#wasn't expecting much from the rest. so the doll part was a nice surprise
inosukenumberonefan · 10 months
Part 1 👆
Shigaraki x reader
Settling in
Part 2
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Quirk; spilt personality: There are millions of different versions of you, all with different personalities and apperances. Depending on how much you use the alter they can have full control of switching and are aware of the other alters and your quirk. If you switch in between your mains (alters you use a lot) you'll be exhausted.
It wasn't all that surprising that no one trusted you, I mean after all you were working for the number 1 hero and had been for years but it was still quite annoying.
For the first night you were allowed to leave and you had to give up your phone so you couldn't contact anyone, fair enough. You weren't surprised when you were patted down either just annoyed.
When you went to Giran he had done much worst to make sure you were legit so you didn't know why they didn't just trust him. Well he was a villain but hadn't they been in business for years? Well he better be a goddam traitor or else all of this would be for nothing.
It had been a couple days since you were locked in the bar Kurogiri had explained it was because if you disappeared for a few days and if you were a spy the heroes would know you were in danger and try to bust you out of there or something like that.
Kurogiri had taken away your knifes well "confiscated" so you were bored, you asked if you could at least be alone but he explained that all the rooms were taken but not to worry one would be available soon which basically meant "No we need to keep an eye on you but once we know you're trust worthy then you can have privacy."
Korugiri gave you a blanket and said you could sleep on the couch (as he watched over of course) Other then the fact the couch was missing most of the fabric and it was a couch it was comfortable.
To make things more comfortable you switched to an alter that you had gone to sleep in, so you were in more comfortable clothes. You rested your eyes, there was no way in hell you'd be falling asleep here.
It seemed that there was no one else here expect for Shigaraki and Kurogiri well that was until 3AM when the door opened, you honestly didn't care for introductions so you pretended to be fast asleep.
"Who's she? Don't tell me crusty was so de-." That was unmistakably Dabi's voice. You weren't sure what he was going to say but it sure as hell didn't sound nice.
"New recruit." You cut him off your tone cold as ice as you shot up, changing your alter once again to your main. Y/n was her name.
"Easy there doll." You narrowed your eyes and he grinned. "Didn't know Crusty was looking for recruits." He turned back to Kurogiri and he shrugged and went back to doing whatever the hell he did with his free time.
You made direct eye contact with Dabi for a couple of minutes whoever looked away first would have to walk away, when he looked away first you thought you had won and he wouldn't speak to you but you were wrong he looked away then as you turned your head to rest your eyes he flopped onto the couch.
"So whats your deal?"
"Be specific." He chuckled.
"Your quirk, it seems like your a discount Toga."
"That's me." You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes which earned another chuckle from Dabi.
"How mysterious." He taunted and you shrugged.
You weren't great at reading people but you could tell Dabi was the type of person to try and get a rise out of someone by teasing so you remained calm and collected not saying much or showing any emotion.
He switched tactics and tried flirting since you were bored out of your mind you decided to play along, teasing him before turning into Fat man. You couldn't be bothered to remember his name but he was a little over 400 pounds and received disability because he could barely move.
You tried to lean in for a kiss but you could barely move in this form, his face was fucking hilarious. It went all red then he tried to cover it up with a poker face, as you kept laughing.
"You've got a lot of nerve fucking with a serial killer, Newbie."He hissed. Boredom really was blinding there was no doubt in your mind he could kill you right now and no one would give a rat's ass. You returned to your normal form just in case you would need to flee.
"Could say the same thing for you." You chuckled and grinned hiding your nervousness.
"You got spunk." He grinned. "You're fun." He got up and left and you soon heard a door close.
You had met Toga at around 10:15 AM, first thing she did was try to stab you while you were resting your eyes which earned her a kick in the gut, the second was gush about you.
Despite first apperances you actually got along with her quite well it was probably the fact you didn't have other company or entertainment she came out of her room a couple times a day but other then that you were alone.
Over the course of the next 4 days you met what you assumed to be all the members of the league. On day 5 you finally saw Shigaraki out of his room. Sick of sitting on the couch you took a seat on one of the bar stools and layed your arms on the island as you used them as pillows.
You weren't sure what you expected when you heard the door to his room open or when one of the stools dragged against the floor as he took a seat.
"Whats your deal?" His voice was raspy.
"Huh?" You lifted your head up, to face him. You blinked a couple times to make sure he was actually talking to you.
"Whats your deal. Whyd you join?" He asked impatiently with sass, you scoffed.
"Are you going to tell me about your past?"
"No." He snorted "Are you crazy?"
"Then I guess I'm not." He narrowed his eyes as he started scratching his neck as his breathing picked up in frustration.
"Why do I bother..." He grumbled underneath his breath.
"Whatever, you're rooming with Toga." He got up and left without saying another word
@nastyasslilrat @x3rox @azariel-kun
I tagged some people i thought might want to know a part two was up
Also sorry this chapter isn't really Shigaraki focused but I promise the next will be!
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BkDk/Class Difference (Bk fam being upper class/Dk fam bordering poverty)/Middle School setting/Crochet AU(???)
Every Year, when Izuku's birthday rolls around, Katsuki convinces his parents that he needs to gift the nerd the newest, limited edition hero merch; whatever's All Might themed. They always agree, because they're just happy to sew that their emotionally consitipated, egotistical little gremlin cares so much about someone, even if he's always brushing it off as 'nothing' or 'no big deal' or whatever other excuse he can come up with.
Izuku tries his best to pay back such a big gesture, but he never can, due to his financial situation and the fact that his mother has to work two jobs just to be able to afford rent and groceries. Even with his own part time job, that put him at risk of being kicked out of school if anyone found out and snitched on him, he can still barely afford even just a basic All Might figure from the discount bin (which are still pretty pricey, due to the #1 Hero's popularity).
But what he can afford is yarn. It sparks the idea in his head to take up the hobby of crocheting, and make some unique All Might themed stuff for Katsuki, stuff you wouldn't be able to buy it the store or online. Plus, it would give him a creative outlet and something to do to help relax.
So he buys all the yarn and other tools he'll need with his savings and rushes home to get started. He grabs an empty notebook, hops on the computer and begins his search. He looks up beginner tutorials, pattern ideas, he practices and pours his heart into making all kinds of handmade gifts to repay Kaachan's expensive gifts to him over the years. His mother comes home and is surprised to him her son buried to his knees in yarn, furiously attempting to crochet an All Might doll.
By the time Katsuki's birthday rolls around, Izuku is pretty pleased with his handiwork. On the bed, he has arranged all the item's he'd spent the last few months painstakingly crafting in whatever spare time he could get. They were all wrapped up nice and neat, and to say his hand were sore and cramped would be an understatement. His mom helps him get everything gathered up, and they make their way to the Bakugou household.
Mitsuki greets them, and everyone's shock to see Izuku and Inko hauling in at least 20 wrapped gifts. How much did all that cost them?!? Even Katsuki is more than a little stunned by the sheer amount of gifts brought in by the smiling nerd and Auntie Inko; it was probably more gifts than he'd ever given Izuku. It made him feel a little guilty. But the real weight of his emotions wouldn't hit him until he started opening all those presents.
Instead of the expensive store bought collectibles he'd expect would have seriously tightened their budget to be able to afford, he found the unique, one-of-a-kind, lovingly crafted items that the nerdy little Deku had spent so much time and effort on. Each gift that was labeled 'from Deku' on its, was just another little All Might themed yarn craft. Katsuki could only stare in utter disbelief at all of them. A variety of little plush dolls, a couple blankets, a scarf and gloves, hell, even a while goddamned sweater; and that one wasn't even All Might themed! It was made using colors Katsuki had expressed wanting to use in his own hero costume. Orange and green and black, woven together is a tasteful pattern that was sure to suit the explosive teen well.
Before he even realized it, he had tears in his eyes as he pulled Izuku into a tight hug. The idea that somebody, anybody, much less Izuku whom he treated so horribly, would even bother to handmake him anything at all... Well, he was absolutely touched. These were things he was going to be treasuring for the rest of his life. Even if he ended up outgrowing that beautiful sweater, he'd never throw it out. Izuku was just glad his friend appreciated all his hard work...
A/N: I'm crocheting a belated wedding gift for a colleague and had this idea strike me. I think its sweet, and handmade gifts can often hold a lot more sentimental value to the people they're given to. So the idea of Deku learning to crochet and making things for Bakugou to treasure for the rest of his life just makes me happy.
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mad2001-4 · 1 year
Another Classifications AU, Cain's quite the jerk in this one and Raven is the only adult in the room
Lux was miserable, throughly embarrassed. It wasn't really the pacifier he'd had popped into his mouth, it actually would've soothed him, were it not for Cain's persistent patronizing comments towards the blonde boy. The uncles had been content to disregard the children's classifications at first, explaining that the first few were more protocol than anything and couldn't be anything to truly go off of. This was the first year they truly counted it towards and anything, and of course, Lux just had to have the luck of being deemed a little for the fourth test in a row. He wasn't quite sure what it meant, but if it was this then he wanted to avoid ever getting such a classification again. Cain's taunting was almost making it feel like it was something he should be ashamed of.
He narrowed his eyes at Cain who had insisted he 'sit down and play while uncle got some peace with his reading'. Now, Lux's imagination was never-ending, even now that he looked closer to his teenage years, so the instructions weren't the issue. It was what Cain had provided for him to play with. Baby's toys. Building blocks and a stacking ring, a baby doll with a few accessories, all things he was confident he hadn't seen since he'd turned 200 years or so.
"I don't hear much playing," Cain hummed, glancing over his book at Lux, a sickly sweet smile pulled at his mouth, "is someone fussy?"
Lux's face flushed deeply looking away in utter frustration and embarrassment, what didn't help was somewhere it also provoked a nice, warm feeling, "No! I just don't want to play with these..!" he motioned towards the babyish items.
