#we hope you have been enjoying our holiday queue ! :D
safyresky · 2 years
Sometimes when I come home for a holiday, it's absolutely RANK vibes and SUCKS and I'm ready to yeet myself into the car and head back home. Other times it's heavily chaotic. This weekend is 100% the latter:
i got in Saturday afternoon
went up to my childhood bedroom
smelt like weed
why weed
My Dad pipes up cheerily.
I'm sorry...what?
Oh! We have skunks living under the back deck :)
(my room faces the backyard)
We have. what now?
My Mom pipes up: oh yeah it's BAD. one night we had all the windows open and they sprayed and we almost DIED
okay, cool
so I get in get settled some time passes
My Dad's tidying the kitchen when suddenly there's a deep thunk and he YELLS
man runs like his ass is on fire downstairs to shut off the water
my sister books it upstairs
I go into the kitchen to ask where the shut off valve is
I run up to gather towels with my sister, we do our best to cover the floor as the cupboard fills with water and it starts to seep out through the cracks
dad is downstairs shutting the valve, is yelling upstairs FLUSH THE TOILETS, WE NEED TO RELIEVE THE WATER PRESSURE
finally the flow stops, my dad comes upstairs, we open the cupboard
FWOOOSH as a small pond comes out onto the towels
Dad looks at the towel mess
looks at the sink
looks at my sister and i
"that was great response time" he says
"i know, right?" my sister says
"i had a shut off valve up here" he continues
"you had a what now??" i ask
"A shut off valve up here under the sink"
he's been adding valves when we replace water related things
the sink was replaced 4 years ago
we could've had less of a flood
"Well. fight or flight," i say with a shrug
"WHAT'S GOING ON WHAT'S HAPPENING" my mom asks from the living room
PIPE BURST my dad says
"Okay, do I need to go to the hardware store?" i ask
"eh," says my dad, "it could be a 3 minute fix, could be a 3 day fix"
THREE DAY? I exclaim
"yeah, you gotta make it sound good," he says, dragging everything out of the cupboard
i have been home for about an hour and a half at this point
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jadeile-writes · 9 months
Fanfic Progress Update 157
It's Saturday, so you get updated on the fic writing. Happy Holidays, btw; over here we celebrate it tomorrow rather than on 25th, so I'm almost free from this hassle. Stay tuned for a sneak-peek for A Sign that you're important at the bottom of this post!
Current WIPs:
A Sign that you're important (previously named I'm Signing in the Drain)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary: One month upon his assigment as Doctor Robotnik's assitant, Agent Stone is told to learn sign language. He doesn't know why, and isn't suicidal enough to ask, so he simply rolls with it. Turns out, it's not just a whimsy of the eccentric doctor, even though that doesn't stop the doctor from utilizing it like one.
Progress: The first chapter was posted on 21st of December. The second chapter will be posted on 28th of December aka next Thursday. Chapter 3 is finished. Chapter 4 has been started. This fic will most likely have five chapters, maybe six if I get epilogue-happy or smth.
Let's hope I can get an adequate amount of writing for this one done despite the Christmas hassle, cause I really don't want to panic-write the last two chapters on the week of posting them. ...I say, like I don't have three weeks to write chapter 4 at this point. But listen, I'm also making eyes at a next idea I have in a little list of ideas, like juggling two fics isn't enough. Tho in my defense, Lab Life is quietly writing itself in the background and doesn't count, especially if I can manage to queue up another fic after this one (I'd really prefer if Lab Life was fully written before I post any of it, because then I'd have lots of time to get started on the sequel while it keeps the readers fed). I'm gonna be so fucked when Hazbin Hotel airs and I might end up double-fandoming :D
Life at the laboratory (previously known as SBLF, which, btw, was actually just short of StoBotnik LongFic, lol)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary (temporary):
Wanted: a yesman who is capable of operating an espresso machine, has at least a higher IQ than your average amoeba, and is willing to put work before having a personal life, or indeed a life, period. The extra in your pathetic paycheck is good, but the strain in your psyche will make up for the positives. Forfeit your basic human rights and apply today if this sounds like you. 
Maybe it said something about Agent Stone - and probably not good things - that the poster in the cafeteria's pin board piqued his interest more than any of his official assignments had for a good long while. 
Dr. Robotnik, huh?
Progress: This one will be part one of a two-parter longfic, the first part probably... 10-ish chapters? It's a bit hard to estimate at this point, so the number is subject to change - will probably end up increased tbh. My weekly writing hour (as in, a specific hour when I sit down and write, no excuses [other than not being home]) is devoted to this fic.
I have the first four chapters completely written now. Chapter 5 is halfway done. I also have two halfway written chapters that don't yet know their exact placement within the fic (they're scenes that will be slotted in to wherever they feel natural, once we get Stone settled in.)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to Someday™:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Zelda: BotW)
Hah, our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest! (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into A Sign that you're important (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
As far as meetings went, Stone was usually patient and attentive. This time, however, he was certainly in agreement with the doctor that this particular meeting was honestly boring and pointless, and it wasn’t just Robotnik’s “hating meetings” -thing. The only reason the two of them had to be attending at all was because Robotnik had a presentation of his own to add to the collection that was happening right then, which meant that nothing the other people said was actually relevant to their jobs or worth listening to – they were just waiting for their turn. There was nothing interesting going on, and it was made worse by the people presenting their points doing it in the least interesting way they could and droning on and on and on about their projects.
Stone was, quite frankly, contemplating the merits of pretending to get a phone call and leaving the room to take it and then simply not coming back after. The only reason he didn’t was because the doctor would murder him for leaving him to suffer alone. The torture that came first would make this bore of a gathering seem like a cakewalk in comparison, and then end with his mother grieving for her dead son. It was probably better for his career prospects to stay. Or he could take the window instead, this was the seventh floor, it’d be a swift end and he’d avoid the torture part…
His morbid ways of self-amusement were interrupted when the doctor – sitting on his right – suddenly moved. More precisely, his hands un-steepled themselves from the table and started forming words.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one where Ethan is pretending
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Description | When you bump into Ethan in Paris, you fail to mention that you know exactly who he is. You’re not sure how long you’ll be able to keep it up when he asks you out for a drink.
