#bc thats how i roll lol
mooncheese3 · 1 year
yueliujiu anon here saying if ur too shy to answer my last ask -- it's ok! but also, if you have any more yueliujiu thoughts pls feel free to dump!! id love to hear them 🥺🥺🥺
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ANYWHO HDNFN yeaa :DDD u are the anon in mermaid qijiu reblog :DDDD genuinely cant stop thinking about them now also im totally gonna join yqy weekend now that i have been made awareRAWGRH SPREADING THE YLJ AGENDA
thoughts on how lqg is so used to having a big family and how hes never worried about losing their support vs qijiu whose longest familial bond has only ever been each other and how they always worry about losing that so they try their damnest to tie themselves together (and this doesnt always translate well)
idk what theyll do about that i just know that hurts and it hurts good
but also small-town!sv au wherein yqy is the mayor, lqg is a newly transferred cop, and sqq is the local librarian & part-time language tutor (also a retired criminal investigator)
basically 'beyond evil' vibes where lqg is investigating a case gone cold, aka the qiu massacre thing. SO LIKE. hes following a lead everyone else deemed outlandish, but the thing is his instincts have never failed him before, and those instincts are telling him hes on the right path
it just so happens that path leads right to a little town up in the mountains, whose mayor is a charismatic man named yqy. yqy is kind, thoughtful, and just. he smooths problems out quickly and can manage many things at once. right beside yqy is sqq, the only flaw lqg can find in yqy
sqq is an acidic man. the mayors wrapped around the guy's finger and the mayor himself doesnt care; he knows too much, is what lqg thinks. lqg notices sqq's aversion to fire, notices how his stare lingers on flames that burn too close. he notices how sqq easily lockpicks the libarary's door when the rust in the lock finally overpowers the key, how sqq seems to be hated by all yet is frequently hired by the parents who gossip about him. lmy tells him over the phone that if sqq really were the suspect, hed have been around 16 when the qiu massacre happened—isnt that too much?
despite agreeing with his sister, he cant shake the feeling that a teenage sqq would be capable of it
additionally to sqq he feels that qht deserves to at least find peace in finally "figuring out" why her family died in such a horrible way and getting justice. she was innocent after all. so if that means he needs to rot in jail for the rest of his life he'll let lqg do his job and finally close the qiu case
yqy is less than pleased btw. he tries to take suspicions off of sqq but it just makes it worse)
idk how the plot goes i just need some enemies/you-can-tell-theres-tension-between-them-but-they-never-argue to lovers action
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samarecharm · 7 months
Bouncing off my bi ryuji awakening post, im gonna add these tags from it: (separated to make it easier to read)
[#anyway. akira is the guy ever. and ryuji is exploding#‘i have died. badly’#i like thinking of akira like this; hes ryujis first exposure to nb ppl and gnc adjacent stuff#even if akira is p masc by most standards hes still got a bit of. aloofness. about his gender stuffs#ryuji is just really into the way akira carries himself#and it takes him a while to go oh. oh i think its cause i like this dude#um.#😳.
#also i wanted to clarify#but ryujis mom just doesnt know Who akira is in that picture#and in my head hes like. looking down at mona and petting him (while sitting)#(AND hes with ann and theyre both kind of a distance away from the camera)#so at a quick glance; hes just Some Girl#and even though shes wrong; it kicks off the mental chaos olympics in ryujis head#‘what hes not a girl’ to ‘where would she even get that from’ to ‘well akira said himself he didnt rlly care what ppl thought about it’#to ‘well. where DID she get that from?’ to lookin at what his homie does a little closer to ‘aw fuck. man.’#but i love that for him
#ALSO. RYU/GORO IN TAGS…..#but ryuji going oh my GOD oh my godddd 😨😓😓😓 when something clicks in his head about goro#his voice is so practiced and naturally softspoken and his public facing persona is very demure#and once he gets past the initial anger over goro being a pompous prick who shittalks about the thieves. hes like. god fucking dammit.#There Is A Pattern and A Type He Has and Its Killing Him To Realize it.#hes literally sitting in his room w his head in his hands]
Ryuji definitely finds Conventionally Attractive Girls pretty, but he realizes around postgame that he genuinely formed crushes on THREE people; Akira, Makoto, and Goro. And all three of them are people who carry themselves as a bit Soft and Delicate (akira and makoto w their personality and mannerisms, goro w his appearance) while also being deceptively strong. Yusuke WOULD fit into this but hes only strong in the metaverse. Also if u tried to argue that he still finds yusuke pretty, Ryuji would just say ‘yeah duh? Of course???’ and would not elaborate further.
