#we found this one rando but know nothing abt him but we need more. content. H
kingasriel · 5 years
also PLEASE tell me some1 other than dawko/jack/mark/8bitryan/razz/etc has played FNAF VR cause i really. dont want to watch any of those jackasses
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riviae · 5 years
Angouleme? For the ask meme? Oh, also: you looked real cute in those selfies ^^
character meme (accepting!):
favorite thing about them: 
her goofy/upbeat personality! she’s got so much chaotic energy (she’s the definition of a goblin tbh) & just having her in a little bit of ‘tower of swallows’ & ‘lady of the lake’ made the books such a joy to read. from calling milva and regis auntie & uncle, to her loyalty to the hansa (she was the youngest of the hansa but still chose to go to castle stygga despite the risks), to her more complex side involving her issues w/ abandonment, she’s just a very interesting character & i thank sapkowski for making her so realistic. characters that are playful/funny/comedic relief with a dark or unhappy past are usually my faves & angouleme is no exception. 
the fact that her life up until the hansa had been so shitty & awful, but she still chose to be funny & teasing & so full of life... like sure, i’m sure some of it was fake or an ingrained defense mechanism (bc if ur the ‘funny’ one then no one will think of u as a threat, rt? meaning u can be at an advantage if u decide to attack or, simply, it allows u to not be targeted by violence in general), but i also think she enjoyed her time w/ the hansa--that it was probably the most fun she had ever had w/ a group of ppl. & also the first time she really felt like she had found a family, a place in the shape of people that she could call a home... & mean it with all her heart. 
tbh her & regis are my faves out of the hansa & it’s a shame she isn’t featured in any of the games or at least mentioned bc i know that she’d be a v popular character if she had been. 
least favorite thing about them: 
i’ll be honest…….. nothing. angouleme is my daughter & i love her. but if i had to say something…. i guess my least favorite thing abt her is that she’s dead ;v; & that we never get to see her even mentioned in the games.
favorite line: 
“Lookie what the cat dragged in.” | i don’t remember if this is word-for-word what she said in the books, but this is a gwent card line & it sounds abt right! it was also a line that i remember regis repeating in the books & i /love/ that he picked up some of her slang :’) 
angouleme/milva!! their dynamic is /so/ good. i live for found family tropes & milva acting as an older sister to angouleme is just everything 2 me. i like to think that milva taught angouleme how to use a bow & hunt & kept an eye on her in the midst of battle bc angouleme is so /young/ & up until the hansa, she’s been on her own. milva probably saw a lot of angouleme in her headstrong younger self & wanted to be the adult/friend/family member that she needed when she was angouleme’s age ;v; 
i wish angouleme & ciri had been able to get to know each other.... they’re both spunky kids around the same age who look alike. like can u /imagine/ the shenanigans they’d have gotten into? i could see them getting along immediately (& teaming up on teasing geralt lol) & pulling lil harmless pranks on the hansa. 10/10 good dynamic 
i also like angouleme/regis bc regis is someone who i think would understand where angouleme is coming from the most tbh. they both had less than stellar ‘rebellious’ phases. angouleme, after escaping from the abusive orphanage w/ some of the other kids before ultimately joining an even worse thieves’ guild vs. regis who basically lead his own plasma gang after developing an addiction to blood & promptly got his ass handed to him by some rando villagers w/ pitchforks. anyway, that aside, regis is all for redemption arcs & after really getting to know angouleme, he becomes enamored w/ the idea of passing down whatever ‘wisdom’ he can abt addiction (esp since it’s implied that she might be addicted or at least dependent on fisstech to some degree), fighting, making alcohol, vampires, etc., so that she’s prepared for /anything/. tldr; angouleme as a protege to regis? good stuff rt there 
angouleme/happiness aka angouleme/getting the appreciation she deserves!!!!! she doesn’t deserve all this tragedy ;v; 
anyone shipping angouleme w/ anyone in the hansa!! like p lease... angouleme is babey (16-17 yrs old) & everyone else is much older than her & has a more platonic/familial/non-romantic bond w/ her. 
random headcanon: 
when playing cards, she’s an absolute /menace/. if she’s playing against someone other than regis or geralt, she’s able to fairly easily swindle her opponent of their coin.... thru somewhat underhanded means (i.e., she cheats & cheats very well). she’s also really good at keeping up a poker face, distracting the other player w/ her weird slang & animated personality. after traveling w/ the hansa she only cheats against ppl who obviously have money/won’t miss a few crowns. 
unpopular opinion: 
i guess that i really like her??? idk, i never see content of her & it makes me sad ;3; one day i’ll write an angouleme-centric oneshot & it’ll be sweet & everything she deserves!!! 
song i associate with them: 
Giants by Silverberg ft. Ruelle is such an angouleme song like i immediately thought of her the first time i heard it!!!
They may say, "You're too smallYou're too young to do it all"But you're a giant on the insideThey may say, "It's not enoughLeave your dreams collecting dust"But there's a fire that you can't hide.
favorite picture of them: 
her gwent card!!!! it’s pretty much exactly as i imagined her, clothing & all :D cdpr did a great job w/ it tbh 
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