#we got the rhyme anima in its purest form episodes out the way and the title for the next episode mentions beginnings
akkivee · 7 months
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ichiro and kuukou’s conversation about akira and satoru this episode briefly confused me so i decided to compile what we know about our primary rhyme anima antagonists lol
a group of four by the names of kaibyakumon kikoku, chiaro, scuro and tbh
we know chiaro and scuro are aliases for kasago akira and wakasagi satoru, but they themselves have no recollection of their true names
tbh is implied to know their real identities however. he and very likely kikoku are concealing their identities for a number of reasons
tbh is the only one of the four whose real name we don’t know yet, if he has one lol
kikoku created, simply put, a sister company, called beginning gate that the four of them worked for. the parent company to beginning gate was called bg group. at some point tho, it all vanished without a trace
ramuda for some reason or another seems to be familiar with beginning gate given he reacted to the name during the tdd rundown
our antagonists purposefully targeted the chuuoku director of corrections, and maybe during that attack, all files related to akira and satoru were wiped
kikoku is an engineering genius and hitoya and jakurai’s old college classmate
presumably because of his genius, they can float, open portals to teleport and mind hack to some degree with the hypmics
bc of this they keep getting compared to ghosts; we even got jakurai and kuukou supplanting the idea of the second death, where the person dies and all memory of the person also dies
rei said the mics were untampered with, so we’re to assume all mics involved are normal
there is still the pointed existence of the tbh truck that drives around playing their music
kikoku has been shown hooked up to several IVs as he watches his plans come together, seated beside whatever tf this is. i’m not a biology chick but it kinda gave, to me at least, binucleated cells that’s typical of cancer
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he’s also been shown in conjunction with jellyfish. immortality symbolism maybe???
akira and satoru seemed to have been under the bg group/beginning gate’s protection based on kuukou and ichiro’s conversation. tho they seemed to occasionally get into fights anyway (i personally suspect bc of said protection lol) presumably once beginning gate fell, they lost said protection
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