#sorry for been cheesy but you know is my speciality ;v haha
asmo-ds · 4 years
Hi, I really love your content which leads me to request a Satan soulmate fluff wherein Satan's internal voice is MC's voice and vice versa. So, when MC got summoned in Devildom, the moment they heard each other's voices, they already knew that they are meant for each other. I apologize if it's a bit confusing. 😔 Lastly, have a nice day and stay healthy! 🌺
Your Soulmate’s Voice 
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Lil bit of angst, but mostly Fluff :)
A/N: I know you said fluff but my small brain started typing and completely forgot the genre and made the first half of this v angsty because Satan is such deep character it felt wrong to just have him immediately accept MC as his soulmate without an inner battle, so the fluff is more towards the last half of the fic. Also ily thank u for requesting <3
Description: A soulmate AU where your inner voice is your soulmate’s outer voice. Satan and MC have lived hearing each other’s voices for as long as they can remember, which is why they immediately recognize each other when MC is suddenly summoned to the Devildom
How, he often asked out loud, late at night when he ran out of books to read and was left to his own devices. How does a malicious, angry, demon like me have a soulmate with such an angelic voice? 
Since he had been born from the wrath of his eldest brother, he had been hearing this voice that spoke his thoughts to him. Why can’t I just hear my own voice, why do I have to hear someone else?
Lucifer had explained to him that the voice was his soulmate and one day he’d hear the voice through his ears rather than just in his head. That made Satan feel giddy, as a young child who couldn’t wait for the future.
Over the years, he began to feel guilty as the voice remained kind and careful, and his only grew angrier and rougher. He worried he’d hurt his soulmate with his wrath and he began to avoid going out, he didn’t want to hurt the voice’s owner like he’d hurt so many others. He didn’t want to have to see fear in their eyes whenever he’d lose his temper or even look at them with resting bitch face. So he decided he was best off just hearing it in his head for the rest of his immortal life. 
He read and read day and night, drinking in their speech patterns, from the soft graceful syllables to the occasional voice cracks, he relished in every word that wanders through his mind, not because of what it said but because he knew the voice saying them was the only person who would ever embrace him, wrath and all.
MC had always been a bit of a daydreamer, they’d known since they were quite young about soulmates and the voice in their head. 
They daydreamed about marriage, about the future, about who their soulmate could be and how they’d meet.
The voice was innocent enough at first, but then it matured and it became deeper and more rough. It failed to change the way MC thought of him though. They fell in love with his voice as a kid and they promised to love it for the rest of their life. 
As their friends grew and found their own soulmates, MC began to grow nervous. Perhaps whatever greater power controlled the events of their life had decided to single MC out and play a cruel joke of never letting them meet their soulmate, no matter how far they looked. 
They were constantly told “You’ll find him” or “If you hear his voice he’s gotta be somewhere on Earth, you’re bound to find each other eventually.”
But nothing anyone say could have prepared them for this. For the day they arrived in Hell and heard the familiar voice speak up,
“Hmph. At least he didn’t ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?” The blond owner of said voice responded to Asmodeus’s whining about the way Lucifer introduced him.
MC had yet to speak. They couldn’t bring themselves to, not trusting their own voice. They attempted to after a few moments only to let out a tiny squeak, audible to nobody but themselves.
Satan suddenly noticed their gaping mouth and tilted his head, “is there something wrong? I hope Lucifer here did not scare you, he is a pretty cruel man,” he smirked, knowing he was getting under Lucifer's skin with every condescending word that slipped past his lips. Hearing the voice speak AND seeing lips move in sync with the words was surreal.
‘‘Satan!” the raven haired man scolded. Satan. Their soulmate was Satan. All they could do was stare in his eyes, scared to speak up, scared of how he’d react to finding out his soulmate was but a mere human with a plain boring life. If the universe was going to pick a human for Satan himself, why would they chose them? Why someone so boring when there were royals in the human realm who would much better fit the role of a demon lord’s bride.
Suddenly their cheeks felt wet, and as they blinked their vision blurred with salty tears that ran down their cheeks. Happy tears, of course, but all the noble demon men that were surrounding them had no idea what had made them cry, leading to a panicked look between the prince and his right hand man, who seemed to them glare daggers to Satan for making the exchange student cry within the first fifteen minutes of their arrival.
Satan smiled a bit, angering Lucifer is what he does best and he’s proud of himself for making the lousy human cry so easily. He saw them close their eyes and take a deep breath, ready to finally speak up.
“Hi,” they started, opening an eye to watch as his widened, “I’m MC, it is an honor to meet you Satan, I-” they were cut off by the door slamming. They looked up and the blond was gone, everyone else staring at the door in shock.
“Well, I hoped that would go much better,” Diavolo said to Barbatos, who gave a sad nod in return.
“I apologize MC I do not know what got into him, he can be moody and I wouldn’t worry about him so much while you’re here,” Lucifer bowed as an apology to the human, humiliated by his brother’s lack of composure.
“Lucifer... I meant to mention this to you sooner, but I thought perhaps this would reveal their connection,” Diavolo started. “When I was looking at their file I noticed that the universe had assigned them a demon soulmate, curious I dug further and found it was Satan, which is why I gave them spot in our exchange program.”
As the men conversed, truths being revealed and shock evident on some of the others’ faces, MC stood staring at the door. 
I guess he really is humiliated to know his soulmate is an average human, they thought, I shouldn’t be so surprised I suppose. 
They began to walk, none of the others taking notice as they left the room, too focused on Diavolo who was explaining the circumstances. 
They walked and kept walking, ignoring the demons who were watching them in awe, a stray human brave enough to walk through the Devildom on their own.
But MC didn’t care. Their heart was broken and they didn’t care. They had waited so long to meet someone who would love them. They remained hopeful because of the voice in their head, reminding them their was someone out there that would love them and all their flaws.
“Well, aren’t you brave?” A strange demon asks, snapping MC out of their thoughts and causing the reality and fear of their location to set in. “A little human shouldn’t be walking around alone like this, especially looking so yummy,” he continues licking his lips as his eyes scan MC head to toe like they were a feast.
“I’m feeling a bit hungry, I’m sure you won’t mind me having a bite-” he reaches his clawed hands towards MC’s arm, but a stronger one with green claws pulls MC away and against their body, his other one having a vice grip on the creepy demon.
“Lay a finger on my human and I won’t hesitate to gut you and display your mutilated body to the whole Devildom,” the familiar voice said, leading MC to feel more relaxed in his grip, despite his violent words.
“A-ah my lord I’m so sorry! I had no idea this human belonged to you, please forgive me, I swear I’ll never even breathe in their direction again,” the lesser demon cowered, sinking to his knees, begging to be spared from the cruel fate Satan had promised him.
Without a word, Satan turned, tossing MC over his shoulder, ignoring their protests as he returned the house of lamentation with them.
He passes their room and goes straight to his, placing them gently on his bed.
“Satan I-” MC is interrupted by strong arms enveloping them in a warm comforting embrace.
“I can’t believe I’ve had you for an hour and already almost got you killed,” he sighs, burying his face in their hair, tears forming out of frustration.
MC suddenly pulls away from him, standing up in and walking towards the door, “Let’s start over,” they say before entering the hallway and closing the door behind them.
