#we are IGNORING that his mouth looks strange. capisce?
nightshadeowl · 1 year
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I found a little bit of Scarland magic in my coffee this morning.
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One Last Ride (Winchester Sister!Reader)
This is for @daughters-and-winsisters writing contest. All writing in italics is flashbacks.
When I went to bed that night I was very confused. I had scouted out a complete two mile perimeter around the hotel, above ground and below. Nothing. Nothing strange, no demons, no monsters, no one seeing anything weird, not one hair out of place. I let my eyes flutter close, exhausted. Being a hunter, I needed only a few hours sleep, but I didn't care. The cotton sheets were so soft and warm, especially after such a long day. I wondered if this is what it felt like. To be a normal person, free from worries. I let my mind drift off into dreamland, for the first time in a while.
I was in a park. The sky was unnaturally blue, the grass a vibrant green. I was the only one there, or so it seemed. I turned a slow circle, then froze when I saw a man on a bench, his back to me.
"Hello there, Y/N. So nice to finally meet you."
"Who are you." My eyes narrowed as the man stood, turning to face me.
The guy, who apparently thought he was all that and a bag of jelly beans, flashed me a blindingly white grin. "Why, being the smart girl you are, I thought you would have figured that out already." His eyes flickered from brown to swirling purple. "I'm Abraxas."
"Yes, well Abraxas I don't really go for guys who can flashbang a whole country with their teeth. Care to tell me why you've bought me a hotel room?"
He walked closer. "My employer is very interested in you, sweetheart. He has a deal proposition for you, but will only offer it if you pass his test..."
"Does one of his "tests" include listening to you trying to sweet talk me without blowing my own brains out?"
"Mmm." He bit his lip. "I like 'em feisty. But I would bite that tongue of yours if I were you...." He bent his neck, whispering in my ear, "For the sake of your dear brother Sammy..."
"What did you do to my brother." I growled. Sam was Lucifer’s vessel, and the upcoming apocalypse had all of wound a bit tightly.
"Oh, me?" Abraxas stepped back and placed a hand on his chest, looking shocked that I accused him of something. "I didn't do anything. In fact, it was all you. Well, you and Dean broke the first seal anyway. It all went downhill after that."
"You son of a bi-" I swung my arm at his face, but he grabbed my wrist before i could land a solid punch.
"No need for name calling." He pouted, straightening his green Hurley t-shirt. "I'm simply just delivering a message." He held up his hands in mock surrender.
"What. Is. The. Test."
"Ah, now we're getting somewhere. There's a rather nasty bunch of vampires that happen to be ticking off my boss. Take 'em down, sweetheart, and my employer will be more than happy to speak with you about a deal regarding your brother." He stuck his hands in his jeans pockets and turned to leave, whistling "Hotel California" as he went.
"Wait!" I call out.
"Yeah?" He's halfway across the park by now.
"Why the dress?" Upon my arrival in the hotel, I had found a dress with a note pinned to it that fit me perfectly in the closet of my room, which was half the reason I had been so rigorous about my perimeter sweep.  
"Obviously my boss thinks you're going to be able to pass his test with flying colors. He'll need you well rested and in your best possible shape for the...never mind. Oh, and Y/N? When you complete the test, visit the address on the note."
With that, he was gone.
I parked my car in least overgrown spot of the parking lot. Taking down the vamps- that had been the test- had been uncomfortably easy, and now I was at the Pacific Medical Center on 12th Ave. barely within the limits of Seattle, Washington. I had done some research; it had been abandoned long ago due to mysterious deaths in the hospital staff. I was supposed to meet Abraxas in the east wing, the psychiatric ward. Popping the trunk open, I rummaged through the contents for everything I'd need. Salt? Check. Holy water? Check. Everything else? Check. My sanity? Check....ish. Good thing I was headed in the direction of the psychiatric ward. I made my way through the hospital, my surroundings eerily quiet. Not a single demon in sight or out of it. I turned a corner into a hall, the east wing, the nut case area. I kept my gun in my hands regardless of my peaceful surroundings, refusing to let my guard down. I turned a corner, and a familiar Cheshire Cat smile glowed in the darkness, accompanied by a half-lidded purple gaze.
"Abraxas." I hissed.
