#wari wari santa 🎅
tarot-by-e11e · 3 months
Hii Dear<3 I'm here for your 3 pull card game!! Can I participate, if there is any slot for me?
My initial : rj ( sun ♌and ♎ moon & rising)
Emojis : 🌷🌻🦢🌞💗
"If you can have any superpower, what would it be and why?"
So their is 2 superpower I want if it's possible. Fly and teleporting. Because I don't like to be in public places where is to much crowd lol. So if I can fly or telepoting myself it could be really fun for me. ( I also make wishes in my childhood during Christmas to get these superpower from santa🎅)🤣
Thankyou!!☆ have a good Day🌱
Hi RJ,
Thank you for patiently waiting for your turn.
When I saw why you chose Flying and Teleportation, I was like “OMG my fellow introvert!!” because saaaaaammmmmmeee… OMG the childhood wish to Santa!!!
Anyways, let me list down your cards this July:
Advice: 7 of Swords
Warning: King of Swords
Surprise: Empress
An advice for you this July is to be wary of the lies and trickery inflicted upon you by those wearing 2-faced masks. There’s this ongoing war filled with deceit between you and people who wish ill upon you. I heard, “Be aware of their lies but let them believe they have the upper hand, until the moment you’re ready to pull the rug from under their feet.” There’s this “two can play that game” that you need to implement this month. There’s an underhanded feeling of jealousy due to secret haters who want to take what belongs to you, could also be someone who wants to steal your romantic partner, if you’re dating someone. It’s like, “you don’t need to lift a finger because karma is on the way to whoop their conniving manipulative asses”. So, be aware, protect your own, but play them at the palm of your hands.
A warning for you this month is to not be so high and mighty with your morals. It feels rather pompous(?), like a “holier than thou” vibe that you might have going on. I heard, “Have some flexibility and be open to the perspectives of those from outside your community.” It doesn’t feel like you’re elitist but you come across as such because of your communication style, which garners a lot of enemies. There’s nothing wrong with doing the morally right thing; it’s more of, staying humble about it. It’s not something to brag about, because you’ll cause more distance between you and others if you don’t learn how to communicate in an approachable and relatable way. I don’t feel like you’re a bad person but you tend to get painted as the villain because of your manner of speaking. This is such a weirdly specific warning because it might cause a rift between you and your superiors/people in authority, which is worst case scenario, unemployment.
Finally, the surprise for you this July is receiving some sort of abundance to acquire the finer things in life. It isn’t super big like winning the lottery, it’s more of a pay raise/bonus/promotion that will let you afford to buy pricier things you can use at home, silk bedsheets, bamboo cotton pajamas, authentic matcha powder from Japan, etc. It feels like you can finally afford an upgrade for your self-care routine. This can also be interpreted as being able to go to the fancier salon/skin clinic. Things like that, for the sake of treating yourself and beautifying your life.
This concludes the end of the reading request.
Do let me know how this resonates with you.
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(This reading is strictly for entertainment purposes only.)
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Let Me Be the Stranger You Know || Part I
Genre(s): Fantasy, Slowburn Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: For @nfly5 as part of my Secret Santa gift for the @exolssecretsanta 2021 event. Surprise! 🎅 You mentioned you were interested in astrology and mythology, and I took that and ran with it. While it’s not yet complete, I hope you still enjoy this labor of love; I tried to give Baek some of that mysterious/sexy energy from Obsession and Bambi, too. You seem an absolutely talented sweetheart and I wish you the merriest of holidays and a happy and healthy new year! 
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You lived in a place where only dreams grew, unseen by stars. Mum couldn't tell you which constellation you were born under, hidden as you were under forest canopy and rain. “It doesn't matter, my little dream come true,” she would whisper into your hair, “so long as I have you.”
But when the Raze came, she saw you off with a look of anguished resolution.
“This day had to come,” she had whispered fiercely to you when you clung to her, sobbing, begging her to keep you. “The stars were always meant to find you, my little dream. But when you sleep, I will be there. I will always be right there.” And she pushed you away.
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You emerged from your tent and stretched, shaking thoughts of the night away. It had been many years since Raze Yixing had pulled you from that place and into Null House, but you could summon the memories like they were just yesterday. You remembered the first time you saw the ocean and sailed upon it. The wind that rode the waves had smelled cool and briny. Birds had flown over from the end of the earth full of stories in foreign languages. It was your first taste of a new world, and you had craved more ever since.
