#we had a very similar feud with snickers a few years back because the stupid you’re not you when you’re hungry ad campaign was EVERYWHERE
girldraki · 2 years
Do tell?
(the reese's peanut butter cup thing)
we have a peanut allergy and aside from prior woes (their prevalence in halloween candy classmate birthday treats etc) as of very recently we keep receiving often unskippable youtube advertisements for reese’s and it’s getting just a tad bit on our nerves, particularly considering one of the new reese’s variants advertised is an All Peanut Butter Version. we are developing a classically conditioned rage response </3
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
my heart belongs to you.
a neville longbottom x reader wherein despite of everyone wanting the reader, the reader’s heart only belongs to a certain gryffindor.
WARNING: long fic (really), slow burn, mentions of blood (nothing too bad) but aside from that, nothing else.
A/N: okay so this is an anon request and i honestly just got carried away in writing this. this is so adorable and akdfnksjf okay nonnie i hope you like this. also, this is the first long fic i’ll be posting so aaaa yay for me i guess ?? anyways here, let me shower you with neville fluff. also do you like the banner ?? its kinda bad i know, but i made it uwu
word count: 5.6k
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The Sorting Ceremony is always exciting for any person who shall start their journey in any Magical school, but if you were a 15 year old in the middle of small 11 year olds, it was hard to say that you could feel the excitement due to the shyness that took over you; sticking out like a sore thumb wasn’t exactly all that pleasing. 
As you reached the front of the Great Hall alongside the tiny children, almost all the boys had their eyes on you, instantly swooning at how elegant you carried yourself; causing half the girls inside the room to roll their eyes at how many men were already having heart-eyes at you. 
You didn’t have a clue what the other students were thinking but it made you shift uncomfortably, feeling everyone’s eyes at you and how the whispers seemingly all arrow down at you.
“I wonder who’s that,” Ron whispered to Harry, motioning to the front, his eyes trained on you, “Seems like she’s in our year.” the ginger continued, lifting his head to get a better view of you.
“(Y/N) (L/N)!” You were called by Mcgonagall, motioning you to sit as the Sorting Hat was placed on your head, the pounding that your heart had is ringing through your ears; the anxiousness settling in as the hat made its judgement, “GRYFFINDOR!” it exclaimed, causing the long table of students who had red adoring their robes to cheer quite loudly. 
Slowly getting up, you made your way to the long table where a few cheers and greetings came across your way from the students. Your eyes were frantic in searching for an empty spot at the table, spotting one to next to a boy with round glasses. 
You walked over to the available seat, hesitantly motioning if the spot was taken by anyone, to which the brunette replied with, “I-It’s not taken.” as he barely spared you a glance. Quietly thanking him, you sat down; it was an awkward encounter, no doubt, but you couldn’t blame him You were as timid as he is when it comes to meeting new people. 
“Seriously Harry- Alright let me switch places with you.” The girl next to him said, motioning the two of them to swap places which the other happily complied with. She then turned to face you with a warm smile, “I’m Hermione Granger” She introduced herself, offering her hand which you gratefully accepted and shook. 
“I know you’ve heard already but I’m (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). I studied in Ilvermorny for the first four years before moving back here because of my dad’s work,” You properly introduce yourself, now settling down on the bench as the food popped up from the table, making you jump lightly. “Pleasure to meet you, Hermione.”
She smiled once more, “The pleasure’s mine.” her words calming the nerves that had been bugging you since the start of the night. As the two of you turned to silence, you took this moment to finally munch on some snacks.
The two males next to her nudged her from behind, making the girl look at them with a serious face, discussing something in a hushed tone before turning back to you, “So (Y/N), these two are my friends” Her words making you look at her with a small smile. 
“I’m Ron Weasley.” The ginger introduced, giving you a single nod which you returned.
The one with round glasses then spoke up, “I’m Harry, Harry Potter” as he mirrored the smile you had. 
You looked at the both of him with a happy expression, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” 
The night then rolled on normally—with the exception of Umbridge’s interruption of Dumbledore’s speech— and you soon found yourself walking up the moving staircase with the trio. Usually, it was hard for you to converse with anyone at first meet but something about these three just made you blend in so well.
That’s when you knew you would fit right in.
The next day soon came and you were skipping your way down to the Common Room to go head for breakfast when a tiny firework that burst in front of your face made you stop in your tracks. The quiet little pop it made resonated throughout the room of what seems to be rather sleepy first years who were also waiting on their friends. 
“Oh sorry about that!” A rather tall ginger approached you, giving you a sheepish grin as he rubbed the nape of his neck. Your eyes observed how he shared the freckle-littered skin Ron has and how he sported the same fiery orange your friend has. ‘Must be his brother’ You thought, shrugging lightly as you sat down by the table. “No harm done, Weasley.”
