#we love soft Alex for MC hereeee
@megatraven hehe. I saw your post of ranting about why you love Alex (I love those posts so much it makes me v happy) and I saw the one where it’s like “the fact that Alex learned how to love when they met MC as kids” had me like “oooOoh. An idea👀”. Like I just imagined the way they met. And this is stuff I’ve thought of for 2 days too so long post djwndb.
I imagine that yeah, maybe when they first met (when they held her in their arms when they were 5 and she was just born. Or well that’s how I like to imagine they met lol) they may not have loved her like that. I mean...all babies lowkey look the same and it’s a baby, you don’t know how they’ll turn out. They considered her family because she was another addition to Josh and Melody (MCs mom. They considered them family, so MC was now family). They loved her and swore to protect her because they were more powerful and could protect her. However, since they weren’t allowed on the surface too often and MC was very young and couldn’t leave the house too much, they didn’t see her often, so that love didnt grow or anything.
They didn’t love her as best friends or anything, just yet.
However, when she turned 5 and learned to speak and read very well and visited Olympus, their heart thumped when they spoke to her. Her voice was very soft like, soothing (even for a child), and they loved to hear her laugh. Well, they loved to hear everyone laugh, but they wanted to hear hers most. They were a little enchanted and liked to do a lot with her. They loved Josh too because he was family to them, but they learned how to really love someone when they met MC bc, well, they just did. They didn’t realize it at first, but overtime realized that they loved her since that day they met.
And hnnnng I’m happy and soft at imagining this for some rEASON.
And we know that when they’re drunk, they literally just give loving glances toward MC (like they don’t do that sober but anyways). They probably act on it too (if they’re dating) and just loVE her and can’t hold back the looks bc they’re drunk and are not thinking to straight lol. And I like to imagine that when they were kids they did the same thinnng hnnnng. Whenever she came over and wanted to talk to them about anything, they’d listen with interest and would just give her ALL their attention.
Even when they were apart, the other gods and goddesses that took them for the day (I believe they went with some of them to learn what they did?) they would think of MC sometimes or think of what she said to them. They’d remember what they did that day so they could tell MC if she came over that day. They loved telling her stories and always wanted to entertain her. And like you headcannoned, they would let her win most of the time if they played a game. They knew she wasn’t a sore loser, but the smile on her face made them happy and loved to see her happy aND HNNNG MEG.
AND THEN when you said they gave her that deer plushie of theirs, imagine that they saw her play with it the whole day she was at Aphrodites estate and that’s when they decided to give it to her. I imagine MC as too nice to out right ask to keep something or would be afraid to literally take something that someone else loved, so she’d just play with it while she was there. They noticed she really liked it and gave it to her.
AND WHEN YOU POSTED THAT FIC OF MC HAVING ALEXS PENDANT WHEN SHE WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM HERCULES AND SAID THAT SHE REMEMBERED HOLDING ON TO IT AS A BABY...it made me just so Soft. Like they hold her when she was born, and the first thing she does is cling on to their necklace. She reaches for it and holds it in her tiny hands. She just looks at it and looks like she really likes it. They laugh at her and she laughs back and it’s just WHOLESOME. Then, when she got a bit older (maybe 5), she’d still sometimes just hold onto it. Like, sometimes she’d sit beside Alex or on their lap bc shes small and she might ask to actually wear it but they’re like “haha, uh, that can’t happen-”. And it’s just funny, so she just holds on to it when she’s nervous or just needs something to do when she’s spacing out. And if they tell her a story while they’re laying next to her, she cling onto it as she listens and eventually falls asleep hOLDING ITTT.
And sometimes, if they were alone in the estate, she would ask Alex if they could let their aura out. She loved to see their aura (and it’s why she loved the deer plushie so much. It always felt like Alex was with her🥺) and loved to pet it. Sometimes they’d let it out and she’d be ECSTATIC. They might make it literally just run around her so she could watch and laugh and be happy. Sometimes they’d let it lay right beside her as she fell asleep in the estate. And since they didn’t see each other often (like other best friends could) they’d always let her cling into their necklace, let her cling onto them, let her play with their aura, or do whatever she wanted with them. They knew they wouldn’t see her for maybe another month or few days, so they mainly just wanted to make her happy and enjoy their time with her when she was there.
And maybe ONE time they let her wear it and took a picture of her. It hurt a little bit without their aura, but they really wanted to see it on her. And she didn’t even ask one time and they were like “turn around and let me put it on you”. She’s happy but doesn’t understand that it’d probably hurt a lot. She only realizes once it’s on and she smiled at them. They smiled back but then it crashed down on her that they might be in pain. She’s like “OH NO,” and gives it back to them immediately after they take the picture. They still laugh sometimes at her almost crying bc she thought that she truly hurt them.
And once MCs mom got the picture (Alex got one and so did MCs mom bc Aphrodite saw the picture and wanted to share it lol) she held it close to her too. And I like to imagine she had a wallet with her badge and stuff in it aND SHE’D HAVE PICTURES OF HER KIDS!1!1! And then when she died and MC joined H.E.R.A, she also keeps her moms badge in her purse or bag. She just can’t let go and likes to think her moms there with her. Even before she becomes a field agent, even if she’s just working at a desk, she likes to see her moms badge when she gets a little scared or worried. She opens her bag, gets the badge, and sees her moms badge and how she was smiling in the photo and how happy she looked. She had her hair down (for once at work) and looked so young and happy. And it made MC happy and feel a little more comfortable. She may get teary eyed, but takes a deep breath and shakes her head. She can’t get sad now. Not here. She can’t get sad when she’s trying to do her best to make her mom proud. Even though her moms proud of her already, she doesn’t know that and wants to do the best and theres no crying on the job.
And imagine when Aphrodite and Hades somehow got to see Melody’s (MCs mom) badge when she died, they see photos fall out of it and it’s just pictures of MC and Josh. Pictures of them all together, pictures of just MC, pictures of just Josh, pictures of Josh and MC together...just pictures of her kids. Of her life. The pictures may be a bit small, but they both clearly see a smile on Melody’s face if she’s in it, and they know she’s smiling behind the camera or would smile when she looked on these photos. Now they know what she was looking at in her purse when she was stressed. It wasn’t looking for her phone or looking for “something”. She was looking for the pictures that reminded her why she was working at H.E.R.A in the first place. She wanted to make a better world for them and for the people in the world.
And they know deep down it wasn’t because of her relations with Hera. It was just because she truly wanted to make the world a better place. She truly wanted to help the people around her and wasnt pulled to Olympus bc of Hera. She was pulled bc she loved the people there as her own woman, she fell in love with Aphrodite as her own woman, she made Hades laugh and love her like a sister as her own woman, and she did so many things that were amazing. And she died trying to protect something that she truly loved.
I’ve thought of all of this for 2 days and I’m Soft™️.
And unrelated to AFK and such, sorry that The Girl in The Blue Dress has so many chapters and it’s just her dying again and again. I would start with the main story and sprinkle in the other lives, but I suck at doing that (I tried but am terrible at it. It never makes sense) so I always start out with the background even if it’s kinda long. So my bad lol. Hope you don’t get bored👀.
And sorry if there’s mistakes I don’t feel like re reading this mess DJWNDBW.
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