Confused Satan sits and stares at the door. He hears MC politely knock so he gets up to answer it.
When he opens the door he is greeted by a smiling human, “Hi! I’m MC I’m the new exchange student at RAD and will be living with you for a year! I hope we can get along in that time! Oh by the way I’m also your soulmate haha,” they laugh throughout trying to introduce themselves.
“Oh my Diavolo you are so cheesy,” Satan is barely able to contain his laughter as he pulls them into his room, twirling them around in a tight embrace, taking in their warmth and sighing happily.
“All jokes aside,” they quietly whisper as Satan sits back down with them still in his hold, “Why did you run? Is it because I’m a normal human and not special like you were probably expecting? If it is I’m sorry and I really do understand if you want me to leave you alone. I mean your one of the most powerful demons ever and I’m just... I’m just me!” MC looks down at their hands, which Satan now held in his own.
“I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m the embodiment of wrath and all my life I’ve been afraid knowing that such a sweet and gentle voice could be ruined because of my temper.” 
“Satan...” they put a hand on his cheek, guiding his gaze back to their own. They open their mouth to speak but nothing comes out, so they opt to show what they’re thinking physically instead.
Their soft lips land on his own slightly chapped ones, a soft chaste kiss that leaves both parties with wide smiles.
“I’m so happy to have you in our home dear exchange student,” he chuckles before leaning into another kiss, more passionate and filled with love than the last.
Knowing they trusted him not to hurt them gave him the confidence he needed and he couldn’t be more thankful.
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juminsqrincess · 4 years
RFA + saeran’s petnames headcannons
something small to start the blog off hehe~ here are the RFA’s and saeran’s (minus v because i literally haven’t played his route or looked at him HJGHGJ sorry-) favourite pet names to call you: (minor spoilers for saeran)
not gonna lie, poor baby yoosung is probably the one *being* called the pet names most of the time; but after a while he does start to get more comfortable and less anxious and flusterable (is that word? LMAO) when giving affection to the MC. he starts off very slowly, calling you the pet names when you’re both sleepy, or when you’re focused on a game with him, so you don’t notice it too much (though his face still reddens in anticipation to your reaction) and then pet names become a more natural thing for him, and just start slipping out- especially if you give him a positive reaction because he just wants to see you happy! 
pet names include: - honey (delivered with a cheesy grin, he thinks he’s all smooth and classy) - bubby (literally just baby but with extra yoosung sweetness added - it started out as something he used in his sleepy voice and then you picked up a liking to it- it still kind of embarrasses him)  - birdie (likes the concept of you being all small and fluffy- *is small and fluffy*- yoosung’s version of the classic pet name ‘dove’) - snuggles (definitely WAS NOT the name of his old teddy bear that he MAYBE still keeps as a SECRET to cuddle when he misses you-) - his little pogchamp
pet name GOD - shamelessly started using pet names as SOON as you two hit it off, this man is a pet name machine he has TRICKS UP HIS SLEEVE. bro. he uses as many pet names as he can to figure out your weak spots and then TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. it boosts his ego to see you flustered because of him of course - though he wants you to feel special too! he has a few favourites listed here with special meaning~
pet name include: - babe/jagi/jagiya (duh bro?? its like canon or sum) - beautiful/handsome/gorgeous - whatever suits you most~ (NEED I SAY MORE? SOMEONE AS BEAUTIFUL AS HIM WILL ONLY BE WITH SOMEONE EQUALLY AS GOOD-LOOKING?? he also give constant compliments be warned) - cutie (wholesome zen moment) - good-lookin’ (said as he casually pulls you in by the waist to kiss your forehead, wow zen you’re so smoo0th) -  sexy (IT’S THE BEAST BRO)
unfortunately none of us have really seen jaehee’s more lovey-dovey side in the game - she probably prefers calling you by your name the most, and she speaks it almost like it’s a praise, but the odd time she calls you pet names just as a way to appreciate you, or to remind you that she cherishes you. does it very casually and naturally, she’s quite a steady-paced girl so she needn’t force pet names to come, they just do whenever the moment calls for it really.
pet names incluude: - love  - darling (you are dear to herr!! she’s so busy all the time - moments with you are cherished and precious - you’re like a pocket of hope and sunshine in such a grey world full of deadlines and schedules... someone she can truly relax with!) - beloved - dear(est) - sweetheart (BCS. YOU. ARE. SO SWEET! you’re always looking out for her and being so patient with her as she works - you have a heart of gold, and she admires how kind you are to the RFA members - she’s truly lucky to have won a place in your heart <3)
this man. this man is so nonchalantly smooth. he doesn’t even know it - or maybe he does - you can’t tell because he’ll just slip in a pet name mid-convo and make you mELT. when he gets soft... pet names are maybe one of his favourite things to tell you, because he gets to show you his more vulnerable and affectionate sides. he uses pet names as a way to spoil you - and spoil you he does because HIS VOICE *IS HEAVEN*, and the light kisses and touches he places on you as he speaks to you so fondly are a BIIG BONUSS. it takes him a while to start using more ‘personalized’ pet names - he sticks to the generic ones at first, they’re classy and simple - but after a while he conjures up newer ones out of his sheer emotion for you - only to be used in private though.
pet names include:  - the usual at first, dear, beloved, honey, love - AND THEN BOOM: precious (you are the most precious thing in his life HANDS DOWN. gets so sentimental when he uses it aswell - will whisper it to you before bed or when he’s trying to comfort you - nothing in this world compares to how much you mean to him) - kitten (yeah you thought i would stop myself - no.) - mr/mrs/mx* han (after you get married he does this a lot in public - maybe to show off a little bit and see everyone’s surprised faces as he follows it with ‘dear’ or something - he isn’t big into PDA but he has his smug sneaky ways of letting you know that he is thankful to have you) - HIS prince/princess/your majesty/highness: (DUUUDE... he wants the BEST for you - you’ve finally shown him what the wonderful feelings of love do! you hold that power over him at least! ...will kiss your hand when he uses this)
saeyoung has... stranger more unique ways to show you affection, and the pet names he uses do not escape his whacky tendencies - uses pet names as a way to put a smile on your face and to make you laugh, to see that cute bright smile on your face! of course though, saeyoung has a (small) share of pet names that are more sensical and have some sort of more obvious meaning behind them. he starts off using dumb pet names, then as he gets emotionally attached stops, then he accepts he loves you and starts using really cheesey pet names, theenn he regains some of his happiness with you and becomes more jokey again (WHEW!). 
