#warehouse daily checklist
manisiera · 2 years
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KPIs for Warehouse Management System Implementation
A Warehouse Management System (WMS) promises accuracy, operational efficiency, and increased revenues. However, warehouse managers often take these promises at face value, which can lead to serious issues later on.
This is where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for WMS implementation come into play. What are KPIs? Key Performance Indicators are metrics that help you track progress post-WMS implementation.
Think of them as vigilantes that monitor your warehouse’s performance, revealing the strengths and weaknesses of your WMS, and identifying areas for improvement.
However, with a plethora of KPIs available, navigating the data jungle can be daunting. This article delves deeper into WMS KPIs, showing you how to effectively measure success and unlock the true potential of your system.
Finding the Right KPIs
Before using KPIs to track your WMS performance, you need to find the ones best suited for your warehouse. With numerous KPIs to choose from, not all will be applicable. Selecting the right KPIs requires a clear understanding of your specific warehouse needs.
What are you looking for? Do you want to track order fulfillment or gain insights into inventory management? Prepare a checklist and ask the right questions to align your KPI selection with your core needs.
The Key KPIs
TLS has identified the key KPIs used by warehouse managers to track WMS progress. Let’s take a look:
1. Inventory Management
A well-maintained inventory is crucial for profitability.
Accuracy: This metric aligns your physical and digital inventory, providing accurate stock information to minimize errors and avoid fulfillment delays.
Turnover: Indicates the rate of inventory sale and replenishment. A higher turnover signifies good stock management.
Shrinkage: Represents inventory loss due to theft, damage, or errors. A high shrinkage percentage indicates the need for robust security measures.
2. Receiving & Put-Away
Efficiency: Tracks the volume of received goods processed per labor hour. Long receiving times indicate a need for optimized operations.
Putaway Accuracy: Reflects the percentage of items correctly placed in storage on the first attempt. A higher percentage indicates minimal errors.
Dock-to-Stock Time: Measures the time taken to unload and store incoming goods. Tracking this daily helps identify items that need more efficient scheduling.
3. Order Fulfillment
Cycle Time: The time between order placement and shipment. Shorter cycle times mean faster deliveries, while longer times indicate potential delays.
Picking Accuracy: The percentage of orders picked without errors. A higher percentage means efficient order picking.
On-Time Shipping Rate: The percentage of orders shipped on or before the promised date. A higher rate indicates smooth fulfillment operations.
4. Other Important KPIs
A warehouse ecosystem involves several processes beyond core operations like order fulfillment, shipment accuracy, and inventory management.
Consider selecting additional KPIs such as:
Space Utilization: Tracks space usage to help optimize warehouse layout and maximize storage capacity.
Productivity: Measures the number of orders picked and processed per labor hour, identifying areas for improvement.
Safety Incidents: Tracks the number of incidents or accidents, helping maintain safety standards.
Equipment Utilization Rate: Indicates the percentage of material-handling equipment used, providing insights into equipment efficiency and potential bottlenecks.
Rate of Order Returns: Measures the percentage of returned items relative to total shipped items, helping identify trends and take corrective action.
Return Processing Time: Evaluates the speed at which returned items are restocked or replaced and shipped to customers, minimizing dissatisfaction.
Points to Remember for KPI Implementation
KPI implementation is an ongoing process of data-driven decisions and continuous improvement.
Set Realistic Targets: Align your KPI objectives with industry benchmarks to keep them achievable.
Track Daily: Consistent monitoring helps identify trends and detect deviations.
Actionable Insights: The goal of KPI implementation is to gain insights that optimize processes and drive improvements.
KPIs are not merely numbers; they are the guardians of your WMS functions, reporting on your warehouse’s efficiency and profitability. By harnessing the power of KPIs, you can navigate the dynamic world of warehouse management with clarity and confidence. A good WMS, combined with the right set of performance indicators, can transform chaos into a well-oiled success machine.
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KPIs for Warehouse Management System Implementation
A Warehouse Management System (WMS) promises accuracy, operational efficiency, and increased revenues. However, warehouse managers often take these promises at face value, which can lead to serious issues later on.
This is where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for WMS implementation come into play. What are KPIs? Key Performance Indicators are metrics that help you track progress post-WMS implementation.
Think of them as vigilantes that monitor your warehouse’s performance, revealing the strengths and weaknesses of your WMS, and identifying areas for improvement.
However, with a plethora of KPIs available, navigating the data jungle can be daunting. This article delves deeper into WMS KPIs, showing you how to effectively measure success and unlock the true potential of your system.
Finding the Right KPIs
Before using KPIs to track your WMS performance, you need to find the ones best suited for your warehouse. With numerous KPIs to choose from, not all will be applicable. Selecting the right KPIs requires a clear understanding of your specific warehouse needs.
What are you looking for? Do you want to track order fulfillment or gain insights into inventory management? Prepare a checklist and ask the right questions to align your KPI selection with your core needs.
The Key KPIs
TLS has identified the key KPIs used by warehouse managers to track WMS progress. Let’s take a look:
1. Inventory Management
A well-maintained inventory is crucial for profitability.
Accuracy: This metric aligns your physical and digital inventory, providing accurate stock information to minimize errors and avoid fulfillment delays.
Turnover: Indicates the rate of inventory sale and replenishment. A higher turnover signifies good stock management.
Shrinkage: Represents inventory loss due to theft, damage, or errors. A high shrinkage percentage indicates the need for robust security measures.
2. Receiving & Put-Away
Efficiency: Tracks the volume of received goods processed per labor hour. Long receiving times indicate a need for optimized operations.
Putaway Accuracy: Reflects the percentage of items correctly placed in storage on the first attempt. A higher percentage indicates minimal errors.
Dock-to-Stock Time: Measures the time taken to unload and store incoming goods. Tracking this daily helps identify items that need more efficient scheduling.
3. Order Fulfillment
Cycle Time: The time between order placement and shipment. Shorter cycle times mean faster deliveries, while longer times indicate potential delays.
Picking Accuracy: The percentage of orders picked without errors. A higher percentage means efficient order picking.
On-Time Shipping Rate: The percentage of orders shipped on or before the promised date. A higher rate indicates smooth fulfillment operations.
4. Other Important KPIs
A warehouse ecosystem involves several processes beyond core operations like order fulfillment, shipment accuracy, and inventory management.
Consider selecting additional KPIs such as:
Space Utilization: Tracks space usage to help optimize warehouse layout and maximize storage capacity.
Productivity: Measures the number of orders picked and processed per labor hour, identifying areas for improvement.
Safety Incidents: Tracks the number of incidents or accidents, helping maintain safety standards.
Equipment Utilization Rate: Indicates the percentage of material-handling equipment used, providing insights into equipment efficiency and potential bottlenecks.
Rate of Order Returns: Measures the percentage of returned items relative to total shipped items, helping identify trends and take corrective action.