I just think. Its cute 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryuji loves someone whos pretty and capable of knocking him flat on his ass lmao He LOVES a challenge and he likes that they can all challenge him in different ways.
Akira is way stronger than he looks; hes very toned and he used to be quite active before being shipped off to tokyo. And after fighting in the metaverse, hes gotten way better at using an enemies mass and momentum against them. Yeah he can properly knock someone down, but its way easier to let Ryuji charge him and use that momentum to sweep and pin. Which Ryuji remembers vividly for Weeks. Akira is not allowed to spar w him and Makoto for awhile after that.
Makoto is just strong as hell. But shes very defensive, and extremely patient. ‘Ill wait and see before I decide What to do’. Shes got good reaction timing and its hard to catch her offguard. Its very difficult to disorient her so oftentimes, his spars w her are more about endurance. And if he ASKS her to do so, she’ll actually fight him back. He never wins 😭 but she is very patient w him and she doesnt treat him like an idiot. She likes to give him tips and redirect his strengths to make up for his weaknesses and it makes him a bit warm in this chest
Spars w Goro are just fun. Theyre fun! Goro is way more aggressive and reckless than Makoto and Akira. He is looking for openings near constantly and Ryuji has to either keep up or tank hits. Its very. Engaging. For him. Sometimes he loses and Goro is giving him a look so smug, Ryuji wishes he could kick him in his fucking teeth (something he clearly couldnt do bc hes already been knocked flat on his ass). And sometimes he wins, and hes so shocked and HAPPY about it; he doesnt miss the way Goro looks away from him pouting like a brat (‘no fucking way are u POUTING man, what a sore loser 😭’). Goro and his uptight personality is thrown out the window completely and its so fun and refreshing to see. Hes tall and imposing w broad shoulders and toned arms and if Ryuji is staring, he finds himself immediately distracted when Goros cheerful, softspoken voice asks if hes willing to go another round.
I love it 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryujis got a complicated relationship w violence but it helps to have people he trusts engage with it in a way that doesnt make him feel like some brute. Theyre all kind of itching to beat the shit out of things for multiple reasons, but instead of taking that out on each other, they spend time training one another so that they can beat the shit out of OTHER things better. Its an efficient system 😊
#chattin#i dunno how to tag it; dont wanna add ships in here bc theres not alot of NonPego/ryu fans in the pego/ryu tag lol#but ye. ryuji likes a pretty face and he likes getting his ass whooped sometimes#i mean he likes to fight and WIN; he is not trying to roll over like a defenseless tortoise#but he likes the deception a little bit….#what do u mean ur shitty shirt or sweater is hiding those arms ??? what do u mean u can bench more than ur own weight????#its insane.#its a little 😳#also oops i am writing essays in tags again. i will continue to do this im sorry#i just have so many thoughts that dont feel like they fit in the body lol#my approach to the thieves is . they are very angry and prone to violence and violent thoughts#and they have an questionable outlet w the metaverse#BUT#if the metaverse was to poof away; where does that outlet go?#and thats the foundation for my idea of their ‘found-ish family’#i HATE the actual family stereotype but i am thinking of like#they are bonded in a specific and unique way#and they stick together because of it. no one will understand them as much as they understand each other#i know i mentioned only the four of them#but i am thinking of ALL of them#they are a little gang of their own now lmao if u mess w one u mess w the rest of the hounds#and they all have some warped perspectives on good and ‘evil’ and justice#maybe the others arent as readily capable to physically hurt someone. but they are more than okay with bad and cruel things happening-#-to bad people.#anyway. this post was about ryuji having a thing about getting roughhoused bc hes a rowdy boy#i can see it being something ann teases him about#and definitely as they get older its something that just doesnt leave him. his brain has already made the Connections#i love my homies they beat the shit out of me when i ask them to and vice versa 😊#naw theyre not really HURTING each other that bad#but its the idea of it 👀 like look at me bearing my weaknesses to u so you can make me a better person
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puddingapologist · 4 months
Pudding-Kidnapped Plot Significance Theories (interlinked, but each portion could be individually wrong)