Content | Fluff
Pairing | Ethan x gn!Reader (with the exception of one female pet name)
Word Count | 2071
Taglist | @ginny-lily @ethaneskin @tabi-toast @mywritingonlyfans
There was no way you were staying in the same place that Måneskin had just arrived at. There was no way, you kept telling yourself. Paris was a massive city, the number of available hotels in the hundreds, maybe thousands if you had to guess. And yet, somehow, you had managed to pick the one place one of your new favourite obsessions would spend their time. You knew it didn't mean much, the hotel had more than a couple of rooms and with your luck, you wouldn't even catch a glimpse of them. But as you kept scrolling through Instagram, seeing pictures of people meeting the four Italians in front of the place you had checked into mere days ago, you couldn't fight a little bubble of excitement forming in your chest.
Well, you told yourself you wouldn't get your hopes up. And you definitely wouldn't hang around in front of the hotel or in the lobby. You had booked your solo trip to Paris months ago, after dreaming about visiting the city for most of your life, and you would be damned if you wouldn't stick to your itinerary and enjoy your holiday. However - you had gotten up at what felt like dawn to go queue up for the Louvre and spent the last couple of hours there, so you decided that a nap was the way to go if you wanted to continue exploring the city in the evening. Fortunately, the walk back to the hotel wasn't long.
You had made it to the last corner before entering the street you were aiming for, when two giggling girls ran past you, unceremoniously bumping your shoulder and sending you tumbling. You were fully expecting to hit the ground, but instead, a pair of strong arms caught you and brought you back to your feet. A pair of strong arms belonging to a strong chest that you came face-to-face with, belonging to a gorgeous face, belonging to Ethan Torchio.
"Tu vas bien?" His broad French accent confused you, momentarily forgetting about the little detail that you were, in fact, in France, as you stared at the drummer in front of you, who was still protectively holding onto your upper arms.
"Huh?" Was the immensely intelligent answer that thus left your mouth.
"Oh, not French?"
"No, definitely not French." You finally said, taking a step back from him to avoid the increasing awkwardness you were feeling about being touched by him, while the two girls who had previously knocked you down were now lingering around the two of you suspiciously, not coming close enough to be rude, but obviously desperate to get their own piece of Ethan. "No, just a tourist."
"Me too," Ethan smiled. "A tourist, I mean. Well, kind of. I'm here with my band so it's not like we have time to do a lot of sightseeing."
He briefly turned around to look at the two girls who still seemed frustrated at you hogging his time and gave a small wave before turning back to you. It was the movement that made you realise he had the most gorgeous red rose tucked into the waistband of his trousers. Well, it used to be the most gorgeous rose - after your little crash, it had bent in the middle, the top hanging only by a thread, in the most miserable fashion.
"Oh, no I am so sorry!" You gasped, carefully grasping the delicate petals that were on the verge of breaking off. "I must have crashed into it when you caught me."
"Don't worry about it," Ethan said, softly, and pulled the stem from his waistband. The flower looked even more tragic now, in all its crushed glory. "A fan gave it to me a few minutes ago."
"Huh?" You surely proved yourself articulate in this conversation. You mentally hit yourself, angry at yourself for being so easily flustered.
"There are a few fans waiting in front of our hotel, because we're in a ... band ... and things."
Apparently, your awkwardness was contagious. Also, it was becoming increasingly obvious that Ethan thought that you had no idea who he was.
"Let me get you a new one," you suggested. "There's a flower shop just two doors down from the hotel - I mean, I am staying there, too, so I know."
He smiled at you with a serenity and calmness that had your heart soaring. You decided you'd be willing to buy him a million roses if only he kept smiling at you like that for a little longer.
"Well, I've got to go now, but it would be rude to refuse your offer. Meet you in the bar of the hotel at 8 tonight?"
No way this was happening. You almost gasped, but at the last moment managed to keep your cool, outwardly. On the inside, you were a mess. Bumping into the drummer of one of your favourite bands was a wonderful chance meeting as it was - but this almost sounded like a date. Now, of course, Ethan wouldn't be asking you out on a date. That would be ridiculous. But there was also no way you would miss out on a chance to meet him again. Preferably without those two giggling girls that were still standing behind him, watching every move of your interaction but luckily too far away to hear what you were saying.
"It's a d- uh, deal," you quickly recovered before almost spitting out the word date instead. Ethan chuckled.
"Right, see you later, then, for our... deal."
He had seen right through you anyway, you thought. But he was still laughing, so it wasn't all that bad - right?
With another quick touch to your upper arm, Ethan walked past you, turning around just one last time.
"My name is Ethan, by the way. You can tell me yours tonight."
Oh, you would.
The rest of the day was... well, restless. You couldn't nap because your mind was a whirlwind and your stomach was twisting with excitement. So instead, you had made sure to get the prettiest red rose you could find in the flower shop down the street - while slightly wincing at the price that a shop in the center of the city of love demanded - and put it in a glass the hotel receptionist had been nice to give to you. Then you had decided that there was no way you would manage to relax before 8, so you allowed yourself a few hours simply wandering through the city, no real destination, no itinerary for once, just a nice long stroll with nothing but your thoughts.
At five past eight - being slightly late was still cool, right? - you did a quick check-up in the mirror, realised you were not going to get any happier with your appearance whatever you tried to do at this point, grabbed the rose from its makeshift vase, and left your room.
It only took you a second to see him when you entered the little bar on the ground floor of the hotel. Even in the dim light, the white blouse that he had already been wearing when you met for the first time stood out like a sore thumb. Long dark hair fell over his back in a silky fashion. You had never wanted to touch anyone's hair more.
You took one more deep breath and then walked over to Ethan, smile on your face and rose in your hand.
"A rose for the handsome gentleman?"
Ethan almost jumped, apparently not having heard you coming, but quickly a smirk spread over his face while he stood up.
"I'll take the rose and your name, then."
"It's Y/n."
Ethan greeted you with a soft kiss to your cheek, before taking the rose, pulling your chair back, and inviting you to sit. It was almost ridiculously romantic and if it had been anyone else it would have seemed over-the-top and off-putting, but with Ethan it seemed sincere and fitting.
"Glass of wine, Y/n?" He asked as he casually waved the waiter over to your table.
"Just one. I want to get up early tomorrow for some more sightseeing."
