had the heart to tell him that good things hardly came to those who waited. He himself was a product of waiting, and it had served him well. Before he met his other half, he was taken by a rival clan and experimented on with spells that were so far past illegal that they made the casual witch shudder. Eventually, he was broken out and the rival clan was defeated, but he returned to them as an empty shell of a man. But then, Steve came, and then the man was nothing but a ball of light. His magic grew to be strong and so did Steve’s, and together they became known as some of the strongest practitioners of magic in the world. 
 But what did Wanda have to hope for when you were gone? What did she have to wake up for and smile at when she knew that she had buried you hundreds of years ago? It wasn’t even about the magic. She couldn’t care less about the way she felt the energy leave her- and it was dramatic- leaving in a singular burst of light the second you left. She only knew that you were gone, and that was the only thing that mattered, and it seemed to be the only thing that she even really felt. 
Well, she did feel one other thing. Exhaustion. Exhaustion caused by the lack of you by her side. And exhaustion was exactly why she assumed that she was hallucinating when she felt a small tug at her heart, in a part of her brain that had been dormant for years and years. She shook her head and tried to take her thoughts away from you and the nagging feeling in her gut. 
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“Oh, no…” you exclaimed, voice tapering out into a whine as you watched the ruined paper sink deeper and deeper into the fountain, a fist clenching at your side in disappointment when you realized how many hours were lost, just like that, and then even tighter when you realized that part of you wasn’t even truly upset about the time spent on the ruined art. You were mostly upset that you lost the only vision of the hands that you had during the daytime. 
You were on your knees, sleeves still all the way down as you reached into the water frantically, causing the paper to move even further away. You weren’t even worried about your sketchbook that had fallen open onto the pavement, more focused on the rapidly deteriorating piece of paper. You hardly even noticed the man who knocked into you talking, trying his hardest to make the situation better. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, is there anything I can do?” 
“I mean,” you breathed out, taking the nearly disintegrated paper from the water and grimacing. When you realized that the man was fumbling to say something from behind you, celery apprehensive over the fact that you were upset, you took a short breath and turned around, giving him a small smile. He had dark brown hair that was cut short and crystal blue eyes that were striking, but you knew that they held thousands of stories by looking just once.  He was holding your sketchbook, and by the way he was gripping it tightly, you could tell that he had flipped through it for a second. “It’s just a drawing. I guess I can make another one.” 
  His eyes widened. You saw his jaw slacken and his neck stretch out, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He blinked three times, and his parted lips trembled for a second before he slammed them shut. You cocked a brow at him, your sadness about losing the drawing being replaced by a weak feeling of uneasiness. “Sir?” 
  “Knew it.” His face was clear from any type of emotion as he watched yours, and when you opened your mouth to ask him if he was okay, a grin spread across his face. “I’m Bucky, what’s your name?” You furrowed your brows at him, asking what the hell had just occurred without saying a single word. “I’m sorry, you just looked really familiar.” 
 Just like that, you smiled. You knew that feeling, you felt like you got deja vu far too often to be normal. You hated when people made you feel strange for it, you always had, so you tried your best to ignore it with him. “You’re fine, don’t worry. I’m Y/N.” You extended your dry hand for him to shake it. He stared at it for a moment, and then with an eagerness that made you smile, he shook your hand. 
“‘I’m Bucky.” 
  For a moment, you could have sworn that you had done more tha just seen him before. Could have sworn that you had shaken his hand, met him before, been at the receiving end of his blinding yet somewhat shy smile. It flashed through you warm and bright, and you cleared your throat before pulling your hand away and realizing you had held it for too long. You cleared it again when you saw something flash in his eyes, a weak smile lifting on your lips.
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“It’s not her.” 
Wanda was furious. She was insulted more than anything, really, angry that Bucky could even mistake the light of you for someone else. She knew that you would never grace the earth with your presence again, and she was so used to the fact that she was going to have to die before seeing you again. And for one of her closest friends to try to convince her that you were back? 
 “She would have already found me.” And Wanda believed that with her whole heart. You had asked her so long ago that you remember her, like she could ever forget. Your scent was so flowery that whenever she walked past a growing garden that she smelled you, your smile was so bright that she saw it in the way the rays of sun came down on the earth. She heard your laugh in the chirping of the birds every morning, and she saw your playfulness in the running waters of the stream by the cabin. She could never forget you, because everything was traced back to you. And you would never return without finding her. 
“I don’t think she even knows it yet, but she is looking for you.” Bucky insisted, stepping forward and receiving Wanda’s burning glare while Steve stepped to the side and let it happen. “I bumped into her and she dropped her sketchbook. I saw her drawings- she drew your eyes.” 
  Wanda’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” 
“She dropped the drawing of hands in the water, but I saw she had drawn eyes that looked just like yours, hair the same shade as yours, even drawn the necklace you used to wear. She draws roses, too. I swear to everything above, it’s her.” 
She could feel herself getting warm, the sort of emotions stirring inside of her that had the potential to turn into a singular weapon. The thought of a rose bush made her sick to her stomach. “It’s not her.” 
“You forget that I knew her, too,” Bucky stated, and Wanda’s desolation was replaced by some ancient feeling of possessiveness. “I could never forget her face, and that was it right there. That was her face, without a shadow of a doubt, And her voice-” 
Wanda’s face curled into a snarl. “Stop talking about her.”  
“Hey, Wanda, take a deep breath,” Steve cut in, ever the mediator, but Bucky was hardheaded. If he thought something needed to happen, he was the one to push for it to happen, and he needed her to see. 
 “She looks the same as she did the day she left.” Wanda let out a choked noise. For a second, all she could picture was her lover dying by the blooming rose bushes in the sunset, ruining two of the most beautiful things in life at once. The third (but first) was you, but not even your horrible death could taint Wanda’s memory of you. You would forever be the brightest and most beautiful thing to grace the earth. “I got her number, we’re meeting at a coffee shop a few blocks away.” 
“Leave her alone.” Wanda said through gritted teeth, tears welling up in her eyes. When she saw the brunet’s eyes widen and his mouth drop open, she spoke before he could get a word in. “Just stay away from her, Bucky.” 
All she could think about was your death. The way you choked on your own blood. The way you cried and looked up at her, but still managed to smile. And as she was consumed by rage and memories, the only other thought in her mind was that she was yours and you were here, and that she couldn’t save you then. But she was surely going to preserve your memory from Bucky’s mouth. 
  “I know you feel it coming back. You haven’t felt it in so long, but it’s warm, right? It’s powerful. You always were the strongest, and you’re not dormant any longer. Stop lying to yourself and depriving yourself of love, Wanda. You know Y/N-”
  She saw red. Red as red as the fires that burned in the magma underneath the ground, as red as embers in a fire. “You don’t get to say her name.” She saw so much red, so much hot anger that hardly covered her sadness, that she didn’t even see the way that she had her hand out red coming from her palm as she lifted Bucky right off of the wooden floor of their shared home. “You don’t get to talk about her.” There was a warbling noise in her ears, whispers that sounded like her name, getting louder and louder until she finally realized it was Steve trying to get her attention. 
Instantly, she dropped her arm and watched Bucky fall to the ground, landing in a crouched position. She watched him catch his breath on the ground. She opened her mouth to apologize, to say that she felt terrible and that she had no idea what happened, what took over her, but she was stopped by the brilliant smile that came onto Bucky’s face. 
  “You used magic.” He said, slowly and steadily, not a hint of hesitance or animosity in his eyes or voice. Instead, he seemed more proud than anything. “You can’t deny this now, Wanda.” 
