exoticalmonde · 8 months
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@cilundi allows me to show you the exact setup of us watching movies, except, I'm the one that's recommending the movie, because tomorrow we're wathcing
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velthurvik · 1 year
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Eisiges Rutzkau
In einer Zeit als die Nächte groß und die Tage klein sind, hat eine große kalte Nacht den kleinen Ort Rutzkau /Niederlausitz für einen kurzen aber schönen Tag aufgeputzt.
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designers-teaparty · 4 months
Pulled from the Xiao Banner bc he was fun to play when I tried him out and might as well??? I'm not too invested in saving primos (*leans down to talk to the little lizard that helps me with genshin vocabulary* that's the term right???) And uh
I got him???
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fossil-frenzy · 8 months
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It is wayyyy overdue for me to post these but..... better late than never!
All of the Iron Artist chibi pieces I made back during September. Plus like, one or two made to even out the number.
Many of these characters are not mine, but I don't wanna tag a million people. So if you're seeing your guy on here, thank you for commissioning me! These were a blast to work on.
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swampstew · 1 year
Blind Date Event ~ Kyros X Reader
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Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for my Blind Date Matchmaking Event. I hope you enjoy these lovely bedtime stories during this week of overpriced chocolates, flowers and heart shaped things. @imaultrabossbruh ma'am the way I am so fucking jealous of you...whew. Anyways enjoy the best husband and father material in OP (besides Bege ofc)
Mostly fluff, SFW, Kyros X Female reader, first blind date experience. WC: 1.1K. Minors DNI - my content is for mature audiences only
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Retired Lieutenant Colonel Kyros stepped out of his car to let you slide in the backseat. He was a striking, tall man with a kind face and gorgeous black locks. You weren’t expecting to be driven by a chauffeur but that was apparently one of the perks from being honorably discharged from the army, according to him.
While the two of you sat in the car comfortably,  Lieutenant Colonel – no he insists you call him Kyros, please – pulls out the neatly folded pamphlet from the matchmaking medium.
“I have to be honest with you, ______. I did not sign up for this matchmaking event. My daughter signed me up. But please, do not take it the wrong way. I am excited to be here, I just have not dated in a very long time and I’m not sure I know how to do it anymore.”
His voice had a foreign accent you couldn’t quite place but it suited him well. Everything about his appearance suited him. The way his suit accentuated all his muscled mass, the way his hair was pulled back and not trying to hide the scar on his face, everything about the way he presented himself was confident and impressive to say the least.
So, it shocked you to hear how…insecure he sounded.
He held his hands up in surrender, “Wait I do not think that came out right. Argh, I’m sorry I think I am already, how do you say, blowing it up.”
You giggle, cautiously reaching a hand to his arm. He tensed a little.
“Its ok Kyros. I haven’t been on a date in a while either.”
He looked you over, analyzing your face. He let a smile form on his face and his body relaxed. “My daughter would say I am a hot mess right now.”
That made you laugh and he took the opportunity to quickly glance at pamphlet, the car finally humming to life as the driver plugged in the GPS coordinates. Kyros blushed, eyes narrowing as he read over the ice breaker topics. You noticed some sweat droplets forming on his temple.
“Tell me about yourself Kyros. You’re retired from the army with impressive honors and you have a daughter old enough to sign you up for blind dating. But what makes you Kyros the man?”
“______, that’s…” he sighed, “That’s a bit of a long story.”
It was but you hung on to his every word. His unfortunate and rough background, his criminal record, how he turned himself around and joined the army, finding and losing his first love, and the life of a single dad. By the time he finished speaking, the car had pulled up to the restaurant.
“Ah, I’m sorry I spent all that time talking about me,” he nervously massaged his neck.
“The date technically hasn’t started so don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you,” you smile warmly.
Kyros felt relieved by that. Truth was, he did see his daughter sign him up for the blind date but he became so flustered at the gesture that he pretended he never noticed. So far you hadn’t been turned off by his anxiety, his disability nor the fact that he had a teenage daughter. He felt like those would surely be deal breakers for most people; not you it seems and that gave him a spark of hope.
Being the gentleman he is, he held the door open for you and pulled out your seat for you. You were not used to someone being this well-mannered. Could your era of dating fuck boys finally be at an end?!
