greatwebmakers · 1 year
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To #design and #developwebsite for business contact #GreatWebMakers, it offer tailored #WebDesigningServicesFlorida so that your customers and clients can directly browse services offered by your company or business. https://rb.gy/wbj17
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badassdanddpics · 7 years
World Building June: People and Races 1
The Elven Forests In the mystical forests of the north, dozens of bewildering botany has been created by the gods. This once ice cold tundra has been transformed into a moderate forest teeming with magical plant and animal life. their houses constructed over years of growth of warm-wood tree saplings intertwined provides the most shelter and bio-luminescent plants of all sorts and sizes light their breath taking cities. however, their nature expertise does not end on land. broad cliff sides stand against the northern coast past their boarders and the grand mountains limit the number of ports to the south protecting them from most seaward attacks. with shallow boats that glide over the natural coral reefs no ship of non-elven make will ever have a chance of landing on their mystic shores.
The Dwarven Mountains In the northern tundra even the air is charged with magic. the once sturdy fortresses and marches of the militaristic hill dwarves became almost obsolete when the natural rock barricades began to rise above the earth. Rarely, nearly entire settlements rose with the rocks into the sky cutting off several towns and often creating abandoned ruins untouched for centuries. The dwarves attempted to fix the land ravaged by such strong magical properties by several traditional dwarven means such as alchemy or trying to reduce the magical energies in the air that resided there but no option they choose worked. they instead opted to craft amazingly huge metal chains and fix them to the floating islands to at the very least make things more permanent. In the end, they developed airships of all sizes to reach the isolated places.
Dragonborn In the mountains lie the stout dragon-born, mighty warriors, oracles or mystics that rarely allow outsiders to enter. Building their dwellings out of the sides of cliffs their houses are carved of stone, while steep and narrow stairways act as the main mode of transportation in their dotted cities. within the cities, families of dragonborn often stay in close proximity and view their bonds as absolute. Such loyalty however often causes feuds between opposing families can often lead to bloodshed. when the need arises, they make use of the arena, a wide stone pillar where warriors often fight to the death, either from blade or a mortal fall after being pushed off.
lizardfolk Finally, from the swamps resides the cunning lizard-folk, hunters and man eaters they make use of ritual magics and ambush tactics to keep others out of their territory. Homes in the tops of the swamp trees neatly hidden away out of sight from travelers who dare cross their land. Throughout the ground, hidden ambush sites can be found almost everywhere, allowing them to attack from anywhere or evade any pursuit via water or hidden base. Their cities have no housings, rather they travel through the swamp to congregate and trade often. gold and bartering is both favored between the lizardfolk, who are often territorial sometimes allow trusted outsiders to trade in their cities, but often shun outsiders who often face their wrath. The most dangerous quality of the lizardfolk is their use of voodoo, shaman and tribal magics. passed down through family member, no ritual or spell is exactly the same between different families.
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ladytabletop · 7 years
Worldbuilding June Day 28: Counterculture
Hi, builders!
As always, check out today’s official prompt.
We’re nearing the end! Hopefully you have a pretty good picture of what your setting looks like - that includes the traditional/typical culture. But in every culture there emerges countercultures: ideas and lifestyles that go against the grain. Give one example of counterculture in your setting (yesterday’s prompt, conflict, maybe already brought some countercultures out of the woodwork).
Happy building!
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WBJ Day 16b - Small Magics
Even if they cannot access the small bit of magic innate in themselves, everyone can use the magic in plants, most commonly in teas. This plays on the natural uses of plants in the real world, but with a few enhanced properties and some plants grown purely from magical essence (castoff magic from magical beings, places, or objects). Those who have some control of magic and bring out all the magic in these plants, making more potent teas, which means that the hedgewitches usually make some good coin off of their teas.
A magic that is not quite small, but has been taken for granted until very recently, are the small shrines to the gods that were scattered about the kingdoms, each with a blessing that warded away the demons of dark and light. The shrines are now considered superstitious blasphemy by the emperor, and are being destroyed, which is only proving their power.