She was hyperventilating, the pain in her chest intensifying as she tried without any results to get the right amount of air in her lungs. She felt her knees hit the ground before she knew that she did, her hands covering her face as she sobbed into herself. Her heart ached, tugging in so many different directions as her brain fought to rationalize what everything meant. She had used magic,  and that meant that you were back, in one way or another. She was in disbelief. She was in despair. She was in shock. 
“I know you do, I know you do,” It was Steve’s arms around her, and Steve’s voice in her ear, and she realized that she had been saying I miss her, I miss her, over and over again until the words jumbled. “We know you do, Wanda. We miss her too.” 
But he didn’t understand. He hadn’t lost Bucky since he had found him. He hadn’t walked the earth for centuries after losing the only thing that mattered to him as an empty shell of the person he used to be. He would never understand, but that wasn’t his fault. In fact, she prayed that he would never understand. 
“I’m sorry I approached you like that,” Bucky said, crouching down and hugging her just as Steve was, enclosing her into a hugging circle. They were coven, related by magic, and just being around them made her tears subside. “But you know that I would have never said anything like that unless I was one thousand percent sure. I would never do anything to hurt you, Wanda. All I want is for you to be happy. And I know that I found her.” 
And how could he want anything but the best for her? He knew her just as much as Steve did. Just as much as she probably knew herself. He and Steve were the ones who stormed the coven that took you from her by her side, and they were the ones that helped her send them to their graves. They supported her through thick and thin, through revenge and peace, and mostly, they loved you almost as much as she did. Why would Bucky lie? 
Wanda blinked, staring down at her hands in fear and wonder as her heart beat started to get away from her. Steve’s warm hand landed on her shoulder, and she flinched from the sudden touch after such a rush of power. 
“I think you should go with him, Wanda.” Her heavy breathing was all that filled the air for a moment. “Just take a look at her from outside so you can leave if he was wrong without anyone knowing, but you should at least try. I think Buck’s right.” 
Wanda’s breaths were still labored. Her hands trembled as she moved hair from her eyes, and her lip quivered before she found the strength to mutter a few words. “Will she- will she remember?” 
“I think she will,” Steve said softly. “But she’s probably just a human. It may take more than just seeing you for her to remember everything.” 
 Her eyes were wet with tears, and her heart was so big with warmth and need that she was scared that it would burst open at the seams. But she was even more terrified to lose the idea of you. Slowly and shakily, she nodded, her head bobbing up and down as she sealed her own fate. “I’ll go.” She saw Steve give her his fatherly and supportive smile, small yet full. “I’ll see her.” 
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You didn’t know how you were gently swindled into giving Bucky your number. You knew that it was nothing but friendly, but he was so charming that you felt like you could never not know him. In fact, it felt like you already did know him. He said something about maybe commissioning an artwork of yours, and of course that excited you. You were going to meet him at a coffee shop, in a public place even though you weren’t the slightest bit afraid of him. But something felt different. 
 It started once you got into your car. You were driving to get to the shop when tingles came down your spine, and bumps raised on your arms, like someone was whispering against your skin. You started to feel warmth come and go in waves, brushing against your mind and then retreating again. You shook off all of the strong feelings as you turned your car off, parked in front of the coffee shop while the music from your speakers filled the silence, soft piano music that was perfect for the weather. 
  It was drizzling, the kind of weather that you liked to call a “lover’s drizzle” because of how often it was seen in romantic scenes. Scenes of confession, of reunion, of desperation between two lovers- more often than not, they had the mild rain to stand in. You turned the music down before shutting your car off and then stepping out, closing the door and locking it immediately before walking briskly to the entrance of the coffee shop with your recent drawings in hand. 
 Bucky wasn’t there when you arrived. In fact, hardly anyone was there besides the few employees, who smiled at you when you entered but otherwise fell back into conversation amongst themselves, which was fine with you. There was one beefy blonde man who was sitting with a laptop and a ball cap on. He glanced up for a moment and then took a double take, blinking hard at you with a star struck look on his face, and then he shot his gaze back down and went back to typing.
You sat down at a table for two, the only type of table that was there besides the long, awkward study tables that they had set up in the center of the room. You would much rather take the intimate setting of a two-seater than to sit in the middle of the shop, so you did just that. You flipped through your work, looking at it closely now that you had the time. He had mentioned something about possible portrait work for a friend of his, so you naturally brought most of the drawings that you had done with hands, arms, eyes, hair, nearly everything that was the closest to your heart. You rested your palm on top of them and watched your fingers trace the slender ones that you had drawn in what felt like by memory at the time, like you were just remembering the way an old friend’s hands used to look. You peeled that one back and looked into the eyes, the strangest and prettiest light green color that made your heart pound every time you looked at it. You took a deep breath in.
  “That’s gorgeous.” You jumped in your seat as the chair in front of you pulled out from under the table, and there was the charming brunet that you had met by the fountain, giving you the same welcoming smile that he first granted you. You smiled back without hesitation, your heart warming at the sight. “You sure can draw.” 
  “I try,” you joked, your grin nearly splitting your face. “Do you drink coffee?” 
“Nah,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “But I like tea, though.” You gave him a thoughtful look. 
“Are you into herbal healing?” 
You could have sworn that there was some sort of excitement in his eyes, but you weren’t sure enough by the time he opened his mouth again. “Yes, actually! What, does it look like I’m into it?” 
“No,” you answered, and it was true. Bucky was huge. He had the kind of build that intimidated other guys at the gym, the kind that made athletes jealous. He looked like the typical meathead, but he was sweeter than you could have imagined. But he looked nothing like a man who would be into herbal healing. “Just a guess.” 
“Pretty good guess,” he mused, and you grinned back. Your head was in the clouds of some strange deja vu when he asked you if you wanted something, and the entire exchange of whether or not you were going to pay was on the back burner as you sifted through your thoughts. By the time he came back, you noticed that you must have told him that you liked hot chocolate, and that he must have paid. You scolded him before he sat back down, waving you off. It was silent for a few moments as you looked out of the window, the rain still steadily working through the atmosphere. The cup was comfortingly warm. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
  With any other man, you would have immediately told him no, or at least have your guard up. But there was just something deep down, so buried that it was faint, but it was there, that told you that he was nowhere even close to being a threat. “Yes.”
 He nodded, taking a sip of his tea and then putting his cup down gently before giving you an intense look. “Who’s the girl?”  
You frowned. “What girl?” 
He raised a singular brow. “The one you draw.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat. You blinked twice, and then tilted your head to the side. “I don’t draw just one person,” you said slowly, the lie dragging its way out of your mouth and through your teeth. “They’re different people.” 
“Oh,” he said, but the smirk on his face told you that he knew you were lying to him and to yourself. You sipped your drink and something tugged at you, telling you to look out of the window and into the rain again, just one more time before you spilled your guts about seeing things- and then something caught your eye. A flash of a familiar reddish-brown. You turned your full body to look that way, and once you did, you nearly dropped your cup. 
  There was a woman staring back at you, eyes wide and full of so much emotion that the artist in you wanted to rush to make an unworthy attempt at capturing it. Her lips were parted in pure shock, but you were watching them tremble even from far away. She was getting slightly damp in the rain, but she stood there like it didn’t even matter, just locking eyes with you and sending your heart rate through the roof. When your eyes finally came back to hers after looking at her for what felt like the quickest eternity, you gasped. You knew those eyes. 
  If you weren’t so deep into gazing at the woman stuck behind the glass, you would have noticed the pleased and content look on Bucky’s face, and the look that he gave the big blond sitting with a ball cap on all by himself. You would have noticed the way that the blond man was turning his body towards your table, watching with the same amount of anticipation as Bucky was. You tried to understand why she looked so familiar, why she was scratching the part of your brain that always tried to convince you that you were much older than twenty something- and then it hit you. 
