bluebellhairpin · 1 year
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epicsmol101 · 5 years
Slendytubbies A Story Rewritten Official Story Chapter 1!! (part 1)
Warning!! Please DO NOT copy, claim, or use anything used in this without permission please!!  Po was peacefully walking through the paths of main land, the summer breeze was refreshing to the hot crisp sunlight. Po was always enjoying her peaceful yet super positive and bubbly walks, or even a nice little ride on her scooter. She was the most positive out of all the main four, being ever so sweet and chipper she never failed to lighten someone's day. Today she was heading home from the beach to get a bite to eat, her feet made soft pitter-patter as she skipped on the stones and dirt of the pathways, a soft hum of a warm tune escaped her lips and she began to sing making her start to dance around as she skipped. Meanwhile at the house Noo-Noo was doing his usual job and cleaning up, Tinky was outside with Laa-Laa trying to make her feel better but to no avail. Dipsy was being a lazy butt and sleeping on the slide boredly. Tinky Winky sighed “Come on Laa-Laa, how about we play pass?” Laa-Laa looked up at Tinky and rubbed her eyes softly “Sorry but no thank you. I’d much rather have some alone time ok.” Tinky patted Laa-Laa’s head and smiled “Alright! Well when you want some company let me know!” Tinky Winky was very kind and gentle for his height of 10’ tall, he was a tall teddy bear. He also was more leaderlike compared to the others. Laa-Laa was quieter than the rest, she was sweet and caring, but she was always anxious of a lot of things and recently has been having a lack of sleep due to horrible nightmares. Dipsy is pretty lazy, he tends to sleep a lot if not than he usually is trying to play games with everyone or eat. Noo-Noo did not show too much, he is basically the father of them all and doesn't really talk much at all unless it's needed. Tinky heard Po skipping around casually and glanced over. He saw Po and smile happily “Hey Po!! Welcome home!!” Po ran up to Tinky and hugged him happily “Hiya Tinky!!” Tinky had lifted Po into the air with a little spin than hugged her happily “I'm so glad you are home! This is the perfect time!” He gently placed her down and looked at Laa-Laa “Laa-Laa here has been having some issues being up in the sparkles. Could you help?” Po looked at Tinky smiling “You can count on me”, Po happily skipped over to Laa-Laa and leaned forward smiling dorkishly “Hey Laaaa-Laaaaaaa!!!” Laa-Laa looked up as she was teared up “Yes Po?” “Want to tell me whats wrong?” Laa-Laa glanced away “Nightmares..” Po immediately hugged Laa-Laa and held her close “Aww Laa-Laa. What was this nightmare about? Maybe I can help you change it to good!” Laa-Laa sighed, “Can we talk about it somewhere else?” “Of course!” Po chipperly replied than grabbed Laa-Laa’s hand than got up, she took Laa-Laa for a walk to talk alone with her. She didn't want anyone peeping in on the convo and wanted Laa-Laa to be as comfortable as possible. After they got far enough away from the group Po simply asked "So, What happened in that nightmare?" Laa-Laa looked up at the sky "Well.. It started with me in darkness, nobody was around and  the floor had black and white tiles. A path was lit by a strange light and when I got out of the light it was pitch black, no light shined into it and even if it was one finger in the darkness voices swirled around my head saying these horrid things. Eventually after what felt like hours of walking and yelling out I saw Dipsy, except he was on the ground.." She nervously choked down her fear "dead, I heard something behind me so I ran, as I ran I didn't look behind me but on the path I kept seeing all these bodies of us dead and laying on the ground. Soon enough I had to stop of course, but when I did I heard a thud behind me. As I turned around I saw myself as this big monster. A black and white tubby that was like the darkness around me came out from behind 'me' and simply told me that what I saw was going to happen and we were all going to die" Laa-Laa teared up and rubbed her eyes. Po hugged her and made sure she felt better "Im sure it wouldn't happen that nightmare was just being mean! I'll kick it's scary butt tonight ok!" Laa-Laa made a soft smile "thanks Po" ~Meanwhile~ Tinky Winky went up to Dipsy who was laid back on the slide sleeping as always. Tinky got an idea and picked up Dipsy throwing him over his shoulder, since Tinky was the tallest it was always hard to get down when he picks someone up "ugh… wha- huh!!! Tinky put me down!!" Dipsy squirmed and Tinky chuckled "Promise you will stay awake?" He asked smugly "Ok Ok I promise, I promise just put me down!!!" Dipsy replied and started laughing. Tinky placed Dipsy down with a warm smile "Now how long do you think the girls will be gone?" Dipsy shrugged "Not sure but man am I hungry. Sadly the custard machine broke again and Po isn't here to fix it" Tinky sighed "same here bro, but don't worry!" Tinky put his arm on Dipsys shoulder "They are just out so Po can cheer up Laa-Laa so i'm sure they will return soon!" Dipsy smiled "mhm" As they talked Noo-Noo drove out "I'm going to find the girls, stay here. Don't cause trouble while i'm gone." "You can count on me Noo-Noo!!" Tinky replied with a happy smile "thank you Tinky Winky" Everything was boring and still until the girls returned, LaaLaa looked down still but she also looked like she felt a little better. Tinky happily lifted his arms in the air and cheered "YAY" Po smiled and giggled seeing Tinky's silliness "so Noo-Noo told me that the custard machine is broken again?" Po asked curious, Both Tinky and Dipsy nodded. Po sighed softly "Who broke it?" both of the boys got a little nervous and looked at eachother. "well you see, me and Dipsy were playing tag in the house when Dipsy ran into the machine.." Tinky replied "oh, okie dokie! Just don't play tag in the house again!" Po replied happily as she ran to get her toolbox Once she did Po immediately started to work on the machine, She didn't rush because she knew it was either done right or rushed and not done right. Meanwhile LaaLaa sat beside Dipsy who was hugging her gently not really talking to her just being a quiet little cuddle buddy to help her feel better. Tinky was having a small chat with Dipsy about small things, literally. "There's plenty of small things in this world, like small rocks, fish, sticks, leaves-" Tinky said before Dipsy added in "Po." The two boys and Po had a small laugh at the joke. Po didn't mind being small, she was small but mighty and she knew it. Dipsy looked at LaaLaa before softly sighing, he patted her head gently "Hey LaaLaa." Dipsy finally spoke out "hm?" LaaLaa glanced up at the green floof "What kind of food is the suns favourite?" LaaLaa sat up "hmm.. Not sure." Dipsy smirked "I don't know either because its always burnt!" LaaLaa took a moment to process before she made a soft laugh. Tinky looked surprised "You got LaaLaa to laugh! Good job man!" Dipsy smugly looked at Tinky "its the puns man, she always finds them funny." Luckily it didn't take as long as expected for Po to finish her work, she turned on the power of the machine, Dipsy and Tinky's ears twitched as they smiled of anticipation. LaaLaa was quiet and thinking quietly as the others began to chit chat, NooNoo had suddenly disappeared but that was normal for him. "So once we are done eating what should we all do?" Tinky asked curiously "I think we should go to the beach! It looks so pretty today!" Po replied with a hyper smile with Dipsy adding "Ooh! We could play pirates!" Po started to have the machine make the custard, first Tinky Winky who is her best friend and the oldest, than Dipsy because he was the second oldest and usually got impatient if he didn't get his second, Po than went to LaaLaa and held a custard out to her "here! It might help you feel better!" LaaLaa looked at the custard silently then looked away "sorry but im not really hungry.." Po replied softly "Oh. That's okay as long as you eat later!" she than ate the custard which LaaLaa didn't eat. ~Meanwhile~ Deep below the ground in a secret area of main land a all white furred tubby was sitting at his desk boredly. He grumbled as the hat on his head fell over his one eye, this hat was Dipsy’s which this white tubby took when it got too close to the lair. What's this tubbys job? Well he is known as the Guardian, his job is to watch over the main four. Though he really hates that he can’t be near them and talk to them, he knows everything about each tubby even to the point where he has a binder with notes of each one. "UGH I hate this!" He sat up from his face on the desk "This is so boring, besides I want them to meet me but nooooo its always 'you must never go near any of the main four at any cost. They can’t know about the outside' at the end he mimicked someone. This Concludes Part 1 
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Rewritten: The Royal Romance: The Million Dollar Picnic (Part Nine)
A/N: Looking forward to the opportunity to make more personal deviations from the story after this chapter as all of our characters have been fully introduced! The TRR Gang is formed.
