#was she always this uh hyper active though XD
sevi007 · 4 years
Almost 10 hours of game time and reaching chapter 8 I FINALLY found my (other) girl!
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(I mean as a real party member this time)
(And GOD she and her church - and her home, and her flowers - are so freaking gorgeous!)
(Oh and I kicked Reno’s ass. Highlight of my day LOL)
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fireballofinsanity · 7 years
The ultimate ship meme!
Definitely gonna need a read more for this one XD
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Aoi. Not because she wants to, but her temper is along the lines of mutual friend Chazz’s - If an argument gets really heated her volume goes up a bit. Thankfully Jaden’s aware of this and doesn’t really take it as a sign of anything but her needing to calm down and being stubborn like Chazz used to - he’s used to it.Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither. They’re way too tight and close to ever even think of it.Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither. Again, they’re too close to even consider it.Who trashes the house? Something might get knocked over by accident (or Yubel somehow manages to get involved), but neither of them really trash anything. They’re not that physical~Do either of them get physical? *points* See above. The farthest they get into physical is maybe grabbing a wrist/arm/hand in an attempt to get the other to focus and calm down, but it’s not that hard. Ever.How often do they argue/disagree? Disagreements are a part of life, and even Joi has them, but not too often? Towards the mid- to end of their time in the academy, they were a bit more frequent, mostly because of Jaden’s mental state and belief he was a major factor in everything that happened and he refused to let her get hurt because of him. Once Aoi made it clear she wasn’t letting him walk this path alone, though, things evened out again. Who is the first to apologise? Pretty tied - They both can tell when they messed up or took things too far and jump at an apology right after. Even a small disagreement would have them going “Hey uh… I’m sorry about that-” faster than you can shake a stick.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Aoi’s not sure how Jaden feels about it, but she’d love kids with him someday XD In other words, Aoi wants mini-Jadens and we all know more than one Jay will make the universe explodeIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? Aoi’s fairly certain one might be their limit, max two. Doubt they could handle much more. XDWho is the favorite parent? Depends, what do the kids want? XD Aoi and Jay both have their strengths and weaknesses - like Aoi’s into fashion and could make anything the kids want to wear, Jay’s the dueling master and could have their decks looking perfect in under an hour, etc.. So I guess it’s pretty tied?Who is the authoritative parent? Jaden, believe it or not. After everything he’s been through, he’d rather buckle down and be more authoritative to make sure his kids are safe and happy.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Aoi. The Slifer Slacker mentality is hard to shed from this one. XD Even so, she’ll only cave if the kids seem to be sick or in meltdown mode, otherwise they’re going.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? They both do, but Jaden just a bit more than Aoi. If he has to leave for any reason for any kind of traveling, be it on his own, for work, to duel, what have you, he usually brings back souvenirs in the form of specialty cards and sweets for the kids. And how can he say no to letting them sneak some before dinner?Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Unless one of them is out of town, they both do. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both~ Jay might complain a little and claim it feels like they’re getting in trouble again, like they used to in the academy, but Aoi always just smiles and nudges him along. Definite reminiscing after that. Who changes the diapers? Aoi. XD Jaden tries once in a while, especially when he knows Aoi’s too tired to get up or too busy, but that doesn’t mean he’s good with the smell- XDWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Aoi, until Jaden gets used to the routine. Then it’s just the matter of who wakes up first and has the energy to… Though to be fair, Jay does let Aoi sleep sometimes and tend to everything himself so mom can rest. Who spends the most time with the children? Tied~ As previously mentioned, they both love and support their kids immensely; if they have the chance to spend time with them, you best bet they’re gonna take it. Who packs their lunch boxes? Tag team! Aoi cooks, Jay packs.XD They’re not just an epic team for tag duels~Who gives their children ‘the talk’? They both try, but things go so, so wrong. XD Aoi gets overly flustered and passes it off to Jaden, who doesn’t want them growing up that fast, really, and passing it back to Aoi while getting flustered and cracking, himself. Eventually they talk about it together and come up with a way to give it to them together that won’t break them all. XDWho cleans up after the kids? Aoi a bit more than Jay. Not for lack of trying, but their kids are just as hyper as they were/are - By the time things calm down enough to clean up, they’re all generally exhausted and wanting a nap, and Jaden caves to that urge a bit easier than she does. XD Of course she’s out cold and flops on him right after so-Who worries the most? Jaden. Especially if the kids go to Duel Academy like they did. Aoi’s used to pulling him close to hold and reminding him everything’s at peace now, and they’re their kids - They’ll be fine. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Uncle Chazz. XD