  You had been drawing this woman. And you had been thinking about her ever since you knew how to think. It was just the first time you were ever seeing the full picture. “I-” you muttered, eyes stuck on her and the way she looked like she was about to topple over from emotions. The words got stuck in your own throat as you weakly tried to get your mind to take you back to the conversation. “I- excuse me. I have to- I’ll be back- excuse me.” Your chair made a loud noise as you stood from the table in a haste, pushing the door open and walking towards the woman who was still standing on the sidewalk, dumbstruck. 
Before you even knew you were outside and into the rain, you were standing not even four steps away from the woman, who was now looking at you with an incomprehensible look on her face. You couldn’t even feel the rain on you. All you could feel was her gaze and the warmth that was settling in your stomach and chest, and the same intense familiarity that was hitting you when you looked at Bucky. But it was so much stronger. 
“I-” you frowned, taking a step closer and resisting the urge to reach out and touch her. “Do I know you? Have we met?” You had to have met. You had seen her in your sleep, in your daydreams, in your sketchbook. And still, you never could have imagined how beautiful she was. 
She was silent. 
“I know this is random and that I just bum rushed you, but, did we go to school together or something?” You were embarrassed. You had never begged someone to remember you before, but this woman was different. She hadn’t said a word to you, and you didn’t even know her name, but you were enraptured. You swore you knew her. You swore you saw her eyes glaze over for a second. 
“You really don’t remember, do you?” Her voice struck something familiar in your chest, something warm and comforting. It was so familiar, so far back in your memory that it felt like home. Her accent, her inflection, the way she spoke slowly yet deliberately. It was all there in your mind, but you just couldn’t figure out how you knew it so well. “You don’t remember who I am?” 
 That had you closing your mouth. You tilted your head to the side at what could have been a hostile question, but her tone made it sad. Did you forget a high school friend? “Oh, um, I know you from somewhere, but I can’t really-” 
 “Think.” The desperation in her voice made your knees shake. If she were anyone else, you would have told her to go away, but you couldn’t. You didn’t want her to go away. But you couldn’t quite place her either, even though your own heart was screaming at you to remember. 
  “I’m sorry,” you said, a hurt expression on your face. You braved yourself to leave, taking a deep breath and giving her a weak smile that embarrassed you even further. “This was weird of me. I’ll just-” 
 She was reaching for you. Time started to run slower as her pale arm extended towards you, long fingers that you had committed to memory and to paper a thousand times outstretched. Your mouth dropped open ever so slightly as you stood in place for a second, body still until you subconsciously leaned forward, your nerves buzzing under your skin. 
  For a second, the only thing you could do was look at the point where her skin touched yours. 
  You had seen magic before. You had seen it in movies and at theme parks and when miracles happened, but nothing ever like when her skin touched yours. You swore that the warmth that your body had been feeling kicked in even stronger, surrounding you in comfort. Her hand was wrapped around your arm, gentle yet begging, firm yet wishing all the same for something you couldn’t quite see yet. You looked up and into her eyes, the eyes you had drawn and seen so many times, and then you saw it. 
   You saw it in more than flashes. They were coming in at the speed of light, but somehow you were able to catch every moment and every feeling that came along. You heard her voice as clear as day, ringing with laughter. You saw the two of you attempting to skip stones. You saw her enchanting your stones behind your back to make you think you had actually done it. You saw her mouth brushing over your cheeks, your mouth, your forehead. You could feel her hands on you, holding you, protecting you, cherishing you all the same. You could remember the way that you felt when you saw her standing in traditional witch’s clothing, being inducted into her coven as a blossomed witch. You saw everything and nothing, and you remembered it all. 
A strangled sound escaped your body, so feral that it scared you, but you didn’t care. You pulled her forward, your head clashing against her chest. You could feel her shaking, like she wanted nothing more than to hold you just as tightly, but she was hesitating. “Wanda,” you called out, hugging her tighter, and then, like something in the universe stretched too far and then snapped right back into place, she was returning the embrace. 
  “I thought I had lost you forever,” she said, her voice hollow yet so full, so expressive. “I lost you, darling.” 
  The memories were all there, like all it took was a touch, but you were still coping with the knowledge. You had been murdered. Murdered by witch hunters, way back when witches were known and feared. That had to have been hundreds of years ago, you knew it. But still, your focus was on Wanda. It always would be on Wanda, forever and always. Just like hers was on you. 
“You didn’t,” you managed to say, your own voice thick with emotion as you buried your face into her neck, finally feeling the texture of the hair that you tried so hard to get right. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere ever again.” 
“I’m sorry,” she said, suddenly sobbing in your arms. You had no idea how you weren’t being interrupted in the crowded streets, but when you took a look back inside of the cafe to see the men who you so clearly remembered as Steve and Bucky, you knew it had something to do with them and their fulfilled smiles. “I wasn’t able to save you. I let you die, and I’m so sorry, darling. I’m so sorry.” 
  Her words brought you back to the present. “Wanda, no. No, no, no.” You wanted to pull away and look at her face, but the second you started to, she held onto you even tighter. You leaned your head back onto her chest. “It wasn’t your fault. There was no way any of us could have known, and no way that you could have saved me. It was beyond us.” 
  “Nothing should have ever been beyond us.” She argued softly. “I’m so sorry.” 
“But it was,” you said. “And now it’s behind us. Don’t apologize, Wanda.” You wiggled around and got free enough to look up at her teary face. “I may not have recognized you, but now that I do, I can’t believe that I ever forgot you.”
   “A new life will do that to you.” 
“Is it really a new life if I remember everything?” You said softly, the rain long gone as you stood with each other, bodies nearly molded together with how close you were. 
  She pulled away to look down at you, her eyes and overall expression tense, and then there was a look that you recognized from a long time ago. It was a look of sweet desire. You closed the cap between the two of you, pressing your lips to hers in a way that proved that you were both two lost souls who had wandered their way back to their other halves. 
“It can be whatever you want it to be, darling.” Her lips brushed your again, soft and tender and eager for more touch. “As long as you let me be in it.” 
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breadqueen95 · 3 years
Dress - Bucky Barnes
bucky barnes x fem!reader
wc: 5k
plot: bucky and y/n’s relationship is new, and they don’t want to share with their friends just yet. but something as simple as a dress can change anyone’s mind, even the winter soldier. 
content warnings: kissing. physical affection. flirting. allusions to sex. drinking. being drunk. language. bucky being a flirt. 
a/n: this is for @natasha-romancff and her taylor swift writing challenge! it took me awhile, but i’ve had a ton of fun writing this. so many bucky fics are angsty, and rightly so the man has some TRAUMA. but for my first bucky fic, based on dress by taylor swift, i wanted something happier for him 
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Damn. That was a lot of leg.
“I don’t know,” you muttered as you stared into the mirror, “aren’t these things…a little classier than this?”
“Uh…have you met Tony Stark?” Natasha grumbled as she continued to scroll through her phone. “The man has never been classy a day in his life.”
“Well I know he isn’t, but fancy people show up to these things. I just don’t want to embarrass myself.” You were currently standing in front of the full-length mirror in Wanda’s room, staring at the reflection of a woman who didn’t quite look like you.
But it was you, wasn’t it? It was just…that you was wearing a very short, very sexy red cocktail dress. The sweetheart neckline was a nice touch, but the back was completely open. And that hemline? Definitely hiked way up past your knees.
“Y/n, relax,” Wanda reassured in her lilting accent, “sure, the dress is a little…spicier…than you’re used to, but it’s in a good way.”
“I’m pretty sure every single person would be able to tell I spend my days in tactical gear. God, I’m not sure I even know how to walk in heels this high!”