Return Processing Time: Evaluates the speed at which returned items are restocked or replaced and shipped to customers, minimizing dissatisfaction.
Points to Remember for KPI Implementation
KPI implementation is an ongoing process of data-driven decisions and continuous improvement.
Set Realistic Targets: Align your KPI objectives with industry benchmarks to keep them achievable.
Track Daily: Consistent monitoring helps identify trends and detect deviations.
Actionable Insights: The goal of KPI implementation is to gain insights that optimize processes and drive improvements.
KPIs are not merely numbers; they are the guardians of your WMS functions, reporting on your warehouse’s efficiency and profitability. By harnessing the power of KPIs, you can navigate the dynamic world of warehouse management with clarity and confidence. A good WMS, combined with the right set of performance indicators, can transform chaos into a well-oiled success machine.
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4 Essential Maintenance Tips for Epoxy Flooring
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Commercial spaces choose epoxy floor coating for its exceptional durability, pristine texture, and ability to withstand heavy foot traffic and chemical spills. Renowned for its seamless finish, it has become a popular choice among marketers looking for a long-lasting flooring solution. However, like any other surface, proper care and maintenance are crucial after epoxy flooring installation. Otherwise, it may lose its efficiency, integrity, and lifespan. 
This article portrays the essential tips required to maintain the effectiveness of epoxy floors. Let’s take a look.
Regular cleaning: In a workspace, whether indoor or outdoor, dirt and dust accumulate daily. It deteriorates the surface quality and potential provided if it's not cleaned regularly. Sweeping or dusting the area daily with a soft mop can help remove dirt and debris, thereby retaining the glossy texture. Remember, a gentle mopping is enough to avoid scratching the surface using abrasive scrubbing mops.
Immediate Spill Cleanup: Accidental spills can happen anytime, anywhere, leaving permanent stains on the surface. The only way to avoid this is to wipe the spills immediately. Spills including oil, grease, chemicals, and liquids can be easily cleaned using a soft cloth. However, for stubborn stains, it's better to use a gentle scrub and a mild detergent in water that does not react with the surface coating.  
Address harsh chemicals properly: Immediate cleaning up the spills is good. But what if it involves harsh substances? Usually, chemical labs, warehouses, manufacturing plants, or other industrial floors are quite vulnerable to chemical spills. In those environments, it's better to use soft towels or paper towels to wipe the surface immediately. 
Schedule periodic maintenance: Following the crucial steps for epoxy floor maintenance can be challenging. But it's equally essential to extend the lifespan of the surface and retain its smoothness. The best way to perform this routine work is by appointing experts for this job. They are equipped with proper tools and essentials, ensuring safe and effective surface maintenance. Further, they conduct a thorough inspection to check the signs of wear and tear and repair the surface immediately if required.
Epoxy flooring ensures a long-lasting and visually appealing flooring solution that enhances workspace safety and efficiency. But like other floor coating options, it also requires proper maintenance to preserve its beauty and boost functionality. 
So, anyone preparing to install these seamless floors should checklist the points mentioned above. Not only does it safeguard the floor against regular wear and tear but also maintains its allure and creates an inviting appearance. Follow these tips while installing these surfaces, seeking the help of a reliable flooring contractor like Sealwell.
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dalviesystems · 4 months
Building Confidence: Mastering Pallet Racking Inspection Techniques
Introduction: Prioritizing Warehouse Safety
Warehouse management is a complex and dynamic process that involves the efficient storage, handling, and distribution of goods. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily operations, ensuring the safety of personnel and inventory should always remain a top priority. Racking systems play a crucial role in warehouse operations, providing storage solutions for palletized goods. Regular inspection and maintenance of these racks are essential to mitigate the risk of accidents and ensure a safe working environment.
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Understanding Racking Systems: Backbone of Warehouse Storage
Racking systems are the backbone of modern warehouse storage, allowing for efficient utilization of vertical space and streamlined inventory management. These systems come in various configurations, including selective pallet racks, drive-in racks, and cantilever racks, each designed to accommodate different types of goods and storage requirements. While racking systems offer numerous benefits in terms of space optimization and accessibility, they also pose potential safety hazards if not properly maintained.
The Importance of Racking Inspection: Preventing Accidents and Downtime
Regular inspection of racking systems is critical for identifying potential safety issues and preventing accidents that could result in injury or damage to inventory. Some of the key reasons why racking inspection is essential include:
Structural Integrity: Over time, wear and tear, as well as operational factors such as overloading or impacts from forklifts, can compromise the structural integrity of racking systems. Regular inspections help identify signs of damage or deformation that could lead to collapse or failure.
Load Capacity: Racking systems are designed to support specific loads based on their configuration and materials. Inspections help ensure that racks are not overloaded beyond their capacity, reducing the risk of collapse and preserving the safety of personnel and inventory.
Safety Hazards: Loose or damaged components, such as bolts, beams, or braces, pose significant safety hazards in the warehouse environment. Routine inspections enable early detection and prompt repair of these issues, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.
Compliance: Compliance with regulatory standards and industry guidelines is essential for maintaining a safe working environment and avoiding potential fines or penalties. Regular racking inspections help ensure that warehouses meet relevant safety requirements and standards.
By conducting regular inspections and addressing any issues promptly, warehouse operators can enhance safety, minimize downtime, and protect their investment in racking systems.
Best Practices for Racking Inspection: A Comprehensive Approach
Effective racking inspection requires a systematic and comprehensive approach to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with safety standards. Some best practices for racking inspection include:
Scheduled Inspections: Implementing a regular inspection schedule based on the frequency recommended by manufacturers or industry guidelines ensures that racking systems are thoroughly examined at predetermined intervals.
Qualified Inspectors: Assigning qualified personnel with expertise in warehouse safety and racking systems to conduct inspections ensures that potential hazards are accurately identified and addressed.
Checklist and Documentation: Developing a checklist of key inspection points, such as beam connections, column uprights, and base plates, helps standardize the inspection process and ensures thorough coverage. Documentation of inspection findings and corrective actions taken provides a record of compliance and accountability.
Training and Awareness: Providing training and education to warehouse personnel on safe racking practices, including load limits, stacking procedures, and reporting protocols, enhances awareness and promotes a culture of safety.
By adhering to these best practices, warehouse operators can effectively manage racking safety and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace.
Conclusion: Safeguarding Warehouse Operations
Pallet racking inspection is a critical aspect of warehouse management that should not be overlooked. By prioritizing safety and implementing regular inspection protocols, warehouse operators can mitigate the risk of accidents, protect personnel and inventory, and ensure the smooth operation of their facilities. Investing time and resources in racking inspection not only enhances safety but also contributes to overall efficiency and productivity. With a proactive approach to safety management, warehouses can create a secure and conducive environment for workers and optimize their operational performance.
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forkliftdealers · 8 months
The Importance of Forklift Maintenance – Dealer Services and Best Practices
Forklifts are invaluable tools in various industries, relied upon for the efficient movement of materials. To ensure these workhorses perform optimally and safely, regular maintenance is essential. Forklift dealers provide valuable maintenance services, and there are also best practices that businesses can follow.