Cain snorted then barked out a laugh, grinning sarcastically, "Oh why not? Those are for babies, and your classification says your a baby..." he shrugged loosely, "can't say I'm surprised. Those little temper tantrums you throw? Your little fantasy of being a little prince still? All of it screams little child... I had hoped you would outgrow it like the other children... but no. Seems someone just wants his uncles to baby him the rest of his life... and isn't it just precious?" Cain cooed the last part mockingly.
Lux felt tears unwillingly pricking his eyes, "It got it wrong!! I'll be something different next time!" he raged.
"Ohh unlikely, little one," he cooed, "littles are very difficult to change from even after so many years... not that I'd expect someone like you to understand such a grown up matter..." he chuckled mockingly.
Lux felt his face growing hotter and hotter, lip starting to quiver from behind the pacifier at the tone, and the conflicting feelings he felt towards it, "I do understand!! I'm n-notta baby..!" he hiccupped, shoving the tower that the rings were stacked on in his frustration.
Cain tutted, his eyes sparkling with cruel humor, "Those little tears show otherwise. And I do sense a cranky tantrum coming on. Come along, let's get it over with. Afterwards, I'll decide if a timeout or spanking will be more appropriate depending on how bad your little fit gets..." Lux hiccupped again before breaking into a little cry, losing his pacifier in the process which only made him cry harder.
"Ohhh dear, quite the fit already. Look at that, the baby lost his mute button too," Cain sneered delightedly. Caught up in his 'fun', he failed to hear Raven coming in to find a book for himself. Catching the tail-end of everything, Raven rolled his eyes.
"Really? You have nothing better to do than to pick on little kids? You're sure you aren't a little too, Uncle Cain?" he retorted, voice dull though raised as to be heard over Lux's wailing.
Cain's head immediately whipped around narrowing his eyes gently, "I don't believe I asked you, dear. Besides, a bit of teasing never hurt anyone. It may help toughen him up," he defended.
Raven rolled his eyes, "You told us it isn't something we can help."
Cain hummed softly, "Yes, yes. I did. And it isn't. You, my boy, just don't know how to have a little fun. He's going to have to be babied anyways."
While Lux had stopped his full crying at hearing Raven standing up for him some, his lip trembled anew at Cain's persistence, "D-don't wanna be babied..." he hiccupped, though his voice notably was a bit higher, indicating a slip.
Raven ruffled the blonde's hair gently as he passed by to go to a shelf, "You're fine, Lux. Uncle Cain's just being a jerk," he assured, "stand up for me, bud," he instructed getting a book from the shelf and turning to Lux.
Lux sniffled slightly, shuffling to his feet, Cain narrowed his eyes further, "Ah ah ah. Little ones need supervision."
"And I'll babysit," Raven shrugged, "cmon. Let it be known though. You touch my stuff, you're dead," he warned, retrieving the pacifier from the floor, handing it to Lux. The blonde took it with a little sniffle, slipping it back into his mouth. With a little motion, Lux followed after Raven. Cain smirked a bit once alone in the room, snorting.
"Little brats... damn if I'm not proud of one of them," he mumbled focusing back on the book, "though I do hope he foesnt get too accustomed to playing hero because lord knows Lux isn't changing, and neither am I."
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risaonda · 3 years
maybe i missed a few additional trailers before but i’ve been watching a playthrough of village and it’s so wild 2 me that they hyped the game up with like just dimitrescu and very little if any of the anything else when the castle feels like a pretty brief point in the game (especially when it’s like the first major sequence u go through irt the 4 lords at least)
on the other hand my brain just went on a very funny tangent bc i just finished watching the part with donna and it was like something something ppl going into the game for big booby vampire followed by a section with incredibly atmospheric doll horror = remember when back before the shape of water released and ppl were like omg a cute romance with a precious fish man! and then the movie released and ppl were horrified that it had like blood and dying like it wasn’t rated r? something that adjacent
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
the Vessel [ Pt. 11 ]
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pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
summary: things heat up between you and the Witcher, and the brooding man finally opens up enough for you to be able to take a look into what a Witcher's life actually is about. Among other important things that he wants to let you in on.
warnings: 18+ and badly written SMUT
[My Masterlist] [My Witcher Masterlist - Read the other parts here!]
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You were practically pacing in your chambers, your arms crossed over your chest. You had been such a stupid fool, you ran away when he was finally opening up to you. What were you thinking?
He was practically telling you how he really felt, a lot coming from a man who hardly gave anything except for an occasional few grunts.
You wondered who this Renfri was, and what happened to her. Was he one of the women he bedded, adding her into the long never ending list of women Geralt had been inside of?
Suddenly, a loud pounding on your door sounded— pulling you out of your thoughts. You blinked, tilting your neck slowly to a side , scratching your chin lightly.
It could have been Geralt, but what confused you was the fact that you were secretly hoping that it wasn't anyone else.
Slowly, you reached for the lock and opened the door, just a tad bit, and as expected, you were met with wild white hair and sparkling golden orbs staring at you.
Your breathing hitched at his side, his hair messy and sticking to his face, his lips pressed together as he regarded you carefully, waiting for your actions.
Nibbling on your lower lip, you slowly moved out of the way, just a little, so you stepped behind the wooden door, out of his sight. You waited, as the door croak open, and he stepped in, shutting the door behind him, locking it.
What were you doing? You didn't understand, but somehow, this felt right.
He stayed like that for a few seconds, and if you were counting in your mind, you would have assumed that it was ten seconds, his back turned towards you, his perfectly toned back hidden under the fabric of his clothing. In slow motion, he turned towards you, his lips drawn together and you gave him a weak nod.
"You ran away," he murmured, his voice raspy and baritone low and intimidating.
"You left me no choice. You just said some things," you whispered, although it was just you and him.
"Did you not like what I said?" He skewered his head gently to one side, as he regarded you, studied you carefully; thinking. You wished you knew exactly what it was that he was thinking.
"It depends, Geralt. I liked what you said about the woods, but it made me wonder about a lot of things."
Slowly, you turned away from him and moved to the side of your bedding as you sat down against the edge of it and all the while, you could feel the Witcher's burning gaze on you, making you even more nervous than you already were. Why was he making you feel this way? Like your insides were on fire?
"You look tired," he said, coolly; as though oblivious to the effect he was having on you.
"I can't really sleep after a particularly tormenting nightmare," you mumbled, absentmindedly, trying to make small talk, until the Witcher stepped closer, and you looked up to see him standing over you, your knees touching his legs.
"Would it help you sleep if I am here?"
You kept looking at him, the corner of your lips curving into a weak, yet thankful smile and you nodded, blinking. Maybe it would help with him watching over you. You bent forward, reaching out for your boots to take them off you when Geralt grabbed your hand, and you gasped, watching him as he slowly fell to his knees in front of you— now face level with you.
"Here, let me do it," he mumbled the words incoherently, as he slowly placed his fingers on your ankle, and lifted your foot up, his fingers working to free you off the boots. He was able to do it in two quick tugs, and you were thankful as you relaxed under his touch, and hummed a thank you in response. Without having him to even ask you for your other foot, you slowly raised it slightly, and Geralt's fingers fixed on the hem of your ankle length dress, as he rolled it up, almost slightly to find your boot. While doing this, his fingers unknowingly brushed against your skin, making you close your eyes in response.
When you fluttered them open again, he was still kneeling in front of you, looking beautiful just like he always did. You didn't realize that you were staring at him, until you felt him place his hand on your knee and give you a light squeeze.
"Your heart is racing."
"I— uh." You flushed, running your hand through your hair— of course, the man could hear your heartbeat, and of course he understood how wildly crazy he was driving you.
"The floor is cold, Geralt," you drawled, absentmindedly, hoping to hide your blush under the flickering torch that lit your room, the only source of light.
"I'd like to stay down here for a while, if you don't mind."
"Why is that?" You raised an eyebrow, looking down at him.
"You remind me of a goddess— a seer that I was told of in Kaer Morhen," he rasped, and you parted your lips, letting your tongue moisten your lower lip.
"Remind you how?" You asked, ignoring how Geralt's fingers were now strumming and stroking your knee, over the fabric of your robe, making your core throb in retaliation to it.
"Hm," he began, "she made my heart race." You jerked slightly, straightening up upon hearing his words. Curiously, you leaned forward only slightly, so you could look him in the eye, "Was she beautiful?"
He smiled, the corner of his lips tugging upwards, "It was an illusion, she had horns in real life, and crooked, black teeth."
You frowned and swatted his hand away, and he couldn't help but let out a snort, in amusement, "I don't have horns."
He gave a rumbling snort, straight from his chest. Instantly, you pressed your legs together, as your core ached for him. When you opened your eyes again, he was smirking.
"Want me to leave?" He asked, his voice raspy.
"No, I want you to stay."
The corner of his lips tugged slightly, and he placed his palm on your knee, over the fabric of your dress. In a single big tug, he lifted your dress up until your thigh to expose your calves and you whelped in surprise.
"Lie back," he commanded, and like a good girl, you did until you were laying on your back, your fingers gripping the bedsheets, your eyes trained to the ceiling, the Witcher kneeling in between your legs.
Geralt's palm pressed flat against the inside of your thigh, and his movement began, upwards, slow and torturous, making you press your legs together as the shudder threatened to tingle against your core.
"Open your legs," he almost slapped the inside of your thigh when you pressed them shut, and involuntarily in retaliation to his voice, you parted them once again, gasping when you felt him place two fingers against your lips over the fabric of your underwear.
He bent slightly, pressing his lips to your flush skin, peppering your inner thigh with kisses shooting upwards, and instinctively, you began arching your back, melting away into his touch, your fingers fisting his hair, "Uh, Ger—"
His finger hooked to your underwear, and he, with one quick tug, pulled it down, revealing your delicate womanhood, something that he had very well explored before; yet it felt like it was the first time, and he suddenly felt needy, and desperate again.
He grunted in a needy way, clenching his fists together; your odour was driving him crazy. You were like a honeycomb, full of sweet nectar and Geralt couldn't wait to lap it all up.