Heaving a dramatic sigh, Natasha threw her phone down and looked at you in the mirror. Her eyebrows were raised, and she was giving you her usual ‘don’t give me that shit’ look. It nearly had you shaking in your very strappy black heels.
“Are you kidding me, y/n? I’ve seen you strut in enough fancy parties during undercover missions to know that you’ve got this.”
“Yeah,” Wanda scoffed as she took a sip of red wine from her glass, “all she’s nervous about is what Bucky will think.”
Rolling your eyes, you tried to hide how much that sentence affected you.
“C’mon, Wanda. You know Bucky and I are just friends.”
“Do friends undress each other with their eyes whenever they’re in the same room?”
Damn it. Damn Wanda and her stupid perceptiveness.
“You’re reading too much into it, Wanda.” She just laughed at you, acting like she knew so much better.
What you knew and wasn’t ready to admit to your two best friends, was that she was right on the money.
Bucky Barnes, the infamous Winter Soldier, your favorite person in the entire world, was now your boyfriend. He had been for a few weeks now. The two of you were insanely private people. Hell, it had been years before the two of you had finally learned everything about each other. Once you had gotten past the walls the other had so carefully crafted, well…
At that point you were in love.
But the others didn’t need to know that, not yet at least. The Avengers were a family, your family. They were really the only true family you’d ever had. But Bucky…Bucky was finally yours. And you were his. You didn’t think it was crazy to just want to enjoy that, just the two of you, without everyone else sharing their jokes and opinions just yet. They did it out of love, you both knew that, but you just wanted him all to yourself.
As you looked back at your reflection in the mirror, you took a minute to really consider what Bucky’s reaction might be. He had the best poker face in the room no matter who he was with, but you knew him well enough to know how he was feeling just based on his eyes. He’d always said how much he loved red on you, and he adored every and any excuse to touch your skin. Those steel blue eyes of his would absolutely burn once he saw you in this dress.
And fuck, that was something you really wanted to see.
“Well, if you aren’t going to wear that dress, you better pick something else,” Nat said, jerking you from your fantasies, “we need to be there in twenty minutes, and we all need to touch up our makeup.”
“Actually…I think I’ll wear it,” you said confidently, trying to hide your grin as you ran your hands down the silky fabric.
What you didn’t see was Natasha and Wanda sharing a secret smirk behind you, like they’d known what you’d do the whole time.
Six weeks ago, everything had changed for you and Bucky.
You’d known how you felt for a long time. Bucky Barnes, despite his past, was the kind of man anyone could fall in love with. He was sincere, kind, generous, witty…everything you’d ever wanted in a partner. He had been your best friend for even longer.
It had been a long time before you could even admit your feelings to yourself, let alone to him. After everything the two of you had been through, who had the time and mental capacity for romance? It just didn’t seem important. You just chalked up your feelings to being such close friends. All you wanted was to be near him, even if you just sat in silence doing different things. Just being in the same room as Bucky brought you a sort of peace you’d never had before. Whenever he touched you, even if it was just a brief hug or brushing your back to get past you, your skin erupted into goosebumps. But that was just because physical touch was still foreign to you, right?
And his smile. God, his wonderful smile…
Bucky didn’t smile much. He hid behind a mask of stoicism, a remnant from the trauma of his horrible history as the Winter Soldier. Showing any sort of emotion, especially happiness, was hard for him. But when he finally let himself smile? It was the most beautiful thing you’d ever see.        
It took several sleepless nights wrestling with those confusing feelings to figure it out. You didn’t just see Bucky as your best friend. You had it bad. Not just “oh my god he’s so handsome” bad, like the “I would take a bullet for you I’m so in love” bad. That revelation? It left you euphoric. It also left you scared.
Because you were so sure Bucky didn’t feel the same. And that thought was like a knife to the heart every time it flashed through your mind.
So you kept it to yourself. You tried to keep things as normal as possible, but your heart kept fluttering whenever he walked into a room. Being so close to Bucky meant you confided in each other about pretty much everything, and he knew you well enough to know you were hiding something.
It all exploded on a Tuesday night in the compound.
Tuesdays were your movie nights. Bucky had a lot of pop culture to catch up on, so on this night every week he would come by your room to watch a movie. It was a weekly tradition that kind of started by accident. You were shocked he still hadn’t made time to watch Lord of the Rings, so you forced him onto your couch with popcorn and The Fellowship of the Ring. He loved it so much, and immediately asked if you guys could watch The Two Towers the next week. How could you say no to him?
Tonight, you were watching 13 Going on 30. It was your all-time favorite romcom, and you figured you could both use a break from all the action and fantasy movies you’d been cycling through. Something with a happy ending was worth indulging in.
“Does that Matt guy look like Banner to you? Or is it just me?” Bucky asked through a mouthful of popcorn.
“Heh, maybe a little,” you said, “Give or take a few years.” He laughed at that, and you forced yourself to laugh quietly. You wanted to blurt out your feelings every time you looked at Bucky, so you’d gotten quieter and quieter every time you spent time with him. It was an awful reaction, and you knew he noticed. But it was better than losing his friendship, right?
After that awful and painfully obvious forced laugh, Bucky let out a huge sigh and paused the movie. He set the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table in front of the couch, then turned to face you. Exasperation and hurt glimmered in his eyes.
“Y/n, what the fuck is going on with you?”
“W-what do you mean?”
“Oh come on, don’t give me that,” he said sharply, “I know you better than anyone, and I know for a fact there’s something you’re not telling me. Is it me? Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No, god no!” You exclaimed.
“Well it must be something I did, because you’ve never been this quiet around me and it keeps getting worse. I hate it, and I want to know what I did so I can fix it.”
“Bucky, I’m serious, it’s nothing you did—”
“Then why? Why are you shutting me out?” He cut you off angrily, arms thrown wide. “You’re my best friend, I just don’t get why—”
“I don’t want you like a best friend, Bucky!” Your eyes went wide as the words flew from your lips. In the most comical way, you clapped your hand over your mouth as if you could stop the words that had already been said. Bucky’s eyes narrowed in confusion.
Oh fuck. He didn’t get it. Curse him and his old man ways.
“What does that even mean, Y/n? Are you saying you don’t want me around anymore?”
“Bucky, of course not. God, I would never want that. Never in a million years.”
“Then you better explain, because if you haven’t noticed, I’m over 100 years old. I need a little help here.”
“It means, uh…um,” you stuttered, wringing your hands together. “Is there any chance we can just forget I said that?”
“Nope, not a chance.”
“It means…it means that I care about you. As more than a friend.”
His entire face seemed to crinkle as he processed that. If you weren’t freaking out, you’d be obsessing over how damn cute it made him look. Then his eyes got wide as he began to make the connection. Your stomach nearly fell out of your ass as his eyes lifted again to meet yours.
“I…I think I know what you’re saying,” he nearly whispered, “I just need you to get real specific real fast, because I’m not about to say anything until I know exactly what you mean.”
“It means I’m in love with you, okay?” You burst out. Even through your mortification, there was a sudden sense of relief. A secret as big as that had definitely been weighing you down. Now that it was out there, that was one less thing you had to worry about.
His eyes grew even wider. How that was possible, you didn’t even know. That beautiful mouth of his began to turn up into a small smile as he gazed softly at you.
“You’re in love with me?” He asked, his smile getting wider with each passing second.
“What, you need it carved into stone or something?” You couldn’t help but sass him. Did you fucking stutter?
“No, it’s just…I never thought you’d feel that way about me.”
“Well, clearly I do. So you – wait, you mean you’ve thought about this before?”
“Of course I have,” he said as he shrugged, “I’ve been in love with you for two years now, how could I not think about it?”
