#we get it you are endeared by your manchild of a boyfriend. we are too
leclercsbf · 1 year
just carlos vying for his boyfriend’s attention.
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crue-sixx · 5 years
Title: The Witches
Author: tiddly-winx
Fandom: The Dirt (Motley Crue)/American Horror Story: Coven and Hotel
Note: This is a cross over with the seasons of AHS Coven and Hotel.  Apocalypse might get a mention, but not too deep.
Summary: It's 1981, you, your best friend Cordelia and your mentor Myrtle have been sent to Los Angeles to investigate strange happenings at the Hotel Cortez.  You get side tracked when some young rockers make a deal they can't pay.
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, violence, gore
Fiona Goode was a scary lady, she was made Supreme at an early age and paid little to no attention to Delia.  You didn't know why she wanted to impress her mother so much, it seemed like anything Delia did wasn't good enough.  You learned early on that a person's goal in life wasn't to make other people happy, but to live for yourself.  You had the most unfortunate power of the Black Widow-you were cursed with the power to kill the men you had sex with.  You found that one out when you had sex with your first serious boyfriend, and right after his brain turned to mush.  You could do anything and everything any other witch could do, you just had to work harder at it than those with natural talent in that particular area.
Fiona had ordered you and Cordelia to go to Los Angeles and investigate the Hotel Cortez, under the tutelage of Myrtle Snow.  You had the feeling that your Supreme didn't take either of you seriously-you having average magical ability and Fiona less than that, but she was more than proficient in botany and magical plants.  She could whip up the best potions in record time, and they'd always be right.
Your chaperone adored the both of you, you not being one to show much affection found it endearing.  If you felt protective over anyone, it was these two ladies.  Myrtle's natural talent was her ability to accurately call bullshit on liars.  She had volunteered herself to accompany you, seeing that Fiona was about to throw you and her own child to the wolves.
When you got to L.A. on Myrtle's private jet, you had some time to yourselves before you had to head over to the Cortez so you decided to take Cordelia with you to the Whiskey A Go-Go to hear some music.  You were enjoying yourself, but you soon felt that she wasn't having a good time at all-it was too loud for her.  You took her hand and began leading her out when you felt someone pull her back.  "Hey baby you wanna dance with me?" he asked her, you being able to smell the rot of a bad soul in his bones.
"She's with me" you said, glaring at the man "Hands off."
The man looked at both of you, then nodded approvingly "Hey I'm down for a threesome!  When do we start ladies?"
You knew this was escalating quickly, and this manchild was used to getting what he wanted.  He was getting aggressive and you needed to get out of there.  You had no hesitation and you began to utter Latin, a soft pink mist filled the room and patrons in the club began dropping like flies, fast asleep.  Soon, it reached the stage where the band stopped playing to watch the spectacle. 
Your eyes widened as you saw your spell didn't effect them whatsoever.
Are these assholes warlocks?  Maybe they have some warlock blood in them, but they look like they haven't seen any real magic in their whole lifetimes!
Delia too sensed the danger and she took your hand and ran out with you.  The four males followed you to the alley, and you two ran faster.  Neither of you could transmutate yet, so you were trapped like rats when you hit the back of the wall.  You glanced over at Delia and nodded in silent agreement.  The both of you started chanting the spell of pyrokinesis-if you couldn't escape them, you would burn them.
Then, a familiar head of flaming orange hair cast the sleep spell.  She was more powerful and could cast spells easier than you novices.  The men flopped on the ground, snoring loudly.  Myrtle stepped on one of them, the person she walked on making a grunting noise of pain.  She was more than irate with you two "Miss Y/N and Miss Cordelia!  This is improper behavior of students of Miss Robichaux's Academy!"
You stared at the ground and kicked at the dirt with your shoes "We just wanted to have a bit of fun Mrs. Snow!  We may be witches, but we're still young!"
"We are on a mission" Myrtle reminded you "we must find out as much as we can about the Cortez without entering it's doors as possible, then get back to Louisiana!" she then noted the state of your clothes-dirty from running and began to furiously rub the stains out.
