#we need to help the kidss
holdmytesseract · 3 months
To both loki AU'S how are the kidss
Also if you can a fluff fic with tom (or any of his characters I'll leave it up to you :)) taking care of fem! Reader cuz she has exams and she's stressed out of her mind and isn't really taking care of her self and then he helps he study or smthn maybe cuddles idk
(My exams are starting soo ye-)
Examination Stress
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff! stress?
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Here we are, friend! Your lil' story! 🥰 I really hope you like it and... Good luck with your exams! 🤗
Day 4 of the Campfire Sleepover! 🏕
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"Darling, can you help me for a second?" You heard Tom's voice calling out to you from the living room. "Now?" You called back; sitting criss-crossed on your shared, brand new bed. "What do you need?" "A helping hand!" "Okay, but now?" "Unfortunately, yes!"
You sighed and moved to stand up; quickly making your way down the hall to the living room.
Not even a month ago, you and Tom had decided to move in together and therefore bought your very own little house in London. Something sweet and cosy; just the two of you - and Bobby, of course. And with a new house, new furniture was needed. Therefore, Tom was busy the last weeks with building up some new furniture, while you studied for your final exams at University.
You literally jogged inside the living room; finding your boyfriend laying on the floor underneath the almost built up coffee table. "Okay, baby, what is it?" "Can you, uh, assist me? I kind of underestimated this table..." Another sigh left your lips. "Tommy, can't we do this another day? I really have no time right now. You know that I have to learn for my exams."
Tom didn't have to see your face to tell that you were maximally stressed out. He could hear it in your voice.
"Of course, darling, but don't you think a little break would be good for-" "I can't, Tom," you snapped; feeling the stress and pressure flow through your veins. You didn't have the nerves for this now. "Please make it work alone or wait until another day." Those were your final words as you stomped away; returning to your notes.
Tom sighed as he crawled from beneath the halfway built up coffee table. The handsome Brit got onto his feet; ruffling his short blond hair and adjusting his askew sweatpants. He didn't like this... Your high stress level and panicky demeanour. He didn't like this at all. His next mission now clear... Taking care of you.
Without wasting time, he immediately went to the kitchen to make you and himself a cup of tea. Once that was done, he grabbed your favourites cookies and finally paid the bedroom a visit.
Being the gentleman Tom was, he knocked, even though the door was open. "May I come in?" "Sure," you answered; not even looking up from your notes. Tom walked over and placed the two mugs of piping hot tea and cookies on the nightstand on your bedside. "Can I help you, darling?" "Um, I-I don't know, Tom, I-" Your boyfriend quickly sat down beside you and placed a hand on yours. "Let me help you, please?" His beautiful smile warmed your heart. You couldn't say no, and who knew, perhaps it was a good learning strategy. "Okay."
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Tom helped you for over two hours; asking you questions and testing your knowledge. And once both your mugs and the cookies were empty, Tom stood up and stretched his long limbs. "Time for a break, darling. What do you say? Shall we go on a little walk with Bobby?"
You bit your lip; weighing your options. Your conscience screamed at you to keep on learning, but your brain was tired. Worn out.
"I don't know, baby... I should keep on learning..." Tom immediately shook his head. "No, my love. What you need is a break. You've learned for hours today and already the whole past weeks. I know this is a stressful time for you, but please... Don't overdue it. Allow your brain a break. You got this, believe me. You're the smartest woman I know. Trust your abilities."
Tom's words caused the gears to turn in your head. Perhaps he was right... Perhaps you truly needed a break.
Once more you sighed, but finally gave in. "Alright," you said and stood up. "Let's go for a walk." Tom smiled and took your hand.
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After a relaxing walk; hand in hand through the Primrose park with your boyfriends sweet Cocker Spaniel, you felt so much better. The fresh air did you good. Tom could feel it as well. Therefore, he didn't let you go straight back to work, oh no... He snuggled up with you on the sofa; just cuddling and kissing.
"Thank you for helping me, baby. And for taking care of me. I needed this." Tom smiled; kissing the tip of your nose. "I know, love - and you are very welcome. I'll always take care of you and make sure you're alright."
You nodded; cuddling closer against his chest. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't mean that. I am just... so stressed." Tom wrapped both his arms tightly around you. "Don't worry about it, darling. It's already forgiven and forgotten." You smiled; feeling better than ever. Warmth spread throughout your whole body.
