#wayyyy too many flower designs
mspaint-flower · 2 years
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why flower's image should be changed to her v4 design: a comprehensive explanation and argument
i'm wayyyy too dedicated to this vocal synth for my own good. please be open minded and take my points seriously because i spent like 2 hours typing this up
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flower's v4 design is easily her most iconic and recognisable design, and is well liked for several reasons:
her hairstyle, figure and outfit reflect her voicebank's androgynous tone - this is rare in vocal synths and makes her popular with nonbinary vocal synth fans like myself
her outfit has a distinct punk/goth style that was carried over from the v3 design and is suitable to her genre of music - vflower was created as a poweful vocal specialising in rock
it keeps several design elements introduced in v3: flat chest, messy white hair with a singular dark purple streak, vivid purple eyes, dark purple leather vest, choker and boots, as well as a bandage wrapped around one of the arms
flower's v4 voicebank is quite popular in the vocal synth scene as of now and has been used in a variety of well known songs, including goodbye sengen, venom, villain, lower one's eyes, bocca della verita, the list goes on. it would make sense to use the v4 design to represent flower, whose most popular voicebank is her v4.
in contrast, when ci flower was released, many original vflower fans felt upset and betrayed because of several major differences:
physical appearance
her hair is smooth and straight, and ends in a pink gradient. it has two purple streaks instead of one
her eyes are a different shape and an entirely different shade of cool blue
she has a visible chest
features a lot less purple and is visibly desaturated. has a decent amount of grey and orange, both colours that do not appear anywhere on the v3 and v4 designs
instead of being goth/punk inspired it is a very basic outfit that has a closer resemblance to casual/sportswear
lacks several vital design elements that make v3 and v4 recognisable as the same character
people have complained that it sounds a great deal more feminine
most importantly, it lacks the power of v3 and v4, instead having more of a delicate, brittle quality that is easily drowned out by loud rock music
these factors combine to create a character who is completely unrecognisable to both the original v3 and v4 designs, both in terms of design and vocals. most people who know of flower consider them as different vocal synths and i've even seen one or two people saying that while they disliked the original vocaloid and thought it was too abrasive, they enjoy the ci variant for its softness and femininity. instead of adopting ci as the new representative design, the majority of original vflower fans have continued to use the v4 design + voicebank, and seem to go out of their way not to interact with content involving the cevio version.
several testimonials i have gathered:
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in conclusion:
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*(also this is negligible but i think more people use the tag "vflower" than "flower vocaloid" and that way you might get a tiny bit more engagement)
i rest my case.
That's quite a passionate argument. However, I will not be changing the image used, otherwise I'd probably have to change the design for other vocals as well. If I went off of the design I liked best for a vocal, 1. it would not be V4flower and 2. vocals such as Miku and Tianyi would have different designs as well.
I'd also like to comment that the sound difference is not exclusive to flower. IA's CeVio AI voicebank sounds quite different to her Vocaloid bank as well. The difference in technology does alter quite a bit.
Most importantly though, this blog is for fun. Please don't take this too seriously. If you dislike the CeVio design so much, vote against her. You don't actually have to vote based on quality of voicebank(s).
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LOZ AU- The Courage of Running Away PART THREE
For the record this is already turning out way longer than I’d intended lmao I’d conceived of this as a three to five post AU and it’s going to take most of this week on its own even if I manage a few multi post days.  
(I’m not bothered by this.)
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
So first of all go read the previous post 
So Link crashed into the sea and woke up to this:
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[Image description: Panel one: (an unseen speaker) Ooh! Oh!  He just moved, hang on- Panels two and three: The unseen person asks “Hey, Hey! Are you alive?”  Link groans, then opens his eyes groggily. Panel four is filled with the face of the Zora from before.  She is blue with yellow and black highlights like a Blue Tang, and gold eyes. She is wearing a red beaded necklace.  She is grinning with very sharp teeth.  A voice off camera says “Marla, you’re crowding him.”  Marla, her voice encircled with a heart, says “Hi!” Panel Five: Link sits up and screams. Panel Six: Marla has thrown her arms around a Goron with an exasperated and long suffering expression on his face.  She screams in response. End description]
And as I said in the last post, he’s made it as far as Windfish Isle, wayyyy down at the bottom of the AU’s map.
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[Image description: A scene of an island with much greenery, some buildings and a small volcano.  End description.]
Windfish Isle is obviously a reference to Koholint Island but here it's a real place; basically if this were a game there'd be an NPC who talked about the island being named for a legend about a god falling asleep here.
And it’s populated entirely and solely by Zora and Gorons, many of whom have never met a Hylian before.
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[Image Description: Four different Zora; a male with heavy dark stripes and a long head, a curvaceous blue female modeled after a blue anglerfish, a chubby yellow male with bright blue jewelry, and a Zora of indeterminate gender in purple and yellow.  A legend notes “Windfish Isle Zora take from reef fish” while another note reads “Jewelry usually semiprecious stone.”  End description.]
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[Image description: Two gray and dull brown Gorons with floppy hair giving each other a thumbs up.  They’re saying “Bruuuuhhh” in unison.  One is wearing a flower necklace and the other a floral shirt.  The legend reads “Windfish Isle Gorons: Not that different from Hyrulean Gorons tbh”]
(The Windfish Isle Gorons were going to be like, surfer bros and then I realized it really WAS just a more laidback version of usual Gorons lmao; I made them duller and cooler colors because I wanted to emphasize these are like.... Alolan variant aklsjdf)
Of course, having been from a sky commune where the only outsiders he was allowed to see were Rito and Hylians riding loftwings, Link’s never seen a Zora or Goron before, either:
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[Image description: A comic, continuing from the comic at the start of the post.  Link, wide eyed, asks, “Who- What are you?”  Marla leans into her Goron companion and says cheerfully, gesturing at herself, “Well, I’m a Marla and he’s a Tonbo!”  The Goron, Tonbo, says “Don’t confuse him, Marla.  I’m a GORON and she’s a ZORA.  And YOU are?”  Blushing, Link answers, “I-I’m LINK.  I’m a HYLIAN.”  In a softer voice either Tonbo or Marla comments, “Ahh, one of the human races, that makes sense.”  Then Link looks down to realize he’s covered only by a blanket, and hugging himself demands, “Wait, did you two STRIP ME?”  Hesitant, Marla says, “Well, we had to dry your clothes SOMEHOW and they seemed to be keeping you too cold.”  And Tonbo interjects, flatly, “Also we were curious.”  Marla blushes and grins, voice bubbly: “Also we were curious!” she echoes. End description]
For the record getting wet clothes off an unconscious person IS usually the correct way to make sure they warm back up, don’t look at me like that.
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[Image description: reference images for Marla and Tonbo.  Interspersed are little interaction sketches, such as Marla leaping into Tonbo’s arms away from a snake and Marla standing next to Tonbo to indicate that she’s shorter.  Marla is dark blue with black and yellow marks based on a blue tang, while Tonbo is a dark warm gray with silvery hair on his shoulders and in a mohawk on his head.  Marla wears a red beaded necklace with a shell locket and Tonbo wears blue swim shorts with red hibiscus flowers.  End description.]
So Marla and Tonbo are both a reference to Marin and Tarin AND a reference to Martha the Mermaid and the fact that every time I finished talking to her I’d get swarmed by the beefy oldschool Zora, which put me very much in mind of a bunch of dudes demanding “Is this guy bothering you, queen??”  