"I will keep this quiet from the Supreme this one time, but if you deviate from the plan I will send you back and you will have to explain to her why the mission was a complete failure!"  the first and last time you challenged Fiona Goode's authority, she had telekentically pinned you against the wall.  You could feel the weight of your bones increase, your body unable to support your new frame.  She only released you when both Myrtle and Cordelia pleaded for your life. 
"But if we don't interact with the normies, how will we accomplish this goal?" Cordelia asked.
Myrtle thought for a moment and said "I'll allow it, but only with these males" she motioned to the sleeping men, a look of disgust on her face "and only if YOU talk to them, Y/N.  I am NOT putting Miss Cordelia in danger..."
You always knew that Myrtle liked Delia better than you, but that was fine by your standards.  They had known each other all Cordelia's life, and you had only entered the Academy a few years ago.  You agreed to the terms, wanting to experience the night life L.A. had to offer.  You wanted to see what Fiona Goode loved about this place so much that made the Supreme neglect her own coven.
As Myrtle and Cordelia left, you stayed behind and cast an awakening spell.  When all the males got up, you said "What the Hell are you dipshits doing sleeping in an alley?  Don't you have a place to stay?"
The blonde rubbed his head and said "Yeah...how'd we end up here?  We were playing the Whiskey..."
You snapped your fingers and they all immediately stood up straight, one slightly bent over.  He was an older looking man, so you guessed that it was his age or a disease that caused his bones to stiffen.  They had blank, sober expressions on their faces and you said "Be my good little dogs and take me to your place..." the one spell you could cast without a word was Concilium- the ability to impose your own will on others.  It was able to be resisted, but that took too much brain power, causing the head to explode.
The two younger dark haired men took each of your arms and they led you to their place.  They sat in silent council around the dinner table until you asked "What do you know about the Hotel Cortez?"
"I'm Tommy" the tall dark haired man spoke "The Cortez is a place where some check in, but they don't check out..."
"I'm Nikki" the shorter dark haired man said "Some of our friends have stayed and they weren't the same after.  They said they seen some shit..."
"Like what?" you asked.
"Vince" the blonde one said "they told us that they saw a tall lady with platinum blonde hair drink blood, and a tranny receptionist serving cat food as tartar..."
"Mick Mars" the older man said "They wouldn't stop talking about demons and ghosts-saw little kids like in the Shining..."
After a few moments of silence, you knew that you'd gotten all you would be able to get from these mongrels so you snapped your fingers again, releasing them from the spell.
They all jumped, blinking "Where the fuck are we?" Nikki asked.
"Well, I certainly hope you know where we are!" you put your hands on your hips sarcastically "Y'all bought me back here, we had an amazing gangbang and now you're telling me this isn't even your apartment?!"
They looked around and realized they were home "Yeah this is our place..." Tommy said "How'd we get back here?"
"After you were done at the Whiskey, you began flirting with me and promised me a dicking to remember!" you laughed "We're all done now!"
They all blinked and Vince said "Hey, that coke earlier was weak as fuck!"  you rolled your eyes at them.
"Now if you'll excuse me gents" you got up to leave "I gotta get back to my chaperone before she notices I'm gone!"
Mick got up slowly and said "I'll go with you..." he looked at you like something was up, like he knew your secret.
"Fine by me" you said, letting him lead the way.  When you two were out of earshot you asked "What are you?"
"I'm a warlock" he answered "from the same stock as you.  I am a descendant of Giles Corey" you stopped and looked at him.  You hadn't expected to meet another descendant of a Salem coven member in this of all places.
"What are you doing hanging around with those losers?" you motioned to the apartment.
"They're like a fungus" he laughed "they grew on me" he looked back fondly.
"So since you're a descendant of a weaker warlock, then you don't have much magical ability?" you guessed.
"Yeah" he said bluntly.  There was no beating around the bush with him-a quality you liked.  "The only thing I can do is manipulate  sound" he mimed an air guitar, but he sound of a real one erupted from his hands.
"That's really cool!" you said, meaning it "Nobody in Robichaux can do that!"