"I love you, Tommy." You could feel Tom's lips pressing a kiss against your forehead. "I love you, too, darling."
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @multifandom-worlds @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @huntedmusicgardenn @stupidthoughtsinwriting @hisredheadedgoddess28 @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @javagirl328 @icytrickster17 @jaidenhawke @eleniblue @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @km-ffluv @herdetectivetheorist @lokiforever @crimson25 @simping-for-marvel @cakesandtom @vanilla-daydreaming @kimanne723 @lulubelle814 @glitchquake @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @mandywholock1980 @lokidbadguy @smolvenger
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bittersweet--chaos · 2 years
we do need a Vincent's Father Day
Lovely and Dear go out to buy some high quality blood for the family to enjoy. They also go out to buy car accessories for Vincent (which is a lot because holy shit the man has too many cars) and they buy him like 10 new cameras because he keeps maxing out the storage on all of them. They also make a family portrait with some help from the kidss
speaking of the children, they're job was to clean the house and keep vincent distracted while lovely and dear go out and buy stuff. Vincent gets suspicious as to why Soleil and Lune arent telling him where his partners are, but they keep giving puppy dog eyes and he cant help but let them take him out of the house for some ice cream
lovely and dear make it back to the house and set up the fancy wine glasses to hold the blood in and set up some of the gifts for vincent
the first thing vincent notices is the family portrait that's hanging in the living room and that's when everyone surprises him. vincent is really happy cuz he never thought that he, a playboy going around breaking people's hearts, could end up having such a wonderful family that loves him soo fucking much
- :)
I saw high quality blood and thought of Lune, Soleil, and Batty drinking blood out of sippy cups
Dear and Lovely want to make this the best Father’s Day for their husband ever, and that means spending a shit ton of money. They buy the best high quality empowered bloody, buy so many car accessories that Vincent has been eyeing for months now, some nice outfits for Dear and Lovely that Vincent will definitely love later on
The twins are smart enough to know how to distract their father, even if he does get suspicious, which he will bc Vincent is Vincent, but he can’t do no to his kids so no matter how suspicious he is of them it’s quickly swept away by them giving him puppy dog eyes and wanting to go get ice cream
While at home, Dear and Lovely are with Batty, Lunar, Angel, Sam, David, and Darlin’ are setting up everything. David and Sam are cooking, Darlin’ is helping the kids clean up, and Lovely and Dear are are painting the family portrait in their room. Once everyone is ready and everything is in place Dear calls the twin to let them know they can bring Vincent home. And once they do he legitimately cried once he entered his house
The first thing he noticed was the giant portrait with Everyone on it. He tears d up, when he saw his spouses in the living room with everyone else, he cried so hard. The twins didn’t know what to do! He definitely make sure to say his thanks you to everyone
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godslush · 6 years
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A quiet inkling in the back of my mind today before work told me that maybe I should post my “playable Nerubian” sketches from 2010-2011. They’re not particularly great, and I detest the female design now, though I suppose it’s in-line with Blizzard’s usual handling of things like that.
I also had a write-up that I made even earlier, as well, but reading it now just makes me cringe.
...I’m including it anyway.
Faction Title: Azjol-anak? Racial Leader: Kilix the Unraveler? Home City: ??? (Faction-dependent)
This would only be an option after the Lich King is defeated, and seeing how that is imminent, it makes this at least partially possible. Faction siding is up in the air, though. On a personal and selfish note, I would group them with the Horde, probably through Sylvannas and the Forsaken, whom, like the Nerubians, were directly victimized by the Lich King and the Scourge. Additionally, their monstrous nature is likely to be somewhat more accepted by the Horde (arguably, the Alliance welcomes the Worgen in Cataclysm, but Worgen are just humans with an unfortunate shapeshifting condition, as opposed to the straight-up beastly nature of Nerubians). However, Brann Bronzebeard appears to have a decent amount of diplomacy with the Nerubians of the Sundered Monolith, leaning towards them joining the Alliance (though Brann himself seems to be slightly more neutral than straight-up Alliance, especially in Wrath of the Lich King, where knowledge is more important than who helps him obtain it, as implied by instances such as Halls of Stone). It could go either way, and would probably depend on what race is introduced opposite of them.
