#we started off making sure calibre was set up the way i wanted since i'm 100% gonna be an anna's archive bitch now that i've heard about it
paleode-ology · 7 months
spent the last solid couple of hours going through my old tumblr likes in order to have things better archived... unfortunately didn't make a note of how many I started at but it was probably in the mid 2000s and I've only cut it down to 2000 now. this is gonna take so long
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Heart Shot: 2
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In which Jungkook finds a broken and partially dismantled Android, and does what every normal person would do.
Take it home.
Tags/warnings: Inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, Fixer Kim Seokjin, Ex Corpo Jung Hoseok, Android Taehyung, Android Reader, Android Jimin, Mentions of Prostitution, Illegal activity, drugs and drug usage, Discussion of Past Abuse, Night city, min holly, yes that is a warning, Body modifications, graphic description of violence, Blood, Murder, Ripper doc!Yoongi, Ripper Doc!Seokjin, Ex Nomad!Jungkook, Oppression, Minor Character Death, Guns, Graphic Description of Corpses, social anxiety/phobia, panic attacs, ah yes I'm back at it again aren't I, Smut, because of course, protected intercourse you know me, MTBA
When he wakes up, he doesn’t notice anything off at first.
Only when he rubs his eyes, stretching his arms, that he notices his shoulder hitting something that was on the couch behind him. His eyes find a naked thigh, and as they travel upwards, they meet curious eyes. He snaps out of his drowsy state, hitting his knee on the edge of the table before he hisses, addressing your now awake form. “How- how long have you’ve been up?” He stutters, not prepared to interact with you yet.
“I’ve been in a conscious state for 5 hours, 32 minutes, and 51 seconds, Master.” You answer, voice nothing like he’d have imagined. It’s soft, and gentle, almost shy- making him blush involuntarily.
“I uh- you could’ve woken me up..” he mumbles, averting his gaze to instead check some stuff on his laptop, making sure everything runs smoothly. His interface shows some errors here and there- stuff he will need to correct later. He unplugs the cables connecting you to his stuff, before awkwardly removing the other end from you.
“What is my assigned task, Master?” You ask him curiously, as he stands now, scratching the back of his neck.
“Uh yeah, uhm..” he starts, feeling weird talking to you like he will in the next sentence. But you’re at the start of your life basically- the clearer he makes his commands, the better you learn. “First of all, don’t uh.. don’t- ah no, I need to phrase that differently..” he mumbles, as you lean your head to the side a bit in question. “Okay- change admin title from ‘Master’ to Jungkook.” He says, and you look at him for a moment, eyes changing color for a second as your system changes the setting he wants you to. He notices one of your eyes glowing a bit dimmer as the other, something he makes a mental note of.
You nod after a moment. “Change completed, Jungkook. Would you like to assign me a task?” You ask, and he smiles now.
“No. But I’d like to ask you if you’re hungry.” He grins. You seem confused, as he continues to smile. You begin to note note that you like this expression on his face. It shows a positive emotional state. “A friend of mine, Taehyung, prepared some stuff you can eat. Gotta be careful with food first to not upset your stomach.” He says, suddenly growing excited at the fact that you’re awake and alert like this. Only when you get up does he finally realize something, instantly rushing towards you to hold the blanket up to cover you. He had taken off the sweater he'd given you to properly connect the cables, legs bare since he'd had to take off the sweatpants as well as to not have you overheat while uploading everything, now nothing hiding your bare body. “Aish! I uh- oh God uhm..” he mumbles, running towards his bedroom to retrieve a new shirt for you to wear,as well as some shorts. He’d totally forgotten about that.
“Wear this, we uhm.. we can buy you proper clothes later.” He says, and you nod, slipping into the shirt of his before putting on his shorts. They slip down your hips easily, and he can see you struggling for a moment, fingers visibly not moving the way you want them to. It's normal; you still need to calibrate some stuff. “Let.. let me help.” He mumbles, letting go of the blanket to tie the shorts a bit tighter around your hips at the strings.
You’re unfazed, face almost innocently clueless as you watch him. He feels weirdly protective now, helping you into the kitchen for you to sit down so he could prepare some food for you. “Just a small portion, okay?” He says, as you look at the bowl of soup in front of you.
“I could’ve consumed it in a cold state as well, Jungkook. There was no need for this amount of extra effort.” You say after having him heat it up for you. He waves it off, smiling kindly.
“No no, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it okay?” He says, and you nod at that, slowly bringing the first spoonful of your food towards your lips before eating. You don’t even notice you’re beginning to cry.
“Hey hey- did you burn your tongue? You okay?” He worriedly asks, reaching out as you shake your head.
“I don’t know why I’m crying- I’m sorry Jungkook.” You say, as he simply reassures you yet again. Whatever you’re feeling right now must just be overwhelming you, he thinks. You probably can't remember, but your body definitely does.
That’s why his voice is soft with his next words. “Its alright.” He says. “I’ll take care of you from now on.” He promises.
And he really makes sure he keeps his promise.
While you’re filled with technical and theoretical knowledge, able to download data whenever you please, you clearly still lack actual hands on experience, even after a couple of days after having woken up. It really shows to him too after some days of living with you; you’re still a bit clumsy, not quite used to your limbs working so smoothly. You’re also very easily confused, frustration not something you’re used to feeling. Pouting is an involuntary response from you in those moments, and Jungkook has to admit you look absolutely adorable.
However, some genuine problems arise once he notices your lack of energy during the days. A week, and nothing changes- making him run a throughout check of your hardware using his own software tools. You’re sitting next to him on the couch, as he moves a bit of hair to the side to connect a small cord to the port right behind your ear. He’s very gentle, you notice; treating you very kindly, although his social skills clearly aren’t very well developed.
He clicks his tongue as he looks at something on his laptop, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he seems serious. You’ve run a datasearch recently, and have come to the conclusion that by the countries standards, Jungkook lands a bit above the visual norm. To you however, it feels as if he’s on top of it- but then again, you’ve only met him so far.