"So why do you want to know about the Cortez so much?" he raised an eyebrow "I try to steer people away from that place as much as possible..."
"The Supreme ordered me and two other witches to investigate" you admitted "she wants to see what's going on"
Mick took a deep breath, contemplating on whether or not to tell you, then deciding it was for the best "That place is a Hell Mouth-where demons from Hell gather and plan evil deeds...people who die there, their souls are trapped there...The Countess, the vampire lives there runs the place with an iron fist..."
You looked at him in awe "How did you resist the Concilium spell?"
"I didn't" he said "it just wore off on me quicker and I played along at the apartment to protect the boys" you two went on talking, eventually leading to Myrtle's door.
The woman quickly opened the door and took a moment to study the unkempt man before her.  Her eyes widened in recognition, then utter contempt.  Mick smiled and waved "Hey Myrtle!"
"Go away, swine!" she spat and slammed the door in his face.  You could hear him laughing and the realization hit you.
"Oh my god!" you chortled "You and Mick Mars dated!"
"His name was Robert Deal back then..." Myrtle blushed and demanded what you'd learned.  You relayed what had been said to you and Myrtle made an executive decision-the mission was over and you were to go back to the Academy as soon as possible.
During this time, a voodoo priestess saw what was happening, and decided to prey on the weak minded young ones back at the apartment.  She'd promised them luck in their music careers, in return for something beyond value.  She began her summoning ritual and soon the whole apartment became dark and thick with smoke.  Papa Legba sat before them, offered them their deepest desires and they accepted his terms.
All you witches and the warlock felt Papa's presence, Mick running back and begging Myrtle to help him.  She flat out refused to help one who abandoned the coven.  He looked so dismayed that you offered your assistance, Cordelia right behind you.  Myrtle strictly forbid it, but neither of you stopped. 
When you three got back to the apartment, the deal was done and Papa was gone.  The Voodoo priestess smiled at you, saying that she had just done what any witch could not.  The three of you knew Papa's terms all too well, seeing the deal he'd made with Marie Laveau for her immortality.  Cordelia became so enraged that she'd reached down deep inside her and reduced the priestess to dust.
Both you and Mick looked at her in astonishment.  That was something that only the Supreme was capable of.  You knew the coming shit storm the Voodoos would raise, so you knew what you would do right then and there.  Myrtle was too late to stop it, and just stared in horror at the realization of what must happen.
You turned to the three younger men, nothing but contempt in your voice "Do you realize what you've done?!"
"We made it so we'll make it big!" Nikki protested, and was about to continue defending their decision when you let out a yell that shook the very street, setting off car alarms.
Nikki's hand flew to where his mouth used to be, only to feel smooth skin.  The other two young men had the same ailment and tried in vain to separate their lips to allow words to come out.
Myrtle looked over to Mick and said "They've condemned us all..."
When the Voodoos came for Cordelia, you took the fall and said it was you who turned the Voodoo's sister into dust.  Your laws states that you were to be executed by burning, but it was the ones who'd been wronged duty to do the burning.
Marie Laveau herself held the torch and with a soft voice she whispered in your ear "Tell the truth, child...do not die for another witch's doing..."
"I did it" you said "I turned your sister to dust" your gaze was unwavering and you were given the chance to say last words "Cordelia.  Come here" your friend stood before you and held her head to yours.
"Don't you dare waste the life I am about to give you..." you were both weeping now, and in the distance you saw Mick Mars watching from afar "You be the best fucking Supreme the coven's ever seen..." you kissed Cordelia softly and told her to step away.
Marie Laveau stepped forward and set you ablaze, you didn't scream or cry out.  It felt like a release of sorts-if your coven needed you, they'd bring you back from the dead.  A few witches had the power of resurgence. 
Your ghost wandered the halls of Miss Robichaux's Academy, watching your friends grow beautiful-inside and out.  You watched the new generation of witches come and thrive under Cordelia's wing.  In a few years time, you felt the greatest evil emerge and you were being called back to the realm of the living.  There, Cordelia was waiting for you with open arms and you said "So, where do we begin?"
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