What exactly these 'playable' Nerubians -are- is also questionable. Either they are a secretive caste that had remained hidden for all these years, or the few remaining living Nerubians used magic and science to combine their blood into that of more humanoid races in an effort to bring forth a new, stronger caste with the hope of using such a caste to regain the race's foothold in the war-torn world.
In my head, I see them as quite different. Unlike the typical six-legged-two-armed nerubians, four-legged-four-armed 'priest' nerubians, or four-legged-two-armed winged Crypt Lords, these 'playable' Nerubians are humanoid in build, with two legs and two arms, as well as a pair of seemingly useless 'vestigal' arms with two claws sticking out from the sides of their torsos just under their ribcages. They also have a pair of longer 'arms' sticking out of their backs like wings, armed with a single large claw. Most clothing or armor does not accomodate the extra limbs, and holes need to be cut into them. Both pairs of arms are usually tucked close to the body, because they're usually left unarmored, and therefore vulnerable (despite carapace).
In general, males are more beetle-like and heavyset, while the females are much more slender and spiderlike. The most defining male facial feature is their single facial horn, while the defining facial feature of females are mandibles.
Modifiable features are probably: Carapace color (essentially skincolor, though may only extend to their armored portions: anything unarmored would probably be black or dark gray) Hair style (A mainly variations and stylings of "unruly mess of quills", but also makes egyptian-style headdresses available as 'hair' with varying stripe patterns) Hair/headdress color (Hair tends to be subdued, darker colors, headdresses are bright) Face Type (Generally denotes layout of eyes, but also the presence or lack of mandibles or horns) Spikes (Chooses the style of their claws, as well as mandibles or horns (if present).
Without class bonuses, Nerubian base stats could be: Higher than average Spirit (22?) Higher than average Agility (22?) Average Intelligence (20?) Lower than average Strength (18?) Lower than average Stamina (18?)
Racial abilities that come to mind include (not ALL, obviously, just brainstorming):
Enhanced Unarmed - Moderate additional damage (scaled with level) when attacking unarmed, as they additionally strike with the limbs on their backs as well as their hands. (Passive)
(PERHAPS) Natural Armor - The natural carapace of a Nerubian gives them an additional 1% (2%?) armor contribution from items. (Passive)
Silk Weaving - Being mostly arachnoid in nature, leaning towards spiderlike, nerubians have an innate skill with silk and webbing. Therefore, they have a +5 tailoring bonus. (Passive)
Shadow Proficiency - Long-time practitioners of dark magic, Nerubian's chance to hit with Shadow spells is increased. (Passive)
Sticky Web - A racial rooting ability that can trap fleeing opponents. (2 min cooldown)
Filament Floatation - Constructs a 'parachute' of silk webbing to slow falling speed for 20 seconds. (1 (2?) minute cooldown)
Available classes: Hunter? Rogue Warrior Mage Priest Warlock Death Knight
Racial Mount: Anaki Tank - A large beetle, modified over years to be more streamlined and to run on only four legs (it carries its extra two vestigal limbs close to its body between its front and hind legs). Its head is similar to that of crypt-lords (or male playable Nerubians), with a large, single horn that helps their riders charge down foes. Their hunched, molded pronotum supports a decorative yet comfortable saddle with a horn. The pronotum on the Battletanks also has large spines raking forward from the front, reminiscent of tough slightly less pronounced than on an Atlas Beetle. At the apprentice level, the tanks' natural armor is left plain and unadorned. Battletanks are embellished with colored, jeweled trim. -Colors- *Apprentice: Brown Anaki Tank, Gray Anaki Tank, Beige Anaki Tank *Journeyman: Blue Anaki Battletank (silver trim), Green Anaki Battletank (gold trim), Yellow Anaki Battletank (black trim) *PvP: Black Anaki Battletank (gold trim) *Argent Tournament 5-mark: Royal Anaki Battletank (purple, gold trim) *Argent Tournament 100-mark: Azjol-anak Battletank (red, gold trim)
-==Gender Specifics==- Both have normal laughs, as well as a "Kekeke" laugh. Because the Nerubian language seems to accommodate it so well.
Knowing little to nothing about Nerubian aside sounds, I won't bother to make things up. Anything in Nerubian will be notated with an [N] and left to later interpretation, with [C] being relapses back into Common. Some vocals not covered because I can't think of anything 'original.'
