#we had a good run bugsnax gang
orb-the-watchman · 2 years
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Bugsnax fandom in shambles right now
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emeiandstuff · 2 years
Do you have any OCs? feel free to talk about them if you do
What was the first piece of media you engaged with on the internet? Are you still interested in it?
What's something you made or did that you're proud of?
What's something that made you smile this month?
This is so nice whAT thank u.........
you have activated my OC card, gonna try and keep this on the shorter side kjhdsfkj
Do you have any OCs? feel free to talk about them if you do
I do have OCs! I mostly post about them in my art blog, but my main four are here, all from bugsnax:
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In their current order: Emilette Gruntklunk, Frankley Baffletap, Creetus Stingypatch and Aliara Witgoal! Starting off with Frankley though, let's go!
Frankley's an anxious tall grump who's far too kind for their own good. Invited by who they thought were their friend, they joined a gang and wound up robbing, committing theft of several kinds, becoming more and more dependent on the group... until chaos finally struck among the gang, and in the spur of the moment, Frankley had to run away, everyone else falling behind bars. With nowhere to go, they find themself on their way to help in Snaktooth Island... which is where their main story takes place! They find a tiny little creature they decide to take care of, and try and teach the meaning of friendship and care. If only the little bug wasn't so filled with rage, their task could have a chance of success.
Emilette, the pink and small one there, is a grumpy ex accountant with a pessimistic outlook in life. She's harsh and blunt towards others, but this has pushed her to rely only on herself. One day, after suddenly quitting at her job, she decides to start anew and join the expedition on Snaktooth Island. Whether this is an attempt at genuinely making new friends or a way to escape from all her issues... well, it might be both, even if the former is a concept that's grown far too strange from her.
Creetus, green and grumpy-looking. He's the oldest of 7 siblings. Adopted when he was 8, he grew in a bit of a competitive environment, though a good one, and later on pursued a career as a chef. It hasn't been going as well as he would like due to how the business tends to be, and when he heard of Snaktooth Island he realized his chance at success could be found there. It's sad that the bugsnax cannot be cooked, but he refuses to give up; he's too stubborn to, or perhaps too desperate to make his family proud.
And then we have Aliara! The grinning grape over there. Out of my main ones, she's the only one who doesn't stumble upon the island... but he does have other connections to it. She works for an organization that keeps an eye on the creatures that live there and whoever happens to try and make their home there. It's a job she found when she was far too young; or rather, the job found her when she escaped her home after a tragedy she used as a chance to run. Dark sense of humor to go along with her grim tasks as what you'd basically call a hit man. She lives the day to day, trying to enjoy life as she can with her nihilistic nature, as well as keeping an eye from very afar on those few she estranged herself from, one of them—one who's already been introduced here—who she later finds out did make it into that accursed island...
And that's the gist of it! I could go on and on for hours about them and all the other characters I have for their respective stories, but that's gonna be long and I should move on to the other questions dskjfhsdkf
What was the first piece of media you engaged with on the internet? Are you still interested in it?
If we go aaaAAALL the way back... idk man, neopets probably? kjhdsakak maybe
but more consciously of it, actively participating, it was Ouran High School Host Club, then straight up skipped to Vocaloid and that took over for years. OHSHC still remains in my heart forever, but I'm not into it anymore (though Haruhi my beloved I will always love u). Vocaloid is the kind of media you go "Yeah, I liked them, but I'm not into them" and explode the second you find out news about it anyway. So in a way, I guess I still am? It's always fun to find out what's been going on, but I don't actively listen to anything Vocaloid anymore
What's something you made or did that you're proud of?
My art, honestly. But deeper than that, the stories I've managed to create with my OCs. I've never fully told a story—at least not in one single space, just blurbs thrown around at friends that fulfilled the stories themselves—but I'm proud of what I've been able to create.
However, that means it's nothing I can show here, so check out one of the latest drawings I'm pretty proud of! The background was just to accompany so it's a pretty quick one, but it inspired me to make the colors work pretty nicely!
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What's something that made you smile this month?