pet names include: (besides the normal boooring ones /j) - his star (you guided him to his happiness... you shone for him brightly when he had no shine himself - you cheered him up with your beauty and warmth - and you guys did kick ass stuff in his good end like it was a MOVIE or something – also spaaace??) - weird food names - starts off as honey and sweetie pie - gets weird fast... will call you his chip and his nurse pepper ( doctor is reserved for the drink - otherwise it gets confusing) - LOWKEY MAKES FUN OF YOU... if you’re short he’ll call you shortie - if you’re tall he calls you tallie (haha funny.) if you’re blonde he calls you blondie, and if you have freckles or dimples OR GLASSES - consider it your new name. also starts calling you after the things you wear - if you wear chains, he calls you chains, if you wear dramatic makeup, he starts calling you a diva - will call you noob i’m sorry - sweet cheeks (SEVEN WHICH CHEEKS-) - boople snoot (yes.) - his galaxy (the seven alternative to my world)
okay so - it’s assumed that saeran is actually a DID system but i’m writing for good end saeran because um - lets be honest the alters were not the most healthy and probably wouldn’t have been doing any pet name calling (ray being too insecure, black suit saeran and unknown... being black suit saeran and unknown? it would have been sarcastic and mean)
after all of the hardships you guys had gone through... saeran was TERRIFIED that you would leave because why on earth would you want to stick by with him i mean?? all he had known his whole life is literally mistreatment he thought you were too good to be true. but you stuck by and you gave him what he had needed for so long - you always made him feel safe and he finally belonged somewhere, felt like the world wasn’t ALWAYS out for him, he could breathe easier now. very reluctant at first - messing up with you especially gave him paralyzing fear. but then you showed him such loyalty, he looked at you and saw that yes you made mistakes, that you were human, and you reminded him that it was okay to be human too. so slowly he trusted that you would accept him being affectionate back - he wanted to appreciate you like you appreciated him - despite all of the flaws he saw in himself constantly. (WHOO I LOVE SAERAN SO MUCH OMG CAN YOU TELL??)
pet names include: - angel (do i need to explain this?? you’ve saved his life - his future, everything. he sees you with a halo around your head constantly, even at your darkest moments, because he’s been there before too!) - flower (at first glance may seem like a cute thing because ray liked gardening - which sure part of it is that - but moreover he talks about your beauty when he uses this pet name, about how happy you make him, he sees you as someone delicate and gentle yet at the same time someone bold and bright - someone that the world NEEDS) - sunshine (you brighten his day, his month, his year, his life - aaand well a garden does need sunshine doesn’t it? you keep him going when he feels like giving up) - love and dear (too classic not to be included with a man that wore fancy suits JHGH)  - sweetheart/sweetie/honey (along with his big sweet tooth - he thinks you’re the sweetest person he’s ever met) - sugarplum (pls let me have this)
*mx is like m(r)s and mr but for non-binary folks :)
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nanasarea · 4 years
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Sucker I xx (finale)
Prompt: Y/N attends a school for the supernatural, specifically: werewolves, witches and vampires. The school might be magic, but so is love, right? Right?
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: reader x 00 line (renjun special)
Inspired heavily by: Legacies (and The Vampire Diaries&The Originals)
a/n: Renjun best boy, here we go
main m.list / sucker m.list /  i  ii  iii  iv   v   vi   vii   viii   ix   x   xi  xii xiii xiv  xv  xvi  xvii xviii xix xx
xx (jeno)
xx (jaemin)
xx (haechan)
xx (renjun)
“Mr Hwang?” Hana asked.
“I prefer Richard.” He answered, smiling.
“I thought she was dead.” You said, looking at the girl on his right. 
“She was but then I got her turned.” Mr. Hwang, or should you say Richard said. With that, the events started playing in your head again.
“Wait.” Renjun said. 
“If you’re going to go and do what Richard says, go ahead. If you’re going to go and do what Haechan says, be my guest, but what do you think will happen to you? You’re part werewolf, do you think Richard will just let you go like that? And Haechan, he’s blinded by dark magic, he’s not genuine. I saw the way you looked at each other and despite your humanity being turned off and him being intoxicated by dark magic, I could tell there was something there. Sure, he’s hot, but you shouldn’t pick him because of that. You heard the prophesy, do you really want to be responsible for so many more deaths?” Renjun asked.
You weren’t responsible for anyone’s death, she died because she was sent to be killed by you. There was no reason to feel guilty, no reason for your humanity to be turned off but most importantly, no reason why the whole werewolves race had to die.
“Mr. Hw-Richard, there’s no reason to do thi-” “Yes, there is, child. You see, werewolves are useless, their existence is probably god’s way to spite us all d-” Richard cut Renjun off but before he could finish his sentence, you did the same to him. 
“Weren’t werewolves around before vampires?” You asked “Y/N-” “Renjun’s right. If you want all werewolves gone, you’re gonna have to get rid of me too, so why should I help you?” You asked. 
“There’s no reason to get rid of them, the only one here we need to get rid of is you.” You added. 
“Aww, so sweet, but that won’t stop me.” Richard said, rolling his eyes. “I can end you all if I wanted to.” He added. 
“What did you need me for then?” Haechan asked, raising his hand before Richard compelled him to stop. 
“Oh please, who’s next?” He asked. 
“Another vampire?” he asked, looking at Chenle. 
“A werewolf?” He asked, looking at Jisung. 
“Possibly a witch?” he asked, looking at Haechan. 
“Why not try all three?” You asked, using your super speed to take the dagger from one of the shelves and stab him with it.
The dagger wasn’t to harm Richard, it was just to put him in a deep sleep, until you figured out what to do about him, knowing any offensive magic wouldn’t be the answer, especially not after the shocking events that happened in such a short time.
 You knew you couldn’t actually kill him anyway, and it’s not like he was dead either, he could come back to life if you pulled the dagger out.
Once you successfully took him down, you stopped and looked around. “I’ll go to the werewolves.” Jisung said, Mark and Chenle soon following after him.
“Great, what about Haechan?” Jaemin asked “Let’s hope we can siphon the dark magic out of him, yeah? Anyone have anything they won’t miss?” Minsoo asked as the girl stepped forward, handing him her ring. 
“Ah good choice.” Minsoo said, smiling at her before placing it in Haechan’s hand. “Who says I want my dark magic gone?” Haechan asked. 
“Me.” Jeno said as he placed his hand on Haechan’s shoulder. “It’s for the best and you know it.” He added as Haechan sighed.
Later that day, you thanked Renjun for turning your humanity on. 
“It’s been a long day. You should get some sleep, sorry for everything I did before you helped me turn my humanity on again, thanks for that, by the way.” you said. 
“I turned your humanity on?” he asked, blushing “Yeah.” You said, shyly looking for his reaction, the words he told Olor a while ago, replaying in his head.
“I’m in love with a woman I can never have. The point, I’m in love with her and its driving me crazy. I’m not in control. I have to stay together to protect her and she wants me to be the better man. Which means I can’t be who I am, a control freak who is a confused mess.” He wasn’t in control, far from it, but when he heard you tell him about the humanity, he couldn’t seem to care. All he cared about was you, so he moved closer while asking. 
“Does that mean I’m your soulmate?” He asked “Pretty much.” You chuckled. 
“Never knew the cute awkward guy who gave me a tour on the first day would end up being the reason I end up preventing the extinction of the werewolf race.” You said, smiling from remembering your first day. 
“Oh, god, I was so awkward that day, but can you blame me? It’s not every day you get to test the cutest girl you’ve ever seen for what her supernatural background is.” He laughed, throwing his head back from embarrassment. 
“Oh fuck it, I can’t wait any longer.” You said, causing Renjun to give you a confused look before you moved closer, grabbing him by his shirt and bringing him close enough to kiss him. 
And with that, the events of that day are still a blur, not only to you, but to the others. Later on, you found out the girl was actually being compelled by the ring she gave Minsoo. 
