#we know pidge tries to lie but she is sooooo bad at it (see her identity as pidge gunderson)
klanced · 10 months
spreading out the lance answers to distribute the results, i see? lance behaviour if i’ve ever seen any/j
nahhhhhhh can we please be fr. lance does not know how to cheat and sabotage like me.
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bluedemon1995 · 3 years
Hope you like this latest chapter. I think, I'm almost done with this one. Please comment and let me know what you think. I'Ve gone back to rotating my focus so hopefully you follow all my stories!
Pidge POV
While everyone is busy planning Pidge can't keep her eyes off Matt. His hair is longer than hers, pulled back in a messy pony tail. She vaguely remembers her mom scolding him and saying she was going to cut his hair if he didn't go with dad to the barber. It's funny how memories are popping up now when he's right in front of her. He has a scar on his forehead but otherwise looks very similar to her. Same eye color, same hair. Hell, his is probably nicer than hers.
It's like she's in some strange alternate universe. But if she being honest... it was also very scary. Because, if one thought about it rationally, everything she thought she knew for the last ten years was a lie.
She wasn't alone. She wasn't an orphan. And isn't that the rub. She could've had a family, all this time. It could have been her and Matt. It makes her sad to think what she missed out on. Birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries of the accident. Where she suffered alone. And even when Lotor was with her he never really understood. He never realized what she felt or was going through. And looking back, she could see he didn't even really try to pretend for her either. And that just made her feel so much more alone.
At some point she would just hide away in her room and work herself to sleep. She felt like she was in a tunnel suddenly, with her breath hiccuping and her vision wavering. Oh God, she can't breathe.  She had to get up. She had to move. But then she ... felt an arm slip around her shoulders and pull her close. Warmth. Heat. Her heart rate started to sync...Keith. He was here. He was real.
And she didn't care that he was FBI or law enforcement. Because with him she didn't feel alone.
She was not alone. She turned in his arms and just held on. It's funny how someone she only knew for such a short period of time could mean so much to her. Yet here she is. Surrounded by people who are on her side. And Keith.
Re-centered, she focused back onto the conversation going on around her. Glad for once there were so many people in the room. It was a few hours after the big reveal and while Keith's apartment was cramped with so many people, for once it didn't make her feel like running or hiding away. Hunk had prepared a spaghetti dinner complete with homemade bread and salad. It was hilarious when Lance questioned Keith having the ingredients for bread and Hunk sheepishly admitted to stocking his pantry, 'for emergencies'.
When she looked at Keith, he whispered, "I didn't even know I had a pantry!"
And when Lance was outraged that he didn't have a stockpile. Hunk replied that since Lance technically still lives at home, his mom has their place well stocked! Then there was Krolia and Kolivan. Kolivan finally returned with his report and Pidge could see how he'd fit in the the biker gang image. He was a tough guy but when he spoke he was so quiet and calm. It just inspired her trust in him.
Then of course, there was Matt. He was nearby, constantly finding excuses to touch her arm, hand or shoulder. It was odd. She wasn't a touchy freely person and yet, she was so happy that he seemed happy to have found her too. Despite what she had been involved in. Finally dinner in hand, they  were seated all around various parts of Keith's living room.
Finally, I voiced a concern that was nagging at me. "Shiro, have we ever...met? I feel like I recognized your voice somehow? Or even your...shape?"
Matt replied, loudly, "Shiro and I were gaming friends long before we ever met. So, I would be playing games with him and you'd be in my room. So you probably did hear him but I don't think you ever saw him. But after the accident and rehab, I mentioned I needed to go to school and he convinced me to go to the same school as him. So, with nothing left to lose I did. I have a family picture of us, so Shiro has seen you before. Plus, let's be honest, we sorta look alike."
Pidge nods, "That makes sense. Unfortunately that's about the only thing that does."
Matt counters, "Okay, now that we are fed. We need to focus. Plan. I'm betting Lotor's dad is behind this. But Katie, do you think Lotor knew as well?"
She thought about it but replied, "Probably not. His dad does not respect him and they aren't close. At all, so I cannot imagine him telling a pre-teen Lotor anything. Maybe he encouraged him to be my friend but nothing overt."
Shiro nods, "Okay so why?"
Everyone is quiet, thinking.
Keith POV
"Let's take it from a slightly different angle. How did Zarkon benefit? He's pretty self serving. There is no way he didn't get something out of this."
Matt picks up, "Yeah, I'm thinking it has to do with the project my dad was working on. Some kind of weapon. I know once he died, the project did too."