In this blog, we will explore the significance of forklift maintenance, the services offered by Linde or OM Forklift Dealers in West Bengal or other regions and the best practices that contribute to the longevity and reliability of these machines.
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Forklift Maintenance – The Backbone of Reliability
Forklifts are subjected to demanding conditions, lifting heavy loads and operating in diverse environments, from warehouses to construction sites. Regular maintenance is the cornerstone of their reliability and safety. Here's why it matters:
Safety: Well-maintained forklifts are safer to operate. Routine checks and repairs help identify and address potential issues before they become safety hazards. This ensures the safety of operators and those working in proximity to forklifts.
Performance: Proper maintenance optimizes the performance of forklifts. Regular servicing keeps engines, transmissions, and hydraulic systems in good working condition, leading to smoother operations, reduced downtime, and increased productivity.
Cost Efficiency: Preventative maintenance is cost-effective in the long run. It helps avoid costly breakdowns and extends the lifespan of forklifts, reducing the need for premature replacements.
Dealer Services and Best Practices for Forklift Maintenance
Dealer Services
Forklift dealers offer a range of services to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of forklifts. These services include:
Scheduled Maintenance: Dealers can set up regular maintenance schedules tailored to the specific needs of your forklift fleet. These schedules typically include inspections, lubrication, filter changes, and other routine tasks to keep the forklifts in top shape.
Emergency Repairs: In the event of unexpected breakdowns or issues, forklift dealers have experienced technicians and a stock of genuine parts to provide quick and efficient repairs. Minimizing downtime is crucial in fast-paced industrial environments.
Safety Inspections: Dealers can perform comprehensive safety inspections to ensure that forklifts comply with industry standards and regulations. This helps maintain a safe working environment and avoids potential fines or legal issues.
Best Practices
In addition to dealer services, there are best practices businesses can implement to enhance forklift maintenance:
Operator Training: Well-trained operators are less likely to misuse forklifts, leading to fewer accidents and less wear and tear on the equipment. Regularly update operator training to keep skills sharp and safety practices up-to-date.
Daily Inspections: Implement a pre-shift inspection checklist that operators must complete before using the forklift. This helps catch minor issues before they escalate.
Proactive Fluid Checks: Regularly check and top up fluids such as oil, hydraulic fluid, and coolant. Low fluid levels can lead to equipment damage if left unaddressed.
Cleanliness: Keep forklifts clean and free from debris, as dirt and debris can interfere with moving parts and cause damage over time.
Forklift maintenance is essential for safety, performance and cost efficiency. OM and Linde Forklift Dealers in West Bengal and other regions provide invaluable services to support these efforts, from scheduled maintenance to emergency repairs and safety inspections.
By combining dealer services with best practices such as operator training and daily inspections, businesses can ensure that their forklifts remain reliable assets that contribute to smooth material handling operations.
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allareass · 1 year
Cleaning Services in Sydney
Sydney is a busy city where people are engulfed by their career and family responsibilities. This leaves them with little time to complete mundane housework.
Hence, Cleaning services Sydney come in handy. It is possible to hire a cleaner for a one-off, daily or periodic clean. The platform also offers specialised services such as ceiling and wall cleaning.
Home cleaning services Sydney are a great way to keep your house tidy and stress-free. A clean environment promotes good health and can even help prevent germs from spreading. Nevertheless, juggling work and family responsibilities can make it hard to find the time to clean your home on a regular basis.
A basic house cleaning service usually includes general household tasks such as vacuuming and washing floors, dusting, mopping, wiping mirrors and frames, and disinfecting doorknobs and taps. A more thorough cleaning may include sanitising stove and oven exteriors, stacking the dishwasher, washing dishes, cleaning sinks, and sweeping and vacuuming carpets.
Leave the cleaning to a professional maid and spend more time exploring the wonders that Sydney has to offer. Have a fun day out with the kids at Luna Park or Raging Waters, or take a trip to the iconic Sydney Opera House or Taronga Zoo. It’s a city with endless attractions that you will never get bored of!
A clean and organised workspace is essential for the success of any business. It helps workers focus and work more effectively. Moreover, it also keeps them safe from germs and diseases. This is why it is important to hire commercial cleaning services Sydney. These professionals can take care of the cleanliness of all types of commercial areas.
Warehouses and industrial style buildings require special cleaning and maintenance. They need regular deep cleaning, high pressure washing and Covid 19 disinfection to keep them safe for their tenants. Commercial cleaning services Sydney specialise in this area and can provide customised services to suit the needs of the property.
Many businesses use their own staff to clean the facilities, but this can be demoralising and a waste of time for employees that are better qualified to do other tasks. Hiring a professional commercial cleaner is a safer and more cost-efficient option. Moreover, it helps companies maintain compliance with Australian sanitation standards.
A one-off cleaning service in Sydney is a service that is booked just once, and can be arranged as a spring clean or before or after an event. This type of cleaning can be a bit more extensive than regular house cleaning, and the cleaners will usually bring their own detergents and cleaning tools. Services can range from mopping floors and wiping surfaces to cleaning skirting boards, kitchen appliances, frames, and windows.
If you are a homeowner in Sydney who is often too busy with work and family to do your own house cleaning, you should consider using a one-off cleaning service. These professional maids will follow a checklist that you create to ensure your house is sparkling clean when they leave. They can even do extra tasks such as washing the removable parts of your oven in a dip tank and wiping down the inside of your windows with purified water to remove streaks.
There are a number of specialised cleaning services that can be performed in the home, office or commercial building. These include carpet cleaning, deodorising and sanitisation, strip and seal services, window washing, and gutter cleaning. Some of these services are available as one-off jobs, while others are offered as regular ongoing contracts. To know more about Cleaning Services Sydney, visit the All Areas website or call 1300659609.
All Areas offers cleaning services for community shared housing facilities and organisations that provide long and short-term housing solutions for people with disabilities. The company’s cleaning crews are highly trained and have the skills and knowledge to deal with complex cleaning requirements. They are also experienced in providing odour control services for properties that have been affected by smoke, water and mould damage.
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noisasnewocean · 1 year
Digitalization and Data Analytics:
Digitize manual processes into digital format, eliminating cumbersome and cost-effective paper procedures.
Overall control of the progress of production processes on website and mobile platforms.
Data-driven decision making by supporting instant data access when urgent decisions are needed.
Using Machine Learning in predictive quality control and predictive maintenance.
The system is capable of collecting data directly through the machine controller, PLC, MES, SCADA. Integrate with industrial IoT sensors for additional data collection.
Post-conversion maintenance support service.
Man Power: 
FASF encourages employees to work more efficiently via email and phone reminders. Easy for employees to update and control data with simple operations.