FEMALE: Dance - Walk Like an Egyptian ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv6tuzHUuuk )
/attack - "Attack-k!" "Sstrike them noww!" /goodbye - "We bid you farewell." "'Till nex-xst we meet." /charge - "For Azjol-Nerub!" "There isss no escape for you!" /cheer - "[N]Fortune smiles on us!" "Yessss!" /congratulate - "[N] Good work." "That wass a fine job." /flee - "SSscatter!" "We fight again another day!" /flirt - "I'd love to have you in my web." "I'm no widow... Not by choicce, at least." "I give an -ex-xc-cellent- massage." "I can take care of the k-kidss. All sseventy-eight million of them." /followme - "Follow. Follow the ssilver thread." /healme - "Woundss... need healing." /helpme - "I req-quire assistanccce!" /hello - "Greetingsss." /incoming - "Danger coming our whey!" (8D) /oom - "Running-g out of mana!" /openfire - "Shhhoot!" /rude - Leans forward, thumb on 'nose', waggling fingers upward. /silly - "I sew my own clothes. With my own silk." "I would like a maggot burger with everything on it, and fliess on the sside." "I know nothing of thiss... tuffet of which you speak-k." /thanks - "Thhanksss." "Many thankss." /wait - "Hold up." "Wait here." /welcome - "We bid you welcome." " /yw - "It wass my pleasure." "It wass not a problem."
MALE: Dance -
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/attack - "Get them!" "Desstroy them!" /goodbye - "We anticcipate your return." "Ssso long-g." "Your company wass... appreciated." /charge - "For Azjol-Nerub!" "Victory shhhall be oursss!" /cheer - "[N] Fortune smiles on us!" "Mossst fortuitouss!" /congratulate - "We c-c-commend you." /flee - "Flee, young oness!" "You haven't sseen the lasst of uss!" /flirt - "Will you let this arachnophilia?" [Arachno feel ya] "Don't mind the cobwebss. They add a touch of gray that sstands for... ex-xperience." "C-come. Let uss kisss with tongues." " /followme - "C-c-come. Thiss way." /healme - "I am in need of mending!" /helpme - "C-come to my aid!" /hello - "Good day, morsel. I mean... friend." /incoming - "Danger approachess quick-kly!" /oom - "Mana hass run dry." /openfire - "[N]They are in sight! [C] Open fire!" "Hhhasssha!" /rude - The 'common' rude gesture, hand in crook of elbow with other fist up, but with both the main arms and the 'vestigal' limbs. /silly - "What'sss sso interessting about a water ssspout, anyway?" "With g-great power, c-comes great ressponsibility." "C-c-common sensssse tingling-g." "You asssssk t-too much of me. I'm not a sssssuper man, you know." /thanks - "You have my eternal g-gratitude." "Thank-k you." /wait - "Sssstay." "Follow not." /welcome - "The Empire welcomess you." /yw - "There iss no need for thankss." "Ssurely you would have done ssimilar."
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Schools comfort parents with parenting tips to deal with children and their anxiety - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/schools-comfort-parents-with-parenting-tips-to-deal-with-children-and-their-anxiety-times-of-india/
Schools comfort parents with parenting tips to deal with children and their anxiety - Times of India
PUNE: Roshni Dua, mother of a 10-year old school-going boy, has been having a tough time dealing with the constant meltdowns, tantrums and oppositional behaviour of her child. She said, “Almost everyday I am observing that my son is in a regressive mood and extremely adamant about some things. He gets work from school everyday, but beyond a point he refuses to write. The atmosphere is tense at home given the situation outside and my husband and I are confide how to deal with his change in behaviour.”
Dealing with anxiety, anger, behavioural changes or just the protest of being trapped inside the house despite a break from schools may take a toll on children at home. Schools are ensuring that parents are able to deal with this situation by sending out e-mails that comfort them and not worry about them being regressive.
A letter written to parents by principal of The Bishop’s Co-Ed School, Kalyaninagar, Shayne McPherson, says that, “What children need right now is to feel comforted and loved. To feel like it’s all going to be alright – and that might mean that you tear up your perfect schedule and shower love on your children a bit more. Bake cookies and paint pictures. Play board games and watch movies. Do a science experiment together, or find virtual field trips to explore. Start a book and read together as a family. Snuggle under warm blankets and do nothing.”
Schools are telling parents that they my observe an increase in the behaviour issues of children in the coming weeks, but parents should not worry about it as every single child is in this boat and they all will be ok.
