#watching the mon cala arc rn
panaceatthedisco · 11 months
I think one of my favorite things about star wars is the absolute lack of fucks they give about addressing royalty properly
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captainshyguy · 5 years
anyone who can actually sit through the droid arc in season 5 of tcw is stronger than i 
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constellation-savvy · 3 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list five things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications. 💛💛💛 (p.s. i always love seeing your tags!! 💕)
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1. Animals! I’m a bio major (marine bio specifically) and it makes me really happy when I get to talk about animals! Shoutout to Alis and Maggie and everyone else who’s had the misfortune of watching anything with me because I’ll derail us in an instant and go full Steve Irwin. I think the only reason anyone in our group remembers the Mon Cala arc of Clone Wars is because it’s an hour and a half that I won’t shut up and that’s my absolute favorite Jedi and he’s perfect but that’s a different topic
2. Star Wars! Even with all the drama going around rn, it still makes me happy. I’m always a sucker for found family and I love that everyone has their own specific interests within the fandom!
3. Seeing kindness in other people! It gives me the encouragement I need to keep going! I try to show kindness but it helps to know I’m not in it alone and it’s not a lost cause
4. My relationship with God! I’ve really been trying to pray more and read more scripture but it’s reassuring to know that there’s no standard I have to meet, and that even though I’m a deeply flawed person who’s barely holding it together God still loves me
5. My friends! They’ve kept me sane through the pandemic and put up with my constant nonsense. They have the patience of saints and deserve so much better than what they get!
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