Summary: Riley attends the Royal Picnic to impress the Queen, plays croquet and eats finger sandwiches with the TRR gang.
Choices Chapter: Book One, Chapter Six
Disclaimer: Characters and main storyline from Pixelberry’s Choices.
Word Count: 4000+ 
Warnings: one use of strong language
Tags: @krsnlove
The Million Dollar Picnic
I felt lucky that I had been able to enjoy the races with Drake and Liam. I could only have imagined my experience otherwise in the suitor’s tent with Olivia and her clique as they threw a barrage of insults my way about my looks, manners, culture and anything else they could be bothered to think up. I really didn’t want to be afraid of these women but I was. I had such a high amount of respect for each one of them but knew that didn’t run both ways. As Drake led me to where the cars would take us to the picnic, I heard Olivia mutter up ahead, “I can’t believe we didn’t get to see the Prince at all…” She looked utterly glamorous in her blue, flowery, pendulum dress. She never had a hair out of place and seemed to own every room she was in… even if when she was just outside in the world. I wondered how she and Liam could have been friends for so long. They seemed so different. Yet, I could say the same about Drake and Liam. “He’s sure to be at the lawn party, though,” Penelope assured Olivia. Drake rolled his eyes, obviously not wanting to get any closer to the noble women, “I guess I leave you here.” “Sometimes I feel like I’d rather face a rampaging horse than deal with the others,” I muttered to him. He smiled, “I don’t know… You didn’t fare so well in front of the horse…” I laughed, looking up at him, “I guess that’s true.” For a moment, we looked at each other and every mean word that had crossed between us seemed to disappear. I was lost in his eyes, there seemed to be so much bubbling below the surface. I had known him just as long as Liam but felt like I knew nothing about him. There was something attractive in the enigma of it all. 
“Hey, Drake,” I said, breaking our silence, “Thanks for saving me.” He sighed, looking down at his dirty shoes, “I know I can be a jerk, but I’d have to be a real low-life to let a horse trample a girl.” “Well… Thanks, anyway,” I said, a truce settling between us. I walked away to catch up with the ladies, feeling like I was leaving something behind. “Look who finally showed up,” Olivia scoffed. “Fashionably late has its limits you know.” Out of the sea of judging eyes, Hana pushed through, grinning, “Riley! I was worried about you. What happened?” I took her arm in mine to walk with her, “Oh, well, I… kind of got lost.” Kiara raised an eyebrow, “It’s only day two and you can’t even keep up? Tres embarrassant.” I flushed red but before I could say anything Hana said, “I know it can be really overwhelming… how the press swarmed us all when we arrived…” She smiled at me shyly and I told her, deciding to ignore Kiara, “Hana, you look absolutely stunning today, as always.” “Oh! I don’t have as many dresses as I’d like with me so I feel like I am lacking variety,” she mused as we continued towards the cars with the group. “You work well with what you have,” I said. “Now that the races are over, what’s up next?” “Now the real party starts,” she said, giddily. “So it’s going to be the best party ever?” I asked as we drew ourselves away from Olivia, Kiara and Penelope. “Well, if your idea of the best party is a tea party with lemonade, finger sandwiches, and butter cookies…” Hana teased. “To be honest, tea parties aren’t really my thing,” I said craving another beer with Liam and Drake already. “I can see how they’re a bit silly… flowery china, the fussy napkins, the frilly doilies…” Hana listed. “What even is a tea cozy?” I laughed. “It’s like a sweater for your teapot,” Hana said seriously. “Are you some kind of tea expert?” I raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t go that far,” Hana said, looking down nervously. “When I was little, I didn’t’ have that many toys to play with because my parents thought they were frivolous but I was allowed a tea set, so that I could learn to be a proper hostess…” “Naturally,” I said, suddenly understanding where all of Hana’s expert knowledge was coming from. “I spent a lot of happy afternoons sipping tea with all my favourite guests… Mr. Sock, Miss Lemon Curd and Princess Snickerdoodle,” Hana reminisced. I stared at her speechless, trying to shake the pity from my face. I didn’t know what to say to such a sad picture. Her parents appeared to want to push her to succeed but she had, obviously, been very, very alone as a child. “Like I said,” Hana said brushing off my silence, “I wasn’t allowed to have toys… so I had to get a little creative.” “I just hope the company today can keep up with Princess Snickerdoodle,” I said, making her laugh. “Oh, I much prefer your company!” Hana said, cheerful now. “Don’t forget we, also, will be meeting the Queen today.” “Have you met her before?” I asked. “Once, a long time ago but I doubt she remembers me. Today will be our first official meeting. I must confess, I’m a bit nervous,” Hana said steadily, not letting her nervousness show if she was. We finally arrived at the line of cars awaiting to whisk us to our next location. A black town car rolled to a stop beside Hana and the driver got out to open her door. “Well this is me. I’ll see you there,” Hana reached in and kissed my cheek. “Looking forward to it,” I said, genuinely. I waved to her as her car pulled away. A familiar limo then pulled up next to me. The driver stepped out to open the door and Maxwell was revealed inside, holding a glass of champagne and chatting away to Bertrand. “Hop in,” he said, trying to imitate a slick movie star. I rolled my eyes, laughing and slid into the limo. He handed me a glass of champagne and I gladly accepted, enjoying the taste of the bubbles on my tongue. Bertrand sat at the far end of the limo looking over some papers. “I hope you had a good time,” Maxwell said. “It was-,” I began. “Enough pleasantries,” Bertrand said gruffly. “We only have time for business. First of all, was that Lady Hana Lee I saw you with? You two looked friendly.” “Hana and I are becoming fast friends,” I said, proudly. “An alliance with her family isn’t the worst thing as long as you don’t let it distract you from the Prince. In any case, your focus today should be on impressing the Queen. She holds more sway at court than anyone else,” Bertrand stated. “Even more than the King?” I asked. “Socially, yes. Do. Not. Underestimate. Her,” he said clearly. “You need to get her to like you,” Maxwell said seriously. “Tell me what she hates the most then,” I said. “She’s quite… wary of ladies who were not born in Cordonia, so you should watch your step there,” Maxwell explained. Great, I thought, so she’s wary of people like me then. “The Queen hates it when royal protocol isn’t followed. You should call her Your Majesty when you first meet her and then ma’am thereafter,” Bertrand said, looking at me as though he thought his words would go straight through me.  “I know you have a great sense of humour,” Maxwell said. “Thank you!” I exclaimed, thankful to finally have a compliment or some support throughout this barrage of information. “…but she does not. So if you only have something snarky to say…” Maxwell said nervously watching my smile drop. “Don’t,” Bertrand said. “Ultimately, she’s concerned about how the Prince’s bride will be partly responsible for Cordonia’s future. Keep that in mind when talking to her.” “Got it,” I said, taking huge sips of my champagne. “I hope you do,” Bertrand said, no hope in his eyes. “You might have performed well with the press but it only takes one slip-up to tear apart any reputation you’ve built.” I gulped. I was pretty confident now that Liam was falling in love with me and I was falling in love with him. In another world, we would be going on exciting dates, taking weekend trips away, meeting each other’s families and getting to know each other in every way. But now, I felt that everything was against me. I knew I could perform well with the press and in front of many important people at the court… yet, the pressure associated with not failing the Beaumont family made me so nervous. I could ruin everything for them with a single slip. I could not judge Bertrand for his seriousness. I would do right by them. They were the whole reason I was there at all.