In quick fashion, you took care of your morning business, packed your saddlebags, dissembled your tent, and threw it in the storage wagon.
You were just elbowing Anskjo to keep him from bloating before you'd properly tightened the girth when Minseok sidled up to you.
“Chop, chop. You're holding the whole company back. We'll never reach the capital at this pace.”
You shot him a sour look after pointedly staring around at all of the pitched tents. “Oh, go make yourself useful and kick down a tent or something.”
Minseok threw his head back and cackled. “You're really not a morning person, are you?”
“I hate you sometimes,” you muttered.
“That's good, because I hate you all the time,” he cheeked right back.  
But he waited patiently, if not more a little more chatty than you would've preferred at this hour, as you finished tightening the girth and began loading up your greatcoat, saddlebags, and other gear.  
According to Minseok, you should be reaching Domynead's capital, Laughei, shortly after the twelfth toll. Palpable excitement crept through the soldiers. The palace had felt it prudent to recall some of the Second Regiment's companies to the capital ahead of peace talks with the envoy en route from the Sevlinian Khaganate. For many soldiers, it would be their first time in Laughei, and they regarded the opportunity with delight rather than the wariness one might expect from a potential clash with a rival country.
You mounted up with a vague anticipation swirling about you, wondering what new stories you would unearth.
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The stars governed nearly every facet of life, including which House one belonged to. For the few who didn't know which constellation had blessed their birth, Null House was a refuge.
As the only House unaffiliated with a particular constellation, Null House presided over diplomatic affairs for all the other thirteen Houses. But more than anything else, the auspice of Null House was the discovery and archiving of knowledge.
Raze Yixing taught you everything you needed to know to become a proper Raze in your own right, which... wasn't much, to be fair. Namely to “look for the unknown and the unquestioned.”
It was a simple test. He had taken you into an empty room, sat on the floor, and closed his eyes.
You had stood there blinking before following suit. For an hour. In silence.
Until you finally asked, “So... what are we doing?”
Yixing had cracked open an eye.
He closed his eyes again.
“...and what am I doing here?”
At that, Yixing had smiled. “Becoming a Raze, I think.”
You felt your eyebrows draw together in confusion. “That's it?”
He had stood, walking to where you were still seated and placing a hand on your head. He was older than you by about a decade at your best guess. He kept his long hair tied in a ponytail, wore gold-rimmed glasses, and was kinder than almost anyone else you had ever met.
“Never follow anyone blindly, little one. That is the most important lesson I can teach you. You questioned your teacher, even though I hadn't invited it.
“It takes bravery to speak first, and humility to admit ignorance. Keep these qualities, and they shall serve you well in life.” He smiled gently. “Very well done.”
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Null House shared its vast knowledge bank through information and goods exchanges. External house members would visit to find counsel, or to be escorted to territories hostile to them by a Raze thanks to their diplomatic immunity. But you sought something more valuable than who was having an affair with who, or what petty inter-House drama was brewing, or even why a riot was fomenting in the south.
You wanted the learn truth of the stars themselves, something miraculously no one seemed to know about despite the ubiquity of them in legends. Your desperation grew so great that it came to the attention of the Zenith of Null House, Grandree, who called you to her office.
“You have stumbled upon one of our greatest oversights,” she said. “We know very little about the stars. But  there is truth in all stories.” Here, she paused, steepling her fingers and staring at you. “Do you know where the best place to hear them is?”
You shook your head.
Her lips stretched in a long, slow smile.
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And so you found yourself embedded in the Second Domynead Regiment for the past three years. You'd sit by the dim edge of campfires and feel the impossible gravity of a good story drawing everyone into its orbit. Afterwards, you'd stumble back into your tent and scribble everything you'd heard in a simple leather-bound book gifted to you by Zenith Grandree right before your departure. Even after three years, though, there wasn't much.
There was Liritz, Eight House constellation. Legend had it that Liritz was a renowned thief who stole the queen's prized magic crystal and swallowed it to keep from being caught. But as the days passed, his skin began to glow. Crystal shards grew from his stomach and spread through his body until he could no longer move at all. When the queen's hound found him, she ordered Liritz publicly shattered and the pieces of him distributed to the crowd, so that they may always have light to guard against those foolish enough to try to do them wrong. Eighth House was dedicated to the mastery of defense and illumination.
There was Illu, Eleventh House constellation, the young girl who fell to her death after trying to pluck all the fruit from Sarym, Fourth House constellation, the first peach tree. Eleventh House focused on child-rearing, whereas Fourth House cultivated the land, encouraging more generous harvests.