The reference to Martha being why Marla has a necklace and the reference to Marin being why Tonbo is wearing hibiscus print shorts, lol.  Marla is based on a blue tang because both Martha and Marin have a lot of blue in their designs.  (Also because I thought it would be pretty.  Which it is.)
I didn’t actually INTEND for Marla to turn out to be such a goofball????  She opened her mouth and just fuckin went???  And Tonbo just settled in right after her, and it just turned out to be an absolutely amazing dynamic.
Marla and Tonbo are basically queerplatonic life partners because that’s how I roll lmao
Aaaand this is a long enough post asklfs see y’all next time
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yukiwrites · 4 years
New Years Bonding
Thanks for the support as always, @breeachuu! Here’s to Pashmina’s second appearance filled with sin! `v´)!
Summary: Kaden and Selkie team up to ask Pashmina for a family outing on New Years to enjoy a human tradition of visiting a temple, though once the little kit is asleep, it’s time for the big foxes to play...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Although the Kitsune Hamlet had always prized itself from always being well hidden from other races -- especially humans -- with the passing of the years following the end of the war, the peaceful atmosphere made it so that the kitsunes could be seen much more frequently in human lands. Especially so in Hoshido, since the Hamlet and the Kingdom’s capital were relatively close.
Of course, the Hamlet itself was still very much hidden from human’s prying eyes, but the same couldn’t be said about its inhabitants. It was to a point that seeing a kitsune walk amongst hoshidan streets was basically a daily occurrence.
Pashmina herself, now not only vice-chief in her position, but accumulating the rank of the Chief’s -- Kaden’s -- wife, had many an errand to run in Hoshido, with what the commerce picking up between their peoples. Of course, most of her time was still used in keeping the Hamlet in good shape, since the social butterfly genes of the family were only on Kaden’s side.
Selkie, their adorable fox kit toddler, inherited that social trait from Kaden as well, being an extremely outgoing little girl who enjoyed going with her father whenever he had to go down the mountain either on business or to repay favors. Whenever Selkie wasn’t tagging along with her father, she would be wandering the forest, playing pranks on oblivious humans who wandered too deep into the mountain or playing with the other kits her age.
It was astounding the amount of energy a little girl her size had, honestly.
Because of that, her days usually ended early -- since she spent all of her stamina running around during the day, Selkie was an early sleeper and riser. Yet, for the last few weeks of the year according to the human calendar, Selkie pushed herself to her limits to be able to stay awake long past her bedtime.
“See, Selkie can do it! Mommy, Mommy, pleaaaase? Please, let’s go to the festival! It’s gonna be SO much fun!” The little girl’s fluffy tail ruffled itself behind her as her ears drooped beside her face in an oh-so-characteristic puppy-eyed look that somehow was a hundred times more effective on a little fox girl instead.
… And on a grown kitsune man, as well. “Yeah, Mina, c’mon! Don’t say nooo!” 
Twisting her lips as she was suddenly the villain in this scenario, Pashmina sighed. “I never said ‘no’ in the first place, so what is it with the begging? I was simply cautious since Selkie would probably fall asleep through it, is all…”
The little girl puffed her chest and cheeks, putting her hands on her hips to display her vigor. “Selkie can do it! See? It’s wayyyy past my bedtime, but I can do it if I want to!”
Indeed, it was so late the moon was almost at the center of the sky, though that so-called ‘festival’ that they wanted to go was not really one in the true sense of the word.
According to hoshidan custom, it was said that the humans would go on their first visits of the shrines dedicated to the Dawn Dragon on the night of New Years, while wearing very special kimonos so as to pray for the year’s good fortune. It only so happened that since this was a popular thing to do, there would be food and drink stalls all over the place, giving it a ‘festival’ feeling of sorts.
Actually, Kaden had been meaning to ask Pashmina to go with him to one of these much sooner in their marriage, but with her pregnancy and Selkie being too young to be able to stay up late enough (and control her instincts whenever a firework exploded so she wouldn’t be frightened), he never had the chance. Now, however, his daughter and accomplice would help him convince Pashmina to go on this family outing.
“Then that’s a ‘yes’, right?” Kaden smiled brightly, showing his fangs on the corners of his mouth.
Pashmina simply crossed her arms, knowing in her heart that she could never say ‘no’ to her husband when he brought in his puppy face, especially now with that face doubled up in their daughter. “Of course it’s a yes, you silly man.”
“Yayy!! We’re going!” Selkie started hopping, then took Kaden’s hand, “we’re going, Daddy! Yay, Yay!” She started jumping around, taking Kaden along.
“Yesss!” The kitsune pulled his daughter up, almost throwing her into the air so he could grab her in his arms and turn to his wife to place a kiss on her lips. “It’s gonna be amazing, Mina, you’ll see!”
Smiling softly, Pashmina patted Kaden’s cheek as he and their daughter laughed merrily. “It already is.”
On New Year’s Eve, Kaden showed up with three sets of kimono -- something he had gotten in return for a few favors -- so that his family could go to the festival in celebratory clothing. He spent an hour longer than usual grooming his fur, helping Selkie with hers once Pashmina had dressed the little girl in her light-colored kimono.
It was really convenient that, although human-looking, the kimonos were tailored with people with tails in mind, as there were convenient spots that would hug their tail heads, allowing for their easy movement. Pashmina’s was a two piece composed of dark hakama pants combined with red and white sleeves, and a comb decorated with an orange flower.
What struck Pashmina the most about the clothing Kaden chose for her was that the fur stole that went with it was made with a very familiar someone’s fur: It was Kaden’s. Both of their kimonos had similar designs, what with the tassels of their fur stoles or the general stamp, but the attention to the detail that her husband never ceased to show made Pashmina’s heart squeak a bit. To think that the overcoat he would use on top of his own kimono would be of a color resembling Pashmina’s hair… It was like they were wearing each other for such a special moment.
The fact that his bare chest was exposed was an additional bonus, yes, but Pashmina still worried that he might end up catching a cold since they were at the peak of winter. Though Kaden didn’t seem particularly bothered about it.
“How is it? Don’t I look dashing?” He opened both arms to expose himself, then twirled around to allow his tail to follow behind him with grace.
Pashmina bit her lower lip as she looked at her husband from head to toe -- he truly looked wonderfully dashing, to the point of making Pashmina’s cheeks flush. She felt all mushy inside, somehow compelled to stick her hands inside his clothes if only to touch that familiar abdomen with not unfamiliar impure intentions.
“Indeed, you do look… dashing.” Pashmina let out the compliment with a strangled voice, a sign that Kaden knew very well where it sprouted from. The kitsune’s ears perked up, his eyes slitting as though he was immediately ready to pounce on his wife when Selkie’s exclamation of surprise popped the lovey-dovey bubble they got into.
“Yayy! Daddy looks so pretty! How about Selkie? Daddy brushed brushed brushed till I was all sil-ky, heeheehee!” She covered her mouth with both hands, loving to bring up the origin of her name whenever she could.
Shaking off any impure thoughts, Pashmina cleared her throat. “Yes, my little kit, you look wonderful as well. How about Mommy? Aren’t I pretty like Daddy?”
“Mommy is prettiest than everyone! Daddy also said so!” Selkie threw herself on Pashmina’s arms for a tight hug before taking her mother’s hand. “Let’s go, let’s go! It’s gonna start, right?!”