The surprised look on his face was dead give away that your guess was correct, “How’d you know I was a Weasley?” he questioned, grabbing the seat next to you as he squinted his eyes, “Are you a Legilimens?”
His question made you laugh, shaking your head the thought he had, “Sadly, I’m not. The freckles and the hair were pretty solid evidence that you are— not to mention, the reaction you had when I called you by your last name.” You explained, the shit-eating grin never leaving your lips as his face contorted into one of amazement. 
He was about to open his mouth when someone who looked exactly like him popped up from behind him, “Freddie, getting along already with the new girl?” making ‘Freddie’ look at him with a smirk similar to yours, nodding. “Well I was about to, George.”
“You two are twins?” You suddenly asked, making the two of them stop in their conversation to look at you; the realization of how stupid your question was made you visibly cringe, your nose scrunching up as you shook your head, “Okay wait, let me rephrase that queston— who’s who?” 
The two chuckled lightly, the one standing leaning against the backrest of the chair as the other one leaned forward on the table. “Try to guess who is who” they both replied at the same time, confused even more.
“Oh stop it you two” Another ginger spoke up, making you look at her in surprise. You took note of how she had the same features the twins and Ron had, thinking that maybe she was their sibling as well. She was with Hermione who was looking at you rather curiously. 
“Sister dearest, we were only asking if she could tell who is who” the one standing answered, giving you a knowing look to which you rolled your eyes playfully at the way he was so laid-back with his actions. 
“Just so you know, I don’t even know your proper names. I only heard you say Georgie and Freddie.” You retorted, standing up and walking over to the two girls who were already giving them smirks. 
The girl from earlier spoke up as you joined them, “I’m Ginny, by the way. Theirs and Ron’s youngest sister.” She introduced herself, giving you a warm smile to which you mirrored, offering your hand, “I’m (Y/N)” 
“The one standing is George and that one on the chair is Fred.” Ginny explained, pointing at the twins who were playfully scowling at the girl for giving away their identity so easily. 
You turned back to look at them, “Pleasure to meet the both of you” You say, bowing playfully before looking back at Ginny and Hermione who were quietly snickering, “Right, shall we go get breakfast now?”
The rest of the day flew by rather quickly, you’ve enjoyed all your classes except your Defense Against the Dark Arts (for obvious reasons) but that didn’t really affect your day. 
You were now lounging around the Common Room with Ginny, watching how Fred and George were selling their products to first years, laughing at the effects of the treats they were giving them. “Your brothers are natural businessmen, Ginny.” you commented, sitting back down on the seat comfortably.
Ginny shrugged lightly as a proud expression painted over her face, “They’ve got a knack for trouble that’s for sure, but their inventions are no doubt the best.” She said, getting comfortable on the floor as she leaned back into the seat that you were in. 
Your eyes roamed the room and you saw a brunette quietly tending to his Mimbulus Mimbletonia alone, you didn’t know what it was but he immediately piqued your interest as you remembered him to be the one to speak up after Harry and Seamus’ feud the night before, making you tap Ginny’s shoulder, “Who’s that?” as you motioned to the male.
Ginny looked over to where you pointed at, “Oh that’s Neville Longbottom” she replied, looking at you curiously, “What’s up with him?”
You shook your head, eyes never leaving his peaceful expression while caring for his plant, “He does quite well in taking care of his plant. It just intrigued me, that’s all.” you lied, shrugging as you tore your gaze from him to look back at Ginny. 
She nodded, “I’m guessing you have a thing for plants as well. You’d get along with him, he’s invested in Herbology.” Ginny shared, munching on the muffin she had sneaked out from the kitchens and looked back at you. “He’s very shy at first but he’s no harm.”
You hummed softly, pretending to look back on the book that was resting on your lap as your eyes glanced at him from time to time, biting down on your lip in an attempt to stop the smile that the butterflies in your stomach are starting to give you. 
“Oh just go over there and stop being a wuss and go talk to him, I’m sure he’ll like you.” Ginny nudged, head secretly pointing at the male with a devilish smile on her lips. 
Knowing that devious smile of hers meant trouble, you gave in and stood up, glancing down at her with a ‘if this fails i will jinx you’ look before making your way towards the quiet Gryffindor. You were always nervous when approaching people for the first time, but nothing could compare to how you were feeling right now.
“That’s a Mimbulus Mimbletonia, right? Those are very rare.” You spoke up as you reached the table, giving Neville a small smile as he looked at you with a surprised expression. “My mom only saw that once back at my aunt’s place in America, the nasty little thing spurted out this sap that smelled so rancid.” You shared, laughing softly at the memory. 
“I’m (Y/N), by the way” You introduced yourself, giving him a warm smile as you grabbed the vacant chair and sat across him, playfully peering through the magical plant. 