But you were most interested in the story of the great bull god, Arturus. Creator of the universe who bestowed the blessing of fertility on First House, whose members were regarded as the god's first descendants. It was the only legend you had heard with no known variance—the world had fallen off the back of the great black bull as he rampaged through the sky, tearing holes in the fabric of the universe with his horns.
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Whoops echoed through the ranks as Black Gate came into view. The palace had been built on a promontory and the glass from the dome of Heaven's Eye caught and fractured the light like a beacon to the weary soldiers.
But before relief could properly sink into you, Lieutenant Colonel Peng pulled up alongside you. Minseok cast you a sympathetic glance before urging Jinx, his gelding, away to give the two of you space.
LTC Peng had only begrudgingly admitted you to the regiment on Zenith Grandree's request and had held it against you ever since. No matter the work you'd put into learning swordsmanship, ascending from Deimos to Phobos over in just three years, she only barely tolerated your presence. Your encounters with her rarely brought you good tidings.
“You'll be supplementing the Crown Prince's personal guard effective immediately. You'll stay in the Military Ward. Report by seventh bell in the morrow; someone will take you to an audience. Congratulations, you're someone else's problem now.”
And without even waiting for a response, she spurred her mount forward and left you gaping in her dust.
“What the hell,” Minseok complained. “That's not fair. I want to sleep in the Military Ward.”
“And meet the Crown Prince,” you added, just for good measure. You felt a bit as if your stomach had dropped out of your body. A golden egg had just fallen into your lap, but you couldn't help but think it must be rotten inside.
Minseok shrugged. “Eh, don't care about him. But a bed? A bed sounds amazing.”
You snorted. Trust Minseok to have his priorities straight. You'd miss him something fierce in the palace, but you'd rather take that secret to your grave than give him the satisfaction of lording it over you.
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You were introduced to the Crown Prince in the audience the next day. His Royal Highness Minhyuk had a benevolent air and an easy laugh, and insisted everyone call him by his given name, which you all had the good sense to ignore.
Four new guards were being added to his retinue: Phobos Lyckenal, Phobos Arhant, Phobos Choi, and yourself, bringing the total to thirteen.
“The same number of Houses,” Prince Minhyuk noted cheerily after a steward had read out your names and Houses. You couldn't help but notice the surprised looks shot your way when Null House followed your name.
The original members of the guard had attended the audience as well, and the Prince introduced them one by one before moving onto his counsel.
“This is Baekhyun, my Royal Advisor.” He indicated a man who had remained off to the side, observing quietly. Baekhyun tipped his head in silent acknowledgment. His sleepy eyes were framed above a dark veil, and nearly buried in his hair were the rough, sawed-off stubs of ivory horns.
You bit down on your lip. A First House Asturian, then. But what had happened to his horns?
“As the newest members of my guard, we will need to evaluate your skillsets. Royal Advisor Baekhyun will be overseeing your training. I've prepared a few tests for all of you,” he glanced back at the old guard, “and Advisor Baekhyun will be reporting his observations to me daily. I look forward to the results.”
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After the audience, you shuffled back out of the chamber with the three other new guards, who immediately ran wild with speculation on the Royal Advisor.
“You see that,” they murmured. “He didn't have any horns.”
“Never seen that before.”
“Bet he's some kind of eunuch,” Lyckenal, by far the most boisterous of the lot, proclaimed with a snicker. “Can you believe it? Asturi castrati. Isn't it shameful? He must've taken advantage of the poor Prince's kindness.” He chuckled as Arhant ribbed him playfully with his elbow.
You felt a headache building. Did these people have no wits? The Asturian didn't just become a Royal Advisor by sitting on his thumbs all day. You, at least, didn't want to make an enemy of the man, nor the Prince who had appointed him.
“You sure you have something between your legs, 'Nallie?” you interrupted. “Because I've heard stories...”
The other men laughed while Lyckenal spluttered and turned bright red.
You exhaled a quiet breath, unaware of the eyes on you.
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It should have been no great wonder, then, that the two outliers of the Crown Prince's entourage would find themselves drifting into each other's orbit. You hadn't exactly endeared yourself to the others on your first day, and as for him, well, the Crown Prince's personal guard were more than a little nervous about being in the presence of His Highness's Royal Advisor.
