#warblerswickedwords fic
warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentines 2019: Day 1- Take A Chance On Me
word count: ~850
’Your club and my club need both this room after school’ Nerd!Klaine with a twist (AO3)
“You need to talk to your boyfriend,” Rachel says pointedly, sitting across from Kurt at lunch.
Kurt stops chewing to mumble a “what” at his friend. “I don’t know if I missed it, but I definitely don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Blaine Anderson,” she says with an eye roll, and Kurt’s eyes get wide.
“Keep your voice down!” He says with a hurried whisper. “He’s sitting right over there,” he gestures to the other side of a cafeteria.
“Unless he’s developed super-sonic hearing, which is physically impossible, he can’t hear you. But I wish he could!” Kurt tries to shush her again. “It’s about room 204.”
Kurt sighs. “I don’t know what else to do.” As the president of William McKinley High School’s geography club, it’s Kurt’s responsibility to find a meeting location, which he thought was reserved to them by Principal Figgins. The room has also been promised to Blaine Anderson, the president of superhero club and Kurt’s crush of the past year.
“Let Noah handle it,” Kurt says with a shrug. “He’s the muscle of the operation.”
“Puck would rather die than be exposed as a member of geo club,” Rachel says without hesitation, and Kurt knows she’s right. “Just talk to him.”
“Why won’t you do it?” Kurt asks. God knows that Rachel would be way more eloquent than he’s ever managed to be.
“You’re the president,” she stresses. “Plus, I’d rather die than converse with those kinky role-playing nerds.”
“They can’t be that bad,” Kurt says and quickly changes the subject. “Did you finish the math homework?”
Rachel goes to her backpack wordlessly. Of course she did.
To: B (10:17pm): Hey, u awake? Need 2 call u.
To: Kurt <3 (10:19pm): You know I am! Finishing a paper. And you know I hate text speak. :/
To: B (10:20pm): Whtvr.
“I need you to give me room 204,” Kurt says the minute Blaine picks up.
“Well good evening to you to,” Blaine says, and Kurt knows he’s spinning in that damn rolling chair, still in his jeans because Kurt knows he can’t relax until the task at hand is finished.
“I’m serious. We could use the open windows and you guys can practice and LARP or whatever anywhere on campus.”
“Mmmhmm. What are you doing?”
“Blaine. C’mon Rachel keeps asking me to talk to you and I either have to explain why I can’t or you need to give in.”
“You give in. What are you wearing?”
“A scowl,” Kurt says, sitting on his bed. It’s so hard having to be this way with him, but they both agreed that they couldn’t deal with the backlash of their friends and once they’re both on the east coast- UPenn for Blaine, Columbia for him -it won’t matter. Plus, the sexual tension at school and make out sessions in Blaine’s car after secret dates make up for it. “Just please let us have the room.”
“Just relax,” Blaine says and only someone with an effortless 4.0 GPA can tell his boyfriend who’s barely keeping up his 3.8 to relax. “I’ll handle it.”
He wants to object but he can hear Blaine humming and the sudden sound of him unzipping his jeans and maybe Kurt could use some relaxing.
Blaine and Kurt and doing their daily walk to the parking lot, carefully placed so that their hands will ‘accidentally’ brush once or twice in the crowded hallway, when they see Rachel and Tina screaming at each other by the stairs.
“Who even needs this,” Tina says, stepping closer to Rachel in her thigh high latex boots, Blaine knew she’d been waiting all week to show them off.
“Only 10% of the ocean is unexplored you Super Nobody,” Rachel all but growls in her face. “And in case you didn’t know, 100% of super heroes don’t exist.”
“It’s a creative outlet,” interrupts a boy with bleach blond hair. “Same as that ear-piercing garbage you call singing.”
Kurt manages to grip Rachel waist before she all but claws his eyes out.
It’s a full on yelling match on the second floor of William McKinley by now and Blaine can’t help but think about how ridiculous they all look, a mix of faux leather and styrofoam costumes against vintage Mary Janes and thick prescription eyeglasses.
Just as Rachel squirms her way out of Kurt’s hands, Blaine grabs his wrist and pulls him closer.
“Kiss me,” he says calmly, an eye in the storm of their friend groups colliding hot and cold right before their very eyes.
“You’re crazy.”
“You think they’d even notice?” Blaine shrugs, and before Kurt can even object Blaine is closing the gap between them and slipping his hand around Kurt’s skull in broad daylight.
Their friends do notice. Kurt can’t even be bothered, Blaine voice may be the eye, but his kiss might as well be a damn island, perfectly secluded right off the coastline.
Eventually, the superhero club moves to the choir room in 106. And if Blaine shows up late sometimes, hair fluffed and collar askew, nobody comments.
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Hi there! I'd like to put my name down for the Klaine Valentine's 2020 challenge over on my ff account @warblerswickedwords
Excellent @starsandcologne! 🙌 🙌 🙌 I’ve put your name on the list. 
The Klaine Valentine's 2020 challenge starts on February 1st. Let us know if you plan to write something so that we can reblog your fics. 
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klaineindex · 7 years
Trope of the Week: Badboy Blaine
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Featured Fic: One and Only, by @warblerswickedwords
Summary: He doesn’t want to be a secret, but he’s willing to. (Cheerio!kurt x badboy!blaine) 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: Under 1K
Additional Trope: Cheerio Kurt
Craving more Badboy Blaine fics? Here are all the Badboy Blaine fics we’ve added to the index so far: https://sites.google.com/site/klainefic/home/badboy-fic/badboy-blaine
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warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentine’s 2019: Day 7- Sweetener
word count: 760
Blaine will always try to defend Kurt. Maybe he doesn't need to. badboy!klaine; TW for panic attacks  (AO3)
Blaine is fuming. Two weeks after transferring to McKinley and he doesn’t understand how Kurt has survived, let alone dealt with these assholes for two years. Not only is Kurt able to glide the halls with his head high, pink bangs waving along, but he’s able to do the same with a black eye, scarred cheek, Blaine’s hand in his.
For the third time this week Kurt has found a new slur, sprayed painted hot pink on his locker and for the third time, he’s rolled his eyes and opened it wordlessly.
Blaine however, has gotten detention twice for “cussing and causing a disturbance” in the hallway, and today has bruised his knuckles by punching the dick carved into the metal.
“At least you didn’t have to wait for me to get out of the hole this time,” Blaine jokes as Kurt opens the exit door of the Urgent Care.
“Shut up,” Kurt says, opening the passenger side door of his car for Blaine to climb in. “You don’t get to say anything until your hand stops throbbing.”
Blaine leans in for a kiss as Kurt buckles his seat belt, and is met with the door slammed in his face and Kurt heads for the driver's seat. “Babe it’s not even that bad! Two weeks of ice and ibuprofen that’s all, I guess now I’ll have to train my left to be a little stronger-” he stares at Kurt’s profile as he strokes his thigh.
Kurt moves it back to Blaine’s lap. “Ice your fucking hand,” he says, eyes on the road.
“I don’t know why you’re bugging so much,” Blaine huffs as they pull into Kurt’s driveway. “When this is healed I should find those assholes and fuck them up-”
“You don’t get it do you?!” Kurt screams more than asks, looking at Blaine and immediately hitting the steering wheel in frustration. He screams again, hitting the his palm on the curve of the wheel over and over so much Blaine is prepared to give him his bag of ice after. Kurt rakes his hands in his hair and looks Blaine dead in the eyes.