"Nice to see you too, sweetheart. So glad you could make it. My boss is very eager to see you in person."
"Well then where the hell is he?" I glared at him.
Abraxas grinned. "Where the Hell indeed." He motioned the the door he was leaning on the doorframe of, pushing it open with his hand. "Ladies first."
"Bullshit." I muttered, but stepped through anyway.
"Ah, the littlest Winchester."
"Lucifer. I should have known." I glare daggers in the direction of the man.
Satan grinned at me from his perch on a rusty operating table as he sipped a Mai Tai. "Nice to see you too, Y/N." When I didn't respond, he continued, "Well, we can do this one of two ways. One, you have a seat and listen to my proposition and the reasoning behind it like a good little girl. Or option two, you try and kill me, fail, and are punished and forcibly held down by Abraxas, who by the way has taken a liking to you and wouldn't mind it at all, while I tell you all about my little plan. Capisce?"
"Lovely. Have a seat." Lucifer hopped off the operating table and motioned to a table with two chairs that had appeared in the blink of an eye.
I pull out the chair and sit down, crossing my legs beneath the table. I smirk rose to my face, "So then Luci, what was so important that you had me driving all the way out to Washington for you?"
"Your brother Sam is my vessel, as you know. But I'll get to that later. You. You are a rather unique individual, aren't you? The angels don't really like you, probably because you’re a Winchester. But the demons, they don't really like you either, also because you’re a Winchester. Kind of funny if you think about it. All the demons hate Dean, all the angels hate Sam, and everyone hates you!"
"Yeah." I blew a piece of hair out of my face. "Hilarious."
"But you see, you're useful to me. I need you. You are the wild card of the vessels, I could use a faithful servant down in Hell. Especially one as powerful as you have the potential to be. I will also quit bothering your brother about being my vessel. Sure, he was supposed to host me with the apocalypse coming on, fight Michael, blah blah blah, but now I have you! With a little training, you'll be perfect. I'll even give you two months here in this beautiful city if you accept my offer."
"So you want me to sell you my soul in return for my brothers freedom from his bond with you?"
"Jeez, it's like Ghost Rider all over again. Do I get a cool motorcycle too?" I joked.
"You can have anything you want down in Hell."
"Just as long as my head isn't turned into a flaming skull."
"So you'll make the deal?"
I swear I saw an eager glint in his eye, but I ignored it. "I'm doing it for Sam. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone else."
Lucifer stood, and I mentally cringed, knowing what I had to do to seal the pact. I stood as well, watching him as he walked towards me. Lucifer placed a hand on my waist, and leaned in, pressing a rough and forceful kiss on my lips. When he licked my bottom lip with his forked tongue, I pushed him off of me. "That's enough, tiger." I glared, wiping my mouth.
"See you in two months." Lucifer disappeared, taking the table and chairs with him.
Abraxas strode into the room, and I resisted putting a bullet through his head. He grinned his dimpled, Cheshire Cat grin. "Nice to know I'll be seeing you around a lot more. Hell could use some hot mortals."
"Shut up, Fonzie."
***Timeskip Two Months***
I glanced out the window at the city lights of Seattle creating an artificial daytime in the dead of night. I rolled the diamond of my necklace in between my fingers, my last birthday present from my brothers. They usually weren't great with gifts, especially Dean, but for my birthday this year they gave me a diamond necklace that had belonged to my mother. It was a sweet gesture, and it was nice to have something that she had owned. Dean had mentioned that she wore it to her wedding and now it was time to pass it down to me. I looked down at the letter from Abraxas, reading and rereading the directions to make sure I was absolutely correct about every move I was making.                                                           On October tenth you shall meet me at the Lake View Cemetery at 11:30 pm, no earlier, no later. Find the Rhodes family mausoleum. You must wear the dress provided in the hotel room closet.
The dress was a violet evening gown, and as much as I absolutely hated dresses, I figured that it probably wasn’t the wisest idea to piss Satan off.
I carefully step over Dean, making damn sure I wouldn't wake him. We had all "agreed" that we were going to leave town first thing tomorrow. But I wasn't about to break my deal. I knew better than to tangle with Lucifer, and I would do anything to keep my family safe. Even if it meant giving more than my life.
