the-nation-of-today · 1 month
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You're looking and whispering You think I'm someone else This is hell, yes Literal hell
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timaeusterrored · 10 months
I’m pissed
My daddy issues didn’t make me sexy it made me have severe trust issues and anxiety. The fuck is the reason for that???
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ticklemerogers · 3 months
I'm just a little bit angry, sorry
Beyond tired of watching my abuser, r*pst, and stalker continue to do the same stuff to the person he is currently dating that he fully groomed, and I can't speak about any of what I went through because the one time my friends tried to support me in speaking about what happened, he literally lied about everything, tried to say everything HE did to ME was actually what I did to him, then tried to sue me? And then his friends harassed and stalked me and my friends for years after that. He ruined my favorite hobby and has made it near impossible for me to write my fucking fanfic about toby anymore because I'm still healing from the trauma. I've tried to speak out so many times about what happened as carefully as I can for the safety of my family and friends. This person sexualizes childlike aesthetics and characters, s*x*lly abused his partners, uses his friends and followers for money then drops people whenever he wants to, shit talks all of this friends behind their backs, and will force people to drop any friends and family who see right through his bullshit. I'm so fucking tired of being too terrified to speak about it but I literally can't do anything because no one cares about an abuser unless they do it to more than one person. But if people listened to the first victim, there wouldn't be more. If you were wondering at any point in the last four years where I have been, I've been struggling with watching him continue to be a "content creator" after he ruined my life then acted like it was nothing and kept living. Fuck him, and fuck anyone who supports him. This is the same asshole who wrote WDHTD, if you're in the sally face fandom. I'm fucking over it. i know too much to be this pissed off and in hiding.
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vongreii · 2 years
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my larry cosplay gave me such gender
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xy0105 · 3 years
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The Sally Face Killers🤟🏻
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zeparxboy · 3 years
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wristbroken · 3 years
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“You already ruined my life.” Sal smiled, hatred flowing in his laugh. “You aren’t going to take this away from me, too. This band is too important. I am going to be polite. I am going to be boring. I am going to survive around you. But the second you try to get any closer than I allow? You’re getting a pocket knife in your fucking throat.”
 “Is that a threat or a promise?”
“It’s one better, Larry. It’s a fucking vow.”
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cardshard · 3 years
with posting my podcast playlists, i'm just going to post my fic playlists too because i want to 😼 (there are also significantly less than my podcast ones)
throam official soundtrack
wdhtd - my first wdhtd playlist before i split the songs into the next two
wdhtd (side a) - idk heavier(?) music i guess
wdhtd (side b) - chiller vibes also more accurate to the fic i think
how a resurrection really feels - only one song atm bc i haven't read it in like three years and i never read the ending
i also might be making a one for the black rose season but like how a resurrection really feels, i haven't read it in years and i never ended up reading the end so idk yet
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9h05t-f4c3 · 3 years
kinda wanna bleach my hair ngl
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jasper-jayy · 4 years
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🤘🏻🎸“And it was Elvis......Of course it was Elvis”🎸🤘🏻
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freddi312 · 5 years
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okay, so i just started wdhtd on ao3, and i love it! i don’t read that many fanfics, but if i’m honest, the smut got me. so take this thing, if the fandom isn’t that dead, and take a motion blurr one and a simple one and excuse my handwriting
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the-nation-of-today · 2 years
Eight months to the day when I first heard We Don’t Have To Dance and I genuinely have been absolutely unwell since
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Cool band, shitty venue
I never posted my ‘We Don’t Have To Dance’ cosplays to tumblr honesty I should because this fic deserves a lot more appreciation.
If you guys like REALLY intense and sad fics with happy endings I’d highly suggest @ironiclittlebaby’s fic of ‘We Don’t Have To Dance’ it’s a extremely well written fic and truly the writer is so talented with everything and takes everything into consideration.
Anyways thanks for the fic! I think this is probably the first fic I ever actually heavily related to and I thank you for that. A lot. I had a lot of fun designing his outfit and I can’t wait to wear him to con! I look forward to reading more of your work in the future!