You were watching the last of the guard racing up the slope to the practice yard. Prince Minhyuk had commanded that his personal guard be able to complete two hundred squats and two orbits of the yard before the ninth toll or be reassigned. After two months of rigorous training, there were still at least two members were in serious jeopardy of not making it.
“The Crown Prince is kind of an asshole, huh,” you said quietly, pressed up against Baekhyun's shoulder. You felt his gaze drift to yours, his eyes wide over the veil he often wore.
He tilted his head closer to yours.
“Careful,” he whispered. You saw the trace of his smile through the translucent material. “Someone might interpret that as treasonous.”
You fluttered your eyelashes at him. “You wouldn't.”
He laughed, a sound so quiet and precious. “I wouldn't,” he admitted easily.
The words struck you like a premonition and sent a shiver down your spine. And as if he could feel it, he met your gaze, eyes warm and open.
You jolted and instinctively averted your gaze, feeling your ears go hot when you heard him chuckle. He had turned that back around on you too easily, you thought, scowling.
Baekhyun was beautiful in a way that nearly defied description. Silver hair, blue eyes turned sharp with kohl, and a manner that seemed to ingratiate him wherever he went.
He had a natural charm that belied his success as Royal Advisor. You'd seen him turn an ambassador to mush with a fleeting touch and a smile. You'd heard the rumors of Asturi during your time in the regiment.
The Asturi train in the arts of seduction.
I heard they hold massive orgies in First House during lunar eclipses.
My sister has a friend who knows someone in First House and she said they all have make at least one hundred people fall in love with them to ascend above the rank of novice.
But you knew better than to blindly believe in rumors.
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Yet, your first impressions of each other weren't very good.
It was clear he hadn't known what to make of you when you sat down next to him at the first training session. He gave you a cool, assessing look before turning away as if to dismiss you. It had immediately irked you. You had wanted to grab his chin and force him to acknowledge you like some recalcitrant child. Luckily, you were a little more civilized than that.
“Don't you have better things to do than watch us spar?”
He was quiet for so long that you had huffed and leaned back on your hands, trying to find a different angle of approach.
“His Royal Highness commanded it.”
“So you're the Royal Highness's dog,” you responded flatly. Shouldn't a Royal Advisor have a little more self-worth that that?  
Evidently, that had been the wrong thing to say.
Baekhyun stood quick as lightning, eyes flashing.
“Do not presume to call me a dog when you're the one who's starlost,” he said while grounding his foot down on yours.
You had bit off an oath and glared angrily at him as he stomped off.
For days afterwards, you had nursed your foul temper and your foot. How dare he call you starlost! Being a member of Null House was more noble than that schoolyard slur.  
It seemed neither of you were in mood to forgive and forget. As soon as either of you were in vicinity, you were butting heads. Things got so bad, your ranking among the cohort dropped to the point you were in danger of being removed from duty.
“Give it a rest,” Phobos Choi had cried out one day back in the Military Ward barracks. “You bruised the man's pride. Publicly. He's an Asturian, for Arturus's sake. Either suck it up or get the hell out.”
You had slunk back to your room, properly chastised by the quietest member of the group. You supposed he had a point. Asturi were known for their pride, and you certainly hadn't been gentle with it...
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“What is this.”
You had to bite your tongue. Do not say, 'well, what does it look like, dumbass'. You're here to apologize, you reminded yourself. He is not Minseok.
“It's a pomegranate.”
Baekhyun held it in the palm of his hand, eyes flicking dubiously back and forth between it and you.
You rolled your eyes, grabbed it, and cut it open. “Here.” You popped a seed into your mouth and made a show of swallowing. “See? Harmless.”
If anything, he looked more confused. “And why have you decided to give me a pomegranate of all things?” he had asked slowly.
“Because I'm apologizing, dum--”
You barely managed to cut yourself off.
“I'm apologizing,” you repeated, more gently. “From what little I know about First House, pomegranates are a revered fruit, right? I thought you might like it.”
“I see...”
You watched, a little perplexed, as his face brightened into something almost like mirth.
He took a pomegranate seed and slid it between his lips, grinning.
“I see.”
And so, that first seed cemented the beginning of your friendship.
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You hadn't spoken to Baekhyun in over a week. The pending arrival of the Sevlinian delegation had doubled his workload, and the Prince had mercifully pulled him off supervision duty. You caught fleeting glimpses of him as he swept in and out of the Crown Prince's office during your watch, but nothing more than that.
You would see him tonight, though. The delegation had arrived earlier that morning, in time for the lunar eclipse. A great feast was to be held to honor both occasions.
