#we had a cute convo on how mickey only lets him disinfect little cuts if he gets the kiss-to-make-it-better treatment after
heymrspatel · 2 years
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@gallacrafts theme 13: throwback theme ⏪ - mashup of theme 1: fuck u-up & theme 9: deleted scenes
"i'm fine, red. no need for all this fuss." "we gotta clean and disinfect these, mick. look, c'mere! just let me." "whatever. never did any of this shit before and i've had way worse." "yea, well, i'm here to patch you up now. never need to worry about this anymore. i'll kiss 'em better too!" "fuck off, man..... hey uh... you missed a kiss on that finger. i need one on each one or else i'll die." "well i can't have you dyin' on me, can i? i’ll start over. kiss each letter... better kiss up here too... and here... just to make sure."
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