The software helps supervisors save 80-90% of the total time and convenience in accessing all visual data anytime, anywhere. Automatically aggregate daily, weekly, and monthly reports.
Factory Smart Forms & Checklists (FASF) offers practical and smart answers:
Smart warehouse control: Digitize warehouse information with industrial barcodes (1D and 2D).
Monitor incidents, trace and track factory status: Digitize and store incident data and provide quick solutions to help technicians find the cause, reducing downtime and incurred costs.
Real-time commodity identification, traceability and control: Automates the process of recording important information about where and how products are manufactured, distribution area information, monitoring close to each finished product. At the same time, it allows users to check the product origin.
Developing software on demand of partners: Expanding intelligent features according to business requirements such as E-Commerce system, Android & iOS Apps, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, AI, etc.
FASF is a highly customizable software, suitable for the requirements of all types of businesses such as electronic manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, garment manufacturing, material production, packaging production, etc.), the software helps personnel keep track of all details of materials, inventory or product orders, etc. without the need to change any other working processes.
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officecleaners45 · 2 years
Get Impressive Results By GSB Office Cleaner’s Fast And Reliable Commercial Cleaning Services in Perth
Have you ever noticed how working in a spotless space can automatically boost your productivity? It is simply because an immaculate place is both good to look at and helps in boosting your brain power. However, is it possible for you to de-clutter every nook & corner of your office alone when you have already so many things going on? Well, worry no more! As we at GSB Office Cleaners will provide the most reliable service to you for commercial cleaning in Perth.
Our professional cleaning service provides effective cleaning solutions for offices, shops, restaurants, and other workplaces in Perth. We offer customized packages according to your needs and can be hired on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. We also ensure that we maintain proper decorum and privacy within the workplace. We utilize cutting-edge technology and quality products to effectively disinfect any size office, school, educational institution, supermarket, daycare centre, shopping centre, medical centre, factory, warehouse, recreational centre, restaurant, and many others.
Checklist of our commercial cleaning
Mopping, vacuuming. Disinfecting of all the floors is done
All the cobwebs are removed from the place
Disinfecting toilets, tile and grouts, and changing rooms
Disinfecting all the kitchen and lunch rooms and tea preparation area
Cleaning of meeting rooms
Parking area is also cleaned
What is the importance of commercial cleaning?
Research shows that improving and maintaining neatness in the office environment is important in achieving maximum employee productivity, meaning sometimes it’s the lack of team building or training that prevents your employees from being productive. The only way to improve that is to get help from professionals who regularly address your cleaning needs.
Reducing absenteeism among employees due to health issues is possible when overall wellness of the workplace is being promoted, germs and illnesses can spread in the office via high-touch surfaces like door knobs, desktops, keyboards, and such if they are not disinfected regularly, so chances are, diseases can spread among the employees and affect their health and attendance records.
The state of a workspace tells you a lot about a business, its image, as well as how the organization values its staff members. If your establishment is routinely disinfected with help from professional commercial cleaning services, then chances are, you are up on the ladder. Nothing says "professional" and "reliable" than an immaculate and clutter-less office.
A pristine space generally feels good. Knowing that there’s no dirt, trash or clutter all around puts people in a better mood which leads to being more productive. Having a sparkling and healthy workspace can reduce stress and boost employee morale. A safe and healthy work environment can make a happier workforce. And a happier workforce can turn your business into something bigger and better.
What makes you think you should hire us?
We at GSB Office Cleaners have the following reasons to make you choose us:
We offer round-the-clock services to the clients of Perth
We always show quick action during emergencies
We offer customised packages which you can select as per your requirements
All the professionals working in the company are fully verified and insured
All the professionals are experienced and qualified to do the job.
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careerplus7 · 2 years
Housekeeping Room Attendant - Minneapolis, MN 55401
Housekeeping Room Attendant - Minneapolis, MN 55401
#HR #jobopenings #jobs #career #hiring #Jobposting #LinkedIn #Jobvacancy #Jobalert #Openings #Jobsearch
Apply Online at: https://www.aparium.com/careers/?gnk=job&gni=8a7885ac821e19f801824f724c0f740b&gns=Indeed
WHO WE ARE Hewing Hotel is in Minneapolis’ vibrant North Loop neighborhood, more commonly known as the Warehouse District, joining cultural stalwarts Traffic Zone Center for Visual Arts and Target Field, home to baseball’s Minnesota Twins. With easy access to all interstates as well as Minneapolis’ Metro Transit Blue Line and Northstar Commuter Rail, The Hewing sits at the literal crossroads of the Twin Cities.
WHO YOU ARE You are someone who understands the smallest details can make the biggest impact. You know hospital corners aren’t just for hospitals, and the perfect crease on a bed sheet makes you smile. When you see a pair of loose shoes, you need to make sure they are perfectly aligned. You love feeling the warmth of freshly laundered linen. It doesn’t matter where you are, you can’t help yourself from refolding the bathroom towels. Your past experiences have led you to understand that there is art + science to the how and what of preparing and caring for a hotel room. You enjoy the solitude of completing your daily board, but love seeing the smile on a coworker’s face when they walk into their last room and find you’ve already made their last bed. No matter how crazy your day was, you always find time to make sure your cart is ready for the next day.
THE ROLE The Room Attendant reports to the Housekeeping Manager, working to maintain the consistent cleanliness and organization of guest rooms and spaces. It is critical that the Room Attendant possess an eye for detail and can maintain the hotel’s standards of cleanliness. At Aparium, our Housekeeping teams are expected to hold themselves, the guests, and each other in high regard. The Room Attendant will actively develop trusting and transparent relationships with their peers, both in their department as well as throughout the hotel. The Room Attendant will have the opportunity to work with a phenomenal group of individuals with whom collaboration, humility, and open minds are the norm—no egos are allowed.
Uphold and model the company’s principles of People, Place, and Character, while embodying the values that drive collaboration, intuitive service and translocal hospitality
Adhere to the prescribed departmental sequence of service and practice proper safety protocols while cleaning guest rooms, stocking linen and terry and completing assigned checklists
Collaborate with Housekeeping leadership, demonstrating a united front as a team committed to providing the best possible guest experience
Take pride in your work, strictly adhering to health, safety and sanitary guidelines
Work in an organized fashion following the sequence of service with the utmost respect for your equipment and workspace
Demonstrate a professional sense of urgency while in the guest rooms and public space to provide a thoughtful guest experience by keeping spaces clean and well organized
Foster open lines of communication within the department by actively participating in daily lineups and Housekeeping all staff meetings, maintaining a transparent dialogue among the team to voice ideas and concerns, while course-correcting any missed opportunities
Actively participate in feedback sessions with Housekeeping leadership to further develop your skill set and improve upon housekeeping standards and practices
Maintain regular communication with the Housekeeping leadership team to ensure alignment on priorities, understanding that flexibility with your responsibilities is paramount to support a successful operation
Observe conditions of furniture, walls, trim work and carpeting, reporting anything substandard to the Housekeeping leadership and/or Engineering department to make corrections and improvements as needed
A passion for the importance of cleanliness, initiative to learn and pride in those we serve
Basic knowledge of cleaning techniques, safety procedures and requirements
Functional proficiency in the English language to receive and execute verbal and written communication and direction
Adaptable interpersonal communication skills to address employees at all levels of the hotel
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment for extended periods of time to meet the volume of business
Ability to lift, balance and carry up to 25 lbs. to transport carts, cleaning supplies, linen, equipment, etc.