Keith counters, "Then why separate you two? What are we missing? What does Zarkon desire or want?"
"Money, every bad guy wants money." stated Lance firmly.
Hunk countered, "Power, he likes to be the big kahuna. Maybe this weapon would have cost him that."
More answers were kicked around when Pidge interjects, "Control. From what I see Zarkon lives for control. In every aspect. So by causing the accident, he needed to control for the outcome or at least several outcomes. No one could have predicted Matt would be thrown from the car or I would be stuck in it. Let's be honest, people survive accidents all the time. But he prepared for all possibilities. Sooooo, that means he got something out of it. But what did he gain control of? I didn't get any money. Or things.”
Keith guesses, "Maybe he knew that the weapon mission would fail but he also knew that your dad got much farther than maybe he imagined. Do we know what the weapon was?"
Matt replied, "I tried looking into it but I couldn't get further than it was a top secret project. I've hacked into several sites over the years looking for more data but it's very cryptic. In fact it doesn't even sound like a weapon at all. More like an organic compound really. So
"That's it!! I remember mom being a gardener but really she was probably a botanist. So Zarkon has control of all drugs running in and out of Galra City. And if anyone wants in they need to bow to him. He's expanded his network and this is what Lotor was trying to beat him at. Althea. But what if there was a way to diminish his hold? What if they created something that was a weapon only in the hand of the Garrison or police? I remember her telling me that nothing is untraceable. And no one is untouchable.”
Krolia speaks up, "Zarkon has a big footprint. If we could know what drugs are his and track it someway, it would go a long way in stopping the flow. But his network of them getting the drugs into the country is, well a mystery. If we could figure that out. Well, that would be a game changer."
Everyone is quiet. Finally, Katie looks up, "So Matt, I think you need to show me what you have. If our parents were killed over this, well, they had to be close."
Matt nods, "Definitely."
Hunk interjects, "Uh, I could probably help. I'm really good at making things or finding patterns."
Keith grins, "Well, while you guys figure the item, why don't the rest of come up with a battle plan or trap?"
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 107 prt 1
“Careful! You’ve only just got out of hospital this morning”
Lance rolled his eyes at Keith. He totally hadn’t noticed that at all. He totally hadn’t enjoyed standing in the sun, and feeling the cold wind across his. After a week of tests and monitoring, Lance was sooooo not in a rush to go back to that room again
“I’m fine”
“Here, Let’s get you to the sofa. You should be resting”
Keith looped his arm around his waist as if he thought Lance as some kind of wounded soldier and not 5 weeks pregnant. He was doing so much better for having rested and seen his friends.
They went the half truth. A lie that weighed heavily. Pidge and Hunk had come up with Rieva to see him. Hunk in tears that his best bud had had an accident, Pidge having some not so nice words for not letting them come see him sooner. The first three days all he’d pretty much done was sleep. When Mami came, Keith gave up his position beside him in bed, Lance falling asleep against his mother. When he’d woken again, his Mami was talking to Keith about how he’d been as a child. It was embarrassing. His Mami had come to see him three times, thanks to Coran and Shiro picking her up and dropping her off. Krolia had come by to check on him when he’d sent Keith off to find a decent cup of coffee before VOLTRON wound up burnt to the ground. His friends had come twice. Matt was in tears as he apologised, his, and Rieva’s, scents making Lance’s stomach roll, yet he got to thank both of them which made up for the discomfort. Lance knew he couldn’t put off telling his mother, but Coran wanted to do another ultrasound the following week. Provided things were still okayish, he planned to tell her then. Making her worry needlessly over something they couldn’t control... he didn’t want that, but it was hard not to blurt everything out because she was... she was his guiding light.
Forced to sit on the sofa, Lance patted Kosmo as he climbed into his lap. Keith pulling him off him
“Babe, you’ve got to be careful. You can’t let him climb on you like that”
“Coran wouldn’t have let me out if it wasn’t alright. I feel better. I’m doing better”
They were keeping the baby, but not telling anyone for the time being. He was too tired to tell his Mami, and honestly was avoiding the conversation for now until it’d sunk in
“You still need to take it easy”
“I am. I don’t know how much easier I can take things”
Keith argued that he should take time off work. Lance disagreed. Keith was cranky. Lance stressed. Shiro stepping in to gently pursued Keith that as long as Lance was at VOLTRON he was getting the best care he could. Keith had work throughout the day, suiting Lance fine as it meant cuddles at the end of it. His body was telling him to rest, and he was listening
“Maybe the bed would be better?”
