#wapo elbe
dragodina · 1 year
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Also eigentlich wollte ich nur gemütlich mit dem neuen Rad am Elbradweg langfahren, ich schwöre 😅✌🏼.
Dann aber durch Zufall am Set von WAPO Elbe vorbeigekommen und einmal voll in die Eisen gestiegen 😂😇.
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dragodina · 1 year
War mal draußen ... 😊
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Erste Runde dieses Jahr in Dresden.
Auf das noch viele kommen - auch bald dann mit Rad 😍🥰.
Und als wäre der Dampfer nicht schon toll genug, fährt auch noch die Wasserschutzpolizei vorbei. WAPO Elbe lässt grüßen 😅😄. Und ich musste die ganze Zeit dran denken, das die dort gedreht haben 😂.
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dragodina · 1 year
I hate my mind, I truly hate it ...
Everytime I got one story to work on (this time with a clear deadline in front of my eyes of a few days), that bitch always comes up with another idea for something entirely else ...
How am I suppose to function and concentrate like that?! And most of all: How am I supposed to find the time and get that complete storyline written down while trying not to forget half of the precious details my mind already painted?!
I hate this!! Because I know I will definitely forget something and never gonna be able to remember and write down all of the things that are in my mind the way I have them in my head right now 😭. I truly hate this!
Why do you have to do this to me?!
Come on brain, give me a freaking break!!!
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dragodina · 1 year
Wenn du an einem neuen Tatort Hamburg Fanfic Kapitel tüftelst, aber dein Hirn ganz plötzlich mit ner WaPo Elbe Idee um die Ecke kommt (die vermutlich niemals das Licht der Fanfic Welt erblickt) 😅😂🤣🙈✌🏼
Ich hasse meinen Kopf dafür aaaahhhh 😠🤪🥲
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dragodina · 1 year
Huh ich glaub da ist wieder was im Gange in Pirna 😊😍
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dragodina · 10 months
WIP Tag Game Part IV
Thank you @krejong for the tag 😊❤️ !
Not sure if the list is complete but I have way too many WIPs and way to less joy / motivation to currently work on any of them. And with each day we get closer to THAT fateful date of Julias exit it only seems to get worse.
And I'm not sure after Julias Tatort exit if someone will even be interested to read those further stuff. I'm honest I'm not sure if all of this will ever see the light of fanfiction world. Will see I guess. If you would be interested to read it, feel free to pop me a quick like or comment, maybe that will help with further motivation ❤️.
Tatort Hamburg:
- Last Chance (charter 17)
- some scenes for a future alternative version Tatort Hamburg with an OC
- Was bleibt mir von dir (aka When it hurts to remember)
- Was bleibt, ist ein Menschenleben
- Was bleibt / You're my wonderwall
- Was bleibt?
- From Yesterday
- I think you're amazing
- Kominn heim / Tears can sparkle too
- So wie ich
- Only For A Night
- Tatort Folgen Hamburg - Tinia Alternative Version
- Can't escape the ghost of you
- Tinia Idee basierend auf einer Story Time auf Instagram (bisher ohne Titel)
- eine Post Falke AU (die wahrscheinlich auch nie das Licht der Welt erblicken wird)
- Hiraeth
- Pareidolie
- Alles Brennt / Wenn Du Lebst
- Coming Home
- Tatort Idee with Afghanistan theme
- Tatort Idee Julia/Tine/Dresden
Andere Fandoms:
- Wer wir sind (Alternative Version)
- Der Schwarm (Alternative Version)
- Tage die es nicht gab (Alternative Version)
- Wapo Elbe Story (still Untilted)
- Der Pass AUs
Die womöglich alle niemals gepostet werden aber aus meinem Kopf raus mussten 😅.
If you're interested in any of the works already uploaded you can check it out here 😊:
WIP tag game history:
WIP Tag game Part III
WIP Tag game Part II
WIP Tag game Part I
If you're interested and were not already tagged I would love to know about @disappointingsalad @except4bunnies @caromitpunkt @karin-in-action but no pressure at all of course.
Have a lovely start to the weekend and also a wonderful christmas time.
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dragodina · 1 year
Comfort Characters
Thanks for the tag @disappointingsalad 😊
1. Julia Grosz (Tatort Hamburg)
Obviously and not suprisingly 🥰❤️
And I will also add Tine Geissler (Tatort Hamburg) because I can (and she should be with Julia 🤭) 😅✌🏼🫶🏻 #Tinia❤️
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2. Sofia Curtis (CSI)
Gosh, what a long time ago, but still love her 😍🥰❤️ (And the toothpick 😂😁)
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And then it became tricky and took me forever to think about a third because I noticed I have started to not become too invested with tv shows and characters for a far too long time since The 100 crashed my belief with Lexas death, even though I knew it was coming.
But then, the more I thought the more characters I had and still couldn't make a decision.
So I will cheat and just mention them all ✌🏼(maybe I will come to a final decision later):
3. Franziska Jung (Notruf Hafenkante)
3. Lexa (The 100)
3. Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
3. Lena Odenthal (Tatort Ludwigshafen)
3. Dr. Elisabeth Weir (Stargate Atlantis)
3. Tasha Dexter (V.I.P.)
3. Two/Rebecca (Dark Matters)
3. Ellie Williams (The Last Of Us)
EDIT: 3. I forgot Maike Junghans (WaPo Elbe) 😳 - How could I forget about Maike 😱🙈 !?
That was fun 😁. Would like to tag @except4bunnies @caromitpunkt @missdemeanoure @krejong @captmatti @fallingforfandoms @elisacifuentes @enbyrry @anafrndz but no pressure at all.
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dragodina · 2 years
Alter, WAPO Elbe ist ja mal Heimatdosis pur, da geht mir das Herz auf 😊🥰😍❤️
Wieso hab ich nicht mitbekommen, dass die hier drehen? 🙈
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