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salemnightz · 4 years
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I tried to draw Travis from wdhtd, people don't really seem to like my drawing of him, but I do. He was one of my favorites.
The fic really hit me hard, like it brought up feelings and memories of my own, to describe those kinds of emotions so perfectly and in such detail broke my heart...
I plan to do more fanart for it. If I can get myself together.
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theunderworld-rpg · 4 years
Hi yes I asked Remy to marry me and he said yes
you lovebirds are added to the engaged list now, congrats!
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violetnuisance · 5 years
WDHTD Analysis
You know the analysis papers your English professors make you do? Yeah, I did one at nearly 2 am on a fanfiction. Here we go.
It’s currently 1:54 am on Tuesday, July 2, in my lightless bedroom as my right thumb is furiously tapping on my phone’s digital keyboard. Why am I up? Beats the heck out of me; I should’ve gone to sleep hours ago. But one thing is for certain-I just finished @ironiclittlebaby ‘s fic, We Don’t Have To Dance, and I have emotions, so enjoy this little unedited fic analysis.
A preface: A few months ago, I tried my best to read WDHTD, and had only succeeded in reading the first 7 chapters because I was unconditionally bawling my eyes out. At the time, my mental state wasn’t the best, and this fic seemed too cruel to be good, so I left it. However, today was the day I decided to give it another chance since I’m better mentally, and boy am I glad I did.
Now on to the real shiz:
I’m not going to stick to a TPCASTT format for this. It is way too late, and I am way to hyper. Therefore, this might just me be babbling versus an actual analysis but who cares.
1. What is the writer doing?
Blue has created a band au in the sally face universe that has taken the fandom by storm to be perfectly honest. They’re creating an angsty fic that resolves into a happy ending at its very core. But what is actually happening behind the lines?
A reoccurring trait in a lot of fics from any fandom is the usage of pornographic material, because, hey, sex sells. By just adding the singular tag ‘smut,’ you are enthralling one side of an audience. They will be willing to read the fic each and every update for the chance of a sex scene. And, the fact that WDHTD opens up with one, reassures the readers that yes, sex is in here, and will probably be in here more than once. It’s a format a lot of authors go to.
Blue is also keeping the reader in the dark. Why did Larry leave Sal? You have to read the first 10 chapters to just find out the answer to that one question, which also happens to be the main plot point. Humans are curious creatures, and we’re going to keep reading to find out an answer if the story isn’t too terribly off putting no matter what.
However, this blindness also gives the reader the time to feel Sal’s anguish, brew their hatred for Larry, and in general, just feel sorrow at the whole situation. Only to have all these conflicting emotions ripped from you when Larry admits, while puking his guts out, his reasons for leaving. This moment is positively pivotal, and the author needs to sell that this character-you-thought-was-bad-is-actually-a-sweetheart in order for the rest of the story to fill the reader with more raw emotion and give them the prime reading experience. For the most part, I’d say Blue succeeds in this, but we will cover this point more in the second part of the analysis.
The author here is using a buttload of foreshadowing. I dare one of Yawll to tell me in my inbox that you didn’t know Larry was going to OD. We all knew it, we really did, we were just praying that it wouldn’t happen. But with every little incident, Like Travis revealing Larry relapsing could kill him as ScreamFest neared, it creates an incredible sense of dread that leaves the reader on the edge of their seat. It’s like a thriller almost (not really, but indulge me here), and it makes you unable to close Ao3.
The author is also using research. They are knowledgeable about binding contracts, drug usage, and medical conditions. We’ll discuss why this matters in the third point of this analysis.
2. What is the effect of that writing on a reader?
I heavily addressed a lot of this question in the first point, but there’s one thing I want to talk about here. Let’s discuss why it’s very important for the author to convince the reader that Larry Johnson is a sweetheart who was forced to leave his fiancée and not a total jerk who had a choice.