“I’ve been through this for years- fucking years Blaine- and kept my cool. Do you now get that you’re giving what they want when you do this? That it could be so much worse?” He has tears in his eyes now, hands shaking as he goes on. “I get you’re upset but I’ve been upset, and don’t have time to relive these reactions all over again-” he trails off, gasping for air from talking so fast.
Blaine’s on him in a second, ignoring the pain from flexing his hand so suddenly as he unbuckles his seat and wraps his arms around Kurt’s middle, shushing him as he shakes. I’m sorry, so sorry, it’s alright he repeats asks he threads his hands in Kurt’s hair, holding him as solid as possible with the gear shift shoved against his gut.
They stay like this until Blaine’s ice pack melts, jiggling on the car mat as Blaine tries to shake Kurt from when he’s fallen asleep in his arms.
“Baby, c’mon,” Blaine whispers, stroking Kurt’s arm and sighing as Kurt wakes up. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“If you try to fuck me now I swear Anderson,” he says laughing, his walls immediately coming up as he gets his keys and Blaine follows suit.
An hour later Blaine has made them sandwiches and Kurt’s painting Blaine nails a deep blue as a movie plays in the background. “I really am sorry,” Blaine says, eyeing Kurt as he painting his thumb as a new ice pack balances on his knuckles.
“Just when I thought you were going to be quiet,” Kurt saying without looking up, poking his tongue out a little to concentrate. “And it’s fine.”
“Are you alright?” Blaine asks, not giving Kurt the time to change the topic. “You’ve have freaked out like that since-”
He trails off and Kurt sighs. He knows there’s too many things he can fill in that sentence with. The night we met, the first time I tried to fuck you, every time we’ve visited Burt, that one dinner with your parents, and many more. “I’m fine,” he repeats. “It all gets overwhelming sometimes, you know? And I can’t have you punching lockers when it does.”
“I won’t,” Blaine replies in a heartbeat and Kurt huffs out a laugh at his suddenness.
Kurt smiles. “Good, because we both know I’m the drama queen in this relationship,” and this time Blaine laughs. “Now give me your other hand.”
Blaine surrenders.
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warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentines 2019: Day 4- Love Is In The Air
word count: ~515
Blaine keeps flirting with his local Starbucks barista!Kurt... who can’t seem to spell his name correctly.  (AO3)
If it was socially acceptable to list “too kind” as his number one weakness during a job interview, Blaine Anderson would do just that.
It’s mainly the reason he could never be a lawyer like he intended, while he’s all for equal rights he was never one for aggressive debates and the weight of people’s lives on his hands. At 24 he’s successfully dropped out of law school and secured two part time jobs teaching piano lessons to children and working as a freelance musician off-Broadway. Both of which have contributed to his caffeine addiction.
Every other day he stops by the Starbucks on East 8th Street on his way to the uptown subway station, partially to treat himself and partially to see the newest barista, Kurt, that was hired last week.
Although they’ve never had a conversation, Blaine knows by his bell of laugh, Greek god of a profile and graceful motions as he works the drive-thru window that he’s crush-worthy— he also knows by his lean legs and tight ass, but he won’t mention that.
Towards the middle of April, Kurt’s second phrase of training has him working the register and their encounters move from longing one-sided gazes on Blaine’s side to “one medium drip please” and a “coming right up!” from Kurt. May hits and Kurt casually asks one day: “can I get your name?” and Blaine knows it’s protocol and not for him, but it doesn’t help as he stutters it out.
When he gets his coffee at the end of the bar, a loopy “Blein” is scrawled on the side. He laughs so hard a few customers stare.
The next day Kurt asks for his name again, and Blaine gives it again with a smile. ‘Blake’ is written on the side and he just rolls his eyes.
He understands that having your name spelled wrong is customary at Starbucks, hell he sees some of friends post it daily, but it can’t be too hard, right? Either way, he’s too nice to correct Kurt and it brings up a new talking point for them.
“With an ‘H’? Really?” He asks one day, referring to Tuesday’s “Blhain” cup.
“You didn’t like it?,” Kurt says with a smile, leaning his forearm on the counter to look at Blaine closer. “I’m trying to get creative.”
“Well, keep ‘em coming,” he replies, feeling his heart race.
Kurt wasn’t lying about trying. So far he’s gotten Brad, Blanne, Blayne, Blajhen (a Dutch influence, Kurt had joked) and a variety of other spellings. He’s also learned that Kurt is a music and language double major at NYU, and can find him drinking a non-fat mocha right before his shift if Blaine catches him soon enough.
“So when are you gonna ask me out?” Kurt casually adds to the end of their register conversation one day in July.
“When you learn to spell my name right,” Blaine says, expression not changing as he swipes his debit card.
When he gets his cup that day, there’s “Blaine” written on it in neat cursive, and a phone number right beneath it.
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warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentines 2019: Day 3- I Could Fall In Love
word count: 750
 Kurt has to get Blaine alone to discuss something. Canon!Blaine with a Closeted!Cheerio!Kurt (AO3)
Kurt shouldn’t be so damn nervous but he can’t help but feel his heart race as he knocks on Blaine Anderson’s door.
He’s planned everything to be as low-key as possible. He wrote an English paper last minute so he’d be guaranteed to get a high C and coach Sue immediately made him run extra laps at practice. Combined with some less than stellar book reports and he was given a warning that if he didn’t get his grades up he’d be on the bench for the rest of the season.
So when Coach Sue and Principal Figgins insisted that he get a tutor to ensure him a shot at (another) national championship and scholarship to Ohio State and the end of the year, Kurt Hummel knew exactly who he’d reach out to.
Talking to Blaine Anderson was a struggle to the say the least. It’s hard enough talking to your crush as it is, but combined with Kurt’s situation of being in the closet and Blaine not knowing he exists at all a simple half hour just wouldn’t do.
Which how they somehow find themselves in Blaine’s kitchen one day after school, Blaine trying to explain the overarching themes of Romeo and Juliet as Kurt fidgets uncomfortably in his Cheerios jacket.
“So Romeo was with Rosaline and totally dumped her for Juliet?” Kurt asks, acting as if he’s never read the play. He’s more than aware of Romeo’s actions; when he was seven he made his mother help him sew original costumes and reenact it in their backyard.
“Basically,”  Blaine says with a laugh. “But he had good reason. He never truly loved Rosaline and was completely captivated with Juliet the minute he saw her.”
“So soon?”
Blaine let out a content sigh. “I know love at first sight may seem crazy, but when you know how you feel there’s no question about it.”
Is everything that easy? Kurt wonders, thinking about the itch that’s been begging to be scratched in the back of his brain for months. The curiosity that only gets to be explored in the middle of the night in the dark, his cock in his hand as he jerks off to the desires he wonders if he’ll ever get the chance to act on. If he even really wants to or if it’s just his hormones going crazy-
“Um, Kurt?” Blaine asks softly, tapping his pen lighting on the kitchen table to get his attention. “Everything ok?”
“When did you know you were gay?” He blurts out. And there it is. Hanging in the air, an unspoken question he practiced meticulously over and over again in the mirror. His heart is racing and he forces himself to push once more. “Or h-how, I guess.”
“Oh,” Blaine quirks his head, eyes darting around. “Are you..?”
