#we have a student concert this week where the kids sing about... light and christmas and Hanukah and love and stuff
atwitchyship · 2 years
working with kids before xmas break
Cannot wait until this week is over and the kids go on break. They're all going bananas this week, nothing's really getting learned, but also they're not following basic instructions, like getting dressed to go outside- and there's limited time to go outside!
Like, if I could? They'd have two recesses a day. But there's only a certain amount of playground, and a lot of kids who want to use it. And we can combine classes to a certain extent, but toddlers really can't play while there are Elementary kids out there.
So my crazy kiddos aren't getting enough run-around time, and instead they're going nuts cooped up inside. Two more days until vacation.
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High Notes and Snow// Kim Woojin
Stray Kids Christmas Series
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Scenario: A Christmas show at college turned out a little different than the both of you thought it would. Genre: Fluff Trope: Friends to Lovers // College!Au // non idol!Woojin // Theatre writer! Reader Pairing: Kim Woojin X Reader Word count: 8,9K Warning: Woojin’s a little bit of a jerk, but we all know that’s just for fictional purposes.
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‘I’m late. I need to finish my paper. Did I rewrite my notes from yesterday. I want coffee.’ Were the thoughts that run trough your mind as you hurried in a sleepy state across the college grounds. You made your way to your go-to café and ordered your usual. You took a sip of the hot anxiety-juice and sighed in content. As you sat in your class, trying your best to pay attention even though the teacher made it hard for you with him speaking in a monotone voice.
Being a theatre writing major was something you loved doing and loved to learn about, but college life was hard. And just when you thought that you could rest for a while, since the holidays were coming up, you were proved wrong. “You will be organising your own Christmas show. You guys are free in doing whatever you want. It just has to be Christmas themed and you guys will be grated for it. Class is dismissed.” Was all he said, leaving the students speechless.
The teacher gave everyone in your class a paper with instructions on them, dividing people in smaller groups and assigning their tasks. There was a costume theme, there was a décor theme, a performance team and an organising theme. “Sir, why is the team for organising so small- why am I leading everyone?” You asked whilst still scanning the paper.
“It will be too complex for people to have too many people who lead everything. With just a few captains you can direct people easily. I’m sure you got this.” He says nonchalantly, making you choke on air as you realised his words. Your eyes started to frantically scan the paper and you saw that you had the lead over the whole organisation thing. “But I’m just a writer-“ You yelled after the teacher who was long gone. You sighed to yourself, feeling already stressed. And the notification coming from your phone didn’t make it any better for you. You saw that your best friend, who you thanked God for you got to work on this with apparently, had texted you.
Kira: ‘We’re planning on having a meeting in 2 hours. You better be there. I will get you some extra coffee and a bagel... I read the division...’ You: ‘I know right. Please just end me already. People are already stressing, causing me to stress.’ Kira: ‘Just calm down for a second and get your ass over here.’ You: ‘Aight.’
As soon as the meeting started, people stared at your awkwardly. You were not prepared at all and your anxiety-juice wasn’t helping you at all.
“So, what are we going to do?” Maddison groans in annoyance. You rolled your eyes, wanting to ignore her and roll her out of the room with the office-chair she was sitting on. She was one of the performers in her team and you weren’t going to lie, she had pretty good vocals. She was talented, but her annoying and arrogant personality didn’t make up for it. She was born in America and constantly reminded people of it.
‘I can’t help but speak in English sometimes. I guess it’s because I was born in New York.’ She would twirl her hair around her finger whilst batting her fake lashes. Boys seemed to love it, but girls knew she was just acting.
You are a theatre major, you knew when someone was acting or not. “We don’t know. That’s why we’re having this meeting. If we could just brainstorm some ideas, we could work it out from there.” You sighed as you took out your notebook and started scribbling down the ideas.
“We could do a talent show?” Someone suggested. “I mean, it’s a good idea, but there is honestly no such way on making it Christmas themed.” You explained, whilst still writing down the idea anyway. “We could make a musical.” “That’s also a great idea, but the décor and the costume team would have to work too much on different kind of décor. There would be individual scenes, group scenes. Plus we would need different décor for every scene. And since we have seven weeks to make and rehearse this. It will be too much stress for all of us. Shouldn’t we make this easier for ourselves-“ “We get it Y/n.” Maddison sighed, making you roll your eyes.
“What if we do a half-half kind of show?” Daichi suggests shyly. Everyone in the room now focussed on him and you could see him jump in surprise.
“What did you have in mind?” Daichi explained his idea where everybody could show off their own talents, but that it still had a story that worked along with the acts. Most of the performances would be sung, since you had countless of singers. So you guessed that it would be a sort of musical.
“We could just keep a simple décor for the background and make the stage look like a frame. As if the audience was actually looking at a magical Christmas show thingy- my brain isn’t working okay. It’s twelve o’clock and I’m barely here.” Your friend, Kira, laughs, causing the room to laugh along and lighten the mood. “Okay, so I guess we have a plan. Let’s brainstorm some more and meet again this Friday at three o’clock.” “Sounds good to me.” People in the room agreed before they all left. The performance room shot you dirty looks, but you chose to ignore it. They had a habit of feeling like they’re better than the rest for some reason, since they had a bigger chance on becoming the centre of attention and famous. Their words not yours, really. You packed your stuff and walked out the door with Kira on your side. 
“Why do we have to work with Mrs brag?” You whined as you made your way in the cold to your dorm.
“I don’t know, but I guess we have to. We’re going to be graded for this and I’m not looking forward to get an inadequate because of her.” Kira sighs and shivers at the same time. “Let’s just focus on the other people we have to work along with. I mean, we have Daichi. He’s really artistic. Do you remember him designing the décor for the ballet performance.”
“I know! The designs were so detailed and he really got the idea of the Russian palaces. It felt like watching a fairy tale when we were attending the show.” Kira smiled as she recalled the memory. “We also have Woojin on our team.” She added. “Yeah, but he’s part of the singer’s team though, if you know what I mean.” “Woojin isn’t that bad though, I mean compared to Maddison he’s an actual sweetheart.” Kira stated. “Isn’t everybody a sweetheart when compared to Maddison?” You laughed.
“You have to admit though, Woojin is cute.” Kira doted whilst looking at you. “You’re starting to sound like the entire singing department. They also can’t stop gushing about how handsome and how brilliant he is. I mean I can’t say that he isn’t talented, the guy really has a great voice. But I really don’t get those girls who say that they are blessed with his present and that he’s so athletic, they can go on and on for hours.” “Speak for yourself. You seem to know a lot about him.” She laughed. “N-no I don’t. He’s the best singer of the singing department and people can’t stop talking about him. Even the teachers can’t stop going on and on about him. I’m from the theatre apartment, like why do we have to hear those things about him?” You asked whilst stepping into your dorm.
Your dorm was more like a little studio apartment. It cost you extra money, but you got a place for yourself and you didn’t had weird roommate who got into your face and interfered your space.