It didn't end up being just one glass. It ended up another one and then a bottle shared. But it also ended up with three hours of talking, laughing, teasing, and slowly moving your chairs closer together until you were basically sitting on the same side of the table. You had asked him about his band - still trying to cover up that you knew exactly who they were out of pure fear that he'd reject you for being a fan - and he has asked about your job, your life, your family. In fact, you only left the bar when the waiter had started throwing you annoyed looks while demonstratively cleaning the tables around you.
"I'll bring you to your room," Ethan chuckled lightly as you waited for the elevator. His hand was on the small of your back and it was spreading tingles all through your body. You were standing close enough that you could smell his perfume, a light yet musky scent that encapsulated everything about him.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he lightly pushed you inside and you found yourself not minding him leading you like this. You pressed the button for your floor, leaning against the wall as you studied the man in front of you. He was a thing of beauty, no question about it, and when he smiled down at you the way he was right then and there, he made you feel like one, too.
"I had a lovely evening, Y/n. Is there any chance I could get your number?"
What a question, you thought to yourself. You'd be mad to refuse him!
You dug your phone out of your cluttered bag. You had switched numbers just a few weeks ago and had not yet learned the new digits by heart. Quickly, you switched it on - and your heart sank. Oh crap. You had completely forgotten about this.
The lockscreen of your phone was a picture of Måneskin.
As you looked up, you realized Ethan had seen. And, contrarily to the reaction that you were anticipating, he was wearing a massive grin.
"Ethan, I am so sorry, I should have told you immediately when we met but I kind of just stumbled into this and you were explaining you were in a band and I didn't know how to say-"
"Dolcezza, calm down. I've known all along."
"Wait - what?"
He didn't explain. Instead, he pointed to your bag - your tote bag - your Måneskin tote bag.
You truly felt like the least intelligent life form on earth.
"I've been carrying that around all day, haven't I?"
While your embarrassment grew, face heating up, Ethan grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into his body. His arms tightly wrapped around your body and you could feel his giggles in his chest, as your head was pressed against it. You didn't hesitate in reciprocating, clinging onto his torso, slowly swinging from side to side. Both of you caught in a tipsy stupor.
You only stopped when the elevator arrived at your floor, both of you stumbling out and dragging each other to your door while clinging on. When you reached your room, you let your back lean against it, pulling Ethan along so you were standing face to face, smiling at each other shily and yet never breaking eye contact.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You finally asked. He stroked your cheek, leaving goosebumps. He had now gotten so close that you could feel his breath on your, drowning in each other.
"I liked pretending."
And then he kissed you. Boldly, unafraid and passionate. You melted like putty under him, letting him take control while letting yourself fall, as his lips moved against yours.
You only pulled away enough to get another glance at him, before once again searching your bag, now one-handed, so you never quite had to let go of him. A small triumphant sound escaped you as you located the key card. Holding it up next to your face, you shot the man in front of you another smirk.
"Why don't we keep pretending? At least for tonight."
It wasn't an offer he was going to refuse.
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bokutosworld · 4 years
home | bokuto koutarou
a bokuto x reader one shot loosely inspired by taylor swift's cornelia street.
wc: 2.7k words 
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"ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into japan, approaching narita international airport. the local time is 4:15 pm, with temperature of 19 degrees celsius. in preparation for the landing, please make sure your seat is straight up and your seat belt is safely fastened. in behalf of my co-pilot and today's crew, we hope you enjoyed your flight with us and wish you a pleasant time in japan. thank you."
the sudden announcement sounding over the whole cabin woke her up from her slumber. she stirs and adjusts her seat just as the captain ordered. sitting near the window, she saw the buildings of the tokyo skyline coming into view. it's been years, she wondered.
as the plane continues its descent, she checks her documents: passport, immigration form, health papers. she pulls out her phone and goes over her schedule for her first night in tokyo. she shakes her head in disbelief, still wondering why she agreed to return in the city.
'come on, y/n! it's been five whole years. we miss you,' her friend said. 'besides, it's our first high school reunion! we haven't seen the rest of the batch in like forever.'
and just as she was recalling that conversation with her friend, the plane began taxiing on the ground and was pulling up on one of the arrival gates.
finally, the aircraft stopped moving and the captain's voice was heard on the speakers again, "ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived. please remain seated until the seatbelt sign has been turned off and wait for the cue of the crew. please be careful in deplaning and we hope you enjoy your stay in japan."
in a few seconds, the ding! of the seatbelt sign was heard and people hurriedly stood up, opened the compartments and took their bags. not one for rushing things and going with the crowd, she took her time in leaving the plane.
narita international airport was a busy place, with tourists going in and out and citizens returning home. lucky for her, she still had her residence card and was able to queue in the shorter line in immigration. as soon as she entered the baggage claim area, she spotted her hot pink luggage, decorated with stickers of all the places she's been to. she picked it up and headed to the taxi stands.
time check: 6:05 pm
'asakusa central hotel, please,' she directed to the friendly man in the driver seat. he nodded and sped off the airport. tired from her flight, she leaned back and closed her eyes. the journey downtown would take at least an hour and she debated on whether she was going to nap. deciding against getting a few more minutes of rest, she took her phone and decided send her friend a message.
y/n: i'm here, loser. on my way to the hotel. i'm still pissed you couldn't have just picked me up :/ friend: U'RE BACK!!!!!!!! <3 i'm so sorry, i got held up at work. but let me make it up to you! i'll buy you some welcome home drinks later? :D
she smiled at her friend's reply. how could she forget that she loved drinking out. back in college, they would be spending weeknights going bar hopping. looking back, she recalled how some of her best years and moments were created here. it was in this city where she met the love of her life.
time check: 7:15 pm
the taxi parks in front of her hotel and a bellboy immediately runs over to the car door to assist her. she pays and thanks the kind driver for a safe trip and with a smile, she hops off the taxi.
the bellboy takes care of her luggage, while she makes her way to the receptionist. for a weekday, the hotel was packed with tourists. maybe it was a holiday in some part of the world, she thought. looking around mindlessly, she examined the hotel that her friend had booked for her. two brown lounge sofas were the centerpiece of the lobby. to the side, there were some coffee tables and chairs were people could sit while they wait to be serviced.
she continues to scan the room, her eyes almost missing the boy she thinks she knows. if it weren't for his eye-catching dual-toned hair and his loud and bright laugh that resonated in the floor, she wouldn't have paid attention to him. but as soon as she heard that familiar sound, she turned to the doors and caught a glimpse of him. there was no mistake, with the way her heart skipped a beat and the world seemed to blur around her. bokuto koutarou.
