#we all have but he's... different ig but he aint around rn so its just the littles that I'll set things aside for and not touch
piplupod · 2 years
counselor has called in sick I guess (she's not "in" today) so.... at least I don't have to sit in her chair and lie about how I'm doing to avoid being put in psych ward ? a win and a loss I suppose (also I was absolutely about to forget to bring the distress tolerance booklet she wanted me to bring so fhdjdl perhaps this is a saving grace)
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leychin · 1 year
Im... your biggest fan!
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you're actually their favorite character in a light novel! What kind of merch do they have of you and how do they react when you're isekai'd into their world?
contains: Arataki Itto, Scaramouche, Gorou, Al Haitham, Kaedehara Kazuha
SORRY fem pronouns for kaz one, some profanity in most of them idk what to add warninfs so figure it out ig. Inspired by the Al Haitham plush i bought in a moment of weakness
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𝑨𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝑰𝒕𝒕𝒐
-He's a diehard SIMP.
-he will defend your character with his life, he gets into fights with all of the other kids over you, anyone in his gang who dares to utter anything against you is immediately punished in the worst way possible.
-Bro is wearing hairpins, putting up posters praising you and your greatness
-even painting his horns to your signature colors
-he spends more time in a cell than out, but Granny keeps all of his small merchandise for him, figurines, tshirts that hes too large to fit, you name it.
-at the great sing-along, he'll have a cutout of you right next to the great Ms. Hina
-Hey, this cutout is so lifelike- wait, Y/N?!?!?!
You feel cold sand when you start to wake up, crackling of a fire and the ocean waves for some reason. Your genshin file said unable to open and you assumed the worst, after one more login attempt everything when black, and now you're here.
Itto is the first to run up to you to see if its real, if he hasn't had too much sake and you're standing there in the flesh. The first thing he notices about you is the choker you wear, identical to his, and the hoodie you wear that replicates his own oni markings
You both scream in terror and joy
Itto can't be bothered to worry about all of this though, because right now hes picking you up and bringing you along to the festival with the rest of his gamg and telling you stories about them and end off the night with the tale of the crimson oni.
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-No one talks to him about you anymore.
-He will DIE on the hill that you did nothing wrong ESPECIALLY if you were a villain or just a bad person
-"They aint mean it tbh" and "They said sorry sooo" like every single eren defender rn
-He projects HARD and he will cut people off if he finds out that someone misinterpreted your character
-Hes a little shy abt buying merch but he knows all of your lore and finds himself info-dumping if anyone brings you up even if he doesn't want to
-"well ackshually, they said that they wouldn't eat that so youre a fake fan. Wym im wrong it licherally says that on page 67 book 2.5 spinoff did we even read the same book?" -🤓
-"Wow, ive never met a fan who knows as much as I do- oh my archons no fucking way."
Maybe you were a little evil for challenging Scaramouche- or the Wanderer, as you got him, to a test of knowledge about your series but how could you resist? You blew your last paycheck on pulling for him and on the last ten pull you blacked our and woke up in sumeru. So in a way it worked?
Scaramouche's brain is fried and the person he's been defending since the day he finished book one is standing right in front of him!
Did someone just breathe near you?? "FILTHY VERMI-"
You don't even stop him, you paid good money for this so a little destruction never hurt anyone.
Except it did because as Scaramouche tried to take you around the city so you could see it with your own eyes, people kept bumping into you with t being a crowded street and all so he punched all of them.
Nahida scolded him about the fragility of human life after that.
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-this poor boy.
-he is SO SHY abt enjoying your series to the degree he does
-he is a GENERAL! how would his soldiers react to him having such a... childish hobby? Its bad enough hes hiding his secret column at rhw Yae Publishing House from them, but this is a different level of shame.
-Like genuinely only reads it at night when hes the last one on patrol, goes to a secret spot on watatsumi where he has a secret someone Kokomi drop the latest volume off for him when he's too busy to get it himself (such a kind and generous soul!)
-But on his rare off-days, he can be seen at the Yae Publishing House himself makingg skittish conversation with Yae Miko while he waits for the nice lady at the counter to give him his nice and fresh copy of your series
-So when he sees the Guji Yae speaking to someone he's never even seen around the publishing house before, his ears twitch and his interest is peaked.
"...So you don't know how you've gotten here, or how to get back. Rather peculiar isn't it?" He hears the kitsune whisper in an intrigued tone, which is never good.
He heard her say that the person she was speaking to is lost, maybe he could be of some assistance! Anything is better than having to be in the presence of that... witch!