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It has been two weeks from your first meeting about the abrupt Christmas show and everybody now knew what to do. The singing department obviously started to rehears singing, having Woojin as their leader. The décor apartment were off to make a picturesque décor that would people make feel fuzzy and warm when looking at the show. The show turned out to be just a concert since it would be easier, but to give the theatre kids a little bit of spotlight, they got to write songs with the singers and translate a story into the décor as well.
You were a little sad that you couldn’t participate as much as you wished. You were supposed to get a place to perform the show, to get a catering, people to do light and sound and everything else that came along with arranging a show. You asked around and you were glad that there were people who wanted to help out. It relieved you, because you know how busy everyone around college could be at times. “You’re nice, we would love to help.” They said, making your heart flutter at the compliment before thanking them once again.
You were sitting on a sofa in the library, trying to look for the best place for the concert, until you were interrupted by your laptop shutting close, causing you to jump. Looking up to Maddison who stood in front of you with her hand on her hip, made you roll your eyes. “What?” “You better ensure to make us the stars of the show.” You didn’t even had to hear the words coming from her mouth, you already knew that Maddison and her little crew of minions wanted to be the centre of attention as soon as you saw their names on the list of division. You wanted to open your laptop again, but Maddison stopped you from doing so.
“Are you listening to what we’re saying?” “Are you listening to yourselves? You know Woojin is the leader of the singing department when it comes to the concert, you should ‘discuss’ this with him and not with me.” “I already talked to Woojinnie, but he said to come to you since you’re the ‘chief’.” She scoffed, clearly annoyed that she had to come to you for this. And trust me, you rather didn’t wanted to be around her either. You loved being as far away from her as possible, but this concert didn’t make it easy for you to do so. “It’s fine by me I guess, but you guys have to work for it yourself to make a memorable performance. We’re not going to do that for you, besides we’re going to be graded individually.”
Man, were you glad you were graduating next year. Maddison might be your age, but she was in a year lower than you. You could already picture her sulking and almost crying when Woojin graduates along with you. You had known him for some time, you were friends even in high school. You weren’t like the closest friends, but his friends hung out with your friends and together were you pretty solid. Being in different departments in college drifted you apart, the only one you got left out all of that friend was Kira. You didn’t mind, it saved you a lot of drama. And besides, it’s part of growing older and becoming an adult: everybody is going their own ways and living their own lives.
You suddenly remembered that Maddison hadn’t left and decided to leave for yourself then. It was snowing outside and you scrunched your nose slightly when a snowflake landed on your nose. You enjoyed the cold as you walked over the campus ground for the umpteenth time.
You then heard a gasp and someone fall, which made you turn around quickly. You saw a pair of long legs dangling from a bush and you swiftly made your way to the guy. “Are you okay?” You asked the guy, when you took a closer look, you saw that the guy who fell was Woojin. “Woojin?” You asked surprised, yet a little worried. “Hi, can you help me? It’s slippery.” He chuckles as he sat in the plant covered in snow and books that you supposed to be his. You took his hands and pulled him up, you almost slipped and fell on top of him, making you squeal in process. “Thanks.” He mutters, whipping off the excess snow, before picking up his books and about to leave. “Hey, you’re drenched. You should dry off and get warm.” “Why do you care?” He asked coldly, not even bothering to look you into the eyes. “I- you’re the leader of your group. You can’t miss rehearsal, besides I don’t think that getting a cold is good for your throat.” “I know, but I was trying to find my dorm key, but- why am I explaining this to you?” He says, his tone was harsh, belittling you a bit. “Did you find it?” “No.”
Both of you sighed and stood in silence across one another. “Do you live far from here?” “Why do you want to know all of this, stalker?” Woojin scoffs. “I’m asking this, because you need to warm up and if you live far away, you could just come to mine to dry off and warm up.” You explained. “But you know, if you’re going to be a pain then just forget it and enjoy being cold.” You snapped irritated, before wanting to walk away. You suddenly feel a shaking hand grab your arm. You looked back to see Woojin shivering in cold.
You felt bad for him and sighed. You grabbed his hand and dragged him to your dorm.
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Woojin sighed happily as soon as he felt the warmth. “I will grab you some sweatpants and a hoodie. I’ll lay them in the bathroom so you can change. In the meantime I will make us some tea, or do you prefer something else?” “Tea is fine. But aren’t your clothes like too small for me?” “Trust me, they’ll fit. I buy my sweatpants and hoodies at the men’s department.” You laughed, whilst searching into your closet the items.
Sooner enough Woojin had changed out of the drenched clothes and sat under a blanket with tea in his hands in your clothes. You looked at him and laughed to yourself.
Woojin usually looked very classy and neat, like those elite rich boys would walk around. Right now he looked like the boy next door people from a movie where they would fall in love with each other. The thought surprised you, just the fact that you even thought about something like that made you blink slowly in confusion.
“What?” He asked, still shaking a little from the cold. “Nothing-“ “Clearly, there is because you’re laughing at me.” He snapped. “First of all, I was laughing to you. Secondly, don’t you dare to take my kindness and hospitality for granted Kim Woojin. I will not hesitate to make you regret that.” You stated in a serious matter, taking Woojin by surprise. “Sorry. And thank you by the way.” “No problem.” You muttered back.
You took another look at him and now he didn’t dare to look back at you, making you shake your head in disbelief. “If you’re wondering why I was ‘staring’ at you. You look so different from how you usually look.” You chuckled before sipping your tea. “How is that- I mean, I’m just wearing different clothes obviously.” “That’s the thing, you’re always so dressed up. I’ve never seen you dressed down like this. You look like a normal student, instead of a posh elite boy who always walk around in a three-piece suit.” “It’s not a suit, it’s just trouser, a blouse and a blazer-“ “Exactly! I mean, yes you do have a good fashion sense and it looks good on you, but don’t you ever want to-“ “Okay, I’m going to stop you right there.” Woojin suddenly says, interrupting you.
“What-“ “If you think that this is going to make me fall in love with you and date you. It’s not going to happen, let me just tell you that.” That was it. His arrogance and cockiness had gone to his head and you had enough of it. You grabbed the tea, still rather carefully, but harshly out of his hands and placed it pissed on the side table. He looked at you in confusion and surprise and was about to talk again, but you were quicker. “You’re not welcome here anymore.” “Excuse me?” “You hear me Woojin. I wanted to make sure that you were in good health for this concert. We’re graduating this year and every grade needs to be better than the one before. You and I both know that. Yet, instead of being nice to me as a sign of being thankful, here you are. Acting like an arrogant jerk who had his head stuck a little too far up his ass and thinks that everyone wants to date him. Just because I’m nice to you, doesn’t mean that I want to date you!” You snarled more irritated than ever.
You couldn’t remember Woojin being this much of a jerk when the friend group was still together.
“Y/n, I’m-“ He started. “No, I don’t want to hear it.” You stressed as you went to grab his stuff. They were still damp, but he was wearing dry ones at least. “Y/n-“ “Just leave, you know how to get home right? Go call Chan or something if you’re still even friends with him.” You muttered as you pushed him out of the door.