When we reached the park where the picnic was taking place, the driver opened my door and Maxwell took my arm. They always say that the grass is greener on the other side and I had truly never seen grass as green as I had beneath my feet. Gorgeous marquees with thick garlands of flowers floated above magnificently set tables dressed in satin tablecloths and shiny silverware. “Wow, this looks like a million-dollar picnic,” I said. “It’s not polite to discuss price,” Bertrand scolded, then murmured quietly, appreciation in his eyes, “but you’re probably not far off.” Maxwell guided me over to the receiving line for the noble ladies to meet the Queen and left me with Hana. She appeared to fit comfortably into the surrounding excess. “Welcome to the tea party,” she said, smiling as always. “Cutting it awfully close,” Olivia hissed at me as the herald announced the arrival of the Queen of Cordonia. Queen Regina looked distinguished in her traditionally styled gown. Even the way she moved her hands and head had a softness, a regal-ness to them. Her voice was gentle but strong, “Welcome all. I’m so delighted you could join us this afternoon.” She made her way through the crowd, greeting guests who I could only imagine came from all over the world for an event like this. I noticed a tall, blonde woman escorting the Queen. She looked like a model but her gaze was hardened. A shiver went down my spine. Hana leaned over and whispered, “I wonder who that is…” “Your guess is as good as mine,” I muttered. “You dolts,” Olivia hissed again. “That’s Countess Madeline of Fydelia, and if you haven’t heard of her, then you really are behind.” “Her name was all over the tabloids at one point,” Penelope joined in our whispered gossip. “ She was betrothed to the former Crown Prince until he abdicated…” “It was particularly embarrassing for her to be thrown over like that,” Kiara added in a hushed tone. “She was the one who was chosen during that social season, after all. To go through all that and not be royal…” “Poor thing must be the Queen’s guest as a consolation prize,” Olivia said with faux sympathy. The Queen reached our receiving line and began talking briefly with each suitor as she made her way down the line. At last she stopped in front of me. She smelt like a summer day and her dress glittered in the sunlight up close. I stepped forward from the line and curtsied for her, “It’s an honour to meet you, your majesty,” I smiled, gracefully. “Ma’am, this is the one I was telling you about,” Madeline said without giving away any emotion or indication as to what had been said. “A pleasure to meet you, Lady Riley Brooks,” Queen Regina smiled. “The press speaks well of you. It takes great effort to manage one’s image so responsibly. They’re touting you as a mystery, someone they can’t quite figure out… I hope you realise that no one can remain a mystery long when they are a public servant and must attend to the people.” “Of course, ma’am,” I said, wanting to let her know already that I was a strong candidate. “Trust me when I say, I’d take my service seriously.” The Queen gauged me, “Tell me, what do you think is the best quality for a ruler to have?” “A sense of duty,” I said thinking of what Bertrand would want me to say as the Queen tested me. “One must have loyalty to the kingdom you represent and the people you serve will carry you though any crisis.” “Good answer,” Queen Regina smiled, making her eyes wrinkle at the side and began to appear more motherly than frightening. “Thank you, ma’am,” I gave her a warm smile. “Governance is not to be taken lightly. You will be bombarded daily by a hundred little decisions. Few will be glamorous and many will weigh on you,” her serious tone returned. “Loyalty to the kingdom and to the people must guide your every decision.” I thought about my loyalty I felt to the Beaumont family and nodded. I knew, given the opportunity, I would actually make a half decent queen. I had a strong sense of empathy and loyalty had always been an attribute I searched for in others. I might not have the training of Hana, the history of Olivia nor the culture of Kiara but I knew I still had a lot to give. “As heads of state, we have a responsibility to the people. The press acts as their eyes. We must always portray a sense of calm and dignity. If the rulers appear in control, then everyone will be reassured. Hysteria benefits nobody. Do you agree?” she asked. “Ma’am, I believe a stoic head of state equals a stoic people,” I said, letting Bertrand channel through my body. “Precisely. We must set the example, which is why we must not enable the scandal hunting impulses of the press,” she said, looking deep into my eyes. It seemed that all of the nobles I spoke to believed I was going to cost them something. A scandal would arise at some point from the waitress from New York. I was going to prove them wrong. I was just as strong as them. I wasn’t an embarrassment or a problem child they were just waiting on having an outburst. “Ma’am, I hate to interrupt but it’s time to begin the game,” Madeline said a couple steps behind the Queen. “Yes. Thank you,” the Queen then raised her voice. “Everyone, please, follow me. It’s time to begin the ceremonial croquet match.” We were led in a procession across the lawn behind the queen. I don’t know what it was about the term “ceremonial croquet match” but it really made me want to laugh so my main focus as we walked was on not doing that. “Know that one of you will be the next queen, and I expect you to represent Cordonia well. Madeline here has been the embodiment of dignity and devotion. It is my hope that you may all learn from her example,” the Queen said as we walked. “Thank you, ma’am,” Madeline smiled, genuinely but still with cold eyes. Across the lawn, I could see that the croquet hoops had been set up. Prince Liam stood poised in conversation with other well-dressed men laughing. He looked so different to the man I had just had a beer with. He was stately, stoic and the dignified... definitely not betting naked press ups against his childhood best friend. As we got closer, Liam took his time greeting each lady in the procession. When he got to me our eyes met and we had a full conversation in a split second. He had missed me even though we had barely been apart. I held out my hand and he held it gently, raising it to his lips. His lips brushed against the bare skin of my hand and he whispered, “Lady Riley, I am so pleased to see you.” “Prince Liam,” I said as our hands dropped apart, “is it wrong that I want to kiss you in front of all the other ladies?” “Maybe a little,” his eyes twinkled. “You know that’d cause a real scandal.” “That’s half the fun of it,” I giggled. He grinned as I playfully curtsied in front of him. I knew he was starting to like how well I was fitting in but with a mixture of wanting to fight the protocol of the proceedings. I wondered if the women around us could feel the sexual tension building, the secrets we held between us. As he continued on, I tried to refocus my attention on impressing the Queen. “Custom has it, that the Queen and the Prince play a round of croquet with two of the season’s suitors,” Queen Regina proclaimed to the crowd. “I have chosen Madeline as my partner.” Whispers surged around me from the crowd of women. A mixture of confusion and panic. “She’s a suitor?” Penelope hissed. “Pas bon,” Kiara exclaimed. “That scheming little…” Olivia narrowed her eyes at Madeline. Madeline acted as though there was no reaction at all, smiling standing by the Queen’s side. The obvious favourite. “As for myself,” Liam said stepping over towards the Queen and Madeline. “I shall choose Lady Riley.” I beamed as I stepped forward. I could hear Olivia gasp and then her daggers staring into my back. I joined Liam trying to retain decorum in front of the jealous noble women. We were directed to the beginning of the circuit and handed mallets. “Looks like we found another way to steal a few moments,” Liam said. “Hey, I don’t want to cause you alarm or anything, but I don’t know how to play croquet. You picked the worst partner,” I teased. “No worries. Just follow my lead. Hit your ball through the same hoop as mine and you’ll be just fine,” he reassured me with another award-winning smile. “Right, we are up!” Liam smoothly knocked his ball through the first hoop. Feeling all eyes on me, I set up to take my first shot. I breathed deeply, centring myself and calmly knocked the ball through the hoop. “Nice swing,” Liam murmured as he brushed past me, seductively grazing his hand along my lower back. As the game continued, I took my opportunity to speak more with the Queen and Madeline whilst Liam was taking his turn. They were deep in conversation when I approached. I was going to need to move mountains for the Queen to prefer me to the woman who had already been chosen to be Queen once before. “Am I interrupting anything?” I queried. “No. We are simply discussing how to best undress when meeting with ministers during the coucher,” Madeline said smoothly. “We do what now?” I asked, confused. “Oh goodness, Madeline. You’re too funny,” Queen Regina let out a soft laugh. “Forgive me, Riley,” Madeline said with the fakest smile I had ever seen. “It was only a joke. I hope you won’t begrudge us a small laugh at your