she was pulled out of her trance by the friendly receptionist beckoning her to come to the desk. she gives her the reservation details and a copy of her passport, and in just a few minutes she receives a key to her room. thanking the receptionist, she goes to retriever her luggage and insists that she can take it on her own and gave the boy some tip for helping her a while ago from the taxi.
she proceeds to the 16th floor where her room was situated. she taps the keycard on the lock, and the door opens, revealing a large, spacious room with a king sized bed and notes how it was too big for her alone. however, what took her breath away, was the big window with a view overlooking the city. she takes in the scene and gets lost in her thoughts, going back to the few minutes earlier when she saw him. he hasn't changed one bit, she muses. he still brightens every room he walks in to.
with that thought, she settled on the bed and brought out her phone. she hovered over the facebook app, wondering if stalking her first love would be appropriate right now.
it's not as if she and bokuto ended on bad terms. they both agreed it was a mutual decision. something that was brought up by their different dreams and goals. she wanted to pursue law, he wanted a professional career in volleyball. and as supportive as they are of each other, they went on their separate paths and wished each other the best. for a while, they kept contact but as they got busy, the texts and calls got less and eventually stopped. throughout the past years, she'd been wondering if separating was the right thing.
just as she was about to visit his profile, her best friend called.
friend: hey guess what y/n: what friend: oh come on, you could at least be a little excited! i'm done with work and heading over to shinjuku right now! y/n: i thought we were getting drinks friend: we are!!! but some of our batchmates are around the area and they invited me for drinks and you're coming with me
time check: 9:08 pm
there was no point, honestly, in trying to resist her friend. that's why she was now being dragged along the street, with her friend talking her ear off about how she missed her and how she can't wait to spend the week with her.
they entered one of the bars in the area and immediately, her outgoing friend waved to the group sitting in the corner of the place. as soon as she spotted them, she couldn't move and it was like her feet were rooted to the ground. the moment her eyes locked with his, it was like she was in high school again and she was overwhelmed by the urge to run to him and hug him.
'Y/N!!!!!!!!!!', her high school friends screamed and suddenly, they were running to her and tackled her with a hug. 'we missed you!'
she laughed and returned their embrace because, yes, she missed them too. they dragged her to the booth and she took the seat right across him.
oblivious to her, bokuto has not once turned his attention away from her. he was a busy man and no one was expecting him to be present in this reunion. but a part of him wanted to go, he was hoping that maybe she would be going. so he couldn't believe his eyes when the door to the bar opened and he saw the face of the girl he has loved since forever.
'hey bokuto, why are you so unusually quiet,' one of their friends quipped and the whole group laughed. any other day, he would have retorted with a witty comeback but right now, in this moment, he was too absorbed taking in the sight of his great love being in front of him. no one else but her got him flustered and tongue-tied, so it was no surprise when he broke his silence with, 'you look good, y/n.'
she blushed and her brain almost short-circuited trying to think of a reply. god, she thought she was lame for feeling like a high schooler again. thankfully, she was able to mutter a thank you and the both of them exchanged knowing smiles before socializing with the group.
time check: 10:49 pm
the rest of the night was spent catching up with each other and reminiscing on their good high school days. it was crazy to think how much they all have grown in a span of years. two of their batchmates were getting married, another was currently pregnant with her first child and three of them were opening their own businesses in the city. they were all successful and their teachers would be so proud of them right now.
of course, they didn't miss the opportunity to congratulate bokuto on his recent win in the volleyball league. he thanks them and goes on a funny story about the game and his teammates. she remembers the news she has heard about him, msby black jackals was his team now. and it warms her heart seeing how happy he currently is and sharing about his accomplished career. looks like we did the right choice, she thought.
suddenly, one of the boys in the group speaks up and remarks about how everyone thought that she and bokuto would be end game. and the booth was enveloped with silence. no one dared to break the silence and she looked at everywhere but him. until bokuto laughed and caught her attention when he said, 'well! we're here now, we could still continue our story you know. you never know what can happen!'
indeed, no one could predict what the future holds. and it was like fate was working in their favor because of course, her friend just decided to be so drunk that she had to be taken home by one of the girls that lives near her. which was how she found herself walking back to the hotel with bokuto by her side.
'i guess it's pretty convenient that we are both staying at the same hotel huh,' bokuto said. they were walking in the streets, the cars zooming on the road and the lights guiding their journey back to where they were staying.
she can't help but smile as she nodded at his statement. she wondered why she was staying at a hotel when he was a tokyo resident and for sure had an apartment in this city. he sighed dramatically and said that his apartment was currently undergoing a renovation and no one, not his teammates or even his parents, offered to let him stay as he was out of his apartment. 'yeah, so that left me with no choice but to stay at that hotel. and lucky for me, because you're also staying there! who could've known,' he exclaimed.
wanting to spend some more time together, bokuto suggested that they take a detour to the park. she instantly knew what park he was referring to and let him take the lead.
a few more minutes of walking and they arrived at the park on the hill. it was a place that they frequented: a place that witnessed their love blossoming and unfortunately, it was also the same place where they said their bittersweet goodbyes. they went closer to the mini observatory which offered a great view of the city lights, with the tokyo skytree illumination standing out above them all.
she didn't notice she was shaking from the cold until bokuto draped his jacket on her shoulders. she muttered a thank you and bumped his shoulder with hers. a comfortable silence fell upon them - one that they have been used to whenever they would spend the afternoons on their shared apartment when they were in college. for an outgoing guy, bokuto admits that he didn't mind the silence as long as it were with her. but for now, the silence was so loud that he wanted to say something before he lost his mind.
'i missed you,' the both of them spoke at the same time. they looked at each other, wide-eyed, and laughed. and as if they didn't break up with each other, bokuto extended his arms and brought her to his arms. he wanted this moment to last longer.
she let herself fall into his embrace because, if she were to be honest, she's also been missing his touches. no one else could bring peace to her mind and calm her soul than bokuto. they stayed like that, embracing and swaying to the breeze of the autumn chill, for minutes.