“Mhmhm,” Pashmina chuckled as she booped her daughter’s nose, getting up from her crouching position. “Very well, then, shall we?” She reached her free hand to her husband, asking for his arm so he could guide them to the shrine they would visit after the moon reached the middle of the sky.
“Of course, my lovely ladies! We’ll have a blast tonight!”
The walk to the shrine was a large one -- they did live on top of the mountain, after all -- and it felt like a waste to transform to go all the way down after going through all the trouble of dolling themselves up, so the family took their time leisurely venturing out of the forest.
Selkie got used to her new garments astonishingly easily, running ahead of them quite a few times to show this or that thing she discovered along the way. They knew the clock had struck midnight once the fireworks started -- something that although they had grown used to, was still rather unpleasant to go through due to their heightened hearing -- which brightened the forest in many colors as they started to reach their destination.
Rather bothered by the exploding noise, Selkie asked for upsies so she could hide her face into her mother’s chest during the last trek out of the forest, though her pouty face and foul mood made a complete turn once they stepped into the temple’s grounds: it was absolutely bustling with people. It was a sight Selkie had never seen yet -- since their hamlet was on the small size and she only came down the mountain with Kaden during early mornings, the little girl had never seen so many people together in one place.
“Whoaaa! Look, Daddy, it’s really a festival! It is!” She started kicking her legs, wanting to go down and explore, but Pashmina’s hold on her was firmer than before.
“You might get lost if you go off on your own, Selkie. Stay here with us, okay?”
“Yeah, Selkie, c’mere to my shoulders!” Kaden snatched the little girl, sitting her on top of his shoulders so she could see from up high before she could complain about wanting to run around.
“Daddy, it’s so high up! So many people!” She bounced up and down excitedly as they mingled with the crowd. Kaden held one of Selkie’s legs with one hand, giving his free arm so pashmina could  hold on t as they huddled themselves against the wave of humans.
The kitsunes had to roll their tails around their bodies so they wouldn’t be squished as they pushed through the crowd, taking in all the new colors, sounds and smells. There was even a sound that, although really loud, didn’t hurt their ears at all -- it was when the head priest started to hit the bell in honor of the Dawn Dragon.
Perhpas knowing that this land wasn’t only inhabited by humans, the Dawn Dragon had made it so the bell’s gong wouldn’t be unpleasant to all sorts of hearings.
There were food stalls, amazake and warm sweet drinks stalls, fortune telling and fortune drawing stalls, not to mention priests and priestesses doing all sorts of ceremonial dances at every corner. It was almost overwhelming!
They followed the crowd to the middle, throwing uncertain prayers at the prayer box and laughing a bit about it since they really didn’t understand what they were doing. Yet, as long as their little family was together and, most of all, having fun, it didn’t matter what they were doing.
It was decided that it was time to go back once Selkie started to lose the battle against exhaustion, falling asleep in Kaden's arms. They decided that they would go back to the hamlet in their kitsune forms -- not only it would be faster, it might be better to take the little kit away from loud noises lest she woke up with a start.
“Is your tail okay, Mina?” Kaden whispered behind his wife as she placed Selkie on her bed, watching as Pashmina’s tail waved behind her. “I saw how tightly you wrapped it around your waist back there, so I hope all that hustling didn’t damage it…” he poked on the soft fur, watching how she immediately tensed under such an intimate touch.
“Hiya!” Pashmina squeaked as Kaden’s hands went up her tail towards its base, hidden away inside the kimono. “Kaden!” She hissed under her breath, glacing from him to their daughter.
Saying nothing but pulling the tip of her long tail up towards his lips in a warm kiss, Kaden never broke eye contact with his wife, in a way that made her all hot and bothered inside.
“It’s-” she stuttered, “it’s fine. The tail is fine.” She whispered with flushed cheeks, whisking her tail away from her predator- er, her husband’s hands. She started to walk out of Selkie’s room. “I’m more worried about you -- with an open chest in this cold…”
“Hmm? I’m quite warm, though, Mimi. Do you wanna make sure?” He whispered over her ear, making her hairs stand on end as his hands hugged her from behind.
By the heat of his hands alone, she could confirm that he was nothing but cold, that naughty fox she had as a husband. With a low sigh, Pashmina leaned her back on his chest, turning her head to welcome his lips into a kiss.
Her tail went under his kimono, tickling his legs with her fur until it met his own tail, sending all sorts of signals to Kaden’s body.
“Mimi, you were so cute today, wearing my fur like that… I couldn’t wait to eat you all up.” He confessed as he licked her lower lip, his hands untangling her obi’s decoration before loosening it entirely.
Huffing as the heat spread from her lips to her heart and from Kaden’s hands to her inner thighs, Pashmina could only turn around to face her husband and wrap her arms around his neck so as to kiss him properly.
“Mhhm, Mimi, Mimi…” Kaden whispered over her lips, slowly guiding her towards their room without ever letting go of her. She was so cute, so cute, so cute…
Although Kaden was masterful in clothing in general, he was uncharacteristically clumsy in his attempt to take off his wife’s obi, and that was only the first part of her clothing to take off before he could have his way with her!
Feeling Kaden’s impatience on her back, Pashmina could feel a growl rise within his throat as his kisses got more and more urgent. It made her weak in the legs, honestly -- look at how burning with desire he was, to the point of not even being able to tease her as he usually did. Pashmina closed her eyes to dive deeper into her husband’s tongue, raising one leg and putting it around his waist in preemptive anticipation to him having his way with her right there and then, in the middle of the corridor.
Pashmina could feel the heat of her body clamor for Kaden’s might, in whichever position it might come -- just hurry, hurry, hurry…
Kaden could feel his wife’s desperation mirror his own, their hearts beating so fast they were in unison. Pashmina could feel his erection poke at her stomach, which only made her legs weaker than ever. It was when he lowered his hands from her obi to the base of her tail -- a place she always, without fail, squealed when he touched -- that he remembered how a kimono was tailored for a kitsune. It wasn’t possible for a hole to be sewn in there and call it day -- there were many shapes and sizes of tails, so a way to customize how it fit into the body was to simply make it into a long slit that would converge into two sashes to be tied under the obi to make it seem that there was no opening at all, when in truth there was only a ribbon separating the kitsune’s rear from open view.
The kitsune hurriedly reached for the ribbon under her obi and Pashmina squealed under his kiss, her fangs grazing against his eager tongue to give voice to a tiny moan. “K-Kaden…” She huffed as he undid the ribbon and immediately dove his hand under her tail, towards her innermost parts. “Ah…!” She gasped with delight as she felt his declawed hands reach her wet folds, digging her claws onto his shoulders.
“Mimi, Mimi… turn around for me, please?” He sucked her lower lip, gripping on her buttocks to help her turn back in her lustful haze. Nodding, the kitsune obediently raised her hips as she pressed her chest onto the wall, tilting her tail to the side so Kaden could have a full view of her exposed rear. “You’re so cute, Mimi, look at how you already know what I want,” he huffed, as he scrambled to free his erection from under his much simpler kimono, prodding it by her vulva with a thirst that could only be quenched by her warmth.
Pashmina covered her mouth with one hand as she rolled her eyes the moment Kaden slid it in slowly, muffling a long moan. “Mhm…” she tilted her hips even upwards, as though asking for more, as if her insides weren’t already warm and welcoming enough.
