#we all just pretty much ignore them THOUGH lately bc of one friend they've started
waterfallofspace · 4 months
Anyone else not able to say 'bless you', either because it feels too personal, embarrassing, slightly erotic or a mixture of all of the above-
Buuuuuut also whenever an event interrupts the conversation, you feel so much more awkward not saying anything/commenting on it at all, and so you wish you could just... say that phrase, or have some other thing that makes sense to say to just- shrug it off???
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
I've been reading a lot of drarry fics lately and one of them got me wondering. In a hypothetical world where everything was pretty much the same but Harry and Draco did end up together, would Ron and Hermione accept their relationship even if begrudgingly or would they be antagonistic about it? And if they didn't accept it, with your perspective on canon Harry do you think he would choose Draco or his friends? 🤔
This is a fascinating question. (Btw huge shoutout to you and all the lovely people who send me so many interesting questions and observations).
So first off there's the question of whether Ron & Hermione would accept their relationship. (To some extent of course this depends on the context of the Golden Trio's relationship at that point; for example, if they've drifted apart or something then things might be different.)
But let's assume they all stay close and remain each other's found family as we see in the books. In that case, I actually think they probably would accept the relationship. Ron stood on a broken leg at the age of 13 and told Sirius that if he wanted to kill Harry he'd have to kill all three of them. And we see they have both risked their lives for Harry time and time again. They even followed him into a deadly Fiendfyre blaze even though neither was enthusiastic about saving Draco or Goyle.
These two have been ride or die for Harry since the age of 11. They love him. They might not agree with his relationship with Draco and they might well think that Draco is using Harry or that the relationship will end badly, but I don't think they would abandon Harry over it.
Now, Harry would probably worry about what they might think. Hermione was called a mudblood by Draco and tortured in his living room. Ron was bullied constantly by him and his brother was permanently maimed because of Draco's actions. He might worry that his friends might not understand or might be very angry. But I also think he trusts Ron and Hermione especially after all they've been through by the end of book 7.
I think Harry is someone with great force of will and determination who is not easily swayed from why he believes and is willing to defy people over those beliefs. At the same time he's someone who tends to be conflict averse with his friends. But only to a point. I mean, he sure wouldn't let the Draco thing go during book 6 despite Ron & Hermione's urging. I think if he loved Draco he would fight to be with him. And I think Ron & Hermione would not turn their backs on him over it. Ron probably says something to the effect of since he already had to go on the worst camping trip ever while on the run from a murderous maniac there’s no point in dropping Harry now.
Also, I think first he'd become friends with Draco before actually starting a relationship (even tho Ron & Hermione might start suspecting where this is going) so that would give him time to introduce the concept and start easing them into it. And they'd probably express reservations which Harry would either dispute or just kinda ignore. I think it'd take a long time for them to be truly won over though.
The person who's most worried is probably Draco. I think he'd be convinced that openly being with him would end up ruining Harry's life by permanently tarnishing Harry’s image and destroying his relationships with his friends. I think he would have a lot of anguish and guilt over any tensions that arose due to him and I think he might even try to convince Harry to end things with him bc of it and then he’d really try to get Harry’s friends to tolerate him for Harry’s sake.
As for what Harry would do if his friends made him choose. I think if he truly loved Simone he would put them first. I also think he’d choose the people/person who didn’t force him to choose. If Ron or Hermione turn their backs on him then I think there are already other tensions in that scenario and it’s a situation where the friendship doesn’t survive the war. Like maybe Ron and Hermione don’t work out long term, Ron regresses to his worst impulses and becomes consumed by jealousy of Harry’s fane and bitterness over feelings of inferiority and then the last straw is Harry getting together with Draco Malfoy of all people and they have a falling out. But yeah. I don’t really see it in canon. Ron and Hermione don’t like Draco but they don’t deeply hate him because he hasn’t done anything especially awful to them. Sure they dislike and distrust him and have a lot of negative feels about him. But they love Harry way more than they dislike Draco. They probably worry Harry is making a bad choice. But they don’t abandon him.
