spierfeld · 7 years
Hi! Congratulations on 2k!! That's so cool! ☺️ Can I join your fam? My name's Remy, I'd like Remus, Tonks, or Andromeda, and my words are kind, queer, and curious :) And can I also get 👌? Thanks so much!!!
hii hii remy!! thank you sm dear!! you got andromeda and you can view the page here!! 
URL: i don’t get it, but it’s still lovely | amazing | how!? | HARRY POTTER
ICON: cute | amazing | outstanding | RON WEASLEY
THEME: cute | amazing | outstanding | HERMIONE GRANGER
MOBILE THEME: cute | amazing | outstanding | GINNY WEASLEY
POSTS: awesome | amazing | outstanding | LUNA LOVEGOOD
OVERALL: awesome | amazing | outstanding | NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM
FOLLOWING: no, but you’re amazing and ily | now | of course | until the very end
help me celebrate 2k!!
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
Hi! My name is Remy, my birthday is July 16, and one of my favorite things ever is stars!! Also a book rec is The Rosie Project! I just finished it and it's adorableeeee. It's this hella cute love story thing and the main guy is autistic which isn't something you get to read about that often so I was excited about it :)
Heeyy! Woohoo!! thank you for joining dear ♡
I’ve seen the Rosie Project around and I always pick it up but I don’t know why I never end up buying it!! But okay this has convinced me, plus I’m a sucker for cute love stories heheh, thank you!!
join my bday page!!
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eleninya · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The fireworks continued to burn and to spread all over the school that afternoon. Though they caused plenty of disruption, particularly the firecrackers, the other teachers did not seem to mind them very much. 
“Dear, dear,” said Professor McGonagall sardonically, as one of the dragons soared around her classroom, emitting loud bangs and exhaling flame. “Miss Brown, would you mind running along to the headmistress and informing her that we have an escaped firework in our classroom?” 
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable). SPREAD POSITIVITY! ♡
Oh yay another one!! Thank you ♡
- I like the way I’m close to the ones I love- I like my smile- I like how I’m a good listener- I like that I’m friendly- I like that I cry during happy moments in movies/videos rather than just sad moments
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
Congratulations on 300 Holly!!! That's so so great!! Can I get 💗 please? Thanks so much! :)
Thank you Remy! Of course you can ;p
URL: 9/10 - okay I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, I feel like I have, but I remember when I first saw your url I was like omg that’s so cute cause waterlily and lily luna it’s just so precious and yeah I love it icon: 8/10 - you love ginny, I love ginny, everyone loves ginny! it’s very nicemobile theme: 8/10 - I like the colours, they all suit each other really well! I’m just thinking maaaaybe it’d be really cool if you found a version of your header that moves? oh god I don’t wanna sound like I know everything, cause it’s such a cute pic of jily but like them dancing around the fountain and being cute.. ya know?desktop theme: 9/10 - I actually love it?? Like it’s so different to the minimalistic and simplistic themes you see in this fandom, which are still really pretty, but yours is just so different and I love it! The rainbows next to everything, and how instead of words for your links you have pics of Ginny it’s just greatcontent: 10/10 - obviouslynavigation: 5/5 - it matches! idk why I thought it would be completely different set up, but the Ginny buttons are still there, and it’s cool how it’s also a guide for people to look up things themselves rather than 10000 little buttons to try and find somethingupdates tab: 4/5 - love how it also has the rainbow!following: sorry no / I am now! / yes duh
want one?
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spierfeld · 7 years
Hey congratulations on 1.7k!! I love your blog!! Can I get 🎵 + remy and 💗 please?
sure thing cutie!! and thank you so much!! 
blog compliment: your url is so adorable tbh!! and i love your ginny icon a whole lot!! your theme is so unique i love all of the ginny gifs for your links!! and i love how your theme and your updates tab correspond it’s so cute!!
r: ride on - the strombellase: excuses - the morning bendersm: midnight moon - oh wondery: you wouldn’t like me - tegan and sara
want one?  no more please
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
11 more questions
I was tagged by @blvckarya , thank you!! and hi it’s nice to meet you ;p
1. What would you do/buy if you won a million dollars in a lottery? I hate that I don’t know what I would do, and I don’t think I’ll ever know unless it were to actually happen to me. 2. Which websites do you use the most? Tumblr, Netflix, and my uni website cause it’s where I have to hand in all of my assignments each week ugh 3. You’re at home and suddenly your internet connection is lost. What will you do until it gets fixed? Read!! Or watch a DVD I have, most likely. 4. What’s a personality trait of yours that you don’t like and would like to change? How I jump to conclusions when I’m talking to someone I really like. I’m probably not the only one but yeah just if I’m talking to a guy I like and they don’t reply to me but they are online I’m just like ‘OMG what did I do why do they hate me’ and then it’s a downward spiral from there until someone snaps me out of it. 5. What power would you like to have? (mind reading, invisibility etc.) Invisibility. So I can really just have some alone time. 6. What is your favourite quote? “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” - Dr Seuss 7. What fandoms are you in? Harry Potter, Star Wars, ATLA, Pretty Little Liars  8. What household chore do you actually enjoy doing? Sorting through things, like my room or my books or something, but I have to be in the right mood for it. 9. When you were at school, what subjects did you enjoy least and most? I hated math methods, it completely ruined the love I had for math all the years leading up to year 12. And my favourite subject was business as I was good at it, hence why I’m studying it in uni :) 10. What do you usually wear to school/to work? To uni I just wear what I would wear if I was going shopping. Jeans and some sort of top that suits the weather. You would probably never see me in anything but jeans.  11. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives. Introvert, honest and friendly (I hope)
My questions :
What was the best phase in your life?
What’s your favourite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
If You Could Travel Anywhere In The World, Where Would It Be?
What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
Is there a sound that you love?
What is something you learned in the last week?
If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
If you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up?
What animal best represents you and why?
I’m tagging @waterlilyluna , @cedrjcdiggory , @pavratipatil , @lunalovey , @moonyinstincts , @harrydraco , @expecto-patronizzle , @hermionesmenacinglook , @acciolunalovegood , @gryffinpufffs
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eleninya · 7 years
New URL!!
I loved waterlilyluna but it felt like time for a change! Say hello to lilycvanspotter! :)
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