“Hahhh, Mimi, Mimi…” Kaden groaned with pleasure as he held his wife’s hips so as to thrust more safely, enjoying how he could clearly see how he disappeared inside of her with each movement.
“K-Kadeahn…” Pashmina huffed, clutching Kaden inside herself as though this was their first time. They were so hot, so impatient, so… hungry for each other that Pashmina knew that this wasn’t going to end with only one round. She wanted him to kiss and touch all of her body, under all of those layers of clothes.
Each time a louder moan escaped her throat, Pashmina covered her mouth more closely, the rhythm of her husband’s thrusts making her slowly lose strength in her legs. Kaden rested his forehead on the back of Pashmina’s head, his low groans of pleasure mixing themselves up with his occasional nips at her ear, making her forget even her own name deep in pleasure.
“Ahn, hah…” Pashmina wanted to beg, to plead, to ask him to do it faster, to eat her up entirely, but her head was so hazy with pleasure that it took everything she had not to scream his name there and then. Kaden’s movements slowly accelerated as though in sync with his wife’s lewd desires, his thrusts turning into pounds as their most primal desires took ahold of them.
Pashmina bit her fingers to keep her voice down, feeling the heat of climax envelop her from her womb to her entire body, sucking all the strength she had left in her legs as Kaden liberated himself inside of her, holding her by her hips so she wouldn’t fall.
“Mimi, hahh, hahh… Mimi, my Mimi... “ Kaden panted, hugging his wife from behind as he licked her ear, action of which made her clench herself around him in clear arousal. “Mimi, you’re so cute, I just can’t get enough. I wanna eat you alll up.” He said with a growl that only served to make her roll her eyes in anticipation.
The ordeal of taking off her kimono would be well worth it in the end, Pashmina could sense it quite literally as Kaden’s erection grew once again inside of her. All she could do was roll her tail around Kaden’s waist, never wanting him to get out of her.
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stardusstt · 4 years
Tagged by the ever so lovely @sodascherry love youu💕✨
1. What color is your hairbrush? Blue with flowers
2. Name of a food you never eat? I’m a vegetarian so anything related to meat
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? I’d like to be too cold, it depends though
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Eating!
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? Idk
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes I used to see basketball games a lot
7. What’s the last thing you said out loud? Something to my cat lolz
8. What’s your favorite ice cream? Strawberry🍓
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Sparkling water
10. Do you like your wallet? Sure haha
11. What’s the last thing you ate? A bagel!
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I got these super sparkly turquoise thigh high boots ahhhh
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? Something NASCAR
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Cheddar
15. Who’s the last person you sent a text to? My babyyyy chad😍
16. Ever go camping? No but my honey wants to take me🥰
17. Do you take vitamins? When I remember haha
18. Do you go to church every sunday? NO WAYYYY
19. Do you have a tan? I DO! 😊
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Depends on my mood haha
21. Do you drink soda through a straw? I try to not use straws unless they are reusable
22. What color socks do you usually wear? I have soooo many all different designs and colors haha
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Yasssss
24. What terrifies you? Dark spaces (bathophobia), abandonment
25. Look to your left, what do you see? My kitty witty NIKKI😻
26. What chore do you hate the most? Cleaning the bathroom
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Thor hahaha
28. What’s your favorite soda? Dr. Pepper or sprite from McDonald’s
29. Do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive through? Depends, usually drive through tho
30. What’s your favorite number? 24
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom
32. Favorite cut of beef? EW DISGUSTING
33. Last song you listened to? Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
34. Last book you read? Steven Tyler’s autobiography!
35. Favorite day of the week? Any day I see my baby❤️
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Nope haha
37. How do you like your coffee? Iced, tons of flavors and creamer lol
38. Favorite pair of shoes? I have quite a few but probs my white vintage thigh highs with big chunky jewels at the tops from the 80s
39. Time you normally get up? Before 9 usually
40. Sunrise or sunsets? Both honestly
41. How many blankets are on your bed? Right now just one
42. Describe your kitchen plates? White with little floral patterns on the edges
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? Idk it’s a kitchen! I can’t wait to decorate my own
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? Lemmy!! ♠️
45. Do you play cards? Nahh
46. What color is car? Yellow beetle💛
47. Can you change a tire? Nooooo
48. Your favorite state/province/county etc? Nevada cuz VEGAS! Or Arizona! My honey and I are going to Vegas as soon as we can 😌I’m so excited.
49. Favorite job you’ve had? I’ve only had one job forever lol at party city
50. How did you get your biggest scar? Something self inflicted
I tag: @anxi3tyx @sheonlycaresaboutbands @fishflake @gojosiego if you wanna!!!💕
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parfaitwaffles · 5 years
Mid-Season Cures: Top Ranking
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A few weeks ago, the newest mid season Cure, Cure Cosmo has debuted. And since Star Twinkle has been the 10th season to have a mid season Cure, I started to think about which mid season Cures are my most favorites.
Note: This ranking only includes Cures that appeared in the 20-ish episodes (aka joined the team around that time). Otherwise, it’d be hard (for me at least) to determine who exactly is the mid season Cure for certain seasons.
This ranking is based on personal opinion! You don’t have to agree with it, nor do you have to like it. It was made just for fun and not to serve the purpose to hate on certain characters!
#1 Cure Passion
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It might sound a little funny, but yes, the very first official mid season Cure is also my most favorite one! Despite joining the fandom in 2013, Fresh Pretty Cure! was the first season I watched and totally fell in love with. There’s not a single thing I dislike about the season and I love ever character of the show. 
But that is not the reason why Passion is my most favorite mid season Cure. Among all Cures that joined late, Passion/Eas just simply had the best redemption arc in my opinion! She was a badass character as Eas and suffered through her arc, trying to prove to Moebius that’s she is a loyal servant, even if it meant to risk her own life. And her struggle didn’t end after she became Cure Passion. She kept on doubting herself, she felt like she was all alone until she realized and accepted that Love and the others wanted her to be with her.
Additionally, Setsuna is simply badass, I can’t help but loving her.
#2 Cure Scarlet
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To be honest, when Go! Pri first aired, I didn’t like it at all, it was among my least favorite seasons, and thus I didn’t think highly of Cure Scarlet. By today, however, I have totally fallen in love with the season and appreciate the plot, the setting, the characters, the everything. In my personal ranking, Go! Pri might not be my most favorite season but I still love it very much. 
Originally, I thought Scarlet might be a rip off of Passion. But I learned and realized that despite them both being redemption Cures, they are quite different. Setsuna might have had the more impacting arc, but that didn’t mean that Towa’s was bad!! In fact, I teared up quite often during her arc as well and Twilight is a terribly awesome character! (I kinda even like Twilight more than Towa tbh).
#3 Cure Fortune
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A lot people dislike HaCha, so I wonder how many of you would be surprised to see Fortune to be my 3rd most favorite mid season Cure. But yes, she is! Fortune has a lot badass-ness to give. Like... all other Cures were somehow chosen by Blue (he threw the crystals at them) while Iona took the PreChanMirror of her sister to avange her. She was probably one of the most determined Cures we have ever met. She literally went “God, who? I will rescue my sister no matter what!”. I agree that she was a little strict and stubborn towards Hime, but let’s be honest, she had all reason to!
Cure Fortune is just cute and amazing, I totally love her!