'where are you going after this,' he finally inquired. she knew that he didn't mean right at this instant. he meant after this reunion week. he wanted to know her plans, her future, and if there were any space for him in her life.
she looked up at him, getting lost in his beautiful eyes and she knew. she's spent her years running around, with the thought of him back in her mind. what ifs filled her daily thoughts and she wondered how things would be different if she had just stayed. but now, she knows better. it was a risk, but it was one that she was willing to take. her parents would call her foolish for what she was about to do, but she figured she could always take a fresh start in japan. besides, it was something that she has been thinking of and now that bokuto asked her, the timing couldn't have been more perfect.
'i'm thinking i could help you once apartment renovations are over. do you have another room? maybe i can stay with you and -' before she could finish her sentence, bokuto lifted her up in a bone-crushing hug and spun around. she giggled and begged him to stop before she got dizzy.
'wait, are you serious right now? what about your job,' he asked, worried that she was doing this for his sake.
'well, i haven't actually told anyone yet but i've actually sent in my resignation notice two weeks ago. they gave me this week off to take a break and once i return there, i'll just pack up my stuff.'
'so, you're actually planning on returning home? here?'
'yes, bokuto. this is home. you are my home.'
there was always something unspoken between them. even in the years that they spent apart, the both of them were waiting and yearning for each other. the both of them believed that their hearts were connected and that they were each other's destiny. now here was the chance they were waiting for, a chance to continue where they left off and spend the rest of their days together.
time check: 12:15 am
And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name
tokyo, a city filled with memories of him. when she left years ago, she vowed to never look back. she never would have thought that something good would come out of returning here.
And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away
but now, wrapped in his arms, she thinks that flying back is her life's greatest decision. 'you don't know how happy this makes me,' he hugged her tightly and she wrapped his arms around him. 'i love you, koutarou.'
I don't wanna lose you, hope it never ends
they definitely weren't going to let each other go this time.
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Only Fools Fall for You Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Both. RM and Namjoon. 
Chapter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (In Progress)
“Why are you laughing?”,she asks, confused by his reaction.
His face drops, unsure whether to tell the girl he just met about RapMonster. Why can’t he just be Namjoon for a day? A few seconds of silence as he struggles to decide who to be today…..
Both. Both Namjoon and RM.
“ Actually, that’s me, I am RM. I am kind of on holiday right now, at least I have the whole day today and until tomorrow at 12 off, but in general I am in town for almost a week cause my band is playing some shows here. I was trying to be just Namjoon today but… I am RM too. Thanks for the compliment by the way, nobody’s ever recommended my own music to me.” He shoots her a shy smile, taking in her shocked reaction. Seconds later her expression changes to a mocking grin.
“Yea sure. Hozier my old buddy just popped by last week. I should really start a wall of fame in this place, with all these international celebrities dropping by all the time.” She rolls her eyes at him and leaves him sitting at the bar alone.
With a sigh, Namjoon takes out his phone, opening Spotify and starting up a playlist. “only fools fall for you” he hadn’t missed everything from her recommended album after all. While fixing a playlist he was lost in thought. He really liked this girl, hopefully he didn’t scare her away. Suddenly he comes to a solution, how he can easily convince her that he isn’t just some dickhead being cocky. He quickly checks with his manger, who reluctantly agrees.
A few minutes later, she returns, an annoyed expression on her face.
“Show me your music then, RM.”, she says, dragging out his name in a mocking manner and looking him straight in the eye.
“I am working on a proper playlist right now. But, I actually have a little, well, lets say a proposal for you.” He smirks, taking in her surprised and questioning expression. “How about, I repay you for this coffee tonight? As in, I buy you a drink. And we actually talk a bit. If you end up liking me and we enjoy each others company as much as I think we could… I fixed a backstage pass for the show tomorrow for you. It’s just an opportunity, I don’t wanna push anything on you. I just think you could have a fun night out.” She is looking shocked… again… So after a few seconds of awkward silence he decides to get back to the most important thing: “...Please, show me some more of your music! I’m really liking it so far.”, he laughs. He can see her processing what he just said. He cant help but smile at her overwhelmed look.
She shakes her head, a cautious smile on her lips, and turns to help some customers who just entered the store.
As he picks up his phone again he sees it blowing up.
*BTS GroupChat*
Hobi: RM youre bringing a girl tomorrow?
Jin: When did you meet a girl?
Jin: You havent even been out that long? Why bring her to the concert already?
JK: oooh hyung met a girl!
JK: Is she cute?
JK:  Is it a date?
JK: Send a pic!
Joon: I met her today, we are getting along great and she doesnt believe me that I am   RM so I decided to prove it to her. Also maybe its a date? We will see! She hasnt even said yes yet…..
Hobi: She hasnt even said yes yet? Well done, bro.
RM: JK I cant just take a picture of her, thats creepy.
Suga: why are you guys blowing up my phone like this? let rm try to get some swedish ass and let me nap.
V: *pic of him and Jimin doing the finger heart* cheering for u hyung!
He laughs, everybody is reacting as expected.
Getting back to the playlist he finally decides to add some BTS songs. Why not brag and prepare her for tomorrow night? He keeps on adding to the list, waiting for her to return.
“Wow, how many “favourites” do you have?” he almost jumps at the voice suddenly right behind him.
“You didn’t tell me there was a maximum number of songs allowed. I am making a playlist, putting in everything I like that you might like as well.” he turns around, facing her with a smile.
“I guess that’s valid…. But there’s no way I can listen to all that before our drink later. How ‘bout a top ten? And show me some of your band’s stuff, I wanna know what kinda concert I’m committing to before I say yes to you, stranger.” she laughs, picking up his empty coffee and putting down a notepad in front of him. “Write me a top ten list of songs you recommend by your band and some other stuff. I’ll put it on here at the store and then we can see what i decide.” she turns to leave with a wink.
He grabs her arm: “Wait, you believe me all of a sudden?”
“First of all, you can’t just grab me like that, I am still theoretically at work, even though there isn’t much to do. Secondly, I googled you, dumbass. Can’t really deny that you have the same face as RM… So I believe you. Its fucking weird, yes, but I guess the dude who’s album I have been spamming for days somehow found his way to me.” Another wink and she leaves him to sit alone… again.
A top ten list, with songs to convince her to come to the concert tomorrow? That’s surprisingly much pressure.