As quietly as I can, I close the hotel room door behind me. I slip on a pair of silver heels and walk down the hallway, my heart pounding. The purple dress swirls around my ankles and I feel off, the formal clothing so different from what I'm used to wearing. Sure, I had dressed up for cases that involved me and my brothers crashing a dinner party or any other formal event, but this was different. It felt like I was going to prom. (Which I never went to by the way. Long story, but mainly because my date ended up being possessed.) My stomach felt like it was trying to audition for Cirque de Soleil.
When the elevator doors opened I heard a familiar voice call my name, and try as I might, I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.
"Hello sweetheart." Abraxas smirked at me from his spot leaning against the wall, his perfect face highlighted by the light from the chandelier above. He was dressed in an expensive suit with a bow tie, his hair meticulously styled, and for a moment when he looked at me his eyes flashed their true shade of violet.
Deciding to act like a decent human being, I nodded. "Abraxas."
The demon stepped closer, and I resisted the urge to back away. "You know," He whispered. "We're supposed to look like a couple."
I bit back a grimace, and batted my lashes at him. "Fuck you.” I whispered through a faked love-drunk grin.
"I forgot to mention you look gorgeous tonight." Abraxas began to lead me towards the doors, speaking loudly enough for others to hear. In an undertone he added, "Lucifer let me choose the dress. It's exactly the same shade as my eyes."
I resisted the urge to puke all over his freshly shined Gucci shoes. ​​ Outside, there was a limousine waiting for us. "Really? A limo?" I sent him a look of amusement.
Abraxas looked hurt. "Sweetheart, Lucifer put me in charge of making sure you were happy. This limo wasn't cheap.”
"We're here, sweetheart."
I look up to see a gate with the words "Lake View Cemetery" scrolled across the top in wrought lettering. Abraxas helps me out of the limo, and with a snap of his fingers, it disappears. We walk through the gates and stroll across the grass, like a normal couple would out in a garden after a fancy dinner party to get some time alone. Except the garden is a cemetery and my date is a demon and I didn't get food. Abraxas leads me to a white marble mausoleum; the name "RHODES" is etched in the stone above the patina copper doorway. Two Doric columns stand on either side of the doorway, making the whole building look like an ancient Roman temple.
"After you." Abraxas ushers me through the doorway.
Inside, Lucifer is leaning against one of the family's graves. Not really wanting to look at him, I focus on the name. Alyssa Rhodes, 1982-1998. I nearly feel a pang of sadness when I realize that she was only sixteen when she died.
Lucifer grins. "Now, you may be thinking, 'Why this family's mausoleum, Lucifer? Why not someone else?' Well, I'll tell you. The Rhodes family were some of my most loyal followers! They're all demons now of course, long story, and have kindly let me borrow their lovely tomb for this ritual. In fact, they had it built for this very purpose! All the symbols are already carved in the floor, and look! They even provided candles."
I look around. The ground is one giant pentagram unlike one I have ever seen before. Candles burn at each point of the star, and in the center of the room is a stone table that looks uncomfortably like a coffin. Several other demons including Abraxas stand around the room, each holding a different object. "Let's just get this over with." I growl.
Lucifer looks at me curiously. "You sound so much like your mother."
"Shut up."
Following his directions, I laid down on the coffin-table, hands folded on my stomach. Lucifer stood at the top side of the table, hovering above my head, an ancient book in his hands.
"Don't worry. This won't hurt....much." Abraxas smirked at me as Lucifer opened the book.
"Id quicquam risum stultus diabolus non mauris non mauris non mauris magna..."
The first two demons approached me, silver knives in their hands.
"...ridiculum est haec amo, cum Jero ego potest stercore est scriptor..."
Two more demons approached and knelt on either side of me, wooden bowls in their hands. My heart pounded with fear. What if I had made the wrong choice?
"...hoc totum fasciculum stercore bovis stercore Non possum credere potest Latinum translata..."
To late to back out now. The demons with the silver knives each grabbed one of my hands, holding them out over the wooden bowls. They slit my wrists, and I bit back a scream as the blood began to drip into the bowls.
"...munda , et hoc purificat libentissime est sanctus , ut est Dominus, in tenebris..."