#4 Cure Sunshine
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//coughs// I wanna talk with you Toei, about how you handled Itsuki. Because?? She (Cure Sunshine) debuted as a badass Cure who does shields but can kick ass because she’s awesome and all! But after a while, all she does is shielding her friends? She can kick ass, so let her kick ass, please! 
Ehem... yes, I also really love Cure Sunshine. Tho before I watched Heartcatch Pretty Cure!, I thought Itsuki was boring... oh how wrong I was, right? Itsuki has probably one of the best transformations of all. It shows that you can be cute and badass at the same time. I’ve seen someone talking bad about her transformation, but tbh?? It’s amazing, give me more like that!
#5 Cure Beat
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I have once started watching Suite Pretty Cure♪ but dropped it (because life got crazy). I will watch it completely one day though! And for favorite Cure... of Suite I love Cure Muse the most, but as I limited the mid season ranking to Cures that appeared in the 20ish episodes, I have to go with Beat. And I really do like Beat!! Like Passion, Beat was once a villain of the season, but even though they have a similar background, the story was completely different and I think Toei chose a good plot for Beat! I doubt that a redemption arc like Eas’ had fit with her tbh. 
Now, I could never take Siren as serious as Eas but... I suppose we never should. I guess she was always supposed to be a funny character that the audience loves to see. And tbh that’s what I like about Siren/Ellen/Beat. How random and funny she was at times, but then could also be determined and protective again. 
Also, guitars. Yes please. We need more Guitar Cures. We’ve only had 3 so far! (4 if you count Gelato, but she didn’t use one to attack)
#6 Cure Parfait
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Tbh, I prefer Kirarin over Parfait and Ciel, but there we go; Cure Parfait is my favorite Cure from her season because she’s so different from everyone else. Her transformation is, imo, the most beautiful one and her attack... is really weird, but not as weird as creating a darn cake and then throw it at the enemy (seriously Toei, that attack is lame, what were you thinking xD). I can’t exactly say what I liked about Cure Parfait, I might like her the most because she and Pikario (best boy!!) had the best development and best arc of the whole season and thus her debut was so emotional, to me at least. Idk, but here we are. She can’t even make it to my top 5 favorite mid season Cures... xD
#7 Cure Amour & Cure MaCherie
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I love Cure MaCherie and am neutral about Cure Amour, and as mid season Cures I’m pretty much “meh” about them because they simply took too much spotlight from the other three Cures. In the end,... usually a mid season Cure joins when the Cures can’t take a certain challenge anymore and need support. Then the candidate to become a Cure, becomes determinded and creates a miracle by becoming another Pretty Cure (that is the usual way. I prefer more creative ways, like Towa and Setsuna’s tbh). Emiru and Ruru’s debut was ... Hana was sick and Homare and Saaya were ignored. That’s why they had to transform... right?? In other words, it was lame.
At least the transformation and attacks were nice! They also felt like they are part of the team, which I missed in KiraKira, where Ciel always only spoke with Ichika and that’s it...
#8 Cure Felice
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I still have to watch Mahou Tsukai, so my opinion of her could still change! But for now, I’m very neutral towards Cure Felice tbh, she is cute and I love her design but... that’s just it? Her transformation is beautiful, but just so looooooong... same with her attack, way too long and also a bit boring. I get she is the Cure of nature, but did you have to show the flowers blooming from step to step @ toei???
Also I never understood why we need a flower Cure in a season based on magic. I know she is Mother RaPaPa but... eh... yes. 
#9 Cure Ace
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One word: meh. Too bossy, and her entrance was too random. She never appeared before. It’s like Toei forgot about her until episode 23.
#10 Cure Cosmo
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hmmm please note that this opinion of Cure Cosmo can still change as Star Twinkle Pretty Cure is still airing! However, as for now, I’m really no fan of her. I really like Yuni/Blue Cat though, as she is a badass character who likes to be a lone wolf! Cure Cosmo, however, just seems a little useless at the moment. Of course this is to blame on Toei but ,... well everything that happens is always to blame on Toei, so that’s even.
To me, her debut episodes, her transformation and even her attack were medicore and can’t be compared to other mid season Cures. Even Cure Ace had a flashier transformation (even though her fairy partner is annoying me). And even Ace’s attack was impacting, while Rainbow Splash is just good for visuals but except for that, it’s really lame. Up until now, the only (!!!) thing I can love Cosmo for is all the 80s aesthetic (but then again, Toei is trying WAYYYY to hard it that. It’s so much that it hurts, I’m sorry.) 
I hope Toei steps up the game with Cosmo and maybe I’ll like her more by the end of the season. But now she’s just... kinda meh to me.
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iffeelscouldkill · 6 years
Roses Are Red (Valentines Are Hard)
A/N: A late Valentine’s Day offering. (Which is in keeping with the theme of the fic, if you read!) Just a silly and (hopefully) cute thing.
Cross-posted to AO3
Violet does a double-take when she sees the date on her holo-display upon waking up that morning. 92-02-14. February 14, 2192. Valentine's Day.
Crap. She'd forgotten about Valentine's Day. Well, more like she'd stopped thinking about Valentine's Day given that the last time she was in anything resembling a 'relationship' had been those four months with Terry right before finals. Ugh. No, she doesn't need to be thinking about that right now.
Is it too late to plan something? she thinks, followed by, Would Arkady even celebrate Valentine's Day?
Arkady isn't exactly the hearts and flowers type, granted, but neither is Violet. She likes genuinely sweet and thoughtful gestures - like using your favourite mint plant to make someone a cup of tea - not saccharine Hallmark declarations of affection. Besides, with her name being Violet, she's heard way too many puns over the years involving that stupid 'Roses Are Red' poem.
Anyway. Violet returns to thinking about Valentine's Day plans. She remembers Sana saying that they would be making a call at Pangu, a small planet with a bustling market, in a couple of days to refuel and resupply. In fact, were they due to land today? If they were, then she had an idea for what she could do to mark the occasion.
After getting dressed, she wanders into the kitchen to make breakfast - and runs into Brian, who is inexplicably wearing a plastic crown on his head.
"Uh, morning, Brian!" she greets him, amused.
"Hey, Violet. Do you do Valentine's Day? If so, Happy Valentine's," says Brian, slicing a banana onto some oatmeal.
"Yeah, I kind of do, as long as it doesn't clash with the Lunar New Year, anyway," Violet replies. "Happy Valentine's Day. And uh, nice crown?"
Brian laughs a little and touches the crown on top of his head. "Thanks. It's a tradition, kinda?"
"Between you and Krejjh?"
"Yeah," Brian says and smiles fondly. "Dwarnians don't really celebrate Valentine's Day or anything like it, though they have a couple of festivals dedicated to bonded couples - married couples, that is - and to intended couples, or-"
"Engaged couples?" Violet fills in. "Yeah, I remember Krejjh referred to you as their "intended", to Eejjhgreb."
"Right. But there's not really a day for like, romance in general? Or for newer couples. So, Valentine's Day came up a couple of months after we sorta, finally, became an official 'couple', but Krejjh didn't know about it. I wasn't expecting us to do anything for it, but we happened to be docked on Bathala, a kind of lawless planet wayyyy on the outer reaches of charted space, almost in the Deep. It's mostly a human planet, but it's not unheard of for humans and Dwarnians to mingle there in peacetime.
"So, Krejjh and I went out to this - cafeteria? A really cheap and kind of commercial place, really hilarious. And Krejjh wanted to know what was with all of the pink, and the hearts, and the flowers. So, I kinda explained it, and they got upset that they didn't have anything to give me, to "symbolise their undying affection"."