Ability to lift, balance and carry (with assistance) up to 100 lbs. to adjust mattresses and move inventory, equipment, etc.
Ability to stand or walk for prolonged periods to clean and organize guest rooms, spaces, storage, equipment, etc.
Ability to work in a dog friendly environment
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, Aparium Hospitality Services celebrates diversity and is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment, and sense of belonging for all employees. We do not discriminate and believe every individual should be proud of who they are, where they come from and take pride in who we serve.
Job Types: Full-time, Part-time
Pay: $18.00 per hour
Dental insurance
Employee assistance program
Employee discount
Flexible schedule
Health insurance
Life insurance
Paid time off
Professional development assistance
Retirement plan
Vision insurance
8 hour shift
Day shift
Monday to Friday
Weekend availability
Supplemental pay types:
Work Location: One location
Apply Now: https://bit.ly/jumprecruiter
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rosewoodmeadow · 2 years
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Welcome to Mount Meadow, Nicky! Before you get stuck in, make sure to check out our new members’ checklist. Once this is complete, you have 24 hours to send in your account. We’re so happy that you’re here!
NAME: Nicky
CELEBRITY NAME: Lin-Manuel Miranda
PRONOUNS: he/him
BIRTHDAY:  January 16, 1980
PROFESSION: Actor, musician, playwright.
HOUSING DISTRICT: Warehouse District
PERSONALITY: Lin is ambitious, hard-working, and full of energy. He is an optimist - he has bad days like anyone else, but he chooses daily to put out a positive energy into the world. He is part hyperactive toddler, part genius. He’s loving, friendly, loyal, and a bratty attention seeker at times. He runs on caffeine, music, and sunshine.
RELATIONSHIP/FAMILY: Divorced from Vanessa Nadal. Two children who stay with him part-time (Sebastian, 7 and Francisco, 4). Dating Kat Dennings (yes the player knows!)
MANDATORY Why Mount Meadow and what brought you to town?: It was time for a fresh start after a messy divorce, and maybe a certain someone already living here was a bit of a pull factor... plus, I hear the theatre scene around these parts is really ‘up and coming’ and I like to get in at the ground level.
in addition to answering the above question, so we can get to know your celebrity better, CREATE A PLAYLIST OF 3-5 SONGS THAT RELATES TO OR DESCRIBES YOUR CELEBRITY!
Juicy - Notorious BIG
Countdown - Beyonce
Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly
Crown - Chika
Caminando - Ruben Blades
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jobuganda · 2 years
Java House Uganda Jobs 2022 – Fresher TraineeStorekeeper
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Job Title: Trainee Storekeeper – Java House Uganda Jobs 2022 Organization: Java House Uganda  Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda     Java House Uganda  Profile: Java House Africa introduced gourmet coffee drinking and café culture to East Africans in 1999, creating spots where invigorating coffee and tasty meals were served, love stories were born, gossip was traded, relationships blossomed and relaxation became an art. We have 47 branches across the region. We also have Planet Yogurt and 360 Degrees Artisan Pizza within our organisation.     Roles and responsibilities: Maintains the inventory at the specialized work area in order to support warehouse, manufacturing and retail activities by ensuring visibility of inventory status to the warehouse team. Monitors stocks, reorders and receives inventory at the warehouse store and ensures they are of the correct specification, in order to ensure availability of inventory. Inspect deliveries by checking of quantity and quality of items brought in by the supplier for conformity or discrepancies and report / documentation for a seamless return process. Putting stock away in accordance with the Company’s Quality procedures (stock rotation) Rotate stock and coordinate the disposal of surpluses within the warehouse. Ensure adequate record keeping and manage all documentation to confirm proper stock levels and maintain inventory control. - Performing daily equipment checks such as recharging the truck’s battery and lubricating equipment - Conduct machine operations in compliance with OSHA standards in manner that promotes safety and in addition to operators manual. - Ensure inbound and outbound shipments are accurate and free of damage. - Carry out customer orders to pick locations or delivery platforms with material handling equipment. - Inspect and perform minor maintenance on the MHE and ensure daily checks are recorded on equipment status. - Organizes and maintains the inventory floor area to ensure efficient material storage and handling. He also maintains labeling systems on the stock items. - Ensure that the correct number and type of product is dispatched. Restocking of items on the shelves and organization / general arrangement of the store’s items. Pick, pack and marshalling of customers’ orders for delivery to Branches. Participation in monthly stock take process and performing inventory audits as required. Identification of non-performing stocks for an effective utilization plan. Sorts and places materials or items on racks, shelves, or in bins according to assigned inventory location. Checking the expiry of goods by ensuring FIFO and FEFO is adhered to 100% Issues material to customers and in current system based on request specifications. - Operates scanners so that the proper order is picked and inventory is managed accurately Digitizes all manufacturing and retail work orders and warehouse checklists. Performing ‘cyclic counts’ and routine stock checks at the warehouse as required Conducting and preparation of weekly Stock taking, stock reports and reconciliation - Maintain high level of cleanliness and orderliness in the stores.     Qualifications - All applicants should have relevant qualifications - 1-2 years of experience     How To Apply for Java House Uganda Jobs 2022 All interested and suitably qualified candidates should submit their applications through the link below. Click here to apply Closing Date: 11th July 2022     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Facebook WhatsApp Twitter LinkedIn Read the full article
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hanibalistic · 3 years
genre | fluff, humor, best friends au, superpower au
word count | 1307
warning | none
note | hello, bub ʚ(´◡`)ɞ i hope you are having a good day! thank you for requesting and i hope this piece is of your liking!
request | from 💫 
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you flinched with a frowning smile when you gingerly touched the bruise you accidentally planted on jisung's cheek. it stained somewhere near the edge at the back of his jaw, blossoming with its dark purple glory that made you grimace every time you looked at it.
he, on other hand, wasn't much concerned with the bruise on his face, though. scribbling on the wrinkled paper of his chemistry notebook, jisung was busy writing down everything he was mumbling past his lips while he kept unintentionally dodging your finger that was smeared with some medicine cream.
it has become a daily essential; medicine cream, band-aids, umbrella (to use as a walking cane), and water bottles. those things have become a daily essential ever since you found out you developed superpowers after your seventeenth birthday, and jisung had excitedly urged you to let him explore more of your abilities as a stepping stone to you becoming a future superhero.
(or a science experiment, you also liked to say.)