“I’m Neville, Neville Longbottom” he introduced himself, carefully moving the plant to the side to get a better view of you. His cheeks were flared at the realization that the girl everyone was talking about was talking to him, let alone be the first to approach. “Y-You seem like you know a lot about magical plants.” He continued, placing the tweezers he was using on the table, putting his attention on you.
“My mom’s a Herbologist so I’ve started young, honestly” You told him, looking at the plant before looking back at him with a grin, “Where on earth did you get this plant in the first place?”
His eyes glanced at the plant before looking back at you with a proud expression, “This was a gift to me” making your lips form a small ‘o’ in amazement.
“Actually, did you know that…” 
The conversation that soon followed was so natural and fun that you didn’t even notice the Common Room slowly being emptied out, until Neville brought it up. “Oh, we’re the only ones left” he said, making you look around to see that indeed, the two of you were left. 
“Oh we should head back to our dorms then” You told him, standing up from your seat and gave him a smile, walking towards the stairs and turning around to look at him, “See you tomorrow, Nev”
This made the male turn around and sported a toothy grin, “See you, (Y/N).”
“Okay fifth-years, today we are learning about the Chinese Chomping Cabbage and how to re-pot them.” Professor Sprout’s voice echoed through the Greenhouse, making all of you look at the teacher, peering over to see the plant chomping on a carrot. You’ve encountered this plant numerous times due to your mother’s side-job of growing these to brew Skele-Gros.
You leaned to your side to whisper to Neville about your experience with the said magical plant, but when you turned around, Neville was pushed to the far back and was placed with an unfamiliar face, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, “Uh, not to be rude or anything but who are you exactly?” you questioned the boy, upset that your friend had been kicked to the back of him and his side goons. 
A confident smirk washed over his lips and stood proudly, “I’m Callum Williams, a Ravenclaw.” the young boy introduced, making you smile at him with disinterest, turning back to listen to Professor Sprout who was already showing everyone how to carefully re-pot the biting creature without getting hurt or breaking anything.
“Alright now, carefully-” Her voice was drowned out with the same boy whispering in your ear, “These are Chinese Chomping Cabbages. Saw a few of them myself back in the summer.” Callum shared, making you look back at him with an irritated expression, nodding and turning back to listen to the teacher in front.
“Now, do it yourselves” Was Professor Sprout's last instruction, giving everyone the leeway to do their own thing in replacing the biting vegetable. Your eyes looked back at Neville who was already readying the next pot for the plant, looking up to meet your gaze and shoot you a grin, making you shoot him an apologetic one in return.
You heard the male next to you clear his throat, making you sigh and look back at him, “As I was saying, these plants couldn’t do no harm to me at all. Look.” Callum boasted, playfully waving the wand at the calm cabbage making you widen your eyes, knowing better than to do something as foolish as that.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you-” but your words were too late for the poor boy as the plant reached over and chomped on the wand, effectively bending it in half, making you cringe and snicker at his own ignorance of the subject. 
“Mr. Williams! Haven’t you been listening to what I instructed? 5 points from Ravenclaw” Professor Sprout said, making everyone from his house groan and the male blush a deep hue in shame for his actions, making you look at him with a teasing grin, patting his shoulder.
“Maybe try not to be a show-off next time and listen to the professor’s instruction.” you said, your tone a very teasing one as your irritation from earlier was slowly fading away, seeing Neville laughing quietly to himself.
The sight gave you the same butterflies you felt the first time you saw him, making you smile as you tended to the plant in front of you.
After William’s attempt in flirting with you, a lot of other boys tried to sway your emotions with gifts and Herbology facts after knowing your love for the subject, but all of them deemed ineffective as your eyes were only trained to one person, who was actually sitting in front of you.
“Hey (Y/N), are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?” McLaggen suddenly approached, plopping down on the seat next to you, his awful cologne hitting your senses way too soon making you shift away from him. 
“Uh yes, I am actually.” You answered, trying to be polite as you went back to your dinner, praying to Godric that he leaves you alone. His mere presence annoys the living light out of you and you aren't sure how long you can keep up this kindness for him. “I’m actually going with someone, if you were going to ask that.”
This came as a surprise for the male, making him look at you in disbelief, “and who might that be?”
“Neville. I’m very much excited for tomorrow, actually.” You were quick to answer, making the boy in front of you choke on his dinner, caught off guard at the mention of his name, but was quick to catch on, coughing as he sipped on his pumpkin juice. 
“I can’t believe this,” Cormac said, shaking his head as he stood up, retreating back to his original spot, making you sigh in relaxation, actually happy that he was gone. 
“I’m so sorry about dragging into this mess, Nev.” you apologized, giving him a sad smile, feeling bad about using him to get away from a male yet again.