Kurt straightens himself out, pulling at his sleeves and running a hand through his hair sprayed bangs. “I-I don’t-”
“That’s fine,” Blaine interrupts, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “You’ve got plenty of time to figure it out. I um- it took me a while to know but if there’s something telling you that you’re...then it’s probably for a reason.”
Kurt gives a small nod. “Alright. I mean there’s..I’ve…”
He trails off in fear of embarrassment. He doesn’t have the heart to tell Blaine he’s one of the biggest reason that he’s thinking this, that sometimes Blaine leans back in his chair in their shared English class he catches the slightest whiff of his hair gel and Kurt gets so hard so fast his head spins.
Blaine shifts in his chair to pull his phone from his back pocket. “Take your time. You can give me your number and we could talk later. Or text or whatever you may need.”
Kurt takes the the phone from his outstretched hand, shuddering as their hands brush. “Thank you,” he says with relief. “I feel ridiculous now, failing all these papers to try and talk to you alone. I didn’t think it  would only take this long.”
“Me? Really?” Blaine asks, his posture deflating as he laughs. “I cleaned the whole house before you came here! God I was so nervous.”
Now they’re both laughing, defusing the bomb that Kurt dropped on them moments ago.
“So..” Blaine starts. “I’m assuming you already know about Romeo and Juliet?”
“You guessed right,” Kurt says, his cheeks heating up. “I’m a sucker for a good love story.”
Blaine smiles at him and opens up his book. “Yeah, me too.”
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warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentines 2019: Day 6- This Is The Time
word count: 620
Kurt isn’t sure if Blaine moving in was the best decision. (AO3)
Kurt can go on and on about how great it is having Blaine in New York. The walks through Central Park every weekend, having Blaine getting in his productive moods where he cooks dinner for the whole loft, the sex- God he could rave about all the engaged sex they’re having, and so much more.
But if there’s one thing that his growing collection of self help books has taught him, it’s that you must accept the flaws of someone as well as their redeeming qualities. For Blaine, the doesn’t know where to start.
When they first moved in, Kurt had taken up baking on a weekly basis but it soon died off when he realized what that meant for his bank account of organic ingredients and patient of washing a counter full of dishes immediately after.
For Blaine it means flour scattered across the counter as he glides around listening to his “coffee shop jazz” playlist, trying to perfect his mother's pie crust recipes. It annoys Kurt to no end seeing a mix of raspberry stained bowls and batter-caked whisks, but it’s one of the best pies he’s ever had.
The bathroom, albeit small, will always be Kurt’s safe haven. Santana and Rachel’s arguments occupy the space in the mornings, but at night he gets a chance to have a quiet shower if he blasts his iPhone speaker loud enough. If everyone’s asleep he’ll indulge himself by singing whatever song he’s working on or hum something he’s considering adding to his repertoire. Once Blaine is there it’s just someone to look during the morning brawls as he brushes his teeth, and at night Blaine  knows not to infringe on his skincare routine, but when Kurt climbs into bed he’ll receive the occasional “I love that song” or “Is that for showcase? I can’t wait,” accompanied with a goodnight kiss. It makes all the difference.
It also means Sam and Blaine have the occasional video game tournament on Saturday nights when they don’t feel like going clubbing. Kurt forgets how much of a boy Blaine can be, their excuse of a  living room gorged with chips, pizza and beer -which is only allowed when Sam comes over.  Yes, they stay up too late and Kurt couldn’t care less about what’s going on, but Blaine always crawls into bed and immediately curls around his fiance to the most loving, familiar warmth Kurt has ever known.
Yes, they fight. It’s inevitable. And there are harsh words. Bringing up of old wounds and past mistakes. Regretful tones. But occasionally, to avoid more , there’s makeup sex. Half satisfied, messy, dirty sex that only solves the problem temporarily and is the only thing that stops them from going to bed angry. They’ll wake up, cuddle and discus calmly and if they do as they lazily grind against each other, so be it.
Every time is dad calls, it’s the same beginning: “How’s the big city, champ?” followed by “How’s my future son-in-law?” If Blaine’s close enough he’ll call out “things are great, Mr.-I mean Burt!” which makes all of them laugh. And there are times when Kurt is sitting in his bed and has a great view of Blaine studying on the couch, pencil vigorously composing a score that he’ll receive an audio file of later on; he sees the concentrated look Blaine gets when nothing else matters but his music, a love that Kurt wonders he matches up to. Then, as if Blaine can hear his thoughts, he glances up and gives a smile so soft Kurt could melt then and there and he doesn’t care what the answer is.
“Same as always Dad. Things couldn’t be better.”
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warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentines 2019: Day 2- You Take My Breath Away
word count: 400
How can you lift someone up when it means letting them go? (3x18 reaction.) (AO3)
Kurt refreshes his email every forty-six minutes.
They’re sitting side-by-side in Blaine’s bedroom having a marathon of old Top Chef episodes and he checks his phone after every episode without fail. Blaine isn’t annoyed per say, he understands this NYADA callback is everything to Kurt right now, he just wishes he’d understand the email will come in due time.
“What happens if you don’t get into NYADA?” Blaine asks on a whim, not looking away from the screen where a contestant attempts to make remake risotto in the last ten minutes of the quickfire challenge.
Kurt turns quickly to look at Blaine’s profile. “Blaine, I worked on my audition for weeks,” he says as if that explains it all.
“I know,” he says with a shrug, trying to be nonchalant. Of course he knows, Kurt did prepare two after all and blew everyone away at the last minute, shiny pants and all. “And sometimes we don’t get the things we want. So what happens?”
Kurt gets a far away look in his eyes as he answer. “Well I’m either here for a year-maybe two. And everyone will know I couldn’t get away or I go to another school knowing that I wasn’t good enough to-”
Blaine pauses the T.V.
He could tell Kurt to chase after his dreams, tell him how great he’d do at a SUNY or how he’s a NYADA shoo-in. That’s what he should do, right?
“I love you,” is all he can think of. “And it-it’ll be alright.” 
He’s not sure who he’s saying it to.
Kurt opens his arms up, an open invitation to cuddle and while Blaine should be the one coddling him, he can’t deny that Kurt’s impending move stresses him out more than all the clubs he’s in combined. He moves the bowl of popcorn between them towards his boyfriend’s embrace.
“ We’ll be okay,” Kurt replies into his hair. “And I love you.”
“You’re amazing,” Blaine mumbles, in a voice he gets only around Kurt, his voice softer and lazy in the way that he doesn’t have to worry about how his inflection is being judged constantly. “When you were up on that stage-”
Kurt huffs out a laugh.“I know. I could see you through all the lights. I love that shirt on you."
“I know,” Blaine mumbles into his chest. “I know.”
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warblerswickedwords · 5 years
Klaine Valentines 2019: Day 5- Whenever You’re Away From Me
word count: 510
A few letters between the boys as Kurt studies abroad in Paris. (AO3)
Dear Kurt,
I’m still not sure why you wanted to write, isn’t the greatest part of this day in age long distance calls and Snapchat??
Rachel and I miss you (and Santana, she hasn’t said it but we both know) a lot. I’ve already had to facilitate three separate arguments about who’s supposed to do chores, ‘quiet time’, and whether Fanny Brice was a true feminist.
I don’t think I knew the answer to any of them.
Missing you like crazy. How’s Paris?! Please lie and say it looks like a well-lit Phantom of the Opera.
Your fiance (!),
Dear Blaine,
Things are beautiful, I think that goes without saying. Think a cleaner, more established Moulin Rouge <3
And letters are romantic, silly! Remember, we watched ‘Letters To Juliet’ before I left?