The ring they destroyed, and with it, all traces of Haechan’s dark magic, besides the front entrance, it was still being rebuilt as we speak. You also found out that she was actually really nice and that her name was Hyejoo, but she went by Olivia.
You and Renjun? You end up being the school’s cutest couple. Sure, you use to date like almost all of his friends, but he didn’t care, you were his now and that’s all that mattered. Besides, it’s not like much changed. You acted like you did before, when you were the best of friends, now you just so happen to make out and call each other over the top cheesy nicknames in a sarcastic manner.
Life finally felt right, like you were completed. Seeing Jeno and Jaemin fight over the last cookie, Olivia, Jisung and Chenle betting on Haechan, Mark and Minsoo’s competition on who can chug their bubble tea the fastest, Hana in Jisoo’s arms and you in Renjun’s as you watched it all go down. Life finally made sense for once and you knew this is where you were suppose to be. 
True love will triumph in the end and maybe, platonic love like Jeno’s love for Haechan, family love like Minsoo’s love for Jisoo,  romantic love like your love for Renjun, maybe, just maybe, all types of love save the day at the end, because even if this school is magic, so is love, right?
a/n: Renjun’s ending! I like this ending the most so far, I think. I enjoyed writing this part the most so I hope you liked it! It’s not as different as Nomin’s but Haechan’s part is still on it’s way so let’s hope his ending will be different enough haha. 
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cursivebloodlines · 6 years
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Before I continue I must say: excuse the awful graphic. Lmao. Anyway! I’ve realised that I have never done a Follow Forever or anything like this in my life?? So I decided that now I should hop on the bandwagon and spread some of the love. Not because I’ve reached a follower milestone but so I can give you all a quick thanks for putting up with me really. I know I have never been the best in replying to drafts at a reasonable speed, that I ramble too much and take twenty-odd years to reply to a single message and yet you guys still talk, follow me and want to interact with me and my muses? Honestly, I’m blessed. :’) Just know I love you all and wish you the Happiest of New Years. Alright let’s go --
☼ @floires​ ;; Becky, oh Becky. You’re my sister so I guess you have to be on top of this list?? lmao. You don’t realise what an amazing writer you are. Like so good that Tumblr made us both unfollow each other? Like what was that all about? Haha! We have stupid arguments over nothing and over everything but know that I love you regardless of those. We need to write together also! Your muses are the cutest and I could honestly go on forever but I don’t want to make your head bigger than it already is. You’re the best sister anyone could ever ask for or want etc etc and no matter the idiotic things that leave my mouth sometimes, you just so happen to be one of my favourite people on this planet. Ew, I’m getting cheesy now. How gross is that. And one day I will persuade you with my almighty powers to edit a theme because you always end up making the finished product so good and like SHARE YOUR TALENT PLEASE.  ALSO THIS IS RANDOM BUT JUST KNOW YOU CAN SING GREAT. (If you E V E R say you sound like Celine Dion though...I may just start laughing. You know exactly what I’m talking about here.) Never change for anyone or anything and I sincerely hope that 2019 is kind to us because 2018 was the most Evil. And besides, 2018 was so last year lmfao. All my love to you sis. P.S: you smell. xx
☼ @brokenbcys​  ☼  @dreamxcatchcr​ ;; Emma and Dani! I’ve put you both here because I know I’ll end up repeating myself lmao. Where do I start with you both? You’re two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for; both on the internet and in real life. You’ve been there for me for so many years and you know -- I think this year it will be like...9 or 10 years since we’ve been friends? That’s gone so fast! We’ve had many laughs together and honestly I never would have survived the hell that is school if it weren’t for you two. Thanks for putting up with me when I take ten years to reply to a simple message dkjlsdgsd. And I also love how no matter which characters we throw at each other, they all end up being bezzie mates. I have such a good writing chemistry with you two it’s just so easy :’) Our friendship must have been reflected on our characters haha. We’ve been in some hilarious RPs together though -- like the twins one! Our TMR RP (groupc) will always be one of my favourite rps (Not because we ran it pfft) because I’ll always treasure our Glader Trio. One day I will persuade you both to watch all of AOS and not just the first episode hehe. Here’s to many more years of friendship! I love you both sm and I know I can come to you about anything and yeah :-) xx
☼ @wckdfortressx​ ;; Hannah! I know you’re not really on the RP scene anymore but I couldn’t do a Follow Forever without including you! We’ve been friends for goodness knows how long now -- it’s definitely been a good few years. And I love that you love Agents of SHIELD as much as I do :’) AND ULTIMATES IS THIS YEAR!!! So the fact I might finally get the chance to meet you irl is so exciting! You’re a lovely person and you’re always fun to talk to even if I take a billion years to reply to a simple message lmao. I’ve always loved every single one of your characters and I think you’re an amazing writer. And if you ever decide to return to RP know that I’m always willing to throw any and every one of my muses at you. <33 You’re an awesome person and I hope this year treats you well!
☼ @ravenousdiaster​ ;; Your URL popped up before I even typed ‘r’! I think Tumblr knows how much I lav you hehe. :’) I’m so happy that we started writing together! I always get so happy when I see you’ve replied to a thing or tagged me in something. And we can spend ages and ages just headcanoning and it’s beautiful <3 You’re an absolute pleasure to write with and Dougie/Dahlia are precious babies who I love sososooo much. We love putting them through Shit because we are angst fiends ;) but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I’m terrible. I always love when I see I have a message from you and you’re so lovely to talk to OOC as well. Thank you for being you and carry on being your amazing self. I lav youuu. <3
☼ @strawberryxwrites​ ;; You have legit got to be one of the most patient people I know, omg. When I always take a lifetime to reply to a single message or poof randomly in the middle of a conversation, you’re still more than happy to have a chat and??? I am ever so grateful for that. I know I can be a pain in the arse when it comes to reply speeds but I’m so glad to have the chance to write with you :) I love your characters dearly and I love writing our threads as well. I hope you have a fab year in general and just know I enjoy writing with you and talking to you and thanks so much for your awesome self and wanting to write with me.