"stop moving!" you exclaimed in annoyance after he lowered his head and dodged you for the nth time.
clicking your tongue, you reached down to his chin and grabbed him, tilting his head up so he stays in place. jisung let out a whine with his eyes squinted in pain, his wrist flicking so the tip of his pen hit against your wrist as a call for you to either release him or the super strength.
you immediately let him go, wincing back a little in the process as your hand flew down to your chest in a fist. you kept forgetting to control your strength! this wasn't the first time you accidentally used it on him when you weren't paying attention to keep your abilities in control. it was how he got the bruise on his jaw too!
"i'm so sorry," you hissed out timidly, leaning forward to face him better.
jisung laughed nonchalantly, appearing to be more interested in his notebook than in the fading pain on his bones. he waved at you with a smile, his eyes sparkling as if he was finally seeing the light at the end of a tunnel.
"it's all good! now we know your super strength isn't just a one-time thing, just like your super speed, which we have to work on later because sports meet is coming up!" he exclaimed with gently clapping hands, his smile more forever more enthusiastic than yours.
not a second later, he widened his eyes, his mouth turning into a circle in realization. you panicked at first, wondering if any previous injuries you accidentally caused him was catching up to his consciousness, but he only brought his notebook up and muttered, "hold on, let me add that to our to-do list..."
you stared at him incredulously but your face didn't show it.
jisung was the pinnacle of your calmness about this whole messed up situation. him with his notebooks, and ideas, and checklists. he was the only reason why you haven't gone insane and gotten yourself locked up in prison for accidentally destroying the city, and you genuinely have no idea how he managed to be so collected.
you sniffled suddenly, causing jisung to tear his eyes away from his handwriting. it took him a moment to register the few tears that rolled down your face, and he slowly placed his notebook and pencil down on the bench you two were sitting on in an abandoned warehouse.
"oh, why–why are you crying?" he asked with uncertainty, his eyes visibly panicking by darting across your face. he sat up straighter, his hands going up in a fumble. he found that all he could do was giggle to diffuse the tension. "what happened? what are you crying for? all of a sudden? what?"
"nothing! it's just..." you sighed and looked away. "this is so annoying! these things always happen to me! superpowers? that doesn't even make sense!"
you cut him off before he could say more. he closed his eyes, letting you continue.
"i have no idea what kind of powers i have, neither can i control the ones i do know i have. i'm going to accidentally give myself away someday and everyone will know i'm a freak!"
frowning with a pitiful glance, he watched you slam your palms to your eyes and moaned in agony.
"how am i going to save the world, i can't even save myself yet! also, it hurts! my eyes hurt, i used my super strength on myself! i'm a fucking dumbass!"
jisung gulped down a knot, his cheeks jutted out with the innocent smile on his face. he reached out to put a comforting hand on your shoulder, and he said, "i mean this with lots of love but watching you freak out like this makes me feel so much better about myself that–ahh, i don't want to help you out at all!"
he flinched back with a loud yelp when you snapped your head up at him and swatted his hand away. the menacing glare on your face far less threatening to him than intended, only because you two have been friends for too long to still think you could really get mad at each other.
"you're going to be fine, [name]!" he exclaimed after a moment of silence where he gathered what he wanted to say. "look, i've seen this phase, it happens in all superheroes–"
"superheroes don't exist, jisung."
"they will when you finally learn how to properly use your powers!" he argued. "you cannot be the only person who powers. maybe there are organizations, or there are other people just like you who just haven't spoken up yet! you can join others, or be the blueprint!"
"you just have to train and learn how to control," he muttered, "and i promise i will be here to help you... and make fun of you... and design your superhero costume..."
looking away from his face in fear that if you stared at him for too long you would get the urge to smack him again, you let out a distraught groan and leaned back against the bench, letting your body fall on his side.
staring ahead at the broken warehouse, the recollection that you have been tearing yourself to test your limits, and jisung has been risking himself to make sure he could understand your undiscovered ability was more permanent than ever, albeit it was his inner-nerd jumping at the chance to have his admired fantasy happen in real life.
what an eventful week. it probably would not have been possible without jisung screaming at you to keep going.
you would not be here without him. he was the pinnacle of your calmness and your will to continue, and you figured you owe it to him to at least try to get better at this. 
what would you have done without him, truly. 
"you are so not designing my superhero costume," you said with a shake of your head.
jisung smiled, his eyes gleaming at your words that meant more than its surface. he pursed his lips, smiling brightly as he leaned his head on top of yours and stared ahead at the falling debris of punched walls.
so many things filled with possibilities in this abandoned warehouse, the birth of the first superhero and their human sidekick.
"you need a costume," he hummed.
"no, i don't," you refused. "i am not wearing spandex. i'll save people in jeans and a hoodie if i want to."
"okay, fine," he rolled his eyes, "but i get to make up your superhero name."
you furrowed your brows, your eyes rolling up slightly then you sighed. "fine."
he grinned. "i will be the best sidekick ever."
you laughed, and he hummed.
or, well, the guy in the chair. that seemed more his speed.
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Migrate From A Data Warehouse To A Data Lake – The checklist
Data Lake Technology is undoubtedly fascinating. However, it never implies that you should opt for it in a hurry. Instead, the ideal approach in adopting the framework is to integrate the Data Warehouse into the Data Lake Solutions Framework. 
It paves the way for leveraging a structured system built over the years to reap benefits of the unstructured data that keeps growing across an organization. It calls for adequate improvisation that will make it hassle-free to adopt the platform and take the Data Lake Framework's optimum advantage. 
It will enable organizations to ensure the proper security to their business data, and achieve the best compliance standards.  
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A Framework familiar with the Data Warehouse Architecture  
Data Warehouse features a familiar architecture. Usually, IT experts are familiar with the style of working with Data Warehouse. Over the last twenty years, organizations have come up with hefty investments in developing Data Warehouse Frameworks. 
It demands resources, much more extensive than the scopes of servers, and an adequate workforce for supporting the system. It calls for physical facilities, Frontline Systems, Energy utility, and proper integration of the resources involved. 
While establishing a Data warehouse, users need to articulate the expected outcomes. In case the Key Performance indices are not pre-accounted, or there comes up changes to the Market condition or the Business objectives, users get back to the initial point. Keep in mind that the process is time-consuming, and it is extremely tough to document new queries.
Data Warehouse offers an overview of the entire mechanism through structured data in the primary reporting format. It precisely defines the data type that users can easily explore. Alternatively, it involves a large volume of data. But, the data turn out of relevance with time. It becomes almost impossible to gain practical insight from the Data Warehouse. It usually takes a few days to generate a report.  
The Data Lake Framework paves the way for enhanced flexibility 
As the Data Lake framework features a free and structured relational database, it can collect and accumulate all the data that a business receives from all the possible sources. 
It involves the formal and unstructured data alike. Thus, it covers the scopes for data originating through email, documents, and social media encounters. It is fast and straightforward to access data through the diversified information. It facilitates the exploration of new trends. 
