#we can't miss the guacamole :Y
russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Charles excitedly telling reader how big the baby in readers belly is every week
Cw: reader's pregnant
"Did you know this week, the baby is the size of an avocado?", Charles said as he unloaded the food shop on the kitchen island counter, helping you with putting everything in its place, "I got the notification from the pregnancy app when I was shopping, so I had to go and get some - maybe we can do guacamole with them -, and look, it's baby Leclerc!", he lifted the avocado in a glorified way before he put it next to your baby bump.
"It's weird in a way", you analysed it, "I just feel bloated, little one has barely popped", you smiled, comparing the bloat to the fruit in front of you.
"Do you have mangos here?", Charles asked as he walked inside the Alpine hospitality to meet Pierre, "I'm not sure, I don't usually work in the kitchen", the frenchman chuckled as his wife joined them.
"Are you going to take this week's picture?", Francisca chirped in, "Oh, I'll go ask if they have one", she promptly said, leaving Pierre a bit lost on their conversation when Charles nodded and thanked her.
"What are you two on about?", he asked, seeing you at the entrance of the hospitality, too, "Oh, your wife looks pissed, or maybe it's just pregnancy - Oh, maybe she finally realised what being married to you is like!", he joked, tapping his back as you walked up to him, hugging Pierre before looking at Charles.
"I told you you shouldn't bother other people, amour", you pouted, kissing his cheek and watching Kika coming to join you, the fruit in her hand, "I found it! And before you come at me, I love those pictures, there's no way you're missing this week's!", she explained.
"We can have one with the four of us!", you smiled after you let Charles take one on your own, "baby boy is getting so big", you cooed, tears brimming your eyes which he quickly soothed, "I know, amour, I know, you're doing such a good job growing him", he said as he kissed your forehead.
"It only makes sense, amour, plus they said they would let me do it!", Charles said as he pulled you in front of the McLaren garage, one of the media girls joining them with Lando and Oscar, "hey Leclercs! Y/N, looking lovely as usual", they greeted as Charles took the papaya out of the bag he kept it in.
"Baby Leclerc is the size of a papaya, so we're taking a picture with the people from papaya!", she cheered into the camera, recording the moment for you and Charles.
"I know you think I get too excited, but it's so incredible, and this is our baby right now", he held the fruit, "I can't wait to meet him!".
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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little-puku · 4 years
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✨ birthday present one of the most lovely and best person ever!! =7= 💖
there are no words to describe how much you mean to me, wub you 💖🧀💖
Happy birthday!! u3u  @tirasany 🎀✨🐼🦉💖🐰🐇✨🎀
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johnnyscancerstick · 6 years
The Gang but Elise Ecklund's Tears of Lemonade
Pony: when I close my eyes
Pony: I can't see
Johnny: life is tough, but we can do it because we believe!
Soda: I died in Fortnite
Steve: foots not feet
Darry: I really miss TOP :(((
Dally: excuse me, could you please leave, thanks, Pete.
Soda: I cry tears of lemonade.
Two: you're gonna have cheese whiz
Soda: Shrek is my favorite anime <3
Dally: yeah, I'm insane.
Pony: dude, did you really have to snatch my weave
Steve: La, la, la, beef and cheese
Johnny: just another drop of life
Darry: more espresso, less depresso
Pony: llama, llama, matted llama (??)
Two: Do, re, mi, mE
Dally: K e e p y o u r f i l t h y h a n d s o f f m y w i f e
Soda: Bathtubs are reverse boats
Soda: w h a t i s l i f e
Two: Holy mother, I like guacamole
Darry: no curSING on my chriSTIAN roblox server
Two: I wanna curch girl,
Two: who go to church and read her bible, y e a h
Soda: I cry tears of lemonade.
Two: you're gonna have cheese whiz
Soda: Shrek is my favorite anime <3
Dally: yeah, I'm insane.
Two: doritos wearing speedos
Steve: what are those
Dally: I like potatos in the morning, but no-one knoowsss~
Johnny: Smile, you're an iconic queen!
Johnny's toltally the one harmonizing here
Soda: juice
Pony: ravioli
Steve: yee
Pony: ravioli
Two: lol what???
Pony: ravioli
Darry: Josh Dun
Pony: ravioli
Johnny: please say you will not give up
Johnny: you have to be broken so the light can shine through!
Soda: I cry tears of lemonade.
Two: you're gonna have cheese whiz
Soda: Shrek is my favorite anime <3
Dally: yeah, I'm insane.
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cruel-summerxy · 6 years
Ashton Irwin x reader// One of the Boys
“Ashton, do you think that once all humans die, dogs will miss us. Like will they realize that they will never be loved, the way that us humans love them?” you said out of nowhere.