Honestly my biggest regret is not stuffing you in my suitcase, I hope the girls don’t drive you crazy.
Your fiance :),
Dear Kurt,
Really missing you today. That conducting for stage and screen class? Closed the minute I tried to register. So it looks like I’ll have to take that play writing course instead. Which is fine, but we both know you’re more of the writer here. (Got any half finished scripts I could borrow?) :p
Your fiance (!!!),
Dear Blaine,
Hope the start of spring break is going well. I can already picture you sunbathing on the dingy room of the loft. ((Which is quite the visually, if you don’t mind me saying.))
I took a trip to Berlin last weekend! Gorgeous city, equally gorgeous outfits and architecture. Wish you here to see all the museums- I went mainly for the art. Wish you were here to tell me about fancy beers and all that history you love so much.
Your fiance,
Kurt <3
Dear Kurt,
Sending this two weeks before you come home (miss you!) so I’m not sure it’ll reach you by then. Maybe someone will find it and wonder who we are (i.e. 'Letters to Juliet').
The past few months have felt like the longest  I’ve ever had in New York. I can’t wait until you arrive so we can sit back on the couch and watch Real Housewives- my commentary is never as good as yours- and sleep in late to go to our Central Park walks.
(There’s also other things, but just in case someone reads this I’ll just remind you how great all your Snapchats have been.)
Fly safe honey!!
Your fiance (!!!!!),
Dear Blaine,
I’m writing this from the airport and will attempt to find somewhere to drop this off, although it’ll be weeks until you get it.
Paris has been wonderful, as you can assume, but I must say that it’s only proven how great New York with you. Then again we’ve never been away together...if only we could afford the big honeymoon I want for you.
Can’t wait to see you cooking in the loft and coming to bed half asleep (and half dressed) without your hair gelled. What a sight.
Your fiance (!),
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
7 Undeniable Signs You’re INCREDIBLE In Bed by warblerswickedwords
Summary: The one where Kurt tries to prove himself. Inspired by a list I found in Women's Health Magazine.
Rated NC-17, 3,500+ words. Posted as a multi-chapter fic on AO3. 
Kurt has got to stop listening to Rachel.
It’s not an easy task, considering she’s one of his closest friends and they may be living together soon, but he should try to tune her out. Hell, he did it for most of sophomore year, and the hustle of New York City will only aid him.
Right now he and Mercedes are having a sleepover- we’ll only get so many more weekends together Kurt! She pleaded - and they’re sprawled across Mercedes bed with a plethora of magazines.
“I know you love to workout but Women’s Health? Really?” Mercedes asks, flipping through the sleek pages. Kurt laughs, giving her a pointed I told you so look.
“While I admire you acknowledging my rigorous workout routine Mercedes, there really is a larger benefit to these researched articles as opposed to the trash in Teen Vogue or Cosmopolitan,” Rachel says all in one breath.
“And at least you didn’t put her in charge of food,” Kurt adds.
Mercedes snorts, half at his comment and half at the article opened on her lap. “You've got to be kidding me.”
Rachel plucks the magazine from her and flips from “A Three-Minute Workout to Burn Belly Fat” to “5 Types of Orgasms Every Woman Should Have In Her Life”.
“Okay…” Mercedes starts. “This isn't really anything I need.”
“Are you sure?” Rachel prods. “Because I'm sure Sam, or any man in Los Angeles would appreciate-”
“I'm gonna stop you right there,” she says, cutting her off. “I'll let you two,” she adds a wink in Kurt’s direction, “Have at these. I'm getting more popcorn.”
“Soooo Kurt,” Rachel says, once Mercedes leaves the room and she's done giggling. “You and Blaine?”
“As if you don't already know,” Kurt objects, attempting to shut her down. He's already told her all (or at least the vaguest description possible) of what they're doing. Rachel on the other hand, has offered and delivered many unwanted details about her and Finn.
“I'm just saying, give it a shot,” she slides the magazine towards him and opens to a page that she’s already dog-eared.
Kurt rolls his eyes but places it to his side anyway to appease her.
When Kurt comes back home the next afternoon, his skin feel rejuvenated from the homemade face mask Mercedes doctored up last night. Regardless, he's bored and Blaine had sent him a flirty text saying he'd miss him while he's out with his mom at a charity luncheon. After flipping though the current and last month issue of Vogue he decides to go through the Women's Health that Rachel gave him- mostly so he has something to do with Chicago on in the background- until he gets to the page that Rachel has marked and he makes the regretful decision of letting his mind wander.
To Rachel: How accurate is this (trashy) “health” magazine?
To Kurt: Test it and find out ;)
He clenches his hands and feet 
Kurt wasn't sure how he was going to go about this. His first thought was 69ing, but that could easily be a strain on his flexibility and is way kinkier than anything they've done so far, he decides he’ll take the riskier route and make up his plan as he goes along.
“Lie down,” he whispers into Blaine's ear from where he's been kissing his neck the past few minutes.
The handful of times they've done this- or at least, the few times Kurt’s been confident enough to -it's always been with one of them sitting at the edge of the bed or standing while the other kneels. And as hot as is it, Kurt has been too occupied to notice anything else except Blaine’s cock and his face when he comes and his-
“So...?” Blaine asks, attempting to get his attention.
“Oh, sorry,” Kurt says, leaning down from where he's straddling Blaine to give him a quick kiss.
He brings his hands up to Blaine’s shirt, unbuttoning downwards and kissing down his chest, smiling at the instinctive way Blaine’s stomach quivers and caves slightly as Kurt sucks kisses below his navel.
“Can I?” He asks, trying to swiftly undo Blaine’s belt after he nods silently.
Remembering how good it felt when Blaine had done it to him last time, he licks a slow stripe up Blaine’s cock, which earns him a low groan.
Kurt can feel his hands shaking a bit as he reaches up to push down on Blaine's hips, knowing how excessive he can get and he lowers his mouth down and gently sucks at the head.
“Kurt,” Blaine whispers, trying to hold back from jerking upwards (and occasionally failing). Kurt sighs in retaliation, humming as he sinks down further. “God- missed this…”
And Kurt hums in agreement. It's been over a week since they've had time to do anything, and almost a month since they’ve gotten to draw things out this slow. He takes Blaine's hands from his face and places them in his hair, smiling at Blaine's hesitation and then immediate grip, he knows it not something he lets him do often.
Even though he’s on an unofficial mission, Kurt can't help but feel so content in the moment. He loves making his boyfriend feel good, and he hopes that being close to Blaine makes him feel as good as he makes him feel all the time.
Blaine is babbling nonsense above him, a slow string of gibberish and the occasional “yes” and “love you”.
It's been a few minutes and Kurt’s jaw is starting to ache, lack of practice he guesses, when Blaine starts pulling roughly at his hair.
“Getting a little excited there,” Kurt says, pulling his mouth off with a wet pop.
“Fuck,” Blaine says. “Sorry, I’m just- close,” he says, slightly out of breath.
Kurt just huffs out a small laugh and gives the head of Blaine’s cock a kitten lick before jerking him off, his own cock hardening from the slick feel from his spit sliding against Blaine’s skin.