Reaching up, Lance pulled Keith down by his shirt to awkwardly kneel at his level. He didn’t want Keith to leave, still, this wasn’t about him. Keith needed to head to work, the scent of him in the apartment was strong enough to make him feel safe. Pursing his lips, his boyfriend kissed him gently like he’d wanted him to do. Smiling from the kiss, Lance hoped it’d relieved some of Keith’s worries
“Babe, I’m fine. I’ve got the TV and my soap operas to catch up on”
“I should be here”
Lance rolled his eyes again, before kissing Keith
“I’m not going to die from loneliness just because you’ve got to go to work. I’ve got my phone thanks to Rieva, go enjoy being bossed around. I’m just gonna look at some stuff online and watch TV”
“You need to cancel my birthday weekend too”
Lance didn’t want to fight, but that wasn’t happening
“We’re still going”
“You can’t be traipsing across the country side”
“First off, who says “traipsing”. Secondly, I am living for that get away. Coran said if everything stays good, we’ll be able to go. Even if I can’t go, I still want everyone else to have fun”
“But the baby...”
“Isn’t going anywhere if I can help it. I’ll call if anything happens, which it won’t. You’re fussing too much”
“You’re not fussing enough!”
Lance let out a chuckle
“If you’re this bad, I can’t imagine what you’re gonna be like when I pop this baby out. I’m fine, I’ll be fine. You’re only at work until 5, then you’re back home”
“That’s ages”
“Babe, it’s 6 hours”
“Seeeee ages!”
Not for a vampire it wasn’t. But to be without Keith it was. He wasn’t going to be selfish. If it got too much, he’d take himself to bed and sleep until his boyfriend returned
“Time will pass sooner than you think with all your secret Blade work”
“I’d rather be here”
“I know. Look, I won’t even do housework. I’ll be good. Here, bathroom, kitchen or bed. That’s it”
“You’re not supposed to be moving around”
“I’m not going to be running laps of the apartment. Not with this little one to think of. Now give me another kiss”
Keith tried to draw out leaving as long as possible. Lance finding it cute. When his boyfriend finally left, he pulled his phone out as Kosmo jumped up on the sofa for pats. Keith wanted them to work this out together which meant he needed to understand more about what being pregnant entailed so he knew if something was wrong. Having a human baby inside of him, Coran wanted him to graze throughout the day in an attempt to get down as many calories as he could for the little one. Keith had to pick up a few things from the chemist on the way home from work, Lance not reminding him as he seemed sad enough over leaving. His boyfriend was basically an overgrown puppy.
After an hour of reading too much, he dropped his phone at the sound of someone outside the apartment. Kosmo growling, before leaping off the sofa and rushing to the door. Lance felt the need to bolt to safety. To lock himself in Keith’s room. He felt foolish when Shiro unlocked the door. Of course Shiro would be back. He was stuck on night shifts and surveillance, though Lance wasn’t sure if that was related to Honerva or trying to keep the peace. Letting himself in, Shiro went about locking the door again and setting the alarm, before scooping Kosmo up for pats. The hunter jumping as he noticed Lance, Lance flinching momentarily
“Sorry, Lance. I completely forgot you’d be home today. Nice to see you out of that place”
Lance forced himself to relax. Shiro didn’t sound mad. Tired, but not mad. He’d stressed repeatedly that was okay for Lance to stay, but Lance still felt guilty as he couldn’t really contribute anything to the household lest Keith worry
“Hey, Shiro. Uh, how was work?”
“Long. I’m ready for bed. How’s freedom?”
“Better than four white walls... Keith’s made me promise not to do anything”
Shiro chuckled, Kosmo licking at his face as Shiro tried to be out of reach and failed
“I can imagine. Don’t worry about him. He’ll settle down”
“Dude, we both know that’s not true. He doesn’t even want me getting up to use the bathroom”
Keith had to help him use the bathroom more than once thanks to his lack of energy and Lance had felt an all time low over his useless
Shiro chuckled again
“He’s just excited. I’ve already been told I’m not allowed to make your kid lame like me”
A smile formed on the edges of Lance’s lips
“You’re gonna be like the favourite uncle an he’s already jealous. This kid is going to be so confused. A werewolf for uncle. A slightly cursed uncle. A grandmother pushing 90. A hunter for an uncle... I could go on...”