Violet giggles.
"I told them I didn't expect anything, but I think part of the appeal was understanding and taking part in a human romantic tradition, so... anyway, they were doing this ongoing competition - eat a huge plate of this legendarily spicy house chili, and win a crown. And a spot in the cafeteria Hall of Fame."
"I think I see where this is going," Violet laughs.
"Right, so Dwarnians also have this thing about competitive acts of bravery to prove their affection. Add to that a love of spicy food, and - that chili didn't stand a chance. Krejjh's portrait is still hanging in the House of Tantalising Tastes Hall of Fame. And I wear this," Brian touches the crown on top of his head, "every Valentine's Day in honour of their victory."
"'House of Tantalising Tastes'?" Violet repeats with glee.
"The finest establishment we ever set foot in," Brian says solemnly.
"Clearly, a sign of great things to come," Violet agrees.
The door whooshes open and Sana comes into the kitchen. "Morning Violet, morning, Brian," she says, cheerfully. Looking between Brian's pleased face and Violet still snorting with laughter, she says,
"Has Brian been telling you the plastic crown story?"
"I don't think I've ever heard a more classic Krejjh tale," Violet laughs.
"Oh, dude, you haven't even heard the story of our first date. I have so many more where that came from."
"Well, you can tell them on the way to the market," says Sana. "We'll be landing on Pangu in half an hour. Violet, are you up for a market run?"
"Yeah, that sounds like fun," says Violet, thinking of her Valentine's Day plan. "Is Arkady coming?" she adds, hoping she sounds casual.
Sana frowns slightly. "She hasn't actually emerged from her room yet, but she usually comes on a market run. I'll knock on her door again in a few minutes and see."
Violet hurries to finish her breakfast and get ready to go out. She's not dressed up, exactly, but she puts on just a little bit of makeup - which she doesn't normally bother with - and a pair of cute, dangly earrings with clusters of flowers hanging down. She smiles at her reflection in a small hand mirror.
However, when Sana knocks on Arkady's door a few minutes later, she's met with a muffled, "Go out without me!"
"Arkady?" Sana calls through the door, frowning. "Are you okay?"
"I think I'm sick," comes the response, followed by a slightly forced-sounding bout of coughing.
"Do you want me to check you over?" Violet calls.
"Nah, I'm probably contagious. I don't want to get you sick," Arkady calls back. "I'll be better this afternoon, probably."
Sana looks sidelong at Violet and then replies, "All right, make sure you get some rest. It'd be really good if you can make it out later on."
"Count on it," Arkady calls. "Have fun at the market."
Violet is a little despondent over Arkady's absence, but her mood picks up as soon as they get to the market. It's a nice day outside. Pangu has two stars that rise and set at different times and provide light to the planet; one is rising as they step outside, while the other is just past its peak. The combined effect is bright and pleasant.
Normally, Sana and Arkady and occasionally Violet do the market runs while Brian keeps Krejjh company on the ship, but this time Brian comes with them, on the lookout for some kind of mystery item for Krejjh.
Violet winds her way among the stalls, keeping her eyes open for something suitable. There's such a huge variety of stalls and goods on offer - food and clothing, accessories and crafts. She is eventually drawn towards a jewellery stall with elaborate, gothic necklaces and bracelets wrought in silver.
She toys with a cuff with a pattern of interlocking vines, before she spies a black velvet choker with a delicate design in the centre: two silver flowers nestled side by side, with leaves arching around them in the shape of a heart. Violet can't help reaching out to touch it. She loves it, but is it too much? Would Arkady wear it? She feels like she needs a second opinion.
She looks around for Sana, but the Captain is deep among the food stalls, bartering for supplies. Instead she spots Brian, browsing a couple of stalls over.
"Hey, Brian," Violet calls. He looks up and trots over.
"Oh, hey, do they have crown jewellery on this stall? Ooh, they do!"
Brian picks up a large, ostentatious crown pendant hanging off a chain, and beams at it.
"Brian, do... Do you think Arkady would like this?"
Brian looks over at the choker Violet is holding, and smiles. "That's super nice! It's totally Arkady's style, too."
"She doesn't already have one like it, does she?"
Brian tilts his head slightly, thinking, and then shakes his head. "Arkady doesn't really splash out on jewellery that often," he says. "I think she might have a plain one, but that's it."
"All right," says Violet determinedly. "I'll get it for her."
She haggles briefly with the stallholder before buying the choker, and Brian does the same with his crown necklace. Carrying their purchases wrapped in tissue paper, they meet back up with Sana, who is looking triumphant with several bags full of dehydrated food packs, fresh ingredients and other necessities.
"Looks like you made out okay, Captain," says Brian approvingly.
"I'd say I did," Sana agrees, satisfied. "Would you mind taking one of these each?"
They help her haul the bags of supplies back to the ship. To their surprise, as they approach the Rumor, they can see a small delivery drone hovering outside the airlock.
"What's this?" Sana asks, frowning. "I don't remember ordering anything. Did either of you...?" Violet and Brian both shake their heads.
Sana takes hold of the drone's package, which is a matte black cylinder about a foot long, vacuum sealed. Relieved of its delivery, the drone flies off.
Sana peers at the little screen that details the sender and recipient. "It's for me," she says with some surprise. "But there's no sender listed..."
"Do you think it's dangerous?" asks Violet, worried. "Should we get Arkady?"
Sana shakes her head slowly. "Whatever it is, it's passed through an official interstellar Customs checkpoint," she says. "The contents have been certified."
"What does the label say?" Brian asks.
"'Flora,'" Sana replies.
"So, a plant of some kind?" Violet suggests.
"Time to find out..." Sana twists one end of the cylinder, and the vacuum seal releases with a hiss. She hands the cap to Brian and from inside the tube, gently draws out a bouquet: delicate white flowers with dark green leaves and a pale yellow centre.
"Oh," says Sana in a strange voice. "These are my favourites."
"Is that jasmine?" asks Violet, recognising the scent. She's amazed that the flowers have survived the journey from - wherever they came from. It's definitely not a local delivery.
"Hey, there's a note," says Brian, peering into the not-quite-empty delivery tube. He pulls out a folded piece of paper and opens it to reveal a drawing.
"What is that?" Sana asks, puzzled - but Violet recognises the shape.
"Isn't that a soup can?"
"Oh!" says Sana again, in understanding, and her cheeks tint pink.
"It's from Campbell?" Brian asks, delightedly.
Sana nods slowly, leaning forward to smell the flowers. Violet shares a grin with Brian.
"I'll see you guys a little later," Sana says, almost to the flowers. "I have to go make a call."
As she disappears into the ship, they hear her murmur,
"Jasmine... I can't believe he remembered."
Roses are red Violets are blue Wait, your name is Violet, that sounds weird
Roses are red Flowers are pretty This poem is shitty
Roses are red Flowers are lame At least I didn't make A pun on your name
Arkady groans and puts her head down on her arms. With one hand, she reaches out for the closest sheet of notepaper and crumples it, then listlessly flings it across the worktop.
She rubs her eyes as a knock sounds at the door. "What?" she calls, trying to sound croaky and hoarse.
"You can give it up, Arkady, I know you're not sick," Sana calls through the door, quietly.