You were instantly filled with warmth and pure bliss. In all your obsessing over your own feelings, you’d never allowed yourself to consider that he might feel the same about you. It just didn’t seem possible.
“I’m sorry,” you burst out, holding a hand up, “you’re telling me you’ve been into me for two years and didn’t say anything?”
“Why didn’t you?” He shot back, inching closer to you.
“Because you’re my best friend. I didn’t want to lose you because of stupid feelings I have.”
“But…I have those same ‘stupid feelings’ for you. So can we just cut the whole act and get on with it?” Bucky brought a hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing along your skin so gently.
“Uh…um…get on with what?”
“Well I’d kinda like to kiss you, if you’re cool with it.”
“Bucky Barnes did you just use current slang to ask if you could kiss me?” You didn’t move an inch as his face moved right in front of yours, breath intermingling as you gazed into each other’s eyes. God, was this really happening?
“Yeah, guess your lessons worked,” he murmured.
“Well you better kiss me, then.”
As soon as your lips met, it was like coming home.
That memory, your favorite memory, replayed in your head as the three of you stepped into the elevator. Nat and Wanda were happily chatting about who would be there, what kind of antics Tony would cook up tonight, if there would be music we could actually dance to. You know, normal party things.
All you could think about was how long you had to stay until you could sneak off with your boyfriend.
You were so happy Wanda and Natasha had convinced you to wear this dress. When you’d first put it on, the difference from your normal look was so jarring that it took you a few minutes to get used to it. But now that you had, now that you felt the silky fabric shifting against your skin as you moved, now that you saw how dangerously long your legs looked in these heels…
Damn, you felt sexy.
And that sexy feeling? It made you want Bucky’s hands all over you.
But this was a party. A party thrown by Tony Stark, one of the most perceptive and observant people you’d ever met. If you left too soon, if he thought you weren’t “having enough fun”, he’d be more than a little upset. So you had to stay, drink, mingle, maybe dance a little…and then, maybe later, you could go do what you actually wanted.
The elevator pinged, indicating you had reached the topmost floor of the compound. This floor was home to a huge communal space, often used for just hanging out with the team. But on nights like tonight, Tony went all out and turned the space into something that resembled…a club?
The three of you stepped out into the massive room, upbeat music already blasting from the speakers. Typical Tony – he never really outgrew his love for dancing and parties. The bass thrummed through your body, making you want to move to the music. The lights were dim, but you could still tell who was around. It looked like you were some of the last members of the team to arrive. There was a huge bar off to the side, and Natasha headed that way right away. You turned to ask Wanda if she wanted to follow Nat, but she was already making a beeline for Vision. Smiling, you just turned right back around to follow Natasha. A drink sounded pretty good right now.
As you made your way to the bar, you felt more than a few pairs of eyes on you as you walked. You sneakily looked around as you went, noticing men and women watching you with admiration, and dare you say it, longing. As someone whose job was to blend in with the background all the time, this was a different and slightly addictive feeling. You leaned on the bar next to Nat right as the bartender slid her drink over to her.
“Straight whiskey tonight? Damn, going hard.” You quipped.
“Hey now, you know I can handle my liquor. It’s you we need to watch out for, you lightweight.”
Laughing, you scanned the party guests, looking for the one person you wanted to see. Tony had had arm around Pepper’s waist, both laughing at something Rhodey had said. Bruce lingered around them, drink in hand and looking a little nervous, but still happy to be included. Wanda and Vision were sitting quietly on one of the couches, both looking absolutely smitten with each other. Scott Lang, one of the newest additions, was busting some moves, while Peter Parker laughed as he watched. Thor, who was visiting from Asgard, laughed boisterously as he watched various guests try to lift his hammer. You couldn’t help the smile growing on your face. You loved these people so much.
Then, you saw him.
Bucky was with Sam and Steve, as usual. But even as Sam and Steve were talking animatedly next to him, those gorgeous blue eyes of his were glued to you. There was a kind of intensity in them you hadn’t seen before. Your breath whooshed from you body as he grinned at you. Trying to maintain the suggestive image your dress gave you, you managed to send a flirtatious smile his way, then turned back around to face the bar. Leaning against the counter, you knew he’d get an eyeful of your bare back. God, this was fun.
The bartender finally made his way over to you, and you ordered two tequila shots.
Nat turned to you, one eyebrow arched in surprise as she asked, “And you say I’m going hard? You can’t just down two shots right away, babe.”
“I’m not doing two shots; you think I’m stupid?” The bartender slid the shots over to you along with two lime wedges. “One is clearly for you.”
Unable to hold back a laugh, Natasha put her arm around your shoulders and pulled you into her side as she said, “Why the fuck not, let’s do it.” The two of you went through the process: salt, shot, lime. You couldn’t help but wince as you downed the harsh liquor. Of all the shots in the world, tequila probably tasted the worst. The only reason you kept going for it was the warmth it traced down your body, and you felt your muscles begin to loosen up.
“Two more,” you called over to the bartender.
“Uh, no,” Natasha shot at you, grabbing her whiskey, and pushing off the bar, “I’m good with my top shelf shit, you keep going after that gasoline if you want but I’m out.”
“C’mon, Nat,” you called out, “what am I gonna do with two shots?”
“I’m sure you’ll find someone else, babe.” She said with a wave over her shoulder.
Sighing, you turned back to the ridiculously pretty bar (seriously, how much had Tony paid for this thing?). Who else would help you look cool and sexy at a bar for your secret boyfriend?
Okay, that was the cringiest thought you’d ever had. Gross.
As the bartender slid the tequila in front of you, you steeled yourself for the nastiness that was about to happen.
“Fuck, I didn’t think this through,” you mumbled.
“Yeah, you tend to do that,” a deep voice answered on your right. Instead of being the slightest bit surprised, you couldn’t help but smile. You’d know that voice anywhere.
“Something I can do for you, Barnes?” You looked up at him from under your lashes.
“Well, it looks like you’ve got an extra shot there. Thought I could bail you out.”
“Is that all?”
Bucky shifted so that your arms were just barely touching. His hand was right next to yours, and you reached out with your pinky to lightly brush his.
“Doll, you have the gall to show up in that dress and ask what I want as if you don’t already know?”
“Sorry Buck, I’m a little slow, must be the tequila. You should probably be a little clearer.”
Putting on quite the show of reaching for one of the shots, his mouth somehow ended up right next to your ear.
“I want you.”
It was lucky everyone was so distracted and couldn’t see how you shuddered at his words. Trying to maintain brain function, you managed to take the shot with him. You were now fully facing each other. He was wearing the cockiest smirk you’d ever seen, one that would put Tony Stark to shame. You couldn’t help but respond with that same energy despite the jitteriness his three little words had reduced you to.
“Well why don’t you—”
“Hello, my friends!” A booming voice sounded between you as Thor threw a huge arm over each of you. Bucky, with his stupid super soldier strength, didn’t really have a reaction to it. You, on the other hand, stumbled a little under the weight and force of it. “It’s so good to be back with you tiny humans.”
Was…was he slurring his words?
“Thor…are you drunk right now?”
He simply laughed in response. Well, that answered that.
“Of course I am, tiny person! It can’t be a party without good Asgardian wine.”
“Wait…you have literal god wine?” Bucky, who had a look of vague irritation on his face up to this point, now looked interested. Maybe even a little excited?
“Of course, metal appendage.”
“Dude, you can’t just call Bucky ‘metal appendage’—”
“He can if he lets me have some,” Bucky interrupted.
“We have a bargain!” Thor slapped Bucky on the back before scurrying back over to where he had come from, probably to get the wine he had promised.
“Bucky, you can’t even get drunk,” you hissed, “what exactly is the point of this?”