Who likes to cuddle? Aoi~ Well they both enjoy it, but Aoi usually instigates it by curling up beside Jay and cuddling and snuggling. Jay usually responds in kind in about a heartbeat~Who is the little spoon? Aoi about 85% of the time. The rest of the time, Jay is, though that’s usually when he flops into bed first. Also varies if they have nightmares; the one having them, while still asleep, gets turned into the little spoon and a little kiss to help try and ease their dreams into something kinder.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? As much as they try to keep things from getting to that point, Jaden might actually instigate something in the worst places, usually by accident. XD Aoi’s not always gonna say no, either-Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Once Jay’s home for good, Aoi does a bit more than him. Though walking around hand in hand or linking arms is fairly normal for them, even before they got together, Aoi keeps forgetting that wrapping an arm around his waist and sticking her hand in his pocket is a surefire way to set things off- XDHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? A few hours? At least as long as a typical movie, which they’re generally cuddling during unless it’s something super action-y they’re both really into. Even so, most of the time it’s just a simple readjustment and they’re right back to it~Who gives the most kisses? Aoi. XD She’s prone to excitedly peppering Jaden with kisses when she’s all hyped up or really happy, something he usually just laughs through and accepts.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Dueling. Have you met Jaden? XD Aside from that tho, they’re pretty fond of adventuring around their home, taking trips together, seeing new sights - they’re still really alike, even as older teens/adults.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Bed The couch, partly because it’s comfortable and there’s tv there, and partly because they have everything they might need within a reasonable distance away, be it the kitchen, bathroom, what have you. There’s also a window nearby, so they can just cuddle and watch the world outside in the process. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? At first, they both do, though it’s a matter of “Oh god I didn’t mean that I swear-” and turning into tomatoes. But the older and closer they get (they can get closer than they already are? XD), the more they’re likely to do it on purpose, though honestly perhaps a bit more on Jay’s side when it comes to doing it intentionally. Like mentioned before, Aoi’s so happy to have him close she might not realize she’s doing it right away, like the hand in his pocket, but won’t stop once she does unless asked to. Jay might intentionally just go for it and then play innocent until she all but tackles him. XDHow often do they get time to themselves? After Jay’s settled down at home, fairly often. They live together in their own place, so it’s not hard to find time for themselves. While he’s traveling, they have to make the most of the time they get, since he’s not home long before he’s off again, so they’ll make time by calling out of work and skipping other meetings. And after they have kids, time alone, specifically, is a bit harder to come by, but they make do and still find plenty of it.
Who snores? Jaden. XD Not enough to keep Aoi awake, but he so does-If both do, who snores the loudest? Jay~Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed. While they were in the academy, dorm rules forced them to sleep separately… But that never meant Aoi couldn’t crash in Jay’s room regardless- XDIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? For the most part, cozy up. Jaden frequently sprawls out at first, but they usually end up snuggled into each other at some point during the night.Who talks in their sleep? Both guilty, but it’s rare. On Jaden’s end, it more than likely has to do with a nightmare of some kind, and on Aoi’s it’s.. Er… Let’s just say if she starts mumbling about bears in tutus everything’s fine. XDWhat do they wear to bed? Unless it’s super hot out, Jaden’s got himself a random shirt and shorts/sleep pants, and Aoi tends to wear a pair of short shorts and a tank top or a loose-fitting nightgown. If it’s really hot, he might ditch everything but his boxers and she’s wearing one of his shirts. XDAre either of your muses insomniacs? No. While it’s fairly easy for them to stay up all night for an adventure or to talk or what have you, it’s just as easy for them to crash in the middle of.. Just about anything, really. Their friends got used to finding them leaning against each other, fast asleep, at any given point in time. XD Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Not unless one of them in so stuffed up and sick they can’t sleep. Only then will there be cold meds at the bedside to help them nod off.