He sits back on his haunches as he watches Blaine’s muscles tense, small broken uh uhs coming from his parted lips. Typically, Kurt would lean forward, open his mouth as he finishes, but he moves his eyes from Blaine’s scrunched face down to his rapidly rising and falling chest, and there’s a small leap in his chest as he eyes the slight creases in the sheet from Blaine’s clenched hands.
Kurt is so focused on theses motions- he's so close to Blaine he can feel his flexing toes against his calf- he doesn't even notice Blaine tugging at his belt.
“God,” Blaine whispers, tugging him down. “You’re so good at that. Let me-please-”
Kurt grins and doesn't stop him.
2. He Wants To Do It Again
The minute his dad and Carole shut the door, Kurt says nothing.
It’s not like he’s expecting Blaine to pounce on him or anything, it’s just that he’s usually the one...initiating things, and he wants to see if Blaine will step out of his gentleman sensibilities and do something.
Plus Kurt may have kissed him a little too aggressively as he walked him to his car yesterday in the mall parking lot and said that he couldn’t wait for their movie night the next evening- just to put him in the right mentality.
“So…” Blaine starts, looking from the menu options from the DVD player back to Kurt’s profile.
“Yeah?” Kurt asks innocently, his brain screaming rapid thoughts of pleasepleaseplease.
“Do you still want to watch the movie?” Blaine, reaches for the remote.
Kurt nearly screams.
“Sure!” He says, a little too chipper. “I’ll go make popcorn.”
Blaine stops his hand as he watches Kurt (mostly Kurt’s ass, he has to admit) walk towards the kitchen. “Uhhh-”
In the kitchen Kurt impatiently taps the counter as he glares at the microwave. Of course it’s not like he and Blaine have to have sex, but it’s what they usually do. It’s Saturday night, and they have an empty house, and Kurt’s wearing his new Balenciaga sweatshirt that’s so soft that if they just so happen to make out-
“Are we okay?” Blaine asks, his questioning voice slipping Kurt from his thought spiral. He’s leaning against the oven with his hands toying at a loose thread on his jeans.
Oh fuck it Kurt thinks, pausing the microwave so he doesn’t burn the house down, he knows they should talk.
“Of course?” Kurt says, his confidence fading so it sounds more like a question.
“I know we don’t have to, you know, but it’s just that…”
“Yeah,” Kurt starts. “I was just hoping that-”
“Oh god, I’m sorry,” Blaine moans, lowering his head. “I just assumed-  we can watch the movie, god I’m so sorry.”
“Blaine!” Kurt says, taking his turn of stopping his boyfriend’s thought spiral. “I want to.”
Blaine lifts his head and tilts it slightly. “You do?”
Taking a step closer, Kurt laughs to himself as he takes Blaine’s hands. “I always want to. I wanted to see what would happen if I made you wait. Made you ask for it.”
He’s about to apologise until he’s interrupted by Blaine’s lips and soft, insistent tongue.
“Kurt,” Blaine says, his warm breath against his mouth and his hands curling around his waist. “I always want to.”
Kurt’s about to mentally check off his list until Blaine short-circuits his brain by tugging at his belt.
3. He Remains Flirty Post-Bang
Kurt wouldn’t call this “post-bang” (and he can’t stand how dumb that phrase sounds), but being cuddled up next to your boyfriend after frantically rutting against each other in the backseat of his car is definitely Kurt’s idea of flirty activity.
“I have a curfew, you know,” he says pointedly. His breath is so apparent in the stillness of the car that it sways the tip of Blaine’s shirt collar, the only article he’s wearing except his socks.
“I know,” Blaine says simply.
“You don’t care?” Kurt asks, making no effort to move.
“Nope,” Blaine states, popping the “P” sound and tightening his grip on Kurt’s waist.
“I love you,” he says with a laugh.
“I love you too,” he says without hesitation, and Kurt smiles coyly at how Blaine’s heartbeat relaxes as he answers.
He really does have a curfew, a curfew he’s dangerously close to breaking, but he forsakes the anxiety of the speeding Blaine will have to do to get him home on time in favor of these slow, private moments they get together (and the small check mark he makes on the list in his mind).
4. He’s Super Handsy All Day
Kurt was already apprehensive about this one, because he and Blaine aren't very...affectionate in public. Everyone knows it’s for safety reasons, but they would never reveal the nature of their intimacies in front of their friends, let alone people at school, so how is he supposed to get Blaine to be “handsy”?
He decides to use technology to his advantage for this one.
To Kurt: Are we still getting coffee after rehearsal?
To Blaine: Yes, but…
To Kurt: “But” what?
To Kurt: Do you not want to anymore? I thought you were done with campaign stuff.
To Blaine: I am! I just figured we could...you know.
To Kurt: Oh. If you’re saying what I think you’re implying, I thought we discussed being more upfront and unafraid of what we want. (And remember I love you.)
Kurt sighs and tosses his phone onto his bed at he gets dressed for school. He hates that he can't just imply something and Blaine will insinuate it. It’s the “I love you” that saves him, and makes him as unafraid as he promised he’d try to be.
To Blaine: Fine. (I love you too.)
To Blaine: I figured that we could take advantage of your empty house.Your parents are still at that convention right?
To Kurt: Yeah she is, what do you propose we do with my empty house? ;)
Kurt is gonna kill Blaine later for prying this out of him.
To Blaine: I propose that I fuck you later.
To Kurt: Oh
To Kurt: Kurt...
To Blaine: Is that a no?
To Blaine: Because I keep thinking about how we cancelled out date on Sunday and I haven’t seen you all weekend and I miss you so fucking much.
He sees Blaine repeatedly start and stop a reply, and decides to up the ante.
To Blaine: I miss kissing you, and hearing you moan underneath me.
To Blaine: I miss your ass…
To Kurt: KURT
To Blaine: What? I’m being upfront.
To Kurt: I hate you.
To Blaine: I’ll see you at school ;)
Blaine won’t stop staring at his mouth.
He can’t blame him per say, this morning he was greeted with a flushed smile and a whispering of “I can’t wait for our date later”, which is basically the equivalent of Blaine grabbing his ass in the middle of the corridor.
Kurt loves this part about being intimate with Blaine, all the little queues that they can send each other that nobody else would know. Like when Blaine presses his thigh into his underneath the table at lunch or when he squeezes his hand twice before letting him walk into fourth period.
They’re not “handsy” people, but it’s enough to show Kurt what’s on his boyfriend’s mind.
To Blaine: Are we still on for “coffee” after rehearsal? He texts Blaine after spending all of their shared French classes sucking on the end of his pen.
To Kurt: You’re the worst. And yes.
5. He Tells You It Was Awesome
Kurt knows that he definitely can’t get Blaine to say “awesome” in reference to their sex life, but Blaine is pretty vocal (in comparison to Kurt he’s practically writing a dissertation in the midst of what they do) so it can’t be too hard.
Oh, but it’s hard. So very, very hard. As is Blaine, long and thick against him as he’s one more groan away from fucking Kurt into the mattress with all their clothes still on.
“Oh fuck,” Kurt groans, dropping his head into the crook of Blaine’s neck.
“I love you- so much,” Blaine says, the sound of Kurt’s hitched breath going straight down his spine to his groin.
“Uh huh,” Kurt breathes out, not saying it back but knowing he doesn’t need to. He’s too focused on Blaine’s nails gently scraping down his back just right and the rhythmic friction in his underwear that he’s too distracted to take off.
Kurt can feel his steady breaths slipping into a high whine, and he untangles his arms from around Blaine’s neck to desperately grabbing his ass, kneading the smooth muscle over his briefs.