A room close to the Prince's quarters had been set up for you for the duration of the Sevlinian's stay. It was there you returned to prepare for the feast only to find a lady-in-waiting loitering insider the door.
“I'm here to assist you with your washing and attire.”
You had balked, trying to wave her off, but she was insistent. She had drawn a milk bath for you and was merciless in her scrubbing. When you were finally dressed, you felt about ten pounds lighter and bone tired.
All of the Crown Prince's retinue had been ordered to assemble in his office, from where you would proceed together to make your entrance in the Great Hall. You shifted, tugging on your sleeves self-consciously right before the steward announced it was time to depart and opened the doors.
You settled into your ranks around the Prince with an older guardsman, Phobos Oren, walking to your left, habitually scanning ahead for any threats.
“You look good.”
“Stars, you scared me, Baekhyun.” He had sidled up to your other side without you noticing.
You glanced down at your formal uniform. It was black, with simple, but elegant silver detailing. A light blue half-cloak hung from your left shoulder and concealed the ceremonial sword buckled at your hips.
Glancing back up at Baekhyun, you raised an eyebrow. “I'm wearing the exact same thing as all the other guards,” you whispered.
He grinned and leaned so close to you, you felt his lips brush against the shell of your ear as he whispered, “Yes, but you make it look better.”
He walked by your side the whole way to the entrance hall, looking entirely too pleased with himself for rendering you speechless.
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The Great Hall was a marvel. Crystals were suspended from the ceiling in great fountains of light. The glass doors had been opened, and a gentle cross-breeze made the reveler's clothes dance along with them. Jewels glimmered from necks, wrists, and chests in riots of color, and everyone wore their finest. The Sevlinians preferred a longer style of dress than the Domyneads, you noticed, though certainly not more modest. Floor-length trousers and skirts with slits up to the hips showcased long legs and smooth skin.  
For most of the night, you were either at the Prince's side or posted by the walls with him squared center in your sight. But finally, your relief shift came up. You scarfed down a few bites of dinner in the kitchen before booking it back up to the main hall, eager to lose yourself in the energy of the crowd and see if you couldn't inspect some of the Sevlinian's up close in person.
You had just re-entered the room when a hand closed around your wrist.
“Someone's in a hurry.”
How you had nearly walked right past Baekhyun, you would never know. He must have changed after the formal dinner, because this was far from the simple black robes of office that he had been wearing before.
Now, he was dressed in a white outer robe that faded to red at the hems. A spray of foliage burst over his left shoulder and down his chest, green and orange, with a singular indigo ronid bloom in the last stages of unfurling. It hung open scandalously at the chest. No inner robe, just pale chest and the golden gleam of a body chain.
“How do I look?” Baekhyun asked, shifting his body so the robe gaped even further open, exactly like he already knew he was being admired. He had foregone the veil this time in favor of a striking line of red drawn from over the bridge of his nose across each cheek.
“Beautiful,” you replied breathlessly without even thinking. Was that even a question? How was he not being smothered in attention? Had he been waiting for you?
Baekhyun's eyes flashed and he pushed away from the wall, gaze intent on you like a predator after its prey.
“Sorry, sir, I'll be stealing this one,” Arhant interrupted as he stepped between you. “I'm not gonna spend my relief shift being a wallflower,” he said as pulled you toward the dance floor.
You fell into his chest with relief. He peered down at you in concern.
“Alright there?”
“Can't feel my legs,” you mumbled. You were trembling.
Arhant, good-natured oblivious giant that he was, laughed deeply and clapped your shoulder.
“Don't lock your knees,” he advised. “You could faint like that.”
“Yeah,” you whispered, “I could.”  
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The reprieve was short-lived. Just when you thought you were about to get away with it, Baekhyun appeared right at the moment in the dance you were supposed to change partners.
He took you effortlessly from Arhant in mid-step, guiding you closer with a hand on your lower back. The places where he touched you felt alight with fire. You were light-headed. He was a much better dancer than Arhant.
“Why didn't you invite me for a dance?” he asked. His eyes were playful.
“I couldn't.”
“And why's that.” His voice lowered, going deeper. Softer.
“You're too much for me,” you whispered, closing your eyes against the tears pricking at them. It felt like the words had been sucked from you. Your chest tightened and you let loose a rattling breath. It was overwhelming. He was overwhelming.
His hand tightened around you, and he pulled you closer so that you cheek rested against his chest.