My friends. It's been a rough month—and year as a whole—but although I don't express it much, they always seem to just. make me smile; simply by being themselves, by talking to me and showing interest in what I have to say. I'm not someone to talk much about myself in general, so seeing anyone direct themselves my way and just... talk to me? It always wows me. Thank you for considering me, thank you for letting me into your lives, thank you for being you, thank you for existing, thank you for being.
The other day I was having a rough time and a friend noticed and approached me. It meant the world to me. idk if he'll read this but ty bro ur the best <3
And since I am dumb and I'm getting sappy here's a meme that made me laugh this month:
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thegalleonsnest · 4 years
HC Gramble & Wiggle Sibling Dynamic
Hey, I wanted to follow up on my last post that had some good old Gramble & Wiggle art. So basically, I headcanon that Gramble & Wiggle’s relationship is way more akin to a sibling dynamic; mainly on the account of their large age gap (Gramble is in his early 20s while Wiggle is in her late 30s). I’m mainly basing this HC off my own personal experience since I have siblings with large gaps, so this whole thing just makes sense to me.
Of course, I am also using what info I could gather from the game and the characters backstories to come to this HC. So to fully explain, I will have to spoil a lot of Gramble & Wiggle’s backstories and their relationship in game to really get my point across. If you wanna read into my reasoning, keep on going. Otherwise, enjoy the HC.
Ok, let’s get started: Gramble
Gramble is a love starved young man who has been emotionally damaged due to his family abandoning him (which is never fully explained, but take what you will). Because of this, when he heard that Lizbert was going to start a new community on Snaxtooth, he found this to be the perfect opportunity to start a new life with a new “family”.
To me, this entire set up and reasoning isn’t to go find “the one” or anything like that, but to build a new life with new people he could consider his own family that accepts him for who he is & receive that familial affirmation. Of course in that process, he ends up becoming the head rancher for his own Bugsnax barn, and begins relying more on his little ones for emotional support (which we know won’t help him in the long run cause duh, they're parasites).
Now for Wiggle.
Wiggle comes into the picture and is basically one of the few people who sticks with Gramble, even when she let’s her Bugsnax addiction get the better of her and takes advantage of him. Gramble knows what she’s doing, but he’s too love starved to sever his connection with her or properly call her out on it. I do think there is a hint of truth in Wiggle’s interview where she genuinely cares for Gramble, but she's so fixated on her muse journey and Bugsnax, she loses sight of herself and her bond with Gramble. When they escape the island, Wiggle finally sees Gramble for who he is and not just a snax vendor to smooch off from for “inspiration”.
With all that considered
She’s interesting and flawed, and because of her relationship dynamic in game, I feel as though she would come to heavily regret the stuff she’s done to Gramble. From manipulation to even letting on the idea of dating her, (which as far as we know, never came to pass). Being wracked with guilt, Wiggle would apologize to Gramble for her behavior and what she did to him back on Snaxtooth, although it would not be immediately but at some point after. After Snaxtooth, she would slowly begin to stay by Gramble’s side more and look out for him, bringing out a big sister role in herself. She’s wants the respend the time she wasted on Snaxtooth with him to be more meaningful and to help guide him when there’s trouble.
I imagine these two would be hanging out almost all the time being way more honest, and getting up to some goofy stuff. Taking advantage of the studio green screens & equipment, playing games, watching some garbage dating shows, shooting the shit every now and then. Maybe even help each other out with their parties/social activities.
Of course no sibling-like relationship is perfect, so there could be occasional spats about "who was right" in a situation and teasing each other. It would take a serious conflict to really break this duo's trust in each other.
Gramble & Wiggle are so closely connected like siblings despite the age gap; they both found a familial love that was desperately needed in both their lives. I also still consider the rest of the Snaxburg gang to be relatively close, acting as his new family (and I basically agree with a lot of other people’s HCs like Wambus & Triffany acting like the parents cause that’s just cute & they’ve always been parents in my eyes anyway lol). 
They’ve gotten a much more tightly knitted relationship because of what happened and what they’ve done, so it makes sense for them to really reflect and reconsider their relationships when they get off of Snaxtooth and look at the bigger picture. 