Blaine gasps out a rough “Oh Kurt,” and ruts himself against him with a more determined vigor, and it’s still not enough for Kurt.
Remembering a (long, awkward, stumbling) conversation they’d had a few weeks ago, Kurt leans his open mouth right up to Blaine’s ear and whispers, “You’re so good to me.”
Blaine keens at the praise and tugs at the nape of Kurt’s neck to pull him in for an uncoordinated, sloppy kiss, and Kurt releases him to say “More, please, more.”
And that’s exactly what he gets. Blaine pushes Kurt back onto the bed and sets his weight on top of him, and Kurt’s hips buck up at the sensation of Blaine’s cock right against his. His eyes roll back, and knowing he’s so close, he gives the most confident slap to Blaine’s left cheek and grips his ass tighter when he hears Blaine loud gasp.
“Do you like that?” Kurt asks, hoping he sounds more sexy and less like a porn script.
“Yes yes yes,” Blaine replies instantly, coming into his underwear and tipping Kurt over the edge as he feels the wet stain in Blaine’s briefs grow against his.
“I love you,” Kurt whispers,once they’ve been quiet for a while and his underwear is getting uncomfortable. “I hope that wasn’t...too much.”
“No- don’t apologize,” Blaine says, a little too loud for the stillness of the thick air. “That was..wow.”
Kurt just laughs and presses a kiss to the crown of Blaine’s head.
6. It Was Great For You
Kurt wakes up on one of the rare nights he gets to spend at Blaine’s and heads downstairs to make himself some heated milk and checks the kitchen for ingredients- he promised Blaine they’d make lavender honey cupcakes tomorrow.
As he waits for the saucepan to heat up, he turns and looks into the living room where they spent most of their evening, and a flush rushes over his cheeks as he looks of the remnants of their date.
The couch cushions are strewn across the floor, and there’s an empty lube packet on the coffee table from where Blaine was insisting they stop their Rodgers and Hammerstein marathon for something much more favorable.
Kurt absentmindedly runs his fingertips over the rim of his empty mug as he thinks about the hungry way Blaine pulled at his bottom lip and dragged him upstairs by the belt loops as the credits of Oklahoma! rolled on the television. With a small smile he opens the door to Blaine’s room and tries to be as quiet as possible as he crawls back under the covers.
“Kurt?” Blaine asks sleepily, his bed-flattened hair adjusting as his head to rest on Kurt’s stomach.
“Hey,” he sighs as he toys with his hair. “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep.”
“S’okay,” Blaine says, shifting his head into Kurt’s hands and sounding slightly more awake. “Do you need help?”
Kurt just chuckles and grins at the way Blaine’s head slightly bounces as his stomach muscles contract. “Help falling asleep? I think I can handle it.”
Blaine twists to face him and wraps his hand around his waist and begins trailing his fingers along his side.
“Bet I could help,” he says with a slight raise of his eyebrows.
Yeah, Blaine’s definitely awake now.
“I-If you want,” Kurt says, closing his eyes as Blaine starts gently sliding the heel of his hand over the bulge forming in his briefs.
“I feel bad that I didn’t...earlier.”
“Oh,” Kurt says, surprised. After Blaine took him upstairs and practically begged him to fuck him- and after Kurt quickly agreed, Blaine lasted all of five minutes and promised to blow him before he promptly fell asleep. “You don’t have to-”
“I want to,” Blaine insists, digging into his nightstand drawer. “Fuck,” he whispers and Kurt turns his head to see Blaine’s hand nearly dripping with lube.
Kurt laughs at his eagerness and begins tugging at Blaine’s pajama waistband.
“No- no, this is about you,” Blaine insists, quickly motioning for Kurt to pull down his pants and wrapping his lube coated hand around his cock.
“Shit Blaine,” Kurt moans, the sudden pressure and the cold lube going straight to his cock.
“Sorry,” Blaine giggles, his hand moving steadily along Kurt’s shaft. “I could stop if you want,” he teases, loosening his grip.
“Don’t you dare,” Kurt lets out between his teeth. “Would you- tighter?”
“As you wish,” Blaine says with a smile, quickly complying and tightening his hand and gently tracing his thumb over the head.
“Oh Blaine,” Kurt whispers and Blaine swings his leg over Kurt’s to straddle him and leans down to kiss his neck. “Feels so good.”
“Yeah?” Blaine asks, not expecting an answer.
“Fuck- ‘m close.”
“Already?” Blaine teases, licking a thin line up his neck and blowing on it.
Kurt laughs, trying to buck his hips into Blaine’s groin to silence him but to no avail. “Blaine please-”
“As you wish,” Blaine says with a sigh, tightening his grip and biting down lightly on Kurt’s jaw, his breath equally as labored.
Kurt groans as he leans his head back, basking in the shaking of his thighs and the pulling of his skin as Blaine releases his grip on him and watches him fall apart in shallow, heavy breaths.
As he comes down, Kurt lazily strips off his come-soaked- and probably stained, he cringes- t-shirt and places kisses all over Blaine’s face and neck, mumbling praises and thank yous.
“No,” Blaine yawns when Kurt tries to pull at his pants to grip his hip bones. “This was about you.”
Kurt doesn’t even think about the list until after Blaine falls asleep.
7. He’s learning new tricks
“I’m so sorry,” Blaine stresses again.
“It’s fine,” Kurt says, poking his toes into Blaine’s side from where they’re resting in his lap. “But if I say my knee still hurts, can I get an apology foot rub?”
Blaine offers a smile in response and begins working his thumbs in the arch of Kurt’s foot. “I just really wanted to-”
“Cause fatal injury?”
“Shake things up!” Blaine says, feigning offense. “I read it in Cosmopolitan.”
‘It’ turned out to be a list of “sexy tips to excite your man” and Blaine attempting to drench himself in baby oil and perform a strip tease was cut short when Kurt slipped and fell on the puddle of grease, cutting his boyfriend’s performance short.
“You know those magazines are heteronormative recyclables, right?” Kurt asks, turning to face the television. “Plus we don’t need any shaking up.”
“I guess,” Blaine shrugs. “I just wanted to show you that- I don’t know- that I still care about you, us, so much.”
“Blaine,” Kurt says with a sigh, moving over to sit down in Blaine’s lap. “Believe me I know you still care. And this is just as good for me as this is for you.”
“You’re not just saying that?” Blaine asks, averting his eyes.
“Kiss me and I’ll prove it to you,” Kurt whispers, grinning as Blaine leans in without hesitation.
He and Rachel are flipping through a NYADA course catalog when she brings it back up.
“Sooo,” she starts, dog-earing the page. “Did you ever put that article I gave you to the test?”
Kurt can feel his cheeks reddening as he tries to give a smooth response. “Oh please. I don’t need some cheap list to know that Blaine wants me.”
“Suit yourself,” she shrugs, picking up her highlighter again.
“...Although it certainly helped,” Kurt tries to say as casually as possible.
Rachel gasps and shuts the book, focusing her attention on Kurt. “Tell me everything.”
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
Klaine Valentines 2018: Day 2- (Everything I Do) I Do For You
Word Count: 320
Blaine doesn’t want to bake, but he does want to make Kurt happy. (AO3)
Blaine doesn’t know how he gets himself into these situations.
Actually he does. He has a hard time saying ‘no’ to people. It’s how he always ends up showing Mr. Leonard’s driveway in the middle of January and holding his mom’s purse as she picks out centerpieces for fundraising events.
