#we had dinner while she was visiting GC for the weekend
mostllynature · 2 years
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starry-kfics · 7 years
faking it [seokjin]
word count: 2253
warnings: none
author: mel
“Y/N!” The voice of your longtime friend, Jin, carried through your apartment. “We really need to talk.”
“Jin what the hell did you do?” You sighed, sitting at your kitchen table, already waiting for him.
“I may have accidentally suggested to the boys that you were my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, I know.” Pulling out your phone, you showed him the texts from Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung, all asking about you two being together.
Jin covered his face with his hands, sitting across from you. “I’m so sorry, but did you tell them that we weren’t dating?”
“No, I left them all on read, I figured I’d wait for an explanation from you.”
“We were in the dorms, and all of them were making fun of me for being the oldest and not having dated as many girls as them. I got really defensive, and they asked when was the last time I went on a date. So I told them about when we went to the festival last weekend. I didn’t say your name, but they were able to piece it together anyway.”
With a sigh, you looked at your friend with an eyebrow raised. “What do you want me to do, then, Jin?”
Hesitantly, he said, “Be my jagiya for a little while?”
“Alright, come here.” You waved him over, and he sat in the seat beside you. Holding your hand out, you looked at him expectantly. “Give me your phone.”
Jin did so, and you fingerprint was already in his phone so you unlocked it with ease. After going into his BTS group chat, you stood up and sat on his lap with no hesitation.
“Well, we should let the poor boys know, hm?”
You opened the camera, and held the phone up for a selca. Jin smiled awkwardly, and you set it down to look at him, disappointed. “You want them to believe we’re dating, you’ll have to do a bit more than that.”
Jin looked lost, and you tapped your cheek with your index finger. He seemed to get it, and you held the phone back up as he kissed your cheek, snapping the picture. You couldn’t reject the idea that your cheek tingled a little bit afterwards, but you were too busy sending the picture in the group chat to really think too much about it. After it sent, you realized that you were still on Jin’s lap, and stood back up.
Stretching, you pointed to your kitchen. “Come on, Jinnie, you at least owe me some dinner now.”
As Jin rustled around in your kitchen, preparing dinner, you flopped onto your couch. Your messages were blowing up again with texts from the BTS members, and so was Jin’s, you could hear it buzzing still on the kitchen table. Curious, you picked it up and read the group chat, laughing silently at all their intense screaming messages. Most were yelling about how Jin had sent that picture and didn’t come back.
Then, you saw that you had been added to a group chat with every Bangtan boy, and they were flooding that chat now. You switched off Jin’s phone, and sat back down on the couch with your own.
You decided to humor them, and joined the conversation.
[you: about time we all had a gc together. how are you boys?]
[yoongz: don’t ‘how are you’ us!!!]
[jungkookie: why didn’t you tell us you and jin hyung were dating?????]
[rm: i saw it coming]
[tae: me too]
[yoongz: same]
[jungkookie: still waiting for an answer, y/n!!!]
[hobi: jungkook is just mad because he owes me money now]
[you: you guys made bets on jin and i dating?]
[hobi: yeah, its been obvious since he first introduced you to us]
Your eyebrows furrowed when Hoseok sent that. Were they all really expecting you and Jin to date? Looking towards the kitchen, you listened to the sounds of something sizzling in a pan, and Jin singing something softly. This brought a smile to your face, but you were brought back down the groupchat as it kept going off.
[rm: where’s jimin?]
[jungkookie: he’s currently rolling around on the floor screaming ‘noona left me!’]
[you: tell that idiot to stop being so dramatic, he never had a chance with me]
[jiminie: hey that’s rude, noona]
[yoongz: it’s true, she’s obviously had her eyes on jin since before she ever met you]
[you: we haven’t been dating that long]
[rm: hyung said you’ve been dating since high school]
Groaning, you realized that you needed to get your story straight with Jin if this was going to work. Grabbing his phone, you dashed into the kitchen and thrust it in his hands. “Get on the new group chat right now.”
Jin looked confused as he opened it up, then looked at you sheepishly. “I’ll fix this.”
You watched as he typed, then the message popped up on your screen.
[jinnie: actually, i’ve had a crush on her since high school, we only started dating a few months ago]
[yoongz: he speaks!]
[jiminie: !!kim seokjin hyung how could you not tell me you were dating my noona!!]
You laughed when you saw Jin rolling his eyes before replying.
[jinnie: calm down, jimin]
[you: i’m your friend, of course, but that’s it]
[tae: hyung, you waited that long to ask her out?]
When you looked up at your friend, you could see that he was uncomfortable and flustered.
[you: guys stop, you’re making jin uncomfortable]
[rm: wait, are you guys in the same room?]
Suddenly, a burning smell met your nostrils, and Jin quickly threw his phone down to take the food off the stove.
[you: yeah, and he just burnt our dinner]
[hobi: we have clearly interrupted a romantic dinner for them]
[jiminie: good!!]
[you: i’m about to kick jimin out of this groupchat]
[yoongz: please do]
[rm: if you don’t, i will]
[tae: jungkook is trying to wrestle his phone away from him]
[jungkookie: i won]
Jin was desperately trying to salvage some of the food, but it was all ruined. His head was hanging as he turned to you with a look of defeat. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, we can order in.” You smiled, grabbing one of the delivery menus you had in your kitchen drawers. You only ever really ate home-cooked meals when Jin was over at your apartment.
“No, I meant about this whole situation, the boys are going to keep bothering you now.”