The door shut right into Woojin’s face as he turned around to say something once again. “This is humiliating Y/n!” “You’re wearing men’s clothes! Fucking act like one and walk yourself home!” You yelled back, taking Woojin by surprise once again that day. He sighed and decided to walk home, since he had nowhere else to go. He took his phone out of your sweatpants and went to call Chan to pick him up.
When he arrived as soon as he could, he looked at Woojin weirdly. “Whose clothes are you wearing? Why are you holding your own? Why aren’t you at home- what’s happening?” Chan chuckles. “Just drive.” Woojin sighs. “Did you hook-“ “God no! I-“ Woojin sighs once again, before telling Chan what happened.
Chan starts laughing and Woojin groans in embarrassment. “Wait, you mean Y/n y/l/n?” Woojin just nodded in responds. “I haven’t seen her in years. How is she?” “I mean, she seems fine. She has her own dorm, so I guess she’s doing quite well then.” “Her parents must be earning a lot then.” “No, Y/n never wanted her parents to support her financially, she’s done that on her own.” “Well won’t you look at that Mr Sherlock Holmes.” Chan chuckles as he made a turn. “What?” Woojin asks. “You seem to know a lot about her.” “I do not, I just remember her stating this very fact when we used to hang out with the whole group.” “Man, that was way back.” “I know right. She doesn’t hang out with much of them anymore. I only see her hang out with Kira still after all these years.”
“Sure Mr ‘I really don’t know her that well’. Freaking liar.” Chan muttered playfully, loud enough for Woojin to hear, receiving a well-meaning punch from his friend.
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A few days later, you were sitting at the school café, looking outside as you rent Christmas decoration for the concert. You were lucky that the school gave you a budget, with a generous amount, so the concert could be a great ending show for the year.
As you were working, you didn’t notice Woojin standing a few meters from you. He didn’t know how to approach you after being a jerk to you. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He looked around and saw that people were staring at him, I mean who wouldn’t. He just stood there creeping on you with a gift bag in his hands. He could hear Chan in the back of him mind, telling him to suck it up and just give you your clothes back.
Woojin took a deep breath and gathered his courage and started moving towards you. He had no idea why he was tensed up. He had known you for a long time after all.
You didn’t notice Woojin standing next to you, causing you to jump in surprise when he softly placed the bag next to you. “Woojin?” You asked in confusion. “Here.” He could only make out, gulping loudly as he didn’t dare to look you into the eye.
“I’m sorry for the other day.” He mutters before walking off. “Thank you!” You called after him. Obviously not planning on screaming ‘thank you for returning my clothes’ in the middle of the freaking canteen. People would simply get the wrong thing and rumours would be spread around. You certainly weren’t planning on having that on your plate as well, this concert was already giving you a permanent headache. Woojin sighed in relief when he finally gave you the clothes back. He washed them with extra softener and air-dried them because he was scared that he would damage or shrink the clothes. Chan couldn’t help but tease Woojin for being this caring about some clothes, when he usually just throws his clothes in the washing machine, turns it on, shrugs and walk off to do something else. When Woojin had left, people were already whispering their presumptions of what Woojin was giving to you, if the two of you were dating, or just hooking up. None of that obviously, to you and Woojin at least, was true. But Maddison for some reason decided to make it out to be the end of the world.
As soon as she heard the rumour from one of her minions she stood up and started to throw a tantrum like a little child who didn’t got what she wanted. A spoiled little brat, that’s what she is. Maddison made your way to you in an irritated and jealous state. You could swear that you felt something inside of you tingle as if it was your sixth sense.
You could hear her heals clicking through the canteen, along with the other four pairs that rushed behind her. “Are you dating Woojin?” “Nice to see you too Maddison.” You sneered. “Answer my question.” “Have you never been taught to respect your elders?” “We’re the same age you du-“ “I’m a senior and we’re in Korea, show some respect.” You smiled painfully to her as she rolled her eyes and ‘bowed politely’. “Can you now answer my fucking question?” “Why do you think that Woojin and I are dating?” You sighed as you looked at her.
“He gave you a gift bag.” She stated the obvious. “Okay, so just because he gives me something, means that we’re automatically dating. Honey, you must be so confused at birthdays.” Maddison started to scoff in annoyance, especially when she heard people giggle in the background who overheard the conversation. “Well, are you?” “That’s none of your business.” You smiled once again, whilst packing your bags. It was as if Maddison didn’t know how to do anything else but scoff that day because she did it again. You took the giftbag in your hand and swung it past her face as you passed her. You sighed to yourself. ‘Poor girl doesn’t have a life, what a shame.’ 
Apparently, Maddison wasn’t the only one who wondered if you and Woojin were a thing, even the teachers got involved. You hoped that they would stop this nonsense, but instead they started to ask you questions about your so called ‘relationship’ with the best singer in the university.
Even Kira started to rant to you about it. “How dare you to not tell me that you were actually dating Woojin! We’ve been friends for so long and stuff like this isn’t supposed to be a secret among friends. And I thought we were best friends, apparently not because you didn’t bother to tell me that you were dating Woojin.”
“I never told you anything, because there isn’t anything to tell you.” “What do you mean you’re-“ “I’m not dating Woojin.” “Oh.” “That’s all you can say?” You laughed as you threw a pillow to her face.
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And so more days passed and the day of the concert came closer and closer. The décor team was already doing a great job and were really being productive. So was the small writing, the lights and sound team. The singing department on the other hand, were rather procrastinating. Woojin tried to get them to work. But without a vocal coach they were just sitting back and chatting their hours away.
Woojin would sigh and continue rehearsal by himself. He knew he was the leader of the group, but they would be graded individually and Woojin would like to graduate that year, especially since college was expensive and he didn’t wanted to spend yet another year so much money on school. He was grateful that he could attend school, but working this much and spending this much on learning something became a little too much for him eventually and especially for his wallet.
You would often participate rehearsals and see how everyone was doing. Woojin would be on stage and everyone’s eyes seemed to be focused on where he was looking and how you were reacting to him. The rumours hadn’t burned out unfortunately. As you were observing the rehearsal, Woojin seemed to be very confident, which was logic since he was very talented and also well aware of his great singing voice, yet it almost seemed cocky. You didn’t know Woojin like this, you wanted to make a comment on it, but it would start yet another rumour. You were waiting for that, so instead you waited to talk to him backstage. “What’s going with you?” You ask him as soon as you spotted him alone backstage.
“What do you mean?” He asks, a sudden feeling of jitters rushed through his body. He never experienced something like this before, but he seemed to only feel it when he was around you. “I know you’re confident about your voice, but acting cocky when on stage doesn’t seem a good idea.” “Why are you so concerned about the way I act on stage. I’m the singer, aren’t I?” He says, whilst his arrogant side jumped out once again. You sighed, feeling a little disappointed but also not that surprised. He had been like this ever since the two of you went to college. 
“I get and know that you’re the singer, but I’m just concerned that people will think something wrong about you.” “Why are you saying things like this as if you know me. It’s not like we’re friends or dating or even something close to that.” “You know what, never mind. Go and do your thing then if you know it so well.” You snapped before walking off.