President of Victorious Kidss Educates, Robbin Ghosh, said, “In this pandemic, in our urge to live, to protect ourselves, our children and the family, buy, get the right healing protection, as parents, educators and adults, we have lost our attention to keep ourselves and our children busy, keep their mind occupied with education and related activities. Keeping ourselves busy with the latest Facebook or Instagram messages with this COVID 19, seems to take all our time and in the bargain children, adults, elderly elders, are all occupied with the screen time, be it the TV, mobile, iPad or what could we get to eat?”
In order to help parents deal with this situation, the school has considered the holistic development of the learners, besides academic tasks. Sessions such as music, physical training, yogic meditation, behavioral counseling, as well as career counseling have been implemented and effectively utilized by trained teachers.EndFragment
Principal of Mansukhbai Kothari School, Varsha Kokil said, “We have started reaching out to parents online and at first, we started with information about corona, prevention strategies to be followed. As schools are closed, it is our moral responsibility to take care of their 5 to 6 hours which they normally spend in school. We are and helping parents by keeping children busy constructively in learning languages, doing interesting activities in art as it has an important role to play in our emotional wellbeing in troubled times. We have come with variety of art activities not only for the students but also for the parents.”
Source link
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cynthiabryanuk · 6 years
Project released to conserve Leicestershire kidss centres from closure
Advocates are fighting to try to fend off the cost-cutting closure of more than half of Leicestershire’s kids’s centres.Parents, volunteers and health professionals want< a href =https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/all-about/leicestershire-county-council > Leicestershire County Council to reconsider propositions that would see 24 children’s centres and one household centre close as part of a wider merger of youths’s services.The Conservative-run council says it needs to conserve ₤ 3.8 million from its ₤ 12.4 million Early Assistance Providers budget, which goes towards supporting children from the day they are born to when they are 19 years old.It currently has 36 kids’s centres and 4 family centres around the county which offer help to families with children, from supplying breast-feeding assistance to singing and music groups.The council is consulting on the proposed closure of 25 of the 40 buildings.Now the Save Our Children’s Centres(SOCC )Leicestershire has actually been started on Facebook to oppose the
closures.Liz Yeates, one of the group’s creator members, who utilized the centres with her young daughter, stated:”We can not permit these services to be cut from the lives of the most vulnerable, and we have actually got to defend the jobs of individuals who have actually dedicated their careers to helping our most susceptible young kids. “Liz Blackshaw, a volunteer who has actually operated at a number of the kids’s centres and is another founder member of the action group, said:”The centres have actually transformed the lives of young children and their moms and dads up throughout Leicestershire. The important function that children’s centres play in supplying effective multi-agency working is extensively recognised both in your area and nationally.”In all likelihood it is the parents of the most susceptible kids who will be the ones least most likely to participate in the new centres.” Centres under hazard of closure The children’s centres and other buildings under danger of closure are: Cobden, Loughborough, Shelthorpe, Loughborough Warren Hills in Coalville, Mountsorrel Barwell Desford Hinckley Westfield Hinckley West The Cove, Melton The Edge, Melton Ashby Ibstock Moira Thringstone Braunstone Town Countesthorpe South Wigston Anstey
Broughton Astley Fleckney Bushby Bagworth Vale of Belvoir Fairmead Market Harborough Young People’s Centre The 5 household hubs that would remain at facilities across the county
would be in … Loughborough
Hinckley Wigston Melton Coalville
, There would
likewise be 10 smaller sized assistance
buildings in … Earl
Shilton Shepshed Thurmaston Lutterworth Market
Harborough Huncote Castle Donington Measham Loughborough
Coalville Michelle Robson, mother-of-four and volunteer for Home Start, a charity
running out of the centres, stated:”I’m particularly fretted about the impact the closures would have on
a mom
‘s psychological health.