And that bigger picture is big sibling energy lol.
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twilightprince101 · 4 years
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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn, much less created a new OC! But recently I’ve succumbed to Bugsnax brainrot, so introducing Brandy Brittleshoot!
Brandy is a freelance writer and editor, working on several different projects at once before coming to Snaktooth Island. Alongside decently good hearing he has an intense curiosity for the world, often experimenting with different Snakified limbs to get inspiration for his latest story! (Just be prepared if you ask them about it, you’ll be stuck there ‘till nightfall).
I also filled out an interview prompt of him under the cut from @cosmicheartz , so check that out if you’re interested and feel free to shoot any asks about them! I’d love to talk a bit more about my newest character!
Who are you?
I’m Brandy Brittleshoot, I’m a freelance writer! Editing articles, typing out scripts, writing for dating sims, I’ve done a lot!
( How long have you been writing for? )
How long? Hehe, honestly I can’t even remember. One of my earliest memories was me writing an alternate ending to a book that had a crummy finale. I was so upset and whined so loud at a last minute plot twist that my dad sat me down in front of a notebook with a pencil so he could focus on his work. Though, I don’t think he expected me to actually write something decent! Never underestimate the power of an upset fan!!
( Anything in particular you’re writing now? )
Oh a handful of things! I have like, a million story ideas sitting on the backburn, but right now? I’m outlining a story idea I got for my latest novel! The details are a little hazy right now, but it’s all about an island of shapeshifters who can change into whatever they want. But of course, in a world like that there’d be lots of chaos if there were just like, a bunch of dragons flying around everywhere (who wouldn’t want to be a dragon) so there’s the government trying to limit it somewhat and there’s this one girl who-! Oh, grump! Sorry, um, still working on that.
Why come to Snacktooth island?
Oh Lizbert’s to thank for that! A while back I helped with putting out her story about Grumplantis! She saw a bit of the work I was doing at the time and, for some reason, decided I should help her out! Still have no idea why she chose me to help edit especially considering I was writing Grumpus Croft fan fiction at the time, but to think I’d get to help publish official findings about a lost civilization!!! I didn’t even care about the money, just the thought of working together with an explorer like that is just-!
( *Ahem…* But, what about Snacktooth? )
Oh right, that! Well, long story short she thought the work I did was good and invited me to come along as a way to say thanks since she didn’t exactly have the funds to pay for my work. Obviously I couldn’t pass up an opportunity that big, getting firsthand experience with an actual adventurer! So I dropped what I was doing, packed up and came right along with her!
Thoughts on bugsnax?
Duuude, okay. So imagine me, a writer who absolutely loves fantasy, lands on this island and finds out that fantasy actually exists! And is edible!!! I get to know what fantasy tastes like!!! This whole island is walking through one big fantasy novel and I have gotten nothing but inspiration since I’ve gotten here, it’s amazing!
( What does fantasy taste like? )
Okay, it’s like--actually, hang on, it would be faster if I just read this excerpt I wrote down a bit ago instead of trying to explain. *ahem.* ‘Upon the first bite of the plump and crispy Bunger, a dazzling fireworks show of flavor cascades into my mouth and paints a nova onto my taste buds. Each crunch a new explosion, a new flavor, a new color streaming across the sky’s canvas and dazzling me like a nova-’ oop, put nova twice there… ‘-Dazzling me like a child’s first glimpse at the night sky’s expanse! A symphony of crackles for me to experience alone, and by the time the last stream of light fizzled out, I’m ready to light the fuse for an encore.’ And that was just for the Bungers!
Why did you leave town?
Hoooh boy okay, bit of a loaded question there… After Lizbert and Batternugget vanished I tried to keep calm and keep doing what I was doing, wait for them to get back. But as the Bugsnax ran out and people got hungry, it was a bit hard to keep doing that… especially with all the noise...
( You’re referring to the fight? )
More or less yeah. I could hear pretty much everything from inside my cabin: Everyone ganging up against Cromdo, Chandlo calming down Snorpy from a panic attack, Filbo doing his best to keep everything together (can’t blame the guy for trying). Good hearing is both a blessing and a curse I guess… but the worst no doubt was Wiggle.