“Just like I feared..” he mumbles, and you look at him. “Battery’s fried.” He says. You can see on the interface on his laptop that your battery capacity is at a mere 34%. ‘Battery’ just being a simpler term for the energy system your body has- something similar to the human blood pumping through your veins, cells picking up the necessary nutrients and such. It's a complicated body mod that not many people get, but its a standard for androids, who lack a biological heart. “I don’t wanna make it worse, and Yoongi isn’t in during the weekend.. so I guess we’ll go for a small journey?” He says, smiling encouragingly at you. “I uh.. that’s a question.” He mumbles amusedly, but you only seem confused.
“What are you asking me, Jungkook?” You ask, and he smiles, disconnecting the cord.
“I’m asking it you’re okay with it.” He says. “Listen. You’ve got free reign, okay? You can decide whatever, I won’t be mad or punish you or.. whatever, alright?” He says, a hand on your shoulder.
And there it is again; the pout of frustration.
But its alright, he thinks, helping you downstairs and to his car. He helps you buckle your seat belt, driving to Yoongis garage, where he knocks on the metal door close by to alert anyone working. “Yoongs? Tae?” He calls out, and after a moment, an android walks up to the both of you. Your system doesn’t say if he’s scanning you or not- but he must be, with it being almost an instinct to all androids. You do it for sure, main data filling your mind as you nod. A shorter male walks in, smiling a bit as he taps the table close by.
“Got your text, already prepared some stuff. Take a seat, yeah?” Yoongi says, and you look at Jungkook first, before sitting onto the metal examination table. "Its nice to meet you." He mumbles before going to work.
“I’ve made sure Holly stays in your office for now.” The android tells the man named Yoongi, who you assume is his master. It doesn’t make sense however, as his system info shows no master registered- technically, he’s without one.
“Thanks Taehyung.” Yoongi says, working on some spots on your spine where he connects some small tubes. “You may feel a bit uncomfortable now, I’ll try and make it quick. I’ll be changing your main temperature regulation and nerve fluids, that should help your energy system get back on track. They were probably expired anyways- you gotta remind Kook over there to make sure you change them yearly.” The man explains, as You nod, before looking at V. Or Taehyung, as Yoongi calls him.
“You seem confused.” The android asks. “You can ask questions.” He says, and you nod.
“Your registered name states your name is V, but you’re not under any Master or Organization.” You say, as Taehyung sits down next to Jungkook. “How so?” You ask, whining a bit when Yoongi hits a nerve in your back. Jungkook seems to react too, but holds himself back, simply smiling in empathy as Yoongi mumbles an apology.
“I have chosen my name myself. And I am technically a Nomad. Androids don’t all have to be under someone’s command. You could say, I’m under my own.” Taehyung explains.
“You’re free too, by the way.” Jungkook explains. “I’ve only set my name as your uh.. owner, to mare sure you’ve got insurance if something happens.” He says. There’s a dog suddenly running towards you, first greeting Jungkook and the other android, before the small poodle puts his tiny paws against your shins, looking up at you.
In a moment of pure intuition, you place your hand onto the excited animals body, letting your fingers run over the soft coat.
“Its nice, isn’t it?” Taehyung says, and you nod.
“Jungkook.” You say, and he makes a sound to tell you he’s listening. “I like this. Can I continue this task?” You ask, and he chuckles.
“Anything you want.” He chuckles, the puppy happily barking as if to agree.
"Alright, pump is running. Try not to move much yeah?" Yoongi says, and you nod. "Taehyung, come on over here, I can use the spare time to look at how your bug is doing." He says, as Taehyung nods, sitting down next to you on the table where Yoongi connects him to a computer close by.
"A bug?" You ask, and Taehyung nods.
"I've helped identifying an issue with a costumer a few days ago, and accidentally got infected with a virus." Taehyung explains. "Yoongi-hyung has been treating me for it." He says, as the older male types away. Jungkook grows interested at that, walking up to him to look over his shoulder. Taehyung uses the moment of privacy with you. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me for advice. Adapting to this life can be very confusing." He says.
You look at him for a moment, before you nod. "I remember we met. But I can't access the full memory." You say.
Taehyung nods. "A lot of it has probably been corrupted due to the damage you've endured. The me you've met before however is not the me I am today." He explains. "And I'm sure the You I've met back then is not the You I'll be getting to know from now on." He says.
You look at your hands, still a bit scratched up. "I'm confused." You admit. "There's no benefit in rebooting and taking care of me like that. I'm wasting materials and resources." You say.
"In a logical sense, maybe." Yoongi says, walking up to you to check up on things. "But some things don't have to be logical. I've taken Tae in for example when I barely had any money. There was no reason to keep him- but I did it anyways." He says.
"But why?" You ask, and yoongi shrugs.
"Why not?" He explains. "He's a good companion- I've made the right decision, and I'm sure Jungkook made the right one too."
Jungkook nods. "You can take on tasks in the future if you want to." He says, and you sit a bit straighter as you grow excited at the prospect of being useful to him.
"In the future young lady-" yoongi says as Taehyung makes sure you stay seated as to not disconnect the tubes by accident. "-for now, let's make sure you recover first." He says. A ping alerts them, and Jungkook walks over to Taehyungs side to check.
"All checks came back clear." He says, helping Taehyung to disconnect himself from the computer. "Bug free." He says, patting tae on his back. You look at him before you avert your gaze, pouting. "What is it?" Jungkook asks.
"I'm happy." You say. "Why am I happy about i" You ask, and Jungkook just smiles.
"Because you're just sweet like that." He says.
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Dating dark!Bucky and your 'play time'-- if not rough sex-- is 'who gets to stab the other first without getting caught' game. (Dark!Bucky x Dark!reader)
Warning: dark stuff, stab stab, fluff.
Note: I really like this two. They're dark, dangerous, and sickly sweet. This is not edited so expect some errors.
The same universe as >> [Crazy]
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"Honey, I'm bored," you whined, pouting at your metal armed man. Bucky turns his eyes away from the tv and focuses at you. No matter how good a show or a movie is, or if he's talking to someone about an important subject, if you want attention then he'll give it to you without any hesitation whatsoever.
"Wanna fuck?" Was the first thing he asked.