“Since everything happened, I haven’t found any alcohol strong enough to get me drunk. I figure god wine is worth a shot.”
“When I kiss you against a wall later, I wanna be a little tipsy,” he whispered in your ear, “that cool with you?”
Unable to keep yourself from smiling again, you nodded as Thor sauntered back over. Ever since that moment a few weeks ago, right before he kissed you for the first time, asking “is that cool with you?” had become your thing.
And the idea of Bucky kissing you against a wall? Yeah, that sounded pretty good.
As it turns out, Asgardian wine is just as potent as Thor had promised.
For the first time in over seventy years, Bucky Barnes was certifiably drunk. It made him feel like the Bucky from all those years ago, and it was the most incredible thing. Here he was, over 100 years old, partying, and all his favorite people were here.
Including his ridiculously hot girlfriend.
Even as they both flitted around the party, Bucky and y/n still found each other’s eyes, even from across the room. They would send winks, smiles, even funny faces. All he wanted to do was be right next to her, talk and dance with her all night…
But they had agreed. They wanted to keep their relationship a secret for now, keep the attention off of them for a bit while they got to know each other in this new way.
But god damn, that dress.
Y/n in red was…indescribable. It didn’t matter what she wore, she was always the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. But in red? In this dress?
She was breathtaking.
“Buck, you breathing?”
A hand waved in front of his face, snapping Bucky’s attention back to the people around him from Y/n’s back. He had been imagining putting his hands all over that back later and had gotten more than a little mesmerized. He managed to get his eyes to refocus, finding a drunk Sam smirking right next to him and an even drunker Steve dancing next to him. But what Steve was doing couldn’t really be called ‘dancing’ per say…more like an aggressive wiggle.
“Why wouldn’t I be breathing?” Of all the things he could’ve said to get Sam’s attention off of him, that wasn’t it.
“Uh, probably because the girl you’re in love with decided to show up and show off tonight? Pretty sure you’re drooling, man.”
Despite himself, Bucky slapped a hand across his mouth, only reducing Sam to wheezing laughter. Knowing he had been caught, he rolled his eyes and grimaced a little. Of all the people to catch him, he wished it hadn’t been Sam.
“I wasn’t…staring… at y/n, I just never see her dressed up is all.”
“I never said anything about the girl being y/n.”
“LANGUAGE,” Steve yelled out, pointing a finger at his two friends before returning to his shimmying.
Turning back to him, Sam added, “Just go be with her, Buck. You’re not fooling anyone, and neither is she.”
“We’re that obvious?”
“A few weeks ago you’d at least try to hide it. Now I’m surprised you’re not jumping each other’s bones right here right now.”
“Point taken,” Bucky said, lightly slapping Sam’s shoulder before power walking over to his girl.
“Nat, if you don’t stop asking about Bucky and I’s relationship, I’m going to kick you,” you called over the music before taking another swig from your glass. It was no Asgardian wine, but the human stuff wasn’t half bad in your opinion. It wasn’t like you could drink the god shit, anyway. If you had even one sip, you’d be swinging from the ceiling like Miley fucking Cyrus. You were pretty drunk as it was.
“Okay, fine,” she said with a shrug as she took a sip of her whiskey, still as calm and collected as ever. “You’re almost as drunk as he is, you’ll be talking soon enough.”
“Oh? Is that your spy master plan?”
Natasha was still looking as unbothered as ever, but as she looked across the room over your shoulder, her face split into a savage grin.
“It was, but it looks like I might not need it.”
“What do you me—”
Your words were cut off as a large, warm hand enclosed around yours. Whirling around, you were suddenly face to face with the man himself. Bucky was clearly having a good time. His mouth was relaxed into the cutest smile you’d ever seen him wear, and he moved without his normal stiffness and intensity. He threaded your fingers together, smiling down at you with so much love it was a wonder Nat hadn’t said anything yet.
Looking back in front of you, ready to explain yourself, you only found empty air. Guess she’d seen all she needed to, but honestly, you really didn’t care. All you’d wanted the whole night was to be exactly where you were right now; hand in hand with the man you loved.
“We’re just kidding ourselves, doll,” Bucky called next to your ear, “Sam said we’ve been pretty obvious.”
“Nat said the same,” you answered with a sheepish smile, “kind of hard to keep my face under control when you’ve got that leather jacket on.”
“You’re blaming me?” He asked with mock indignation. “You’re the one who looks,” he gestured wildly to your whole body, “like that!”
Trying ignore the heat spreading over your cheeks, you shot back, “Like what?”
“Like the most…” he screwed his face up in the most adorable way as he searched for words, “like the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” As the last few words tumbled out of his mouth, he gazed at you with such a softness you almost melted right into the floor.
“Wanna get out of here?” You asked, finally giving up the game. It was pointless, really. Now, all you wanted to do was for your boyfriend to keep his promise and kiss you against a wall.
Wrapping an arm around your waist, he answered, “Absolutely.” Without looking at a single soul, the two of you began walking as quickly as you could for the exit. You and Bucky were both leaning on each other a bit, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Stepping out into the light of the hallway, you blinked as your eyes adjusted after the dark room you’d spent the last few hours in. Bucky led you until you were right in front of the elevator, and he lazily pressed the button to go up. There was tension in the air between you, like a thread that was being pulled. Biting your lip, you stared at the doors in front of you. You knew if you so much as looked at the man next to you, you’d jump him right then and there.
The shining doors slid open, and the pair of you walked in, his strong arm still around your waist. His grip wasn’t loose in any sense of the word. Bucky kept you right next to him, even as your legs wanted to drift all over the place. You pressed the button for the residential floor.
As soon as those doors slid shut, that thread of tension snapped.
Bucky whirled you to face him, then walked you backward until you were pressed against the wall of the elevator.
“I promised I’d kiss you against the wall, didn’t I?”
He didn’t even wait for a response. His mouth was on yours in an instant, lips moving together like a dance. The kiss was slow and unhurried. You tried to bring him closer, linking your hands behind his neck and pressing yourself to him. Instead of responding in kind, he unwound your arms from around him and pinned them above your head.
Oh damn.
No complaints here.
“You’ve been teasin’ me all night just by wearing that dress, sweetheart,” he murmured in between the kisses he trailed down your jaw, “I think it’s my turn.”
“Would it change your mind knowing I only wore this dress so you could take it off?”
The heat that bloomed in those blue eyes of his was unmistakable. As the doors opened on your floor, he swept you up into his arms and began to walk purposefully to his apartment. All the while, he kept that signature cocky smirk of his you’d come to adore.
“Bucky?” You asked once he’d walked into his unit.
“That sentence was the single most attractive thing you’ve ever said,” he murmured as he set you down. Even still, he kept you pressed against him. “But nah, I’m a patient guy. I think I’ll take my time.” He followed this by resuming his slow and sensual kisses, and you couldn’t help but melt into them.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips.
“I’ll never get tired of hearing that, doll. I love you too.”
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dany-is-my-queen · 2 years
I won’t hurt you, part 2
Note: still not sure of the course of this… was it good? :)
Part 1
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“So she’s hostile.” Kate said the morning after, reckoning the situation you were in.
“Yes.” You nodded, sad, actually. You truly cared about Yelena but you also knew that you didn’t have romantic feelings for her, after all the one you once longed for was another, Natasha, and she was gone. You had sufficient time to mourn her, and you weren’t stuck in the past anymore. More like you wanted to put it an end, to make amends with the ones still here. That’s why you needed to contact the blonde before she does something she’ll later regret.
“Pizza dog really seems to like you. He was even willing to share a slice of his favorite food with the new guest.” She quipped. Kate was being far to sweet to you, maybe she took some sort of pity.