☼ @valplum​ ;; Every time you reply to our thread or I see you on the dash I am honestly just???? floored by your writing because it’s just beautiful and HOW DO YOU ENGLISH??? Every time I have a notification from you I’m like !!!!!!! I know I’ve had trouble with my muse for Logan recently but know that I love Logan and Bardot so much and I’m also excited to write with your other muses at some point to :) And you’re such a wonderful person to talk to I’m <3 I don’t know how to English so just know I love you okay ♥
☼ @heroxwithxdreams​ ;; remember that time we tried plotting and I ended up completely forgetting to reply to the message? ahh. I’m so happy that the second time around worked out. Because I always did want to reach out because I thought ‘ahh they seem so nice! I’d love to write with them’ and then I got lucky :) You’re so sweet to talk to even if we haven’t spoke for a while but I know that’s because you’ve had a break from Tumblr which I completely understand since I’m technically I’m on a semi hiatus haha! but just know when you’re back I’m ready to love you. <3
☼ @faerietaled​ ;; My motivational fairy! I’m so sorry I tend to forget to reply to my messages ah but you always seem to appear in my messages at just the right time :) Whenever I’m not feeling so great or stuck in a pickle you always reach out and say hey. Honestly you have no idea how much that means to me. <3 The fact you take some time out of your day and listen to my rambles; you’re an awesome bean. I hope this year treats you brilliantly because you deserve nothing less than the best. ♥
Whether you’ve been following me for months or for hours, whether we’ve written 500 threads together or only one or even not at all yet, whether we’ve spoke to each other or haven’t interacted yet, thank you all for ever giving me a second glance, for being so patient and understanding when I forget to reply to messages or my snail’s pace of reply speeds. You’re all such lovely people and without you my indie rping experience wouldn’t be what it’s like today :) Thanks for lighting up my dashboard with your greatness every day! Keep on doing you and know that if you ever need anything I’m here for you. And if you ever wanna start a new thing then I would be completely down with that!! Happy New Year! xx
☼ @domuslux  ☼  @finalisms  ☼  @heartonanoose ☼ @merryxchaos  ☼  @ferociousrex  ☼  @disapprcve  ☼ @inechoingsilence  ☼  @thefangedman  ☼  @ofbookshelves  ☼  @ofxmuse  ☼  @caringspirit  ☼ @evcrlasting  ☼ @mnemxsyne-writes  ☼ @darkwinterwinds  ☼  @dramaqxeenbitch  ☼  @thexnyctophiliacs  ☼  @the-red-red-rose  ☼  @anatcmies  ☼ @swordsandmagic  ☼  @kingxfmischief  ☼ @pseudonyist  ☼ @poignantisms  ☼  @novusorbus  ☼  @futureofnothing  ☼  @svimmingfools  ☼  @shewritcsx  ☼  @ofstrangevariety  ☼  @lavenderrpages  ☼  @cheapxseats  ☼  @scinglives  ☼  
(If I’ve missed you please do not take offence and know it was not my intention. My brain never remembers to reply to my messages let alone remember everyone for my first follow forever. I don’t love you any less so please don’t think that. )
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @thosebritishboysonyoutube !! 🙏🎉✨
well hello there, my fav aussie friendorino !! 🐨🐨 (ugh, what a weird way to start of a heartfelt bday letter, good job me uhmmmm)
Dear Zoe! (that's better 👌 not rlly it's pretty much a trainwreck from here soz but i really did try, i swear xD)
you turn 19 today, how flippin crazy is that ¿¿ only one more year as a tennager and then it'll be finally time for your roaring 20s, hhehe (sorry, anything i say at this point are just a bunch of p!atd references #noregrets). idk how being 19 feels yet because i myself am still very much a youngling (jk we're both getting so old where has the time gone and why won't it stop i feel attacked?) but hopefully you'll have the best year of your life so far !! and then, please, pass your knowledge down to me in a few months, haha xD
where am i even going with this 😂😂 ok, maybe it's true that girls make their bday wishes way too long, but what better way to tell you all these nice things than this special occasion !!
now, since i have tumblr to thank for meeting you, i thought it would be only appropriate to post this here (im v cheesy as u know, sorry this is what u get for being friends with me 😂🧀🧀). it all started on a faithful morning in january when i was sitting in arts class bored out of my mind and i decided it would be a fun thing to socialize with the person who had my fav picture of dnp as their profile picture and a username equally as long as mine xD i can't believe we've been friends ever since, the internet is so amazing man :') also literally the first thing we did was play 21 questions which took us like a week to finish because we kept getting distracted by the random topics we were discussing, i'll never forget that tbh 😂
ok, i don't want to drag this out, but i just want you to know that i am really glad we met because i have never known someone so similar to me so it's been a really awesome ride with you and i hope it never ends !! i also hope we get to meet each other one day in person so i can give u just about the biggest hug in the world and tell u how much i appreciate you and how much you mean to me in person. as i've told you before, you've been a better friend to me than most of the people i know irl which is pretty darn incredible because even though we live a million miles away, you never fail to make me smile and i am genuinely so thankful for that. 💜
thank you for actually taking interest in my life, for putting up with my weird obsession with gardening 🌱🌺 and most importantly for being my #1 fangirl companion, haha. 💞😂
have the best day today, because if there's anyone i know who deserves love and happiness, it's you ♥️ !! eat lots of cake (u better send pics so i can see if it's better than my traditional minion ones 😂) and party like there is no tomorrow !!! - just kidding, we don't do that sort of thing lol
and to wrap this up: here's a pic of beebo to brighten up your day (you're welcome)
Tumblr media
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Thoughts on Season 3 of Fuller House (3B):
Thoughts on 3A here. So just binge-watched all 9 episodes of it today haha and here are my random thoughts:
Seriously, Andrea Barber is such a great actress!! Like honestly, she should really win an Emmy for this show I am not kidding haha. She is soooo entertaining!! and wickedly talented at acting!!!!
DJ AND STEVE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! FINALLY!!!! I’VE WAITED SO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I’m not exactly 100% down on the whole DJ x Steve thing; I’ve said before that I think currently, the actor who plays Matt has more chemistry with DJ, but DJ x Steve was how it was SUPPOSED TO BE and I’m 2000% down for that. Also, idk how, but I think the Steve actor guy (Scott Weinger) somehow got cuter/more likable over the Season 3 break. He just seems to look a bit cuter and has more chemistry with DJ now lol (the kind he should have had at the beginning of Season 1).
The wedding fiasco... didn’t go down as ideally as I would have liked it to... it was the ultimate break-up — a wedding break-up — so it was, in a way, what you would have expected: really sad and harsh-letdowns all-around... idk how it could have turned out better (although there really is no excuse for how Steve and DJ treated their significant others ://). I am glad they didn’t drag out the whole DJ x Steve thing, though. And the Japanese-set episode was really fun!! Really enjoyed seeing all of the different, beautiful sights and experiences!! Wish we had gotten to see more of those :33 (The Japanese episode was definitely a bit shorter than I had expected.) Also loved how the episode was shot.
The appearance of the Japanese boy group Sexy Zone made me think of K-pop, and how much I love it, so I could relate. Sorry, guys, I just had to put that in there :PPP 
That alligator scene was top-notch. Great acting/balancing!
Seriously, as much as I love DJ and Steve, I will be so, so, so, so, so sad to see John Brotherton (the guy who plays Matt) go if he no longer gets a larger presence on the show. I have really, really appreciated the character Matt and have really enjoyed watching John’s performance.
Max, thankfully, is getting a little less annoying to handle on-screen (might have to do with his lack of scenes with the dog, which perhaps makes him less juvenile???). Also not exactly into his whole “I’m a smart guy”-type persona, but it’s not done terribly or maybe I’m getting used to it, so I can live with it. Idk, I just know I laughed more at and enjoyed his scenes more than I used to (he’s my least favorite character on the show, and probably still is).
Not really a fan of Max’s relationship with CJ’s girl, either (seems a bit forced), but whatever. If they want to make them that horrendously (I am not exaggerating when I use that word) cute couple, then more power to them.
Kinda sad/disappointed we didn’t get to see Popko for 3B, but he was a jerk, so it’s all okay. Ramona didn’t exactly get any love interests this time around, which is fine. And I really, really hope she doesn’t get with that high school dance-team guy, ugh. The dance-rival thing-y is cute enough, though, and I can see it being pulled off in the future.
I also don’t know why Ramona would skip out on SAFSPA: seemed like it was definitely her dream/goal as portrayed thus far, but okay, maybe it wasn’t. I thought the lesson we got out of that whole parent/kid situation was really good/nice.