1) Blackbeard doesn't know she has a devil fruit, and his purposes for kidnapping her are unrelated to her memory powers. My impression during WCI is that Pudding's devil fruit was VERY secret, and he wouldn't have had an opportunity to learn about it. Plus, if all he wanted was to steal it, he would have done it already. Why bother keeping her prisoner? He's much too practical-minded for that
2) Pudding is going to play a significant role in fixing Sanji's slowly-but-surely progressing Germa-fication. Specifically, I think once Sanji "loses his heart", her slice of his memories from WCI will act as a back-up save of him at Peak Romanticism. Probably not fully curing (since there a lot of other characters that would make for better "remember who you are!!" candidates), but definitely driving in a deep wedge to facilitate it
3) Blackbeard has plans to nullify each Straw Hat member individually, and i bet he's more than noticed Sanji's weaknesses to Women In Danger. So what better woman to leverage against him than the one he was *very publicly engaged* to? (Except he doesn't realize that Sanji's got the Germa-fication thing going on, and so it's not unlikely that this plan will COMPLETELY fall through for very upsetting reasons, assuming Theory Point #2 happens AFTER a Blackbeard Crew fight. Zoro will be trying to fulfill his "kill me" promise at some point, after all)
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amatres · 1 year
gonna be honest, while she is a wonderfully played character, i do not like karna as a person at all lol. usually i love morally grey characters but i think im too attached to amangeaux to appreciate karna's character. like the scene where amangeaux had to beg karna on her knees just to be able to flee for her life with her child made my skin crawl and was probably the final nail in the coffin for me
and that on top of karna without remorse offering up amangeaux's child's life, which she didn't even have conformation was the heir to vegetania, and then her speech of getting 'drops of recognition' from amangeaux for 'her own protection and happiness' i had no sympathy for her after everything she did. it felt like she was getting mad at a woman she was trying to take advantage of who decided to prioritize herself and her year old child, who karna just agreed to kill
like yes, theres the political standing difference between them, but by that time amangeaux had no political safety and was discarded by her allies, and only a few hours ago in the game's universe was it proven by their own actions how even with supposed political advantage means nothing anything anyway and just
her careless 'im damned to rot so i have no care what suffering i put people through to get to my goal' just rubs me the wrong way along with everything else
this is no hate towards aabria, she's playing the character wonderfully and every move she makes makes sense for the character she has made, it's just karna makes me so inherently uncomfortable
#ama mumbles#dimension 20#the ravening war#karna critical#dimension 20 spoilers#i dont even know if that will work but whatever#she just. she is so close to being a character i would like but i just cant. she makes my skin crawl and i rarely like the moves she makes#not bc theyre bad moves as a player irl aabria's making but bc shes just so. horrible.#sorry i know its not articulate but *gestures*#if i had more insight into her background it might elevate things but she just makes me uncomfortable#the only characters i genuinely like are amangeaux and collin. deli is interesting and raphael is funny at times same with karna#tho tbh he also makes my skin crawl at points. which is fitting i suppose both raphael and karna have a similar 'my goals are number 1'#approach so 🤷‍♀️ if raphael kicked it it wouldn't be the most upsetting thing to me#karna doesn't owe amangeaux anything but in the same vein if thats how she sees it amangeaux doesn't owe her anything either#and amangeaux was going to offer karna to escape with her! it wasn't like she was saying 'sucks for you lol' she wanted to take her with he#until karna rolled her eyes at her and was threatening her. only then did amangeaux stop#they're both littlefinger like characters i suppose if that makes sense? and he makes my skin crawl too#who knows maybe with time i can look at it more objectively but for now. bad vibes#also sorry for this being in main tags i'm doing this for categorizing and so my followers can block the tags#will say tho while the scene did make my skin crawl them yelling over zac was very funny
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moderarato · 1 year
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🤎 moderarato’s interactive fiction OC list 🤎
(full character breakdown under the cut!)