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Wrap their limbs around each other. but like with cozying up, somewhere along the night they end up entangled in each other. If one of them should wake/get up in the middle of the night for whatever reason, once they settle in to sleep again it’s usually snuggled and wrapped around the other. Who wakes up with bed hair? Both, but Jay’s hair is the very definition of “I just woke up” anyway XDWho wakes up first? Generally Aoi. Jaden can sleep through their alarm, but Aoi usually wakes up within five minutes of it and smacks it to the floor. XD Actually getting up is a totally different story, tho-Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Depends on the day/night before. If Jay’s just gotten in from traveling, Aoi’ll let him sleep and bring him breakfast in bed once he wakes. If they had a rather active night and he’s still feeling fluffy, he’ll bring her breakfast in bed. And if one of them is sick, or had a particularly stressful day the day before, the other brings them breakfast until they feel better/to make them smile.What is their favourite sleeping position? Snuggling. This stems from the times Aoi would sneak in and spend the night with Jaden while they were in the academy; with a bunk barely big enough for even him, they had to learn how to snuggle in close to one another for comfort’s sake. This followed them through to adulthood, where even if they start out sprawled out, they usually end up snuggled in close with their limbs entangled by the middle of the night. They occasionally fall asleep spooning, but that’s not as common - they’ll normally end up just a big mess of limbs.Who hogs the sheets? Jaden. XD Especially during the winter - he’ll wrap everything up around him, and should Aoi happen to get up for any reason, when she comes back her lover’s a nice little blanket cocoon. XDDo they set an alarm each night? They do, but only one of them wakes within a reasonable time of it going off~Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yup! A small-ish one, but they have one in there. Usually used for lounging around in bed on lazy days or a late-night movie, though when they have kids they end up watching it a lot more, since the kids hog the living room tv. XDWho has nightmares? They both do, but Jaden a bit more frequently than Aoi. Even years later, it’s a bit hard to shake the horrors he’s seen completely… Though Aoi’s always there to help ease them away and support him.Who has ridiculous dreams? Definitely both XD Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Jaden! Pretty common for him to start out the night sprawled out and snoring XD Aoi thinks it’s adorable~Who makes the bed? Aoi, who does it right after breakfast out of force of habit. Sometimes tho Jay makes it in the bedroom first and does it, but usually Aoi.What time is bed time? Whenever they’re tired. XD They try to be physically in bed by midnight the latest usually, but it doesn’t always work out like that and they’ve got no problems with that. If they have early morning plans the next day, they’ll try for ten, maybe eleven,  but again it doesn’t always work out.Any routines/rituals before bed? It’s fairly simple; Aoi lets down her hair and brushes it out, teeth get brushed (usually with a bit of joking and nudging over the sink), and while Aoi tosses dirty clothes in the laundry pile Jay turns down the sheets. If they’re not too tired, they’ll usually snuggle into each other and maybe watch something on tv, talk, reminisce, joke around… If they’re feeling frisky tho absolutely none of this happens. XD But no matter what, they always end their night with a “g’night- Love you~” before trying to nod off.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Unless they’ve had a rude awakening of some kind, neither is exactly grumpy? They’re tired and sluggish, but not grumpy. Now jump on them or scream at them to get up or something to that effect and they will be-
Who is the busiest? Assuming Jay goes pro after he settles after traveling, he would be.Who rakes in the highest income? Jay~ Are any of your muses unemployed? If he doesn’t go pro, Jay might be? While he’s traveling tho, he would be.Who takes the most sick days? Pretty even. XD If one takes a sick day, it’s safe to say the other will, too~Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Again, fairly even XD If not because one of them slept in, then because they got carried away doing ah.. Other things-Who sucks up to their boss? Aoi, if only to stay on their good side.What are their jobs? Originally, Jay traveled, though probably goes pro after coming home. Aoi… Aoi probably either goes into being a teacher at their local dueling-based school, gets into duel-based fashions, or occasionally offers aid to Chazz and his pro career.Who stresses the most? Fairly even-  For different reasons, but they both get stressed out about one thing or another. Kids, work evaluations, upcoming duels- could be anything as long as it gets under their skin. Honestly, it’s harder to get under their skin than anything else-Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Pretty much enjoy them? Jaden’s lifeblood is dueling, pretty much, so as long as he has his friends, Aoi, partners, and his deck, he’s a happy pup. No matter the path Aoi takes, too, she enjoys the fact she can keep dueling, stay in with fashion trends, and still keep in touch with their friends, even if its for work.Are your muses financially stable? Pretty much? They’re nowhere near rich, but they have enough for a comfortable life and still get to to travel sometimes and treat their kids in the future~