Everything started spinning around you, in a nice way. You gasped and you moaned, arching your back as you spread your legs for him, nudging him to continue; his tongue ravaging your lips, lapping up all of your sweet juices. Geralt of Rivia was like a hungry bear, and you were that lucky pot of honey, and he was in no mood to share or to leave any of it. He wanted it all, for himself.
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You couldn't help but feel like there were sparks erupting in every crevice of your body, like fireworks on display; when Geralt kissed you. His lips on you, your hands tugging his hair, his teeth biting your plump lower lip, it was majestic, carnal, and full of pent up desire.
It surprised you, though, how much gentleness this big man was capable of, especially with you. He held you like a ceramic doll; that you'd break if he held you too hard.
He was on your bed now, laying on his front, both his arms holding him up so he didn't end up crushing you under the weight of his body.
"Geralt, what are you doing to me?" You purred, tight lipped, running your fingers delicately over his naked chest as he peppered the side of your neck now with trailing, wet kisses. You could feel his hardness press against your core, slowly driving you crazy with your hidden desires now flowing out like an overflowing vessel.
"I can smell your desire," he growled against your ear, sending shivers down your spine and tingle in your toes, your core throbbing in response to this beautiful man on top of you, "tell me you want me."
You let your eyes flutter lightly, your hand slowly scaling across his perfectly chiseled chest until you were palming his already hardened cock and he grunted against your shoulder, "I need you, Geralt."
His eyes shone; ablaze with his uncontrollable lust, his cock already throbbing underneath your grip, aching to fill you up. With one quick tug, you hoisted your leg up against his shoulder, leaving your core exposed, dripping and glistening for him to see, and to relish. "Ask me to stop, if I hurt you," he muttered, in a low voice and you nodded, biting down on your lower lip in anticipation.
Almost slowly, he entered you, stretching you out, bit by bit; his forehead now resting against you.
"Is it okay?" He asked, his thickness adjusting to the feeling of you.
You nodded, taking in a mouthful of air and letting it out, "You don't have to be gentle, Geralt."
Geralt couldn't help but purse his lips together; struggling to contain the smirk that was threatening to break out against his lips, and what followed was a series of curses, grunts and animalistic thrusts.
In the middle of it, Geralt flipped you over so you were on your fours, and he had an ample view of your ass. From one hand he smacked your butt cheek, revelling in the moans that escaped your lips— it was like music to his ears, and all he ached to do was hear you scream his name, over and over again. He had been aching to do this for long now, and it was finally happening.
Another series of thrusts and moans ensued and you didn't last much longer than that, your pussy clenching against his cock, which tripped him over the edge, until finally , with one final twitch, his hot seed spilled inside of you.
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The two of you lay in sheets, your naked bodies entangled each others. You fit perfectly into Geralt's broad arms, like a piece of a puzzle. He spooned you almost, his arm resting lightly against your waist, his palm cupping your baby bump, his fingers gently stroking it.
"Geralt?" You said, in a baby like voice, keeping your face away from him.
At first, he didn't respond, but only hummed, pulling you closer against his flush body.
"Who was Renfri? And why was what she said so important to you?"
Geralt propped himself up on his elbow, and he peered down at you. Slowly, reluctantly, he pried his palm off your tummy, using it to push your hair away from your face so he could look at you.
"You're trying to make me talk."
"So?" You chuckled, making him almost flash you a smile.
"Okay, she was a Princess, and I killed her," as the words stormed out of Geralt's mouth, you felt a sort of sadness in his voice. Although you wanted to ask him why, you couldn't bring yourself to. This subject was still touchy for him.
"You don't have to talk about her if it means you're gonna be sad all night."
He sighed and laid down again, slowly turning on his back, letting his palm rest against the back of his head. His sweat adorned chest glistened under the flickering torch, making him look like a Greek God.
"That's not what I wanted to talk about."
"Then?" This time you sat up, turning towards him and regarding him carefully.
"I'm leaving for Redania tomorrow," he looked away; anywhere but into your eyes and it stung you like a bee sting suddenly.
"W-Why? Did I do something wrong? Do you regret—" You stammered.
"Fuck, no." Geralt silently cursed himself and quickly sat up, so now he was parallel to you. He brought both his palms to your cheeks, cupping them and he pulled your face to him, "it pains me. To leave you. But I need to bring Roach back."
It was like someone had breathed life into you when you heard those words. Your face flushing with relief, you cupped his cheek in retaliation and nodded, "Oh, I thought you regretted this. Which is why you wanted to leave." He shook his head, his thumb gently grazing over the side of your lip, tracing your lower lip.
"Will you come back then?" You asked, biting your lip.
"I will come back to you. And to our baby."
The two of you stayed like that; your foreheads resting against each others , for a few more seconds before he patted against the pillow and motioned for you to lie down. He then lied down next to you once you had and pulled the covers delicately over you, smiling.
"Go to sleep, love."
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the Vessel taglist:
@kawennote09 @viking-raider @raspberrydreamclouds @pterodactylterrace @singeramg @historianwithaheart @miss-emilia-cavill @ayamenimthiriel @crazynocturnalkiki @xxxkatxo @coffeebreathy @fanaticnae @kmuir1 @little-jana @pineapplemama @auds24 @sassy-pelican @bitchynicole @cavillsim @ragamuffin285 @hista-girl @oliviali0930 @introvertedmouse @madbaddic7ed @libbymouse @nerra75 @maxineswritingcenter @superawesomegeek @waifu4lifeu @funalpaca @petitefirecracker10 @marantha @vikingsbifrost @babypink224221 @jessyballet @strrynigxts @rn7rocks @theroyalbrownbarbie @amirra88 @naughty-koala07
want to be added to the list? plz let me know via my ask box, inbox and comments. ✨
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isitstraightvodka · 4 years
in which gwil doesn't like you and it's your mission to find out why.
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pairing: gwilym lee x fem!reader
word count: 4.5k+
warnings: enemies to lovers, smut (the rough kind), oral (both m and f receiving), angst, swearing, alcohol use
a/n: hello my loves! i present to u what i have been working on for a while, it's filthy so read ahead w caution 😂😳 i really hope u enjoy it and please let me know if u do. any feedback, asks / rbs, would be much appreciated xx also gif credit is @mazzelloplots​ 💕
࿐ ࿔*:・゚.·:*¨༺
You had no idea what you'd done for Gwil to hate your guts but it must be dead serious because he just about didn't give you any attention whenever you were in the same room. It was infuriating, as each day passed, you racked your brain to remember if you'd done or said anything for him to act like this around you but as always, nothing came to mind. All you got was a cold stare, or no eye contact at all, and at the very least, a few sentences but that was it. It made it even worse that both of you were friends with Ben, after all that's how you were introduced to each other, you figured he'd be a good guy as was evident the first time you met, a regular mutual friend greeting; first handshake, small smiles and twinkling new eyes but ever since then, everything had changed.
Every time you went out and saw Gwil, he either said nothing to you but "Hi." or he'd rush off somewhere else the moment you approached him. The cold shoulder did not do anything for your confidence, you were a friendly person and loved meeting new people but this was something else entirely, the confusion soon turned to tension and anger, ripping at your hair during lonely nights in your apartment, thinking why doesn't he like me? Then you went to Ben who just shrugged and said he'd warm up to you eventually, which you found incredibly difficult to believe, you weren't having it, it had been almost half a year and no progress, you'd had enough, you had to confront him.
Your opportunity arose only a week later, during a party at Joe's house.  it made your muscles tense up knowing you were going to see Gwil, and it wasn't fair of him to give you this sort of treatment without a shred of explanation. Everything was in full-swing when you arrived by your lonesome, but you didn't waste no longer than ten minutes making your move, so there you were, drink in hand, when you cornered him talking to Lucy. Walking head held high, you approached them, and Lucy smiled when she noticed you, you shared a kiss on the cheek before exchanging respective compliments on each other's looks, then your attention went to him.
"Hey, can I talk to you?"
Both he and Lucy looked at you before the blonde nudged him with her arm, giving him a cool stare, as if to say, "Go sort this out", which was true since you and her had talked about the situation too, and her response was "It's between you and him, so get in there girl and stand up for yourself", and right now, tonight, you were going to heed her advice.
Gwil took a deep breath and walked next to you as you made your way to the nearest room, where it was quiet enough to talk, but the walk there seemed to stretch on for hours instead of a matter of seconds. You could feel the anxiety flooding through your body when his arm brushed your shoulder, you could tell he wasn't looking at you, his fingers gripping his wine glass a little too tight. Some sort of emotion hung between the two of you, you couldn't put your finger on it but it was something strong, something deep, Great another thing for you to be confused about. What you didn't know is that Gwil felt it too. 
After what felt like an age, you entered the guest bedroom, all neat and empty, leaving the impression nobody had stayed in there for a long time. Gwil had his free hand tucked into the pocket of his dark jeans, standing by the door once he closed it, silencing the bustle of the party, but still didn't give you his attention. You took a deep breath and tapped your nail on the rim of your drink, allowing your heartbeat to decrease, opening the conversation very kindly.
"I believe there is something we have to discuss."
All he did was part his lips and take a swig of red wine, leaning back against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other. Not one word left his mouth, he didn't move an inch and it took a lot in you not to start raising your voice. Why does he not want to talk to you? What is up his ass? Fucking say something, you bastard! The tension in the room was too stifling for you to cope with so you spoke again, but harsher.
"Fuck, you should man up and talk to me like a decent bloke, I thought you would be."
And that's when he finally looked at you. Without even realising it, the suddenness of eye contact made shivers run down your spine, deep blue eyes staring into yours, brows furrowed in faint disgust.
"Hate to burst your bubble then, love."
More shivers, rippling throughout your bones so fast you were almost afraid he'd be able to notice you slightly trembling. His voice wasn't supposed to do that....but it did, from the way he said it, from the way you finally saw his eyes in clear view, how fucking hot he looked just standing there, how had you not noticed that before? Because his blind hatred of you clouded that fact. You shook the thoughts out of your head and stood your ground.