“I think it’s really funny, actually. Now come on, look at what you want to order. This is what I want,” you pointed out your favorite dish. “If you could place the order, that would be great.”
Jin nodded, reading over the menu. You turned your attention back to the groupchat, it had gone wild in the two minutes you weren’t looking.
[yoongz: where’d y/n go?]
[rm: jin disappeared as well]
[hobi: they’re probably enjoying their dinner together]
[jungkookie: i bet they’re making out]
[jimine: they’re probably having sex oh my god!!]
[rm: jungkook, i thought you took his phone away from him]
[jungkookie: he was whining too much so i gave it back]
[you: we weren’t making out or having sex, you perverts.]
[yoongz: then what were you doing?]
[you: we were deciding what we wanted to order for dinner after jinnie ruined the food he was making]
[jungkookie: if he screams while eating noodles again, please record it and send it to me]
[you: will do, kookie]
Jin had hung up his phone, and turned to you with a soft smile.
[you: he finished ordering, gotta go guys]
[jiminie: !!now i bet they’re gonna have sex before the delivery guy gets there!!]
[rm: jimin shut up]
Shaking your head, you turned the ringer and vibration off on your phone. “Does Jimin really have that big of a crush on me?”
Your (boy)friend shrugged. “It’s more that he likes making fun of me.Oh, by the way, the restaurant said it would be around thirty minutes before the food arrived.”
“That should give us plenty of time.”
“For what?”
“Us to get our dating story straight.”
After that night, you finally made a common narrative for your “relationship” with Jin. And the groupchat calmed down a bit. Until a few months into this endeavor you decided to visit them at the studio. You knew that today they were practicing their choreography, and Jin liked your homemade lemonade. You were even wearing your pink blouse that Jin had actually helped you pick out a while ago at the mall.
Leaving the elevator, you knew where the practice room was, and caught a glimpse of the boys through the large window. Jin and Taehyung apparently had a special move to do together in a dance, and you frowned when you saw that Jin kept messing up. He was clearly getting very frustrated with himself as the dance instructor had them restart again and again. Obviously fed up, the instructor called a break before going into his own personal room off the main practice room.
You took this as your opportunity, opening the door with a bright smile across your face. “Hello, boys!”
“Ooooh, Seokjin’s jagiya is visiting him at work.” Hoseok teased Jin, mockingly nuzzling his nose into his friend’s cheek.
Jin pushed him off lightly, and approached you with a small smile. “I would hug you, Y/N, but I don’t want to stink up your beautiful shirt.”
“It’s okay, Jin. I brought you lemonade.” You held out a bottle to him, and he took it thankfully.
“Noona, what about us?” Jimin whined, and you shook your head, reaching into your purse.
“Don’t worry, I brought some for everybody.”
“I think Y/N is officially our band mom now.” Jungkook grinned from where he was sitting on the floor as you tossed him a bottle of his own.
“Does that make Jin our dad now?” Taehyung asked, taking a sip of the drink you had made.
“Ya! We’re not married!” Jin said indignantly, and you chewed on your lip awkwardly.
The younger man laughed, throwing an arm around Jin’s shoulders. “Sorry, Dad.”
Jin rolled his eyes, and after you had passed out a bottle to everyone, he motioned for you to follow him. You walked out of the practice room with him, and he led you around a corner, probably so the others couldn’t see you two.
“Was this okay, me visiting you?” You asked hesitantly, he didn’t seem very pleased.
“No, it was wonderful, Y/N. You’re wonderful, jagi.” Jin assured you, but he still seemed to be in distress about something.
“Then what’s wrong?” Brushing a few sweaty strands of hair away from his face, you looked at him with concern.
“Those idiots want to see us kiss.”
“We already sent a picture-”
“Of me kissing your cheek. They’re teasing me about moving too slow with you.”
“Just because we don’t show skinship and make out every two seconds doesn’t mean we’re moving slow!” You just about growled, clenching your fists. “Presumptuous and disrespectful, they are!”
Jin seemed surprised at your reaction. “Well, Y/N, I think that maybe now we could-”
You then grabbed his hand, pulling out from behind the corner. “Y/N, what are you doing?” He said, confused at your actions, you were now directly in the line of sight of the other six guys in the practice room. And you knew that they were all watching you intently.
Before Jin could say anything else, you had grabbed his collar and slammed his lips down onto yours. Initially, there was an intense passion in it as you were determined to prove those boys wrong. But it faded when you truly realized what you were doing, you were kissing your best friend, Kim Seokjin. And he was kissing back, hands cupping your cheeks gently. The kiss turned more soft, and you felt yourself melting away. Jin’s lips were even softer than they looked, and he moved his mouth against yours so tenderly that you never wanted the sweet kiss to end.
But it had to, as you needed air, and there were muffled whoops from the room beside you. The boys inside of it were going insane, but thankfully none of them had joined you in the hallway.
“What were you saying, Jin?” You asked him, still in the same position.
“I-I was going to suggest that we do our breakup now.” He admitted, and you let go of him, taking a shameful step back.
“But now, I don’t want to. I want this to be real, Y/N. I’ve wanted it since high school.”
You looked up at him in disbelief. “You were telling the truth in the groupchat, about liking me since high school?”
“Jagi.” You said softly, taking a step towards him.
“Jagi.” Jin murmured, initiating this kiss this time, and the passion was on both sides now, fireworks were erupting in your brain.
And to think, this all came about from a few teasing remarks from his band members.
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