Eternal Sunshine by Epik High
Midsummer Madness by 88rising
So Far Away by Agust D
I can give you heaven by HONNE
U by HER
Personal by Kehlani
Make it Right by BTS
Spring Day by BTS
Baepsae by BTS
Mikrokosmos by BTS
It takes him a while but eventually he finds a way to narrow it down to 10 songs. Some of his general favourites but through the view of what y/n could like.
With a broad, dimpled grin, he waves her over. She just throws up a peace sign and nods, acknowledging his wave. A few minutes later she saunters over, two coffees in her hands.
“Thought we could both use some more caffeine, RapMonster.” she says with a small giggle. He flinches and she quickly continues “Anyways, I am ready for your list! I saw you redo it so many times I was afraid you weren’t gonna finish it today. So, hand it over and I will put it on. Any special order or just any of them? Is it a ranking?”
“Ok, so it’s not a ranking or anything, just the 10 songs I decided fit your taste best, or at least I hope so. BTS, as you know, is the group I am part of, so you can take those last. Agust D is one of the other members in the group and the song is from his solo-mixtape. Since you liked mine so much I thought you might like his stuff, too. Other than that it’s some friends of mine and general songs I jam to myself. I hope you like it.” He hands her the notepad, his 4 earlier drafts already in the trashcan closest to him. She takes it and smiles: “Oh, Kehlani! I love her! Let me just queue these and then I will be right back for the coffee.”
The two sit and drink coffee while the music plays, only occasionally interrupting the listening silence for some lyric explanations.
With the time being close to closing time, the store is empty once again, and unbothered by customers, y/n has slowly started swaying and occasionally dancing along to the music, fixing small things around the store or just dancing up and down behind the bar, just going along with the music. When “Make it Right” starts, she is fixing the last small things behind the bar. He can see her really jamming to the music and it makes him smile, he knows that ARMY loves the song and he has seen the stats and all that, but it’s something different to see someone in front of you, in such a casual way, just enjoying themselves and your music.
** Oh, oh, I can make it Right**
As the chorus hits, she is just grinning at him, dancing around him and actually singing along to it, messily since she doesn’t know the lyrics but still. A bright smile lights up his face at the view, as he watches her move through the room, putting away their mugs and lastly going to get her stuff, getting ready to leave. She emerges with a leather jacket over her arm and a bag on her shoulder. As the last notes of “Make it Right” are sounding out, she hits the pause button.
“Sorry, I’m gonna have to stop this here. I gotta lock up now so we gotta get going. Is it chill if we head to pub right away? I need to eat something before I can let you buy me a drink. I know a nice small place close to here, I doubt any of your fans would go there, so you don’t have to worry about getting recognized.” She shoots him an apologetic look as she turns off everything at the register. He gets up and gets ready to leave, waiting for her just outside the shop.
“Lead the way, you’re the local. I’ll eat anything and to be honest I am not picky with pubs, I would just prefer not to cause a scandal tonight by getting photographed at a pub with a girl.”
She laughs, “Oh god yea that would be bad. It’s just this way. Let’s go!”
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Kissing Day: Andromeda
This prompt for Kissing Day 2017 is from @thesecondsealwrites from the way I said “I love you” prompt list: A taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips. And I know I said ME, but really whatever characters/otp you think it fits best. :D
I have only begun writing for these two, and though they aren’t quite at this stage in my planned one-shots, they are certainly making their way here. Hope you enjoy! Pairing: Camille Ryder x Liam Kosta
Things around the Tempest felt sluggish. Crew members went about their assigned tasks, but once the ship was en route, lost among a sea of stars, very little work went into flying. Sure, daily maintenance was a part of it: weapon and gear check for individuals, some of the crew liked to trick out the Nomad with new upgrades, Liam and Jaal found weird projects. Almost none were sanctioned, but it kept them busy so Camille wasn’t going to complain.
Worn out, ready for a break of her own, Camille did a quick circuit of the ship. She spoke to a few members briefly, and headed to her quarters. Stripping down to her boyshorts and favorite hoodie, courtesy of Liam, she pondered the morale of her crew. Leads for the mission had gone cold, the few settlements they had were secure at the moment, so tension was up. Everyone was antsy at being cooped up in a small ship. Or worried about what could happen next. Whether viability would continue to increase. With the slow down, many had started dwelling on the memory of families left behind.
If she didn’t stop thinking about Pathfinding for a moment, she was going to go crazy. Ryder picked up Swords and Shields, the novel she had been reading. It was one of her favorites, though she wouldn’t brag about it. Pure, unadulterated romance written long ago by Varric Tethras. What details of his life remained sounded unbelievable and outrageous. Those few that had heard of him were certain that most of his life was fiction created by the author himself. He certainly knew how to keep the reader happy.
Nothing captured her attention more than a fantasy world full of adventure and dragons, mages and knights. The best part, in her humble opinion, involved a love struck Templar Knight-Captain looking for an appropriate gift for his lady love. They celebrated Kissing Day, a holiday not only celebrating love, but friendship as well. He worried the guard-captain, a tough as nails, woman shaped battering ram he was enamored with would reject his gift.  Hilarity ensued over his choice of marigold flower crowns and bouquets. She had looked into it once to determine if something like that had ever existed, nearly giddy to have uncovered bits of truth.  Her eyebrows raised to her hairline as she slammed her beloved book shut. “Of course!” She yelled excitedly. “We will have a party, It’s September!”
“Pathfinder,” SAM’s voice filled the room, “if you are in need of assistance, Dr. Anwar and I were discussing the merits of traditions left over from the Milky Way. She seemed to particularly feel the loss of such events.”
“SAM, you are a genius! She would be amazing, just remind me not to let her help with the food…”
“Of course, I suppose that should be on our private channel?”
Ryder rolled her eyes, “No, I want you to embarrass her by bringing up her failed treats from Liam’s movie night.” After a few ticks of silence, she replied, “That was sarcasm, yes, private channel.”
She needed to get a lot done, and fast. Never before had she been so happy to be enroute to Kadara Port. That place was an absolute hole, but at least an enterprising someone could find anything they were looking for. She grabbed a pair of pants, ignored her need for shoes, and called Suvi to her room. Once together, she hatched her brilliant idea, and bunkered down to plan. They worked through the night cycle, only breaking to eat, and eventually to sleep.
Early morning never found Camille at her best, but she was amped. Ready to start the day, she addressed the crew. “Good morning everyone! Tonight you are all invited to my quarters for a special event! Time to dust off those civies, find something nice to wear!” Suvi made her way over grinning from ear to ear and the pair bolted for the airlock giggling conspiratorially.