Drinks and food were shared between you as your night continued. You told him more about yourself: your crazy work schedule from the job you were very passionate about, your family, your hobbies, what you were looking for in a relationship.
Kyros drank his mimosa and listened politely to you. He appreciated how lively you were talking about your passions and your family. Kyros valued family above all else. He appreciated that your principles lined up and he was pretty certain you were feeling the same way. But he had to know…
“_____, I know we’ve briefly talked about my daughter and I don’t want to keep bringing her up while we enjoy our night getting to know each other. I find that I am quite enjoying your company. A lot. And I just need to know now that you do not have any reservations about it. My daughter is my life and one of my deal breakers is someone who could not accept Rebecca because she is a reminder of my last marriage. So please, tell me now before I start to fall for you – will that be an issue for you?” his gaze was firm, analytic.
You had to suppress any noises for fear of giving the wrong impression.
“Of course not, Kyros. If it was, I would have stepped out of the car the second you said you didn’t sign up for the event.”
Kyros eyes nearly bugged out of his face. He forgot he did mention it while the car was still parked in front of your home. You had the free pass to exit right then and there and you did not take it.
“Right,” his face relaxed. “Good to know.”
And that was the last wave of tension that rolled off his shoulders. The rest of your night was full of excitement and fun. Kyros didn’t let completely loose, still maintaining his decorum as a highly decorated officer of course. That did not however, stop him from borderline hogging the karaoke machine.
There was no line or official sign-up sheet, so Kyros took that as permission to sing his heart out. Finding covers by artists you mentioned you enjoyed, you were extremely pleased to hear that Kyros was a PHENOMENAL singer. Like he could go on The Voice and probably win he was that good.
You cheered him on and that inspired him to serenade with the final song of the evening. It was the best rendition of Santana’s Smooth you’d ever heard in your life. That was the moment you felt something blossom in your chest, flush reaching your cheeks and ears, clapping with the audience who stood to applause him.
Kyros paid the bill and walked you out with his arm holding yours. As he opened the car door he looked at you with a charismatic smile, one that nearly made you swoon.
“If you would allow me, I would like to take you on another date. Perhaps to the local national park trail and enjoy a picnic?”
You hoped the smile on your face could match even a fraction of your delight. “I would love a second date.” The happiness in his smile reflected the shine in his eyes as he reached down and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I am glad we were matched tonight, ______.”
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rozugold · 2 years
Trick or treat?
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Te a
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Art request: cowboy frog with a turtle as the horse. Idk it sound like it'd be cute
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Incredible request thank you
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depressed-sock · 2 months
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working on some character sheets and i'm very proud of my first ever lightsaber design.
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gemstarb · 2 months
Watch "Aaron Kyro LIES about being the LEADER OF SCIENTOLOGY in San Francisco." on YouTube
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armagtm · 1 year
Отправьтесь в путешествие по красочному миру и укротите магические перчатки.
«Кенгуренок Као» — это невероятно красивый 3D-платформер, полный веселья, приключений и загадок! Отправляйтесь на поиски отца вместе с энергичным кенгуренком Као, попутно разгадывая множество загадок и тайн. Сражайтесь, решайте головоломки и преодолевайте препятствия в невероятно красочных локациях. Исследуйте загадочный мир и раскройте все его тайны. Ключевые особенности: Увлекательный экшен,…
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exoticalmonde · 3 months
I've also been writing this one story that is entirely selfish and selfless and it basically writes itself but it's a collab between Dr. Eve and Dr. Lundi going on an adventure in Sami. @cilundiLundi has done a few doodles for the scenes and every time I think about how supportive she is of it I feel like bawling my eyes out. I'm so happy to be writing for someone so sweet and appreciative. Special attention to detail.
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She is once again going on about her gun and I honestly know more about Sankta firearms now than I do about my own sword. I know the size of her bullets are big enough for me to hold like a dagger and I also know that this gun can be used for more than firing simple armour-piercing bullets. They can blow you up.
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They're waiting for Dr. Eve to get on the aircraft but Kal'tsit pulled her aside to tell her something. Wonder what it is...?
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Also side note of the Aegir horrorTM in the shape of Dr. Pinkie.
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Dr. Eve is cowering and crying because Pinkie was once again right about the need for E2 Ifrit, so after, (what?) 6 months of having her lvl80 E1 she actually became viable.