Who does the washing? Aoi about 80% of the time, Jay the rest. Aoi lived alone until he came home, for the most part, so she had to get used to running a home on her own. Jaden being home means they make an epic tag-team on household chores~Who takes out the trash? Jay~Who does the ironing? Jaden! Aoi made sure he knew how, so they can both do the laundry XDWho does the cooking? Aoi~ If only because she gets to the stove first XDWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Gotta say Jaden- He’s probably not that bad, but Aoi’s the better cook.Who is messier? Pretty tied XD They end up cleaning it up together, tho, so nothing stays a mess for TOO long-Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Both totally guilty. XD Not too often, at least, but with them it’s easy to get distracted in the middle of getting a new roll and just… Not do it. XDWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Jay~ To be fair tho this usually happens at night, when they’re getting ready for bed, and Aoi grabs both his and hers for the laundry pile out of habit.Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither-Who is the prankster around the house? Oh god. XD They’re both seriously guilty of this- They love teasing each other, so small, harmless pranks are pretty commonplace~ Now if they have friends come by, like Chazz, then pranks end up going up a level or so. Still pretty harmless, tho.Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Aoi XD When she’s on a roll, she’s gonna miss something… And that’s usually the keys. XDWho mows the lawn? Jay~ And Aoi’s always waiting for him afterwards with a glass of ice water and a smile~Who answers the telephone? Whoever’s closest to it. XD Aoi tho spends the first month or two after they marry rushing to answer the phone, just because she loves answering it with “Yuki residence”. Gives her the biggest smile~ Jaden has to laugh and remind her they’re married- she’ll be saying that for the rest of her life, a reminder that gives her the warm fuzzies and him a shower of kisses. XD Who does the vacuuming? Aoi, usually while he’s mowing the lawn or out.This way she can plug headphones into a music player and dance around while she’s doing it - Not because she doesn’t want Jay seeing her dance about the house, but because he likes watching it and usually stops her by hugging her from behind and snatching her away for snuggles or a bit of fun, be it bedroom or being generally silly~Who does the groceries? Unless something forces one of them to stay home, like the kids or illness or work, they do it together~ They’ve found that when they’re in a rush, the divide and conquer strategy works and they’ll split their list, take opposite ends of the store, and meet in the middle. Otherwise they take their time and chat about meal planning and what they’re in the mood for while they go~Who takes the longest to shower? Aoi, if only because she ends up daydreaming while she’s in there. XD When Jay first settles down at home, she ends up seeing his soap and shampoo in the shower and just stands there and smiles stupidly for a while because he’s home and with her~ Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Aoi. While Jay can just pass a comb through his hair and be good to go, Aoi is the fashion nut and still ties her hair up in pigtails until she’s pregnant. At that point she spends a bit less time in there and just holds her hair back with a wide clip… But the rest of her routine is still the same. XD
Is money a problem? Nope~ Well, when they first start living together, things are a bit awkward in trying to combine their finances, but otherwise they’re good.How many cars do they own? They wait a while before getting one, and sticking with one. While they both can drive, they don’t see the point in paying for two cars when they both know how to take the bus or train or even walk if the car’s in use. Even so, they still tend to walk more until they have kids.Do they own their home or do they rent? Rent. They don’t actually own until after their first child, when they decide things need to be a bit more permanant for their family’s sake. Renting was just easier and saved them a bit of money in the beginning.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Somewhere in the middle. They’re within walking distance from the beach, but also not that far from the country, either. Plenty of chances for adventure~Do they live in the city or in the country? City~ A fairly quiet suburb, to boot - It’s not far from busy city life, the country, or the beach, so they could adventure and get to work without much issue, but it’s still a pretty quiet area they can relax and feel safe in.Do they enjoy their surroundings? Definitely What’s their song? From this moment on - Shania Twain, and All of Me - John LegendWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? They’re pretty good about being apart; if they’re separated due to work or Jay’s traveling, they talk via phone call at least once a day, if not every other day depending on how busy they are. Aoi hesitates to admit it, but unless she knows when Jay’s coming home, she sits outside and waits for him each evening. Not with any “He’ll be home tonight for sure!” thoughts in mind, but because she misses him and should he happen to walk down that road, she wants to greet him and welcome him home. Jay might flip through pictures on his phone to ease homesickness and missing her, call her just to hear her voice and remind himself she’s home safe and sound. But