He shook his head, brows furrowing lightly as he leaned into the table, a small smile on his lips, “I was actually planning on asking you after dinner.” Neville said, making you blush in surprise, the butterflies in your stomach. 
“See you tomorrow then.”
“A little bird told me you scored a date with your lil ol’ crush” Ginny’s voice bounced through your dorms, making you bump your head against the cover of your trunk. You looked back at her with a slight glare as you rubbed the spot you’ve hit. 
You then looked at Hermione who was pretending to read a book, failing to hide the smile that was on her lips, “It’s not a date!” You told Ginny, resuming to find a sweater you were going to wear for tomorrow’s event with Neville.
“Oh sure it’s not and I’m not a Weasley” Ginny answered back, sitting down beside you with the same shit-eating grin plastered on her lips, “If it’s not a date, why are you desperately looking for something to wear tomorrow, hmm?” 
This made you drop whatever you were doing and looked at the ginger, realizing that you were, in fact, a worried mess for tomorrow. You never cared for what you wore during your weekends at Hogsmeade, usually throwing on whatever was for the weather and headed down with Ginny and her friends, but there was something different with Neville.
“Okay maybe I am worried for tomorrow, what if I look ugly and he takes it back and goes with his friends instead?” You sighed, shoulders slumping at the thought.
This was where Hermione chimed in, looking at the mess of clothes before sitting on your bed, “That’s where you’re wrong, (Y/N). Have you seen how Neville looks at you? He’s clearly mad for you.” She exclaimed, quite surprised that you’ve said that about yourself.
“Clearly, you haven’t seen the amount of boys who try to hit on you because you’re all googly eyes for him.” Ginny continued, also looking into the trunk when she saw the perfect gray knitted sweater for you to wear. “Now how about this?”
You turned to look and saw the sweater, making you nod in agreement, “Alright. I’ll wear this one then.” taking clothing from her and folding it by your lap, looking at the both of them with a smile, “I don’t know how I’d survive without the two of you.”
“We know.”
You looked at yourself once more in the mirror, straightening out the jacket you wore over your knitted sweater and headed on down to the Common Room to see Neville waiting for you by the end of the stairs. 
“Good morning, (Y/N)” he greeted, giving you a smile as you stood beside him, securing his scarf before motioning you to walk with him, “Ready to go?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, Nev.”
“Where on earth are you taking me, Mr. Longbottom?” You asked him, following his brisk movement along the village, your teeth chattering from the cold wind gushing through your face. 
He stopped in his tracks, facing you with a small smile, “You’ll see soon enou- wait are you cold? Why didn’t you tell me?” Neville said, quickly taking off his scarf to wrap it around your neck, securing it with a loose knot.
“B-but what about you?” You asked him, eyes wide at his gesture. 
He shook his head and replied, “I’m not that cold anyways. Keep that as long as you need it.”
And with that, the two of you kept walking until you reached a somewhat run-down inn, your eyes reading ‘Hog’s Head Inn’ sign before noticing Dean who was waiting by the door, “Took the two of you long enough! Let’s go in, it’s freezing in here.” He shouted, opening the door to the pub before turning back to the both of you, “By the way, nice matching sweaters,” He teased, making the two of you look down to see that indeed, you were wearing the same clothing.
“L-let’s go in, shall we?” You asked, motioning to the door. Neville shyly nodded, walking towards the door and opening it for you, “After you, (Y/N)”
You smiled, walking inside the shabby looking place with him behind you.
The next sort of events happened in such a whirlwind, finding your eyes wide in surprise at what Harry had gone through within his stay at Hogwarts. You believed that You-Know-Who was back because of your Aunt’s warnings to stay in America rather than to go back to London; but you didn’t know that it was Harry who had faced him the flesh. 
You had this big resentment towards Umbridge as well so you were completely on-board with joining this secret organization your friends have made. “D-did he really kill a Basilisk?” you whispered to Neville, eyes still on Harry as he explained what could possibly happen when you’re actually in battle. Neville nodded, “He did, it was amazing how he did it honestly.” he replied, making you nod in agreement.
“That’s why we need your help, because if we’re going to have any chance at beating—” Hermione explained, stumbling over her words “—Voldemort.” she finished, glancing at all of you before looking back at Harry.
“He’s really back?” The boy in front of you (which you learned his name to be Nigel) asked, making Harry nod once. 
“Well then, if You-Know-Who’s really somewhere out there, I’m here to support Harry any way I can.” You spoke up, giving the trio a knowing smile which they returned with grateful faces. 
You were now writing your name on the list of students who would join Dumbledore’s Army when Ron leaned in to whisper, “You and Neville look great together” making you look at him in shock, shaking your head immediately as his assumption. Your head snapped up and looked at Ron, then at Hermione and Harry who were agreeing with Ron. 