( What was up with Wiggle? )
Well, I do like her music, don’t get me wrong. But since coming to the island I can’t exactly handle being in the same room with her. She tried getting me to write her some song lyrics for exposure, kept peeking at my writing notes to steal my ideas, and worst of all, she stress yodels. And around the time the two vanished, she certainly had a lot of time to practice. I already couldn’t handle the fighting, but her singing was the last straw, so I slipped out in the middle of the night before I had to hear another note. Erm... you don't think she'll sue me for defamation if you put this in your story, will she?
Any info on Lizbert?
Duuude, Lizbert is no doubt the coolest person I know--probably ever! It’s like she jumped right out of an action movie and I could actually talk with her! She was really nice, telling me about a lot of her previous adventures in her free time and supporting me when I was going through writer’s block. Of course, she wasn’t around too much when she was out hunting snax, but Doctor Batternugget was around!
( Did you and Doctor B.N. get along? )
Yeah Miss Nugget was really nice! She was usually quiet when Lizbert wasn’t around, but after keeping her company one day and helping her sort supplies we got to talk a lot. She even volunteered to read some of my story drafts in her downtime--without me asking first too!! Plus, she also was a good resource to go to when I was writing about… more graphic details regarding Grumpus anatomy. I know a lot of people say that they might not come back, but I know they’re out there somewhere I know it! I mean come on, an adventurous explorer and her nurse girlfriend? That just SCREAMS main character plot armor! Plus, it would seriously suck if I finally find people eager to read my work on their own, then they just vanish from my life altogether… Please be okay Miss Batternugget…
Tape’s almost dry Brandy, gotta wrap this up soon!
Oh thanks for the interview! First one I’ve ever gotten, certainly a learning experience! (Maybe I could make a story entirely using interviews, that could be cool). I’m just sorry for talking your ear off. Hey, I know you’re kind of a solo worker from watching you run around, but if you’d like I can try and help with editing this story when you head back to the mainland. Free of charge too, I know you guys at GNN aren’t exactly treated the best. Not to mention it would look really good on both our resumes if we collaborated for this kinda story!
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Made a Grumpus OC
They're just one of few of them..not sure if I'll draw any of them, I drew them because..I'm bored
I have a grumpsona in mind..but I'm not finish with it's design
I guess I'll explain them
Amly Ductforce(I'm bad at names) came to Snaktooth island because they were bored and needed a vacation from their "job"
He's gender-fluid and doesn't mind people getting his pronouns wrong when he doesn't feel that gender, but some just call him a "They" and that's fine by him
One thing that she's really good at, is lying and stealing. When she came to Snaktooth Island, she started her hobby right away and stole some things from Wambus which got him pretty upset
He gives everyone nicknames despite not liking anyone besides Cromdo
She likes order yet enjoys chaos, sometimes, she would plant random objects that belong to the residents in each other's huts to start up something
When the town split, he went to the Boiling Bay due to the nice warm yet cold feel to it and because she wanted to steal stuff from Floofty
They're probably in their late 40s early 50s
Her and Cromdo get along for the most part as long as she doesn't steal anything from him
In their hut, they have a lot of stolen objects, most from Wambus
Their hut is beside Liz and Egg's hut but is to the right of the beach
If he was in the game, then you'd meet them the same time you meet Floofty
She doesn't like Lizbert because she always calls her out on the stuff she steals, same for Beffica
Due to his hatred to Lizbert, he shares the same hatred towards Eggabell but doesn't go out his way to steal from her, seeing her as too fragile
He's scared of Chandlo(because he would snap her like a twig), Shelda(because she acts like a cult leader), and Gramble(because he's too nice)
If they get caught stealing, they lie about it and theres a 90% chance it'll work due to their confident sounding voice and being a bit manipulative
Dialogue in game:
What everyone thinks of them
"Oh..them? They're..ok, as long as they don't cause any trouble.."
"She's just a thief, no wonder her and Cromdo work so well together, they're nothing but squeebs."
"I never spoke to him before..but..I don't think he likes me very much.."