if they’re just apart for a day or two, they’re fairly good about dealing with their own lives and meeting up with a kiss and a smile later on. Where did they first meet? Duel Academy, Slifer Red dorm~How did they first meet? They literally stumbled into a friendship with each other. XD Aoi’s room in Slifer Red is right in the middle between Chazz (after he moves in there) and Jaden’s, and she happened to be leaning against the railing when he came out of his room and nearly collided with one another. XD Once they got past that, it was really hard for them to not realize how alike they were and end up as the best of friends, with Jay taking her awkwardness around boys and pretty much smashing the wall she’d built up. XDWho spends the most money when out shopping? Aoi, though she tries not to- It’s the fashions, man! Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? They both snicker a little as long as it’s a fairly harmless trip and neither are really hurt by it. If it’s something a bit more serious, there might be a smile, but they’re gonna be more invested in “are you okay” and helping them up~Any mental issues? ADHD is more than likely on Jaden’s side, Aoi’s just easily excited. XDWho’s terrified of bugs? AOI- Not ALL bugs, but safe to say if there’s spiders and legit creepy-crawlies, she’s running to Jay to squish them-Who kills the spiders around the house? Jay. XD See previous answer~Their favourite place? There’s a small cliff-ish type hill at the beach they frequent, be it to duel (which is definitely safer than unleashing monsters in the house, even if they ARE holograms XD) or watch the sunset. It’s also smack-dab in the middle of a festival area, so it’s even easier to frequent whenever a festival is going on, too - One of those places they just gravitate to. Who pays the bills? They both do. Another divide and conquer situation; once the bills come in each month, they’ll take a look at them together and decide who wants to pay what, and who can pay what given their recent paychecks.Do they have any fears for their future? They’re always going to be nervous about things going south again, like they did often while they were at the academy, but it’s a fear they both tend to keep under a rock in favor of looking towards a brighter, happier future. Jay worries sometimes about their kids wanting to possibly go to the academy like they did, too - totally understandable, according to Aoi.Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Jay~ Aoi usually cooks dinner unless they’re out and about or sick, so occasionally he likes to surprise her by doing something special~Who uses up all of the hot water? Aoi XD Not often, but still XDWho’s the tallest? Currently, Aoi is by a single inch. Once they’re all done growing tho, who knows~? Jay might snag an inch on her~Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Both guilty XD Especially if they don’t have anything going on during the day and can take their time, they’ll just hop in. After the first few times, it’s not all that surprising anymore XDWho wanders around in their underwear? Usually Jaden, especially if it’s hot out, though if they’ve been particularly active together and don’t feel like dressing afterwards, Aoi’ll join him~Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Aoi, because she’s a massive music lover. XD Jaden usually ends up laughing at how into it she gets and forget whatever they were doing, it’s teasing and snuggling time~What do they tease each other about? What don’t they tease each other about? XD Even when they were in the academy, they’ve been harmlessly teasing each other over everything - her fashion sense, how cute he is when he’s flustered/surprised, the way she can lose track of what she’s saying and completely ramble on full-tilt, the eyes he drew on his eyelids to get away with sleeping during class, her losing herself to her music, his eagerness to jump into a duel at any given second- It’s all totally harmless, but it’s also really often. XDWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? JADEN. While Aoi’s on top of current fashion trends, she also tends to edit her outfits herself, so there’s been many occasions where he doesn’t say anything, just cringes and tries to smile. Aoi takes that as ‘please change’ and retreats to the closet. XDDo they have mutual friends? Yup! They have one really big one in common in Chazz, who’s Aoi’s other best friend and one of Jay’s closest. She might know the rest of his group, too, but it’s doubtful she’s be as close to them as she is with Chazz and Jaden.Who crushed first? Aoi, hands down. Jay’s never been totally on top of social cues, so while everyone else and their uncle could either see her feelings for him or even assumed they were already dating when they weren’t, Jay.. Didn’t. XD Any alcohol or substance related problems? Nope~ Not a one~Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Neither. If either one of them gets drunk, it’s with either each other of close friends, someone’s driving, and it’s actually an accident - neither one really intends to drink to get drunk. Maybe a casual drink when meeting up with the group after some time, or with a fancy dinner, but not to get drunk.Who swears the most? Neither. XD One might slip here and there when they’re frustrated or scared (Ala jumping out from around the corner when they’re supposed to be home alone type scared), but they’re not actively cursing their heads off.