expense.” I was more than fed up of women here thinking it was okay to laugh at my expense. Madeline seemed already worse than Olivia and I wasn’t sure I could cope. Before I had the chance to respond the Queen said, “Now, let’s give Riley the opportunity to speak her mind. Tell me your thoughts on governance, my dear.” “Governance is an art lost on most,” I said, remembering something Maxwell had told me that morning. “A sad truth,” the Queen agreed. Liam approached behind me and said, “my apologies for interrupting your conversation, but I believe it’s your turn. No pressure or anything, but if you hit the peg in the centre, we’ll win!” As I walked back to the end of the circuit, I took note of where the peg and my ball were, “That’s an easy shot! I can definitely make that!” As soon as I said that, however, I suddenly remembered that I was here to impress the Queen. I wasn’t here to beat her at a game. What if she was offended by losing to me, a commoner. I looked down at the ball. Was I really going to throw the game? No, I wasn’t. I had always been competitive and that wasn’t going to stop now. I wasn’t just here to win the game. I was here to win Liam’s heart and both the Queen and Madeline needed to know I wasn’t going down easy. I hit the ball with ease and it hit the peg with a satisfying ping. “I believe that means victory is ours,” Liam came up close to me, struggling not to hug me. The Queen approached us, “I’m glad you had the guts to finish the game. Too many ladies have thrown the game on purpose to impress me. That’s why I decided to make it a point to lose this match.” “You mean this was a test, ma’am?” I looked at her. “It was a test and you passed,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “I’m sure we’ll have times in the future where we’ll find ourselves on opposing sides. Next time, though, I expect it won’t be simply playing croquet… and I won’t be holding back.” Although through hearing it, this appeared to be a threat. I heard it more as a warning that she had strong opinions and morals that she would not back down on… and that she didn’t expect nor want me to back down on my own either. It relaxed me to know that there were some people here who appreciated the type of person I was. The grounds crew began to tidy up the lawn and the Queen addressed me once more, saying, “It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Brooks. You’ve shown yourself to be unlike many of ladies at court, which is no small feat in my eyes.” I tried not to smile goofily at her praise, “you honour me, ma’am.” Queen Regina turned to the other ladies who were spectating the field, “Thank you all for coming and I look forward to seeing you at the next event.” The Queen and Madeline left the field surrounded by bodyguards whilst the rest of the ladies spread out to the tables across the lawns to gossip about what they had just witnessed. Liam led me to a table and we sat down together, basking in the beautiful sun of the afternoon. Hana approached our table. “Riley, Prince Liam, that was well played,” she said. “Thank you, Lady Hana. Won’t you sit with us?” Liam welcomed her. “I’d love to,” she said, hiding her inner smile. If I could have screamed, fuck you Olivia, without causing a scandal I would have. On my first night she had gone out of her way to make a fool of Hana, telling her that she and I were the bottom of the bunch. That the Prince would never want us. Now here we were not 24 hours later sat with him at this gorgeous picnic in front of so many people. As we made small talk, servants brought out piping hot tea, cream and tiny sandwiches. Maxwell and Drake, also, came over to join our table. Sitting there amongst those four, I finally felt comfortable in Cordonia. “We finally get to eat!” Maxwell exclaimed, picking up a handful of sandwiches. “If you can call this eating,” Drake held up a tiny cucumber sandwich between his thumb and forefinger. “Drake, you would complain about free gourmet food,” I nudged him with my arm. “I’m just saying I’m simple,” he put his head to the side and looked over at me. “I don’t think anyone would argue with that,” I teased. Drake shook his head as the table laughed but I could see a small smile on his face. Maybe Drake was finally warming to me. “What I mean is,” he said. “Give me a ninety-nine cent burger any day over some escargot aioli.” “Escargot aioli? But, how would you?” Hana gasped. “It was just a joke, Hana,” Drake said, face emotionless again. “Oh,” Hana said, uncomfortable. “Anyway, onto the big question. Riley, do you think you impressed the Queen?” Maxwell looked at me, eyes wide. “I think I impressed her,” I said. “Fantastic,” Maxwell said leaning back and sighing happily. “It’s like watching a bird learn to fly on its own.” I turned to Liam, “Do you think the Queen approves of me?” “Yes, I think you performed quite gracefully in front of her,” Liam said. Liam secretly took my hand underneath the table and gave it an encouraging squeeze. It was amazing in this environment how special a small gesture like that made me feel. “Enough about Riley. All the little sandwiches are gone and I’m still starving,” Drake said, having inhaled most of the sandwiches on the table. “Not to worry, there’s more food waiting for us back at the palace,” Maxwell said.
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Paradox [pt.5]
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Word count: 2077
Genre: angst, drama, a bit of fluff
Pairing: Lee Donghyuck (Haechan); Yu Dayoung (OC)
Setting: non AU
Warning: mentions of character death, suicide, hints of depression
Chapter warning: mentions of digestive problems (I don’t know if it can be triggering since it’s not an eating disorder but I put it there to make sure that it doesn’t disturb anyone), calories, diets
They were so young, so talented yet so desperate.
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Rulefollowing Paradox
Even though rules are intended to determine actions, "no course of action could be determined by a rule, because any course of action can be made out to accord with the rule".
 The hardest part was still yet to come. We couldn’t be prepared for what was following. The days got undeniably harder and so did the war that I wanted to win. It seems that I was an easy opponent and gave up easily. People usually think that if you commit suicide, it was the easy way for you. I have to tell you that it wasn’t. I’m not saying that I was brave and I really should have done it but you can’t imagine how many times I’ve actually changed my mind. I was constantly thinking about my family, the company, my dream and you. It wasn’t easy at all.
The thought first crossed my mind when Dr. Lee said that I should give up on my dream to become an idol. My body wouldn’t be able to handle it. You know that I’ve said that it was because of all the stress and pressure that was taking hold of me due to the upcoming debut of the Tender Thorns. Still, I wanted to believe that I can do it.
That’s why I made the deal with the company.
 Tender Thorns’ showcase ends in the hospital
YG’s new girl group – the Tender Thorns – has held their very first showcase on 27th May. The 5-membered group was promoting their debut album – Black Roses - , performing all 5 songs of the mini album. In the end, the showcase ended with a member’s sudden collapse on stage.
The girl group’s youngest member – Yu Dayoung – was immediately sent to the Gangnam Yonsei Sarang Hospital for a medical check-up, said the company’s representative Nam Hyunjae.
YG has reassured the fans in an SNS post, saying that the condition of the idol is stable.
“Yu Dayoung has worked extremely hard in order to show good performances during her first showcase, so her diligent attitude resulted in fatigue and lead to her losing her consciousness. We can reassure everyone that there is no need to worry, she can carry on promoting with the group if the doctors say so,” claimed the company through their official SNS account.
Whether she will be discharged from the hospital or have to stay there for more examinations, it has not been announced. YG has promised that they would inform the fans about the news of her incident.
 Donghyuck was there. Every single time she needed his presence, he was there. He was beside her hospital bed when she woke up after her collapse during showcase. He held her hands tightly, giving it a strong press to let her know that he was there.
He was the one whose shoulder she leaned on after she had a conversation with the company concerning her future. They betrayed her and her fans. They said that they would wait for the doctor’s decision but they made it all up by themselves. She was forced to leave the group immediately as they didn’t want to risk the future of the Tender Thorns. That was it, she didn’t have a say in the matter. Although she couldn’t do anything because she wasn’t the one to blame for their tight schedules, rigid diets and unbearable expectations, she turned out to be the bad guy in the end.
Needless to say but the news was shocking for the fans. On the other hand, YG took great advantage of it. The company used her departure from the group to show that they “let” her take care of her health because they didn’t see her condition as a game. Those were big, fat lies, of course.