‘Gosh, what is up with that guy.’ You asked yourself. ‘What is wrong with me?’ Woojin asked himself.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration and went after to you to try and talk to you.
“Y/n, we’re going to need a Christmas tree. Can you pick it up? I heard that we could use the principal’s car if you don’t have one, he owns a truck too after all.” Woojin overheard Kira say to her friend. “Sure, but I might need a pair of extra hands for that.” You stated, knowing that the Christmas was almost as high up to three meters.
“I would love to help you, but I have a test coming up.” Kira says. “And Daichi is busy with the décor team.” “Is there an issue?” A teacher asked who walked into the room and overheard their conversation. “No, I just need a second person to help me with picking up the Christmas tree.” “Oh, well Woojin why don’t you help Y/n? You seem to have your performance under control-“ “But sir! Woojin is the leader and he needs to guide us!” Maddison interrupted. “Well, I can get a vocal coach to help you with getting the techniques under control. Well, since that’s settled, keep up the great work guys! It’s looking great!” He said before leaving. More like leaving you and Woojin speechless.
You was thinking about avoiding him as much as possible and then just to ignore him completely after the concert, but you guess that wouldn’t be the case then.
Looking up to Woojin who stood sheepishly on stage, made you sigh and roll your eyes.
The action made Woojin’s chest ache slightly. He just doesn’t know what was happening to him. You just got him feeing some type of way and he didn’t know what to do about it. Later that day when he talked to Chan about it, he reminded Woojin of years back, when they were still in high school and Woojin felt similar like this towards Y/n.
Woojin recalled the memory of him and the entire friend group at someone’s place. They were having a dinner night with some music as they hung out. They were celebrating something, he didn’t know what exactly, but he knew that they were celebrating something, because he remembered that you looked as beautiful as ever. You wore a simple black sequin dress, a diamond necklace that Minho had given you. Everyone was surprised that you and Minho were so close. Minho had quite some walls up when it came to new people, but he seemed to have a soft spot for you. Unfortunately, college drove the two of you apart. The university that you and Woojin attended did had a dance department, but it had a different location, which was on the other side of the city. Which was one of the reasons why you and Minho sadly grew apart.
He remembered feeling in his gut against Minho at the time, now that he was older, he realised that it was jealousy. He still doesn’t get why he was jealous of Minho, but Chan did. Chan knew that his friend had a crush on you, Woojin himself just never knew. Woojin was, as weird and cocky as it sounded, used to girls gushing over him and confessing their feelings to him. He declined them all respectfully and Chan didn’t know what happened but somehow it went to Woojin’s head.
Chan eventually got frustrated and stopped trying to set you and Woojin up. You were a busy person and often hadn’t even have time to hang out with people. You were working and studying all the time and when you did have time for people, Kira would had all your attention.
Right now, after Chan and Woojin had the talk about this old familiar feeling, Chan tried to make Woojin realise that he has a crush on you and that he should just think about his feelings for you. “That’s absurd. I don’t have feelings for Y/n.” Woojin scoffs in denial. “Stop being so stubborn and just admit it.” Chan mutters under his breath. “What was that?” “Nothing.”
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It was a week now before the concert and everybody was feeling the tension of the deadline coming closer. Everybody was as stressed as ever, not that it was something new for a college student. You were teaming up with the décor team to decorate the theatre.
You got a great deal with the people who owned this old concert hall. The venue looked gorgeous on the inside, it had this old-timer vibe and everybody was absolutely living for it. The ceilings were painted romantically and the pillars were cut out in the magnificent details.
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“I still can’t believe we got this place for nothing.” Kira says in awe as they all started to work. “I know, it’s unbelievable. I hope there’s nothing wrong with this place though. I did my research, but I couldn’t find anything else-“ “Y/n!” Daichi yelled from on stage. “Yes?” “We’re done with the background!” “Alright thank you! We will be decorating the rest then!” You yelled back.
‘Time to get the tree.’ You thought to yourself.
“Woojin, shall we go?” You sighed as you walked up to him. He seemed too busy talking to Maddison and her minions to hear you. “Woojin, I will take credits off if you don’t come-“ “Alright, alright. I heard you the first time, dang.” He muttered, making you roll your eyes in annoyance, before walking to the car with him.
The car ride to the shop was awkward and the tension was high. Woojin was busy on his phone as you drove the two of you to the place. You were very relieved when you finally arrived, an excited feeling had replaced the bothering pressure that was earlier resting on your chest. You were smiling brightly as you almost ran onto the place in excitement. Woojin saw it happen and couldn’t help but smile to himself. You were like a little child, he remembered celebrating Christmas with you when the two of you were in high school, with the whole friend group as well though.
You were so excited to celebrate, you always loved the little lights that covered many places and the decorated tree was something you could stare at for hours. It was easy to say that Christmas was one of your favourite times of the year.
“Hello, we’re here to pick up the tree for the concert hall?” You said to the nice man who greeted you. “Ah, Y/n! You called me on the phone earlier this month, right? We reserved the best tree for you!” He smiled before going off to get it with four other man following him. He saw how excited you were as you walked around. There were families trying to find the perfect tree for their home, the children would run around with laughter lighting the place up besides the lights that were hung up.
He saw the way you smiled and it did something to his heart. He felt warm and fuzzy and he had a sudden urge to hug you. A sudden memory was recalled to Woojin’s mind where the whole friend group would go ice skating. You all had a great time and it was one of his greatest memories, but also one of his saddest, since it was also the day where he had found out that you had someone else on your mind and he wasn’t that person. Woojin realised and accepted your feelings that day. His best friend, Chan, had told him your secret about your crush and Woojin could just feel his heart break at that moment.
He started to feel awkward since the two of you went to the same school and spend a lot of time together. Eventually when the two of you went to university, his ego was fed by the girls who constantly threw themselves onto him. He never knew why, he still doesn’t know why they do it, but he took this as a big compliment and gained confidence from it. Maybe a little too much since he turned out to be quite cocky as well.
Suddenly, as he was surrounded by hundreds of trees, he started to feel gloomy. He didn’t want his heart to be broken again or get his hopes up this time, since he didn’t know if you even liked him at all or if you had someone else on your mind. You noticed Woojin’s sudden mood change and decided to cheer him up. You gathered some snow together and pressed it into a ball, before throwing it towards Woojin’s chest. He looked up at you in surprise and he felt his heart skip a beat when he saw you smiling brightly at him. At him. You were smiling at him and he could feel his mood change once again. Yes you were still annoyed at him for earlier, but he seemed a little sad. And since it was almost Christmas you didn’t want that. He was an old friend after all.
Woojin appreciated the gesture and thanked you for it in a soft whisper, but loud enough for you to hear after running after each other for a good fifteen minutes. The pair of you now shivering, wet from the snow you had thrown at each other, but laughing and happy. That moment had become a very cherished moment to Woojin, because he finally realised that he should not hide his feelings for you anymore. He realised that I always had been you. The two of you now walked back to where you and the owner had agreed to meet. “Wait my laces are untied.” You said, before bending down.
When you got back up again, there were multiple people looking at the two of you. “Is there something on my face?” You asked Woojin in slight horror.