There are plenty of people who have a small amount of usable magic but either do not realize it or have no control over it. These people usually end up in professions that compliment or make use of their particular magics; people are usually content to stay what is within their power. Thus those with a small about of illusion or glamour magic find their ways in artistic professions where their gifts make them and their work all the more alluring. There is a seamstress in Talbet who has this sort of magic, whose embroidery is highly sought after because it seems to shimmer like water or glitter like diamonds, even if she uses the most basic of colored thread. One of her sons has apprenticed a jeweler, and it seems he has a similar gift with his craft.
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punkpuppydragon · 7 years
Worldbuilding June speedrun part 2
Fashion: I actually already talked a lot about fashion already over here, but quick recap: all the sidhe wear dresses, most people wear either normal old world clothes or ridiculous scavenged outfits, lots of people wear charms or tokens with a lot of personal significance as protection from magic (works a bit like taking an assumed name), there are a lot of wild anachronisms like people in jeans and t-shirts with swords and mages with plastic disney princess wands.
War: Conveniently enough I just started a war in my campaign so I can use it as an example.  The evil warlord Prozac just launched a huge attack on the city of Plummit, which culminated in him using a previously unseen power (a demon hand) to knock one of the city’s floating islands out of the sky to kill and capture it’s inhabitants (primarily Paladins).  “previously unseen power” is actually how most armies gain the upper hand now.  Arms races are nothing new but the world has changed a lot and there are new creatures, magic, and yes, weapons being discovered even now, 30 years after the nonsense.  Whenever anyone gets in a fight they have to be cautious, because they often have no idea what kind of mysterious power the other guy might have at their disposal.  The Paladins are the largest and most organized military group in Jersey, with a presence in most major settlements.  They know better than anyone that power corrupts, so they make sure that they never gain too much political pull in any community; the way they see it, their duty is to protect the civilian population and never to rule them.  That’s not to say they won’t throw their opinion in the ring, and they won’t follow a civilian government when they feel it is unjust.  They have a seat on the city council in New York and are free to allocate resources and pursue their goals in Jersey as they see fit.  Once the Paladin leadership in New New Brunswick hears about Prozac’s massively swollen forces and brazen attack on Plummit, he will become their top priority.  Other than that, the most notable armed conflicts in Jersey are the Iberian Wars, an ongoing series of skirmishes and open war between factions fighting for control of Newark.  These conflicts have been raging for years and show no sign of slowing down, and the Paladins simply don’t have the presence they need to intervene yet.
Arms and Armor: the prompt says “utility in armor and weapons has a greater importance than aesthetics,” to which I respond with a hearty scoff.  For the fae, at least, utility and aesthetic are one and the same.  A fae’s power comes from their identity, which is incredibly difficult to maintain in a world that literally doesn’t want you to exist.  Now more than ever it’s important that a fae dresses so that someone who sees them can instantly tell their Court affiliation (or lack thereof), social status, and personality.  For humans, armor is either old world fare like kevlar vests or armor made from scavenged metal.  Guns are still their weapons of choice (hey, the things work) while fae who haven’t adopted those human weapons stick with their magic or silver swords (silver weapons halt a fae’s natural regeneration, but silver isn’t completely abhorrent to them like iron).  However, like I mentioned above, everyone has learned to expect the unexpected.  Right now, some of the protection my players have includes a slingshot used to fire stale munchkins, a shard of bone that will let them grow giant tusks for a few hours, and a spell that will let them teleport around when someone tries to hit them.  Also, the attack on Plummit involved quite a lot of giant farm animals being catapulted at the city.
Fun: The first thing kids learn is not to wander off.  Getting snatched up after stumbling into fae-controlled woods is a very real threat, so everyone’s fun is contained within their settlement.  Plenty of old world sports and pastimes survied, so it’s not unusual to see people playing soccer, baseball, cards, chess, or any other game that doesn’t require too much space or equipment (like football, football is gone).  While radio, tv, and the internet are all gone, some settlements have restored their electricity, and sometimes indulge themselves by using it to show movies.  Kinda feels bad leaving this so short when the two above are so long but hey you know what they say, war may change but fun... fun never changes.
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paradise-tourism · 7 years
wbj17 day 3
a quick run down of the races native to the Clover. There are many other races in this setting, but I can get to those later.
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Capilon are a race of fungus people, though it’s not obvious from looking at them. They’re humanoid, pale skinned, and have slightly offputting proportions. They also grow thin spots in their skin where their “blood” leaks out, but due to an unexplained phenomena, this is painless and, without interference, results in no blood loss.