Currently he’s leaning against the counter, more flour in his hair than on his apron, as he watches Kurt clean the kitchen while they wait for their cake to finish in the oven.
For the most part he agreed because he knew it’d make Kurt happy. (Another thing he has a problem saying ‘no’ to.) When he told Kurt the only thing he knows how to bake are brownies from a box and his grandmother extremely old (and extremely fattening) chocolate cookie recipe, he hadn’t realized he was signing himself up for an afternoon Baking 101 session.
So maybe he doesn’t care about the ‘proper’ way to make a red velvet cake, it’s worth it to see that smile that Kurt has when he knows where he belongs or is doing something right.
“So rule number one,” Kurt says, picking up the used whisk and spatula to place in the dishwasher , “no matter what the recipe says, you add an extra egg.”
“I thought the number one rule of baking was to follow the recipe,” Blaine asks, trying to sound genuinely curious but too distracted by cleaning the bowl of batter with his finger.
“It makes everything richer,” Kurt says pointedly. “Which reminds me. Rule number two,” he turns back away from the sink to plant a firm and certain kiss on Blaine’s lips. “Your boyfriend is always right.”
“Of course you are,” Blaine says, placing a glob of cake batter on Kurt’s nose. “Why do you think I’m doing this for you?”
“I thought you wanted to bake!” Kurt exclaims innocently. “If I had known you didn’t-”
Blaine shuts him up with a kiss.
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
Klaine Valentines 2018: Day 12- Real Love
Word Count: 650 (!!!)
Kurt Hummel, your everyday backup singer, gets to meet his favorite singer. (AO3)
Kurt wasn’t one for being star struck, but there were a few exceptions.
Frank Ocean, that one guy from One Direction that Marley swooned over for weeks, even Taylor Swift- not that he’s a huge fan, he just couldn't believe that she was as tall as him- but no one compared to Blaine Anderson.
When he got an email that New Directions had been booked for a fourteen hour session for the up-and-coming singer-songwriter’s debut EP, Kurt had instantly cancelled his Friday night gig with Pamela Lansbury to make sure he was there to see Blaine in the flesh.
“He’s not even that famous,” Tina complains from her place on the couch as they wait for everyone to arrive. “Do you know how many Instagram followers he has?”
“We all know that doesn’t show how famous you are-” Marley starts.
“Sixty-seven thousand,” Tina says over her. She tosses her phone to Kurt where his account is pulled up. “Call me high maintenance-”
“You’re high maintenance,” Kurt interrupts, eyes widening at Blaine’s Instagram feed. It’s not anything he’s seen before (he has him on post notifications), but the constant beach pictures with his friend Sam and impressive yoga shots take his breath away every time.
“But typically we work with people who have followings in the millions. Plus I thought this guy was just a one hit wonder.”
She has a point. When you were in Los Angeles and wanted backing vocals with depth or to make an in-studio music video, you called New Directions. Not only were they talented, but knowing each other since high school made their chemistry translate past screens and headphones.
“You’re only saying that because he’s the same age as you and he’s already got a record deal,” Kurt says, trying to sound his best to tease her but too distracted but the images in his hand.
“It’s a EP of covers,” Tina says pointedly. “Don’t people use YouTube for that shit now?”
“At least the song selection is nice,” Marley offers, looking at the itinerary on the coffee table. “I mean At Last, Bennie and the Jets, and Real Love? The guy’s got a good variety.”
“Real Love?” Tina, asks, snatching the paper off the table. “He couldn’t even pick a Beatles song that people know?”
“It’s one my favorites,” says an unfamiliar voice from the doorway, and Tina chokes on her words as she looks up to see their client enter the room.
God he looks even better in person, Kurt thought, twisting around to take in Blaine’s full appearance: a crisp blue button down and high water jeans paired with a break up brown leather jacket; Kurt can tell how define his arms are as he leans against the doorframe. As he crosses the room, Kurt throws Tina’s phone in her direction hoping Blaine hasn't looked over his shoulder.
“Well I’ve heard you guys are the best of the best,” he says, eyes scanning the room and, unless Kurt is dreaming, checking him up and down. “If you’ve got any suggestions or pre-established arrangements, I’m flexible.”
“Clearly,” Tina smirks, locking her phone and winking at Kurt.
“Well I’ve got the band set up in room 3,” Blaine says, heading back to the door and stopping when he gets right in front of Kurt. “When you guys are ready, I’m very eager to see what you’ve got in store.”
If he wasn’t leaning against the cabinets, Kurt swears he would collapse then and there.
“I’ll see you in there,” Kurt replies with the biggest sigh he’d ever released in his life, and Blaine leaves with one last gaze from Kurt’s lips to his shoes.
“Damn,” Tina says to break the silence. “His music taste may suck, but the boy’s got game.”
Marley barks out a laugh. Kurt immediately starts scheming of a way to slip his phone number into Blaine’s guitar case.
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
Klaine Valentines 2018: Day 6- L-O-VE
Word Count: 510 
Kurt and Blaine’s second child has a very select taste in music. (AO3)
They struggled for so long to find the perfect song for Tracy.
For Hepburn it was easy, Kurt knew the soundtrack to Breakfast at Tiffany’s like the back of his hand and while Moon River wasn’t as exciting as most songs, it put her at ease for as long as they could remember.
But three years later, they figured that picking a song for their baby girl would be the easiest part of parenting their second child.
“She’s still crying?” Kurt said, rubbing a hand over his face as Blaine crawled back into bed.
“No that’s Hep, he keeps sniffling that ‘the baby is keeping him up’,” Blaine says with a sigh.
“He’s almost four, where does he have to be in the morning?”
“Not at a meeting for the next September issue unlike you,” Blaine says, motioning for Kurt to like back down. “Go back to sleep.”
You’d think raising two kids in New York City would open Tracy’s eyes to culture at a young age, but much to their dismay she couldn’t stand anything that didn’t come from a CD or her parents singing around the house.
“The baby ruined our day at the park,” Hepburn says to Blaine one October day as they come back from a day at Strawberry Fields.
“You didn’t try taking her for a walk again did you?” Blaine asks, taking off his glasses to give himself a break from the score he’s transcribing.
“No,” he says, attempting to stomp over into the living room with his small feet. “This man was playing and she kept screaming.”
“So our baby isn’t a Beatles’ fan,” Kurt says, lifting her out of the stroller and balancing her on his hip. “I’m so sorry babe.”
“And just when I thought parenting couldn’t get any harder,” Blaine says, giving his husband a kiss.
Two months later, Carole won’t stop patting herself on the back as the two of them continuously roll their eyes on the couch.
They anticipated her first plane ride would be rough, but they weren’t about to stick the kids in the car for a day on their trip back home for Christmas. But the whole ride from the airport Tracy would not stop wailing in the car, as just as they thought her lungs would give up, Carole’s Nat King Cole’s Greatest Hits record proved to be the only solace.
“I’m just saying honey,” Carole says against her glass of whiskey eggnog, “your kid’s got great taste.”
“How’d we never think of it before?” Blaine asks, not noticing Kurt’s glare at his ongoing praise to his mother-in-law. “I mean, she won’t even listen to the Beatles. We were afraid she just hated music.”
“Don’t even think like that,” Kurt says, taking another long sip from his glass of wine. “Regardless, thank you Carole.”