“No.” ‘-thing but beauty.’ He thought.
“You two are under the mistletoe!” The owner roared in laughter, making you and Woojin shot your gaze up to see the little branch indeed hanging above the two of you with a little shimmering red ribbon around it. “I- we can’t-“ Woojin started. “C’mon! Got to keep the tradition going, don’t we?” The owner laughed once again. You swear you could hear children scream ‘kiss’ at the two of you, making you giggle slightly. Woojin’s heart was beating loudly. He looked at you, who was focusing on the people who were staring at you. He realised that this could be the chance to finally do something he had been longing to do years ago.
He took your face in his big hands and made your head turn towards him, surprising you in process. You looked at him with shocked eyes and quickly closed your eyes when you noticed him slowly leaning in. Before you knew it were his warm lips connected to yours and moving in synch together. Your arms found their way to his neck and wrapped them around them. Woojin smiled into the kiss as you heard people cheer. An elderly couple cooed at the two of you after you pulled back from the kiss.
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“Kira, I swear I think I’m falling for him!” You whisper yelled through the phone after you and Woojin had arrived back at the concert hall. “I fucking told you so you little shit!” She screamed whilst laughing on the other side of the line. “Shit he’s coming back- I’ll call you later- no I’m not giving you my notes.” You quickly lied as you saw Woojin appear once again. You hung up the phone and went to decorating with Woojin.
Christmas songs were blasting through the stereo as the two of you adorned the tree. You would be running in circles around the tree as you put the lights on it, making Woojin laugh as you ended up dizzy and almost fell of the stage. Fortunately for you were Woojin’s reflexes quick and caught you before you fell down two meters to your doom. You looked at him in shocked eyes once again and stayed in his arms for a moment.
The moment didn’t last long when Kira and Daichi suddenly barging into the room, making Woojin almost drop you in surprise. “Shit you okay?” He asked you as he helped you back on your feet. “What are you two doing?” “N-nothing!” You both shrieked back at the same time.
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Woojin and you returned to your awkward selves at school and it was almost like the other hadn’t happen. Almost, one thing did change though. “What do you mean Woojin isn’t sitting with us at lunch?” Maddison cried loudly to her minions- I mean friends. “He said he’s having lunch with someone else.” One of them stuttered. “Who?” Maddison demanded more than asked.
In the meantime was Woojin carrying a bag with food he had bought in a café, a tea and a coffee for himself in his hand as he made his way to you, who was working in a classroom on the last things for the concert. “Knock knock.” Woojin chirped as he pushed the door open with his butt. “Hey!” You chirped brightly back as you pulled out a seat for him to sit on. “I got you some food and some tea.” He says shyly as he placed the food in front of you. “Why, t-thank you.” You smiled as you accepted the gesture.
The both of you enjoyed the sandwich Woojin had bought as you two enjoyed each other’s company. And someone, who saw the two of you enjoying each other’s, wasn’t so happy about it. That sour plum was Maddison. She scoffed in annoyance when she saw the two of you laughing together and saw the affectionate touches coming from the both of you. She was about to barge into the room, when suddenly a teacher called her, making her groan this time in annoyance before leaving the classroom and the pair of you be.
“Can you help me with something?” Woojin asked you after a while. “Yeah, sure.” You said, before turning to him to give him your full attention. It surprised Woojin a little but he had prepared this. He had practiced all night for this moment. “I’m trying to sing this song, but I don’t know if it sound good.” “So, you want my advice or opinion?” “Yes-“ “Shouldn’t you ask a teacher for stuff like that?” “I wanted to hear it from you.” He admitted shyly, making your heart flutter.
Wise men say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you For I can't help falling in love with you
When Woojin stopped singing he looked at you with hopeful eyes. You were speechless, his voice was just incredible. “Wait are you singing this for the concert?” You asked him in confusion. “No silly.” ‘I’m singing this for you.’ But Woojin couldn’t find the courage that day to confess.
‘You got this Woojin, next time for sure.’
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Twenty-fourth of December, the day of the concert had finally arrived and the students were nervous and a little stressed. Someone couldn’t find an accessory for their costume, the other broke a string of their guitar and another needed a pep talk.
You had everything under control and helped them all through it. You were the host after all. Everybody’s bellies were filled with a warm meal that you had prepared, through a catering team. You were lucky that there was a big kitchen in the back of the concert building where you all could prepare the food and eat.
And so the concert begun. Everybody were doing great. The crowd loved every second of it and the place was filled too. The ticket selling went more well than you could imagine. Families thought it would be a nice family outing to see their child perform on Christmas.
It was now time for the final act, which was Woojin. He was after Maddison and well, her performance went rather odd. Everyone noticed Maddison pushing her minions out of the way to steal the spotlight. You could swear her mother dancing the routine along as she filmed. You loved the fact that they were doing the Mean Girls’ routine of Jingle Bell Rock as well. The teacher didn’t seem to impressed and swiftly wrote down notes.
But now it was Woojin’s time to shine. The music started and the spotlight was focussed on the young man who stood in the middle of the stage. Everyone eyed the performance from the side of the stage as Woojin began to sing ‘Holy Night’ by Mariah Carey. He had changed the notes beautifully so it fitted his voice perfectly.
Everyone was in awe, first of at the song of choice, but mostly at his singing skills. The high notes were sung perfectly. You really could tell that he was the best singer of his department. He really had earned the title. When the song had ended, the crowd jumped to their feet and applauded loudly for him as he bowed to them. Woojin looked to you and gave a quick wink.
“Everyone thank you for coming tonight. Can we give all the students another round of applause?” “Can we get Y/n a big round of applause for arranging everything and organising this event for us?” Woojin say after he had stolen the mic from you. You almost blushed at his words and you became even shyer.
You could feel Maddison’s eyes burn through the back of your head. Everyone bowed one last time before the curtains closed. They all cheered because it was finally over and now, they got to go home to relax, and celebrate Christmas and vacation with their family. You were all about to leave the stage when suddenly a male voice called for you.
“We’re snowed in.” Was all he said with panic layering his tone. You all were shocked and you quickly made your way to the balcony of the concert hall and looked out of the nearest window. You indeed were snowed in. You saw the trees sticking out slightly above the high snow. The cars and roads were hidden under the white blanket.
You were about to announce the situation, when the lights suddenly cut off and made people scream in surprise. “Everybody please remain calm! The electricity may have fallen out, but there is a backup generator for light! Daichi can you turn it on? It’s under the stage.” You called out from the balcony. Daichi got the lights back on in no time and people were starting to get impatient.
“How long do we have to stay here?” Someone asked. “I’m hungry!” A child added in a whiny tone.
“I don’t know for how much longer we will be stuck here, the snow is really high. I’m going to make some calls for try to contact someone who can rescue us out of here, but there are blankets in the back and some candles. If everyone divide them under each other we will have some kind of warmth here, since it might get a little chilly here. The generator doesn’t work that well on the heater, but at least we have light. And when it comes to food. There is a kitchen in the back. I can try and make some food for all of us, but I can’t assure that it will be a lot.” 