Sweet Teeth are a race of mammalian people who are covered in short fur. They are humanoid, bipedal, tail-less, and have secondary mouths on their bellies. These mouths are fully functional, and the secondary tongue has a much more vivid sense of taste than their primary tongue.
Florvids are a race of raptor-like plant people, and are massive compared to the other races. They photosynthesize, but they also need to eat to gain enough energy to function. The petals around their head can come in a large variety of shapes and colors, as do their leaves. Florvids that look like cacti or fungi are rare.
Butchers are a race of small imp-like people with long, thin tails that have sharp chunks of metal growing out of the tips, which they fashion into blades. They also, depending on the individual, have wings, and/or cycloptian faces.
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tinker-tdc · 7 years
Worldbuilding June
I will be trying to keep all entries short enough to reasonably read. Day 1: Introduction Aelit is a young world in its fifth life. The first life of Aelit was ruled by the dragons. They ruled through the creation of fire. The calamity that killed the world was a rolling firestorm that reduced the land to ash. The second life of Aelit was ruled by genies. They ruled through the creation of language. The calamity that killed the world was a great wind that ground the mountains to sand. The third life of Aelit was ruled by mermaids. They ruled through the creation of magic. The calamity that killed the world was a powerful spell that flooded the seas. The forth life of Aelit was ruled by giants. They ruled through the creation of steel. The calamity that killed the world was a great war that cut the earth to its core. The fifth life of Aelit has as of yet been ruled by humans. They have ruled through nothing easily visible to the average person but it seems that the biggest factor has been their ability to adapt to whichever situation they are thrown into. They are not defined by one creation, but by many. There is no sign of impending doom, but an old woman who lives in a forest predicts we’re bound to run into a calamity any day now. Ladytabletop’s Message: Start Small. A particular creature unique to Aelit is the Chatterbox. A Chatterbox is created from the shadow of a witch who died in her dreams. A chatterbox has a humanoid shape but lacks hair, sexual organs, and facial features. The corners of its mouth stretch back around its head far enough to nearly touch and the mouth itself is filled with a hundred pointed teeth. Its skin is an uneven purple and its limbs appear stretched and deformed. A Chatterbox can perfectly mimic the sounds of any creature that it has eaten that has not yet been fully digested (about 2 days). Due to this limited time-frame a Chatterbox is constantly on the hunt for its next meal. It attempts to go after solitary prey and use its voice to lure members of a group away before ambushing them. When humans lose one of their group to the Chatterbox they are often haunted by the voice of their deceased comrade as the Chatterbox stalks them.
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maedhros-nelyafinwe · 7 years
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World Building June Day 28
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ostrichmonkey-games · 7 years
Day 15/16: Technology & Magic
Going back to catch up on some World Building June prompts. 
Technology and Magic go hand in hand in Sin Eaters. The current level of technological development is somewhat analogous to our world’s 1910s-1920s. Airships such as dirigibles are more commonly used and tend to be larger. The biggest difference is that magic is frequently used to augment technology, or help it skirt around pesky things like physics. Something like a straight up +1 Flaming Greatsword or a Vorpal Rifle doesn’t exactly exist (though a Vorpal Rifle sounds rad), but enchantments can be applied to objects to say, allow a sword to maintain its structural stability while also being superheated. Types of scrying and divination allowed for a much earlier development of long distance communications, and as such the use of radio waves has lagged a bit. There are radio/telecommunications analogs, but they are created through self-sustaining scrying enchantments. Engines and constructs are bigger and more powerful than traditional combustion engines due to the use of magical enchantments as well. Fancy evocations (such as summoning fireballs) are fairly uncommon. Innate magical talent is rare, and frequently sequestered to ancient bloodlines, although there are plenty of exceptions.
Technological enchantments are created through the application of magical seals, similar to how Immaterial Beings are summoned to the Material Plane. The seals vary in appearance and structure by tradition and culture, but they all operate in a similar manner. The seal taps into the intersection of the Material and Immaterial Planes and essentially rewrites or reprograms parts of the Material Plane’s physics and logics. Seals can be mass produced for general application. For example heating or cooling seals to keep food, healing seals printed on bandages, or etchings on armor or weapons to add or enhance certain properties. Mass produced seals tend to be less powerful, and more generalized than seals cast by a talented arcanist.