Gorou will muster all of his courage to approach this conversation with formality without tucking his tail between his legs and retreating, so he taps your shoulder and says "I couldn't help but overhearing you were lost? I'm General Go-"
You've cut him off before he can even finish "Gorou! No way! God- Oh, you all say Archons, sorry! Im Y/n-"
and Gorou freezes because Archons you're gorgeous and he can feel his tail wagging and he doesn't even care because he imagined you pretty but never this pretty.
Miko, who saw this event unfold and had a hand in making it happen smiled in an almost knowing way, gently pushed you towards the general who was practically drooling "Im sure General Gorou doesn't mind giving you a tour and somewhere to stay for your time here. Now run along, youre going to run customers away if you keep standing here."
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𝑨𝒍 𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒎
-you could not WATERBOARD it out of him.
-threaten his career, his comfortable living style, force feed him canned knowledge and he still will not budge.
-Its not even that hes ashamed of it, he gives no fucks abt what people think of him and his interests.
-its that youre from a rather popular series across sumeru, and if people knew he liked it then they would try and talk to him about it.
-So its his little secret, the only person who knows is Kaveh and that's because he walked into the scribe's room without knocking once and got a good view of the little plushie he keeps of you on his otherwise empty bed.
-Now if Kaveh tells a soul he's threatened with homelessness.
-Kaveh doesn't care one way or the other, personally he sees your series as another fad that will die out and mindless dribble (he read 2 pages)
-but does he get kicked out if the person he tells about Haitham's little secret is... well... you?
Al Haitham is slow to enter his shared home with Kaveh, keys feeling heavy in his hands as he recalls the dozens of voices and mindless conversation he was forced to sit through today.
All he wanted was to sit down in his living room and curl up with a book, but of course his insufferable roomate picks today of all days to have a guest over.
Al Haitham settles to just turn in early to his room but he picks up on a bit of Kaveh's conversation
"-and the plushie! How could i forget that 'The Feeble Scholar Al Haitham' has the cutest little plushie on his bed in pristine condition! Why, you would think-"
"Think what exactly, Kaveh?"
Alhaitham decides to make himself known, because if there is one think Kaveh will do its run his mouth until the end of time.
He's about to tell him to pack his bags, but he looks to the person he was speaking to in the first place. It feels unreal but after meeting the traveler, maybe other people really can come from other worlds.
That is somehow the only logical explanation to how you're sitting on his couch, sipping a coffee that Kaveh seems to have provided you with a plushie sitting next to you that looks like him.
"You should be thanking me, you know. I found them on the street asking people if they know who that-" he gestures to your own plushie of him "-was. Thankfully, as i am ever generous and kind i extended an offer to our home. If it were you then im sure you would've walked right past them!"
Al Haitham's head is still spinning, and he feels like hes going to pass out; from todays prior events and right now "I'll deal with this later. Prepare the spare room for them. After the day i had you don't want me to deal with this now."
You perk up at that "Youre tense right? I read something about how you're easily stressed when you have to be around more people than you find necessary, if you don't mind i could give you a massage?"
Kaveh gags but after looking at Al Haithams face growing redder by the second, he laughs.
...then immediately gags again and turns to leave as he sees Al Haitham situating himself next to you.
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𝑲𝒂𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝑲𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂
-Youre a seamans tale that sailors tell their children when theyre scared of storms
-"And she tells the Almighty Shogun that she will not have anymore of her nonsense! Which is all the thunder because shes fighting the electro archon and making all the lightning go away."
-Kazuha also tells the kids aboard the ship the story of the one brave enough to challenge the electro archon herself.
-perhaps he fell in love with you because you are what he wished he could be
-the children also catch him describing you in the most dreamy way and giggle because the samurai is in love with the mighty sky warrior
-There's a strange smell in the air, what's that sound? Thunder? no... wait what-
During a particularly bad storm, that has everyone on the Alcor bracing for wave after wave, Kazuha doesn't leave his crows nest, hoping for even the slightest hint of land to steer everyone towards.
But instead of smelling land, he smelled something completely new, almost out of this world. He looks below him for anything, but theres a new sound coming from above him that no one else seems to hear, perhaps because of the storm?
When the sound gradually got closer, he realized that was the sound of someone yelling, and approaching at a rapid rate- oh my archons a girl is falling out of the sky-!
Kazuha doesn't think, and he leaps out of his crows nest to catch you and slow down the fall with anemo. When he lands, hes holding you close to his chest and youre so disoriented you dont even realize you can get down "Oh! Im not dead! Where is the shogun i swear i just beat that fight in the plane of- where the hell am i why am i wet?? why is kazuha holding me?"
"You know my name?"
"Of course i do! You didn't come home and i lost 50/50 to keqing AGAIN- wait where am i-"
"You said you were fighting the shogun?"
"...Yes? I needed to get the primogems to pull for your rerun so i was completing story quests."
