#wdip ask
hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
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hugoweavingbaskets · 5 hours
Me just being so sad below the cut
My sisters both told me today that I’ve been so negative it’s been bringing them down emotionally and it made me so sad that my boss was like hey you’ve been crying for an hour straight why don’t you go home and get some rest
And now I’m just like cool so I’m too much for everyone around me and I’m pushing everyone away by being in such a rough space and this has been causing me to get physically ill more than my normal anxiety does and when I reach out it’s draining the people around me so tonight I’m just gonna have a bowl of ice cream and bundle myself in blankets and practice some breathing
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hugoweavingbaskets · 1 year
hey what's that unnameable unfindable fanart you can't find
Not technically fanart but my friend showed me this original art (around 2011?) and as I remember it it was art of this fat little kid with cardboard wings the size of a cereal box and his shirt said “Jonas ftw” and I believe I can fly was either written in the sky or the caption and the kid had such a genuine expression and was actually flying and it was just so wholesome and cute and every like year or two I spend a couple hours trying out different key terms and get to the bottom of the search results on Google images hahaha
The friend who showed it to me actually remembered who the artist is but it was gone from their deviant art and my friend does not want to reach out to the artist for some reason (probably because the artist took it down for a reason and my friend wants to respect their wishes 😂)
THANK YOU MAN HAHAHA I’ve been thinking about this for a long time 🪽
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
actually also 7 because i always want to see pictures of your aquarium and this seems like a cheat to see pictures of your aquarium :-D
For the ask meme
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
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Dude I tried so hard to take good photos and videos but my camera game needs serious help hahahahaha
My answer right now would be my corydoras. They're so derpy and cute. I don't know if I have enough to breed them because a couple died when I was quarantining them but I'd love to get some more so they feel a little more confident.
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
hey you
you are a Goodly Bean
i appreciate you and i am glad you exist. you make my life better
(I'm trying to not respond to this as a gloopy mess but I forgot to take medicine for like a week so I'm in it emotionally right now.) 😅 And listen I feel like it should be worth noting I held it together without crying until the you make my life better part.
Thank you so much for this. 🥰💙 Such a sweet message to receive and it came on a day I could really use it. 💙
If it's not clear, I think you are so cool and talented and funny and inspirational. You inspire me to be a better more conscious person. You make my life better too and I'm lucky to have you in my life. :)
Also the origin of goodly bean in my vocabulary should not be discounted 😂
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
20, 21, and 29! 👑#️⃣🍝
Oooh thank you Kendra!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
For the ask meme
20. Favorite disney princess movie?
I would say my top five favorite Disney movies in no particular order are mulan, princess and the frog, Aladdin, Encanto, and emperor's new groove. I think I would have to go with Mulan though. Love her 💙
21. a number that weirds you out?
4 8 15 16 23 42
(Is that funny anymore?)
I'm desperately trying to think of numbers that weird me out. I have numbers that I think are fun! 51 being divisible by 17 always gets me. It seems like it would be a prime number but it's not!
29. preferred pasta noodle?
Farfalle 🥰
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
4, 11, 19, and 22 for the weird asks!
For the ask meme
Thank you J! I've been thinking about these answers for several hours and this is what I've got haha.
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
I don't really believe in anything tbh but I feel like sea serpent? Since that's a nebulous enough one and the ocean is so big and deep :/
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
So many things! I'm bad about getting rid of stuff haha. Most notably that I saw when I went through the house was this camel and this photo. The camel is only notable because there's a photo of me and my grandmother playing with this when I was like 4. And the framed photo is from the Christmas before I adopted my cat, Blue, when I was in 4th grade. 💙
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19. the veggie you dislike the most?
21. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
Ive been collecting stickers for a while and I just put a bunch on the other day!
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
You are the best 🥰
For the ask meme
5. Favorite form of potato?
I freaking love those. If that doesn't count because it's more than just potato, then I would have to go with French fries or those diner style hash browns 💙
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
Was talking to this guy and we were getting along so well!
He made it a point a couple times to be like yeah I want you to be comfortable we can go slow
And he seemed VERY into me (not just neutral but VERY INTO ME!) and was very easy to talk to and then the past couple days I've reached out a couple times and he hasn't been responding the same
And then I also have to remind myself
Literally chill out this might not mean anything
People are allowed to not be focused on talking to me hahaha you sometimes forget to talk to your BEST FRIENDS for weeks
Just hard to gauge interest when your sample size is so small haha
Also like it's not a personal reflection on ME if someone isn't interested in me! That's literally just how people work!
We've literally only been talking for like a week so it's not far along at all haha but just a little discouraging hahahaha
It feels a little like "well I guess this must be because I'm unlovable and ugly" which I know is incorrect. I'm a delight! But then it's a little bit of a self fulfilling prophecy because then I get riddled with anxiety and overthink things and come into a conversation with clear cries for validation and anyway I'm spiraling over nothing
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