“I’ll help you!” Woojin says as he helped you back down.
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After an hour of being stuck with a whole bunch of people in an old concert hall, you finally made some food from scratch. You found some bread, some rice, potatoes, eggs and some juice boxes from earlier and divided them over the people. The meals weren’t very special, but at least they were warm. You couldn’t help but apologise to everyone for the current situation they were in. “If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” You could hear Maddison hissed softly after you handed her food. “How the fuck is the snow Y/n’s fault? She had no power over that!” One of her minions said, making you smirk in amusement. The minions were finally done with Maddison’s shit.
“You did well Y/n, thank you.” She added whilst smiling at you. “Your welcome.” You said before going back to the kitchen. Woojin, Kira and Daichi were working hard to make everything for the people. Kira handed out the juice boxes to the kids and they thanked her politely. You were all tired and you just wanted to sleep. You saw Woojin cooking in the kitchen and you walked up to him, only to lean into him and hug him from behind as you buried your face in his hoodie.
Woojin was surprised by the act and so were Kira and Daichi, but mostly Kira who almost screamed the whole place together. The girl was losing her mind and it was your fault. “Tired?” Woojin asked, wrapping his arm around you to warm you up a little. You nodded your head in responds and hugged him tighter. “I’m sorry it turned out to be like this.” You whispered to him. “It’s not your fault. You’re not that powerful you know.” He joked to cheer you up a little. “I know, but I feel responsible. Besides we will be still stuck here for another two to three hours.” You sighed sadly.
“I don’t mind being stuck here, especially since I’m with you.” Woojin managed to say, even though he felt like he had a lump in his throat. You looked up to him and he looked down to the side to face you. “I mean it. I enjoy being around you.” “Daichi let’s go, we should give the two some space.” Kira yelled before dragging her friend out of the kitchen, leaving you and Woojin laugh at the chaotic duo.
You turned your focus back on the man in front of you who had placed his hands on yours. “I never realised this, but I always had liked you. Even back in high school I had already eyes for you. I didn’t go through with my feelings, because you had eyes for somebody else and we didn’t know each other that well. So, I kind of stepped out of the picture and when we both went to college, I guess that my ego got fed a lot. And I mean a lot, it went all to my head and I became a dickhead. I’m sorry by the way for acting so dumb. But besides that, I just really like you. I have for a long time and I felt like you needed to know. Besides, we’re young adults now.” He chuckled nervously. You look up to him with a pout. You were so touched by his words and you couldn’t help but think how cute he was being.
“I’m not going to lie, I didn’t have these feelings for that long. I know we go way back, but I realised that I felt more towards you a couple months ago. I would always deny when Kira joked around that I liked you. I would claim that she lied, but I deep down knew I did. I would talk about you a lot and I guess that gave the fact away that I had you on my mind a lot. You’re a really nice guy and I really like you too. I’m glad that you’re not this cocky guy you made it seem for the past few years.”
“So, does this mean that you will be mine?” Woojin carefully asks. You smiled at his cuteness and took his cheeks into your hands. You pulled him closer to you and brought him in for a kiss. Woojin was taken by surprise and sooner enough his hands had found your waist and brought you closer to him. You blushed harshly when he pulled away and shyly hid your face in his chest. “Cutie.” He whispered into your hair as he held you. Eventually the two of you went back to where everyone else were seated. The both of you stood under the doorframe as you watched everyone. “Hey Y/n!” Kira yelled out of nowhere. “What?” You yelled back playfully. “You got to kiss your man!” “What!” You could hear Maddison yell. “What?” You yelled in surprise.
Daichi didn’t bother to say anything since he was too busy laughing his ass off as he pointed to something above the both of you. Woojin and you looked up once again and saw a mistletoe hanging above the two of you. “Kiss! Kiss!” Was being yelled by some people and you could swear to hear Maddison object in the background. Woojin’s hand on your cheek caught you by surprise once again and you smiled at him as he was about to lean in to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, his hands were wrapped around your lower back, pulling you as close as possible to him.
Christmas was going to be even better than you thought.
“You’re crazy.” You giggle softly as you playfully slapped his chest. “Crazy for you-“ “Stop it!” You squealed, hiding your face in his chest, making him laugh before just hugging each other and enjoying each other’s warmth.
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Gif isn’t mine.
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med-blahg · 7 years
2017: Year in Review pt. 1/??
After compiling most of the notable pictures of the year and hoping to make a nice twitter thread as is the bandwagon, I’ve decided to do this year-end reflection survey instead, since a) I was a bit too lazy to organize my thoughts, and b) surveys!!! This was the shit back in the multiply days.
What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about?
I’m going to cheat on this a bit because two events came to mind.
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TRP - Two-peat Championship! Once again, batch 2020 proved itself legendary. TRP chorale season was extra memorable this year because I ran for the position of Music Head. Fed, my predecessor, warned me that scheduling rehearsals was especially a logistical nightmare, with last year’s different schedules for Blocks A and B. What more for LU5′s eight blocks, right?
I think there were three main challenges we had to go through for this to happen. The first was the very beginning -- the creation of the song itself. There was an added pressure since our piece last year was deemed the best, and even the same composer and arranger had a difficult time creating one for our last chance to grace the stage. We had two nights of brainstorming at Fed’s place (with free Angel’s pizza... and an out-of-post PER ICC huhu).
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As far as I remember, he was already on his fifth or so attempt to make a song as the first ones garnered negative reviews. It was hard to get inspiration unlike last year where he was just especially moved after a lecture in Ther. In his words, pigang piga na siya. We were also having creative differences which really hindered us from making any real progress. Fortunately, on the second night, we finally overcame this with a switch to major chords and a great concept from James, giving birth to our wonderful chorus with the lines,
Bawat segundong nilaan, bawat hirap nalampasan,
Katumbas ng buhay na maliligtas.
...which tied very well with the theme, Orasa: Ang Dakilang Maestro.
The second challenge was actually a personal one. I got a taste of this logistical nightmare that Fed spoke of. It was particularly nerve-wracking especially for an irresponsible person like me, who has always clung to the clutch life. Getting venues for rehearsals was the main problem for this. Our choices were limited (MSU, Paz Men, Student Lounge, Tipunan) and in high demand, because many groups had to rehearse for TRP. It was my first time to attempt reserving a Paz Men room, which was surprisingly a lot of work -- needing to go to the Dean’s Office to check the availability of the rooms, go all the way up to the eighth floor of PGH to get it approved, go to the Cashier’s Office in OUR, and then go back to the Dean’s Office for them to confirm the payment, and then finally to Paz Men to submit the permit. But wait, there’s more! It actually cost a lot of money, which was the worst part, for me. #WeNeedSpace !!! I used my own money, which I was going to reimburse, but then we won, so... yeah, my treat then. (No one knew anyway heheh.) After all that, Paz Men obviously got scrapped from possible venues. I then had to coordinate with the MSC and MedChoir to get the free ones, being careful not to affect the batch dance schedule as much as possible.