The most common form of “cast” magic is conjuration. Conjuration, or summoning, is almost as old as civilization which includes contact with Immaterial beings. Throughout the many varied histories of the world, these beings have been called by many names. Spirits. Fey. Demons. Angels. Gods. Any actual divine (or infernal) nature these beings may possess is debated in more scholarly circles, but it is agreed that these beings can hold great power and frequently have strange goals of their own. However, when an Immaterial being is brought to the Material Plane, the logics of the Material are imposed on it, granting it a shaped form and appearance. Some believe that the cultural influences of the summoner affect the form, and perhaps personality of the Immaterial Being. Summoned beings are generally either unwilling, or unable, to share information concerning the Immaterial Plane.
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worldhammerer-old · 7 years
Day 1: Introduction
Aoat is a fantasy world with a number of sentient species - humans and a collection of more or less anthropomorphic animal-ish people, mostly. It’s got magic, sure. It’s got dragons (probably), sure. But it’s not a world that I’m interested in telling particularly grand or epic tales with. Conflicts are more likely to arise from fluctuations in the price of iron, say, than from some dark evil being unsealed after a thousand years. I’ve always been interested in the material artifacts left behind by history - weapons, clothing and jewelry, clay pots, grave or property markings - and the processes by which people created them, and this interest has been one of the driving forces behind my conception of Aoat as a world and its people.
Most of what I have fleshed out for Aoat centers around a few large states who recently had expansionist notions but are currently locked essentially standing still against each other: Hambry is an empire of proud archers and strong-backed sailors, holding claim over the frigid Kymnutari Ocean and the wooded western edges of the continent of Drokkstang. To the west, the Firsthomes, a collection of technologically-advanced city-states of humans and ksui (cat people) who account themselves the appointed rulers of all creation; Szaomngba, a land of deserts and volcanoes in turns sun-baked and bitterly cold, where nomadic horse-riders know secret techniques of lightning-magic; and the Black Territories, a frigid wasteland where inhabitants make a meagre living within strongholds warmed by geothermal energy protecting them from hordes of giant insects. To the east, Vuatlieo, a vast land brimming with abundance, known for its wine and its wizards in equal measure; Belkharoz, south of Vuatlieo, where serfs tied to the land live short and unfulfilling lives for a royal clan of werewolf blood-mages and their vampiric cronies; the orcish lands, too waterlogged, wild or generally unpleasant for anyone else to have laid a claim to, where surface orcs live peaceful enough lives engrossed in agriculture and the sale of fine deep orc goods to surfacer non-orcs; and the Salt Wastes, which lie under the ocean half the year and are barren, the other half, save for smugglers, capitalists, and other evildoers. The Ocean Folk also claim to come from the east, but also that their homelands lie a considerable distance north - all that’s known for certain of them are the artificial islands they grow in favored waters, from coral, and the salt-preserved exotic fruits they trade.
That’s probably enough for today, thank you for your time.
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faerevolution · 7 years
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[credit kristina toxicpanda]
The Foul is the most dividing force in Rust. Technology in the world is already dangerous- Wyres fight villages over resources, ruins kill people who cross into their borders, gadgets explode when the wrong thing is done to them- but the biggest danger of tech is the thing that powers it, the black, almost-living ichor called Foul.
The Foul runs through the lines of every piece of technology in Rust. Exposure to the fluid happens through everyday exposure to technology or living in ruins over a significant period of time. Exposure subtracts years from an individual’s life- the longer the exposure, the more years they lose. Advanced forms of Foul exposure resemble contemporary cancer. Only androids are immune to the physical effects of the fluid.
Research indicated that Foul powers Wyres and technology in some ways. Fringe researchers claim that it is actually a multitude mass of diminutive Wyres, working to maintain their brethren, but this is commonly dismissed as a crackpot theory.
Foul is most commonly found in two forms: Silverdisks or Canisters. Silverdisks are small, inch and a half in diameter disks that have arcane inscriptions on them. When inserted into a piece of technology that accepts a Silverdisk, it can bring dormant gadgetry back to life. Canisters are four-inch wide, twelve-inch tall canisters that display the Foul inside under a thick layer of opaque metal. They are used in vehicles or larger mechanisms that produce larger effects. Some ruins have devices concealed within them that can recharge Silverdisks or Canisters, usually involving exposure to raw Foul.