"I don't know what you're-" Arkady breaks off mid-sentence to fake a coughing fit. "-talking about."
"Right," Sana says drily. "Look, I know you're not much of a one for days like today. I know you'd rather just skip the whole thing. But I don't think... anyone... is expecting something huge. I think they'd just be glad to see you, honestly."
Arkady looks at the crumpled notepaper spread across the worktop, at her failed attempts to write even a clichéd four-line poem.
"I'll be out real soon," she promises Sana.
If she leaves her room now, it'll all have been for nothing. She can't give up.
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? How the fuck does the rest of it go
La fleur que tu m'avais jetée Je ne parle pas français
“No, and hell no,” Arkady mutters, tearing the page from her almost empty memo pad. "Fuck. Why is this so hard?"
She sweeps her arm across the metal worktop, clearing it, and stares at the empty surface. Just write from the heart, Kady, she thinks to herself. You've listened to how many flowery declarations of love in operas? It's not that hard. Just project confidence. And your voice. Okay, not your voice.
Hey Violet I think you're super cute and also I want to make out with you
Arkady scribbles violently across the page and contemplates breaking her pencil in two. She should have just gone with her original plan of doodling a bunch of flowers and sliding it under Violet’s door. Or making her a bouquet of mint plants. Or a cup of tea. Something.
Arkady catches sight of the time on her holo-display and feels the bottom drop out of her stomach. 11:42 PM. “Fuck,” she swears vehemently. No, that doesn’t quite cover it. “Breesht.”
She has 18 minutes left of Valentine’s Day. 18 minutes left to come up with the perfect poem. Or even a passable poem. Arkady frantically reapplies herself to her task, ignoring the part of her brain which intones that she’s definitely already fucked it up beyond repair by ignoring Violet for the whole day. She can fix this. With a good enough poem, she can fix this.
Violet isn’t normally an early riser. She gets out of bed at a reasonable hour, and she’s always up and dressed in time to carry out her allocated chores around the ship, but she’s not one of those people who relishes getting up at the crack of dawn. Sana rises with the sun, and Brian and Krejjh keep odd hours, but when neither of them has a night shift, they’re up early to do some kind of Dwarnian meditation. Arkady rolls out of bed at the last possible second, while Violet makes a point of being up by 8 AM at the latest.
The morning after Valentine’s Day, though, she wakes up much earlier than usual – 6:20 AM, ugh – and can’t get back to sleep. She can’t stop thinking about Arkady’s non-appearance yesterday and wondering if she had anything to do with it. Did she do something wrong? Was buying the choker too presumptuous? Should she have tried to talk to Arkady? Slipped the gift through her door?
Several times, Violet had hesitated outside Arkady’s door, wanting to call through it and check on her, but something had held her back. She couldn’t help but think that it was her Arkady was avoiding by staying in her room, and if that was the case, she didn’t want to make things worse. But the anxiety eats away at her.
Sighing, Violet gives up on sleep and sits up, deciding to go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea. She knows she’ll probably run into Sana, if not Brian and Krejjh as well, but it’s better than staying inside her room and stewing.
As she leaves her room, she pockets the tissue paper package containing Arkady’s choker – just in case.
As she’d suspected, Sana, Brian and Krejjh are all awake and drinking coffee in the mess hall as Violet shuffles through on her way to the kitchen.
“Violet!” Krejjh calls out happily. “You’re awake so early! Good morning!”
Violet is barely able to deal with Krejjh’s level of energy before tea on a normal morning, let alone at this hour and with her current level of anxiety. She just about manages a, “Morning, Krejjh.”
Sana is definitely looking at her with sympathy, and Violet prays that the captain doesn’t say anything. While she normally appreciates what Arkady likes to call “the feelings corner”, if Sana tries to comfort her right now, she thinks she might start crying.
But before anyone can say anything else, Arkady bursts into the room.
“Violet!” she cries, skidding to a halt. Her hair is a mess, and she looks like she slept in her clothes – if she even got any sleep. There are dark shadows under her eyes and her expression is slightly wild.
“Arkady?” Violet begins tentatively, but then Arkady is barrelling on, reciting something off a crumpled piece of paper.
“Roses are great, Tulips are too, But of all the flowers, My favourite is you!”
Arkady finishes and looks up at Violet with a mixture of expectancy and trepidation. Uncaffeinated, and taken aback by the sudden – and very public – declaration of affection, Violet is frozen for several seconds. She sees the panic begin to creep into Arkady’s expression, and knows that she’s seconds away from bolting – she needs to do something, quickly.
“Uh…” Brian begins uncertainly, but stops as Violet steps forward and kisses Arkady in front of the whole crew.
Arkady’s eyes widen, and for a second she seems like she might pull away and bolt anyway, but then her eyes flutter shut, and she tenderly returns Violet’s kiss.
The whole thing only lasts for a few moments, but Violet is almost delirious with happiness as she pulls away. She thinks she might literally be floating. Arkady looks slightly dazed, but smiles and rests her forehead against Violet’s.
“So, you liked the poem?” she asks quietly.
“It was perfect,” Violet tells her sincerely. “Oh, I got you something as well-” She takes the tissue-wrapped package out of her pocket and hands it to Arkady, who looks stunned.
“It – you got this for me? Really?”
“Yes,” Violet confirms shyly. “Uh, you can open it back in your room, if you want to-”
“Crewman Jeeter, please can I applaud now?” Krejjh stage whispers, breaking the moment.
“Oh my god,” Arkady complains. “No, absolutely not. Go away, all of you.”
“Uh, you burst in on us, dude,” Brian says with great amusement. “Also, did that rhyme really take you, like, thirty-six hours?”
Arkady flips him off before carefully undoing the tissue paper around Violet’s gift. “It was twenty-four hours at most-” she returns, and then stops short as she uncovers the velvet choker.
Violet realises that she’s unconsciously holding her breath as she waits for Arkady’s reaction. She would rather not have given her the gift in front of the whole crew – would have been happy to let her open it in private, in fact, but she’s desperate to know that Arkady likes it.
“Is it okay?” she asks quietly as Arkady gazes at the gift without speaking. “I saw it at the market yesterday and thought of you, but if it’s not your style, I don’t mind if you-”
The rest of her sentence is lost as Arkady kisses her enthusiastically. This time, Brian doesn’t stop Krejjh from applauding, and Arkady manages to refrain from making obscene gestures until after she and Violet have finished kissing.
“Thanks,” she says quietly to Violet, under Krejjh’s delighted commentary, Brian’s good-natured teasing, and Sana’s encouragement. “I… yeah. Just, thanks.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Violet says, and squeezes her hand.
A/N: "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée" is a romantic aria from the opera Carmen. I doubt Arkady would have had the opportunity to learn any French on Cresswin Landing (outside of an operatic context), but I figured it wasn't out of the question for her to know the phrase, "I don't speak French" (which is what the line after that says).
Also, credit to @thevoicefromthestars who came up with Arkady’s final poem in the Starship Iris Discord. Thank you for inspiring this fic! <3
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yehetingxing · 7 years
tagged by @holyxingsdick <33333
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers
- Nicknames: Pandi, .... thats kind of it... 
- Zodiac sign: aries
- Height: 166cm/5′4
- Orientation: straight
- Nationality: french
- Favorite fruit: mmmmh.... pears?? i guess??? idk... i like most fruits....
- Favorite season: WINTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!!!!