Donghyuck knew the truth because he was there for her. But the social media sites, newspapers and radio shows weren’t witnesses of her tragedy. That was what was written in the papers, the lies that were announced on the broadcasts and everyone believed that it was the truth – Dayoung left the group because she wanted to get better and YG let her do so. It was a hideous lie, nothing else. It was the verdict that she couldn’t confront. The truth was hidden behind sweaty practice rooms and stuffy hospital halls.
It was eating her up alive, haunting her wherever she went and she still couldn’t get rid of it; her soul was already being given to the devil.
“I didn’t think that it would end up like this,” Dayoung said, her eyes fixated on the stern white wall before her. It was another one of her weekly medical check-ups and although she protested that she didn’t want him to be there, Donghyuck could only leave the company at this hour, so it was their only chance to meet up in the midst of his busy schedules. She was done with her examination, so now they were waiting for the results in the quiet hall.
Dayoung couldn’t leave YG yet, her contract was needed to be rewritten and all parties – involving the company staff, her family and herself as well – should sign it to put an end to her trainee years. She hadn’t even started it yet she had to leave so soon. He couldn’t even imagine what she might have felt.
“Me neither,” he murmured out a jumble of words and his voice came out hoarse.
“I always thought that idol life is something that only the most hard-working and most talented people could reach. It turns out that I was right. I wasn’t good enough,” she croaked, her eyes a bit teary. She couldn’t look at him, so she made sure that she averted her eyes to her interlaced fingers.
He felt a giant pang of hollowness in his chest and struggled hard to keep his composure in check. It was too much for him, he couldn’t bear the sight. She was too broken compared to her usual self; she was only a ghost of the real Yu Dayoung. It stung him right at the heart when she didn’t respond to her jokes, her lips didn’t curve into a smile and her face didn’t even flinch when he bought her favourite ginger green tea. She was a lifeless, hopeless angel who was stuck on Earth because humans cut off her wings. There was no way she could fly again, it was over for her.
For him, it felt like watching a beautiful flower growing in the desert. Sandstorms were meant to come and go, rain wasn’t even a definition there and the heatwaves were impossible to handle. Yet, she stood there, strong and vulnerable, with all her power to hold onto the hope that maybe one day, she won’t have to suffer again. However, winter eventually came and so did the frost. Hardships followed hardships and when spring finally gave a searing kiss to winter with a promise to encounter next year again, she was nothing else but a withered memory.
“Don’t say that!” he asked gently, reaching for her hand. When he touched it, her eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes sparkled when she looked at him with an expression that made his stomach churn with worry.
“You know nothing, Donghyuck! It’s so easy for you to act calm! You were never accused of something that you haven’t even done. You were never left with a crashed dream and a contract, indicating that you were not enough! And you never had to go through weekly check-ups, just so learn that you have a digestive disorder and there’s nothing you can do to help, expect relax a bit,” she snorted and let out an irritated laugh. She was acting sort of crazy and Donghyuck had to admit that he had never seen her like that.
“Oh yeah, doctors, why not relax a bit? Why not going on a picnic, eating all the fatty foods that I’ve craved for, ignoring my digestive problems when my life is a complete mess? It’s easy to say to change one’s life when it’s not their own,” she fumed and a huff of air left her nose in wrath. She was literally shaking from anger, her eyes widened.
To tell the truth, he was quite taken aback by her sudden outburst because she had never said those words out loud. He didn’t think that the doctors’ attitude had such an impact on her. He knew that they couldn’t say anything else, they always repeated the same. Eat right, spend lots of time outdoors, lead a less stressful life. That’s the key to a healthy life. Hadn’t they ever heard of idols and their diets? Although Dayoung wasn’t an idol anymore, he reckoned that it would be incredibly difficult for her to eat differently, without being ashamed of gaining weight and eating food with more than 700 calories per day.
Not to mention that asking her to be less stressed was impossible at her current state. She was being told to act like nothing had happened when all she really wanted to do was to cry and scream at the top of her lungs, cursing those assholes at her company who made her lie to everyone. Would it be fair to ask her to act otherwise?
“You have to understand−“
“Understand what?” she cut her off and slapped his hand away. Her action caught him off-guard but it would be a lie to say that he didn’t see such a twist coming. “The importance of a healthy life? God damn it, Donghyuck, we never had the chance to be healthy!” her voice sounded like a terrifying thunderstorm in the utter silence of the room. “It was forbidden for us! All we did was practicing, practicing, eating the minimum amount of food without passing out and practicing more. When did the company care about our health? We were toys, nothing else. Items that they could use to make money. That’s it, idols are nothing more than that and you’re lying if you say otherwise,” she spluttered.
“Not all companies are the same,” he muttered under his breath but he didn’t calculate that it would make her even angrier.
“Then, you’re lucky, SM boy. Your company’s different,” Dayoung rolled her eyes and looked away.
During the next minute, a long, tentative silence was hanging up above them. Neither of them wanted to break the uncomfortable silence. Donghyuck was afraid to say a single word but he didn’t know how to reassure her either. He had to admit that it wasn’t the best idea to boast with the fact that SM was a bit different than YG regarding the incidents of their idols. And even though it seemed so, he didn’t in the least intended to hurt her with his words.
“I’m going. I can’t stay here for another minute,” she stood up immediately and he had to run to catch up with her.
“Where are you going?” he inquired, his voice laced with fear. He was utterly worried that she might do something stupid if he lets her leave alone now.
“Anywhere but here,” she nodded, more like to herself but he couldn’t watch her walk away like that.
Without giving much thought, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a warm, affectionate hug. In the beginning, she fidgeted a bit but when it finally dawned on her that he wouldn’t let her go this time, she leaned in and rested her head on his shoulders.
Soon, Donghyuck felt tears streaming down her face, making his newly-washed T-shirt wet in an instant. He drew circles on her back, whispering soothing words into her ear until she had no more tears left to shed. Even after that, they stayed right there, in the middle of the hospital hall, holding onto each other like they were never meant to be separated. Like they knew that it was the last time they could hug each other like that. Like it was a matter of life and death. Like they were puzzles that found their missing pieces. Like fire and water; black and white. Like the parts of a paradox.
Like a girl and a boy who desperately love each other but shouldn’t. Like it was their way to say goodbye.
Like it was her way to say goodbye.
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Rewritten: The Royal Romance: Hello Cordonia (Part Four)
A/N: We are in Cordonia! Drake and Riley have their first fight and finally Hana, the true unsung talented queen of the TRR series makes an entrance. Also, on second reading of TRR, there’s a lot of really sexist chatter by the male characters about how awful all the women are to each other/ gold digging... They make you so worried about the women in court but they are all fabulous in their own ways... Definitely will have to come back to that at some point!
Summary: Riley drops her life in NYC and boards a plane to Cordonia with Drake and Maxwell. Arriving at the palace she feels very overwhelmed but manages to make a new friend in the process.
Choices Chapter: Book One, Chapter Two, First Half
Disclaimer: Characters and main storyline from Pixelberry’s Choices.
Word Count: 2570
Warnings: none
Hello Cordonia
The next hour or so was a whirlwind. I walked into Elliot’s with my head high. My manager turned around to shout at me for coming in the wrong entrance and being a couple minutes late but when he saw my carefree expression, he paled. I told him exactly what he could do with his sexist rants and disregard for his employees and then rushed home. I had no idea what to pack but I didn’t have time to worry about it, throwing random outfits into my bag. I grabbed anything sparkly or fancy I could find… I mean I was going to a Palace! My wardrobe nor I was truly prepared for this major life change. Just before the car sent for me pulled up outside, I left my key to my apartment on the table and texted my landlord, glad that I had decided to take out periodic tenancy. With that, I felt my ties to New York fall away and I felt free… if not just a bit petrified. 
