#wbb Dusiao
a21487246-duya · 1 year
So, where do you suppose Dusiao be during wbb? On the one hand, he doesn't have patience for those who hurt the people he cares about and wouldn't let them leave alive. On the other hand, dice took out varai's eyes (and I suspect probably broke jawtay's jaw) and half the gang eats people. Would he stay for varai and jawtay? Would he hunt down dice? Would he be aware of whats really going on like Jeff?
Hey bro you asked me very good question!Thank u<3
Actually, I have prepared the wbb version of Dusiao… because wbb is the worst state of that character, so I also tried to imagine a lot about Dusiao's appearance, and in my mind the worst appearance of him is not when he becomes rough Out of control, but he lost to his nightmare, he became unable to believe that he could protect others, he no longer wanted to accept the scene like before, he would poke his eyes blind, deaf his ears, and His devil's eyeball will continue to recover, so he will poke himself blind repeatedly, causing his face to be bruised, he will become negative and not talkative, so I think he will continue to stay in the team, but he Doesn't really pay attention to what's going on like before (unless it's happening in front of his eyes, maybe he will stop it), so he doesn't know as much as Jeff, and the appearance of facing Varai or Jawtay triggers him, he will Breaking down and hugging them and crying and apologizing, he will think that their injuries are caused by his own incompetence, but at the same time, he is unwilling to pay attention to everyone's situation in real time because of fear of any mistakes, this is the saddest thing about him
He is not a perfect person…his flaws have always been packaged under his tenderness, he is always wrestling with his past and nightmares…maybe everyone will see that Dusiao is good at caring for people part, but no one will notice that he needs a lot of love to continue, he has long thought that he has lost his value, and the meaning of his existence is to give everything to the people he cares about, If he can't, he doesn't think he deserves to live ;( (and he can't kill himself, because he's half a demon, he can't die from disease or wounds, which will slowly heal but leave scars , the residual limbs will not recover) he will not do anything to him about the dice part.. because in his heart Dice has always been a person who needs to be taken care of, because his personality is similar to Dice when he was young, so Dusiao does not want to let Dice had the same experience as him, so he will always watch him and accompany him to vent his emotions, but in the world of wbb, Dusiao no longer has the confidence to help others, he will only feel sorry for Dice and blame himself… In the end, although Dusiao Becoming like this, taciturn and boring, but if you are still willing to act like a baby in his arms and tell him you need him, I think Dusiao will still show that long-lost…slight smile
其實我有準備wbb版本的Dusiao…因為說wbb是那個角色最糟糕的狀態,所以我也試著想像了很多關於Dusiao 的模樣,而在我心目中他最糟糕的樣子不是他變得粗暴失控,而是他輸給了他的惡夢,他變得無法相信自己能保護好別人,他再也不想接受以前那樣的場景發生,他會戳瞎自己的眼睛,把弄聾雙耳,而他惡魔的那顆眼珠因為會不斷的恢復,所以他會反覆的戳瞎自己導致他那邊的臉傷痕累累,他會變消極而且不愛說話,所以我想他會繼續留在車隊,但他不再像以前會真正去關注發生了什麼事(除非在他眼前發生,也許他會阻止),所以他不會像Jeff一樣了解那麼多,面對Varai 或是Jawtay的模樣會觸發他,他會崩潰並抱著他們哭泣和道歉,他會認為他們的受傷是自己的無能造成的,但是同時自己又因為恐懼任何失誤所以不願意去即時的關注每個人的狀況,這是我想的他最可悲的模樣,他不是一個完美的人…他的缺陷一直都包裝在他的溫柔之下,他永遠都在跟他的過去跟惡夢纏鬥…也許大家會看到Dusiao擅長照顧人的部分,但沒什麼人會注意到他需要非常多的愛才能持續下去,他早就認為自己失去了價值,而他存在的意義就只剩下給予他在乎的人一切,如果他連這點都做不到,他不認為他自己活著有什麼用;( (而且他不能自殺,因為他是一半的惡魔,他不會死於疾病或是傷痛,這些都會慢慢治癒但是會留下傷痕,殘肢也不會恢復)骰子的部分他也不會對他做什麼..因為在他心中Dice一直以來也是一個需要照顧的人,因為自己年輕的時的性格與Dice相似,所以Dusiao不想讓Dice發生跟他一樣的經歷所以會一直看著他和陪他宣洩情緒,但是在wbb的世界中Dusiao已經沒有了幫助他人的自信,他只會對Dice感到抱歉並且自責…最後,雖然Dusiao變成這副模樣,沉默寡言而且無聊,但是如果你仍然願意在他懷中撒嬌並且告訴他你需要他,我想Dusiao 仍然會露出久違的…淡淡的微笑
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ewwwabug · 2 years
Is there anything you do not accept in a lbb oc?? Also do you have any lbb oc faves from the fandom?