"I seriously have no clue why you been acting like this around me. I have been nothing but kind to you, I haven't said one bad word to you, I truly wanted us to be friends but you find an excuse to escape me every chance you get!"
Your cheeks flushed red once the words left your lips, your free hand scrunching up into a fist, nails digging into your palm. Gwil all but sighed and...was that a smirk you saw? No, just a trick of the lights. The point of his shoe tapped the carpet as he looked down at his half-empty glass, collecting his thoughts.
"Not a bad word? I heard you talking to Joe the other week, you called me a dickhead."
"I have every reason to, you barely talk to me. This is the most you've talked to me in weeks."
"If you have reasons, then I have them too."
"Fucking tell me then instead of practically ignoring me! It's childish."
"So I'm the child but you're the one yelling." He cocked an eyebrow, was that another smirk? He's got me so confused? Is that what he wants?
"How do you expect me to react? I haven't appreciated the cold shoulder, Gwilym."
"I don't appreciate you running your mouth."
"Could just tell me whatever reasons you have instead of this."
You and him went back forth, trying to fight each other but it didn't seem to do anything good, it only heightened the tension between you two but a specific kind of tension. One you knew now and one he managed to figured out seeing you in front of him, raising your voice. In this moment, he saw how attractive you were, more so than he already thought, your face heating up and your hair glowing from the muted lights, the dress hugging your body almost provocatively, silver diamonds hanging from your ears and cherry-coloured lips parted slightly between words. You were so sexy and the alcohol buzzing through him wasn't helping, but this was the reason for it all. He fancied you.
"Look, it's complicated." He sighed, resting his head back against the wall. You had to bite back a laugh, is he serious?
"No, it's not. Open your mouth and just tell me."
But it turns out he didn't need to open his mouth, at least not the way you expected him to. It happened swiftly, too fast for you to comprehend, all you really saw was his glass fall to the floor, wine staining the carpet, then he crossed the room over you within three strides, took your face in his hands and crushed his lips against yours.
Your eyes flew open in surprise at the sudden pressure of his kiss...his kiss? You could barely understand what was happening, he held onto you like he needed air to breathe, you could taste the wine on his tongue, it was intoxicating, it felt...nice but was the wine nice or the aggression of his mouth? Questions swirled your mind, it didn't help your emotions during this moment, you didn't realise your mouth had opened on its own which allowed him to slip his tongue in a little and close the gap between you again, the second kiss even harder and more passionate, the softest groan of relief and delight from him ringing in your ears. You almost let yourself fall under his spell before you caught yourself and made a muffled squeak, your hand finding his jacket and pushing him away from you, gasping for a breath.
"What the fuck, Gwil?"
Thoughts circled your head, words bouncing off the walls, your hand brushing over your bottom lip, the gloss transferring to your skin as it had done on his lips, stained and shiny, you were surprised you were still holding your wine glass. He cocked an eyebrow at you as heat rose to his cheeks, he raised his hand almost as if he was apologising but you stopped him, holding up your own hand and shaking your head.
"What was that?"
"I...I kissed you."
"No shit Sherlock! Why? How is that supposed to explain anything?"
"I'm- I..." He couldn't seem to find the right words, he hesitated reaching his hand out further before deciding against it and pushing it back through his hair. You gulped, why is it so hot when he does that? You were so glad he couldn't read your mind right now, if he had heard what you just said, you sure would wish for the floor to open up and swallow you whole.
"You think a kiss is going to solve everything? I'm not some plastic doll for you to play around with however you please."
"I..I know, I just..."
"Just what? I thought you'd tell me with words, I though-"
"Oh for fuck's sake, I like you, okay?"
His pupils were blown wide as much as yours when he half-yelled the words and this time you were sure the glass was going to slip through your fingers but it still didn't, in fact you had a right mind to just down the whole thing after what he told you. You thought he didn't like you...he liked you? If you were confused before, then you were even more now, your hand fell to your side as you stared at him, eyes like glass, you couldn't even blink. Gwil's gaze had turned to the floor, pretending to be interested in the pale white carpet, his fingers moving to the back of his neck where sweat began to form. He waited for you to speak, the seconds ticked by painfully, it felt so long before you said anything.
"You...like me?" You gulped, trying to process his revelation. He chewed on his bottom lip and tucked both hands back into his pocket, nodding as his eyes flicked over to you.
"Yeah, I do, I like you. A lot."
His voice seemed fearful, anxious but with an underlying desperation, like that of a teenager admitting a big brush, it was rather cute in your eyes; first hot now cute? How can he be both? Stop it, stop questioning everything. You cursed yourself, fingers wrapped around your glass harder you thought it might crack. Instead of replying, you drained the wine, it was the only thing you could think of doing. Gwil watched as your throat moved, as you swallowed, he shuddered and prayed he wasn't showing through his pants, now wasn't the best time, especially with how you reacted. You sighed as the last drop fell into your mouth and rushed through your veins, you finally let the glass fall from your grasp and land with a small thud on the carpet. Your fingers came together in front of you, interlacing as you twiddled your thumbs, eyelids fluttering as you collected your thoughts, one deep breath and you looked at him.
"I don't understand. You like me, but you have been acting like you hate me, why do that?"
Gwil didn't answer right away, he fidgeted, hands still in his pockets, his vision now turning to eye the golden lamp on the bedside table. In this light, you could see the sparkle in his eyes, the deepest blue, like a calm ocean, like a pair of warm sapphires, you found yourself not looking away. 
"I didn't mean to be that way, I was just afraid." He said, still not looking at you.
"Why afraid?"
"Of rejection. Of you already being taken. I didn't want to admit anything if I had no chance with you." He confessed, raising one hand out of his pocket to massage his neck, your eyes locked to his fingers, wondering what they'd feel like around your ne- Cut it out! You banished your dirty thought and continued the talk.
"The worst I could say is no, and I'd mean it without any offense. And I'm not taken, I think you'd know if I was."
"That's the thing, I thought you were!"
"How did you come to that conclusion?" You peered at him. He sighed and scratched his beard, stubble littering his cheeks and chin, and right then, another X-rated thought entered your brain, You wonder what that would feel like between your legs...will it tickle? Itch? Arouse you? You think you wanted to know.
"Because you and Ben, and I...didn't want to get in the way"
You and Ben? You gave him a perplexed look as you tried to work out what your friend had got to do with any of this. Ben was really a great guy, you enjoyed his company, years of friendship had blossomed between him and you, and you loved being able to see him when he wasn't busy with his star-studded career, but there wasn't anything there to insinuate something more was happening between you two. 
Then it hit you.
"You thought that Ben...and me...that we...? Oh god no we're just friends!"
You bit back a giggle. Ben was easy on the eyes, anyone could see that, even Joe said it, multiple times, many conversation he'd told you, "That fucker's stupidly gorgeous isn't he?" but he was not your type. He was more like a brother to you than anything else. Sure there was the occasional kiss on the cheek, hugs a little longer than usual, his arm around your waist or ruffling your hair when you told a stupid joke, but friends did that, they could do that without having feelings for each other. Gwil almost lost his balance after what you said, Just friends...Just friends...
"Are you sure? I mean he's the pretty boy."
"Okay he's pretty but he is like family to me, I wouldn't hit that even if I was piss drunk." 
Your mouth curled at the corners, as did his and both of you shared  a small laugh. Your eyes fell upon the empty wine glass on the floor, teeth tugging at your lower lip; you could see Gwil's body shift a little closer, one foot in front of the other, until he was standing before you, chests almost touching. His fingers stroked your jaw, moving underneath your chin to bring your gaze up to his face. He looked...intense but still had a softness behind his eyes, something sweet and hesitant but at the same time, you could feel he wanted to continue the kiss he gave only minutes ago.
"So...no Ben?"
You rested your hand on his wrist, giving him a smile as your eyes went from his to his lips, mouth watering at the memory of them on yours.
"No Ben."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚.·:*¨༺
His name was like chocolate on your tongue, as his tongue worked over and against your slick folds. One hand in his hair and the other curled behind your head, back arching with every hum he made against you, his mouth was insane, you hadn't felt such pleasure in god knows how long; he really knew what he was doing.  And he seemed to enjoy it as much as you did, smiling as he pressed kisses to your swollen clit, groaning with each flick and lick, with each tug you made on his hair, and that mixed with the feeling of his stubble rubbing your inner thighs and right above your mound as he angled his lips in the most delightful of ways. 
You were getting closer, you could almost taste it, feel it....but he stopped and raised his face from between your legs, his arms still wrapped around your flushed thighs. His mouth was wet, his hair in disarray and his eyes dilated; he looked fucking hot, but right now, you wanted to scream at him for stopping it right when you were about to finish. He could see you were almost angry at how suddenly he pulled away from your heat, he stroked the curve of your left breast as he began to lay down next to you, his free hand resting over his mouth.
"Come sit here."
It took you a few seconds to realise what he meant, your breath got caught in your throat, slowly blinking at him in surprise.
"Are you...are you sure?"
"Yes, you're so beautiful, I'd love nothing more than for you to ride my tongue."
You certainly did not expect something so foul to come out of his mouth but fuck you loved it. A smile grew on your face as you sat up, as he brought his hands to your hips just as you were about to face the headboard, he pushed you in the other direction a tad.
"Sit the other way, baby."
Your cheeks became hot and you were almost embarrassed at how flustered a simple petname made you. You gasped as you got into position, his nose right there against you and in your line of eyesight was his sweaty body, his happy trail disappearing into his jeans, and through those, a bulge was unmistakable.
You'd made him hard and you hadn't done anything but kiss him, you giggled at the reality of it, the embarrassment fading into smugness. Gwil moved his hands over your thighs, giving one of them a slap and you yelped in shock.
"What are you laughing about, huh?"
You bit your lip as you answered.
"You're hard."