- Favorite book: once again i dont rlly read so like :((( but i guess yixings book
- Favorite flower: ummm... all flowers r beautiful i dont discriminate 😂
- Favorite scent: coffee!!!! (high five blossomie) and umm... any...perfumes...that i like....
- Favorite animal: .... pandas... i dont think this rlly comes as a surprise since my nickname is pandi. i also love cats :))) i have 3 and theyre my children, dont touch them
- Favorite colour: greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen but every colour is fine tbh 
- Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: HOT CHOCOLATE ALLLLLL THE WAYYYY
- Average sleep hours: ~4-5h on school days (i got muuuchhh better c:) and like 1328748h on weekends
- Cat or dog: cats obv :) but i still love dogs :)))) esp vivi
- Favorite fictional character: LUFFYYYYY, chopper, every manga character :(
- # of blankets: 2 and 3 during winter
- Dream trip: GO BACK TO CHINA, korea (obv), japan, hk+macau+singapore, malaysia, thailand and visit more of canada BUT THATS WAY TOO MUCH ISNT IT
- Blog created: wow... umm i have no clue... like a year and a half ago??
- Favorite song at the moment: .... bOI, THE WHOLE OF BTS’S HER, power -exo, what u need +lose control - king of china (yes im getting back into these song), company -  tinashe, just u - jeong sewoo, vixx lr - whisper, vvip - jo wuchan ft sikk & gaeko, we are - woo wonjae and moar but once again that will be too much :(
- Number of followers: like 5
- Favorite bands: this is quite obvious but EXOOOOO & BTSSSS those r my main but as u noticed i listen to a variety of artists and groups (and im multi fandom af but theres so many that i cant be bothered to write it down eventho theres like 5 more groups only but anywhoo)
- Favorite solo artists: ....help... welllll theres the whole china line of exo :)))))), i also rlly like offonoff, zico, zion ttttt!!!!!, dean!!!!!!, crush, sik k, heize, amber hehe,  and last but not leastttttttt JUNG HOSEOK WHENEVER HE’LL RELEASE HIS GOD DAMN FUCKING HIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!! (theres actually more but.... ye)
- Song stuck in my head: rn its what you like - lee gikwang (but it changes every 10 mins so)
- Last tv show i watched: cheese in the trap (i already read the webtoon so its not that interesting for me tbh... i already know everything thats going to happen)
- What stuff do you post: bts & exo mostly, ull see some cats passing by and some aesthetic skies, a lot of different kpop groups and eventually some shitpost of me crying over sehun and hobi :))
- When did your blog reach its peak: lol it still hasnt and probs never will :)))
- Do you have any other blogs: ..ha..haha... ha.. yeah.... not gonna share them cos one is just a blog made for a friend and i post shit abt her haha (she also has one for me :(( ), one is just where i reblog random recipes i should try one day if i ever wanna do smth with my life which will never happen, and one is where i reblog language stuff (mostly mandarin bc yes, i learn mandarin)
- do you get asks regularly: nooooo ahaha i wish :(( if u wanna ask random shit, hello :) im here :)
- why did you choose your url: cos yehet is sehun and hes my ub, xing is yixing and hes my other exo bias (along with bbh and pcy), i thought abt adding hobi since hes my scnd ub but idk.. my love wasnt as strong as it is now. also xing can mean star in madarin so i thought itd be funny to make yehet a verb describing a star... anyway my brain goes to weird places just go with it (also thanks to @holyxingsdick  for helping me choose that url)
- following: too many :( 573...
- posts: 7, 516 (less than expected tbh)
- hogwarts house: no fckng clue lemme go take a test. welp it says im mostly  gryffindor but i honestly have no clue :(
- pokemon team: IDKKKKKKKKK
- favourite colours: wasnt this q already asked?????
- lucky numbers: 94, 4, 9, 12, 7, 21, 88, 10, 6 (thats a lot IK!)
- what are you wearing rn: oversized black nintendo shirt and black sweatpants
- dream job: noooo clueeee, i guess u could say dancer but idk... maybe web designer if i continue liking it as much as i do rn :) but i keep my options open since i rlly dk.
i tag @bakinglover73 @jongin-trash @haneuuls @yerkezhanberkembayeva (r u even alive on tumblr? 😂) @ijustwantjongintobehappy @bias-yixing @anyone who reads this idk who to tag anymore :(
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croneboulder · 5 years
I'd love a tarot reading if you can- using the voyager tarot if you please! No specific question, just whatever I really need to hear right now would be awesome
So hopefully you’re checkin back in sometime, anon, otherwise I’m shouting this one into the void.
I’ll admit, dear querent, that I’m a LOT more familiar with RWS-based decks than I am with Thoth-based, and largely bought that one based on the aesthetics so this will. be interesting to say the least.
I’m doing a reading I designed- its one card of each suit and one major arcana, and what each domain has to say to you.
Just FYI Crystals are Swords, Worlds are Disks/Pentacles.
EDIT: I’m sorry if this reading is hella unclear, I struggled A BUNCH with this reading. Hopefully you get something out of it anyway???
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The Major Arcana: Hierophant
So this card speaks a lot about wisdom and inner peace- lots of Buddha up in here. Knowledge and experience in the form of the Elephant, looking at the past with new eyes in the form of a child and a blooming flower. What is actually jumping out at me is wayyy in the background: looks like the Grand Canyon back there, or something with a similarly loooong history. Look wayyyy back, into history beyond your personal history, for answers for whatever is happening to you right now- maybe ask for advice from someone elderly in your life. With so many earth elements in it, maybe think about things related to that as well- a long walk in nature to think hard and come to peace with something. If you know what grounding (where energy work is concerned) is, do that at the same time.
Wands: Seven of Wands
The main figure in the foreground has a spear/sword in hand, and looks like its on the defensive (and honestly, I’m using my RWS guide occasionally during these readings too lol, and that fits as well!) There are other blades and a few dragons thrown in, looks like- symbols of power. Wands is saying stand your ground, take inner power and wield it against current issues. I’m hesitant to read into the totem poles as to avoid overstepping where I don’t actually know the imagery, so make of those what you will.
Crystals: Ace of Crystals
This one is… a little lacking in imagery, besides a diamond, some citrine, plain quartz, and pink tourmaline, none of which I understand off the top of my head. The diamond is central and beautifully cut, and the base word provided is ‘brilliance’- probably inner brilliance with shards going outward and reflecting that brilliance. Lots of pink crystals symbolize love as well, so let’s go with that for the pink tourmaline. Quartz is used for amplification of existing talents and energies. Let your inner self shine, project and amplify yourself to the world.
Cups: Six of Cups
You’ve poured yourself out, I’m getting from the overturned vase and spilling flowers. Overextended and empty, you are recovering from doing so. Find pleasure in something, turn the vase and refill it, spring back from a grief or overexertion. Elephants appear again, on this vase- take this grief/depressive episode and learn from it, expand your knowledge about yourself from your reactions.
Worlds: Four of Worlds
There’s a bunch of suprisingly MOVE YO ASS imageries coming from this card- Mars, god of war in the planet, the sun in the middle there, the new plant growth in the upper right, the ram/Aries in the bottom corner… lots of stuff that is sort of screaming ‘take action’! And Mars is sorta supporting the ‘stand your ground, have courage’ of the Seven of Wands as well. So move on from the adversity in the Seven of Wands and the sorrow of the Six of Cups and get moving onwards.
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