Shiro dropped Kosmo down on the sofa, his fur son giving him a cocky look over his shoulder, before jumping off to trot after Shiro into the kitchen. His love for Lance lost to the slightest chance of a treat from his uncle
“On the plus side I don’t think anyone outside of a royal family has had this much protection. I’m gonna make some coffee, you want one?”
“Nah, I’m good... if you want to watch TV I can move”
“It’s fine. I usually just have it on for background noise until I fall asleep. Besides, I don’t think we’ve been alone like this for a while”
That was true. Keith was like a guard dog when Lance was in VOLTRON’s infirmary
“Not since Keith decided he bitumen needed his skin more than him”
Keith had the scars from the accident. The lighter ones would fade one day, yet Lance would never forget to treasure the darker ones as proof Keith was still alive. His boyfriend a little self conscious, but Lance didn’t mind. Shiro hummed, setting about getting his mug out and his coffee made
“Yeah, that sounds about right. How are you feeling, mother, or is father, to be?”
He wasn’t the first man to be pregnant, though his plumbing was a little unusual
“Father to be. And I know it’s been a week, but it’s still pretty surreal”
“I can’t imagine. I already talked to Keith, and he’s still pretty shocked”
“I don’t blame him. This wasn’t exactly planned”
“Still, it gives you guys hope for the future. I hope we can wrap this case up soon”
That’s be nice. Nice to know Lotor had left and life was returning to normal
“So do I... I know I’m not supposed to be prying, but if you need someone to bounce ideas off, I’m here. Literally. Keith seems pretty keen on me avoiding going home. He really has an issue at the thought of me and stairs”
“I know you couldn’t help it, but you could have been less dramatic about announcing you’re pregnant”
Lance felt himself laugh before he realised his mood had actually picked up. Shiro wasn’t Keith, but having someone in the apartment washed away the loneliness he didn’t know he felt. He’d been so spoilt for attention lately
“Trust me, I would have picked a different time too. Maybe, like, in a few years.... like, when Honerva was dealt with and Keith was in a better place?”
“He’s already in a better place. He worked his arse off for the Blades, and still felt like nothing. Now matter what Adam and I did or said. I’d been with Blades so long that I guess I was used to their...”
Shiro paused as he tried to think of how to word it
“Particular brand of weirdness?”
Shiro snorted, Lance kind of happy he could talk to Shiro like this without pretence or being careful with his words
“Yeah. Pretty much. He’s really come out of his shell”
“He’s still a little anger loaf at heart. He always had it in him”
“He has. Lately he’s come to see that, and as his brother, I’m relieved”
Shiro and Keith were tight. This little one had him wishing he had someone like Shiro
“You’re a good brother to him. I can’t help but be jealous”
“You know what they say, family is what you make it. Blood doesn’t matter when it comes to being there for those you care about”
Lance’s hand drifted to his belly. He didn’t really know why, but rubbing his belly seemed to have some psychosomatic effect on making him feel better
“You okay there?”
Catching Shiro watching, Lance ducked his head
“Yeah. This little one definitely wasn’t planned, I want you to know, I’d never deny Keith access to them, or you. Keith and I are still in the honeymoon phase, despite all that’s happened. Sometimes I can’t help but caught up in all the “what ifs””
“I could say I know what you mean, but I only have a vague idea. Keith was already all grown up when I found him. Things really weren’t great at first”
“How not great are we talking?”
“He stole my car. He eventually came back, but he was so full of anger and confusion. It took a long time to build that trust up”
That actually sounded definitely like something Keith would do. He lashed out something fierce when he was trying to protect himself from developing feelings
“I can’t even imagine. This one has so much love around them already. Shiro, if anything happens, you’ll be there, right?”
“Nothing’s gone to happen. I know what you’re asking, and you don’t need to ask”
“I kind of do. I haven’t told Keith but my anxiety has been pretty whack. Sleeping so much helped keep the thoughts away”
“I’m sure he already knows. He sent me a long list of things I’m not allowed to do or say, and I’m supposed to make sure you eat”
Lance groaned. Food was not his friend. It went down and it came up. At least here he’d have some form of privacy for that bit
“He’s obsessed with that. I don’t think he thought about it when he sentenced me to sitting on the sofa”
“He knows you like Italian, had me pick up some last night. Then he sent me on a chase to find garlic knots too. I know I’ve known you six months now, but I don’t think I can cope with a vampire who eats garlic”
“Which is weirder, that I walk about in the sun, or, that I eat garlic?”