Ever since the two of you became a thing (five months ago), you would fuck like bunnies whenever and wherever. It's making the team sick and really awkward, randomly hearing your moans aand groans when passing by a locked closet, bathroom, bedroom, the kicthen -- everywhere!
Always giving each other little smooches here and there (that would most of the time would turn into a full blown make out session) and the eyes -- fuck.
Both of you would eye fuck each other from across the room, but most of the time it would be really loving and filled with awe and warmth. That man has his eyes on you every freaking seconds of the day, never once leaving unless necessary - a... hobby that sticks with him ever since you first introduced yourselves to each other.
Some would say it's weird and really unnerving but you think otherwise, you love his attention. Preening each time he gives you those cute googly eyes, the same goes to him. Bucky loves that dangerous glint in your eyes, especially when some random woman tries to flirt with him.
It proves that you really do love him, also it's hot.
You shake you head 'no' even though you like the idea very much. "I'm still sore from last night. You kinda gotten a bit rougher than usual."
Bucky felt himself well up in pride at your words before patting you on the head affectionately, kissing you on the forehead.
"You begged for it." A laugh left his lips when you playful slap his chest with the back of your hand, before asking, "Well, what do you wanna do?"
You ponder for a moment before gasping enthusiastically. Bucky raised his eyebrows in amusement. How can a little devil like you be so cute?
"Lets play the game."
Bucky felt his blood pump excitedly at your suggestion, a twitch of his finger before tilting his head to the side, giving you a dark smile that you love so much.
"Sure, sweetie. Anything for you," he purrs, leaning his face towards you. "So, when do we start?"
You giggle, pecking him on the lips before standing up from the couch and started making your way towards the kitchen. "After breakfast. Pancakes?"
Bucky grins, standing up as well to help you make the pancakes. "Sure."
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Steve and Bucky is now talking about the next mission in the kitchen, far too focus on the conversation at hand that neither one of them noticed your figure sneaking in - or so you thought.
You knew Bucky won't make a move until you do; a gentleman he is. Gripping the knife tightly in your hand, you quickly shoot out from your hiding spot (just outside the entrance of the kitchen). You tried to be as silent as possible yet quick, but nothing goes unnoticed by the Captain America.
Steve noticed you coming at them with the knife and raises an eyebrow.
Before you could even lift you knife, Bucky quickly swings his at you which you quickly dodged with ease. He smirked at the shock look on your face before you glare at Steve.
"Steve!" You yelled, crossing both of your arms over your chest in slight annoyance. You were so close to stabbing Bucky in his shoulder!
The blonde's eyes flickered between the two of you before it finally hits him, sighing in disbelief and exasperation. "Really? Again?" The team knew about this dangerous game of yours and it always puts them on edge, afraid that one day they'll be the one who's gonna get stabbed instead.
The two of you just shrugged your shoulders nonchantly, a silent answer for 'yes' before Bucky asks Steve, "is that all?" Referring to the mission for next week.
Steve nodded his head. "Yes - don't play too harsh alright?"
You playful scoff and roll your eyes at the blonde. "Yeah, you too." Setting the kitchen knife on the counter.
Steve cocked his head to the side. "What?"
You and Bucky gave each other a knowing glance then look back at Steve. Bucky gave his best friend a 'are you serious' look.
"That girl you kidnapped the other day - thought we didn't noticed?"
Steve widened his eyes. "How did you know?"
Once again, the two of you casually shrugged your shoulders. Bucky suddenly stands up from the stool and marched towards you, tucking his blade back in his pocket before sweeping you off of you feet and onto his shoulder.
He smack you once on the ass and began making his way towards the living room, plopping down on the couch with you on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pull you against his chest, burying his nose into your neck and giving it a loving kiss.
"Let's cuddle."
While the two of you are doing your daily cuddle, Steve was left in the kitchen with a far away look in his eyes. Taking a small device from his pocket, he watched the small blinking dot in the middle of the screen.
A smile formed in his face. 'His sweetheart is awake.'
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It goes like that throughout the day, surprising each other with attacks (with knives) that are dodged and blocked by the other with ease. The game is pretty hard since the two of you have the same calibre of skills with knives and hand to hand combat, but that doesn't mean no one got to win.
"Honey, have you seen--" Bucky was cut off when a knife was suddenly got plunged in his stomach, instantly knocking him on his back as you three a not-so heavy punch on his jaw. You already stabbed and punched him, that's enough.
Bucky coughed and wince, looking up and see you in his line of vision, staring down at him with that beautiful crazy grin etched on your lips.
"I win."
You're in your unicorn pajamas looking like a tired racoon, stabbed him in his stomach with your favorite knife and punched his jaw, yet you still able to take his breath away.
Bucky only stares up at you in awe, his pupils dilating despite the pain he's feeling in his stomach. Your giggle snaps him out of his thought to look down at the knife protruding in his stomach, wrapping his hand around the handle and plucking it off with a little to no effort at all, not even a small wince.
He cleared his throat in slight embarrassment. "That actually caught me off guard."
You smiled up at him, puffing your chest proudly. "I know right? So, what were you looking fo--argh!"
Bucky smirks as he watched you stumble onto your bed, clutching your bleeding shoulder. While you're distracted, he took the time to throw your knife back at your direction, not stabbing you (you already won the game) but only grazing your shoulders - badly.
"That's a cheap shot!"
"Saw an opportunity; had to take it."
You roll your eyes and stands up straight, still pressing down on your wound and walk over to your lover. You stretched out your palm for him to take which he gladly did, pulling him up with ease before the two of you started making your way towards the surprisingly empty infirmary.
The two of you began helping each other out with your wounds, badging each other up while conversing about everything and anything like you haven't just stabbed each other like some crazy couple - It's no lie though.
"-- that's why I hate that show," you finished rambling, closing the medical kit in your hands and placed it back to the cabinet.
Bucky laugh making you laugh as well at how cute he looks right now.
"Yet you still watch it."
After a few seconds of comfortable silence, you decided to asks, "Why didn't you use your Kevlar though? I could've killed you." Of course you won't actually try anything like that to him, you can't.
You love him to much to do such thing.