“Thank you for being honest with me, little night. In exchange, shall I tell you a secret? About the Asturi?”
You nodded, feeling his heartbeat echo yours. He was being so gentle.
“In First House, offering a pomegranate means you wish to spend the night together.”
Baekhyun tilted your cheek up and waited until you opened your eyes. Tenderly, he swept away the tears clinging to your eyelashes before leaning in. His lips brushed against your cheek.
“One day, I'd like to share another pomegranate with you.”
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There was no sleep for you that night. You spent it frantically scrawling in your journal, desperate to hold onto the feeling of it all just a little longer. To convey the heat and strength of Baekhyun's body against yours, the nervous, sweaty, itchy feeling in your palms, or your breathlessness; the way your heart beat madly and how he glided over the floor, your movements as light as mist off water in his hands and the world closing in so tight that you had forgotten, for the first time, to question anything, to notice anything but him and how you were the only thing reflected in his eyes.
___________________________________________________________ A/N 2: If you’ve made it this far, thank so much you for reading. Thanks are also due to @mel-loves-kdramas​ for putting the event together again this year and managing things so beautifully. 
I’ll be working diligently on finishing up the second part. This world is rather expansive, so I may post a glossary and map for quick references. 
And shout out once again to @nfly5​. I know this fic is not exactly holiday-themed, but I still hope you enjoyed. For all my other readers, I highly encourage you all to go check out their blog; it’s beautiful!
Happy Holidays all and stay safe! 
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shorelinnes · 3 years
Hellooo. This is your secret santa 🎅🎅 ho ho ho. Hope you are doing well. I wanted to ask you, who is your bias and any specifications you want me to keep in mind? Please let me know. 🎁🎄
hi hi! my biases are jin and yoongi (if you don’t want to make a set with two people I’d be happy with either one 😊) as for specifications I’m kind of wary of fansite content in general but other than that I’m fine with anything!
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happysmilebtr · 3 years
oh! it's not that i can't, but i just don't lmfao i don't like typing too much on my phone, i prefer a desktop keyboard lol so i always only use tumblr on desktop! but i never tried sending a long ask on the app though, so maybe i'll try it soon!
yeah i'm just really used to photoshop lmfao it's what i've been using since i started making stuff back in 2010 or something and i never really got rid of it lol but thank you for being understanding <3 i saw the ones you posted for your own giftees and they all look so good!
omg i celebrate it on the 24th as well lmfao it's custom here where i live, so the 25th is just lazy day where we eat food from yesterday and rest a lot! and it was good enough for me, hope you had a great night as well~
also! what are your 5 fave txt songs?? i know i've already asked for 1, but i want more options if that's ok!
- secret moa 🎅
oh i thought you couldn't and i was ready to slap some people with fishes xD but that's understandable! for me i like using the app cause it is easier to reblog stuff (as it does remember posts you reblogged before on a blog) but on computer i do prefer replying myself! a keyboard is just much easier that is bigger
very valid of you and omg that long!?!? i bow down to you my secret anon *bows* i respect that, be proud that you can use ps for so long! also, if it works, it works! no need to change and omg thank you! ^0^ it isn't perfect since i am new to making gifs and i am using ezgif for making said gifs as photopea doesn't allow videos but frames sadly. i am proud of them though! i have some extra steps but it is fun to make gifs when i can!
but omg same for me!! the 24th is when the family really comes around, presents are opened, etc while the 25th is eating leftovers and being lazy cx but oohh top 5 songs have to be (not in order!);
run away
our summer
moa diary
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happysmilebtr · 3 years
oh i can send huge asks from the dash on desktop! i don't know how it works on mobile, i hate typing on my phone so i never really use tumblr on it lmfao (it also lags a lot with too many gifs)
oh i never tried anything other than ps and the dead photoshoponline lmfao but i already got it!! AND i will also tell you that because i'm dumb and lazy i'll be posting your gift a bit late, tomorrow or the day after. i couldn't finish all 3 gifts in 30 minutes like i hoped i did (i can never do it, i honestly don't know why i keep leaving things for later lmfao) but it's half done! so it'll be here soon <3
yeah omg i don't know what went through bighit's heads but who really knows lmfao
also merry christmas if it's already the day for you!! hope you have a great weekend <3
- secret moa 🎅
Hjsjdjja wait you can't sent big asks on the app? :0 you should, I think this feature should be for all phones at this point! Tumblr please let my moa santa send long asks on the app!