"I don't know what you're saying, but if you're really who i think you are, then i will brave this storm so you may grace my ears with your story. If you would allow me, i would also like to be part of yours."
"did kazuha himself just give me some of that poetic rizz?"
"I haven't known you for very long y/n, but you say some of the silliest things."
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dazaily · 4 years
todoroki bringing his s/o to an amusement part
my first bnha work... kinda nervous posting this cuz like bnha(?) idk,, but for my manz, i will pull through!! hope u enjoy ^^
description: you and todoroki have been dating for awhile now, but recently he realised he never initiates dates, and so he planned and invited u to an amusement park for a date. 
warnings: gender neutral! reader. fluff. clichéd. i wrote this at 4-5am.
* ·      ˚  +     ·    *  ˚ 
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my manz is innocent, like lbr, he aint gonna know shiz abt dating..
sooo, the first few weeks into ur relationship(?) he was alr facing his first crisis.
he felt like nothing changed, despite having transitioned from a platonic to romantic relationship.
and so, being the sweet and clueless lil bean he is, he went to seek for advice from his one and only bestie bakugou, midoriya.
“hey, midoriya, what does one do in a relationship” why am i making him talk like someone from the shakespearean era tf
“oh, um todoroki?? are u asking for y/n? if so, i don't think im not the right person u should be asking,, i mean ive never even been in a rela--”
“well, u were my best choice” 
midoriya notices the absolute chaos they are surrounded by in the 1A dorm 
“ok i may be the best choice.” said in tiny.
so after a discussion that dragged for way longer than it had to be 2 days, todoroki settled on the idea of bringing u on a date to the amusement park.
cute idea right? yes. there's no twist, like i said this is a fluff. 
n e ways, he was an awkward lil bby asking u out, cuz he's not used to receiving or giving affection,,,, he's trying his best.
“um, y/n, are u free this sunday..?”
“sunday, hmm i think i alr have smtg planned..”
“oh, um, well then, its fine, its nothing important..”
if u weren't hit by a pang of guilt, idk what type of monster u are.
“nah, that was just jokes, so whats up?”
and that was how y'all ended up in universal studios japan. usj
endeavour’s bout to be big mad when he realises the missing money from his wallet.
“sHOUTOOOOO!!” >:[
n e ways..
so ur date started with u dragging shouto around the entire park, with the goal of riding every single ride 
ofc he was fine with it, he was happy as long as he got to spend time with u. a simp.
but since u guys went on a weekend, there were way more people than u guys originally expected, like wHOA,,, 
the park was basically filled with people from all over the world, even though it wasn't holiday season..
so ur dreams and hopes of riding eery single ride, may be impossible..
ur manz got u the express pass.
the one time ur grateful for the existence of his father.
so yall spent the first 2-4 hours just riding every single ride u could possibly find. 
shouto’s probably the type that is willing to try anything, i don't think he’ll be scared of any rides in particular. 
in the contrary, i feel like there'll be rides that he's lowkey excited to ride on, since he never had the chance to enjoy these events and places as a child. cuz of his sh*tty father.
he would ofc try to hide his excitement, but after being by his side for awhile, uve learnt how to differentiate his different emotions, despite his general nonchalant self. 
him being excited, makes u happy, cuz its rare that u get to see these sides of him.
omg pls protect him at all costs,, he needs it,,, he's so precious,, shower him with all the love in the world.
so y'all be running all over the place, until hunger slaps u in the face like that isekai truck that ive been waiting for. 
and so its food time!
“hmm, since were in an amusement park, we should get some hot dogs, churros, oMG and cotton candy!!”
“..what? c-ch-churros?? what are those?”
“holy sh-- u don't kNOW WHAT CHURROS ARE!? we’re getting churros right now.”
“but, i want soba... the cold one”
u ended up getting both. cuz it isn't todoroki without cold soba.
and it was back to running around the entire park riding everything.
but instead of running yallz were walking hand in hand, as if u guys were an old couple taking a stroll in the local park
and instead of the entire park, y'all were just in the harry potter section..
don't judge, its cute. and the food did some numbers to ur stomachs, so u were avoiding some rides till u digest ur food. 
while walking around, the sun was setting creating a beautiful scenery. 
wanting this to be a lasting memory, u convinced todoroki to take a photo together. 
u wanted to take an aesthetic couple photo to show off to other people who were trying to steal ur hunk of a man. 
at first u had asked random passerby to help yalls take a photo,, but being the attention-starved lil bby he is, he felt awkward posing in front of random people. 
which led u guys to just set up the camera on a small ledge with a castle in the bg. 
it was then, todoroki had experience a flashback to the conversation that him and midoriya had. 