This substance is why technology is banned in Bastion and many small settlements to the south of the Three City Region. Freehold maintains that it is sovereign, and does not restrict it’s use- while Silver Mount’s infrastructure depends on the use of the fluid on a huge scale, and any mistakes in it’s handling can hurt large portions of the city’s population.
[ask a question]
[back to rust]
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badassdanddpics · 7 years
World Building June Introduction
The Creation of an Unnamed World
          As the first elements formed they combined to create the world forms the first life. The first dragons, beasts of primal nature and imbued by the different aspects that were used to create this world towered above their modern ancestors. These terrifying beings composed of pure elements bore many things; teeth of lightning, claws of acid, scales of stone or wings of fire. However powerful, there was one, the dragon-mother Tiamat who's power remained unmatched even by the best of these ferocious beings. In the beginning, the world was truly hers. Brutality and savagery became the rule of the land, leaving only those who were worthy were fit to live.
          Born after the world cooled and the oceans flooded from the plane of water, creatures of epic proportions began to claim the sea as their own. Known as the leviathans, they conquered the dragons for domain of the sea. The first beasts born of all elements, their shear durability was enough to overcome the dragons of pure primal energy. Their massive bodies too big to be supported on land, they settled the the ocean, ready to discover its depths where some remain sleeping even today.
          In the chaos of the battles, the first humanoid race emerged; the Highlords, a race well versed in magic and physical capability, began to fight the inhabitants of the primal world for a foothold of their own. In time, their numbers and innate strength overcame the dragons, some even gaining the first sparks of divinity. With this spark, they began to gain significant power as they became worshiped by others of their kind. Eventually, those who had gained their spark were able to create the first lesser beings which they kept as physical laborers. These lesser beings resembled men made of clay, brought to life through the use of powerful magics. Though not strong, their creation set the groundwork for the construction of golems and the use of false souls.
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ladytabletop · 7 years
Worldbuilding June Day 1: Start Small!
Hello, builders! Hope you’re ready to get started!
The folks over on the official site have a neat prompt for you today to get you started and I definitely recommend following them.
Remember that worldbuilding doesn’t have to literally encompass a planet, plane, or universe! It can be hard to start abstractly jumping into a whole world. Today’s message is: start small!
Pick an individual, location, creature, or plant that is unique to your world and describe them and their significance (or lack thereof) to the world. If possible, start to get a sense of the world they reside in through their description! This description could be as simple as a few sentences, or it can be a short story. Try expressing the description through multiple media forms: pictures, music, smells, sensations. Moodboards help me a lot, especially with people.
If you already have a detail like this fleshed out in your world, feel free to share it! I’ll be tagging everything for this month with #worldbuildingjune17. Use #ladytabletopchallenge if you want me to see your answers to this prompt! And of course for any content you produce, use the official tag #wbj17 (I’ll be doing that, too!).
Happy building!
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WBJ Day 17b - Recovery
Grand magical healing has not been seen for two generations, when apparently the dead could be brought back to life and entire arms could be regrown. The practice of these acts are written about, and as with all magic it requires fair compensation. For one to be brought back to life, another had to die. For any great physical healing, there is a great physical weakening of another.
On the battlefield, where warriors expect to lose their lives, there are healers who dedicated the same thing. There is an excerpt from a knight from one such battle.
“When the general fell, we all pushed forward, for we would not allow the scourge to take his body. That was when I felt my heart waver, but we would die with him and do him honor. That was when Relius ran forward, donned in only the lightest armor that he could barely move in and that served him no good, for he had no weapons on him, and only a pocket of potions meant to heal. I called to him to turn away, that he could do no good except in the camp, where whatever survivors would need his care would have to retreat to. He did not hear me over the battle or he paid me no mind. I watched as he kneeled on the blood of our general, reaching out with his hands. To this day I know not which of the gods Relius served most, but they were there at that moment, in the wave of peace that surrounded him. The battle grew silent for a moment, even as it raged on, and I saw the young and brave healer pale before my eyes. He collapsed onto the ground with a smile, and General Calliward took a deep breath, standing in one motion, as if he had never felt the pains of age or battle. He gave the dying healer a nod of respect, took up his sword, and charged right back into the battle. That was when our people rallied and I knew the battle won, as I charged right after my general and past the healer, another fallen soldier, dead with honor. A healer does not harm, but it was his actions that allowed us the victory.”