"She stole my banjo and said she wanted to play a song, but then she threw it off a cliff! I'm so glad I have fast reflexives."
"All they do is steal stuff! Then lie about stealing that stuff! I haven't gotten my inventions back in 3 months!"
"Ah..that grump is something all right..greatest business partner ever, she and I are gonna rule the money world!"
"Oh..Amly? I don't come in contact with her often but Wamby doesn't like her."
"After they stole my balls AND Snorpy's inventions, I promised to never speak to them for the rest of my life bro!"
"I don't appreciate them stealing my leg or my notes. If given the chance, I would experiment on them."
"Do not speak of thy name who gladly would turn his back on us if given the chance!"
"Nope. I don't like her at all..she's not that attractive..and she hangs with Cromdo."
"I really don't like it when she tries to remove my arm..it hurts my feelings.."
Being asked about Floofty:
"I like stealing their stuff but if I offered to help them, I think they'll kill me."
Meeting them:
"Woah..a new face! I haven't seen anyone new around here in..grumping forever!"
"Who are ya and why are you talking to me?"
"Oh! You're that amateur journalist Lizzie was talking about! I thought you were never coming, isn't this grand? New faces! New people! New stuff to..borrow!"
"I'm Amly Dustforce, the ruler of Snaktooth island!"
Will you come back to town?
"Wait..town? No way..if Cromy's not there, then I'm not going!"
"Also, I'm a little parched, can ya get me a Sqaquiri? I'd drink those things, everyday of the week, maybe we can..cut a deal, how's that sound doll?"
*Caught Sqaquiri*
"Now THAT was a refreshing beveridge, thanks doll!"
"So, ya want me to come back to town? Well, I might need some convincing, I want ya to find out what that Filbo kid does when nobody's lookin, I could use it for..things."
*You find out what Filbo does*
"HA! Are you serious?! Oh jezz, and I thought he couldn't be more of a squeeb! HAHA! Goodness..that's a laugh I needed..ha!"
"Good to know theres some things to see in town, but I'm more interested in WHAT is in town."
"For ya final task, I want ya to steal Beffica's diary..then rip out some pages that are interesting, and give them to me. Easy."
*You grab the pages*
"Sweet! Good job my messenger grump!"
"*sigh*, I think I'm ready to go to town..but..first I want you to get Cromy in town."
But you said that was the final task
"I lied."
"Get Cromy in town and I'll follow right behind, deal?"
*Cromdo is in town*
"Wow! That was..slow but it'll do!"
"Thanks doll, looking forward to chatting with ya! Farewell!"
Have time for an interview?
"Interview? That sounds fun! I'm in."
Who are you?
"Amly Ductforce, it's pronounced Aim-ly. Strange. I know."
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
"I heard of Lizzie's stupid conspiracy on TV, I was about to change the channel when I heard there was an island involved, and I just so happened to be looking for a place to host my vacation. So I packed up and lied about being interested in her expedition."
Vacation from what?
"My life. My job. My family. Everything basically."
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
"I guess they're ok, the names could be better..but some taste pretty good. Note, keep away from the Aggroll."
"Because those things will break some bones and the flavor isn't even worth it! Also because it's named after someone I'm not found of."
Why did you leave town?
"I could handle the drama between Wamby and Gram, but once Cromy left, I had no reason to stay. I wanted to follow him, but I decided to live near the beach instead, so yeah."
What do you think about Cromdo?
"Me and him have a pretty decent relationship, I give him what he wants and he takes the fall for me. Simple business."
Are you planning on betraying him?
"No way, he's cool, I don't consider him a friend, but he's still great to work with."
Any info on Lizbert?
"Liz..I grumping hate her! She keeps saying I stole stuff from her, I would never do such a thing! If she didn't have that little obstacle beside her, I would burn her hut down!"
Woah, calm down. Who's this obstacle?
"I am calm..just speaking out my mind. And I'm talking about Eggabell. The doctor? Lizzie's girlfriend? Eggy bell? Yeah. She and her are like..two papers in a file. Theres nothing you can do to separate those two."