“Early parenthood can be extremely isolating, and the support and contact mums get at the centre is critically important.”Kid’s centres deserve their weight in gold, and without them my own story might have been really various.”Former Lib Dem councillor Mathew Hulbert is opposing strategies to close Barwell’s children’s centre.He said:”It’s disgraceful that the Tory-run county council want to close this
needed and much-used center.”The
Tories typically claim to be the celebration of
the family. However, here, they are wanting to kick-away the help and assistance which this centre provides to a lot of families. Pity on them.”The Conservatives running County Hall state they do not want to proceed with the closures however are battling with lowering grants from Federal government. Councillor Ivan Ould-Leicestershire County Council cabinet member for children and young individuals
and f40 chairman Cabinet menber for kids and youths Councillor Ivan Ould said:”Children’s services throughout the country are
under big strain, with the City government Association estimating a ₤ 2bn national funding space by 2020.” The growing pressure on our budget plan means we require to decrease early assistance expenses and provide services in a different way.”We have actually spent a long period of time analysing services and evaluating choices.”The assessment closes on Monday April 22. Details can be found here.
from http://taxi.nearme.host/project-released-to-conserve-leicestershire-kidss-centres-from-closure/
from NOVACAB - Blog http://novacabtaxi.weebly.com/blog/project-released-to-conserve-leicestershire-kidss-centres-from-closure
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melissagarcia8 · 6 years
Project released to conserve Leicestershire kids’s centres from closure
Advocates are fighting to try to fend off the cost-cutting closure of more than half of Leicestershire’s kids’s centres.Parents, volunteers and health professionals want< a href =https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/all-about/leicestershire-county-council > Leicestershire County Council to reconsider propositions that would see 24 children’s centres and one household centre close as part of a wider merger of youths’s services.The Conservative-run council says it needs to conserve ₤ 3.8 million from its ₤ 12.4 million Early Assistance Providers budget, which goes towards supporting children from the day they are born to when they are 19 years old.It currently has 36 kids’s centres and 4 family centres around the county which offer help to families with children, from supplying breast-feeding assistance to singing and music groups.The council is consulting on the proposed closure of 25 of the 40 buildings.Now the Save Our Children’s Centres(SOCC )Leicestershire has actually been started on Facebook to oppose the
closures.Liz Yeates, one of the group’s creator members, who utilized the centres with her young daughter, stated:”We can not permit these services to be cut from the lives of the most vulnerable, and we have actually got to defend the jobs of individuals who have actually dedicated their careers to helping our most susceptible young kids. “Liz Blackshaw, a volunteer who has actually operated at a number of the kids’s centres and is another founder member of the action group, said:”The centres have actually transformed the lives of young children and their moms and dads up throughout Leicestershire. The important function that children’s centres play in supplying effective multi-agency working is extensively recognised both in your area and nationally.”In all likelihood it is the parents of the most susceptible kids who will be the ones least most likely to participate in the new centres.” Centres under hazard of closure The children’s centres and other buildings under danger of closure are: Cobden, Loughborough, Shelthorpe, Loughborough Warren Hills in Coalville, Mountsorrel Barwell Desford Hinckley Westfield Hinckley West The Cove, Melton The Edge, Melton Ashby Ibstock Moira Thringstone Braunstone Town Countesthorpe South Wigston Anstey
Broughton Astley Fleckney Bushby Bagworth Vale of Belvoir Fairmead Market Harborough Young People’s Centre The 5 household hubs that would remain at facilities across the county
would be in … Loughborough
Hinckley Wigston Melton Coalville
, There would
likewise be 10 smaller sized assistance
buildings in … Earl
Shilton Shepshed Thurmaston Lutterworth Market
Harborough Huncote Castle Donington Measham Loughborough
Coalville Michelle Robson, mother-of-four and volunteer for Home Start, a charity
running out of the centres, stated:”I’m particularly fretted about the impact the closures would have on
a mom
‘s psychological health.
“Early parenthood can be extremely isolating, and the support and contact mums get at the centre is critically important.”Kid’s centres deserve their weight in gold, and without them my own story might have been really various.”Former Lib Dem councillor Mathew Hulbert is opposing strategies to close Barwell’s children’s centre.He said:”It’s disgraceful that the Tory-run county council want to close this
needed and much-used center.”The
Tories typically claim to be the celebration of
the family. However, here, they are wanting to kick-away the help and assistance which this centre provides to a lot of families. Pity on them.”The Conservatives running County Hall state they do not want to proceed with the closures however are battling with lowering grants from Federal government. Councillor Ivan Ould-Leicestershire County Council cabinet member for children and young individuals
and f40 chairman Cabinet menber for kids and youths Councillor Ivan Ould said:”Children’s services throughout the country are
under big strain, with the City government Association estimating a ₤ 2bn national funding space by 2020.” The growing pressure on our budget plan means we require to decrease early assistance expenses and provide services in a different way.”We have actually spent a long period of time analysing services and evaluating choices.”The assessment closes on Monday April 22. Details can be found here.