When I got to the airport, my bags were taken for me and I was escorted through the airport. I skipped line after line and before I knew it I was standing on the runway beside a magnificent private jet. As I walked up the stairs, I let my hand run across the cold railing trying to take in everything. Yesterday, all I had to look forward to was a day off from a job I hated so I could sleep and do nothing. Today, I was boarding a private jet to travel into the unknown. It was terrifying. Yet, my overly anxious self finally let the excitement take over instead of fear. The cabin was stylish and like no airplane I had ever been on before. The chairs were the size of three economy style seats and large tables so clean you could see yourself in them were dotted around. Maxwell and Drake sat across from each other, sipping glasses of champagne. “Wow,” I said, not managing to contain my inner monologue. Maxwell jumped up, handing me a glass, “say goodbye to New York and helloooo to Cordonia!” I took the glass, feeling underdressed even for an airplane journey, “I can’t believe this is happening.” “Believe it,” Drake chimed in, downing his glass, “we’ll be there before you know it, ready or not. And if you’re not ready, those ladies at court are going to eat you alive.” “Don’t scare her Drake!” Maxwell scolding, gesturing for me to sit down with them. “You okay, Riley?” “Honestly… I’m terrified,” I said exhaling. “I knew it. She’s not gonna last a week. It’s a waste of time bringing her,” Drake bristled. Drake had obviously taken a strange dislike to me from the get go. He wasn’t happy that I was out with them the night before and he definitely wasn’t happy I was there with them now. I tried to brush aside his feelings about me… but for some reason I really wanted this grumpy, asshole to like me. He was obviously close with Liam. It wasn’t just the women I would need to win over in court. “I don’t get why you’re being so grim about this…” I said neutrally. “Look, no offense,” he said, his words dripping with offense, “but I’ve seen girls like you come and go. It never ends well. Not for you, not for Liam, not for the royal family.” “Riley’s not some crown-chaser, Drake” Maxwell fired back. I’d yet to see Maxwell look upset or angry about anything. He, so far, had always seemed so bubbly. It was nice to have him in my corner. It was time to fight my own battles and it seemed the only way to fight Drake was with a fire of my own. “Drake, to be fair you’re more my usual type. Down and out bad boy who have a strange superiority complex and like making other people feel bad,” I chided him. “Hah,” Drake rolled his eyes sarcastically. “I’m serious. I don’t usually mess around with rich boys, much less royalty. So you can keep your opinions to yourself until you actually know me,” I said never breaking his stare. Maxwell let out a low whistle, “well I think that’s enough for our pre-flight entertainment. How about we get this plane in the air and play some card games to pass the time!”
A while later, the pilot announced the plane’s descent. “Look,” Maxwell said to me pointing out the window. “You can see Cordonia out the window. You won’t want to miss this, Riley.” I peered out the window and saw one of the most beautiful costal cities I had ever seen. Small buildings scattered the landscape down to docks where extravagant yachts and ships were moored. The sea was a fantastic blue, so clear I felt like I could see all the way to the depths into the sand where the fish hide. So used to cities with unapologetic concrete structures stealing as much of the landscape as they could and the New York grids, I instead could make out the winding roads of this city leading to so many unexpected parks, plazas and market stalls. A maze I couldn’t wait to be inside. The lights of the city were soft and seemed to be united into one pattern instead of different obtrusive flashes fighting one another demanding my attention On the top of a hill overlooking the whole city was a gleaming palace with a garden so splendid in colour I could almost smell the flowers from my seat on the plane. “This is Cordonia?” I smiled despite myself. “It’s like something out of a fairy tale… The sparking ocean, the swaying trees…” “If you burst into song, I’m jumping out the plane,” Drake said behind me but I felt like I could hear an almost smile in his voice. “I’m just saying it’s beautiful,” I shook my head not being able to believe my luck. “It is, isn’t it… Are you ready?” Maxwell gave me a reassuring smile. “Ready as I will ever be!” I exclaimed.
We rode in a black car with tinted windows up the long pathway through the grounds of the palace. Fountains sprayed water high into the clear blue sky and flowers of all colours burst from ground to meet us. “Welcome to your home for the next few months, Riley,” Maxwell said. The castle itself was extravagant with gold trims and ancient carvings built into the exterior. “This is where I’m staying? I didn’t realise I’d be living in the palace,” I said, suddenly feeling very overwhelmed. My apartment was probably half the size of a singular room in this spectacular building. I had done nothing to deserve this type of, literally, royal treatment. “Most of the nobility live here while the social season is underway, including all the ladies vying for Liam’s hand,” Maxwell explained. “Yeah, living under one roof just makes it easier to attend the rose ceremony later,” Drake joked, giving away a little too much about his reality TV watching habits. Maxwell rolled his eyes as the car stopped outside the grand doors, “Drake’s just kidding… at least about the roses. Anyway, I’ll show you to your room!” Maxwell hopped out the car and held the door for me. Palace staff appeared out of nowhere to take my bags and bowed to me before heading inside. “This is my cue to take off,” Drake said getting out of the car and looking at me once more. “See you around… if you’re lucky.” I watched him as he walked away. I scrunched up my nose as I tried to figure out what his game was. I was so convinced he just had a natural dislike for me but as the plane journey had gone on, it seemed that he was almost testing me, trying to see how far he could push me before I snapped. I wondered if I was only a social experiment to him, a play thing that I was sure he would get bored of quickly. Through the doors to the castle, I was immediately greeted by more splendour and a staircase with a blushing red carpet that would rival any images of castles or mansions I had seen. The baluster was a dark wood elegantly carved. The walls were covered in portraits of the royal family and landscapes of the Cordonian countryside. I followed Maxwell slowly up the stairs. “So what’s the deal with Drake,” I asked Maxwell, wanting to enjoy my incredible surroundings but not being able to get Drake’s behaviour out of my head. “Why is he so… angry?” “Oh don’t mind him. Drake’s never really… fit in,” Maxwell said carefully. “Not used to courtly life?” I asked. “Definitely not,” he said in a matter of fact tone. “He’s a commoner. He’s always been an outsider here. Even if he is Liam’s best friend…” I wanted to know more but knew better than to pry. I let the conversation drop as Maxwell led me down corridor after corridor. There was no way I was ever going to find my way around this place with it’s suit of armour lined, high ceilinged halls. “Your room is here in the west wing. In case you need anything from me or my brother, our rooms are just a couple doors away,” he said reassuring me yet again. “I didn’t know you had a brother?” “Yeah, an older brother. His official title is Duke Bertrand Beaumont. As the eldest son, he’s the heir and I’m the spare. You’ll see him tonight. He’ll be excited to meet you,” Maxwell smiled elbowing me. I couldn’t imagine another Maxwell! So bubbly and supportive even with people he barely knew. This was a case of two had to be even better than just the one! “I’m really looking forward to meet him,” I said with full honesty. Maxwell stops short in front of an ornate door, “this is it! Here’s your room!” As we entered, I realised I needed to learn to stop my jaw automatically dropping open when I saw the splendour that was presented before me. The lavish guest room had one of the largest beds I’d ever seen, with huge detailed throws and filled with fluffy pillows. There were full length paintings, gilded ceilings and mirrors that made me feel like Alice lived here and could fall into the looking glasses. “Wow.” “As a guest, you are spared no luxury,” Maxwell smiled looking at my face. I must have looked like a young child in their first candy shop, “so there’s nothing stopping me from jumping on the bed? From raiding the mini bar?” “There’s no mini bar, but the staff here,” Maxwell gestured to the man placing my very small suitcase in the room, “will get you anything you’d like.” “Sweeeet!” I yelled, letting myself go and throwing myself backwards onto the bed. I felt my body sink into the sheets. They were soft as silk and I immediately felt like I could have drifted off into the best sleep I had ever had. Maxwell laughed, “I’ll let you settle in before your big debut tonight…” I sat up abruptly, “my what?” “I’m sorry, I keep forgetting that you’re not used to this. The first event of the social season is tonight, The Masquerade,” Maxwell made jazz hands. “It’s the ball where all the suitors will be presented to the Prince, as well as to the King. Not everyone dresses in costume… but you might need to have a think about it…” Maxwell glances doubtfully at my modest suitcase. “I’m guessing it’s unlikely you’ve got a costume or a fancy ball gown in there.” I gulped, “nope not gonna have that.” “There’s a seamstress who frequents the palace before social events to aid the ladies with any last-minute fixes to dresses. She’ll be downstairs, you should find her and ask if she has any spare dresses in your size,” Maxwell said. “Thank you, Maxwell. This is all very overwhelming but you are being so helpful,” I half smiled. “Remember. Tonight is very important. It’s your chance to make a first impression on all the influential people at court and to stand apart from everyone else!” he stated. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this,” I said more confidently, standing up and straightening my posture.
