yoomschoocs · 3 months
(i'm the older twin by a minute!)
Hdhsjs let's gooo
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luminecho · 6 months
OH HEY you're first person not in my immediate family who i've ever seen mention Vienna Teng's music! hell yeah!!
i don't know if you know what drum corps is, but one of the groups in dci did a fucking great performance several years ago that included their rendition of teng's song Hymn of Axciom, which is some good fucking music. i got to see them perform this live and it was absolutely unreal
(here's their version, but the original is absolutely worth a listen too)
oooo! I haven't heard very many other of vienna teng's music, i mostly just know stray italian greyhound, but i'll ALWAYS take music recs, thank you 👀 i'll check this out
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datura-tea · 1 year
to me, your art trademark is your linework. really expressive and clean--very nice to look at! your color choice is a close second though. excellent kinda muted kinda earthy tones. very distinctive color pallette
prints this out and eats it!!
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thank you ahh i always second guess my colors tbh but im happy you think theyre distinctive!!
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hugoweavingbaskets · 1 year
hey what's that unnameable unfindable fanart you can't find
Not technically fanart but my friend showed me this original art (around 2011?) and as I remember it it was art of this fat little kid with cardboard wings the size of a cereal box and his shirt said “Jonas ftw” and I believe I can fly was either written in the sky or the caption and the kid had such a genuine expression and was actually flying and it was just so wholesome and cute and every like year or two I spend a couple hours trying out different key terms and get to the bottom of the search results on Google images hahaha
The friend who showed it to me actually remembered who the artist is but it was gone from their deviant art and my friend does not want to reach out to the artist for some reason (probably because the artist took it down for a reason and my friend wants to respect their wishes 😂)
THANK YOU MAN HAHAHA I’ve been thinking about this for a long time 🪽
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bonez-yard · 1 year
got any fair game headcanons you want to share? or art ideas? :-D
Ooooooo, my time has come *Oogways everyone*
Oh gosh, where to start!
I like the idea of their nicknames for each other! For Clover, Qrow gives him names like "Lucky Charm", "Soldier boy", "Cloves" and for Qrow, Clover absolutely loves calling him "Pretty Bird", "Love bird", and his personal favorite "Baby bird".
I love flustered!Clover, I go weak every time I think of Qrow somehow catching Clover off guard for once and Clover cant do much but just try to think of a quick comeback (it never works out with Qrow's teasing, but later on he does make up for it ;))
I do have some art ideas, now if only I ever get the chance to actually draw them lmao- but some of them do involve my villain!Clover AU! And here's an idea or two I think would be nice to know: Qrow wearing one of those backless dress, with sleeves and showing off his legs (or his thighs) and Clover is just going absolutely ham at how beautiful he is in it (Clover is also wearing a dress in this scenario)
Another idea is Qrow laughing, and Clover can only stare at him, looking smitten as ever! It's supposed to take place during their time in v7 :)
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shinysamurott9 · 4 months
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Drew up this scene of Grey and Pandora together. I've always thought that part of Pandora is almost envious of Grey because he had the chance to break away from his purpose and "change his destiny". In a post ZXA Scenario though, where her and Prometheus have also managed to Change their destiny in having their lifespans restored, that envy becomes more about how Grey sees the world.
He comes out of Advent, pretty happy and optimistic about things, excited to see and experience the world. A stark contrast to Pandora who has lived for centuries with a bleak and fatalistic outlook, now left aimless without her created purpose or the revenge her and her brother dedicated their lives to for so long. It's enough to make her wish she could see the world the way Grey does.
I should honestly write this as a fic at some point
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soars22 · 8 months
“The Envious Egg” my beloved
No, but like, that’s such???? A good story????? Like, I want it to be an actual children’s book, that would go so hard.
Quackity Studios publishing company when-
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astridlikesmythology · 7 months
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The collection of shiny rocks grows >:)
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shadeykris · 5 months
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I care about him a normal amount
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yoomschoocs · 1 year
got any headcanons or ideas for fanworks for qrow? (or whoever! i'm just happy to hear about stuff people come up with) :'-D
I've already talked a lot about headcanons so I'll be rambling about the fanworks for now shdjsh
I'd love to make an animatic for Qrow once like I did for Raven, I wrote down a ton of ideas not too long ago and there's a few songs I think would suit him well. But the motivation or time is currently not available to me, so I must waiittt 😭😭 But should the animatic not work out I could always try and make a cool comic!
I've also had ideas for a Ruby VS Cinder animatic since like, ever. I have quite a few things thought out. Should make a storyboard for it once, now that I think about it.
I would also like to make more AU related content. It's been a bit since I drew anything Maleficent Qrow, which is honestly a crime!! One of my favorite AUs, and I have so many LOL There's a bunch of new ones @cara-kira and I thought of lately that I'd love to make some content for, but yea like I said, no time,, exams be calling me 🫠
I think that's all I have to say about that for now lol
Thank you for the ask!! :D And your support, I see you in my notes! it means the world to me 💕💕
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cuterefaction · 1 year
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#Trektober Day 12, "3D Chess". Quark gets his revenge on the Wadi and will never not be petty in victory
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
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Found my first shiny in SV today! This is Canary!
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hugoweavingbaskets · 2 years
what if i said i have worn wigs and would wear wigs would you hire me
There isn't an increment of time invented to explain how quickly I would hire you.
Are you telling me this guy has worn wigs and will do so AGAIN???
This is why we vet our new hires so thoroughly 😂
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wizardnuke · 1 year
apropos of absolutely nothing. i am not a witchy person i am never really going to be. but. but. if crystals are "magic" or give "good vibes" or whatever it's because they're Of The Earth. you know what's better than getting some cheap quartz at a boho store. finding a really fucking cool rock. or a stick. i think if physical items have the sort of power people believe they do then it would come from literally anything that nature makes and you have to love that thing at least a little bit. anyway don't steal from parks and don't put rocks up your vagina.
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greetingfromthedead · 1 month
I love TTRPGs. I am very anti-social, but I make exceptions for D&D and other such games!
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bugzizgone · 2 years
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