"O'course I fucking am. Eating you out did that to me, hell you make me hard just by looking at me." He murmured on you, and before you could say anything, his tongue was back on you, licking back and forth, covering the length of your heat, he didn't leave one spot untouched by his tongue. Moans flew out of your mouth, sweat beading on your skin as he switched between his lips and his tongue, going so far as to telling you to bounce, and doing that was one hell of an experience. You leaned forward and raised your hips so you could move more, his tongue stuck out flat so you could feel it inside you, warming you up, stretching you out, he really cared about making you feel good and giving you the best feeling before you reached your high.
Your hands latched onto the belt around his jeans, curled over his body, grinding over his mouth, his facial hair once again giving you that cherry on top, his growls of hunger and delight pushing you over the edge. One palm slapped your ass cheeks, his name flowing from your lips again.
"Cum for me, cum on my face, sweet girl."
And you did just that, body shaking as you rode out your orgasm on his face, his lips never detaching from your clit, intending to make you have the most explosive high, and it sure felt like that. Your toes and fingers were on fire, your heart shot through the roof and you had trouble catching your breath as he lapped you up, "Mm you taste so good", another slap to your ass, chuckling against your heat, nose bumping on your clit, making you whimper a little given how sensitive you were. You slowly sat up and ran a hand through your damp hair, laughing through deep breathes.
"Fuck, you're amazing at that."
"Thought I wouldn't be?" You could feel his smirk beneath you.
"No no, just...wow."
Gwil smirked wider and gave your clit one last kiss, your eyes back on the even-harder bulge in his jeans. He'd just made you feel incredible. You wanted to do the same to him. So instead of moving from your position, you simply leaned down over his toned chest and started unbuckling his belt.
"Oh I see someone's hungry too." He laughed, hands resting on your red ass. Something came over you, the sexual side of you suddenly arose and within seconds, his belt was off and you were pulling his jeans down. He gave you some help by lifting his hips, you pushed them down to his knees and now you could see how hard he actually was, almost bursting to be released from the prison of his boxers. You didn't want to keep him waiting, you giggled and tucked your fingers into them, and pushed them down to join his jeans, more giggles spilling out when you got the first proper look at his cock.
The tip was pink, precum already forming, he was thick, very girthy, bigger than you thought but still you weren't that surprised. You slipped your fingers around him and gripped him and he hissed, his breath hot on your cunt. You smiled to yourself and pumped him a few times, relishing how warm and hard he was in your hand, the pads of your fingers rubbing over the veins, satisfied with your work, you puckered your lips and wrapped them around the head of his cock, and the noise he made was so fucking sexy, the sweetest groan and the hottest whine.
"Holy shit..."
You concentrated on where you sucked and moved your mouth, your hand tight around the base of his shaft. From previous experiences, you knew lubricant of any kind worked a treat, so you took a moment to pull your lips off and spit over the head, gently rubbing wetness all over his length; that got him considering the deep moans he was making right against your clit. Feeling his mouth so close to you while you sucked him off made you powerful, like you had him in your corner, it was your turn to give him pleasure and in his hand, he hadn't felt this good in a long time. 
When his eyes were open, they were on your cunt, fucking you with his vision, his hands moving from your ass to your hips to your upper thighs, gripping your skin as his own hips started to move with your mouth and before long, Gwil was fucking your mouth. You choked and whimpered around his cock, delicious sounds from his perspective, leaving marks on your ass from how hard he was holding you.
"Your mouth's so warm and tight fuck baby I-"
His words encouraged you to do more, fingers away from his cock and moving to his balls, you grabbed one and he let out a cry of delight, jerking his hips up faster until your eyes started to water; it burned but it was a good burn, making Gwil feel this way made you feel good, pleasing him made you feel good. As you squeezed his balls, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, neck craned all the way back over the pillow, his toes curling over the end of the bed. Your own thighs started to shake and your throat tightened around him, and he lost his hand.
"Just like that, yeah."
And with your mouth around him and your fingers gripping his balls, he finished, quicker than you thought; it wasn't even three minutes and you tasted hot thickness, his cum, him. You gagged a little as you removed your lips softly like sucking a lollipop, strings of your saliva dripping from his cock. You gasped and swallowed; you never spat out, it was a rule you gave yourself, what a waste it would be to spit, especially after sucking Gwil off, and speaking of him, his breath was heavy and fast, chest puffing in and out as he came down from his high, eyes glittering and a cheesy grin on his face.
"You're amazing at that."
All you could do was giggle and say, "I know."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚.·:*¨༺
He was buried deep inside your walls, stretching out every inch and corner of you, the strokes of his cock were heavenly, easily hitting your g-spot over and over again. Your legs were wrapped high around his waist, ankles crossed over, nails digging into his back and dragging down his spine, one of his hands gripping the headboard and the other on your thigh, keeping you in place as he fucked you raw.
"Gwil, Gwil...please.." 
"Please what? What do you want?" He grunted between thrusts. Tears burned your lids as your hips smashed with his, lips inches away from his, his warm breath setting your face alight.
"Please...I want to cum, I want us to cum together..."
"Oh fuck.."
The way he moved got harder, faster, more aggressive to the point where your legs were turning into jelly and all you could feel was his stiff cock, you could not even get a proper sentence out anymore, if you did, it was laced with high whines. As his body meshed with your own, your eyes glanced at his arm, where his hand held onto the headboard with so much force you wondered why it hadn't broken. You felt yourself melt into the bed at the sight of his bicep, skin wrapped thin around the muscles, a sheen of sweat coating over his arm, more sweat on his forehead and at the back of his neck, face dipping close to your jaw, the air humid between the two of you.
"I'm gonna cum, shit- but I'm not wear-"
"I'm..on the p-p-pill, cum in me, Gwil." You gripped at him, pulling his chest closer, clenching your cunt around him, desperate for him to finish. The "fucking hell" told you he was only seconds away and sure enough, you felt it, you felt his orgasm, how his cock pulsated inside you, even better inside you than in your mouth and you followed barely a minute after when he was still riding out his high, your back off the bed and your legs trembling around him, harsh scratches left deep in his back because of you. 
Gwil collapsed on top of you, your fingers finding their way into his sweaty hair, as he slowly pulled out of you, the remnants of what you'd just did together dripping down your thigh, something he found extremely attractive. He attached his lips to yours in a passionate sweet kiss, as if you two hadn't just fucked each other's brains out, smiling as he broke the kiss and pressed another to your nose.
"Didn't think this would happen coming here tonight." He guffawed, rolling off you to get comfortable beside you. Like second nature, you curled up into him, your arm draped over his chest and his over your shoulders, sheets askew down to his waist as well as yours; to the both of you, cuddling after sex was as special as the act of sex itself.
"Neither did I...but I like that it happened." You smiled up at him. His fingers stroked your hair, his lips against the top of your head.
"Yeah? Me too."
You and Gwil stayed there, having cuddle time and striking up a conversation about what this meant for your relationship; you liked him and he liked you but for right now, it was agreed upon that the sex was great and that's what it would be, unless deeper feelings crept in. Time was lost, you felt safe with him, his hand in your hair as you traced patterns on his skin, but as much as you loved having this, you knew you couldn't stay here all night.
"We should get back. Everyone will be wondering where we are." You sat up and gathered the sheets up to your chest, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Gwil joined you and rubbed the back of his neck.
"You're right about that, let's go, love." He said, and just as he was about to get out of the bed, there was a knock at the door followed by a very familiar American accent.
"I don't know what's happening in there but if you two are done defiling MY guest bedroom, you'd better come out and watch Ben do Jell-O shots off me." 
You burst out laughing and your head fell into Gwil's neck at Joe's statement, he chuckled along with you and sighed deeply, eyebrows raised; he didn't want to leave this room either, not with having you in the bed, gloriously naked and beautiful. But still, the two of you had to rejoin the party. He kissed your temple and rubbed your shoulder as giggles slipped through your lips, he couldn't help but smile even wider at the sound of your laughter.
"Well well we can't miss that, can we?"
taglist: @rhapsodyrecs​ / @bens-jawline​ / @itsametaphorgwil​ / @queen-paladin​ / @joeneslee​ / @almightygwil​ / @deacyblues​ / @zyanmaik​ / @hermajestyborhap​ / @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ / @coincidence-ithinknots-blog​ / @grigorlee​ / @captvinswaan​ / @taliaphobia​ / @gwil-lee​ / @hannafuckingsucks​ / @benders-diamond-earring​ / @supersonicfreddie​
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Emotions (pt. 13)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Y/n wants Billy and Steve to call a truce, while other people have other plans.
Word Count: 1858
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist • Chapter 12
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When you woke up, Billy was gone. Part of you was disappointed, shamefully craving his comforting touch. The other part of you was screaming about how fucking idiotic it was to let him come inside in the first place. You needed to straighten your emotions out and make a decision. You just needed to look at the pros and cons of it.
Getting back together with Billy.
Pros. He would be happy, at least for now. You'd feel less crappy about yourself. You could protect him from his dad. You loved him with all your heart.
Cons. They could still be trying to find you. They could learn about Billy, and hold that against you. He could probably find someone better, prettier, and be happier with that girl.
Fuck, what the hell were you supposed to do? This had as much powerful pros as it did cons. But like Hopper said, you just needed to be on your own for now.
Hopper made ego waffles by the time you got out of bed. He passed you the chocolate syrup while he got out the whipped cream for him and El. He kicked the chair out for you as well, which you took as a sign that he was really trying to help you feel better, in his awkward dad kind of way. It made your chest feel a little lighter. Once you opened the door to your house, you saw Steve almost fall back while he leaned on it, sitting on the ground and waiting for you. He looked tired.
You said nothing as he stumbled onto his feet. Hopper gently pushed passed you before roughly shoving Steve out of the way, causing him to knock back down to the ground. "We're not looking to buy any cookies today, sorry. Have a nice day!"
Hopper then grabbed your shoulders and led you to the car. You went inside the car in silence. You saw him come to your window, and you looked down. "Y/n! I'm sorry. Talk to me, please!"