“hmm, wikihow says that every date has to end in a kiss, for it to be called successful..”
“is this website trustable??”
“it should be.. anyways just do it.”
coming back to reality, todoroki suddenly felt a sense of urgency, the date was coming to an end, and he hasn't kissed u yet,,,,
at that moment, as the timer of the phone camera was reaching 0, with u and ur wide smile posing for the camera
todoroki gently turned ur head to face his, and he had kissed u, for public display.
ur face immediately turned red, but u eventually returned the kiss, after getting over the shock. 
after separating, todoroki was silent, slightly scared and worried of ur reaction(?)
“why didn't u tell me u were going to kiss me~~ u should've told me so i can at least look good in the photo~~”
“..huh? well, um, i just had he sudden urge to do it?” kinda ooc
he was flustered, confused, embarrassed and giddy all at the same time
but the hugest wave of relief came over him, as he began to relax. 
“well we can just take another photo if u don't like it--”
“nO, i like this photo. but im always open for another kiss.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
getting over ur prior embarrassment, u tried flirting with him, returning the bold action he had pulled off earlier. 
“well, i wouldn't reject an offer like that would i..”
surprising u by picking up on the offer u suggested, todoroki gave u another kiss, easily taking ur breathe away.
well, ig this just confirms that wikihow is reliable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i can't believe i ended a fic with a kiss,, this is the most cop out ending ive written but im way too tired to write properly rn,, 
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a/n: hihi, so im kinda nervous posting this, cuz thus far i have only done haikyuu works so like??? i feel like i have an overall better understanding of haikyuu characters and their dynamics, but i wanted to write something for my precious icyhot <3 if this piece does well, ill try and write more about bnha characters. hope it was good!!
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sanhatation · 6 years
Tagged by @dreamiesmom​ ily alexis !!!
favorite book series/book? hi im jared im 19 and i never learned how to freaking read
favorite movie? anastasia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is your philosophy? im not here for a long time im here for a good time
who is your bias and why? [tears initiated] yall already been knew but im gnna keep this short imi n love w pjw for thousands of reasons but the biggest probably being how much he genuinelly he cares for literally all human beings
are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? if so, why? honestly ya !! im 100% here for constant loving and supporting it wld be nice GJDJDAJ
when you’re in a bad mood, do you prefer to be alone or with people? it depends……if im angry i prefer to vent to someone and then be left alone but if im just kinda :///// or :((((( i want to b with my closest friends and family
if you could start over, what would you do differently? like….life ?????? over????? i wld stan shinee since debut
favorite thing about your favorite band? here we go again more tears……….nd again to keep it short……..i think its their realness. astro aint abt that fake dilly dally trash u know this is Them. in everything they do, in their music, in their performances. its genuine.
what’s your favorite thing about yourself? why? hmm i honestly rly love how passionate i am !! whether it be abt art or my beliefs or lovin my family and friends im all in!!!
what do you think is at the edge of the universe? clap clap studio version
when you don’t like yourself, how do you make yourself feel better? turn the frick up to astro and tell ppl i love them
Tagged by the lovely @kibaems ily
Whats your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? recently its been, crazy sexy cool, one more step (ailee) and all i want for christmas is u lmao
Whats your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)? i loooove sunflowers and daisies and chrysanthemums !
Favourite colours? dull pastels / pearls
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)? typically a bunch of calligraphy ig and flowers and mandala
How do you take your coffee/tea? i hate both i prefer water or chocolate milk fkhdlkjs
Favorite candle scent? vanilla or strawberry cream !!
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
What perfume do you wear, if any? i mostly wear body mist (Beautiful Day is the one i use rn) and if i wear perfume i honestly use my 1d one :/
Whats your go to dance move when you’re alone? bring it around town
Favorite quote? “set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship” -Omar N. Bradley
Favorite self care thing(s)/routine(s)? binchv i LOVE doin axtec clay masks and then moisturizing and then using this sleeping pack i got from etude house i love skin care !!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuzzy socks or house slippers? why do i have to choose
What color are your eyes? rly dark brown
Whats your favorite eye color on others? all are beautiful i dont rly have a preference
Favorite season? why? autumn and spring, they both make me feel so cozy and warm (pshh astro’s albums have nothing to do w it….)
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses? bye nose kisses sound so cute…..must b nice
What does your happy place look like? laughing so hard til my tummy hurts w the ppl i love most !!
Do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme? not to b that girl but im friggin stoked to get married and the colors wld be like…..dull pearls like dull salmons and turquioses ya know??
Cursive or print? both bih
Silk or lace? lace !
Favourite weather? warm with the sun shining and just a tiiiiiny bit of a breeze
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