It took me a while, but I finally managed to follow Maxwell’s directions down through the castle to the room that was temporarily being used as the women’s make-up and wardrobe space for the social season. As I stepped inside I heard a gasp. The gasp came from a gorgeous woman in the back corner of the room, dressed only in her bra and knickers. I immediately went beetroot as she moved the dress she was holding to cover herself. “Sorry! So sorry,” I said. Damn it, Riley! What did Maxwell just say about making a good impression?! “I didn’t realise someone was already here…” I continued rambling. The woman laughed, her laughter was the type that was infectious and I felt a cool relief wash over my embarrassment, “No problem. I should have put up a sign or something!” Still holding the dress to her near-naked body, she approached me, each step as dainty as the next, extending her hand, “I’m Hana. I suppose you’re also here to prepare for the Masquerade.” I shook her hand. “You’re just like me… searching desperately at last minute for something to wear!” I had been warned of vicious women who took no prisoners. Hana seemed competent and caring, rather than someone who would shiv me with a stiletto. “More or less,” I replied, not wanting to give away too much in case I was reading her wrong. “Just let me slip my dress on and I can show you around. The seamstress has already left for the day,” Hana said. I turned around so that she could dress. I could hear her struggling with the zipper. “Do you need a hand?” I asked, still staring at the door. “That would be amazing,” she giggled. I helped slide the zipper up her dress, that suited her petit and slim body shape perfectly. She picked up a matching mask, securing it in pace and then tossed herself a daring look in the mirror. She turned to me, grinning, “Thank you. Not many people in court are like you...” “Helpful?” I asked. “Nice,” she said, a steady smile on her face. “Ah this dress is perfect!” Hana spins, showing off her skirt in full twirl for me. “Now, what about you? Let’s find you a dress!” It only took Hana a moment to find me a stunning, long, white ball gown with cold shoulder sleeves and sexy slit up the side of my leg. It was everything I needed to look at myself and feel transformed into the princess I wanted to be. It covered all those bumps I did not like, was the perfect length and showed off all the parts of my body I loved. Hana secured a stunning silver masquerade mask to my face and I truly looked the part of pauper become princess. “You look wonderful,” she smiled admiring her handy work. “You did a wonderful job!” I responded, glad I had somehow already made a friend in this strange place.
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Rewritten: The Royal Romance: Date or Tour Guide? (Part Two)
A/N: Really enjoying writing this so far. Can’t wait to explore all of these relationships after they really know each other.
Summary: A day just like any other, apart from a mysterious bachelor party. Riley is introduced to Tariq, Maxwell, Drake and Liam for the first time working as a waitress in New York City.
Choices Chapter: First half of Choices Chapter One
Disclaimer: Characters and main storyline from Pixelberry’s Choices.
Word Count: 2750
Warnings: none
Date or Tour Guide?
Months before…
I threw a huge, smelly bag on the already huge pile of trash in the alley, out the back of Elliot’s Bar and Grill. A rat ran out from under it and I let out a small scream, clasping my throat. As it scuttled off, I swore again that I was going to quit by the end of the month. I’d graduated three months ago and it was time to stop pretending I wasn’t an adult and do something with the degree I’d earned. Television shows had always told me that young, twenty somethings lived such glamorous, fun lives in New York but this felt far from glamorous. I felt like I could still smell the beer on my clothes that one of the customers poured down me hours ago… “Hey! Riley, quit slacking and get over here!” yelled my manager from the back door. “There’s a bachelor party just arrived that need table service. Chop, chop!” I rolled my eyes. Another bachelor party. Fabulous. More men living their “last night of freedom,” which usually involved me getting harassed in one way or another. Sometimes they left good tips though, so I put on my best customer service smile and made my way back inside.
Elliot’s was the type of bar that was trying to be classier than it actually was with a nice enough interior and sky high drink prices that you could only get away with in New York. I looked over to the table number I had been given and was surprised to see three well dressed, young men, sitting patiently for service. As I approached, the eldest in the group with sharp features and an obviously whitened smile said, “Waitress, there you are! Could we please get a list of your best wine-“ “Forget the wine, Tariq,” interjected the only member of the group not dressed in a suit, “bring us whiskey, and lots of it!” Ignoring the demands, I thought best to start from scratch, “Hello, gentlemen. I’ll be taking care of you this evening.” “Waitress,” said the youngest of the group in a classy black shirt, “steaks for the table!” “Now, now, Maxwell. How about some filet mignon, medium rare and prepared with a béarnaise sauce?” the man identified as Tariq asked. As he was the only member of the party who had uttered the word please, I turned to Tariq and responded, “I’m afraid the closest thing we have to filet mignon is the deluxe burger…” “I’m not sure I’m going to want that wine list after all,” he said crest fallen. “We’ve got an excellent vintage house red,” I said shrugging. “House red?” Tariq responded, clearly appalled. “It, also, comes in white,” I said, getting a little laugh from the other two but Tariq did not look at all amused. “We’ll be fine with a bottle of whiskey,” said the man who obviously was only ever interested in whiskey, “…and four deluxe burgers.” “Four?” I questioned looking at the three of them. The man nodded to behind me. I slowly turned and saw the fourth member of their party standing in the doorway peering around, looking for his friends. I made a silent wish that this was not the bachelor of this bachelor’s party. I felt red rush to my cheeks as I looked at his broad shoulders filling out his perfectly fitted suit. His eyes were dark, but reassuring and kind, even from a distance. His smile, as he noticed his friends behind me, was breath-taking. I wasn’t the type to be bowled over by looks but I couldn’t help but become tongue tied as he walked across the room. “Sorry I’m late,” he said to his friends. He then turned to me and said, “Thank you for your patience… Miss?” “Uh,” I struggled to speak, he smelt so fresh like he had just walked out of a tumble dryer… I bet he would feel just as warm to the touch… I swallowed hard. “Riley, I’m Riley.” “Charmed to make your acquaintance, Riley.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you… Now,” I snapped out of my daydream and let the poor man, who probably felt bad for me at this point, sit down, “let me go put your order through and I’ll be right back.” I rushed away before I could do any more damage to my tip. I put in their order and was soon distracted by other tables as the night got busier. I looked over to check they were still good for drinks often but one of the other waitresses had obviously discovered the table of attractive men and I rarely had an empty drink or a dish to clear. Towards the end of the night, I was called into the back to help the clearing staff and wished away every minute so that I could go home. I couldn’t wait to climb into bed and sleep for a solid twelve hours. As the shift was ending, though, I could feel my next shift getting closer, which made my stomach feel uneasy. I headed back out to the bar to cash up. Counting in my head, I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. When I turned, I was faced with the gorgeous man from the Bachelor table. He smiled at me, a little less sober than when we’d last spoken but still in a good state. We were standing so close, I could have reached out and cupped his face. “I think we’re about ready to head out. I just wanted to thank you… and apologise. I know we are one of the last tables here so we kept you late, and my friends can be… demanding,” he shrugged awkwardly. “Demanding? Not at all, you’ve been a lot better than what I’m used to,” I replied. “I got the feeling that you could take care of us without any problem.” I could take care of you, I thought. Before I could reply, he said, “if you don’t have any other plans tonight, maybe I could make it up to you… by buying you a drink? We’re just about to go out to a club if you’d want to join us?” Completely taken aback that this gorgeous stranger was inviting me out to a drink when I had just been planning to go home and put on my onesie, I said, “Oh? Which club?” “Actually, we were hoping you might have some advice about that. We’re not from around here.” That made more sense. He needed a tour guide, not a date. Luckily, I knew the clubbing scene in the area well from my University days when all my friends still lived in the city. “Kismet is still quite new, but established as being a great night out, especially on a Saturday,” I said. “That sounds perfect. I know the guys want to go crazy tonight!” he said. “Lead the way!” I don’t know why but I could not find a way to say no to his eager gaze. I felt excited to be a part of this party and do something different than my usual routine. Usually such a creature of habit, this felt natural somehow. “Sure,” I heard myself say, “Let me just finish up and I’ll meet you guys out front.” I rapidly finished clearing up, the entire time questioning what on earth I was getting myself into. I didn’t even know his name! I went into the back to change and began freaking out even more when I thought about the fact I could not go to Kismet in my beer-soaked uniform or in the sweats I’d worn to work. I sat down for a moment thinking, resting my tired head in my hands. The employee lockers felt cold on my back. I needed an outfit. I didn’t have one. Who else would have one in their locker? In a locker that wasn’t locked… I jumped up and checked one of the lockers. It swung open. One of the bartenders had told me before if I ever needed to borrow something I could and I was going to owe her more than a couple drinks for this save. I grabbed her designer jeans and deep purple satin top. Paired with my black, heeled boots and my leather jacket (and a quick re-application of makeup), I looked as though I hadn’t just worked a ten hour shift…ish.