What happened to Lizbert?
"If we're being honest, I'm not sure."
Are you lying?
"Heh. For once in my life, no. I really don't know what happened to Lizzie, she went up that mountain and didn't come back."
How do you know she went up the mountain?
"I saw her."
Why didn't you tell anyone?
"I did. Nobody besides Cromy believed me, guess that's the price being the best liar in the world."
That'll be it. Thank you
"No problem doll, that was pretty fun! Here, have this!"
*stolen piece of journal paper*
"Found it while cleaning Lizzie's hurt, it might help ya in someway. Any who, I gotta run, farewell!"
Side Quests:
"Heya doll, you won't believe what I discovered! It'll help ya find Liz!"
"First..get me a Poptick..it's very important."
"Trust me! It's super super SUPER important!
Sure, I guess
"Caramel please."
*Got the Poptick*
"Perfect..now..I need a Snaquiri.."
Are you going to tell me why?
"Nope. Make it quick! I have a feeling my brain's about to forget everyone!"
*Got the Snaquiri*
"Good..now..I need a Cheery, that'll be all to finish this!"
I have a feeling you're lying
"I'm hurt."
"Hurry up! I'm losing my life force!"
*Got the Cheery*
"That's it. I was just hungry."
Why did you say it was important
"There was no way you'd do it if I asked, so I just..slightly lied."
"Calm down doll! Everything fine! Nobody got hurt.."
You have a lying problem
"I know..but I can't do anything about it, it's the only thing I got."
"When you're a liar, nobody wants to be around you, nobody likes you..and nobody will trust you."
"Ever since birth, I lied, stole, and broke so many things, nobody wants anything to do with me. I had no friend and my family kept saying I was a bad person..so I don't talk to them anymore."
"Lying is all I got left doll and if I stop, I got nothing. So I'm not stopping anytime soon, so deal with it."
"Thanks for the food..farewell."
Welcome back message:
"Heya Wamby, didn't know you'd be back either! How sweet! The gangs coming back!"
"Amly, if you go near my farm-"
"What? Me? Go near your farm? No way! I would never!"
"Don't think that everyone things you're a saint! Only Cromdo thinks that!"
"I don't think I am one, but it's nice knowing you think so!"
"Just stay away from my farm."
"Deal. Happy catching up with you!"
Major Celebration Dialogue:
"You know, Cromby..maybe we should take a break from our business, we're making a few people upset by it."
"Agreed. What should we do to be occupied til then?"
"Hm..maybe we could sell Bugsnax? I could..borrow that trap the journalist uses."
"Yeah..yeah I like that idea!"
"It's settled! Cromy and Amly's marketing lives on!"
"We need a better name."
*approaching him*
"Heya doll, how's the party?"
*asked to dance*
"Sorry, but I'm working. Maybe when we sell out."
*sold out*
"Wow! That was quick, how's about a dance Cromy?"
"You bet! Meet you on the dance floor!"
Reaction to partner(I guess..he paired with Cromdo and Beff):
Cromdo: "Grumping..NO!"
Beffica: "Wait..no..what..what's going on?!"
Dying message:
"I'm nothing but a liar..a cold..worthless liar. I hurt so many people..no wonder I have no friends..at least I got bugsnax.."
Final message(Good ending):
"What the ever grump was all that?! Why..did...oh zonk who cares?We're alive! Ha ha! Amly lives to see a new day!
You know..after all of this..I think I'll finally turn over that new leaf..I'll quit my job..and start fresh in the country. I should also apologize to everyone I hurt, so..sorry doll, I stole your pen...
Geez that took a lot out of me! Ah! This'll be hard!
But..it feels..kinda nice..guess I shouldn't wait around..farewell, til we cross paths again, doll."
Final message(Bad ending)
"What..the grump? Cromdo..he's..gone. This..makes me..realize..our lives are so..fragile, I..shouldn't waste it..
Oh Cromdo..if I known that..I would have put myself in your place
At least..maybe we could be together..again
Business partners forever...ha.."
I over complicate everything
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orb-the-watchman · 2 years
The Triffy sweep dream has come to a close…
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