#wanted to really give her a very unsettling silhouette with the huge mane of hair
agathaarts · 2 years
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Visual exploration of the best kind of OC: the kind that’s already dead when they enter a story. Wanted to make a creepy Sith Ghost, because why not, so here’s Darth Somnum, a Thisspiasian Sith who lived ages ago, whose creepy mask is considered a treasure but it always seems to make it’s way back to the temple where she died.
Darth Somnum’s master punished her by cutting something off for each failed attempt to kill him, but kept her around more as plaything and experiment. When she was out of arms to remove, he took her tongue, then one eye, then the other. On the seventh attempt, she succeeded in killing him through dream and emotion manipulation- which became her specialty. Eventually, she was killed by an apprentice of her own. She had never been more proud than that moment, given that her past several apprentices never managed to do so, and died in their attempts.
Look I love how fucked up weird we can make Sith stuff and I’ve always been a proponent of leaning into it.
Even in death, she’s a huge bitch who enjoys playing with people, dredging up memories or dragging them into fantasy/nightmare worlds she crafts out of fears and delights. Of course, given sufficient entertainment, she may decide to teach those who seek out her deathbed a few tricks- all the better to keep the galaxy on it’s toes.
Sentius and Ilvashta go to take her mask as a Sith treasure but she has a lot of fun plonking them both into force visions and making them live out traumatic memories and altered realities where they become their greatest fears. You know. Fun stuff. They survive, though, and manage to push through (barely) so she lets them take her mask and her lessons.
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