Its a surprise that Bucky didn't use any defense, only his knife and his metal arm despite knowing you won't hold back on this dangerous game of yours. The two of you did the last time and it results to less wounds and scratches.
Bucky stares at your back for a moment with a fond smile adorning his face, a hand on his bandaged stomach.
"The same reason why you didn't use yours."
I trust you.
You slowly turn around and saw him already looking at you with that same look on his face, heavy lidded and a cute goofy grin on his handsome face. You felt your heart skips a beat and swell up with pride, knowing you're the only one who can make the former winter soldier to look all stupidly in love - you don't doubt you look just the same right now.
"You're a sappy little shit aren't you?" I love you, you know that?
Bucky leaned forward and hook his metal arm around your waist, pulling you close so your noses are touching.
"I know," he whispered.
You smirked, lazily snaking your arms around his neck. You love it when he smile at you, it reaches his eyes. They are always warm, gentle yet so dark and dangerous.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
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chibi-pix · 4 years
Your Plance Portal AU pics inspired a small bit of fiction from me. Not sure what to do with it, so here you are. Apologies if it's a bit rough, first draft. Feel free to modify, share, whatever. I'm just anon. And sorry for the lack of formatting that will result in posting here. (part 1) "Why?" The fascinating specimen asked of me. His eyes darting over the form I had taken. Curiosity. Heightened heart rate. A curious combination of two of the three primal Fs. Fascinating as always.
Wow! Your story parts were amazing! While I admit, some sections were hard to read, conclude who was talking, but I did love it! Of course, you did call it a first/rough draft and stories start that way!
You had said I was free to modify and/or share. I took you up on that offer and applied your work to this. It was fun to work with and thank you for writing it and giving me an opportunity to work with it.
Hopefully it all shows; if not, I’ll reblog the answer with the full post/ficlet.
Pidge. It was a simple name she was referred to as. She. A humanized term to separate sexes and give identity. That was her understanding. It was a logical things to humans, but not to the likes of an android, program to see and comprehend numbers, not emotions and desires. So why? Why did she go by that word that could otherwise be called a pronoun?
“Why?” Her attention was brought to the latest of the subjects, a young man. Subject number 117-98-78. He insisted on being called Lance. Another human thing. But she supposed, to some extent, she could relate. She was given a name, too, along with her identity number. Her name, though, was shorter and easier to input by her creators when they wrote their notes.
Pidge examined Lance further, doing a scan of her own on the biological creature. His heart rate was increasing. An emotional response? Or perhaps it was the adrenaline humans felt when going through certain tasks that forces them to exert themselves physically and even emotionally. “You will need to reiterate your query for proper understanding so an appropriate answer can be provided.”
“Fine then. Why are you putting me through this?” Lance commanded. “Why do I need to go through these tests? What do you gain from all of this?!”
Pidge considered his questioned for a moment. To be honest, there was no complex reason for why she did it. It was her core imperative; it was her duty to test subjects and gather data. But would that response be enough for the latest subject? “You are a new variable.” she responded finally. “With the cloned and robotic test subjects being identical variables, testing and collecting data has grown stagnant and all data is outdated and irrelevant. You, however, come from outside the testing facility. You are a new variable and therefore present new data to study.”
“Dude! I could have died back there!” Lance snapped, his anger elevating. It was an illogical outburst from Pidge’s perspective, but, then again, humans were rather illogical. “Pit traps? Laser grids? And don’t get me started on that green goo you dare call sustenance. It’s freaking torture!”
“Incorrect.” Pidge responded, plain and simple. “This is testing. Testing is a necessary part of improving and moving forward. It is, after all, the core of my programming. To continue in my duty of gathering data. I test, therefore I am. I am, therefore...”
“Yeah, well, I don’t think Doctor and Professor Holt would have wanted testing to be this cruel.” Lance interrupted.
Pidge felt a stutter in her programming. Those names. Her creators. He knew their names. “Guessing their names correctly and knowing they created me specifically would be nearly impossible.” she commented. “Logic would point to you being aware of their classified research on redacted information. Despite this, mentioning them when in your current situation with the risks on your life tell me that you are not an intelligence operative of any enemy of my creators or their benefactors.” She performed another scan. “There are no indications in your biology to suggest any attempt of deceit. This is data that I did not anticipate. Explain. How do you know the names of my creators?”
“Huh? Well, everyone knows who the Holts are.” Lance stated, looking confused. “They changed everything. Botany, terraforming, space travel, they were the top minds of Altean Laboratories. Their work was groundbreaking.”
“Were. Changed. Was. These terms in how they are used are indication of past tense.” Pidge commented.
Lance was perplexed. “I mean… well… yeah, totally.” he said. “It was five centuries ago, give or take some months or single years.”
Pidge couldn’t explain the dip in her cor performance. Had she been human, she would have described it as a weight in her stomach. Had it seriously been that long? She had lost connection to her internal clock several thousand test subjects ago. “That is impossible.” she stated. “The facility around you operates due to the power obtained from the plasma reactor. It had only an estimated lifespan of three to four centuries; due to the renewal of energy sources, I have managed to re-calibrate that and extend it for another half century or so. To continue getting power to keep the facility functioning would be impossible. My ability to function would have ceased.”
Lance sighed. He then decided to bring up a holographic display. Pidge found she could not interface with the hologram; she decided she could endure collecting data visually. As she looked at the hologram, she saw the schematics of the facility. But not all was the same. There was a new structure that she could not identify.
Lance picked up on where Pidge was looking. “You see it, too, huh?” he asked. He pointed to an area on the hologram. “Right here. We had reason to believe that a piece of what we refer to as the trans-reality comet has found its way here. And by we, I mean my superior officers. I’m just the field guy who goes in and investigates things; the others are the science guys who understand this stuff better. Anyway, long story short, but this thing is apparently radiating energy and with a copious amount still stored in it. There’s a problem, though.”
Pidge couldn’t interface with the hologram, but she knew the subject could. She went in close, finding her humanoid form to be convenient for times like this. She gently took Lance’s hand and moved it, prompting him to touch certain parts and bring up more data on the hologram.