She's lvl45 E2 now because it's difficult to spread out my funds...
It's Lin time and in 20-ish days Hoederer time????
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ghostdragonace · 2 years
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Girls of the Night - Jekyll & Hyde Musical
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch - Jekyll & Hyde Musical
Echoes of You - Marianas Trench
Blind and Frozen - Beast in Black
Champion Cynthia Battle (Remix) - GlitchxCity
Honorable mentions to the entire Every Trick in the Book, Silver Scream, and Welcome to Horrorwood albums by Ice Nine Kills. I listen to those three
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moonstandardtime · 2 years
Babybel wrapper. Sounds like a nice time : )
fr i love the woods
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grymmdark · 2 years
Soft asks number 19?
19- whats the most important thing in ur life
def gotta be Minecraft. its the only positive constant thru my entire life and I love it even after around a decade of playing
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pitchmoss · 2 months
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🔮Mandatory Mods: these are the ones that make the pretty/gameplay mods work.
BG3 Script Extender: The Script Extender adds Lua/Osiris scripting support to the game.
BG3 Mod Manager: What it says on the tin; allows you to organize and import mods to your game.
Improved UI: Changes existing UI to enhance the current modding scene by removing intrusive in-game warning and enhancing character creation options.
Item Shipment Framework: This framework is designed to supersede Tutorial Chest usage by enabling mod authors to easily add new items to the camp chests and player inventories.
Volition Cabinet: A library mod for creator's other mods.
🐲Gameplay Mods
Origin Themed Weapons & Cloaks: A selection of weapons and cloaks inspired by and for the origin characters. (Not game breaking or over powered).
🌈Aesthetic Mods: let’s beautify this game some more!!
Unique Tav Custom Appearance: Gives Tav unique body textures and model, unique face makeup textures, unique face tattoo textures, and also adds body tattoos as an option. I also upscaled the body tattoos because I love you. Now you are very special.
Mantis' OC Presets VOL. I by @astarionposting, check out her other custom faces on Patreon, maybe throw some $$ her way, too! Not an override, animations look good.
Basket Full of Equipment SFW: Over 800 pieces of new armor and equipment, mainly for humanlike races. (Not as overwhelming to navigate as it may seem; organized. Compatible with dye mods).
Camp Clothes in the Camp Chest: This mod adds a new wardrobe to the camp chest, housing all camp clothes, shoes, and underwear.
Tav's Hair Salon: Collection of hairstyles. Mostly for elf/half-elf/drow/human/tiefling bodytypes 1&2. Not an override, they're additional hairs.
Astralitie's Hair Colors: This Mod adds a collection of new hair colors to CC. Includes natural & colorful tones and options for matching eyebrows and eyelashes.
Icon and Race Patches for Tav's Hair Salon: Adding icons to the hairs and to add compatibility with some custom race mods.
Piercing Improvement: Adds physics to piercings, so they look animated when the character moves.
Extra Dyes for the Fashionable Folk of Faerun: Adds new, unlimited-use dyes to the game! (Yes, they're actually unlimited and also, gorgeous.)
Kryo's Dice Collection: A collection of various dice skins based on the vanilla Behir Blue die. (I've had 0 problem with this)
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writeblrfantasy · 4 days
It's out! It's release day!☀️🎉☀️🎉
this baby is out in the world!
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this book got its start on tumblr three years ago (wow the passage of time never fails to astound me) and i owe it all to this wonderful writeblr community. writing this series during the summer/fall of 21 was one of the best periods of my life, and i will forever be grateful and nostalgic for that time.
i truly can't believe this book is now out for everyone to read as i always hoped it would be! thank you to my incredible betas, friends, and everyone who has read this book at various stages along the way.
it's yours now. step into the world of kryos, and cerrick and njord's romance, for the first time.
You can buy it here!
orderverse taglist (lmk to be added/removed) @willowiswriting @ninazeniks @magic-is-something-we-create @ren-c-ley @justwriteyoudummy
@47crayons @yejidoesthings @ettawritesnstudies @faithfire-writes @a-forgotten-dusk
@talesfromaurea @ashen-crest @thelaughingstag @transmasc-wizard
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime
@chayscribbles @magic-is-something-we-create @rodentwrites @notwritinganyflufftoday
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