I stepped out onto the busy street that was alight with life as party goers yelled and sang. The bachelor party in their suits were not hard to pick out. “Hang on… the waitress is coming with us?” asked Whiskey-Boy. “Actually, we’re going with her. Please, excuse Drake’s manners. In fact, how rude of us not to introduce ourselves. This is Drake,” he motioned to the casually dressed man who rolled his eyes. “This is Maxwell,” the youngest of the group reached out to me and shook my hand, a big, cheesy grin on his face. “This is Tariq,” Tariq shook my hand, sharply, “and I’m Liam.” Liam, his name felt like butter, “nice to officially meet you all, eh, off the clock.” “Riley is picking our next destination,” Liam said. “So she’s our tour guide now?” Drake said grumpily. I didn’t know what his problem was but I felt myself bristle as his tone. Who did he think he was to speak to me like that? Was this his bachelor party? Did he not want a girl a long? “Riley, was kind enough to agree to show us around. She’s doing us a favour, play nice,” Liam grabbed Drake by the shoulders in mock massage. Drake immediately shook him off, “let’s go then.” I led them down the block to Kismet. The line was ridiculous. I started to make my way towards the back of the line when Tariq decided to walk straight up to the bouncer. I was about to yell that he couldn’t just do that but Tariq put a soft hand on the bouncer’s shoulder, whispered in his ear, handed him something and we were ushered straight inside. I hadn’t been to Kismet in a few months but it was still just as busy and lively as I remembered. A huge disco ball reflected light across the room over the dance floor and the walls were lined with booths of people enjoying bottles of whatever they wanted. Lights flashed across a crowd in ecstasy, classy and messy all rolled into one. I became very aware of just how sober I was next to the partying crowd. The guys immediately headed for the dance floor. The floor lit up in shades of pink and blue, professional dancers performed on podiums and confetti pumped out into the air. “Let’s party!” Maxwell yelled above the din. “No one wants to see your running man, Maxwell,” Drake said, too cool to let off steam but the corners of his mouth wavered with a smile. “You there!” Tariq started yelling up to one of the dancers on the podiums. If I could have politely face palmed in real life I would have. “Yes, you! Who do we talk to for bottle service?” The dancer pointed over to a woman beside the bar and Tariq bee-lined for her. Before I knew it, Tariq had procured us one of the best tables in the house, overlooking the dance floor. We each had a glass of champagne in our hands and were toasting to the club. Tariq stood at the edge of the platform the, with his glass draped in his hand, survey the dance-floor looking like a lion survey his prey. “I’ll buy you whiskey for the rest of the night if you come dance with me!” yelled Maxwell to Drake over the music. Maxwell was already seat-dancing as close to Drake’s face as he could get. All smiles and arms waving. Drake shrugged and they exited towards the dance-floor. Liam sat next to me and lent closer so that I could hear him, his breath tickling my hair against my neck, “thank you for bringing us here. Looks like the guys are having fun already!” “You seem like the one in the group who is always putting everyone else first,” I said. “Why would you say that?” he asked. “I’m good at reading people, work at a bar long enough and you start to notice. Now, forget about your friends for a moment,” I felt myself getting more confident with each sip of champagne, “What about you? Do you like it here?” “What I’m enjoying most, is the company,” he said and I could feel the blush filling my cheeks, “and I do believe, I owe you a drink… So what’ll the lady have?” I was so sure he was flirting with me. I would have bet a lot of money on it. Yet, I still couldn’t believe this kind, out of this world, attentive stranger could be interested in his waiter from Elliot’s. I needed to drink more. “Shall we have some shots?” I laughed. Moments later, Liam handed me a drink and raised his own glass, “two double shots of whiskey. You don’t mess around, do you?” “Never,” I teased, clinking my glass with his. As we drank, I closed my eyes and let the club music pump into my veins. I felt like my heart was bumping to the same rhythm. I felt refreshed, I felt new or… maybe more myself than I had felt in a long time. “Thanks, I guess that makes us even now,” I said. “You’re right. Now I’ll have to find some other excuses to get you to stay,” he placed his glass down on the table. That was definitely flirting, there is no way that was not flirting, my brain yelled. “You don’t need an excuse for me to stay. Turns out… I’m, also, having fun?” I laughed. “I’m very happy to hear that,” he said and I swear I could see him blushing a little but it may have just been the lights. “Honestly? Hanging out with you is the most fun I’ve had this entire vacation.” “Oh… that’s very sweet,” I felt lost for words. “I guess that means you haven’t really been enjoying yourself very much.” “It’s been wonderful, but there’s something missing. I really wanted to do one thing in particular when I was here,” he said. “And what was that?” “It’s going to sound silly but I’ve always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty… It wasn’t really in the guys’ plan so we just didn’t get around to it. And now,” he looked at his watch, “it’s my last day here. I don’t want to sound ungrateful. It was thoughtful of my friends to throw me this bachelor party… They’ve done their best but I’m not in the mood to celebrate” My heart sank. Of course. Of course, this incredible man was the bachelor. Of course, he’s on his “last night of freedom” and invited his waitress out with his rich friends… Of course, he couldn’t be as kind as I thought if he had a fiancé… Maybe I had just been reading it wrong? “This is your bachelor party?” I asked pinching my nose in-between my eyes with my thumb and forefinger. I felt the whiskey shots surge within me, “You’re pretty flirty for an engaged guy.”I was shocked the words came out of my mouth the minute I’d said them. “I don’t think your fiancée would be too happy about that.” Liam didn’t look shocked or defensive about my comments, he was perfectly composed. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down, but only for a moment. “That’s the funny thing,” Liam said gazing at me, searchingly, “I actually don’t know who I’m going to marry yet, only that I’ll have to pick my fiancée very soon.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” I said, very confused at this point. “The truth is Riley… I’m the… I… I come from a family with weird traditions and I haven’t got an actual fiancé yet but… I will soon? If that makes sense?” he stumbled. I stood up, picking up my bag and jacket from the booth. “If you’re engaged, you’re engaged to someone. It’s okay. You don’t need to lie about it. I just want to nip this in the bud before I embarrass myself any further,” I said calmly. He took my hand gently, “I’m sorry. I’ll tell you the truth.” “What is that then?” “The truth is, Riley… I’m the Crown Prince of Cordonia.”
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