“W-we’re just friends, nothing else.” You denied, knowing that he doesn’t feel the same way as you do. You shot the three a small smile as you set the pencil down, walking over to Neville who was chatting with Dean. 
“Blimey (Y/N), you even have Neville’s scarf? Is there something going on between the two of you?” The talled boy asked, making the both of you shake your head in disagreement, cheeks both flushed red at the question. 
“We’re friends, Dean.” Neville was the one to answer this time, giving you a tight-lipped smile as he looked back at his friend to resume whatever topic they were speaking about.
You were the first one to deny any speculations about the two of you, but why were you so hurt when Neville was the one to say it?
The holiday break was over and all of you were back at Hogwarts, meaning that the D.A meetings were back on track and you were more than ecstatic to learn more spells. You were arranging your clothes back into your drawer when you caught sight of an unfamiliar scarf, grabbing it from under the heap of clothes, you finally saw the scribbled “Longbottom” on one of the ends.
You smiled fondly, recalling how he gave it to you without hesitation, making your heart flutter at the gesture. Bringing the piece of clothing up to your nose, you can barely pick up Neville’s minty scent, making you smile even more.
“I guess it’s time to give you back, I guess.”
You carefully looked around the hallway, eyeing for anyone from the Inquistorial Squad before entering the Room of Requirement. 
Instead of seeing a room filled with students, you were greeted by Neville and Harry’s backs, deep in conversation. “I’m quite proud to be their son.” Neville’s voice echoed through the empty space, “but i’m not sure if i’m ready for anyone to know just yet.” He continued, his voice laced with sadness. 
You knew what he meant, remembering every story he’s ever told you about his parents, how his mother would give him gum wrappers whenever they visit— even showing you how many he’s kept over the years of him visiting with his grandmother— and your heart swelled even more for the boy, knowing that what he’s doing is not only for himself, but for his parents as well. 
“We’re gonna make them proud, Neville. That’s a promise.” Harry’s voice soon followed and as their conversation stopped, you stepped in, clearing your throat. The both of them looked back, relieved to see that it was only you. 
“Mind if I have a word with Neville, Potter?” You asked, to which he shook his head, stepping aside and playfully motioning his hand over to the latter, patting him on the shoulder before leaving the two of you alone. 
Your heart was pounding at the sudden quietness that enveloped the two of you, your hand gripping the scarf tighter, “Neville, just so you know, I think your mum and dad are very proud of you.” you said gently, stepping towards him with a warm smile, to which he returned with a similar one. 
His eyes avoided yours, the tip of his ears red that you’ve caught him in such a vulnerable state, “And if it means anything, I’m also very proud of you.” you added, stepping another inch closer, now making him look at you. 
When he looked into your eyes, Neville only saw sincerity and love filling them, making his heartbeat quicken in its pace. He’s always had a crush on you but he never really put anything into action because of the fear that you might not feel the same way. He was about to open his mouth, about to admit his feelings when you heard the door open once again, the voices of the other members filling the room. 
He shut his mouth and sighed in defeat, thinking that maybe it wasn’t the right time for his feelings. 
“H-here’s your scarf, by the way. I accidentally brought it home for the break.” You spoke up, coughing lightly as your cheeks reddened, realizing how close the two of you were before stepping back to hand him his scarf, “Good luck with today’s spells, Nev.” You bid him before turning your back to run towards Ginny and Hermione.
“A full-bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be queally useful against a variety of opponents.” Harry explained, walking around the litter of students who were trying their hardest to conjure their patronus. 
You were by the corner, struggling to even produce a single stream of light when Harry spoke up again, “Fantastic, Ginny!”, making you look her way to see that she had actually conjured a full-grown horse while you couldn’t even make anything out of it. Your shoulders were slumped at the frustration you feel for yourself. 
“Think of the happiest thing you can.” You heard the golden boy’s voice once more, causing you to avert your attention to Neville who was also struggling to make his patronus, smiling at how adorable his focused look was. 
Your eyes lingered around everyone who was fascinated by the animals that filled the Room of Requirement, amazed at how powerful happy memories are to protect a person. As you turned to look at Ron, you were surprised to see the figure of a Jack Russell Terrier run and knocking an unsuspecting Neville down. 
You snickered quietly at your friend’s unfortunate set-up, you closed your eyes to try and focus on something that truly made you happy; head raking through the endless memories you have made with different people that made your heart bounce with joy.
Until Neville’s goofy smile popped up in your mind, making you smile at the small memory of his features carved deep within your mind and heart.
As you opened your eyes, you muttered the incantation and with the flick of your wand, a St. Bernard dog leaped from the ray of light and wagged its tail, walking around the people in the room.