The Data Lake Framework permits users to gain better insights on the historical and contemporary data. More importantly, it calls for the employment of a predictive analytical mechanism that predicts the upcoming trends in the forthcoming times. 
It encourages Machine Learning, not merely for better Machine Learning. Still, it carries the entire thing to the subsequent levels that involve perspective analysis that aids in better decision making. 
Why the majority of users prefer the Data Lake Platform? 
Data Lake brings a substantial reduction to the cost, and yet it imparts more flexibility and agility. Turning to the cloud platform, it does not call for much resources and assistance. 
It is for the reason that the technology is still in its childhood stage, and it retains the entire data load that a business might ever need to process. Though a notion prevails about lacking security properties, it requires further validation. Better to say, these concerns have offered some answers; keep in mind that the security aspects are an indispensable component of the Data Lake Framework.  
How to overcome the Diverse Data Requirement issue?  
The analytical potential and the flexibility in a data Lake Framework stands out of the scope of debate. However, you must consider the fact that experts invest tons of effort and ample of time in Data warehouses. 
Assuming that the Analytics and Key Performance Index are universal, the Data warehousing architecture becomes the ideal for daily reporting. Users will encourage enhanced use of the Data Lake Platform in real-time, considering the scope of the structured and unstructured data. For businesses well-established, experts feel that it is ideal for offering a combined solution.  
What it is so fascinating about the Hybrid Solution? 
The Combination Solution never comes that simple as it looks. The Data Lake Framework needs limited resources and minimal support in managing software and hardware. It is for the reason that Data Lake never demands defined data analysis, as you will find in the data warehouse architecture. 
As such, users are likely to feel the need for a dedicated Business analyst for helping businesses to explore the most sensitive and relevant data for decision making. Hence, handling the framework becomes much easier for new users. For this reason, the new users take the minimum time to adopt this data platform. They can make the optimum use of technology.  
The initiation of the Data Lake Framework involves lesser cost, the minimum set-up challenges. On the other hand, opting for the Data Warehouse platform, users need to install expensive servers and deploy dedicated personnel that calls for perpetual cost. 
Usually, the first report gets generated over three to six months after implementing the framework. Considering the highly dynamic feature of the business world these days, business owners may not feel like investing in the Data warehouse framework. 
As Data Lake Platform function on the Cloud technology, it starts performing immediately. It makes it easier and budget-friendly for companies to prioritize the Data Lake Framework over the Data Warehouse Platform. It is evident that, if the data is not offering relevant value to the business process, it hardly makes a sense to invest time and resources in the data technology. 
Users should opt for this cutting-edge technology with a completely different approach. They need to conceptualize things and work upon the plans with a well-planned objective as businesses keep shifting to the Cloud platform from their existing Data Framework. 
Thus, in the forthcoming years, more such shifts will become evident. It will allow organizations to handle their growing data proficiently, eventually helping in the process of informed decision making. It will take the business to the next level of success and achievements. 
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, KYLIE! You’ve been accepted for the role of NICK BOTTOM. Admin Julie: I was impressed with your app from the first word. Your voice for Nikolai is impeccable and incredibly succinct, as if I myself could hear him talking. Nik’s a tough one to pin down, given his lackadaisical view of the world and the war between the Montagues and Capulets, but you didn’t just pin him. You hit the nail on the head. I’m overjoyed and ecstatic, and simply cannot wait to see your Nikolai grace our dashboards!  Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Kylie
Age | 25
Preferred Pronouns | she/her
Activity Level | on a scale of 1-10 i would say i’m about a 6 or a 7!
Timezone | mst
Character | Nick Bottom / Nikolai Borisov
What drew you to this character? |
What drew me to Nikolai initially was the sense of humor that I felt permeated his biography–I especially loved the line “Nikolai Borisov fell in with the wrong crowd with eyes wide open—waltzed right into hell and had the gall to call it toasty.” It told me that Nikolai posessed the ability to see the absurdity in the mob life–of pledging your life to a person who could give a damn wether you live or die, of taking yourself seriously enough to think that putting the lives of everyone in a city on the line for your own singular ambition is somehow in their best interests. I think humor is a large part of his character, but the longer I spent with him, trying to find his voice and being inside of his head, I came to realize that there was a dissonance between how he uses humor outwardly, and who he is internally. I think that the line that really sums it up for me is actually–”He is Frankenstein: a little mad, a little lonely, a man who dared to dream bigger than anyone else.” He wants to be around people, and he uses his humor to try and get people to like him, to decide that they want to be around him, but they have also never really understood him. I think he’s a lot like the fire he loves so much–a light in a city that thrives on darkness. But don’t be fooled, the light that he casts off is not divine in any sense of the world, its just as destructive as any good burn.
I also enjoyed the ways in which his particular form of intelligence set him apart from the others involved with the mobs—it takes real skill to be able to wire a bomb and place it in a location where it can do maximum damage, to be able to burn a building down to its foundations and avoid being caught, and Nikolai is good enough at what he does to be paid to do it by the most dangerous and important people in Verona. I was very interested in the ways that the chaos of his personality, of his habits, interact with his intelligence. It would be easy to underestimate him, to write him off as a little bit mad–but that would be a mistake, because there is always a method to his madness.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
Nikolai doesn’t burn things out of anger—he does it because it brings him comfort, because in the cold where he was born you have to take warmth where you can get it, because fire is all he’s had throughout his entire life. I’d like to see him pushed, to see what exactly would cause him to think about why he does what he does—what would make him well and truly angry? Would that anger be enough to make him think twice about why he’s burning things? I’d like to see who or what he would allow to get that deep underneath his skin—would it be one of the Mobs? Would it be Pavel and his careless disregard for Nikolai’s hard work? Would it be damage to his reputation as a fireman?
I’d love to dig more into Nikolai’s work with the mobs—what exactly are his parameters, what is he willing to do or not do? He’s chaotic and a little bit mad, but he’s not without pride—he thinks he’s the best fireman in the business and his work speaks to that. If he were given an opportunity to tie his allegiances to one side, would he take it? He values his independence and his ability to move around whenever he wants to highly, so whoever tried to buy his work on a more permanent basis would have to appeal to his vanity where his work is concerned. I’d also love to explore what exactly has kept him in Verona this long, when he would have normally probably moved on to a new place with new clientele.
Nikolai has spent his entire life in motion, running from his work before he can be caught. It’s a dangerous game of inches and seconds and I’d love to play more with that—how long will it be before he spends too long admiring his work? I’d love to see how he would react if he couldn’t run fast enough, or if the person chasing him was as familiar with the back alleys of Verona as he is. What lengths would he go to to save his own skin, or would he simply bow out, knowing that every good show has to come to an end at one point or another? After all, if old Billy Shakes had kept writing after his number had been called, who’s to say that the stuff he wrote would have still been decent?  
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | of course!
What is your favorite place in Verona?