Both women were surprised by Liam awaiting them at the entrance. “Where are you lovely birds of to, alone, in Kadara? So keen to find trouble. Pathfinder, you know it’s a rough place.”
“Ah, and I thought chivalry had died.” Camille replied in a honey sweet tone. She faked the pose of a swooning girl, and peered at him through her lashes. “Come to escort little ol’ me through the throngs of mercs and other things that go bump in the night?”
“Alright, cheeky. I got it. You can take care of yourself. You don’t need me playing hero”
“Seriously, Liam. Ryder and I have some items to pick up ‘s all.” Suvi announced giving Liam the sweetest smile in her arsenal.
“Even the biggest bugger won’t stand a chance you two making eyes at ‘im. Alright, get going. Sooner you’ll be back that way.” With a quick peck to Ryder’s cheek he whispered low, “I can’t wait to see what you’ve cooked up.”
Thrilled at the idea of meeting him with her gift to the crew, she and Suvi stole off the Tempest hoping to get their hands on everything they needed without involving Vetra.  They bought ridiculous items, not knowing all the specifics about the holiday. They had spent most of their time researching, but it was an obscure holiday, and resources were extremely limited. Suvi proved to be a wonderful ally, just as caught up in the spirit of the celebration as she was. Their many purchases secured, and packaged in a nondescript box, they returned to the ship, banishing all members of the crew from the Pathfinder’s room.  
The next few hours involved lots of noise, glitter, and laughter. Her place became an unrecognizable flurry of petal strewn floors, flower filled jars, lace and fluffy feathers. White cloth fell from ceiling to floor to hide her bed from the rest of the room. Every twinkling light and candle they could find had ended up placed at random around the room. Somehow they had constructed a tree made of flowers as the centerpiece for the party. Love themed food was the tricky part. Instead of attempting an elaborate meal, they threw together sandwiches and cut them into cutesy hearts. They raided Vetra’s cereal stash to make something like a krispy treat, and if Cupid’s punch was spiked, well they were certain nobody minded. They were sure to label dextro friendly drinks to avoid potential illness.
Suvi snuck out of Ryder’s room to get ready, but Camille had a feeling that something was missing. “We have food and decorations, what else is there?”
“Pathfinder, might I suggest you queue up music?” SAM interrupted.  “You have a playlist of a variety of songs Liam created that would suit such an occasion.”
“Again, genius! Glad I keep you around.” “Yes, your demise has nothing to do with it.”
“Was that snark I heard from you?” Camille shot back. “Color me impressed.” She made her way to the console, and searched through her media files from Liam. She was reminded just how often he sent her little things to lift her spirits or make her laugh. She was truly lucky to have found someone so giving. Just thinking about him brought a blush to her face, and she hoped he enjoyed the little gift he would be receiving tonight.
When the time to gather had arrived, Camille dimmed the lights overhead, and got the candles lit. Taking in their handy work gave her butterflies. The room was transformed, and the soft glow of twinkle lights bouncing off her large window overlooking space was magical. Catching a glimpse of herself in the reflection stopped her in her tracks. It had been a long time since she had the opportunity to dress up. She put on her favorite lace cropped tank paired with a wine colored hi-low skirt. Suvi styled her short caramel locks, and helped her with her makeup. She felt beautiful and realized it had been too damn long. The glamour of the evening left her with a surreal feeling after months of trekking through uncharted territory, often times fighting for her life.
She and Suvi welcomed their comrades, and could not be more pleased with how well the entire affair was received. Music played gently, her friends mingled, and she could not be happier. Liam snuck up behind her, pulling her back against his chest. “You look like heaven.” His voice thick in her ear. “Why are you wasting your time with me?”
His thumb gently caressed circles into her side causing her to shiver. “You’re anything but a waste of time, love. Besides, have you seen yourself tonight?” She spun to face him and placed a soft kiss at the base of his neck.
His hum of approval vibrated through her body. “So, I got to tell you, I feel kinda exposed. Songs meant for us broadcast to everyone.”
Alarmed, she looked up at him. Catching his grin and realizing he was playing she leaned in close hand on his chest and whispered huskily, “How can I make it up to you?”
His voice roughened, hands gripping her waist he looked her up and down slowly and asked, “Mind telling me what I might find under that getup?”
Camille raised her brow, and bit her lip coyly. Just when she felt he couldn’t wait any longer she raised up on her toes lips almost touching his and said, “What indeed.” She tilted her head and captured him in passionate kiss. Her tongue traced the seam of his lips, and he parted them to grant her access. Her hands found their way into his hair, fingers digging into his curls. He captured her bottom lip in his sucking and occasionally giving a small nip.  Awareness came to them when she moaned loudly against his mouth, the sound causing them to remember they were not alone.
Breaths mingling together, chests slightly heaving he chuckled, “I can’t wait for these sods to bugger off. We will party just us.”
Ryder beamed at him, and cupped his face in her palm, “Happy Kissing Day, Liam.”  
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Only Fools fall for You Chapter 2
The second chapter of my ReaderXNamjoon fic. First chapter is here. Hope you enjoy! Please give me some feedback if you can spare a minute! Thank you 💜🤟
“Why are you laughing?”, she asks, confused by his reaction.
His face drops, unsure whether to tell the girl he just met about RapMonster. Why can’t he just be Namjoon for a day? A few seconds of silence as he struggles to decide who to be today…..
Both. Both Namjoon and RM.
“ Actually, that’s me, I am RM. I am kind of on holiday right now, at least I have the whole day today and until tomorrow at 12 off, but in general I am in town for almost a week cause my band is playing some shows here. I was trying to be just Namjoon today but… I am RM too. Thanks for the compliment by the way, nobody’s ever recommended my own music to me.” He shoots her a shy smile, taking in her shocked reaction. Seconds later her expression changes to a mocking grin.
“Yea sure. Hozier my old buddy just popped by last week. I should really start a wall of fame in this place, with all these international celebrities dropping by all the time.” She rolls her eyes at him and leaves him sitting at the bar alone.
With a sigh, Namjoon takes out his phone, opening Spotify and starting up a playlist. “only fools fall for you” he hadnt missed everything from her recommended album after all. While fixing a playlist he was lost in thought. He really liked this girl, hopefully he didnt scare her away. Suddenly he comes to a solution, how he can easily convince her that he isnt just some dickhead being cocky. He quickly checks with his manger, who reluctantly agrees.