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Celeste “Este” Davies | she/her | bi
oil paintings / iced coffee / rocky beaches / pastels / arching an eyebrow / fields of long grass / pink peppercorn / home-cooked meals / balling hands into fists / heart-shaped sunglasses 
Lux Laveau | she/her | pan
lace / perfume / popping bubble-gum / fashion / cottage-core / fairy tales / magic / spritzers / heels / cakes / holidays / dinner parties / twirling hair / winking / lip gloss / fresh bouquets 
Paloma Sloane | she/her | bi
worn-in denim / noirs / night drives / coding / pine trees / alchemy / newspapers / cheap whiskey / organized mess / glasses on chains / reading under moonlight / pens in hair
Selma {No Set Surname} | she/they | bi
black and tuxedo cats / absurdism / stick & poke tattoos / junk food / heavy rain / silent nods / platform boots / thrillers / ivy / polaroids / taking the train to the end of the line / 90s goth 
Iah Moritz | they/he | pan
disco balls / nail polish / playful eye-rolls / dancing / vintage couture / sour candy / skateboards / cigarettes / early 2000s tech / leaning on surfaces / classic comics / talking with hands 
Dorothea “Dot” Eames | she/her | bi/demi
neutrals / folding hands / heirlooms / cashmere / handwritten letters / marble / minimalism / museums / matte lipstick / foxes / earl grey tea / autumn / strong eye-contact / trench coats
Arturo “Art” Belmonte | he/him | gay
historical fiction / layered clothing / piercings / hands in pockets / thrifting / old cities / mythology / over-ear headphones / sitting by windows / awkward laughs / scones & coffee  
Cewê Cizîrî | she/they | pan
night skies / scrapbooking / dandelions / pleased smiles / saffron / pushing hair back / gentle breezes / long dresses / tea sets / gardens / birdsong / people-watching / quiet confidence 
Delphine Moon | she/her | lesbian
vanilla / swans / pearls / late-night studying / chess / heavy snow / horseback riding / silently judging / white wine / perfect posture / perfume bottles / armoires with mirrors
Reina “Rei” {No Set Surname}  | she/they | bi
art galleries / baggy blazers and clothes / 80s anime / tote bags / sarcasm / aimless walks / matcha lattes / eyeliner / film scores / dining out alone / charcoal sketches
Sorn Ly  | any pronouns | pan
road trips / faded scars / banana leaves / biting nails / pottery / surfing / olives / sunsets / rolling shoulders back / hair ties on wrists / scoffing / long afternoons / humidity / walking barefoot
Frances Wiseman | she/him | demi/lesbian
cowboy boots / fruits / picking flowers / running / french new wave / messy hair / sun-kissed skin / oversized jackets / late summer / bass playing / crossing arms
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gendrie · 1 year
Sealord Uthero Zalyne put an end to that secrecy, sending forth his ships to every corner of the world to proclaim the existence and location of Braavos, and invite men of all nations to celebrate the 111th festival of the city's founding. [...] The anniversary of the Uncloaking is celebrated every year in Braavos with ten days of feasting and masked revelry—a festival like none other in all the known world, culminating at midnight on the tenth day, when the Titan roars and tens of thousands of revelers and celebrants remove their masks as one. (TWOIAF) 
honestly, i always kinda figured arya reclaiming her identity in braavos would be a fairly internal thing because arya tends to keep a really low profile esp where her name is concerned, but maybe arya, like braavos, proclaims herself for all to hear. a key part of the this celebration - that was clearly created to reflect this aspect of arya’s identity arc and will happen in twow - is revealing a secret existence to the entire world after hiding for over a century out of fear. thats how arya’s been living since she escaped the red keep and went on the run. her name has been her “secret” that she had to keep or be killed. if she’s truly going to reclaim her identity in the spirit of the unmasking of uthero she’s going to have to let it be known
also i think it makes sense within the context of arya’s storyline in braavos as “a coming of age” (grrm’s words) that she finally feels strong enough to reveal herself before leaving
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joskippy · 11 months
They don't tell you the hardest part about making ocs is trying to pin down what their gender identities are
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
I'm so burnt out my dudes
#explains why the past two weeks ive been at my limit/only have like 2 spoons to deal with after work and by god do they go fast#like the tolerance i have for anything is so low lately and im sure it's autism burnout :/#and idk what to do ab it bc i can't bring up the tism to my therapist bc oh youre not autistic. bitch i mask well ive had to for 20 years#straight! and i only talk to you for an hour once a month so like... how would you know#anyway i have 0 tolerance for like anything anymore and it's so frustrating#and sometimes i give into that and will seek out shit that will make me mad so i have SOMEBODY to blame my anger on#i dont interact other than reading/lurking but i sit here irl bitching to myself like 'yeah that happens bc youre a little fucking brat'#and most of the shit is stuff id roll my eyes at and scroll past in a good/neutral mood! but the burnout brain is like no theyre doing this#on PURPOSE they're like this to piss me off specifically. and it's like... how do i channel this energy into a non harmful way when#im so fucking burnt out? aside from stepping away from social media bc id seek it out elsewhere lmao trust me id pry ab my#cousins bc they are so fucking stupid and rude and the 'perfect' ones to latch onto and bitch ab bc my brain needs something to#justify this rage and anger and it's so stupid but sometimes that anger feels good? idk it's stupid but like i said i never interact#directly bc im not an asshole lmao im not gonna like call my cousins and be like lol yeah thats all your fault xoxo hope that helps bitch!#marquilla#idk where i was going with this lmao#this barbie has autistic burnout!