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cbocstar · 5 years
hiiii it’s me colly!
Hii it’s been a long while since I wrote out my thoughts on here.  I just wanted to recollect and self reflect on some feelings i’ve been feeling lately. SO it all started in march when I noticed I was beginning to feel more of myself again. Like I just felt more of me. Like the sadness is yeah its still there and the betrayal i felt from craig is always going to be there i think. And the trauma and the anger I have for him of what he did to me and put me through will always be there. But I found myself finally feeling like ready? Ready to take a leap of faith and get myself back out there into the dating pool/pond.  AND LET ME TELL YOU!!! It is so fucking exhausting. I hate the swiping. And I hate feeling writing my bio to the point where I feel like i’m selling a pitch to shark tank. LIKE SEELLLING MYSELF AND MY QUALITIES of what makes ME special or what someone will get out of when they date me. LOL idk it’s so hard. I think that’s another thing I need to work on. Loving myself. And taking ownership on yes I am weird, yes I am shy. But yes I am awesome and I am beautiful. It just takes time to see that. Anyway I was losing hope on these datin g apps when i would get bomboarded with dudes asking me questions on if I live at home, or if i live alone. And it made me self conscious like. Is it bad that I live at home with my mom? It’s so expensive to move out. Like I cant even afford living in the bay area if i did try and move out and find a roomie. LOL. I guess i feel ashamed, because of that. And whenever I would match with someone they would either unmatch themselves right away after i message them. or they just never replied. So it was kinda frustrating i guess. Like whats the point?  Anyway my school friend and my brother suggested me to try out the dating app of Meetme. And LOL i was skeptical because of the amount of messages I would receive the first time I downloaded it. And So i tried it again. And I just got sooooooo many messages from dudes. And the ages just ranged from 18-21; 40-60 year olds. And It just made my stomach sink. I just I cant see myself dating someone that’s 40 and me being 27. Idk I just I cant. ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE MESSAGING ME ASKING IF I WOULD LIKE TO TRY OUT LIMP DICK LMFAO?! HELLO? WHAT LOL or if i would like to be their substitution to viagra. creeper bye. And so it just made me really freaked out. And then at this time Steven messaged me and I was just cautious. But he made me laugh and he was the only one that was close to my age. So I felt like that was fine. But the overwhelming messages from 40-60 year olds creeping on my profile and asking me if i wanted to lick them or if i was interested in finding a daddy. Just I couldnt. So I decided to just delete my photos because ya girl just was creeped out at that point. And steven then messaged and asked me if I was quitting because he noticed I was removing my photos and i just explained to him and he was just really shocked. And i asked him if he ever experienced that on his end and he just said no. So I was just like LUCKY DUCK.  Anyway, we talked more on the app of meetme messages. He made me laugh. I thought he was pretty charming and cute as well. He has a list of interests that is sooooo different from me which made me feel very insecure or uneasy. I’m not active and I have had bad experiences of camping and outdoors but I am always willing to try new things. And I feel like I just couldnt do long distance anymore. especially after the abuse I went through with craig and phillip. I just I can’t do that anymore. I need someone here for me physically. And steven is literally a few miles away so i was glad. SO we do have a shared interest which is anime c: and cute animals and food and books and gaming. And he asked me out on a date to go to Dave n Busters. 