Hopper then stepped on the gas petal and left Steve back there. After leaving the woods, you could see him calm himself. It honestly took everything in Hopper not to smile. Even you could feel his happiness. No more boys.
Once you got to school, you gave him a side hug and said your goodbyes. You only had to get through today and tomorrow, then you were on Spring Break for a week. Once Hopper drove off, you saw Steve's car quickly pull up the driveway.
"Y/n! Please talk to me!" You sucked in a breath. You knew this would eat up at you both, but you still continued walking. You didn't say anything and he ran over to you, panting. "I... I'm sorry. I was... stupid, and..." He was huffing.
"Catch your breath first." You quietly said.
He nodded. "Yeah... okay, thanks." He took a second, then started again. "I was a jackass, and you didn't deserve that last night. I don't even think you're stupid, I just got mad. It just seems like nobody really cares about me, so I just, uh," He sighed and looked down. "I feel like I have to care about everyone else, so maybe people will start caring back."
He rubbed the back of his neck, having just said something he'd been denying to say to himself.
"Okay." You said after what seemed like a whole moment of silence to Steve.
"So, okay?"
You nodded with a straight face. "Okay. I forgive you. And you don't have to worry about me. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but I'll be okay at the end of the day."
The both of you hugged, and you pulled back. All in all, he meant well. Well damn, there goes your being away from them two today. As your hug came to an end, Billy suddenly swooped right in front of you, staring Steve down. "Typical. She's too nice and you know she'll forgive you no matter what you say."
"Did you tell him?" Steve looked at you, and you merely shook your head.
"I was the one who called her, and she yelled at me thinking I was you. I put two and two together. Care to explain why the fuck she was crying about thinking she was stupid?"
Steve fell silent out of guilt, and you painfully felt those emotions radiating off him. You lightly tugged on Billy's sleeve from behind, fiddling with it. "We talked it out. It's okay now." You said quietly with a reassuring smile.
He wanted to melt looking at your smile. It's been a while since he's seen your comforting smile, and he just wanted to hold you while kissing you with that smile on your face. He fully turned to you, grabbing your hand and entwining fingers. "Sweetheart, just because he said sorry doesn't mean you just forgive them."
He kissed your hand, and Steve overly gasped. "Hey hey! First of all," He said, slapping Billy's hand away. "Don't do that! Second, you're one to talk about apologies when you did the same thing after flipping out on her."
Billy then took a step forward and grabbed Steve's jacket. "You better fucking watch yourself."
You went in between them quickly. "Okay, how bout this? You." You looked at Billy. "Calm down! He's my friend, and you have to deal with that." You then turned to Steve. "And you. Chill out when it comes to Billy. I still don't know what I'm going to do yet and as my friend you need to respect my decision."
"Then can you let him to stop being a dick?" Steve asked.
"And can you tell him to grow a dick?"
"Jesus, is it so hard for you two to at least try to be on my side for once? It's such bullshit to even involve me at all in your crap. Why do you guys always have this rivalry going on when I've been trying my best to make things easier?"
"Five—" Steve started, before you gave him a look and he stopped. "Y/n."
"Maybe I should just get out of the picture. You two have fun together." You walked away, radiating pissed off energy to those passing by.
"Nice going dick fuck."
"You know what?" Steve said, putting his hands in his pockets. "I'll be the bigger person and accept that I pissed her off. So did you. She's all over the place and we're making it worse." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess, um, let's try not to hate each other out loud for her? We gotta do that before she stops forgiving us."
Billy looked away and huffed before mumbling, "Whatever man. Sure."
The bell rang and the two boys walked away separately. Billy felt like shit all day. He made you mad, and was an ass. He couldn't wait for fourth period to explain himself.
He could imagine the situation if you two were still together. He would pull you into his lap, and you would give him that cute pout. He'd tell you that he wouldn't hate Steve as much, just for you. He'd then kiss your neck, maybe even nip at it. You'd giggle, before telling him that you accept and that he's not fully forgiven, even though he really is. You'd tell him that you're proud he made it that far for you. He'd get a kiss on the cheek as his prize, before having a nice make out session.
Once he got to fourth period, he buried his face in his hands. Was this really going to be the day you didn't forgive him? What about last night? You have to know that he was there for you when you needed him still, right?
He saw you sit down from the corner of his eye, and and suddenly sat up, smiling. That smile quickly faded when he saw tears in your eyes and a cheek that was stung red. "What happened?" He demanded.
"It's nothing." You mumbled, fiddling with your textbook.
"Who hurt you?" He brushed his thumb over your cheek bone, and you leaned into his touch involuntarily.
"Just these girls. Um, they saw me with you and Steve. They called me a slut and a whore and pushed me around. I fell, and they started kicking me."
"And was one of these girls named Heather cock sucking Holloway?" You stayed silent. "She needs to get a fucking clue!"
He stood, causing you to grab his hand in panic. "Please don't! I want all this fighting to stop for once. I just want to stop causing all this drama."
You began to bounce your knee. This wasn't good. You never had full on anxiety. How would you react to it? You felt Billy gently squeeze your thigh to stop you. "Hey, you don't cause drama. Everybody in this damn school is just trying to have interesting lives, and they're jealous because you're the only one who isn't boring."
You gave him a nervous smile. "You think so?"
"I know so." He brought his hand back, resting his elbow on the table and his palm underneath his chin. "I'm okay with Harrington, by the way. I'm gonna try not to hate him that much, and he's gonna do the same. We agreed on it. Just wanted to put less stress on you."
He flashed you a grin as you just stared at him with a blank face. You were just staring at him unreadably for a bit before leaning to him to kiss him. You caught both him and yourself by surprise. You pulled back and saw Billy's shocked expression.
"I–I'm sorry. You probably don't even need this right now and I shouldn't have—" Billy grabbed your neck and brought you in for a passionate kiss. You both felt all the weight on your shoulders being lifted, the heavy feeling of being so close yet so far gone. Once the kiss was over Billy rubbed his nose against yours. You giggled. "I missed you."
"I missed you too doll."
"I'm sorry, my emotions are all spiked today."
"It's okay sweetheart."
You grinned. "I'm proud of you, by the way. I didn't expect you to ever be okay with Steve. Thank you for doing that for me." You swiped your finger across the side of his jawline, which you know tickles him.
"Course. Am I forgiven then?"
"I guess, but not fully."
Billy's smile became wider, and before he could tease you, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve stormed into the class with worried expressions. "So they're not here yet?" Jonathan asked.
"Who?" You responded with.
Suddenly Tommy and his friends shoved past them, and Tommy pulled Billy back unexpectedly as Heather grabbed you by the arm and yanked you over to the front of the classroom. She pushed you to the ground, and these other guys then dumped a big cooler full of cold water on you.
A lot of emotions were going to bubble up today.
Author's Note: Kind of an awkward cliffhanger, sorry, but I do have more written for the next chapter.
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xxmackenziexx · 3 years
Chapter Six
Chapter Summary: Steve has a serious question for reader. Reader and Bucky watch a scary movie together and things get interesting. 
Warnings: new pairing alert!!!!, mentions of scary movies, sexual content, implied masturbation, sexual tension, possessiveness(?)
Word Count: 3,026
A/N: This wasn’t as long as I had initially wanted it to be but whatever. Lol.  Mostly Bucky POV this chapter but...c'mon, it's Bucky. Hope you enjoy, lemme know what you think about the Steve thing...I’m excited for this story arc. 
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“Well….how would you feel about going with…me? To homecoming? He asked shyly.
You froze. You literally stopped breathing. You were not expecting Steve to ask you to homecoming. He didn’t like you…did he? Did you like him? I mean…he is easy on the eyes. Like REALLY easy on the eyes, you thought to yourself. And he was nice the majority of the time, other times he was a real jerk. But he’s been super nice to you for a while now. You were friends, not like you and Bucky, but friends, nonetheless. Regular friends. And going to homecoming with him didn’t mean you had to date him, right? Did you want to date him? Did you want to date at all? You didn’t really know. But you knew you couldn’t waste your days away pining over Bucky, so why not? It might even be fun, you might have a good time.
“Uh…yea. Yea, I’ll go to homecoming with you Steve.”
“Really?” He asked, obviously surprised.
You chuckled. “Yea, Steve. Really.” You found yourself smiling shyly.
“Wow! Okay! Wasn’t expecting that.” He laughed. “Well, okay then. Do you have a dress picked out already?”
“Not yet. I have some ideas for what I want but I haven’t committed to anything yet.” You explained as your phone buzzed, Bucky again. He wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie with you. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep well tonight, so you agreed, you wanted to tell Bucky anyway. You were actually kind of excited to do the whole homecoming thing with Steve.
“Well, if you want, I can help, we can figure out our outfits together.” Steve suggested.
“Yea, maybe, that would be nice! But I’m gonna get off right now. Bucky wants to watch a movie.” You told him. “But I’ll…I’ll text you. Okay, Steve? Promise!” You said with a smile.
“Yea, okay y/n. Enjoy your movie, say hi to Barnes for me.”
“Will do Rogers.” You said smiling.
You logged off your computer and wrote a quick note for your mom and grabbed your keys. Once on Bucky’s porch, he slung an arm around your neck and pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. You were not surprised he was shirtless, and you also weren’t surprised that it still made you very hot and bothered. But you did your best to ignore it all as you made your way up the stairs when you noticed he wasn’t following anymore. He just stood there on the stairs below you, his hand on the railing, and stopped dead in his tracks looking up at you.
“Buck, what’s wrong?” You asked, mildly concerned.
He cleared his throat and shook his head. “Uh...nothing. Nothing. I’m good. Let’s go.” He said as he motioned with his arm to continue and you did, this time he followed.
Once in Bucky’s room you both plopped on the couch, you had your back resting on the arm of the chair and put your feet on the pillow in Bucky’s lap as he began the process of turning the TV on, then the Xbox. “What do you feel like watching doll?” He asked.