But yay for getting ps!! I wish you luck on it, I am sticking to photopea because ps scares me a bit xD and omg don't worry about it!! The deadline begins the 25th when I checked the official post and messages from the mods of the events so it is ok! Post when you can. It will be fabulous regardless ♡♡♡
Honestly bighit is a mystery to me always xD but thank you! I celebrate on the 24th so thank you for the kind words!! I am sending you nothing but warm vibes, yummy food and presents your way for the holidays hehe
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happysmilebtr · 3 years
omg i always check things 5 times before sending bc i'm too paranoid i forgot to check the anon on lmfao i used to open an incognito chrome window to send asks but since i talk too much and now tumblr lets me send huge asks, i just send it like a warrior from my own blog and make sure the anon is on lmfao
omg when i was in college the softwares used to crash on me allllll the time so this made me learn from the pain to always save every minor changes i make lmfao sometimes this actually comes back to bite me in the ass when i can't undo anymore and don't have an older version of it saved anymore, but it's still better than losing everything lmfao still haven't made any of the gifts and i don't even wanna think about it... will have to lmfao i didn't do it for so long bc i stopped paying for my adobe acc and now i'll have to find a crack to use ps i think?? but i'm so lazyyy lskndflkj BUT THANK YOU! it's great that u finished yours though, hopefully i'll find strenght now and do all mine too :') SO TELL ME. what are ur fave colors and do you have any fave ~aesthetics~?? also, yeonjun is your bias, right?
yeah i think it's because they're too young and bighit didn't want some audio bans or something?? like they also performed mirotic recently and sung the "under my sky" version instead of "under my skin" when most ppl covering it sing the og version lmfao idk what's the issue here but oh well
have a good week!!! we're almost on christmas day~
- secret moa 🎅
Lolol omg I feel that so much!! I originally planned to keep my asks short and send them via chrome on my phone where I'm not signed in but then I started talking alot with my moa Santa so now I am sending in through the app (it ate my ask of course so I resent it again thankfully) and so far I haven't made a mistake but now I always double check for sure lol. I'm actually surprised this isn't done when not logged in (that you can send in a large ask) but tumblr is weird so what do I know? *shrugs*
Oohh djjasjsjsj I felt that so much! I am sending you good vibes with getting your gifts finished! You GOT this my dear secret Santa! I believe in ya! *hugs you* I mean I make stuff under photopea so you can use that xD ngl ps kinda looks confusing to me so I am sticking to photopea jdjsjdjs and oohh good question! I do have a tag for aesthetic so you can get a general idea but it is all over the place! I enjoy soft aesthetics like pastel or light colors to darker ones from black and white or grunge colors. It can be simple but also it can be more specific like cyberpunk at times. I am a giant mess but the tag should help you (I have a food tag, a tag for nature as well along with some animal tag if need some inspiration!) And yeppers! Yeonjun along with kai are my my biases
Yeah I figured that would be the case, especially in the states they would have to put the label that they have "not disney friendly" as I call it and considering how tiny beans txt are still, it would be a bit ??? And bighit didn't want trouble (but WHY record it and air it in the mv then like ??? People would still like it regardless but then bighit had to make some hype like "omg bad boys" like xD) interesting, I haven't seen the kbs videos yet so that's interesting to note. I mean I'm happy they did switch it up and make it more friendly but like still, the song is still questionable for the younger idols to cover but hey we would be here all night so xD but yes its the holidays so soon like !?!?!?
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happysmilebtr · 3 years
aw man, tumblr really sucks eating asks :/// i thought they had patched this, but apparently it's still an issue. thankfully this hasn't happened to me in a while!
thank you!! i pray for you as well lmfao haven't done a single gift yet because i'm nothing but a procrastinator lmfao yeah i'm only participating in svt secret santa bc i know who's doing secret carat and i knew the matches so it wouldn't be fair lmfao but i love them and it's always fun!!
LOVE EMO BAND HOURS LMFAO also known as the taehyun divorce era lmfao love all the rock and dark concepts txt gave us this year!! man i love blue hour but i hate that bighit didn't include the dance break lmfao its the BEST part of the whole song!!!! i'm so bitter about this honestly, like i'll never really forgive bighit for doing this to us!!!!
hope you have a nice week!!