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onepiexe · 8 months
ew. wakin up early again is awful.
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isa-ah · 1 year
been having some creepy stuff happen lately and who knows if it's paranormal or PTSD related ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
#while i was showering a few weeks back i glanced up and saw someones head peeking over the curtain like 7ft up#no face just hair. long and tawny#that night when we laid down to sleep we said our goodnights and a moment later i heard from the head of the bed#'i love you.'#but it sounded way yoo feminine and young yo be my husband so i asked what he just said and he was like ??? literally nothing#he didnt hear it at all even though it was perfectly audible to me#a few nights ago i woke up paralyzed by the absolute self assured KNOWLEDGE that a girl was standing in our bathroom doorway#except her feet were on the ceiling instead of the floor#i was 100% too scared to look bc out of a dead sleep i was so so so sure#i pushed my face into my husbands back and staid there bc i was ckncinced if i rolled back her hair would tickle my face#which yeah ok ive gotten paranoid delusions and hallucinations before bc my ptsd is. severe lol#but not like this really#this morning my dream was interrupted much how it is when an alarm starts going off and you hear it in your dream#its dismebodied and you can consciously recognize it was real life without necessarily realizing youre dreaming#i had that except whispering? moving around our bedroom coming towards me#and the more i focused on it the more i could hear the cricket ambience i was playing irl while we slept#and i had the thought thats weird. whos walking around my room whispering?#til it happened pressed right up against my ear and i JUMPED out of my skin instantly wide awake in bed#i have no clue if its real!!!! but man. what the fuck lol
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years
explain to me why my parents are trying to argue w me about how i should go travel despite having covid
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29121996 · 18 days
#im gonna sat smth and its more . idk#anyway . i adore my coworker. shes so fucking lovely oml#like . shes such a sweeyheart.#HOWDVER. she gets so stressed out and just . idk i dont like how she talks to me sometimes#and how i feel :(#its not cool andjfj and its not even smth rlly worth mentioning#but i do dread working w her sometimes :( shes out this week#n its made me realise how . much at ease i am when shes not there#ibalso . i feel safe around these two guys Seperstsly#but when theyre borh around . simulataniously#rhats not spelt right idc sorry#i am a Bunfle of Nerves n i fear i may be yelled at dor Somerging ir wtv#it was a weirs realisation.#i also dis in fact take up thw sunday shift im abt to b rolling in it oops x#5 shifts thiz week .#hold up lemme calculate what my gours are#uts not a lot of hours . but the pay rate is where im looking#base rate is 30/ht#sunday is like $42. saturday is $35.#theres this weird extra section i do not understand and thats like . $30 as well 😭#n idk how tgey calculate the hours . im 99% sure i was overpaid last week bc i did Not do 6hrs on sunday.#or maybe i did . idk honestly . i probably did 😭#i didnt work sunday night tho . n 12am - 4am is . 4hrs so where is the extra 2 from . hello?#actually it was 7jrs. srill POINT REMAINS ?#look i have never been one to rlly Check and Understand a paycheck#my ver of making sure everything lines up is . calculatinf all my hours n then x it by my Base Rate.#n then likw . deduct $50 bc tax.#n as long as my paychexk is Higher or Matxhing that numver im good idc lol#but i do however usually gst my dad to run ms througg what some of it means so i can . check it Properly every once in a qgilw#u gwt underpaid Once n it twrrifies u for the next 2yrs.