A few minutes later, she returns, an annoyed expression on her face.
“Show me your music then, RM.”, she says, dragging out his name in a mocking manner and looking him straight in the eye.
“I am working on a proper playlist right now. But, I actually have a little, well, lets say a proposal for you.” He smirks, taking in her surprised and questioning expression. “How about, I repay you for this coffe tonight? As in, I buy you a drink. And we actually talk a bit. If you end up liking me and we enjoy each others company as much as I think we could… I fixed a backstage pass for the show tomorrow for you. It’s just an opportunity, I dont wanna push anything on you. I just think you could have a fun night out.” She is looking shocked… again… So after a few seconds of awkward silence he decides to get back to the most important thing: “...Please, show me some more of your music! I’m really liking it so far.”, he laughs. He can see her processing what he just said. He cant help but smile at her overwhelmed look.
She shakes her head, a cautious smile on her lips, and turns to help some customers who just entered the store.
As he picks up his phone again he sees it blowing up.
*BTS GroupChat*
Hobi: RM youre bringing a girl tomorrow?
Jin: When did you meet a girl?
Jin: You havent even been out that long? Why bring her to the concert already?
JK: oooh hyung met a girl!
JK: Is she cute?
JK: Is it a date?
JK: Send a pic!
Joon: I met her today, we are getting along great and she doesnt believe me that I am RM so I decided to prove it to her. Also maybe its a date? We will see! She hasnt even said yes yet…..
Hobi: She hasnt even said yes yet? Well done, bro.
RM: JK I cant just take a picture of her, thats creepy.
Suga: why are you guys blowing up my phone like this? let rm try to get some swedish ass and let me nap.
V: *pic of him and Jimin doing the finger heart* cheering for u hyung!
He laughs, everybody is reacting as expected.
Getting back to the playlist he finally decides to add some BTS songs. Why not brag and prepare her for tomorrow night? He keeps on adding to the list, waiting for her to return.
“Wow, how many “favourites” do you have?” he almost jumps at the voice suddenly right behind him.
“You didnt tell me there was a maximum number of songs allowed. I am making a playlist, putting in everything I like that you might like aswell.” he turns around, facing her with a smile.
“I guess that’s valid…. But there’s no way I can listen to all that before our drink later. How ‘bout a top ten? And show me some of your band’s stuff, I wanna know what kinda concert I’m committing to before I say yes to you, stranger.” she laughs, picking up his empty coffee and putting down a notepad in front of him. “Write me a top ten list of songs you recommend by your band and some other stuff. I’ll put it on here at the store and then we can see what i decide.” she turns to leave with a wink.
He grabs her arm: “Wait, you believe me all of a sudden?”
“First of all, you can’t just grab me like that, I am still theoretically at work, even though there isnt much to do. Secondly, I googled you, dumbass. Can’t really deny that you have the same face as RM… So I believe you. Its fucking weird, yes, but I guess the dude who’s album I have been spamming for days somehow found his way to me.” Another wink and she leaves him to sit alone… again.
A top ten list, with songs to convince her to come to the concert tomorrow? That’s surprisingly much pressure.
1. Eternal Sunshine by Epik High
2. Midsummer Madness by 88rising
3. So Far Away by Agust D
4. I can give you heaven by HONNE
5. U by HER
6. Personal by Kehlani
7. Make it Right by BTS
8. Spring Day by BTS
9. Baepsae by BTS
10. Mikrokosmos by BTS
It takes him a while but eventually he finds a way to narrow it down to 10 songs. Some of his general favourites but through the view of what y/n could like.
With a broad, dimpled grin, he waves her over. She just throws up a peace sign and nods, acknowledging his wave. A few minutes later she saunters over, two coffees in her hands.
“Thought we could both use some more caffeine, RapMonster.” she says with a small giggle. He flinches and she quickly continues “Anyways, I am ready for your list! I saw you redo it so many times I was afraid you weren’t gonna finish it today. So, hand it over and I will put it on. Any special order or just any of them? Is it a ranking?”
“Ok, so it’s not a ranking or anything, just the 10 songs I decided fit your taste best, or at least I hope so. BTS, as you know, is the group I am part of, so you can take those last. Agust D is one of the other members in the group and the song is from his solo-mixtape. Since you liked mine so much I thought you might like his stuff, too. Other than that it’s some friends of mine and general songs I jam to myself. I hope you like it.” He hands her the notepad, his 4 earlier drafts already in the trashcan closest to him. She takes it and smiles: “Oh, Kehlani! I love her! Let me just queue these and then I will be right back for the coffee.”
The two sit and drink coffee while the music plays, only occasionally interrupting the listening silence for some lyric explanations.
With the time being close to closing time, the store is empty once again, and unbothered by customers, y/n has slowly started swaying and occasionally dancing along to the music, fixing small things around the store or just dancing up and down behind the bar, just going along with the music. When “Make it Right” starts, she is fixing the last small things behind the bar. He can see her really jamming to the music and it makes him smile, he knows that ARMY loves the song and he has seen the stats and all that, but it’s something different to see someone in front of you, in such a casual way, just enjoying themselves and your music.
** Oh, oh, I can make it Right**
As the chorus hits, she is just grinning at him, dancing around him and actually singing along to it, messily since she doesn’t know the lyrics but still. A bright smile lights up his face at the view, as he watches her move through the room, putting away their mugs and lastly going to get her stuff, getting ready to leave. She emerges with a leather jacket over her arm and a bag on her shoulder. As the last notes of “Make it Right” are sounding out, she hits the pause button.
“Sorry, I’m gonna have to stop this here. I gotta lock up now so we gotta get going. Is it chill if we head to pub right away? I need to eat something before I can let you buy me a drink. I know a nice small place close to here, I doubt any of your fans would go there, so you don’t have to worry about getting recognized.” She shoots him an apologetic look as she turns off everything at the register. He gets up and gets ready to leave, waiting for her just outside the shop.
“Lead the way, you’re the local. I’ll eat anything and to be honest I am not picky with pubs, I would just prefer not to cause a scandal tonight by getting photographed at a pub with a girl.”
She laughs, “Oh god yea that would be bad. It’s just this way. Let’s go!”
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