Your head turned around to call Neville, wanting him to witness this moment when a sudden boom echoed from the other side of the wall, making everyone stop in their tracks. The spirit animals of the students slowly vanished as the wall of their entrance continued to create noise. 
As Harry and Nigel got closer to the source of the noise, Neville was quick to rush to your side and put you behind his back as small pieces of the wall flew around the room. You peeked against his side, heart racing as his subtle minty smell filled your senses, managing to calm down your fast heartbeat. 
The next thing you knew, the whole wall imploded and Neville’s arms were around you, shielding you from the big chunks of the wall. As he let go, you saw Umbridge, Flich, The Inquisitorial Squad and a guilty looking Cho on the other side. 
You balled your hand into a fist as you walked out of the Great Hall, jaw clenched as you tried to fight back the tears that welled up.
Dumbledore’s Army had been caught by the Inquisitorial Squad and all of you were sent into detention, forced to use the black quill that engraved deep scars into your hands, as “a reminder of what happens to students who disobey the rules”
As you reached the Common Room, you sat down by the couch, letting your wounded hand’s blood freely drip down. You were too tired to even cast a basic healing spell on yourself, drained from Umbridge’s horrid ways. 
Almost lulled into slumber, you’ve been awakened by Neville who grabbed your wounded hand and continued to clean up the mess, gently wiping away the blood with his handkerchief. Silence wrapped the both of you up comfortably, his wordless actions making a warm feeling spread across your chest, sending you into a wholesome state of euphoria at the realization of how much you adored the dark-haired boy.
“Neville” You whispered, making his brown eyes meet yours for a split second before placing your lips against his slightly chapped ones, capturing it in a sweet kiss.
His eyes were wide with your sudden gesture, remaining still as the both of you stayed in that position. Neville was in more than just disbelief, his heart beating out of his ribcage when he felt you slowly pull away from his lips, frowning subtly at the loss of your warmth against him. He searched for the adoration that he’s always seen in your (E/C) orbs, finding comfort in knowing that his feelings were reciprocated.
That the girl who had everyone wrapped around her finger, returned the emotions he swore to keep under the carpet. 
His silence broke your heart, thinking that you were rejected and you ruined the only thing that made you happy. “N-Nev, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what came over me, you just looked so perfect and-” but what you didn’t expect was for his lips to be reconnected with yours, his larger hand holding your smaller ones gently, thumb coaxing against your knuckles.
Neville broke away from the kiss, opting to rest his forehead against yours as he asked, “Y-you like me too?” his voice laced with hope and happiness as his eyes met yours once again. 
You hummed in agreement, letting your other hand reach up to place it against his neck, the pad of your thumb coaxing his soft skin, “I’ve always had, Neville.”
Leaning back, you saw the confusion etched on his features, “But there were so many boys who are much more good looking and worthy than me, s-so why?” He asked, tone now filled with worry at the realization that he might not be the right person for you.
“Because it was always you Neville. In the sea of people who liked me for my physical appearance, you were the only one who looked passed that and saw me for who I really was. You are worth so much more than what you think of, my love.” comes your answer, heart fluttering at the sight of him leaning into your palm, feeling the tension of his body release. 
“I may not come from much, (Y/N), but I promise to always protect you. I promise that my heart only belongs to you.” Neville said, showing you the same smile that filled your heart with joy, the memory that made you the happiest. 
“So does my heart, Neville. My heart belongs to you.”
“Oi Fred! George! You owe us four sickles” a certain Weasley and a brown haired girl whispered, overlooking the sweet moment the two of you shared by the stairs.
As much as they loved the slow burn the two of you had, they needed their own fun by placing bets who would confess their love first and how it would go down. Your two friends betted that you were the first to move while the twins went with Neville.
“Merlin, remind me to never trust Longbottom again.”
“I swear this is your fault, Freddie.”
TAGS: @theweasleyslut​ @eunoia-kth​ @starlightweasley​ @minty-malfoy​ @glimmering-darling-dolly​ @sailor-maddie101​ @slytherinsunrise​ @gcdric​ @ge0rgeweasley​ @loony-loopy-lupinn​ 
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goodesgoodies · 4 years
Home Away From Home-Chapter 1 (Gigi x Crystal)
Hey guys, this is my first fanfic hope you enjoy! It’s about Gigi who had just moved from L.A to small town Missouri turns out she has a little crush on the girl across the street. But the girls heart might belong elsewhere. Might do a chapter two!
"Crystal! Come here please!" Mrs. Methyd called from the kitchen. Crystal sat up and got out of bed with a groan, and skipped her way down the stairs entering the kitchen.
"Yes mom?" Crystal said politely despite being slightly annoyed after being disrupted "We have some new neighbors that just moved in across the street! I heard they have a daughter just a year younger than you. Why don’t you go welcome her and find out if she’s going MSS (Massori Secondary-School)" "Uhm, okay" But before doing so Crystal went up the stairs looking to get changed out of her pajamas but still not really caring much about what she looked like while throwing on some sweats and a t-shirt.