Jackson and Rocki are a thing, and I AM LIVING FOR IT!!!!!! I’m just a sucker for nerdy guy/cool girl relationships, tbh :p :p
Still don’t like how Gia (a.k.a. Rocky’s mom) is sometimes cast as the “villain,” but oh well. I guess that discrepancy comes from us wanting post-Full House to be absolutely, 100% “feel-good,” but Gia was inherently written as a “bad” character, so she’s destined to be somewhat of the “bad” girl, no matter how far we get into the Fuller House world. At least she was written as less “evil” this time around.
ADORED Fernando and Tommy; ADORED Fernando, Tommy, and the race-car storyline; and ADORED Fernando and Tommy vs. Jesse and Pamela moment.
Tommy’s cute rn and had some really, really adorable moments this time around (funny enough, I enjoy him with Cosmo more than I do Max + Cosmo). I just really hope he doesn’t end up becoming annoying and unlikable like Michelle was on the original show. I liked Michelle as a baby/younger, but I didn’t enjoy her when she got older/was a toddler.
Honestly, I’ve never been a big fan of the “let’s be cute with babies” on TV-thing, especially on the original show, but I really liked seeing the guys or anyone holding and playing with the babies this time around. For once, I was like, “You know what?? I get it. This totally warms and melts my heart into a million pieces.” Idk, something cute and maybe more maternal?? within me just spoke :’pp
I STILL don’t think Stephanie should have a baby, especially when she has no job, no stable relationship, etc. I also kind of don’t want anymore babies lololol (first Jesse and Becky with Pamela, and of course, there’s already Tommy); there’s already so many people I have to keep up with on this show haha. But if that’s where they want to go, then hey, I’m glad the surrogate’s Kimmy and not someone else.
Needed more Stephanie and Jimmy. Or just Jimmy tbh.
When I saw Vicky, I gasped out loud. Could NOT believe she’s back, even though I already knew she’d be back/had a strong feeling she would be (idk if it was announced).
I DO NOT want the older guys (aka Danny, Jesse, Becky, and Joey) back for the majority of next season. It just seems like whenever the older guys come back it’s more of a static “callback” than actual progression of the episode/overall storyline. I enjoyed a lot of this season because there was less of the older guys; vice versa, I much more enjoyed seeing the older cast members visit this time because there wasn’t so much of them around. So yeah, reaaaalllly hoping we don’t see that much more of the older cast during the next season (if they get a next season), since they all announced they’re going to move back to San Francisco.
On the other hand, I’d really like to see Danny and Vicky finally get a news/television show together and get married already, lol.
I do like it when the older and newer generations are well-integrated, though. The Danny, Jesse, Joey, Steve, and Fernando scene was really funny and one of my favorites. Fuller House is basically just one big fanfiction that isn’t perfectly written, but it’s pretty snappin’ close, and it’s all TRUE AND Y’ALL GET TO CLAIM IT AND CALL IT CANON!! :P :P
Like I said, glad the whole DJ x Steve thing didn’t get dragged out, but a little disappointed it wasn’t exactly, totally resolved... But it’s okay; I can live with it, for the most part. At least they’ve decided they really do love each other, got in a good kiss, and want to try to pursue a real relationship again (hopefully that doesn’t get messed up next season). Excited to see what happens when they’re finally together after the “6 months” are over huehue...  
Happy that there wasn’t so much drama over “whether DJ would pick Matt or Steve”; I really didn’t want that plot point to drag on forever :V :V There was a lot more focus on the girls and family-interactions this time around, which I liked, even though it meant less of the adult pairings altogether.
TBH, there weren’t that many substantial main storylines or funny lines during this half of the season, imo (SHOUT OUT to that “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” EXCHANGE THOUGH; that scene was hilarious!!). A lot of it focused on everyday family interactions or Stephanie’s “surrogate/trying-to-get-a-baby” storyline (for those who are curious, I’d say the most we got this season was a solid on Stephanie’s storyline, and DJ and Steve confirming they will be getting together, but there really isn’t any further development toward their relationship. Also surprised they didn’t have a Christmas episode??) But tbh, I’m not mad. It was nice to not have to worry about any big romantic or whatever-else-possible drama, and just focus on seeing these characters interact with one another as a family. It was just ordinary, nice, and cheesy fun, and somehow kept me laughing and smiling like an idiot the entire time (which, in a way, is a nice nod to the original show’s purpose). This is really, really just a feel-good show. And you can see that reflected in the cast. You can just tell how comfortable everyone is with one another, and at times, you can see some real tears about to be shed during a couple of heart-felt scenes. It really is just about one big, ordinary, and optimistic family (although sometimes a bit too optimistic lol; I think they give themselves a bit of a dig about that at the end). So yeah, Fuller House is cheesy, ridiculous, lame, or whateverrrrrrrrr you want to call it, but I love it. And I enjoyed watching every episode of the entire second half of this season :’333
Please tell me they bring on Urkel as a special guest for Season 4.
Yup, I think those are my thoughts for now. Might add/edit some more points in later if I can think of anything!! lol :P :P
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hyungtop · 7 years
Can you introduce me to sf9? I don't know much about them tbh.
sure thing! i hope this helps :)
!! long post warning!!
sf9 stands for “sensational feeling 9,” they’re an idol group under fnc entertainment that debuted on october 6, 2016. before debut they were in a program called neoz school as the neoz dance team, along with 4 other trainees that made up the neoz band team (now honeyst, check them out they’re great!) the two groups then entered the survival show dance or band (d.o.b) to get a chance at debut. the dance team won by a very close vote so they got to debut first. in korea, sf9 has released one single album, called feeling sensation, and two extended plays, called burning sensation and breaking sensation. in japan, they’ve recently released two singles, fanfare and easy love. they are currently holding fanmeetings around asia and will be at kcon la next month!
sf9′s fanbase name is fantasy!
sf9 has 9 VeRY GOodLOOkING members: inseong, youngbin, jaeyoon, dawon, zuho, rowoon, taeyang, hwiyoung, and chani, from oldest to youngest. here is a ppt i found with some pretty good info: ppt
some more info about the members:
born on july 12, 1993 (his birthday was a few days ago!)
main vocalist, oldest member, 1/3 of extra line
from cheongdamdong, seoul
aspiring rapper
“fennec fox” (he thinks he looks like one), wink fairy
currently studying at kyunghee university as a journalism/communications major
in charge of english, his mom is an english teacher so she taught him and he also studied abroad for a year in london!