“What a clever name! Yeah I like him as well. He’s so lovely. His owner doesn’t seem so grumpy either.” You jested and she rolled her eyes playfully.
“Depends who is she dealing with.” You prepared your backpack, making sure your weapons were inside. “I..-“ The young archer was trying to form the appropriate sentence. “I’m sorry you didn’t have the opportunity to speak to your father. I lost mine when at a young age, he was… my role model, it was hard losing him. I pushed myself off the limits, trained everyday with a bow and arrow, wishing he could be there to watch out for me, make him proud. Life is so damn unpredictable we never know when will be the last time we see our dearest. And that is so unfair.”
“I’m sorry you did too. He would, no questions asked.“ You didn’t know Kate perfectly but at blind gaze you could tell she was determined, fearless. “Perhaps we will see them in the afterlife, or whatever that means to you.” You weren’t expecting a hug though it felt so nice to receive one, her warmth all over your body. “Clint might be a bit of a bossy dude at times but he is a gem, you’ll learn a great deal from him.”
“He doesn’t see me as a partner, I get why, I ruined his Christmas.” Kate shrugged. The glumness on her didn’t match her pretty dark eyes, you thought to yourself.
“He better realize your potential, or else he’ll have more than a widow to deal with.” She smiled tenderly at you.
“Have you ever reached out to her?” The brunette inquired. You raised an eyebrow. “Wanda I mean.”
“Oh. No, I have not. Yet… I don’t know where she is now. Don’t even know if we’re still friends.” You commented reminiscing the time you spent with her. It was to be honest always a secret no one dared to speak out loud, even when you knew she could easily read your mind, there wasn’t much she could find really. She was resilient, but also unstable. Deep down you had a soft spot for her, as she had one for you. It was weird of course cause it seemed since day one that you weren’t made to be a thing, not when there were much between the two of you. You still hoped she was okay. You were a coward you didn’t even have a reason for not contact her, you just thought she had forgotten about you.
“What was her hero name again?” Kate put up a pensive face, as in struggling to remember. Did she even had one?
“Not sure if she’s been given one already, despite that I assume it’ll have something to do with “Witch”, suitable since she has magic.”
“We’ll have to stay tuned for it then.”
“And what about you?” Kate made a incredulous gesture.
“I’m no hero. I guess I won’t get one.”
“Something tells me otherwise, you’ll achieve great things, Ms. Bishop. I can assure you I’m not mistaken.”
“That has a ring to me as you’ll be my first fan.” You smirked. She did as well.
“It’ll be my pleasure.” Your phone buzzed, when you looked down the screen had a hidden number along with “meet me at midnight in the same rooftop. No squires.” You sighed, blocking immediately the device, turning back to the younger girl.
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golden-barnes · 3 years
Plum tarts and red carnations
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Pairing: Florist! Bucky Barnes x F! Reader
Summary: Bucky is enamored with one of the employees of the bakery in front of his store.
Category: Fluff
Warning:s some self-doubting thoughts and cursing .
Word count: 2.5k
Author’s note: I have been thinking about this since that one anon and thank you @buckycuddlebuddy because you helped to inspire me further with this. Also think of Bucky as Beefy because I'm a softy for a gentle giant. Comment and reblog pls and thank you!
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“Damn Jerry. You’ve been growing nicely. A little bit more, and you will be ready to find a new home, bud.” Bucky whispered to the little sprout he was watering. Bucky loved his morning routine.
Before opening up his shop, he would check on his nursery. Water the plants in his greenhouse, checking them to see how they have grown. He liked talking to them; they never judged him or ignored him. He even named them. Sam would help, too, though he treated it more as a joke.
After checking on the nursery, he would focus on making bouquets and arrangements for the store. Nobody knew he was the one who made those beautiful arrangements, and he liked it.
It was like therapy for him. Matching the flowers and creating bouquets with meaning was a talent Bucky didn’t know he had. By this point, the shop was opened and ready for business.
While preparing a rose bouquet, he saw a woman in an apron running out of the new coffee shop from the table next to the cash register. Oh shit, she’s pretty. He thought. He kept staring at her and forgot the fresh roses next to him, grabbed one carelessly.
“Fuck.” He accidentally pricked his finger with a thorn. He applied pressure to his wounded finger.
“Oh, are you okay, sir?” The pretty woman from the bakery asked. Bucky didn’t notice her entering the shop, and now she was here. Looking disheveled but incredibly beautiful.
“Yeah, happens all the time. What can I help you with?” He said, trying to sound as composed as possible. He could hear Sam’s voice in his head. “Play it cool, Buck.”The woman let out a sigh.
“I’m co-owner of the coffee shop, and it’s our opening day. I was encharged of the decorations, and I ordered some flowers from this other place, but when they got here, they were horrible. Like really bad. And oh god, I’m rambling, but I need a brand new arrangement.” She said all in one breath. Bucky had to fight a smile from appearing. Adorable.
“It’s okay. What colors did you want?” Bucky asked. The woman smiled at him.
“We wanted white and purples. Something simple. But honestly, I know nothing of flowers. I don’t understand why Wanda put me up with this? Now we are late, and I still have to finish decorating the cupcakes.” She explained while Bucky started to search for the flowers in his shop.
“Lilacs, with white peonies and lavender roses, would make a nice bouquet. How does that sound?” Bucky showed her the flowers he was referring to. The woman gasped.
“Oh, they are so pretty! You, sir, are a genius.” She gushed, still looking at the flowers. Bucky felt his cheeks getting red from receiving praise.
“I can bring it to you,” Buckywhispered, afraid that she might not like that idea. “You know, because you still have some stuff to finish, so you can do it, and I’ll bring it to you in less than 10 minutes.” She looked at him and went to hug him. Bucky tensed, not expecting the hug, but soon relaxed.
“You are literally my hero. Just ask for Y/N,” She said, walking towards the exit. “Wait, what’s your name?” She added, opening the door to leave.
“Bucky.” Y/N smiled at him. “See you later, Bucky.”
Bucky has never worked on an arrangement as hard as this one. He was already meticulous, but he really wanted to impress Y/N. Can you blame him? The pretty girl needed his help, and he wanted her to be happy. He even added some baby’s breath and this new white ribbon that had come in for weddings. He was very proud of it but also very nervous.
With a deep breath, Bucky entered the coffee shop. A brunette was at the door, cleaning the tables.
“Sorry, Sir. We are still aren’t open.” She said. Bucky gulped.
“Uhm. I’m looking for Y/N.” He told her; she looked at the flowers in his hands and understood. She yelled for Y/N, who came out of the kitchen with icing on her check, giving him the brightest smile.
“Hey, Bucky! That’s beautiful! How did you make such a pretty arrangement in less than 20 minutes?” She grabbed the vase out of his hands and set it on the counter. Bucky blushed and scratched his neck, shying away.
“It’s nothing.. I’m just happy you liked it.”
“How much do I owe you?” She asked. Bucky put his hands up.
“Oh, it’s on the house. Don’t worry. Call it a welcome gift.” He explained; Y/N jumped and gave him another hug. This time Bucky wrapped his arms around her.
“You are the nicest person on this fucking planet. I have to make it up to you. What’s your favorite fruit?” She pulled away from him and looked at Bucky in the eye. Bucky felt his breath hitch, and his palms get sweaty.
“I-I like plums.” He stuttered. She gave him a big smile and handed him a cookie.
“Hmm, I can make something with that.” She winked at him.
“I still haven’t named you, but honestly, I don’t know. You look like a Janelle, but also, I feel like that doesn’t fit.” Bucky said to the new cactus that arrived yesterday, in the afternoon.
“I think she looks like a Lucille.” Bucky turned around and saw Y/N with a box in hand.