Even when the reader doesn’t know why Larry left Sal, it’s foreshadowed that he still has feelings for the bluenet. Let’s take a moment that happened right after my favorite scene when Larry is about to tell Sal something but is cut off by the screams of rabid fangirls. The whole moment, the whole scene, had been tender. Deep down, the reader is faintly aware that something is up, that this hatred can’t be as searing as it is portrayed. The reader is still wary of Johnson as they should be, but they’re also suspicious that there’s more than meets the eye because Larry’s acting a little lovesick. This helps soften the reader’s attitude towards him before the big reveal.
Then, we get to the turning point. The reason for Larry leaving is out, and all the readers are scurrying off their beds to get tissues. The reader has a very crucial internal fight here:
A) Forgive Larry Johnson (99% of the readers choice) or
B) Do Not Forgive Larry Johnson (like me because I’m a stupid hardass)
For the rest of WDHTD to hit the reader as it is intended, the reader must choose option A in that moment. There’s very little turnover time for any B choosers because Sal accepts Larry back at an alarming rate. So, in most cases, I’d say whatever choice your mind goes to in that instant dictates the reading experience you’re going to have.
In most cases, I’d say Ironiclittlebaby does this perfectly, plays the readers right into their hands, so let’s focus on why they set up this game of “Hey, he’s not a bad guy like you thought he was.”
For one, it makes the reader more vulnerable. It almost feels like you’ve been in Sal’s shoes-everything you thought was true has been erased. Like Sal, the reader’s going to be exposed. When Larry starts showing affection towards Sal, the reader is going to jump on that but also be worried. Because, hey, the truth was reversed once, so the same thing could happen again, right? As well as Sal’s, this strategy makes Larry gain the reader’s trust, making his downfall that more heart shattering.
It also gives the reader a rush of euphoria. It feels like you’ve just climbed a mountain. “Hey, I’ve conquered the angsty slopes, and now I can see the fluff filled valleys below!” This wistful mindset settles in to most fic readers heads, and they’re just so happy for the turnaround. Which also makes the new angst even worse.
Now, why would it be bad if the readers chose option B?
If you chose Option A, go ahead and close your eyes with me. Imagine rereading every one of the 27 published chapters but instead of rooting for LarryFace, you can’t help but feel this disgust for Larry. If you thought he had a choice when leaving Sal, then your mind probably cheered when it was introduced that Travis had a crush on Sal. You probably hoped, even though you knew it wouldn’t work out, that Salvis would become the new ship. If you were constantly rooting for Travis and maybe even felt disappointment when Sal chose Larry, Larry’s demise will not hit you the same. There will be thoughts like ‘he deserved this’ that destroy what the author intended to make you feel. Instead of sadness, your gut is left feeling what every fic author fears that their readers will feel: indifference.
But hey, I’d say that Blue pulls off their intended effect super well. I’d say the obsession the fandom has over this fic really shows that they crafted the trick well.
3. Why does that matter?
First, let’s talk about why research matters.
Most fic readers aren’t going to be very knowledgeable about certain things, so authors can really gloss over topics most of the time. However, there’s always that one group of readers that are knowledgeable about the topic at hand, and having complete bullshit in your story could really turn them away. I’d also like to say that having thoroughly researched your topics just really shows to any reader. We might not know the specifics of the topic, but it warns our heart that the author cared enough to put some time in the fic besides just writing.
Secondly and lastly, why does making the reader sad matter?
I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I can hear dogs barking outside, and it’s time for me to sleep.
When the readers has lows, it makes the high that much sweeter. A fic full of straight fluff gets boring after awhile; there has to be some sort of conflict to make a story interesting. And all this angst is going to make the happy ending of We Don’t Have To Dance just that much more tear jerking.
Not part of the analysis, but I just want to point out that Blue’s writing improves so god damn much as the chapters progress. Like, my breath was taken away by their striking style by chapter 27. They’re going places, and I’m excited to watch.
I’d also like to say it is a devastatingly beautiful piece of work, and personal opinion, it kind of sucks that most fans just dote on the sexual side of it. It’s so much more than just another smut fic.
Alright, thank you for listening to me rant. It’s time to log off and go practice my own writing by working on my fics.
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