Abraxas approached the table, a goblet in his hands. The demons who had been collecting my blood poured it into the goblet. I panted heavily, dizzy from the rapid loss of blood.
"...pius hoc est fun, et commutatio sanguinem inter dominum et servum, puer voluntatem..."
Abraxas took the book from Lucifer and in exchange handed him the goblet of my blood, which he drank greedily, the crimson liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth. I held back a gag as Abraxas took the goblet and handed Lucifer the book back.
"...nunc in sanguine comeditis et servus dominum suum ministerium in studio ad eum..."
Another demon approached, a knife in hand, and Lucifer took it, slicing into his palm. Blood dripped from his palm to the floor.
"...Illud prorsus tauro hanc animam servi sui et trade nihil habet usque serviamus, ut haberet filium!"
Lucifer finished reading and handed the book to Abraxas.
"Open your mouth, darling."
I did as I was told, and just as Lucifer raised his hand, the doors slammed open.
"Y/N!" I turned my head and saw Dean and Sam fighting through the demons that had swarmed them the instant they stepped foot in the mausoleum.
With tears in my eyes at the sight of the family I was giving my life to protect, all I could do was whisper. "I'm sorry." I say, turning my head back to it's normal position. Lucifer drips his blood into my mouth, and I close my eyes, knowing what is coming.
"NO!" I can hear Sam and Dean screaming, but it's cut short as soon as the blade lacerates my throat and the world fades blissfully away.
***Third Person POV***
Sam and Dean struggle through the horde of demons, hell bent on ripping Lucifer limb from limb after watching their sister be slaughtered in front of them. But Lucifer disappears, along with all the demons except Abraxas, who's still in his suit, leaning on the table.
"Don't worry boys. You can have the body. Well, this one anyway. I'm sure Lucifer will be enjoying her new one in Hell." And then he too disappears before Sam or Dean can utter the first word of an exorcism.
Dean collapses at the table, his jeans soaking up the blood of his sister that has spilled to the floor, tears rolling down his face. Sam too kneels next to her cold body, brushing her H/C hair out of her face, tears brimming in his eyes as he realizes that he'll never see her again. They sit next to her dead body, remembering. Remembering the times they fought, every regret, every mistake. Realizing they will never see her smile or laugh again. That she will never gank another monster or demon with them. That she will never eat another greasy burger or sing along to another classic rock song in the Impala. That she will never get married, never finish school. Never see another sunset or sunrise.
Both men look up at the sound of a familiar flutter. Cas stood on the other side of the table, looking down at the female's body, emotion sweeping over him.
"Cas..." Dean looks up. "Cas, you can bring her back right? Pull her out of Hell just like me?"
Castiel reached out and stroked her cheek, cold as the stone on which she lay. His Father had done a such great job in creating her, it was a travesty to take something so young, innocent, and beautiful from the world. Cas had sensed it when her soul left her body. He had seen her close her eyes, give herself willingly to death for her brother, an action so selfless Castiel wouldn’t have even considered it within the realm of possibility. 
Her body was still, drenched in blood, sprawled in front of her brothers and the angel. Dean bowed his head and knelt down by her side, one of her hands clasped securely in his, the blood still spilling from her wrists. All he wanted was to hold her in his arms, to tell her it would be alright.
Dean was the first to rise, hands sticky with the blood of his baby sister, tears streaking his face. "W-we should probably..."
"Yeah." Sam agreed, wiping his eyes. His flannel shirt was soaked with blood, but he lifted his youngest sister in his arms, trying hard to keep from trembling. He ignored the laceration through her neck, focusing on her face, peaceful despite the gory scene she left behind. For a moment, he could almost believe she went to Heaven. But she didn't. His baby sister was in Hell. And it was all his fault. If only he hadn't fallen for Ruby's lies, if he hadn't made so many mistakes she might still be alive. None of this would have ever happened if he hadn't... Sam's hands tightened on her body, fingers digging into the purple material of the dress. He presses his lips to her pale forehead, tears dropping off the end of his nose as he thinks of all the life lost, all the things she could have done. Silently, Sam followed Dean out the mausoleum door and through the graveyard. In the parking lot Dean pulled a blanket from the trunk of the car and together they wrap her body before laying her down in the back seat for one last ride.
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