“It appears to be unstable.” Pidge commented.
“The plasma from the facility’s reactor appears to be the cause of of the instability. However, I do not have sufficient data to fully determine how accurate this is.” Pidge glanced over to Lance, realizing he was staring at her, his mouth hung open a bit. “Does me not having the full answer cause this human emotion of bewilderment?” she inquired. “It should not; results cannot be properly determined without sufficient amounts of data. I have not collected enough data on the subject of this comet and its interactions with the reactor.”
“No it’s just...” Lance looked at Pidge’s hand, seeing it still around his own. “Your hand. It’s so warm. I didn’t expect that.” Pidge pulled her hand away quickly. “What are you? How are you so warm?”
“I am not; this is simply a byproduct of the cooling systems aboard this particular interface unit.” Pidge responded. “This unit is only a feature provided to me. I am, after all, the facility computer.”
Lance looked closely. “So… why do you look like a girl?”
Pidge blinked. So even he acknowledged that he seemed like a girl, at least in appearance. She looked ahead and away from the subject. “This interface unit was called the Physical Interface Data Gateway Exchange. To make data input easier, they formed it into the acronym PIDGE.” she explained. “It was designed with the intention of making interactions with subjects feel less… impersonal. It is for the benefit of my creators and the facility, not of my own. I have insufficient amounts of data to determine why they have given me this form.” She didn’t speak about it, but what little data she had about that, she had image files showing a member of the Holt family with a similar appearance. Perhaps it was meant to immortalize that member? She lacked the data to determine that.
“Pidge, huh?” Lance asked. “So it’s a name?”
“It is what they called me due to it being easier on the creators and less time consuming for their already limited lives.” Pidge commented. “Now then, since I have answered your queries and indulged your curiosities, it would be preferable to continue the testing.”
Lance gave a smile, but it did not look calm. It looked almost forced. “Sorry, but… this is where the testing ends, Pidge. Pidge did not understand. She then felt something in her, as though the numbers she lived by were changing.
“I do not comprehend.” she commented. She felt off balance, as though she could not properly control the unit meant for interfacing. But she couldn’t disconnect, either; she couldn’t return fully to the computer system. “What did you do to my systems? How did…”
Lance gave a bit of a guilty smile. He then brought up a new image for the hologram. “I had some help but… your entire core program? It’s gone. No more testing. No more of this… cruel torture. You’re in this device now, disconnected from everything else. Like an old game disk; one wrong move, you’re gone. Completely.”
“Impressive.” Pidge commented. “I did not anticipate your device having the necessary storage capacity for my system. Perhaps the claim of five centuries passing is not as far-fetched as I originally determined.” Around them, the corridors and testing chambers grew dark. What Lance could only assume to be the emergency lights turned on, illuminating the area in a bright red. “It does not appear that you or your outside help have considered another variable.”
“Um… what variable?”
“The default settings booting back up upon my removal.”
“Ah quiznak.” Pidge could only assume that Lance’s choice of word meant something profound. “Okay… so what do we get? Some five hundred year old security system about to hunt me down?”
“That would be accurate to the data.” Pidge confirmed. “Which would not be good for your condition.”
“My condition?”
“Of being alive.”
“However, I do possess the necessary data to thwart the old program. The variable now stands at you being the only one who can interface with my core due to the technology you transferred to it. It would then be in my best interest to keep your status as alive.”
“I mean, how hard can this be? I’ve dealt with you so far.” Lance prompted. He jumped when a sound caught his attention. There was movement further in the corridor. Blades typically seen in tests, meant to be turned off or dodged. Past it? There was another figure, though harder to see.
“In subject terms? Bad. Very bad.” Pidge commented. “I suggest listening to what I say and following my instructions without fail.” She looked to Lance. “My first instruction-”
“I’m gonna take a guess and say run!” Lance grabbed Pidge by the hand and ran off in the opposite direction, pulling her along; it was a good thing that despite her data being put into the device around his arm, her body, as one could call it, was still functional and able to move.
Again, thank you so much for this opportunity!
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blueink01 · 4 years
Ch. 1: Berk
(Play Music while reading)
Hiccup’s Pov-
"This, is Berk. It's twelve days North of hopeless, and a few degrees South of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery."
"My village. In a word, sturdy. And it's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new."
"We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitos. We have..."
Sheep graze peacefully on a hillside. Suddenly one is snatched by a dragon.
A door is pulled open... as a Dragon swoops directly toward it, Blasting Fire. The door is Slammed. The fire shoots through the slats of wood, illuminating hiccup, a gangly teenage Viking.
" ...dragons."
He exits stoick's/his house. He reopens the sizzling door, as leaps off of the front porch. He weaves through the erupting mayhem as Vikings pour out of the buildings, ready for a fight.
"Dragon" More dragons swarm in, setting rooftops alight and hauling off sheep.
"Most people would leave. Not us. We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues. Vikings sound the alarm. Viking men and women pour out into the streets, axes in hand."
On hiccup darting through alleys, staying under eaves, making his way through the battle.
"My name's Hiccup. Great name, I know. But it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that."
Dragons sweep back and forth, dodging axes and blasting the Vikings who throw them. A burly warrior gets tossed in an explosion, knocking Hiccup to the ground.
VIKING: "(Fierce) Arggghhhhh! (cheery, insane) Mornin'!"
Hiccup gets to his feet and continues to rush past gigantic men and women.
"Meet the neighbors. Hoark the Haggard..."
Horak: "What are you doing out!?"
"... Burnthair the Broad..."
Burnthair: "Get inside!"
"... Phlegma the Fierce..."
Phlegma the Fierce. Viking: "Get back inside!"
Hiccup passes a silent ox of a viking, picking his ear.
Yep, just Ack. Stoik then showed up, the biggest Viking of all. He yanks Hiccup from the path of a strafing dragon and holds aloft to the crowd.
Stoik: "Hiccup!? (accusingly; to the crowd) What is he doing out again?!"
"(He looks at hiccup) What are you doing out?! Get inside!" The flames light up his scowling face and matted red beard. He sets Hiccup down and turns to the sky, searching.