“Definitely the sun. I wasn’t sure you were a vampire to begin with. It’s not like they teach us that vampires are out and about in the sun”
“Coran says it’s because I turned so young. Then again, we don’t really go up in flames until after the third degree burns”
“Did he say anything about the baby?”
“They should be human from what I understand. Lotor already seems to know I’m pregnant. Keith says I’m being paranoid”
The more he thought about the more he was certain Lotor knew, and this body knew too. That’d by why he’d subconsciously tried to protect his belly
“Maybe we can throw Lotor out in the sun?”
Lance laughed again. How he wished
“I don’t think Allura would be too happy. She’s already mad he’s being so useless”
Bringing his cup of coffee over, Lance tried not to smell it. He didn’t know what it was about the scent... it just made him feel gross. Sitting down, Shiro put his feet up on the coffee table, Kosmo half sat on for not moving. It was now a battle of wills
“They used to date, from the sound of it?”
“Yeah. Long before I was born. They were closer thanks to Honerva and the whole fae thing. Then he kicked her heart to the curb by leaving. He didn’t cheat on her. I thought that was it, but it was him making all these plans to leave then leaving without telling her. She’s not so quick to forgive. She’s really making Lotor work for her time”
“Good on her. I did worry she’d let her past feelings sweep her away”
“They did... kind of. She’s kind of a bit like Keith. Really good at not forgiving and forgetting. Not that that’s a bad thing. The pain fucking sucks”
“You know what else sucks? Kosmo. Move it buster, off!”
Kosmo crawled into Lance’s lap, ignoring Shiro telling him to get off. The doggo shooting Shiro a wounded glance as he made himself comfortable on Lance
“Kosmo, off!”
Huffing sadly, Kosmo stood right on Lance’s junk before using him to jump. Lance groaning as he drew his knees up
“Paw to the junk?”
Shiro asked sympathetically, Lance nodding
“He’s best boy, but those paws are no joke”
“He’s good for finding the wrong places to stand. Managed to do it to me and Curtis once...”
“Ugh. I feel your pain. Keith’s been trying to keep him off me. He thinks Kosmo’s going to hurt the baby”
“Kosmo is boisterous”
“Kosmo is best boy, living his best life. Keith brought him to visit and he ended up getting into the cupboards. I think he had the time of his doggy life messing up the room”
“I bet that went well with Keith”
“I slept. Angry Keith can be scary”
“That he can. At least he wasn’t throwing knives”
“This is true. Do you want the remote?”
“Nah. It’s fine. Curtis had been trying to get me into soap operas”
“That’d be my fault. I thought he’d be here”
He missed Curtis. Maybe in some way Curtis was kind of like the cousin he’d lied and said he was. His bluntness wasn’t always comforting, but at least he didn’t hide things
“Matt and him have been hanging out with Sam a lot lately. Whatever the deal with his curse is, it gave Sam some pretty interesting readings”
“Appliances don’t seem Curtis friendly”
“Nope. Keith’s banned him from going near the coffee machine”
“I’m not surprised. These days I’m more surprised when he finds a way to function before coffee”
“You should see him after a mission. He has to have his coffee or he’s a moody bastard”
Lance laughed, he knew that too well
“Yeah. He tells me about it in chat, or calls if it’s around 6 because he knows I usually get up then”
“You’ve got him trained”
A blush appeared in Lance’s cheeks. He could always count on Keith to message him. Now he was thinking about him solely, he really missed him, a small whine escaping before he could stop himself
“What was that?”
“Apparently I do that. I’m putting it down to this whole breeder thing... it kind of happens”
“Because you’re missing Keith?”
“Pretty much”
“I’m not Keith, but if you need a hug...”
Lance very shyly leaned against Shiro who sling his arm over his shoulders
“I’m sorry. He’s spoilt me so much that I feel a little lost when he’s not here”
“You don’t have to explain, kiddo. You’re going through a lot right now”
“I’m freaking the fuck out internally”
“I would be too. But you’ll get through this”
“Yeah... yeah, I know. I want to tell Mami, but I decided to wait until the ultrasound next week”
“You miss her, don’t you?”
“Especially right now. She... she protected me so much growing up. My family say I leach off her... but when I was making enough money, the first thing I did was get us a better house and I never wanted her to go into a home”
“If you want to bring her here, I understand”
“Thanks, but this is your home. It’s like I tried to explain to Keith. You and he need a place you know is safe. Mami doesn’t mean to talk but sometimes it comes out. I don’t want to put you guys in danger”
Shiro ruffled his hair
“It makes helping you hard. I’ve always respected that you respect the people around you. I never should have been so harsh on you when I came back”
“You had a lot going on. You didn’t know how Keith was going to be and you left your whole life behind to come here. You lost a lot thanks fo vampires...”