“Everyone in this town is so concerned with history.” Nikolai rolls his eyes, which are currently focused on a brown paper bag, nearly transparent with grease stains. He comes up with a fry which he unceremoniously shoves into his mouth, using his free hand to gesture wildly, with no real concern with what exactly he’s pointing at. “Over there is the bridge that His Holiness Pope Who Cares commissioned in 1189 B.C.E, in that museum you can see the dick picks that Leonardo Da Vinci painted and sent to Michelangelo’s house at three in the morning with a note asking if he was still up, and over there is the cathedral where Mario and Luigi pretended to care about religion, so that their dad wouldn’t get mad at them later.”
He pops another fry into his mouth and shrugs his shoulders as he brushes the salt off onto his jeans–denim with grease stains that could probably match the ones on the paper bag. “Where I’m from, in Russia, is the furthest North you can be without hitting the Arctic. There is no history there–the snow and ice get everything before it has a chance to acquire any kind of meaning. A building is just a building–none of it matters because you’re so concerned with surviving.” He shakes his head, and if anyone had been looking for it they would have seen his expression falter–the kind of melancholy that gets tinged with nostalgia and harder to explain the further you move away from it, the more you transform from the person in the memory. He’s quick to grin again, a little too sharp around the edges–a little too hungry, his father had once called it, after Nikolai had laughed at him when he’d asked about the black marks on his son’s hands. Wolfish.
“Anyway, that’s not what you asked, is it? My favorite places in Verona are the ones that don’t really fit–the abandoned warehouse next to the ornate cathedral. The street art on the side of a museum full of treasures. The shitty looking diner run by someone’s grandmother next to the Michelin star restaurant. The places that are never gonna end up in someone’s history book.”
What does your typical day look like?
Nikolai scoffs before he starts to cackle, a loud sound that draws the attention of people passing by—but come on, what a stupid question. Does he really look like the kind of guy who has days that are typical? He’s eating fast food on a park bench during the hours when other people are hard at work, his legs folded up underneath him. “Anyone who does enough of the same shit to have their days be considered typical is sad.”
He shrugs his shoulders, drapes an arm over the back of the bench. “I’m not going to daily yoga classes or brunch if that’s what you’re after. I go wherever the spirit moves me, whenever it moves me, and I’m rarely ever bored. Unless I’m on a job–” His grin turns into a kind of smirk, and he chuckles. “Then I have a routine. But those specifics are only obtainable by cash–and unless you’re hiding a hell of a lot in places that are hard to see? You’re not gonna get them.”
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
He can remember every detail of that day with photographic clarity–the outfits of the people that had walked by on the street, the look on that smug bastard’s face and the shrieking of his laughter as he had hauled ass in the opposite direction, the way the ash had practically glittered in the sunlight. It would have been beautiful, had it not been three hours too early, had it not been everything he had built for himself that had gone up in gorgeous plumes of smoke and red-orange flames. It had been the first time he’d looked at a fire and felt something other than overwhelming sense of comfort, a sense of belonging in the world that could only come with leaving an irrevocable mark on the landscape. Instead he had looked at the smoldering remains of that particular building and felt fear–the fear that he would well and truly be on his own this time. That he would never feel warm again.
He blinks and tries to school his face into something unaffected, but he’s certain that he misses the mark–he’s never been good at judging where normal should be. “When you do what I do, you can’t really afford to make mistakes. One mistake and you’re a heap of ashes where a person used to be standing, y’know? But when I was starting out I made a lot of the typical rookie mistakes–I’d be surprised if I still had fingerprints.” He laughs again, and this time he feels it reach to the corners of his mouth.
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
Nikolai shakes his head and shoves his hands into the pockets of his jacket, his left hand immediately finding the lighter that’s nestled securely in the fabric. His fingers move over the familiar outlines, the places where the finish is worn off from repeated handling–difficult begins and ends with this familiar weight in the palm of his hand. Difficult rarely ever stands up to the all consuming power of a good burn. “The job isn’t difficult–not when you’re good at it. The hardest part has been staying in one place for so long–normally I’d have left this place for somewhere new a hell of a long time ago.” He exhales, and tilts his face up towards the sky so that he can feel the warmth of the sun. It’s the boredom that worries him most of all, that makes him wonder when it will be time to leave Verona and her criminal underworld behind for good–it might be better for him to get gone before the place can drain the creativity from him permanently.
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“It pays the bills.” He shrugs and grins–a slow reveal of teeth, too many teeth to be considered friendly or casual. “What do I care if they tear each other apart in the same of some bullshit history between them? The minute it dries up I’m out of here and onto the next batch of maniacs just like them.”
pinterest board x
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firstaccessinc-blog · 5 years
Daily Inspection Of Forklift Trucks
When it comes to forklift rental in New Jersey, having a daily inspection may seem like an uncomplicated task, but operators can be lured to skip having this daily walk around. Discovering a minor concern with the forklift truck now, can keep away from a bigger issue from taking place later on. This not simply guards the operators, but as well as any pedestrians and product that the forklift truck will be around.
Not to mention, it is even declared in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 standard language that forklift trucks are required to be scrutinized prior to being put into service at the starting of a shift or every day where vehicles are in continuous use. The following are a few ideal practices while carrying out routine checkup of the forklift truck:
Have a checklist
No matter you have created the checklist, or the manufacturer has provided you a sample, having one helps to make sure that the forklift operator is looking over every component of the forklift truck. If you’re improvising the required every day walk around, you may miss something essential.
Make it a habit
It is common that things get busy and every facility gets hectic. However, if you can put into practice scrutiny at the starting of every shift, it’ll sooner or later turn out to be a routine. Get into a habit, and abide by it, especially in case of forklift rental in New Jersey. If you are a forklift operator, you will be more comfortable knowing you are operating a forklift truck that is in safe, working condition.
However, if you are a manager or supervisor, you will have peace of mind that the operators are making use of forklift trucks that will work, maintain efficiency and keep them safer.
Pull the forklift truck is an issue is discovered
If you do come across a problem, keep away from operating the forklift truck. Tag it out of the operations right away. Safety is supposed to be always the key priority. You may be losing some money as the forklift is down. Little issues can rapidly turn into larger costs and safety issues. And downtime can be mitigated by having a full-time supplier who offers excellent and timely service.
Warehouse safety
Other than taking care of the rental forklift truck, be certain to keep the workplace clean and structured. Additional materials from increased shipping can lead to both extra packing material and block lighting fixtures. Work areas are safer when they are lit properly and free of debris. Dust, misplaced packaging, and shrink wrap can result in damaged equipment which, in turn, put the safety of the workplace at risk.
Stay safe during the holiday season
Have a plan ready. Get the forklift operators and warehouse personnel ready for the heightened workload coming the way. Allocate the staff to keep up extra equipment and to keep the various areas of the warehouse neat and tidy. To make the most of your forklift rental in New Jersey, ensure that every worker is known to facility precautions.
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