"That's Stoick the Vast. Chief of the tribe. They say that when he was a baby he popped a dragon's head clean off of its shoulders. Do I believe it?" Stoick grabs a wooden cart and hurls it, knocking the strafing dragon out of the sky. "Yes I do".
An explosion forces Vikings to duck. Stoick stands firm, brushing flaming debris off of his shoulder.
Stoick: "(barking; to his men) What have we got?"
Viking #1: "Gronkles. Nadders. Zipplebacks. Oh, and Hoark saw a Monstrous Nightmare."
Stoick: "Any Night Furies?"
Viking #1: "None so far".
Stoick: "(RELIEVED) Good."
Viking: "Hoist the torches!" Massive flaming braziers are raised on poles, lighting up the night sky... and revealing swirling dragons of all types. Below, Hiccup crosses an open plaza and ducks into an open building with a tall chimney.
He crosses behind a counter, where a peg-legged, one-armed hulk of a Blacksmith reshapes blades with a hammer and tongs appendage.
Gobbler: "Ah! Nice of you to join the party. I thought you'd been carried off. Hiccup dons a leather apron and starts to put away Gobber's scattered appendages.
"Who me? Nah, come on! I'm way too muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all this." Hiccup strikes a bodybuilder pose.
Gobber: "They need toothpicks, don't they?" Hiccup gets to work, transferring bent and chipped weapons to the forge as Vikings crowd the counter for replacements.
"The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber. I've been his apprentice ever since I was little. Well...littler."
Stoick Pov-
"We move to the lower defenses. We'll counter-attack with the catapults."
"Dragon". Armed men rush past, flanking others who carry sheep to safety. Stoick follows up the rear as, overhead, a dragon strafes the rooftops with Napalm-like fire.
Back the Hiccup Pov-
"See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses."
In response, the fire brigade charges through the plaza -- four Teens, tugging a large wooden cask on wheels. From it, they fill buckets of water to douse the flames. One among them is a cute, energetic Viking girl. Hiccup leans out of the stall to watch her.
"Oh and that's Fishlegs, Snotlout. The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut. And..."
"(DREAMY) Astrid." A SLOW-MOTION explosion erupts behind her, framing her in a sexy ball of fire. The others join her, looking awesome and heroic.
"Their job is so much cooler." Hiccup tries to join them as they pass, but he's hooked by Gobber and hoisted back inside.
"Ah, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark."
Gobber: "Oh, you've made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places."
"Please, two minutes. I'll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date."
Gobber: "You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe..." Gobber grabs a bola as he continues.
"... you can't even throw one of these." A Viking runs by and nabs it out of Gobber's hand, hurling it at a dive-bombing Gronkle. The bola binds its legs, sending it into a heavy crash.
"(Hiccup ready with the answer) Okay fine, but..." He rushes to the back corner of the stall and presents a bizarre, wheel barrow-like contraption
"... this will throw it for me." Hiccup OPENS the hinged lid of the device. An arm springs up, equipped with twin bows. They prematurely launch a bola, narrowly missing Gobber... and taking out a Viking at the counter.
Viking: "Arggh!"
Gobber: "See, now this right here is what I'm talking about."
"Mild calibration issue."
Gobber: "Hiccup. If you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all..." Gobber gestures in Hiccup's general direction.
Gobber: "... this."
"(Hiccup astonished) But... you just pointed to all of me."
Gobber: Yes! That's it! Stop being all of you.
"(Hiccup Threatening) Ohhhh..."
GOBBER:" (Mimicking) Ohhhhh, yes.
"You, sir, are playing a dangerous game. Keeping this much, raw...Vikingness contained. (Beat) There will be consequences!" Gobber tosses him a sword.
Gobber: "I'll take my chances. Sword. Sharpen. Now." Hiccup takes it begrudgingly and lobs it onto the grinding wheel. He stews... fantasizing...
"One day I'll get out there. Because killing a dragon is everything around here."
At the Lower Plains-
hiccup Continues. "Nadders land, gathering like seagulls around a seemingly vacant house."
"A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed." The Nadders clamber onto the building, tearing the roof and walls apart. Sheep pour out and Scatter. Elsewhere, hippo-like Gronckles pick drying racks clean of fish and fly off like loaded pelicans.
"Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend." A stealthy, snake-like dragon head peeks over a rooftop, breathing gas into a chimney.
"A Zippelback? Exotic, exciting. Two heads, twice the status. A second head pokes through the door and lights it." KABLAM! The two heads fly through the explosion, their necks zipping together to reveal a single body. It flies past Stoick as he climbs to the top of a Catapult tower.
Catapult Operator: "They found the sheep!"
Stoick: "(Frustrated) Concentrate fire over the lower bank!
Catapult Operator: "Fire!" Boulders are catapulted at the corralling Nadders... Just as a huge red dragon whips past, spraying the base of the catapult with sticky fire.
"And then there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire." It emerges from the flames, climbing the catapult with a leering, toothy grin.
Stoick: "Reload! I'll take care of this." Stoick takes on the Nightmare, face to hammer.
Suddenly, a Loud ballistic moaning streaks overhead. The catapult crew ducks.
Back with hiccup at the blacksmith stall, who is looking up from his work, reacting to the same sound.
"But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one has ever seen. We call it the--"
Viking: "Night Fury! Get down!" Vikings everywhere take shelter. The moaning sound Builds.
The Monstrous Nightmare suddenly stops fighting and takes flight away from the Catapult. Stoick looks skyward.
Stoick: "JUMP!" KABOOM! The Catapult Explodes as though hit by an artillery shell... sending Stoick and the crew leaping for their lives.
"This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and..." The sound recedes, leaving the crippled catapult in flames.
"...never misses. (Beat) No one has ever killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm going to be the first." Gobber trades his hammer for an axe.
Gobber: Man the fort, Hiccup, they need me out there! Gobber pauses. Turns with a threatening glare.
Gobber: Stay. Put. There. You know what I mean." Gobber charges into the fray, Hollering.