Crystal slowly made her way across the road taking her time, and then making her way up the driveway passing two cars one was a fancy sports car she would’ve never been able to guess and the other was a BMW and then rang the doorbell. As she waited at the door she got a text from her friend Heidi and decided to wait to respond she then heard footsteps approach the door but she wasn’t expecting that when the door opened it would reveal a beautiful girl she began to examine the girl and caught sight of her she was tall with defined cheek bones, ice blue eyes, and golden blonde hair. Crystal was star struck and felt as though she should’ve prepared herself better instead of her grey sweats when she realized the girl’s beautiful sundress. "Uh.. my names Gigi, I just moved here" the girl stated. Then Crystal snapped back into reality "Oh, I’m Crystal! I uh live across the street" she said extending her arm out to shake the beautiful girls hand, and Gigi did the same. "I wanted to come and welcome you to the neighborhood, so welcome!" "Thank you very much" Gigi then said "Uhm.. would you like to come in?" She continued "I’d love to!" Crystal says a little too eagerly being thrilled due to how gorgeous Gigi is.
After briefly exploring Gigi’s house they run into her dad "...Hi dad" Gigi says "Hm? Oh hello Genevieve" he said politely but it felt strangely cold "Hello! I’m Crystal" Crystal began to introduce herself "Hello, I’m Mr. Goode" Crystal took a mental note of that 'Gigi Goode' they then made their was up to Gigi’s room where there are still a few boxes scattered around the room. It was a light purple that was decorated my posters and in the center a white bed complimented with black and grey bedding "Your room is very cute!" Crystal says while still scanning the room still and noticing a pride flag hanging out of a still packed box. Crystal was surprised at the sight because she pictured Gigi being a jock dating cheerleader time by her house and the way she dressed but she wasn’t complaining the only other two lesbians she know are Jackie and Jan and she’s pretty sure they’re into each other "Thank you!" Gigi said grinning. Crystal went to the box and picked up the flag as Gigi beganto look stressed "Oh sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, shouldn’t have touched your stuff" she chucked nervously "No, don’t worry" Gigi giggled "So are you going to 'MSS'?" Crystal asked "Yes, is that where you go?" "Yeah!" Crystal spoke thrilled. *bing* a noise came from Crystals back pocket, then reached to her phone.
Hey! Dinners ready!
Okay! On my way Mom
"Hey, I gotta go. Will you be at school tomorrow?" Crystal asked the girl she found herself lusting after "Yep!" She replied "Well.. I could drive you to school if you want?" Crystal sheepishly asked "That would be great! I’ll see you tomorrow!" But before Crystal could leave Gigi grabbed her arm and a pen and wrote down her number Crystal said nothing but indicating she’d text her with a small wink.
She then went home and greet her mother and father then sat down to eat dinner with them "So was the girl nice?" Her mother asked while continuing to eat her enchiladas "Yeah she’s really nice!" Crystal then spaced out at the thought of Gigi, her mother picked up on it "Is she cute?" Her mom asked causing Crystal to blush. Crystals parents were very supportive of her being gay but they didn’t talk about it much "Uh.. I-I dont know" her mom laughed at her and then after diner Crystal went back up to her room and called Heidi "Hey! Sorry I didn’t answer your text my mom wanted me to welcome my new neighbour to Missouri" Crystal said after Heidi picked up the phone "Don’t worry about it boo" she replied "are they going to MSS?" "Yeah!" Crystal replied once again too eagerly "Ouu, is she cute?" Heidi said giggling "How’d you know they were a girl?" "You’re too excited for it to be a guy" Heidi teased "Oh shut up" Craystal said giggling then continued "She gave me her number.. should I text her?" "Obviously you idiot, but don’t forget about your flirt feud with Jaida. I think she might be into you" Heidi said quickly "Jaidas not even gay!" She said defensively "Not so sure about that girl, but seriously text this women" Heidi returned with "Okay! See you tomorrow love ya" then Crystal hung up the phone
Hey! It’s me Crystal
Hey Crystal! Excited for school tomorrow, it was great meeting you
Great meeting you too! Maybe we can hangout sometime?
I’d love to. See you tomorrow! Goodnight 💗
Goodnight 😊❤️
Crystal was very excited to see Gigi but she also couldn’t stop thinking about what Heidi said about Jaida.