source http://taxi.nearme.host/project-released-to-conserve-leicestershire-kidss-centres-from-closure/ from NOVACAB http://novacabtaxi.blogspot.com/2018/11/project-released-to-conserve.html
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novacabtaxi · 6 years
Project released to conserve Leicestershire kids’s centres from closure
Advocates are fighting to try to fend off the cost-cutting closure of more than half of Leicestershire’s kids’s centres.Parents, volunteers and health professionals want Leicestershire County Council to reconsider propositions that would see 24 children’s centres and one household centre close as part of a wider merger of youths’s services.The Conservative-run council says it needs to conserve ₤ 3.8 million from its ₤ 12.4 million Early Assistance Providers budget, which goes towards supporting children from the day they are born to when they are 19 years old.It currently has 36 kids’s centres and 4 family centres around the county which offer help to families with children, from supplying breast-feeding assistance to singing and music groups.The council is consulting on the proposed closure of 25 of the 40 buildings.Now the Save Our Children’s Centres(SOCC )Leicestershire has actually been started on Facebook to oppose the
closures.Liz Yeates, one of the group’s creator members, who utilized the centres with her young daughter, stated:”We can not permit these services to be cut from the lives of the most vulnerable, and we have actually got to defend the jobs of individuals who have actually dedicated their careers to helping our most susceptible young kids. “Liz Blackshaw, a volunteer who has actually operated at a number of the kids’s centres and is another founder member of the action group, said:”The centres have actually transformed the lives of young children and their moms and dads up throughout Leicestershire. The important function that children’s centres play in supplying effective multi-agency working is extensively recognised both in your area and nationally.”In all likelihood it is the parents of the most susceptible kids who will be the ones least most likely to participate in the new centres.” Centres under hazard of closure The children’s centres and other buildings under danger of closure are: Cobden, Loughborough, Shelthorpe, Loughborough Warren Hills in Coalville, Mountsorrel Barwell Desford Hinckley Westfield Hinckley West The Cove, Melton The Edge, Melton Ashby Ibstock Moira Thringstone Braunstone Town Countesthorpe South Wigston Anstey
Broughton Astley Fleckney Bushby Bagworth Vale of Belvoir Fairmead Market Harborough Young People’s Centre The 5 household hubs that would remain at facilities across the county
would be in … Loughborough
Hinckley Wigston Melton Coalville
, There would
likewise be 10 smaller sized assistance
buildings in … Earl
Shilton Shepshed Thurmaston Lutterworth Market
Harborough Huncote Castle Donington Measham Loughborough
Coalville Michelle Robson, mother-of-four and volunteer for Home Start, a charity
running out of the centres, stated:”I’m particularly fretted about the impact the closures would have on
a mom
‘s psychological health.
“Early parenthood can be extremely isolating, and the support and contact mums get at the centre is critically important.”Kid’s centres deserve their weight in gold, and without them my own story might have been really various.”Former Lib Dem councillor Mathew Hulbert is opposing strategies to close Barwell’s children’s centre.He said:”It’s disgraceful that the Tory-run county council want to close this
needed and much-used center.”The
Tories typically claim to be the celebration of
the family. However, here, they are wanting to kick-away the help and assistance which this centre provides to a lot of families. Pity on them.”The Conservatives running County Hall state they do not want to proceed with the closures however are battling with lowering grants from Federal government. Councillor Ivan Ould-Leicestershire County Council cabinet member for children and young individuals
and f40 chairman Cabinet menber for kids and youths Councillor Ivan Ould said:”Children’s services throughout the country are
under big strain, with the City government Association estimating a ₤ 2bn national funding space by 2020.” The growing pressure on our budget plan means we require to decrease early assistance expenses and provide services in a different way.”We have actually spent a long period of time analysing services and evaluating choices.”The assessment closes on Monday April 22. Details can be found here.