A smirk crosses hiccup's face. Moments Later "WHAM!" Hiccup pushes his wheeled contraption through a wall of clustered Vikings. He weaves through the ongoing mayhem, as fast as his legs can carry him.
Viking #6: Hiccup, where are you going!
Viking #7: Come back here!
" I know. Be right back!"
On the Plain Below-
The Nadders have cornered the house-full of sheep. They close in, ready to spring upon them. Stoick suddenly appears, Hurling Fishing Nets over them. The surprised Nadders are caught. Stoick and his men rush in. A Nadder blasts a hole through its net. Stoick leaps onto it, clamping his thick arms around its head, forcing its jaws shut.
Stoick: Mind yourselves! The devils still have some juice in them.
On The Plain Above-
Hiccup reaches a cliff overlooking the smoking Catapult and drops the handles to the ground. He cranks several levers, unfolding and then cocking the bowed arms of his contraption. He drops a bola onto a chamber and then pivots the weapon on a gimbal head toward the dark sky. He listens, with his eye pressed to the scope, hand poised on the trigger. He hears the Night Fury approaching... and turns his aim to the defense tower.
"(hiccup to Himself) Come on. Give me something to shoot at, give me something to shoot at." It closes in for the final strike, completely camouflaged in the night. KABLAM! The tower topples. The blast of fire illuminates the dragon for a split second. Hiccup pulls the trigger. KERTHUNK! The flexed arms SNAP forward, springing the weapon off the ground. The bola disappears into the sky, followed by a WHACK and a SCREECH and a... (Faded scream) Ahhhh."
"Scream?" Hiccup ignore that sound.
"(surprised, then elated) Oh I hit it! Yes, I hit it! Did anybody see that?" Hiccup's victory is short-lived. A Monstrous Nightmare appears, slithering up over the lip of the cliff.
"Except for you."
With Stoick-
He was holding down the netted Nadders. He hears a familiar holler  and looks up to see... Hiccup running through the Plaza, Screaming, with the Nightmare fast on his heels.
Alarmed, Stoick abandons the Nadders and runs off.
Stoick: (to his men, re: the Nadders) "DO NOT let them escape!"
In the Plaza-
Vikings scatter as Hiccup dodges a near fatal blast. The Nightmare's sticky, Napalm-like fire splashes up onto buildings, setting them alight. Hiccup ducks behind the last standing brazier -- the only shelter available. The Nightmare blasts it, spraying fire all around him.
Hiccup peers around the smoldering post. No sign of the Nightmare. He turns back to find it leering at him, blocking his escape. It takes a deep breath. Hiccup is finished.
Suddenly, Stoick Leaps between them, tackling the Nightmare to the ground. They tumble and wrestle, resuming their earlier fight. The Nightmare tries to toast him, but only coughs up smoke.
Stoick: "You're all out." He smashes the Nightmare repeatedly in the face, driving it away. It takes to the air and disappears. Winded, Stoick turns to Hiccup.
Back to Hiccup's Pov-
"Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know...". The burnt brazier pole collapses, sending the massive iron basket crashing. It bounces down the hill, destroying as it goes and scattering the Vikings who were holding down the netted Nadders. The freed dragons escape... with several sheep in tow.
"Sorry, dad."
Village- Upper Plaza-
The escaped Nadders fly past with sheep in their clutches. The raid is over. The dragons have clearly won. The murmuring crowd eyes Stoick, awaiting his response.
"(SHEEPISH) Okay, but I hit a Night Fury." Stoick grabs Hiccup by the back scruff of his collar and hauls him away, fuming with embarrassment.
"It's not like the last few times, Dad. I mean I really actually hit it. You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. It went down, just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party out there, before it--"
Stoick: "--STOP! Just....stop." He releases Hiccup. Everyone goes silent, staring expectantly.
Stoick continues "Every time you step outside, disaster follows. Can you not see that I have bigger problems? Winter's almost here and I have an entire village to feed!" Hiccup looks around. All eyes are upon him.
"Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't ya think? "A few rotund Vikings stir self-consciously.
Stoick: "This isn't a joke, Hiccup! (EXASPERATED) Why can't you follow the simplest orders?"
"I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... kill it, you know? It's who I am, Dad."
Stoick: You are many things, Hiccup. But a dragon killer is not one of them." Sting. Hiccup looks around to see many nods of agreement.
Stoick: "[Continues] Get back to the house." He looks at Gobber "Make sure he gets there. I have his mess to clean up." Stoick lumbers off in the opposite direction. Gobber leads Hiccup through the walk of shame. They pass the teen fire brigade as they snicker.
Tuffnut: "Quite the performance."
Snotloud: "I've never seen anyone mess up that badly. That helped!"
"Thank you, thank you. I was trying, so..." Hiccup avoids Astrid's glare and heads up toward a large house, standing prominently on the hill above the others.
"I really did hit one."
Gobber: "Sure, Hiccup."
"He never listens."
Gobber: "Well, it runs in the family."
"And when he does, it's always with this... disappointed scowl. Like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. (Mimicking Stoik) Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here. This is a talking fish bone."
Gobber: "You're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like. It's what's inside that he can't stand."
"Thank you, for summing that up." They reach the doorway.
Gobber: "Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not." Hiccup SIGHS heavily.
"I just want to be one of you guys." Gobber eyes him sympathetically. Hiccup turns and goes through the front door. And straight out the back door. He hurries off into the woods, determined.
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mythharvester · 4 years
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Over the next three weeks I intend to journal my dreams and use the info and my interpretations as the basis for a short story entitled Walking In My Shoes. Each day I will probably be a chapter and I will eventually post each chapter.
Chapter One DAY ONE - What A Year.
He woke to the ping of his mobile phone going off. Resisting the urge to immediately check the phone Cassidy tried to centre himself. He must have nodded off reading, his Ipad was next to him. The room was dark and peaceful but the pull of technology got to him and he reached over to check his messages. It was 10:30, he had a new message. "HAPPY New Year! Not quite there yet, they probably decided they won't make it to midnight so triggered the message early.