* * * * * * *
After a long night of thinking about the girl next door she woke up excited to go to school with her new friend. She got out of bed and got changed into a little black top, leather pants and some gold hoops. She posed in the mirror to see her perfect figure staring back at her she truly was perfect even if she didn’t know so herself, she then continued on with her daily routine and after siting on her couch waiting for Crystal to be ready. *ring* Gigi jumped up off her couch at the sound of the doorbell knowing it was the girl she met the prior night and rushing to the door. Then taking a breath and keeping herself composed to open the door and see the girl "Hey Crystal!" She said excitedly more so then she wanted to come off while noticing how beautiful Crystal looked today and how her red curly hair reflected the sun off it "Hey, you ready to go?" Crystal saying much more relaxed then Gigi had seconds before "Yup, and thank you again. I was slightly nervous about going into this knowing nobody.." Gigi confessed shyly "No worry’s!" Crystal said with a smile on her face that was worth framing a photo of. They walked up to Crystals car it was older and kinda dirty not what Gigi was used to but she figured it does the job of getting Crystal from A to B so it didn’t exactly matter.
They arrived and prepared to part ways for the day "Hey, you wanna eat lunch with my friends and I?" Asked Crystal "Really? Of course" she said as she grinned "See you later!"
* * * * * * *
The day flew by Gigi had done similar things at her old school in L.A so she wasn’t very far behind the rest of the students in her classes. She ended up having Crystal in her spanish and she then picked up on her being Latina by her tan skin and her perfect accent when forming the words and answering the questions of the teacher. Once lunch came around she asked one of her teachers the way to the lunch room and they directed her to where it was m. She felt weird going to the lunch which confused her since she’s usually very confident, but she ignored it.
"Hey Crystal!" She said walking up to her new friend at a table with one other person "Hey! This is my friend Heidi" "Hey, Heidi!" she said regaining her usuall outgoing personality "Hey Gigi, I heard a lot about you" as Jackie snickered which made Crystal blush and Gigi’s heart flutter. Then two other girls approached the table "Hey I’m Jaida! Gigi right?" One of the new girls said the sitting down next to Crystal "Hey, Baby" the Jaida girl then said to Gigi’s new neighborhood and the words made Gigi’s heart sink, but before she could here what else Jaida had to say to Crystal another girl approached Gigi "Hey, I’m Jackie! Nice to meet you" "Uh.. yeah good to meet you too, I’m Gigi" she said sweating a little after feeling so stupid about thinking Crystals wink the night prior was a signal so she kept her mouth shout throughout lunch.
The rest of they day passed by and Gigi decided to ignore Jaida calling Crystal baby, they just met anyway it’s no big deal. But she was a little let down because Crystal reminded her of her friends back home she was so endearing she just wanted to be around her all the time for some reason which wouldn’t be difficult living across the street from each other. As Gigi was about to walk home hoping to avoid Crystal because she was still a little let down but she then heard foot steps racing up behind her turning around to see Crystal "Hey! No need to walk I’ll take you home, we live across from each other anyway" Crystal hoping Gigi would wanna come with her "Oh yeah.. sure I guess" Gigi tried to sound normal
They walked to the parking lot side by side approaching Crystals car "So... do you not drive?" Crystal asked trying to prompt a conversation "Well I’m only 15, so no" she replied awkwardly "Oh yeah! I forgot you look older to be honest" Crystal replied "You’re 16 right?" Gigi forcing herself to engage in the conversation so Crystal wouldn’t think she didn’t wanna be friends "Yeah!" She said opening the car door for Gigi then going over to her own side. "Hey.. I know we don’t know each other well but you seem off are you okay?" Crystal asked puzzled due to Gigi’s quietness since lunch period "Yeah.. I’m okay"
They pulled up to Crystals house "Thanks Crystal" Gigi said as she exited her car "Anytime sweetheart!" The pet new took Gigi by shock but she ignored it and went over to her house and walked through the door confused about the way Crystal acted around her despite the girl Gigi had met that addressed Crystal as baby. Her dad wasn’t there to greet her when she arrived home as usual. She missed her mom they got along much better but when she passed they moved back to her dads hometown. Gigi’s dad had the money to live in L.A still, he was very welthy but he decided against it despite Gigi’s begging to stay. Gigi made her way up the stairs to her bedroom and pulled out her phone and called her friend Caleb "Hey Geege, how Missouri?" He said after picking up the phone "I don’t know.. but I sure miss home" "Oh no what happened?" Caleb picked up right away "It’s no big deal honestly.. just this girl that lives across the street" "Wow she must be something if she can shake Gigi Goode" he joked they went on to talk about Crystal and Gigi explained to Caleb what happened "Geege it sounds like she’s interested, which is weird since you said she has a girlfriend.. are you sure they’re dating and not just being friendly?" He questioned "Well not exactly but they seem very close and touchy so it’s pretty obvious" *ding* "Oh! Gotta go Caleb someone’s at the door call you later" Gigi then hopped down the stairs to see who it was then opening the door to be greeted by Crystal.
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