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parkminijiminie · 6 years
I agree with you 100 percent that they've ALWAYS been close, maybe the closest (aside from Vmin) but his attention during 2016 (from what I've heard ) was dispersed between JM and TH, as they have so many "evidence" for them during that time. But then again, what is the credibility of said evidence. What I'm confused about is in 2015 where you had JK kind of open up more to JM, show him more affection and pay extra attention to him, those moments where he stared at him and then turned away (+)
(+) turned away when he got caught looking (gayo track ). Which lets me know that whatever other shippers hold as true contradicts what he had with JM. Like why would you turn away when he catches you looking if you had nothing to hide. Happened a couple of times. But then in 2016, it wasn’t until Wings era his attention completely was directed to JM. So, what happened in late 2015 to Fire era? Sorry if I’m not making any sense. Or, maybe it’s just hard to see everything in one place, because
(+) turned away when he got caught looking (gayo track ). Which lets me know that whatever other shippers hold as true contradicts what he had with JM. Like why would you turn away when he catches you looking if you had nothing to hide. Happened a couple of times. But then in 2016, it wasn’t until Wings era his attention completely was directed to JM. So, what happened in late 2015 to Fire era? Sorry if I’m not making any sense. Or, maybe it’s just hard to see everything in one place, because
in one place, because connecting the dots are kind of hard. We can’t get every single detail right. And compilations of videos don’t show everything without looking at every day and their consistency. So, yeah. I’m rambling. lol. sorry. If you can get the gist of what I’m saying, that’d be great. :) Thank You
The tension was quite there during 2014 and early 2015. There were time when JK would kind of touch JM’s hands and caress it and then realize what he was doing and then let go and lower his head. He kind of limited himself a LOT when it came to JM. But they weren’t their stuck to the hip selves until Wings era. Which makes me wonder what happened during that time. Why the steady decline during Fire era when he started to show more attention to JM in 2015 and craves his attention after JM pulled
Hey, guys! I combined your asks because my thoughts on them are pretty similar. You have pretty much the same outlook which I find interesting. I want to talk more about that but this will be my last answer today (it’s 2am here and I have to get up at 7). I’m also on mobile so that’s torture (can someone please fix this goddam app). Onto it:
What exactly happened with KM in 2015/2016 will forever be a mystery. There will never be “connecting the dots” or having the full picture, as I believe we miss valuable pieces of information (as it’s right, we’re just fans). Did JM ignore JK? Did JK chase after him? Did they simply grow first in different directions to only come out the same way in Wings era? Was it gradual or was it on and off? Did they engage in sexual activities in that time? What is the place of t/k in all of this?
So many questions that we must accept we will never get the answers to.
I can’t and won’t get into full analyses of 2015-2016 as that would be a 20k ask BUT I will say this: when I state I’ve thought over every scenario in the book about that time, I trully really mean it. I’ve thought about t/k being together and then KM, about both Tae and JM having feelings for JK at the same time, about him having feelings for them at the same time, about all of them engaging in some sexual activities together, about Kook being with both of them separately at the same time, about Tae having had feelings for JM or for JK while KM had feelings for eachother….. Honestly, I’m not kidding, I thought about it all. I tried to put myself into the shoes of a t/k shipper, a v/min one.. I gave all possibilities some consideration.
In the end, no matter what “evidence” t/k shippers pull out of that time, and by evidence really we mean moments, I always get to the conclusion that no, t/k was most probably not involved at that time at all. Not bc it’s impossible,no, but because this scenario (Jk going from Tae to JM) is not consistent with Jks character or the fact that v/min was still going strong in Wings era and although t/k didn’t have many moments there seemed to be no hostility. How could that be true if there was any love triangle? As professional as they can be, it still would be extremely hard. Something doesn’t fit so I ruled that possibility out because of that.
Part of it why I did ruled it out is exactly what both of you mention - there was a development with KM in 2015, clear as day evolution. There was also hesitation on Jungkook’s part which he showed with no-one else other than Jimin. Call it gay panic if you wish but he really only behaved like that with him. He acted like a scared teenager with an impossible crush, which is exactly what he was.
About 2016 and that push and pull, I think they crossed a line then. I don’t know which one - did one of them confess, did they make out, did they try to be together, did they have sex- really I don’t know what but SOMETHING happened and I mean something between THEM not v/min/kook. I think they took a bold step forward and then either one of them got scared and backed out or something else happened and kept them in a grey zone but to me they didn’t seem settled down then. They had the chemistry *hello Own it and Coming to age* but they didn’t have the commitment yet, I think.
Uncertainty is what I feel could have been a problem back then. What is happening?What should I do? Can we do this? Should we do this? What are we? Are we on the same page? What about our careers, Bangtan? These are the questions I imagine they had to answer and they’re pretty big ones especially considering how young they were. These answers don’t come all at once immediately. They take time and often they take mistakes. So that type of a situation - one step forward, two step back and then reversed makes a lot of sense.
Simultaneously, this could have brought them to seek advice and help from the outside, particularly from their closest hyungs (for example Jin for JM but Suga as well) and their best friend(s), which for both of them was probably Tae. Could it have been that JK turned to his friend in that time? Absolutely, though I don’t want to explain away nice t/k moments with “JK needed support”. T/k were and are cute and close and no-one should have a problem with it. But I don’t think thsy had a romantic involvement then.
In the end after a ‘hot summer’ somehow KM managed to settle at least some issues and by the time Wings came, they had new dynamics. By the New Year - yet another development. After that - further evolution.
It is exactly what makes them real to me: they have always had progression, they always seem to move forward and evolve. The development in their relationship looks very convincing to me when I take everything into account - age, possible sexuality crises, rise to fame, responsibility to the group etc. It looks plausible to me, all things considered INCLUDING t/k and v/min relationships. It all makes for a reasonable timeline and progression in my head, albeit with many holes and uncertainties.
To put it simply: no other ship fits the bill better when thinking about all the aspects, even going back years in the past, such ad 2016.
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