Still it was 10-30 on December 31. 2020 was all but done, a year that will go down in history no doubt, a year that even the youth will remember, the year the world shutdown. As he lay in the dark an urge popped into his head, he Laughed at the notion that even his thoughts had a Scottish accent. (say a wee prayer for everybody big yin don't be shy, its been a hard yin for everybody, it's no goin tae dae ye any herm ). He Laughed again at the fact he was having a debate with himself then he closed his eyes and asked for the right words.
Thank you heavenly father for the challenges you have provided us this year. Please accept our brothers and sisters who have departed us into your loving arms. Continue to shine your light on those who dedicate themselves to providing support, assistance and solutions to those who require their attention. Thank you for guiding us to a working vaccine. Lastly holy father, please continue to shower us with your holy spirit so that more of us can walk a path of empathy, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, humility and unconditional love. Thy will be done.
Ping, whose this one from? Happy New Year.
He dragged his attention away from the phone and focused his thoughts on reflection. "The year that was! How did he feel about his year? Was he happy how it unfolded? What were the main changes he had noticed? Did he feel like he moved forward?
As he pondered over the year he felt a shift almost like a synchronisation as he connected with his truth.
Overall it had been a fantastic year. Ok, that book is still not written, but from a spiritual point of view he has moved forward dramatically and he was writing blogs and maybe honing his skills. He felt happy and at peace. The first shift he recalled Happened in May. It creeped up on him a bit, and he did not realise it till September when he was reading about it. He stopped worrying about stuff. Kay serra serra. The second shift happened in October, the power of intention at work. 10 months of setting intentions to, be a beacon of light, be kind, compassionate, forgiving, non-judgmental and he noticed himself consciously stepping around insects, his natural instinct to seek to kill any fly or spider in the room was gone. No longer squashing ants that find there way onto his office desk. Being in tune to the oneness of nature.
So what now its a new year, 2021, a new beginning, where to now? Honestly he thought I'm still a long way from Enlightenment and truthfully he was not sure he wanted to get that high up the mountain. Fact is he would be satisfied if in 2021 he reached a level of joy, of unconditional love, the level of healing.
As he Lay on his bed, the room still dark, breathing deeply, relaxing he could feel the Project Manager in him butting into the room.
Lets map out what worked for you in 2020. So the list began.
His four anchors:
• Maybe- the importance of acceptance, detachment from
outcome. Good news, bad news, Maybe, smile, this
too shall pass. Good fortune can also change so make it a simple process to release stuff. Live life with a mind open to anything.
• Frozen-emotions can be really powerful chains to
break away from. If we hold a glass of water at arms length it is not a burden, however 6 hours Later our arm is shaking, emotions are worse if we hang on to anger, jealousy, resentment we get bitter. Frozen is the cartoon-its about the song. Let it go. More of Wayne Dyers 10 principles, "There are no justified resentments and you can't give what you don't have. (if you squeeze an orange you get orange juice, squeeze an angry person you get anger.) Fill yourself with love what will come out when you get squeezed? Let it go! Forgive and moves on. Let it go.
• Is that so- increase the gap between stimulus
and response, don't react, don't defend yourself or your opinions, you don't need to prove you are right, to win. Acceptance, we are all one, I see you brother and I see God's high in you.
• Edith Pieff-No regrets, there is no such thing
as a bad decision, only the best choice available to us at that time. Sing it Edith.
What else worked? The long drive Mondays and Fridays and taking the opportunity to listen to audiobooks. In fact being informed that the the New Testament vibrates over 700 and that keeping things that vibrate that high close raises your own vibration is the reason I've been sleeping next to it and reading it.
Then there was using cards to set daily intentions in line with his quest to raise his vibration.
It still surprises him how, more often than not the card he pulls is so pertinent to what is going on at the time.
Oh and obviously there are the fundamentals of meditation and prayer. Find silence, find God? and ask and it is given, Dear Lord, how may I serve, why am I here? how can I help raise the consciousness level?
Enjoying lying back on the bed in the dark he thought the List is getting a bit long but he believed the little writing course he did deserved to be in there. It got him back on track with his writing but more importantly the fact that some of the others got him interested in Angels and spirit guides. (Live life with a mind open to anything) It led in his belief to the second shift. Talking to them as part of his bedtime ritual asking for guidance led to some surprising synchronicity.
He checked his watch 11.45 almost midnight, almost a new year, almost 2021, a new beginning. he felt alive and his thoughts went through the motions of his strategies and connections that helped him make the progress in 2020. More of the same was his initial thought, but as usual with thoughts his brain filled with with the cry-You can't solve a problem at the level it was created. You need a breakthrough, a new teacher. In a world where 78% of the population calibrate below the level of integrity and only 4% get to where you want to go or higher you are going to need something else to help get to the next camp on the mountain. As the relaxed and focused on his breaths he knew there was something he was missing. Like those times you maybe know a song, its on the tip of your tongue but, it's not there. The one that jumps into your head 3 hours later and slaps you in the face.
He focused on his breathing, in breath, out breath. Ping, Happy New Year, Midnight or in Scotland, the Bells. As his thoughts wandered to his homeland it came to him. The audio book on rising up the calibration scale. What the orator said. "In my experience progression to this level comes after the person manages to open their third eye.
Six days Later he woke to the alarm, time to get up for work, another crazy dream? He thought it was similar to the previous 5 nights. Since new year! Was there something in that? He had been asking his angels, spirit guides, and higher self for guidance and assistance to help open his third eye.
Showered and dressed in his hi-vis protective clothing he absentmindedly picked up his deck of Angel cards and started shuffling. He stopped and pulled his card for the day. His card was Dreams. It always makes him Laugh when it happens (thinking about a subject, pull that card). He pulled the book to find out what the card meant. Turns out the universe was involved, The angels want him to record his dreams so he will remember the messages they will deliver to him. Are these messages going to enable him to open his third eye? Will this be a case of when the student is ready the teacher appears?
Later that evening he meditated for a while and got into bed. Holy Father, my guardian angels, my angels, spirit guides, my higher self and ascended masters I give you permission to join me in my dreams and please guide me and help me to clear and unblock my Chakras and open up my third eye. Help me to remember my dreams and to interpret any signs or messages I need to help me on my journey. Thy will be done.
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