The boy just stared at you confused. His head tilted to the right with his eyebrows furrowed. He couldn't formulate any words and stood quite.
“I'm not kidding. It's weird but I always think about these things. I don't know what Tulip would do without me. She literally can't even drink water by herself!!” you shrieked. As if on cue, your dog Tulip whined loudly. This made Ashton laugh softly.
“I don't know Y/N. I've never really thought about it. Where, actually when do you have time to think about this?” Ashton asked seriously. You had a custom to always say these types of things out loud.
You shrugged and walked to the kitchen to get some chips, Ashton following close behind you. As you rummaged through the drawers you hummed to yourself. You sighed happily once you found the Doritos.  You sat on the bar stool and began eating for of the chips. Ashton signaled you to feed him and you did while rolling your eyes.
“You know, for being my little sister’s friends, you're not that annoying. You actually tolerable,” Ashton told you.
“Ashton, do you even know how old we are?” Ashton shook his head embarrassed. “Well, we're twenty. So stop acting like I'm fifteen dude.”
“Hey, that's just five years apart. Not that big of a difference,” Ashton laughed. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off. He rolled his eyes, mocking you.
You picked up Tulip and petted her softly. She stared at you intently, licking your thigh lovingly. Meanwhile Ashton looked at you. He always admired the way that you cared for Tulip. His sister had gotten you Tulip for your 18th birthday and ever since you would never shut up about the dog thoughts. He didn't mind them, he just found the a bit weird and unnecessary.
“So what are tonight's plans? Are we staying in and watching movies and YouTube or are we going out?” Ashton asked as he looked through his phone. His curly hair covered his eyes and he shook his head to see better.
“Well, me and Bella were going to have a girls night. Pretty sure you aren't a girl Ashton,” you teased. He looked at you with his mouth wide open. “I'm kidding, you can join us Ashton. Just asking as you don't make it weird again if there's a sex scene on the movie. Remember last time, Bella couldn't even talk to me. She was so embarrassed.”
“What, why? They weren't using any protection and I just said to wrap it before you tap it. How was that weird? She was just overreacting.”
“You know what? We are not having this conversation right now Ashton. Let's just set up before Bella comes. She told me that she was having a hard time at work, so how about we don't annoy her tonight?”
“Deal, as long as we cuddle during the movie.” Ashton said seriously.
“Don't we always? Anyways, salsa or guacamole? I think Doritos go best with guacamole, so guacamole it is.” Ashton just laughed at you. He began to take out the ingredients as you played some music. You began to dance to I Know Places by Taylor Swift. He giggled at your dance moves.
“Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it. They are the hunters we are the foxes,” you sang dramatically. He laughed at the scene in front of him. He loved how you acted normally around him. “And you know for me its always you. In the dead if night, your eyes so green. And I know for you its always me. I, I , I know places.” You finished with a scream and he couldn't contain his giggles.
“Are you trying to tell me something Y/N?” he teased you.
“Yeah, that I'm a huge Taylor Swift  fan and that you should help me meet her.”
“I think that you are trying to tell me that you are in love with me,” he whispered stupidly.
“Yes Ashton. And I'm just telling you how I feel through a song,” you snorted.
“Wouldn't be the first girl to do so. Don't be scared Y/N,” he laughed. You snickered and continued to make the food.
“Y/N, are we friends?” Ashton said out of nowhere. You looked up and he was already looking at you. You nodded your head and a smile covered his face.
“Good, I really like you Y/N. You're different than the other girls. We can just chill and cuddle platonically. It's like you're one if the boys,” he confessed.
One of the boys? Are you fucking kidding me?? Do you not see that I've liked you since I was like 14!!
“Cool, you're like one of girls.”
“What does that mean?”
“The same thing as me being one of the boys. You're cool and like I would never date you cause I'm not into girls. Therefore, you are one of the girls Ashton.”
“Wait, you wouldn't date me? Why?”
“Cause, you are one of the girls. I just said that, plus you wouldn't date me either since I'm one of the boys.”
“What, who said wouldn't date a boy?” You looked at him with wide eyes. “Okay I wouldn't date a boy, but I'd date you Y/N.”
You blushed at his words and shook your head. He was surely kidding right? Or at least trying to make you feel better?
Tulip began barking at someone at the door. Then, the door opened and you could hear someone dragging their feet.
“I fucking hate my coworkers. Why are they so fucking stupid?” Bella said angrily. She began to vent to you guys.  You and Ashton listened but you kept thinking about what Ashton had said.
Finally, you guys began the movie. Ashton sat next to you and you thought nothing of it. Halfway through the movie he leaned in and whispered, “I would date you Y/N. But if we were to date, I'm not sure if I'd wrap it.”
You choked in the chips that you were eating. Bella began hitting your back hard. Ashton just winked at you and laughed.
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