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punkpuppydragon · 7 years
So for world building June I’m also gonna try to do @ladytabletop‘s b-b-b-bonus prompts, the first one is to “ Pick an individual, location, creature, or plant that is unique to your world and describe them and their significance (or lack thereof) to the world.”
Summit is a town of roughly 20 thousand people in 6 sq. miles of Union county, New Jersey.  Like about 50% of the locations in Jersey, it’s named after the hills that are literally everywhere in this state (the other half are named after trees or bodies of water).  During the nonsense, the entire town was thrown into the air as huge chunks of the ground told gravity what they really thought of it.  The survivors and new settlers simply couldn’t resist, and renamed the town Plummit.  
The year is now 2046, 30 years after the Nonsense, and Plummit has grown into a flourishing community of humans and fae.  During the gravity wells formation, the chunks of the town thrust into the air were by no means evenly distributed, so Plummit is actually comprised of a series of islands, rather than a single landmass.  Over time some of these islands have been connected with engineering or magic, making the city more cohesive. Some of the islands have anchoring points for bridges or grappling hooks, while others have magical assistance such as flying trolleys, fae with wings, or birds carrying people over disproportionately small gaps.  Most old world buildings are collapsed, so the town is a mixture of ramshackle human buildings and fae dwellings made of living wood. There’s a market where fae and humans can try to figure out the others system of value, a human majority and sizable populations of fae, tuathans, and fomorians (they’re both half-elves basically).  There are also plenty of travelers, messengers, and adventurers that visit the city regularly.  
Although the townsfolk usually don’t talk about it, it’s generally known that the ruins beneath the city, a shadowed plain of pillars and canyons, are still very dangerous.  Any adventurers brave and foolish enough to head below return with tales of monsters and wild magic-- or worse, they don’t return at all.  As long as they stay out of them, however, the ruins have never given Plummit any problems.  Given how easy it is to defend the city, Plummit is, ironically enough, a relatively stable an peaceful place in an otherwise chaotic region.  
 Lately, however, things have changed.  The city is tense, on edge.  Every human and many fae are carrying a weapon of some kind, although it’s clear from their expressions that this is not ordinary.  Some of them try to laugh it off-- anyone who’s foolish enough to attack Plummit, they say, is truly mad.  We’ve got the Paladins and Wardens at our backs, mages and their wards defending us, and we’ve always stood tall over the bodies of anything the world could throw at us.  Plummit could never fall... right?
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paradise-tourism · 7 years
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wbj17 day 11
Here’s some pets??? Because until now, the only domesticated animal I had in this setting that was distinctly a “pet” was a snail.
Piffons are a birdlike animal, small in size (depending on who you ask). They’re covered in a soft coat of feathers, but they don’t have wings, or tails. They have four little skinny, leathery legs, and thin flappy ears, and tough serrated beaks that are good for eating crisp fruit. Piffons are popular in most of the Clover, except for the Rot-aligned country, as there’s a lack of fresh fruit there to properly feed a Piffon.
Flysnaps are a pet that’s especially popular in the Growth-aligned country, they tend to flourish there. They usually grow with just one head, but individuals raised in such a setting will grow extra heads. Each mouth connects to a stomach in the middle of the bulb under the dirt. Along with a decent amount of bugs to feed on, they do also need sunlight and water, just as any other plant. It’s hard to raise one in the Rot-aligned country, but not impossible - it just needs filtered water and imported soil... it might still get sick just from the stale air in that atmosphere, though.
Melytra are native to the Rot-aligned country, and pretty popular to catch and keep as pets. Their shells are colored and patterned after the various mushrooms that grow in the dusty plains of the area, and their legs are usually a lighter cream color, so that by pulling their heads and legs closer under their shell, they can competently mimic a common mushroom, avoiding predators. Considering how people forage for all kinds of mushrooms, though, this doesn’t keep them from being taken home by someone who wasn’t originally out looking for a pet. Melytra feed on pretty much anything and just need a decent-sized tank with some natural rubbish to hide in, so they’re easy to keep in any area.
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