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toastsnaffler · 20 days
I still can't believe they're charging THAT much for the shadow of the erdtree dlc... for like 2/3 of the base game price there fucking better be 100+ hours of content in there 🤨
#the dlc actually costs more than i paid for elden ring itself bc i originally got it for 40% off lol.....#just looking at it again bc every few days im like maybe i should preorder it... and then i see the price tag and 😐#to be fair i wouldnt put it past them to have 100 extra hours of gameplay bc elden ring is a fucking insane length already#but i dont know if i would even want to play 100 extra hours thats so much girl i work full time u cant do this to me 😭#ok im sure it wont be that long. but probably a good 30 hours i imagine based on how theyve priced dlc for other games#maybe 40 for me bc i like to explore things thoroughly....#i dont think their pricing is usually that unfair tbh. like yeah 50 quid is wayy more than i would pay for most games but im prolly gonna-#end up with a solid 200 hours by the time ive done absolutely everything so it is worth all that. and its so incredibly gorgeous#ive had days playing it where ive almost felt like its real like the sheer level of detail.... damn!!#i like the sound of the sote levelling system tho + some of the bosses look cool..... but im NOT playing it for a few months at least#im gonna need a longass tolerance break once ive 100%ed the base game. gives them time to roll out bugfixes for sote anyway#and idc abt seeing spoilers n stuff bc i waited 2 years to play elden ring + completed it + now have 140 hours and frankly-#i still dont know shit about the plot. sorry thal wasnt paying attention she got too carried away by her bloodlust#god forbid women do anything......#anyyywayyyy. im gonna play a little and then head off to bed. hope i can sleep better tn but we'll see w these meds innit#.diaries
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polaraffect · 2 months
venting in the tags yippeee
#damien.txt#gender talk time 🤪✌️#....................................................................................#screaming crying throwing up rolling around on the ground <- said completely deadpan#uhm. as always. thinking abt gender. and questioning. my whole life. bc. i cant stop doing that#soooooo like. my big thing. abt gender. is as much as im like. he/they-ing it here and irl. its kind of... complicated?#as ive gone on ive realized more and more that i dont. really. feeling Anything towards those pronouns#neither do i she/her. or they/them.#and just generally the whole Concepts of male/female? so like. im always like hmm. whats happening here#and other completely incoherent statements djbdhdbf sorrry anyways#i keep having these moments where im like. hmm. maybe. im leaning too hard into the masc. maybe i am not. he at all.#but ive like. really full committed to the bit yknow? like esp irl. all the ppl ive introduced myself to in the last 2 years have known me#as 'he'. and as someone who wears mostly masc clothing and generally attempts to present masc#and like. i bought a skirt a while ago and i was trying it on today and i was like oh. wait.#and before u @ me i KNOW!! clothing does not equal gender!! but there was just something abt it#and recently (the past like. year lmao) ive really been contemplating like. what i actually want out of transitioning or whatever#bc like. increasingly its become more obvious how... fucking difficult that is.#and the more i think abt it the more im like. bro its not even worth it for me? tbh? also like. sometimes i look in the mirror and am like#hmm. this does not feel better than it did when i hadnt transitioned at all. yknow?#like the last 10+ years ive been existing in this state w my body where im basically just. tolerating it. ignoring it. even.#and that hasn't... changed. after t. and ik thats not like the fix-all but its got me wondering if some of it/a lot of it#is just body dysmorphia? rather than dysphoria? bc like. god knows i have that too.#and just. idk. i feel Really Really anti-gender most of the time. would in fact. not like to be conceived of at all.#but on some level im trying to think abt it practically bc if that ^ is my thoughts on gender fr. i have to decide whats worth it#and like. i miss cool clothes. god men's clothing is so fucking boring. holy fuck.#and AGAIN i KNOW gender doesnt equal clothes but also like. i am Aware to the wider world it still works like that#and truly if i rocked up to work/class in a skirt everyone would be like What The Fuck#and i kind of want to!! but im also scared of that reaction lol#AHHHH why must gender be so complicated. i want to lay on the floor#lol there was literally more but i ran out of tags LMAOO sorry everyone. gender complicated. peace ✌️
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tchaikovskym · 9 months
When you make a fun art piece that you liked making and you even liked how it turned out: 😃
When no one likes it: 😃 I guess if I'm having fun, I'm the only one having fun! 😃 (🥲)
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changeishard · 1 year
Title: Love From the Other Side
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Elliott/Penny
Summary: Sam was desperate. He knew his band, Goblin Destroyer, was good, but they haven't been able to get it off the ground yet. They had quit their day jobs to focus on this, and Sam felt like it was his responsibility to make them famous.
So he would make a deal. He could part with his soul. It wasn't a huge price to pay for their success. Sam deserved it. Seb and Abby deserved it, too.
But the devil wasn't interested in his soul.
He wanted Sam's wife.
Or, an AU where Elliott is a God who takes Penny to his realm as part of Sam's bargain.
Read on ao3
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