- secret moa 🎅
Jdkjskas it legit happened to me recently to my moa secret Santa D: I used it out of the app (because I want to make sure I am on anon. One year I forgot to make myself on anon and oof) so I had to send it in 2 parts...yeah only one part sent. Jdjajs it still happens regularly so sadly no, not fixed *cries in whale*
Good news is I made 2/3 my gifts! I completed my moa gift and stay gift ^0^ I struggled a bit, mainly with the skz one because photopea was lagging so I slightly rushed it to complete before it would crash (it crashed on me once and I never saved my coloring...never again lmao) but all in all, am happy with them! I have them saved and now to think of cool captions and am good to go! My carat one is the one I'm worried about, like I have the idea but my carat santa I think forgot to put in what type of gift they want SO I am hoping they answer my ask with this soon as time is ticking fjshdhhs. I wish you luck on your gifts!! You got this my fellow lazy bean xD
Lol yesss!! Listen taehyun carried this comeback with his GUTS, like he committed to it and boy did he xD I really love his vocals with rock esque songs, they REALLY suit him. Omg tell me about it!! My biggest gripe with bighit has to be not including the dance break of blue hour (it completes the song. I'm shocked they didn't go the nct 127 route where in cherry bomb. The album includes both the normal version -which lbr no one likes because it doesn't have the dance break lol- and the performance aka dance break. Bighit could do the same! Plus more streaming bighit xD) and not including the swearing in loser=lover. I'm talking about jow in the official MV they say the "fudge" word instead of "freaking" which i screamed but for some odd reason it isn't the official audio. Name it youtube, physical album or Spotify, they have the freaking line instead which im confused like why include it in the mv when you won't perform it? Some did say its like blackpink's boombayah to which I argue not true because I remember them performing the original at music shows and such for a long time until I think recently like say Coachella they changed it. I think maybe since the members are still tiny beans as I say, they didn't want to get in trouble (?) A theory of course.
Anywhoo, thank you very much!! I hope you do as well, hopefully it goes smoothly without any hiccups ♡♡♡
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happysmilebtr · 3 years
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!! sorry i missed it omg been kinda mia, sorry about that too!! did you have a good one??
i'm doing just fine~ what about you??
omg ur doing 3 events!! but lol i understand the struggle, i'm also doing 3 this year!! 1 for animanga, 1 for txt and the other for svt lmfao rip me and you!! i didn't know there was one going on for skz bc if i knew i'd prob participate as well lmfao
but anyway! what's ur fave txt song and ur fave era so far??
- secret moa 🎅
Thank youuu!! Please don't apologize for not sending me something right away!! I understand that life can be hectic and/or tumblr eats asks like cookie monster (which tumblr already ate my ask for one of my gift people so I am worried it ate the others jdjsjsh) so its all good! I just hope life is ok for you my love! *hugs you* as for me, life is going alright. Nothing fancy, same old same old of the potato life for me xD
Jsnandja yes 3! I think I got too ambitious but I do want to do it because why not, secret santas are fun (I have one gift down. Am stuck on the other 2) omg you too!? I am praying for you my secret Santa but have fun with the 3 ones you are doing. I do know there is 2 different secret svt ones going on so that adds on the fun haha.
But fav txt era and song!?!?! Nooo I was dreading this question 😂😂😂 how does one PICK!? But hmm fav era so far for sure has to be the "I know I love you" era aka the emo band hours lol. I am surprised we got to hear a more rock sound from a kpop group (dream catcher is known for this so legends there) and txt pulled it off so well! The visuals are fantastic, they tackled it very well with their take on the angst of being young so hands down my favorite era! As for song wise, hmm going off by what I listen to the most I think it might be blue hour! There is so much to enjoy about blue hour, I like the melody and how super catchy it simply is! Every section of it sounds magical (I mean we have twinkling sound at the beginning) it sounds retro in a way but fresh. Also dance break version, why the fudge did bighit not include It as the official version ndnsnsns (cowboy txt lives rent free in my mind)
My answer might change but this is it for now xD
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happysmilebtr · 3 years
HELLO THERE! i'm your secret moa, how are you doing??? i'm so excited for this event, i looooove these tumblr events, they always make me so happy!! it's really nice to meet you and i hope we have some fun together this month <3
Oohhh hello my dear moa Santa ^0^ I was getting worried of not hearing from you! I am doing well, today is my bday so I am a happy bean I think! How are you today if I may ask!? I hope Friday is a good day for you love *hugs you*
But same!! I always try to join a secret Santa event because they are very fun and you can find some cool beans during this (last year was for exo! This year I am doing 3 xD pray for me my secret Santa)
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