You can then imagine getting all that work done, albeit very crammed which was entirely my fault, and then getting a poor turnout for rehearsals with just mere weeks before the competition (oh and that stupid ASEAN week which took more precious time away), to be quite disappointing, to say the least. The schedules of the different blocks and other TRP practices just couldn’t fit. This leads us to the third problem, which was to get the class motivated. This was my first reason for running to head the whole thing anyway -- I really just wanted to get the class together and to sing their hearts out once again! Thankfully, with a few motivational messages from me and our conductor, Joker, that I’m sure every one in the batch admired and respected, the attendance started going up, with one week to go.
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My babies. (Sorry for the distorted faces.)
One of the final practices in particular really just transformed the song. I asked the class to do a simple exercise of singing to each other. They had to stand in a circle so they could look at each other’s faces. It was funny and awkward at first, but it was the first time I heard the piece sung with heart, and I knew they felt it too!
There were some issues with the final scoring during the competition itself, and I honestly wasn’t quite sure how to take it. But seeing how my batchmates rejoiced and hearing the audience do the winner clap (THIS IS LEGIT THOUGH HEHE) made me feel like we really deserved the win. Very grateful for the talented and hardworking music team and my bibo batchmates!
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Abendlied: An Evening of Songs for the Benefit of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus -- our year-end concert for A.Y. 2016-2018. It was my first time to sing for a benefit concert. We took this opportunity not only to share our love for choral music, but also to spread awareness of SLE, a rather common condition found in PGH. I was very proud of how big this event has gotten -- thanks to sponsored boosts and our first time to get media partners (and, admittedly, our high ticket prices), we were able to procure a few hundred thousands, a part of which was donated to the PGH Lupus Club.
UP MedChoir always has a lot of major and minor events like these, but I’d choose this to share to my grandkids because in this concert, I really felt that I was blessed with talent that could help others. (Oh, which just reminded me of something, haha. Maybe it’ll get featured later, or in some other post.)
If you had to describe your 2017 in 3 words, what would they be?
Mistakes, lessons, cycle. I repeatedly did a shit ton of mistakes this year, with repercussions not only for me, but regrettably to the people around me. This came with the responsibilities I chose to accept this year. But heck, I’m proud of myself for accepting and embracing these new roles. I was brave enough to challenge myself. #characterdevelopment
What new things did you discover about yourself?
Oh, man. Haha. One of the things I discovered was that I am quite quick to forgive and forget. And then one day, some stimulus will come that will take me all the way back to when it hurt. A lot. Many of the tears shed this year were still in relation to the past aches of 2016.
What single achievement are you most proud of?
I am proud of always finding reasons to stay.
For one, there was a time when I really, really wanted to quit MedChoir. I felt that it was taking too much of my time and energy, and was also taking a toll on my mental health. There were many days with triggers, days where I just couldn’t manage to perform well, days where I was always on the brink of crying during rehearsals. It’s not supposed to be that way, I thought. There has to be another reason of staying besides the fact that I was needed. But then I saw some post saying that continuous pressure can make you hate doing the things you love. I have forgotten what turned me around during this time -- probably my friends, or taking a step back to appreciate the music like I once did. Or just the energy that we get from each other. Whatever it was, I’m glad I stayed.
I’m also proud of myself for staying in med school. Not that I actually have the choice to leave anyway, what with the millions my family would have to pay. But the thing is, I actually want to stay now. (Well, most of the time.) I’ve always feared that maybe the doctor life isn’t for me, but this ICC year has proven otherwise. Although a big factor of this is that we’re still babies in the hospital, the mere baby steps of actually enjoying interviewing, examining, and just getting to know patients was life-changing for me.
What was the best news you received?
I can think of two off the top of my head. The first, that one of our Christmas gigs got us an unexpected @@ thousand pesos (so that was around @@ thousand per song... what???), and the second was the news that one of my aunts was going to adopt a baby. This has some MMK style plot behind it, by the way -- politics, cheating, and whatnot. It didn’t push through, though. I hope that baby lives well.
What was your favourite place that you visited in 2017?
South Korea, no question!!!
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1) Day 4 - The Garden of the Morning Calm. This day was my favorite. Our morning was spent in the astoundingly beautiful Nami Island. Picturesque. Trees, nature, ...and a very ideal place for dating, haha! For all ages pa. We saw couples young and old, holding hands while walking. This was where we made a pact that we’ll go back to Korea when we all got our own SO’s. That night we went to The Garden of the Morning Calm, where I thought the expanse of land decorated with lights just wouldn’t end! It really seemed like a different world back there.
2) Day 2 - Palace hopping! We went to the Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung Palaces. We joined the free English guided tour of the places and learned a lot. We even joked about making it like an SGD, like the bibo kids we are, hungry for learning. Haha! Photo (c) Bana
3) Day 1 - My travel buddies, Bana and Reg. For our first day, we walked around the makeup and skincare heaven that is Myeongdong and ate a lot of oh so glorious streetfood.
4) Day 3 - We went to the Namsan Tower to cap off the day... Featuring the toilet that got away.
I’m so so so glad this trip pushed through, na nakaldkad ako nina Bana and Reg to this land! I wasn’t even a hardcore Kdrama fan and I think I was initially invited just because Gio was supposed to go as well, haha. But these two welcomed me to their group, and it was such a beautiful experience! Lots of walking, sites, damn Korean couples, and food!!!!!!!!!!! These pictures are just a preview of the places we’ve been to, and the photoshoots we have so shamelessly done. Here’s our itinerary from Bana’s blog, and photos from Bana’s album, and my album!
Which of your personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
I honestly don’t know, haha. Whenever I’m asked about my strengths, I tend to think of my weaknesses instead. For this, maybe the best answer is my openness to try new things. Or just that I really tend to appreciate some people and experiences in my life. I’m in no way consistent in any of these qualities, but during the occasions that I am such, I could really feel the difference.
Who was your number one go-to person that you could always rely on?
This constant used to be Gio. After he left, I can’t say that I really have that single go-to person. Nevertheless, I could often rely on #clingy2020 and our thorough SGD’s whenever we’re going through a rough patch. I will specially mention my beshie Ian, who could always make me have a good laugh and at the same time discuss the not-so-lighter things in life.
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Okay, I didn’t expect this post to be this long haha. I haven’t even gone through half of the questions yet! I guess I’ll do this in parts instead. Next year na yung iba. (He he he.)
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38-planes · 8 years
How the couple behind Come From Away created a Canadian musical hit
The Globe and Mail, 17 February 2017
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Come from Away creators David Hein and Irene Sankoff struggled as artists, found each other as life and business partners and became the dynamic duo of the Canadian musical
For Valentine’s Day week, here’s a love story, times two.
It’s about how a Prairie dreamer with a guitar and a Toronto realist who always had a backup plan got together as romantic partners – and then, a decade later, saved their relationship and discovered a unique voice that would take them to Broadway by getting together again, as artistic partners.
Come from Away’s creators David Hein and Irene Sankoff, whose Newfoundland-set hit about the 38 planeloads of people stranded in Gander after 9/11 opens in previews on 45th Street on Saturday, told it one morning before departing for New York, in the living room of the two-storey Toronto home they bought in 2006 with the help of their parents, day jobs and a 35-year mortgage no longer offered by banks.