You shrugged “I don’t know, you pick something.”
So, for some reason, he chose some horror movie because he’s a jerk. A jerk who knows you don’t like scary movies, but you did tell him to choose so you couldn’t go back on it, or else he’d give you hell. You didn’t know what the movie was about, but it started off fairly normal, Bucky absent-mindedly rubbed your feet and your legs, and it felt good, it also helped you ignore the movie a little bit. You didn’t talk much, y’all didn’t need to. Eventually, the movie started creeping you out more and you couldn’t pretend anymore, so you crawled up next to Bucky, leaning onto his side and resting your head on his chest and shoulder as you curled your legs up under you and to the side and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, rubbing the skin softly.  He laid his other hand on the pillow in his lap and chuckled down at you, you had your hands in your lap, twisting them in fear. This was a really creepy movie, you knew you’d have trouble sleeping tonight.  
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He couldn’t get the image of her above him on the stairs out of his mind. That outfit just made his mind go blank, all he could do was enjoy the view and burn it into his memory for safekeeping. He saw more of her than he ever did before and it made his mouth water, his pajama pants became all too uncomfortable, and he just wanted to take her right here on the stairs. He saw that she was wearing underwear under her tiny little boxers, it was a black thong with what looked like small red stars on what little fabric was there. He saw the way her backside jiggled in the most satisfying way as she made her way up the stairs, her hips swaying in a way that had him fighting the urge to reach out and touch her. It was the most turned on he’s ever been. And that’s why he had to put the pillow in his lap when him and y/n sat down on the couch. He was glad that he asked her over, he was glad she let him decide on the movie, and he was glad he knew her well enough to know her reaction to scary movies. So that’s what he chose. Without all of that, he wouldn’t have her curled up next to him, breathing heavily, having a perfect angle of her breasts as they heaved from her frightened breathing. He wouldn’t have his arm wrapped around her shoulder, feeling the soft skin there.
He had seen this movie several times and knew when the super scary parts were coming up, when the jump scares would happen. He knew a particularly unnerving scene was coming up and was excited to see y/n’s reaction. She was sitting a little straighter and her body was tensed up, he could feel it. When the moment happened, she scrunched her eyes, and her right hand flew out and grabbed the first thing it met, his upper thigh and he almost choked. She was holding on so tight he knew he’d have bruises in the shape of her fingernails and the thought made him grin. Her hand was dangerously close to the evidence of his arousal, and he was nervous and excited. Her other hand reached out to her chest as if trying to keep her heart in her chest as it heaved dangerously up and down.
“Calm down y/n, it’s only a movie.” He chuckled at her. She didn’t respond, she hadn’t even opened her eyes yet. He put his hand on her shoulder and slid it down to unlatch her hand from his leg, and held it, laced his fingers in hers as he brought it up to his lips and kissed it softly. Letting go, he did the same with the hand on her chest, curling his fingers in hers and leaving their hands there for a moment before he again lifted it and kissed the knuckles on her hand individually. She was still tense as her arms sat in her lap now, she still hadn’t opened her eyes, hearing the various screams and haunting noises emanating from the TV. He turned more to her direction before placing both of his hands on the side of her face, his hands so big he took in jaw, her cheeks, and his fingers met the back of her head, between tendrils of her hair. He leaned in closely to touch his forehead to hers.
“Hey, I’m right here doll. I’m here. It’s okay” He whispered softly to her.
She still hadn’t moved, eyes still squeezed shut, so he kissed the top of her head, then her forehead, then the tip of her nose. Now finished kissing her, he touched his nose to hers, their lips millimeters apart.
“Y/n…. open your eyes.” He begged softly, and she did. His cerulean blue eyes peered into hers as she slowly opened them, their bodies close enough he could feel her chest heaving against his. He wanted more than anything to kiss her in this moment. It would be so easy, they were so close he could feel her little pants on his lips. And he really wanted to.  
“I’m okay.” He felt more than heard her say, her breath hitting his lips and the tiniest nod. “I’m okay.” She said again, signaling to him he could let go. He really didn’t want to. But after a quick moment, he did.
They sat back down like they were before and continued watching the movie. He couldn’t stop thinking about how he was so close to kissing her, he wanted to. He really really did, but for some reason, he just couldn’t. He was still incredibly hard in his pajama pants, and she was sitting next to him literally panting because she was so scared, how could that not be a huge turn-on? With the arm that was slung over her shoulders, he squeezed her reassuringly, hoping to ease her mind a little. They sat there, he was barely able to concentrate on the movie over the thoughts running in his mind, his imagination was taking him places it never had before. But before he knew it, he was pulled out of his mind and into the present when y/n took a sharp intake of breath and then held it at a scene in the movie. He glanced at the TV and knew the scariest part of the movie was coming. She was about to scream, and he couldn’t risk his parents finding them like this. This was not the innocent scene it had once been a million times before.  Before she could let her scream out, he quickly leaned over her and put his hand over her mouth, pushing her on her back and positioned above her. He braced himself above her with one knee between her legs, and the hand that wasn’t over her mouth was on the cushion next to her head. Her eyes were wide in shock and fear and maybe something else. Her breath came through her nostrils in small huffs.
Bucky looked down at her and he knew he had to explain himself but just couldn’t find it in himself to do it yet. He was too distracted by everything. She was underneath him panting, and dear lord it was perfect. Better than he ever imagined. He quickly realized he was breathing heavily too, but not from fear. He was thankful their positions didn’t uncover his true desire for her, the pillow found its way between their bodies at the point she would feel his erection. Thank God. She tried to wiggle a little and it felt amazing, that little bit of friction of her body moving underneath his was almost his undoing, not because he felt her against his arousal but because the thought of how it would be if she were, because he felt her body move under his, despite both of them being clothed he now had a glimpse of what it would be like if they were more than friends. He rolled his eyes closed as he leaned his forehead down onto hers, not saying a word. Just reveling in the feeling of her body under him.
She tried to speak, the words coming out as unintelligible mumbles and vibrations against her hand. With a sigh, he slowly…. very slowly let go of her mouth and leaned back, sitting back on the couch normally as she sat up. “Bucky?” She was asking him why and he answered as honestly as he could.
“You woulda woken up my folks.” That was all he said, he didn’t even look at her. That was a big part of it, but it was more that if she was too loud her parents might have sent her home. And he wasn’t ready for that yet. He wanted her here with him. He didn’t want his parents to see that maybe they were too old for this kind of stuff now, even before all the crazy hormones got in the way, this type of thing with y/n was his favorite.
“Turn the TV off please Bucky, I can’t watch anymore of that.” She said defeatedly as she gestured to the TV. He did and the room was silent, with the curtains closed it was really dark in here. They just sat there a minute before she crawled up into him and hugged him. She was scared. “Buck…can I stay the night? I’m – I’m too scared to sleep alone right now.” She asked shyly like she hated admitting it to herself.
His chest burst with knowing that she would be laying in his bed next to him all night. But there was a problem…the situation in his pajama pants. He couldn’t risk waking up from a wet dream with her right there. He’d have to take care of the situation first.
“Yea, no problem. Just need a quick shower and we can go to sleep. Sound good?” He asked. She nodded and they both got up from the couch. As Bucky turned on the bedside lamp she sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” She asked and he was thankful his back was turned to her so she couldn’t see the way he involuntarily rolled his eyes and bit his lip. God, what a sight that’s gonna be. Now he had to decide which one to let her wear. Because the answer was a resounding HELL YES!
“Sure, thing doll, any one, in particular, you wanna wear?” He asked, seeing if she did have a favorite shirt of his.
“Ummm…yea. I’ll grab it while you go shower.” She replied.
And with that, he was out the door and into the bathroom. He didn’t really need to shower, he had taken one earlier. But he needed enough time to rub one out, so he didn’t try and lay in bed with y/n with a massive hard-on. But he started the shower anyways, making it a tolerable temperature before he started working on his problem. He was excited to see which shirt she chose to wear, excited at the knowledge that it would get to touch her in ways he wishes he could. Whatever shirt she did choose was probably going to end up being his new favorite too. He kept imagining the way she’d feel curled up next to him, how she’d cling to him. Maybe tonight was the night he told her, maybe tonight was the night they changed from friendship to something more. After his fantasies and hand brought him to completion, he quickly washed his body and hair, he had to keep up the appearance that he needed a shower after all. He grabbed the same pajama pants as before and walked back into his room.
Y/n was wearing his dark blue cotton t-shirt that had his last name on it in a white military font from the military summer camp he went to every summer. His dad thought it would be a good idea, and it was, it was what helped him so much with football, that military training, and discipline. They made personalized t-shirts for every person there and this one was from last year and it was pretty tight on him, so he stopped wearing it. But it looked devastating on her. For some reason, the fact that it had just his last name on it in big bold letters just did something to him. Like he was claiming her. It was a primal, animalistic feeling that came over him seeing the way the hem reached her upper thighs and the way it clung to her body. Seeing her in his shirt with his last name on it. That she chose.
“See you found a shirt to wear huh?” He asked as he walked his way over to the bed where she was still sitting.
She looked down at the shirt and smiled. “Yea.”
“Ready for bed? It’s late” He asked as he pulled down the blankets and got the bed ready.  
She hummed in response, helping him adjust the blankets and pillows. It was so domestic, but it made his heart soar. They had slept in each other’s beds enough to know which sides the other preferred, so they moved accordingly, without question. Turning the light off, Bucky was on the left side, closest to the door, y/n was on the right, and she was curled up next to him, her head on his chest and he had his hand on her side over the blankets. He thoroughly enjoyed the way she had a hand placed on his chest under her cheek like a pillow, every little twitch of her fingers felt like lightning on his skin, he was hyper-aware of her, where she was in accordance with his body and how she breathed. This was a dream come true to him, even though they’d done this more times than either of them could count, this time was different.