SO GUESS WHAT ya girl went to dave n busters. that was the first date. met him upstairs. I awkwardly walked over and gave him a hug while I shivered and we played a lot of games together. Then we had cheeese BURGERSS. There he let me have some of his beer which I took a few sips didnt enjoy it though. LOL and He just laughed. Then he mentioned about how there’s sea glass on the beach and how he wanted to show it to me. And  I was just like uh i guess? I just have to be back at this time to get picked up. And he’s just like oh we will have time dont worry. SO I WENT IN HIS CAR (and my friend has shamed me for it lol saying how stupid i was to go in his car lol on the first date and how lucky i am to be alive and not killed and stuff) And I dont know It just didnt register in my head until I got to the beach so i did send my location to my best friend. so she knew where I was. even tho my girl is in texas and im in california LOl. so when we got to the beach we actually picked up sea glass and it just it felt like a movie. or something I read in books. It was soft and slow and I just felt safe. And we just huddled together as the wind pushed us together. And I asked to hold his hand and he just laughed exasperated and was like “OHMYGOD U DONT HAVE TO ASK just hold my hand its fine” and yeah so i got to hold his hand.  After the date we talked on the phone and it just nice.  Second date: Steven took me to the science museum playground for kids. It was so much fun we saw cute animals and interacted with the science experiments. There was a lot of sequin textures sensorys and it just was so nice. LOL he drew a lit hand sign while i tried to make an xD face, but failed. Then we were hungry so he took me to have poke (IT WAS MY FIRST TIME LOL) and it was delicious but i was kinda hungry still. After he took me to this   old bookstore and we roamed the aisle looking at different books. Then he took me to his place where we shared our first kiss. I was really shy and scared but we took things slow and sat on his bed and cuddled. He was really upset when he found out that I never cuddled before. I didn't understand why he was upset but he just told me he felt sad that I never had that intimate connection. And at first I was bored but towards the last hour I felt really cozy and it just felt nice, the way his hands wrapped around my waist. I did get aroused which kinda freaked me out because I never really felt that sensation before. LOL so it made me really anxious. LIKE CALM DOWN COLLEENY. Third date: We did some shopping at TarzHay (target) lolol and daiso together. it felt nice. Then we went back to his place to have dinner. He shared his dinner with me and it was really good and after we cuddled and kissed and watched youtube videos together. And it just was really romantic.  Fourth date: Went to a movie on a work night. we saw The saga of tanya the evil. And it was fun watching anime with him. And I was just soo shy i didnt hold his hand I just we just focused watching the movie together and enjoying each others company.  Fifth date:  went to fanime (anime convention) for the FIRST TIMEEE  last saturday ( may  25, 2019) i met up with him there! I cosplayed as kiki from kiki’s delivery service. it was fun! So he was playing ddr well competing in the tournament. for a lil 3 hours ish. After we went to get something to drink so he bought me a drink...it was sweet but somewhat bitter but i did enjoy the sugar that was decorated coated around the  rim of the glass. And  i got hyper ish LOL And steven just laughed. But i let him finish it for me because I couldnt. Then we went to go walk to get food. in line there was a guy talking to him. And the guy asked us what we were and if we been here bfore. and steven said it was his first time not being alone. and i said it was my first time. and then I just stuttered and got shy because we havent discussed what we were to each other. Like we just only talked about us liking each other a lot. And how we both enjoyed each others company. So I replied with “we dd-d-d--dateing? We on a d ate. we dating. date. uh yeh uh” and then steven wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close to him and added “ yeah we are going steady.” AND OOOOOOO I BLUSHED SO HARDDDDDDDD. aaaa still blushing LOL  Anyway lol food was delcious. i had a bento curry chicken box. Then we sat down and rested our feet in the hall and he took a nap on my thigh lol. it was cute and i just scratched his forehead bc i was too scare to scratch his head LOL. and then we watched the season 3 of attack on titan together and he held my hand and my arm and it just felt nice.  I curled up against him and we just enjoyed watching 5 episodes together.  Sixth date:  today saturday june 1, 2019 is gonna be the sixth date. sooooo ILL JUST KEEP U  POSTED On what we are gonna do. loool time for bed  
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