from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/project-released-to-conserve-leicestershire-kidss-centres-from-closure/
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lotus-yg-blog · 7 years
How Platform Tree Swings Benefit Kids Physically
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According to recent figures, most American kids under the age of 11 dont exercise as often as they need to. Even less do outdoors. Outside exercise has been demonstrated to improve kidss physical and mental well being. It also helps them acquire cognitive, creative, and emotional abilities. Participating in healthy outdoor exercise customs, for example unstructured playtime using a stage tree swing, helps kids develop healthful lifestyle habits as adults. What Are Platform Tree Swings? Before we discuss tree swings deliver essential physical and mental health benefits and actively participate kids, lets make sure everyone knows just what platform tree swings are. A stage tree swing gets its name from two things: the sort of swing seat it uses, and from the truth that the swing is tethered to some sturdy tree limb for support. Strap style seats normally found on playground swings, unlike the rubber, platform swings have a level, broad seat thats usually large enough for more or two preadolescent children to sit on simultaneously. The seat could be a square or a rectangle, or it can be ring-shaped such as the one you discover on the Super Spinner swing. The seat could be made from durable mesh, high grade canvas, or thick, all weather plastic, among other stuff. No matter their particular layout elements, platform tree swings are like conventional swings in a single regard: They require kids to apply physical energy to generate the swinging actions. All these would be the mental and physical benefits of outdoor exercise for youngsters. 1. Physical Advantages Unlike a lot of adults, most children children dont exercise in a fitness center that is public or a personal health club. Instead, they get much of their physical activity from playing outside on playgrounds and in yards, which will be a good thing as it pertains to their physical health. Studies have shown that there are of getting routine, outside exercise at least five critical advantages. Strengthens the Immune System Outside exercise boosts immune system cell creation and replacing. According to a recent post from FITDAY, Lungs get equipped at handling oxygen and dishing it out to the remainder of your body [when you exercise outdoors]. Furthermore, Doctors have discovered that exercise can raise your immune system by supplying a boost to the [creation of] cells within you that are assigned to attack bacteria. Using platform tree swings to help strengthen your childs immune system benefits both you along with your little one. It will help your child avoid missing school and playdates with friends, and it enables you to avoid paying for clinical treatment that is costly to get your childs health back on course. For less than the expense of just one trip to some doctors office, you can get a wonderful platform tree swing. Helps Increase Lung Capacity Vigorous exercise from swinging helps increase lung capacity by causing your child to take frequent, heavy breaths to supply a high degree of oxygen to the body when it needs it most. Its the same kind of benefit when they take regular jogs that adults receive. The more exercise children participate in, the greater their lung capacity. Fortifying your small ones lungs can do more than improve her or his swinging experience. It can also help the child succeed in phys-ed activities at school and perform well in school sports and independant sports leagues. In case your youngster is involved in a different common sports action for children, baseball, or football, swinging can function as his or her workout that helps improve performance in the tasks, which, in turn, will help support self-confidence. Fine-Tunes Crucial Motor Skills Outdoor dangling fine tunes motor skills as well as physical dexterity by helping youngsters accentuate the their grip strength, depth perception, and hand / eye coordinationthree things that are essential to get a childs security in tasks for example using playground equipment (grip strength), crossing the road (depth perception), and using devices that require a child to look away from them while theyre used (hand / eye coordination). Developing fine motor skills is among the very most vital yet commonly overlooked facets of a childs physical growth. Treating your child to hours of swinging pleasure on stage tree swing straps helps ensure that even she or he develops as they transition into maturity vital motor skills that are needed as time goes by and now. Creates Sensory Stimulus Swinging advantages two primary sensory systems: the vestibular system and also the proprioception system. The vestibular system has a significant effect on physical coordination and controls eye movement and balance. The proprioception system is an automatic sensitivity mechanism within the body that communicates on the way in which the body should respond to particular stimuli, with the central nervous system. When these systems dont receive stimulus that is enough, it could possibly make a child seem physically awkward and delay his / her response time to physical stimuli that must be processed instantaneously. While she or he participates in day-to-day tasks, like motor skill development, sensory stimulation development may also play an integral part in your childs safety. Leads to Long-Term Health Consistently using a swing can help produce a healthful, long-term exercise habit. Studies show that children who begin play or exercise habits early are more unlikely to develop health issues later in life. This consists of heart disease a reduced risk for obesity, and diabetesthree health problems which are often found in individuals who dont get enough regular exercise. The issue of obesity can lead to other health complications, such as diabetes and heart disease, although most parents have discovered about the obesity epidemic among todays youth. Getting your kid get regular outdoor exercise with stage tree swings can do more than help him or her avoid becoming a walking childhood obesity statistic. Additionally it may assist in preventing obesity related illnesses could compromise long-term health and potentially shorten ones lifespan.
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