i accept any humans and humanoids…. i can not "accept" the character and make it irrelevant for myself if i dont like the creator of oc (this happened to fizzy.... and ebuba..... not good ppl :( also i dont like their ocs LMAO)
to create a good oc you just need to follow the canons and focus on the designs of canonical characters by doing something of your own but similar! you can experiment but it is advisable not to get carried away… your biker should at least slightly resemble a biker or a person who could be associated with biker shit (bike repairman, mechanic, people who can make money on the biker business, just a fan of the gang, ect)
about others.... rbb bikers have no similar canons only a common love for the aesthetics of fire... wbb just mutilated versions of lbb bikers just find the most negative trait in your character and bring it to the point of absurdity... you can make a monster out of them
and! my fav forever is Elijah hes a baby : ) also i really like Dusiao, Tobias..... Jason but i wanna know more.... russian ocs are also cool and good russians made a lot!!! but not everyone posted them on tumblr... im sorry if i didnt mention someone i love your ocs and im glad to see how theyre being drawn and developed but i just dont know some of them well!!! feel free to show me the characters and tell me about them even if you have poor english
upd: ebuba is no more "bad" we just had some conflict and now its solved
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rosemaryblossoms · 1 year
Pet Pets 🥺
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Loveless biker boys au petting headcannons featuring Dusiao.
Loveless biker boys and Wild biker boys by @ewwwabug
Dusiao by @a21487246-duya
Lbb Varai: melts in your touch.
Lbb Jeff: he thinks it’s nice, but please ask first, he might not want his hair ruffled.
Lbb Jatay: two words Boot Stomped, will probably also call you nasty wormfucker.
Lbb Dice: this could go many ways. . . He could break your wrist, boost stomp you, lure you into a HUG, basically it will not go well, the only way that you will probably survive is that if he knows you really well and y’all are friends, other wise he’s like “Bitch I know you didn’t touch me with your Nasty Ass Hands!”
Lbb Dusiao: would definitely give you head-pats back if you want him to.
Lbb Padar: if you really want them as a reward, they guess they would arrange that.
Wbb Varai: Awww happy zombie wormboy, like his original self he would melt and his nonexistent tail is wagging.
Wbb Jeff: Will break your wrist, what? Do you really expect him to treat you nicely and be mr nice guy, he won’t kiss your wrist or your Gross hand to make it feel better, he will just enjoy your screams of pain in silence. (It’s his greatest joy)
Wbb “Jawtay” Jatay: . . . Please no, will try curse you out and hurt you but might get hurt in the process, Jeff is now plotting your downfall so watch your back and sleep with your eyes open.
Wbb Dice: mixed feelings, he him self will do the things that I listed for Lbb Dice and as for pink Dice, I think he would like it and would probably coo at you and say “thank you Sweetheart”. (Maybe playfully choke you out depending on what mood he’s in)
Tbb Varai: “Awww human, your such a sweetheart” immediately clings and loves on you, would definitely give them back if you desire, Warning: Don’t do this often or else he will get too attached and it will be Harder for you to leave here.
Tbb Jeff: it depends on your actions, will kill you if you hurt or piss him off or purr and melt into your touch, Warning: doing this repeatedly will cause him to be too attached and possessive, which will give you less hope of getting out of here.
Tbb Jatay: . . . Wtf did you just pet him? many things could happen depending on how he feels, he is a very hard working man and does not appreciate his work being disturbed, however if he ask you to do little tasks or retrieve him the items he might let you do it as a reward if you really want to, Do Not mention this to anyone. . . He will kill you, surprisingly has really soft hair. No he is not smiling drop it or he will drop kick you.
Tbb Dice: if you’re not wearing fire or lava proof gloves say bye bye to your hand, is confused on why would you do this, depending on his mood you might die or you might not it depends on your actions and on how he feels. (Fun fact when I was typing your the thing on my keyboard said mom no joke 💀)
Tbb Padar: questions you but is flattered. Yep you’re not getting out of here.
GG Varai: when you pet him, his bells on his jester hat jingled a-bit, Aw you turned his frown upside down.
GG Jeff: his reaction depends on your actions, if it’s positive he will smile and let you pet him, let’s out soft purrs and leans into your hands, his hair is really soft and fluffy it’s purrfect for petting, it smells like freshly baked Christmas sugar cookies.
GG Dusiao: his reaction like Jeff depends on your actions, if positive he will smile at you warmly and like Jeff he will also melt into your touch, will give you head pats if you desire (y’all while typing this I accidentally put will give you heads 😭🤚) his hair is nice and soft, it also smells like hot chocolate with peppermint bark.
GG Jatay: “aww thanks peaches” (Jack Black: peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches 🎤) bro got the rizz.
GG Dice: “. . . .” “Sure I guess” both his four crow wings and hair are really soft and fluffy, his wings might puff up due to contact with them, it’s really important to ask him because he is a grim reaper hybrid after all, he might kill you on accident if he’s not aware.
GG Padar: you might want to wait for him to sit down and maybe bring a stepping stool with you just in case (he is tall as hell, I’m talking about 7’1) like the other ghosts it depends on your actions, “*chuckles* thank you sweetheart”.
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