loves to eat
has THICK ASS THIGHS from playing sports wow those thighs wow
his favorite color is pink, he thinks it makes him look “young and fresh”
former sm trainee
has the stupidest laugh i don’t know how to describe it but it will make you smile every single time
likes to wear different lip tints but isn’t very good at wearing them, he’ll eat after his makeup is done and it smears everywhere
supposedly the mom of sf9 but only in that the maknaes listen to him (most of the time)
born nov. 23, 1993
leader, lead rapper, lead dancer
v responsible guy who takes care of his 8 kids
usually very soft-spoken but sometimes he is so loud…so loud
looks a little like chani bc they both have the same haircut
stylists like to put him in shorts and sleeveless shirts bc he got the nice legs and arms
likes to wear caps
cannot do aegyo to save his life but he tries
v cute with his big round eyes and bunny teeth and eyesmile and dumb laugh but he’s a very wild dancer
is actually a pretty decent vocalist
one of the only buns who has piercings in this group, he has two helix piercings in his right ear and one lobe piercing in each ear
always posting on twitter, usually selcas but sometimes just pictures of his fingers or hands
LOVES giving skinship. he used to be very lonely so now he’s very affectionate with the other guys, especially with chani
but doesn’t like receiving skinship, can usually be found screaming when jaeyoon kisses him
born aug. 9, 1994
lead vocalist, 2/3 of extra line
from busan but is not a manly busan man…we all know he’s afraid of everything sorry honey secret’s out
beautiful smile (those canines!!)
beautiful voice, i wish he had more parts
he has these soulful puppy eyes that make you want to wrap him up and hold him forever
sang the ost for my only love song
inseong’s best friend
resident girl group dance expert, do not challenge him diva jaeyoon will destroy you
very greasy, loves to kiss the camera and act cute
also incredibly sassy?
lowkey disses the other members while he’s trying to secure screentime
but very very sweet and loves to give kisses
born july 25, 1995
lead vocalist, 3/3 of extra line
real name lee sanghyuk
loud. very loud. you think you know loud? if you haven’t met dawon then haha this guy has two modes, fuckin loud and even louder
is probably screaming or making bad puns
sf9′s moodmaker
hobby: stealing hearts
self-proclaimed aegyo master. it’s bc he does not feel any of the shame that accompanies aegyo
seriously shameless. in their first show champion behind, he stuck his finger up youngbin’s nostril then wiped the same finger on youngbin’s lip
very talkative and very witty. lots of variety sense so he’s had a lot of solo activities, been on the radio and weekly idol segments
loves to kiss chani. if youngbin isn’t kissing chani then dawon is.
actually very soft on the inside and afraid of many things
born july 4, 1996
main rapper, lyricist/composer
real name baek juho
deep ass voice, sounds like a monster when he raps sometimes
gaze and jawline so sharp they can cut a bitch but um actually he’s a soft baby
likes hugs and kisses and handholding, precious baby who gets upset when the other members aren’t paying him enough attention
perhaps the most 4d, can be found pulling faces and making soft little noises to himself in the bg of many videos
has two very distinct laughs: the first mode is obnoxiously loud “HAHA”s and gasping for air, the second mode is soft but high-pitched giggling
seems like he’s always coughing or sniffling :(
resident bts fanboy
trained the longest (6 years) at fnc
good dancer, proud of his sexy dance ability
proud of his sharp nose “shiny nose juho” “my nose is my swag”
likes to walk around the dorm half-naked, snores like a chainsaw
born aug. 7, 1996
main vocalist, visual
if you don’t think he’s hot…well i haven’t met anyone yet who doesn’t think he isn’t at least remotely attractive so
tall dark and handsome: he’s 189cm tall (6′2), always flipping his black (now it’s brown) hair, has these beautiful pink lips and good body proportions
cooks and cleans, nags the other members to do their laundry properly
mom-friend wannabe
seriously beautiful inside and out
loves chani so much…but chani doesn’t love him back :( just kidding chani and rowoon are close
has a very high-pitched, giggly little girl laugh
has done some solo activities, such as lipstick prince and modeling during seoul fashion week…he out there networkin
currently a model for innisfree
recently casted as a lead in the drama school 2017
born feb. 28, 1997
main dancer, vocalist (i know there’s some debate about whether or not taeyang is a main vocal or not bc he gets almost as many lines as inseong/rowoon bc he’s usually p stable live)
from mokdong, seoul
powerful, wild dancer with many many body rolls what are you doin yoo taeyang
lots of charisma but is a quiet and shy bun offstage
wants to be a florist if he isn’t a singer
very very passionate in everything he does and it shows
loves the fans. has been seen on various occasions staring down lovingly at them from the window of the broadcasting station and praising the lovely law-abiding (??) fans
says a lot of greasy/cheesy things with a cute smile and sweet voice
the other guy who also has piercings, has two lobe piercings in his left ear and one in his right
apparently does not know how to dress himself and has no idea that chicken bones are not considered recyclable waste
considers everyone his baby
born may 11,1999
rapper, sub-vocalist
supposedly a hidden visual but i don’t really see what they mean bc those visuals are very obviously real
not too great at dancing compared to the other members but he has improved a lot!
“cold city man” of sf9
ironic bc he’s also from busan, and also a wimp
has a pretty deep voice but is in charge of dolphin screams
has a love-hate relationship with chani. they’re close and soft and hold hands but they’re so competitive and always trying to outdo the other
he is inseong’s baby i swear there are so many pictures of him sitting on inseong’s lap
very smiley but is always covering his smile why are you doing that honey
born jan. 17, 2000. an actual child
main dancer, rapper, sub-vocalist
from daejeon
maknae on top. is sweet with the fans, gives us cute smiles and noona aegyo and lots of winks but cuts down his hyungs…they still baby him anyway
is just generally a boob, does the opposite of what everyone tells him to do and laughs while he does it
the object of everyone’s affections especially youngbin
does not appreciate kisses but usually tolerates other forms of skinship
cannot eat spicy food but loveslovesloves chicken
has the deepest voice in the group, other than zuho, and does some pretty bomb imitations of zuho
currently attending sopa! he did a vlive in the cute yellow uniform
acted in a bunch of dramas, earlier this year he was in the movie goodbye single
here are some of their songs:
fanfare: their debut song! mv // live // practice // cute ver.
k.o: a little different than the d.o.b but still very good live // practice 1 2
roar: mv // live // practice // valentine’s day ver.
still my lady: practice // special mv // touch ver.
easy love: probably my favorite bc i started following them during this era! mv // live // practice // self-cam // japanese version
watch out: live // practice // uniform ver.
and some of my personal favorites:
together // tell me what it is // jungle game // shut up ‘n lemme go // around farewell
some videos of the stuff they’ve done:
heart attack dance cover
i need u cover
i hope cover
i’m a loner cover
lunch time // english lessons // ootd
5 members dance performance: one take // directed by hwi
d.o.b (you can find all episodes here)
click your heart
special food 9
spectacle fantasy 9
so beautiful
battle for vroomie 1 2 3 4 5
otw: busan fansign // gwangju fansign
roar behind
mask pack singer
93 line’s vlive
kcon japan easy love // special stage
kcon ny easy love // special stage
kcon la fanfare // special stage
side note: not sure if you’re interested in ships but some of the more popular ships are inseong/jaeyoon (jaeseong), taeyang/hwiyoung (hwitae), and rowoon/chani (rochan). a few other ships: youngbin/inseong (youngseong), zuho/inseong (juseong), rowoon/zuho (juwoon), and hwiyoung/chani (chanhwi or hwichan) sorry my bias is showing but inseong’s a lil hoe
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iliminoal · 7 years
Normaaa :) Soo i have some studyblr asks for you~ 12,19, 35, 66, 86 (i hope these aren't too many!)
12.  Favorite book you’ve read for school?
answered here:)
19. How has having this blog changed you?
wooo this is going to be extremely cheesy, don’t judge lmao. Ready for the maximum cheesiness?? here we go. 