A decade later, they have a three-year-old named Molly, are working as artists full-time – and, financially, the picture looks a heck of a lot different. Best-case scenario, if Come from Away sells out in Manhattan the way it did in Seattle and Toronto, as sole authors of the work, they could pull in $27,000 (U.S.) a week – more every seven days than the average Canadian author or writer earns in a year.
That’s my estimate based on industry standards – but money is the one topic these two children of divorce who both, at times, lived in humble circumstances with their single mothers are sheepish about. “We grew up without a lot of money, so the whole thing makes me really nervous,” Sankoff says.
Hein further cites the statistic that only one in five shows on Broadway makes a profit. “Literally, we’re the fifth show out of five to go to Broadway from Canada – and one of them [2006’s The Drowsy Chaperone] has already made it!”
Falling in love
Their first love story is beautifully conventional: Hein, born in Regina, and Sankoff, from the Toronto suburb of North York, met on the first day of frosh week at York University in the 1990s. “Irene thinks it was a welcome barbecue; I think it was at a welcome pancake breakcast,” Hein says.
“Because it was outside, right?”
“You can eat pancakes outside.”
The aspiring songwriter and aspiring actress both loved theatre – but, musically, were divided. Hein, as a kid, through visits to the Winnipeg Folk Festival with his mother, had developed a taste for bands such as Blue Rodeo and Great Big Sea (a similar sound pervades Come from Away’s score), while Sankoff was a musical-theatre nut who danced all her life and bonded with her mother over old movie musicals. “My mom would come back after working to 11 or whatever on Christmas Eve and we would start watching Top Hat … or those old Gene Kelly musicals,” she recalls. “I was obsessed.”
But Sankoff was also an academic overachiever feeling pressure from the science-focused side of her family – and, while she acted extracurricularly at York, she graduated with a double major in psychology and creative writing.
The young couple’s first major fight was, as only a young couple’s could be, about whether theatre could change the world. They went at it until the sun came up – the dreamer trying to convince the realist.
Hein didn’t win the argument – but, on the verge of applying to do a master’s in speech and language pathology, Sankoff did decide to at least give acting a try professionally.
New York
So, in 1999, Sankoff and Hein moved to New York. Sankoff began studying at the Actors Studio – as seen on TV – and Hein, who has dual citizenship, began work as “assistant everything” at a music studio where The Muppets recorded, borrowing the equipment to record his own songs at night.
The pair lived in a residence called International House in Upper Manhattan along with grad students from 110 countries – and that’s where they were when, on Sept. 11, 2001, planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. That night, windows shut to keep the smell of smoke out, scared students from around the world gathered around a piano in the residence for an impromptu concert – a moving experience Sankoff and Hein would later draw on for Come from Away.
But 9/11 had a more immediate impact on them. A month later, Hein woke up and said, “Hey, why don’t we get married?” They were already engaged – but on Oct. 12, 2001, they headed down to City Hall and secretly eloped.
Playbills from Hein and Sankoff’s New York years still hang on the kitchen wall of the house they share with their daughter and two cats, one named Elphaba (after the Wicked witch) and the other Gambo (after the Newfoundland town).
But it was not always a dream: Savings dwindled, the studio Hein was working at shut down, and Sankoff – who had an agent and was getting gigs – separated a shoulder in a dance class.
Uninsured, she took a trip to Toronto to see a doctor – and it turned into a move back home.
The second love story
Back in Canada, Hein and Sankoff had to build an artistic community from scratch. She landed a role in The Mousetrap; he released an album called North of Nowhere. And so it went for years – pursuing art at night and paying bills through tutoring or graphic design. Soon, they were married homeowners, but they barely got to see each other and grew lonely, especially when Hein was off on tour. Was this living the dream?
And this – in 2009 – is where the second love story begins.
Hein had written a song called My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding – based on his own experience as the son of a woman who came out later in life and remarried – that was popular on tour. More than most of his work, it was influenced by the musical theatre that Sankoff had introduced him to over the course of their relationship. What if, he wondered, they could expand it into an actual musical – and, at the very least, spend some time together?
Marrying their skills, Hein and Sankoff began trying to turn their family’s story into a fictional musical – at first, a conventional “book musical” where an invisible fourth wall descends in front of the audience and scenes and songs alternate to tell a story.
But an epiphany Sankoff had on Valentine’s Day led the pair to a different writing style – one they later refined with Come from Away.
At the gym that day, Sankoff was talking with an enthusiastic friend about Wiccan Wedding – and heard her say, “The best thing about this is that it’s based on a true story.” A light bulb went on.
“I came home to David and said, ‘We’ve got to throw it out. Let’s tell the real story.’”
The new version the couple started working on during an unorthodox Valentine’s date would eventually feature Hein sitting on a stool in his Glass Tiger shirt, singing songs about his mother’s coming out, how he introduced his two moms to Irene at a Hooters and the history of same-sex marriage in Canada, using a troupe of actors that included his wife to tell the stories.
The sweet and direct show became a hit at the Toronto Fringe Festival that summer, then was picked up by producer David Mirvish to play at the city’s 700-seat Panasonic Theatre he had just purchased – and Sankoff and Hein’s career as commercial musical-theatre creators was launched.
When the idea to write a show about what happened in and around Gander, Nfld., in 2001 was proposed to them shortly thereafter by Michael Rubinoff at Sheridan College, it could not have been a more ideal project for them.
They had seen how strangers from around the world bonded, with music, on Sept. 11, and seen how music played a role in bringing them together – and they had found the right aesthetic for such a story, having learned that a musical could be a true story set in our times, told with plenty of direct address, and that authenticity was as important to winning over an audience as craft in lyrics and lines.
Armed with a $12,000 grant from the Canada Council, they headed to Gander for Sept. 11, 2011, to interview locals and “come from aways” returning to commemorate the 10th anniversary.
Hein and Sankoff’s subsequent five-year journey – buzz-creating workshops on both sides of the border, a bidding war by commercial producers at a showcase in New York, record-breaking runs in San Diego, Seattle, Washington and Toronto – has been told in these pages before.
Now, the last chapter is about to be written as final adjustments are made in a preview period ahead of a March 12 opening.
As the statistics show, Come from Away may not make them rich. Canadians who have had what are referred to as “flops” in the harsh language of Broadway – such as Cliff Jones, whose Rockabye Hamlet closed in a week in 1976; and Neil Bartram and Brian Hill, whose The Story of My Life did the same in 2009 – have advised the couple to just enjoy the ride.
In any case, the two have a bigger goal beyond making money, Hein says, “Especially now, it feels important to talk about welcoming refugees off planes, strangers into our communities.”
Yes – he’s finally won the argument about whether theatre can change the world.
Sankoff came around after meeting senior citizens who changed their minds on same-sex marriage after seeing Wiccan Wedding, and receiving letters from Come from Away audience members about how it’s inspired them to be better people.
“I still have my moments where I’m like, ‘It’s a drop in the bucket,’” Sankoff says. “But at least it’s a drop.”
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