Blaine ends up loving the song so much that it drives Kurt crazy sometimes. However, once Tracy finally takes her first steps, coming home to his husband sing L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole is a great part of his daily routine.
Author’s Note: I realized while I was writing this that it’s not the canon birth order of their children (and I’m not sure the genders are right either) but I was already in too deep. Sorry for the inconsistencies! 
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
Klaine Valentines 2018: Day 3- I Believe In You
Word Count: 410
Because sometimes Blaine needs to settle down. (AO3)
Blaine is no stranger to stress. He’s always working on a project, helping out someone from his study group with their assignment, or accompanying Rachel on the piano before rehearsal.
However, Kurt knows there’s moments where it gets to him.
He comes home to Blaine, shirtless and hair tousled from what he knows is Blaine's nervous ticks, sitting in the middle of the living room, surrounded by papers.
“I think I’m in over my head,” he whispers as Kurt shuts the door to the loft.
With a sigh, his heart breaking a little, Kurt sets his bag and grocery bag on the dinner table.
“What are we working on tonight?” He asks nonchalantly, knowing it will help Blaine open up.
“Paulie wants me to rewrite the reprise because Margaret is having trouble with the key-”
“Again?” Kurt asks, placing the frozen goods in the refrigerator and grabbing a bottle of wine with two glasses.
“I know! And then I promised to help Tim with his essay but he didn’t even bother to show up.”
“This is the fourth time,” Kurt states, toeing off his shoes and placing a glass of wine in Blaine’s hand.
“I know,”  Blaine says frustrated, accepting the glasses and placing his head in Kurt’s lap.
“Are you going to give him another chance?” Kurt asks.
“I. Don’t. Know.” Blaine says, voice muffled in Kurt’s pant leg. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“It’s alright,” Kurt whispers back, matching his volume level. He takes Blaine’s wine glass from his hands and placing them on the coffee table. “You’ll get it finished.”
“Will I?” Blaine asks, exasperated. He starts pacing around the room. “Because opening night is in three weeks and Tim can’t audition for the spring show if he fails this  class and-”
“Whoa there-” Kurt interrupts, stopping Blaine in his tracts. “These don’t concern you.
“Kurt they need me-”
“Well I need you too.” Kurt interrupts again. “I need to breathe, take a shower, and go to bed.”
“Are you not listening to me?! I have to rewrite the cadenza by tomorrow afternoon otherwise I’ll never get it done.”
“Yes you will,” Kurt says, leaning over to pick up Blaine’s papers even after his small noise of protest. “You can get this done even if you start tomorrow because you are talented and hardworking and capable of anything.”
“I love you,” Blaine sighs, giving Kurt a lazy and defeated hug.
“I love you too,” Kurt says, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Now go.”
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
Klaine Valentines 2018: Day 5- Fall
Word Count: 370
The Warblers discuss Kurt’s blackbird performance. (AO3)
Blaine doesn’t know how he missed it before.
He’s heard him sing before, in Warblers rehearsal and in the car and even around the school, but nothing has compared to this.
Watching Kurt sing blackbird is a performance.
“Did you see him in there?” Blaine says, throwing himself onto Wes’ bed.
“Yes Blaine we were all there,” Jeff says, not taking his eyes off the ball that he’s throwing against the wall.
“Honestly I think it’s kind of a lot for a bird he’s only had for a couple weeks,” Nic adds.
“I personally admire his passion,” Wes says, catching the ball in mid-air. “It takes a real man to expose himself through song as well as Kurt did.
“Damn Wes,” David whistles from the other bed in the room. “Are you and Blaine about to fight over him?”
“Shut up,” Wes says. “All I’m saying is I see what’s got Blaine so head over heels. I’m sure he appreciates it, right Blaine?”
Blaine hasn’t heard a word they’re saying. He’s too busy thinking about Kurt’s expressions and his voice and the way he cared for Pavarotti so much-
He finally understands what it’s like to care about something, or more specifically someone, that much.
“Can you believe he just left after all that?” Jeff asks, snatching his ball from Wes. “How do you give a stellar performance and not even stay for the rest of the meeting?”
“He said something about preparing a funeral,” David says, rolling his eyes.
“I still think it’s a lot,” Nic shrugs.
“Where is he?” Blaine asks, shocking the boys with his sudden outburst. “Where’d he go?”
“Welcome back dude,” Wes says. “He’s probably mourning in his dorm room.”
“I didn’t see him before I came here,” Nic says. “My guess is the commons.”
Blaine rushes out of Wes’ room, surprising himself by standing regardless of the way all of his thoughts of Kurt Kurt Kurt are swimming around his head at the speed of a tsunami.
He mumbles a faint “I’ve gotta go find him” as he leaves, not noticing the subtle way Nic hands Jeff a five dollar bill as he goes to tell Kurt what he’s realized.
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warblerswickedwords · 6 years
Klaine Valentines 2018: Day 8- Little Things
Word Count: 430
It’s the little things that make you realize he’s the one. (AO3)
 “Uncle Blaine, can I ask you something?” Rayna asks, twisting a dark curl between her fingers.
 “Sure,” Blaine asks, eyes focused on the cutting board full of vegetables.
 “How do you know when you’re in love with somebody?”
 Blaine almost drops his knife.
 “Ummm,” he stalls, choosing his words carefully. “Isn’t this something you want to ask your mom?” He questions. If there’s anyone who knows about love, it’s Mercedes Jones. Hell, he just heard her song “Love Is The Answer” on his Pandora radio yesterday.
 “Well she’s on promo tour until next week,” Rayna says, fidgeting with her hands. “And well, you know Jordan?”
 “Your boyfriend?” Blaine asks nonchalantly, putting potatoes in the crockpot.
 “Yeah,” Rayna says with a blush. “Well we were DM-ing on Snapchat yesterday-” 
 “I don’t even know what that means,” Blaine says. 
 “Doesn’t matter,” Rayna continues. “But...he said he loved me. I don’t know how I’m supposed to know if I feel the same way.”
 “Well,” Blaine starts chopping celery to keep his hands from sweating, “When I fell in love with your uncle Kurt I was young like you.”
 “Are you calling yourself old?” Rayna laughs.
 Blaine waves his hand. “Anyways. He had been gone for a week and although I’d only been a few months I missed him. Our phone calls, the comments he’d make on people’s outfits when we went to the mall, his eyes and his laugh-”
 “After a week? You sound crazy as hell.”
 “Language,” Blaine scolds. “And they say love is who you miss when you’re busy not when you’re bored.”
 “What does that even mean?” Rayna groans.
 “Love is about the small elements that make someone who they are,” Blaine says. “It’s not about flowers or chocolate or how they say it, it’s about that heartbreaking feeling you get when you think about not having them around.”
 “Are you reciting your vows again?” Kurt asks, walking into the kitchen.
 “Maybe,” Blaine says. “Our goddaughter is in loooooove.”
 “Uncle Blaine!” Rayna says, burying her face in her hands. “I am not in love.”
 “Oh what makes you think so?” Kurt asks, ignoring Blaine’s swatting hand to snatch a piece of celery from the cutting board.
 “I’m not,” she says looking back at her phone.
 “What did look at how old-” Kurt side eyes him for that. “We are and get scared?”
 “No,” Rayna says, rolling her eyes as the two of them share a kiss and make moony-eyes at each other. “I just realized that I have a good example of love, so when I know I’ll be sure.”
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