Still, it felt nice to have Shiro apologise properly. He didn’t blame Shiro at all for worrying over Keith
“Things got really rough after Adam. Keith blamed himself for so long. I should have talked him sooner than I did, but I didn’t... I wasn’t there yet”
“Sometimes it’s like that. Adam was important to you. Plus, your brother doesn’t always phrase things right. It took you to point it out for us to realise he didn’t have a heart condition but a crush”
“Don’t remind me. I swear every grey I have is because of him”
“If you think that’s bad, try looking like a teenager. I’m sick of it”
“Some vampires do seem to age”
“Yeah, I’m still a baby vampire really. I’ve got to be pushing like a century. Then again, look at Lotor. He’s old as fuck and prances around like a college jock-strap wanker”
Shiro chuckled
“I don’t think anyone has ever called him that before”
“If you can’t tell, I have pretty strong opinions on vampires”
“Oh, I can tell. Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?”
“I’m alright. If I fall asleep, just leave me here. I’ve got most of my strength back, but I still feel really drained”
“Emotional stress will do that. Besides, not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty sure I could lift you up”
“Dude, I’ve totally put muscle on”
“Sure you have”
Lance pouted. His ego annoyed. He’d never been in better shape, other than being fatigued and pregnant. He’d never worked out as much as he had over the last few months, and though undead. He was sure he fitter than ever
“I totally have. And I’ve trained with Matt, Curtis, Keith, and Lotor. I’m deceptively heavy”
“And still Keith manages to carry you around”
Keith made it look easy and it wasn’t fair. His boyfriend wasn’t a muscle meat head, instead he was like deceptively strong
“Is this a sibling rival thing? Who can pick up and carry the vampire around?”
Lance groaned at him. He didn’t want to be in the middle of that particular fight
“Please don’t pick me up and carry me around. Let me pretend I’m tough and manly”
“You’re a tuff and manly twig”
Ouch... His gremlin would have laughed herself stupid if she’d heard
“Now you sound like Pidge”
“She’s a smart one. Nah, you’re fine the way you are. I won’t move you if you don’t want to be, but if you need help, let me know”
“Thanks, Shiro. Honestly I’m zonked, but I don’t know if I’m gonna freak out being moved. I don’t want to risk it”
“Alright. Now, what the hell is going on in this show?”
Keith was flustered as he left work. Krolia had pulled him aside to ask if he was okay, Keith knew she was trying to ask if he’d read her letter yet. He hadn’t, then he’d been snappy towards her without meaning to. His mother kind of seemed like a different person these days. More human and more approachable... and that had him thinking maybe he’d been unfair to her for a while now. It took Lance getting pregnant to actually fucking get it. He’d never leave Lance like she had, but if he had to live in constant fear of bringing home werewolves or vampires on his tail, he could see how not going home was an option he might be forced to entertain. His dad hadn’t been a loner. Stray feelings of his dad having friends lingered then disappeared when he tried to focus. Maybe if his dad had had friends like his and Lance’s... No. Going down that road only brought up the pain of the past. He’d awkwardly apologised to her in his own way before leaving, calling Shiro as he did.
When Shiro didn’t answer, Keith ran all the way to the apartment. He hadn’t tried Lance’s phone. His lover needed his rest, as tempting and as hard as it was not to message him. Letting himself into the apartment, Keith melted at the sight in front of him. Shiro and Lance were both asleep on the sofa, Kosmo cuddled into Lance’s side, wagging his tail as his tongue lolled out. Yeah. He was kind of ready to yell, and kind of jealous, but Lance had needed comfort from the look of it, and Shiro had stepped up to be there for him. Leaving the alarm too long, Kosmo started howling as the alarm went off. Lance and Shiro both jumping as they were rudely awakened. Hurriedly Keith turned the alarm off, the apartment falling silent after a way too long moment. Damn it. He should have got a photo of Lance and Shiro sleeping. His brother, his dog, and his boyfriend. His little family safe and well... and now wide awake.
Closing the door, Keith dropped his backpack next to it. Lance was rubbing at his ears, Shiro trying to bring Kosmo under control. His poor boy hated the alarm
“Sorry. I didn’t punch the code in in time”
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