“Oh, hi.” He felt embarrassed. She had heard him talk to his plants. Not even Steve had seen that. It was his private thing.
“She’s cute. What type of cactus is it?” She looked at it, not looking weirded out or anything.
“It’s called a Bishop’s cap. They grow to be very pretty and sprout a yellow flower. Not very popular in the shop, but there’s this new cactus crazy going on, and I thought to stock up.” Bucky explained, putting the cactus down next to the others.
“Do you name all your plants?” Bucky gulped and turned around to face her.
“Yeah, and talk to them too.” Bucky fought the urge to punch himself. Why would he say that? Fuck, now she is gonna think he is a fucking weirdo.
Much to his surprise, she smiled at him. She suddenly remembered the box she brought and opened it.
“For saving me yesterday, I made you a plum tart.” She opened it and pulled out the tart. Bucky felt his heart beating faster, and his hands get clammy.
“You didn’t have to.” “Ah! I beg to differ. Everyone that walked into our shop loved the flowers. They were really something. Like I couldn’t stop looking at them. So I had to show you my gratitude the only way I know how. With treats.”
“I couldn’t possibly eat that all alone. Want to share?” Bucky asked, giving her puppy eyes so she wouldn’t say no.
“You drive a hard bargain, Bucky. Has anyone ever told you can get away with murder with those eyes?” Y/N joked.
“I think my grandma’ probably said it. I have some silverware in the shop’s kitchen. When you have to be at your shop?” Bucky said, signaling her to follow him.
“I’m on break—perks of being the boss.” She explained while Bucky grabbed a few paper plates, forks, and a knife. She grabbed the knife and cut a big piece, and gave it to Bucky. Then she cut a piece for herself.
Bucky took a bite and accidentally let out a moan.
“I take it; you like it.” She winked at Bucky. He diverted his gaze from her. Why the fuck did I do that? Bucky screamed internally.
“It’s delicious. I can see why your shop has been packed since yesterday. Reminds me of my ma’s.” Bucky admitted.
“I’m glad, but I can’t take all the credit. You should see the coffee mixes Wanda came up with. They are the real star.” Bucky smiled at her. Nice and pretty… She let out a cough.
“How did you get really good with plants? Like sorry for the personal question, but you have a talent.” She inquired.
“Well, uhm. After getting discharged, my friend Sam suggested that I take classes to handle stress and PTSD. One of the classes was gardening, and I just found it so calming. So I started taking more courses and learning ‘till I decided to start my own business. I don’t think I could ever work anywhere else.” Bucky noticed her staring at him. “What?” He said, smiling awkwardly at her.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how you are the nicest man I’ve ever meet.” She said nonchalantly. Bucky chuckled.
“It’s nothing major. I just found my calling.” Bucky stated.
“I feel the same. I baked a lot in college, and then suddenly I was like fuck, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” She recalled. Her eyes glowed under the light of the kitchen.
“I felt the same way when I started this shop.” Bucky admitted, she bit back a smile.
“By the way, I like the name—Howling’s flowers. Oh, and how pretty this store is, it looks like I walked in a magical forest.” She complimented.
“I- thanks. I named my store after my squad and the decor well; that’s kind of an embarrassing story.” Bucky chuckled nervously. She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, please. I own a coffee shop named Magic café, and all of our items are named after magical things. I am the last person to judge.” Bucky bit his lip nervously while listening to her.
“I based it on The Hobbit. It was my favorite book when I was younger, and I just couldn’t imagine decoring this store anyway else.” Y/N looked at him with an open mouth.
“Okay, are you government android? Because you are friendly, great with plants and well-read. You are too good to be true.” She laughed. Bucky needs to find a way to blush less in her presence because this is like the fourth or fifth time it has happened.
They finished eating their pieces of tart and talking for a while. Y/N decided to go back to the shop, not realizing how much time she spent there. Before leaving, Bucky gave her some more lavender roses.
“Oh, Bucky, you don’t have to.” She protested.
“It’s just to add to the arrangement. I feel like it was missing a few more roses. You’ll be doing me a favor.” He assured. She grabbed the flowers and smelt them before smiling and giving him a small thanks.
Little did she know that lavender Roses mean love at first sight.
They played that little game for weeks, almost 2 months. Y/N would take her lunch break at Bucky’s shop. Feed him some food and pastries that she was experimenting with, and he would give her flowers.
“To put on the counter. Your store deserves fresh flowers every day.” Bucky claimed. But in actuality, all the flowers meant something. The white camellias? He was telling her that he admired her. The amaryllis? That he found you beautiful. The white and purple stocks? A silent plea for bonds of affection from your part. But he couldn’t bring himself to say these things out loud.
Speaking to Y/N in flowers was much easier. Maybe because she didn’t know and couldn’t reject him.
“Bucky, you gotta tell her, man.” Steve would try to reason with him. “She likes you; you like her. Just tell her that you like her or ask her out on a date.”
“You don’t get it, Steve.” Bucky would argue, which led to an entire discussion on how Bucky is being a coward that ended with him telling Steve and Sam to fuck off.
But they were right; it was simple. She has been an absolute doll with him. She doesn’t mind hearing his rants about the new book he read and helped him water his plants. She even bought waterproof labels to put their names on their planters. She even asked (more like demanded) Bucky to send her the pictures of every bouquet and arrangement he made. She loved seen his creations.
And he loved being her test subject. She would bring him new pastries to try. He was her official taste tester. Anything new in the store, Bucky had already tried it in every one of its variations. Y/N would speak to him of all of her special interests and all of her new hobbies. He had even met all her friends, and they loved him.
So why was this so difficult? Bucky groaned while arranging the flowers at the front of the shop.
“What’s got you all groaning and gloomy, Bucky-bear?” Y/N asked him. She looked radiant in her work clothes. Ugh, Bucky had it bad.
“Nothing, j-just thinking.” He nervously replied.
“Don’t overthink. You might over-heat your brain, bubs.” She joked, entering Bucky’s shop. And like the hopeless romantic he is, he followed.
“Soooooooo I have been trying out this new pasta recipe, and you are the only one I trust to give me the truth.” She said, opening the Tupperware she brought. Bucky’s heart fluttered at her words. He felt light-headed; maybe that’s why he couldn’t stop himself from opening his mouth.
“I like you.” He blurted out. He slapped his hand over his mouth. Y/N turned to him, widen eyes, and mouth gaped.
“Bucky, do you mean that? Because if you are playing with me, I will fight you with this.” She warned Bucky, threatening with a spoon.
“I like you a lot. Actually love you. I- that’s what those flowers meant.” Bucky explained. Y/N put down the spoon.
“What flowers?” She asked, in the softest tone he has ever heard her speak in. Bucky turned his gaze to the floor, embarrassed that this was his confession.
“All of them. They all meant love in one form or the other.” He admitted. Y/N stood in front of him and put her hand on his cheek. He felt his heart do backflips.
“What flower means I’m in love with you, Bucky?” She asked, caressing his cheek.
“Maybe red carnations.” He joked, leaning into her touch.
“I’ll ask this handsome florist with a heart of gold to make me a bouquet to give you.” Bucky chuckled while she let out a little giggle.
“I would love a bouquet, but I would much rather have a plum tart from the sexy baker on the store out front.” Y/N hummed.
“I think I can make that happen.” She said, pulling him closer. “Can I kiss you, Bucky?” She asked; Bucky could only nod.
She grabbed his face and pressed her lips against his. Bucky wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer, molding her body against him. Their lips gliding over each other smoothly, as if they were made for each other.
They pulled away to take a breath, and they both had the same dopey smile. Tarts and carnations. Who knew they mixed so well?
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