He was thoroughly happy with how tonight went, he decided then and there that he was going to just bite the bullet and ask her out. Not now, but a half-decent plan was forming in his mind. He wanted to make it special because she was special. She was the type of girl you did special things for. Maybe I’ll ask her to homecoming he thought to himself, and it made him laugh.
“Why ya laughing Buck?” She asked, looking up at him in the very dim light from the various blue lights around the room, indicating things here and there were charging or plugged in.
He looked down at her and smiled, rubbing her arm gently “Nothin’ babe. Don’t worry about it.”
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Into the Depths
Persephone's abduction, but in my story it's a little different. Kiani and Erik are both a little different.
Part 3: Abduction
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Kiani had delivered the cryptic message as requested without looking into it. She trusted Meron and she trusted Ms. Smith. There was no reason to question their interaction. The oddness was in the new restriction placed on her. She was intelligent enough to notice that Ms. Smith was trying to keep her in the house. Her normal routine was to go out to commune with the flowers, it was where she felt most herself and at ease. It had never been an issue until today.
"Ms. Smith, is there a reason you're trying to force me to stay indoors?" She marched right up to the older woman, placing her hand on hers. "I'm more than aware of your tendency to keep secrets from me. Is it a bad one? Are we in danger? Do we need to call mom back. I should call her," she turned to find the phone.
"NO," the older woman grabbed her hand tightly holding her in place before relaxing her grip and taking a breath. "No... That won't be necessary. We are perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong. No, no," she smiled oddly before exhaling again. "You can go play outside. Off you go, just stay close to the house. No wandering off today, hm?"
Kiani nodded, halfway through the door already. She leaped out into the sunshine taking a deep inhale of the warm fragrant air. To her left she spotted a trail of wilted greenery. The blooms had fallen and turned brown, nearly black. It was very curious. She'd only seen that happen when she was upset. She didn't recall feeling exceptionally bad recently and the longer she stared at the wilted trail, the more confused she became. The incident at the store returned to mind and suddenly it made sense.. why everyone was being so weird.
She followed the trail, not even bothering to heal the flowers on the way. She was on a mission to follow the trail and find the nice man she'd met in the store yesterday. If he was the cause for alarm, well then, she'd just have to straighten things out to put everyone at ease! The further she walked, the further the trail seemed to stretch on and on. Ms. Smith's words rang in her head telling her she'd already gone way further than she was supposed to. Turning around, she gasped, her hand flying to her heart. It skipped a beat and she skidded back almost falling over from the shock. Erik's eyes widened and he looked behind him and left to right realizing he was the one who'd scared her. The invisibility had worn off at some point during the walk and he hadn't noticed.
"Wow," she labored, still holding her heart, "Guess I found you."
Erik staggered back. "I'm so sorry," he threw his hands up, "I didn't mean to scare you. I guess, my social skills could use a little work.."
"Where did you come from," Kiani wondered aloud, looking around. It was like he appeared from thin air. He bit his lower lip watching her look about. She looked like a goddess with flowers arranged artfully in her thick mass of kinky hair. He'd followed her silently, enjoying her presence until she'd stopped so abruptly.
"You're not much for words, are you mister," she smiled grabbing his hand and pulling him back toward the house.
"Wait," he found his voice quickly enough to cause her to pause. He knew if she got him to the house it would be a wrap and he may never get to see her again. He couldn't allow it. "I wanted to ask you something. It's a big something, but I could really use your help. If you'll help me."
Kiani's eyes were warm and full of caring concern. She was completely invested in his words and he hadn't even introduced or explained himself or what he wanted yet. She was extremely kind, and a bit naive, but it was endearing. She waited patiently for him to speak, her hand still protectively wrapped around his. He found himself speaking even more gently to her. "I was wondering if you'd go with me to visit my parents graves. Just once.... You see.. I haven't been there in a while and it's because whenever I go, my presence alone kills all of the flowers and the plants. So all of the other families lose their flowers too. It's not fair for them, so I stay away. But in the flower shop, I saw what you could do. Maybe if you went with me... their flowers wouldn't die and I could take my parents flowers to them myself. Please?"
The request weighed on Kiani's heart. She couldn't imagine not being able to visit her mother if she died. It hurt to think of. Her eyes began to well with tears and she let them flow freely. "Oh... nono," Erik panicked, not knowing whether it was okay to touch her to console her, "Don't cry.. please, don't cry." He ended up holding her in a tight embrace and just stroking her shoulder. "Don't cry, shh shh," he comforted in a hush tone. She was very sensitive and it surprised him the degree.
"I just couldn't imagine dealing with that," she sighed wiping her eyes. Pulling away, she grabbed both of his hands and looked him firmly in the eye. She was very sensitive, but also very strong. He was learning her the longer he was blessed to be around her. He didn't want her to let go. "I will go with you," she asserted, "Uh.... what's your name," she sang with a squint.
"Erik. Erik Stevens."
"Erik Stevens," she grinned. "You should smile, you're very beautiful!"
His head jolted and his eyes widened. "Whoa," he chuckled, his face heating. He blew out an unsteady breath. She'd blindsided him with that comment and was still staring into his soul with those angelic and expressive eyes. "Ugh... thank you," he smiled, his brows waving uncertainly. He didn't know how else to respond. He couldn't be cocky with her. She was beyond that somehow. Beyond the superficial showiness that impressed many others.
"We need to tell Ms. Smith," Kiani perked, pulling him again in the direction of the house.
"Way-wait," Erik stopped her again, "Can I ask how old you are?"
"Twenty-four! Why?"
He looked her up and down. She wore a white frilly Easter dress that looked like it belonged on a bigass doll baby. What did they do to this girl, he wondered.
"Kiani.. haven't you ever wondered what freedom felt like? You know, without reporting your whereabouts constantly? Did you know that beyond this property, literally everywhere else... twenty-four year olds are adults who can make their own decisions without consulting anyone else. You don't need permission to leave. You could just... go."
Kiani blinked, considering his words. She'd always wanted to leave the property and deep inside she knew Ms. Smith would never allow it. None of the adults would allow it. If she was ever going to go, now was the time and she couldn't tell them. She just had to leave and when she came back, then she could share with them stories of everything she saw beyond the property. Suddenly, she was very excited for the adventure.
"Yeah?" Erik lowered his chin to regard her carefully, noticing her change in demeanor. She grinned at the gesture. "You're really cute. Yeah! Let's go," she paused. "It'll be much quicker if we take my cart. I'll show you where it is."
On the ride to the store, Erik looked around enjoying the sight of the laid out fields of rich green grass and wildflowers. The freshness of the air was cleansing and he was able to relax. Kiani stopped twice on the way to get out and gather large handfuls of handpicked flowers like a little flower girl or a meadow fairy. It made him smile to watch her in her element. When they finally reached the store, Erik directed Kiani to park the cart out of the way of the camera. He then swept her off of her feet bridal style using his invisibility to shield them both as he carried her to the passenger side of his car. As soon as he let her go, she reappeared and he jumped behind the wheel. They were off!
On the way to the cemetery, Kiani was intrigued with the sights through the window. Erik had to explain a lot of things as her tour guide, but he didn't mind. He was honored to do it. The further he drove, the less things began to look like Little House on the Prairie. There were concrete jungles, buildings galore, drive thrus, highways and sidewalks and lots of people. "You're not in Kansas anymore," he joked wondering if she'd get the reference. She smiled.
When the car parked, Kiani waited to follow Erik's lead, but he didn't move. He rested his forehead on the wheel taking slow and deep breaths. Maybe it was the nervousness. She thought back to his hesitance to touch the rose in the store. She'd noticed it then too. He needed a push.
"It'll be okay," she encouraged rubbing his back. It was an act that somehow felt more intimate than she'd expected. To him, her touch was electric causing the fine hairs on his skin to rise. His eyes darted to her knees. They were pressed together and he wondered a few lewd things that he wasn't bold enough to ask. He didn't want to ruin her innocence, not so soon. She was so sweet and unpolluted by the bullshit of the world. Pulling himself together, he decided to listen to her words and let them wash over him. They became a mantra that he repeated silently in his head. "Um.. These are for the graves," she said separating the large handpicked bouquet into two, "Do you mind if... I put one down?"
"Not at all. I know my parents would love that in fact, thank you."
She followed him into the graveyard trailing closely behind. Like he said, the grass, the flowers, and even the trees began to dry and wither. "Keep going," she encouraged as she stopped to dole out tender loving care to each of the plots he'd passed. One by one, each offering of flowers revived with her touch. She hugged the tall grey tree and immediately, it birthed new leaves. She'd never done that, it surprised her that it worked. When she reached Erik, he was crouched with his wilted bouquet staring at the headstones. She crouched next to him, gently touching the petals. Together, they watched as the colorful blooms returned to life in his hands. His smile was as it was in the shop, a slow comforting pure expression of joy as he placed the bouquet on his father's grave. Kiani followed up with the second bouquet on his mother's grave. "It's nice to meet you both," she sang in a gentle melody. "You've raised a kind boy and he's a wonderful friend to me."
"You know they died before I got this gloomy... 'ability'," he blurted. "They knew about the invisibility, but they didn't get to know about the other one. It's probably better for them that way."
"What is your other power?"
"Honestly, I'm scared to tell you. I don't want your opinion of me to change."
She paused looking for the right words. "...I think your parents loved you very much and they'd accept you as you are."
"Will you?" The question was posed casually, but behind his stoic expression, he begged for her acceptance. He needed it.
"Yes, Erik." She placed her hand on his. "I'm your friend now and I will accept you however you are."
Erik leaned forward and kissed both headstones before standing to his feet and helping her to hers. He held her chin gently between his thumb and index as if she were made of glass.
"If you can promise that you won't run away or be afraid of me... I'll tell you everything about myself. Promise me." His eyes were pleading and it was a look she couldn't deny. He was already her friend. No matter what he told her, she'd try her best to understand it. She raised her hand.
"I, Kiani, promise you, Erik, that I won't run away."
@inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @bidibidibombaclaat  @priya212
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