 It has made me worry about my future, worry about the world in general. I love love loveeee how almost everyone in the community is super loving and polite and accepting. I love how pure our goal is, sharing study tips and pics of us learning with the intention of helping and pushing others to do their best. We help each other when we need it, always willing to give advice hoping that we helped at least a bit. But we also get involved in politics, terrorism, religion and how everyone supports each other is so heartwarming. I love that if anyone has a bad grade or even a bad day, someone is there just to make you feel special and worth something and you always have someone to talk to. Honestly, i’m v picky about friendship and I consider some of the people here my friends and I’m always so happy to talk with them (or anyone). In the end, we are all a bunch of nerds who love learning and want toreach their goalsand make this world a better place. This community is so pure I’m so glad I’m a part of it. 
oMG that was so cheesy, i want to throw the computer out of the window and then myself 
35. Who has been a role model for you in your academic life?
My parents, but also my brother, he’s always pushing me to my limit and he’s always trying to help me with what he can
66. How do you balance social life with school life?
The thing is that I’m also a high-performance athlete, so I have to balance the three things. I always try to pay attention in class and try and do the homework for the next day there so I can have more sleeping time when I come home from practice. I honestly don’t know how I do it, it’s hard af but it’s going to be worth it. 
86. How many alarms do you have in the morning?
HAHA a LOT. I’m the type of person who has a ton alarms, not because one is not enough but because i’m scared i’m going to fall asleep again loll. I have 12 alarms between 6:55 and 7:30 lmao. sorry not sorry. 
Hello Cynthia!!I’m so sorry for my cheesiness lol. Thanks for the ask:) 
studyblr themed asks
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Jaemin- Teddy Bear
Group: NCT- Jaemin
Theme: Valentine’s Day Special
Type: One shot- fluff
Plot: You visit Jaemin at the hospital and you two have a cute Valentine’s Day date that involves a certain teddy bear making things memorable.
You eagerly wave goodbye to your mom as she drops you off at the hospital where your boyfriend was admitted. Your arms were full with flowers, chocolates, and a huge oversized teddy bear so waving was a little difficult but the huge grin on your face definitely indicated that you were very happy to be here. Sure a hospital wasn’t on your list of places to have a Valentine’s Day date but if that’s where Jaemin would be spending his day, you didn’t mind being here.
You felt a little guilty since you haven’t visited him in a while but you intended to make it up to him by making this day super special and unforgettable. You made your way up to the third floor and walked down the familiar white corridors until you stopped at the reception/ check in area.
A friendly, elderly nurse recognized you and greeted you with a warm smile, “Ah Y/N! It’s so nice to see you again, you’re here to visit Jaemin again aren’t you? That boy has been just talking about you day in and day out and it’s really sweet haha. I see you came with lots of gifts for Valentine’s day huh? Haha come here and give me a hug first before you rush off to see him,” she says nimbly.
You walk over to her and she engulfs you tightly into her plump figure. You chuckle at her strength and pull away from her solid grip with a wide smile. “Pearl, I got you a little something too, how could I forget about my favorite nurse? Here you go, I hope you like it,” you say a little anxiously, handing her a small gift box with a bright pink bow adorning it and a bouquet of flowers.
“Oh Y/N you shouldn’t have dear. Oh my! This is beautiful, thank you dear,” Pearl exclaims happily, giving you another big hug.
“Haha you’re welcome, when I saw this pearl bracelet I just knew I had to get it! I'm glad you like it Pearl, but now I gotta go give Jaemin his gift and I don’t want to make him wait anymore so I’ll be on my way now. It’s nice seeing you again and I’ll be sure to come visit you guys more frequently!” you promise, giving Pearl one more hug.
“Aw Y/N, you’re so kind but I won’t be seeing you much anymore. It’s for a good reason but I will miss seeing your sweet face that’s for sure. Ok that’s too much rambling coming from this old woman haha, go now. Go to Jaemin, poor guy’s been waiting to see you for a long time, hurry now dear,” Pearl says a bit hurriedly with a sad smile, pushing you lightly to the set of corridors leading towards Jaemin’s room.
You turn away from Pearl and continue to walk towards his room. When you find his room number, you knock on the door lightly and poke your head in when you hear Jaemin’s familiar voice shout, “Come in!”
“Y/N?! Oh baby I missed you so much!” Jaemin squealed delightfully, getting up to embrace you into his famous bear hugs.
“Oh I missed you too boo-boo! I’m sorry I didn’t come to visit you that much but Happy Valentine’s Day babe!” you shout, still hugging him tightly.
“Oooh I got you something boo,” you begin cutely as Jaemin takes a seat on his bed. You thrust the giant teddy bear towards him and smile even wider than you did before. “Happy Valentine’s Day Jaemin!”
“Aww babe, you didn’t have to get me anything. I’m just happy to have you here with me but thank you,” he says with a fond smile, taking the huge teddy bear into his arms. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything this year,” he says with a pout, resting his head on top on the teddy’s.
“That’s why I got chocolate for the both of us and by both I mean me. Hehe, all I want is for you to recover and get discharged soon,” you say, kissing his forehead and ruffling his fluffy brown hair.
“Oh, well in that case, I can proudly tell you that I’m getting discharged in two days! I can finally go home to some good food, friends, and most importantly, wifi!” Jaemin states happily.
“Wow that’s good to hear! Man, I donnu how you managed to live with laggy wifi for so long, if I were you, I’d get soo bored. That also explains why Pearl looked a little sad earlier,” you realize, talking to yourself.
“What?” Jaemin asks for clarification.
“Oh when I saw Pearl earlier she looked a lil sad but I understand now because even though you’re getting discharged, which is great news, it’s sad since we won't see her anymore,” you explain bitter-sweetly.
“Yea...I know. I’ll definitely miss her too but I won’t be missing the wifi aha,” Jaemin reminds.
“Haha yea boo I can tell,” you say laughingly.
“So what do you wanna do?” Jaemin asks.
“Hmm, I have an idea. Do you wanna go to the little bakery across the street?” you suggest.
“Sure that sounds nice,” he nods.
“Okie, are you ready to go?” you ask.
“Yea, I’m ready. Let’s go?” he asks, offering his hand to hold.
You slip your hand into his seemingly, larger one and lean in peck his lips lightly before heading off the petite bakery. Pearl gave you guys permission to leave the hospital but you had a time limit for an hour. You guys took your time to walk there but it only took a few minutes to arrive since it was literally right across the hospital. The bakery was surprising pretty empty considering that today was Valentine’s day. So you two ordered sandwiches and of course, some freshly made pastries and occupy a window booth.
You two enjoy your lunch and catch up on a bunch of stuff by going on a relaxing walk, almost forgetting the hour limit. But you two make it back on time and give the warm pastry you two grabbed for Pearl and in return, she gave you two a basket filled with little goodies and some cheesy rom-coms.
So you set up the movies and then joined Jaemin on his bed, that was definitely made for one, and nuzzle against his chest while clutching the teddy bear. Some point during the second movie, you two both dozed off for a bit and Jaemin woke you up to a tickle fight. You caught him trying to snap a picture of you sleeping but only caused your tickle fight to get more intense. After surrendering, you two start to exchange very cheesy pick up lines while playing uno and laugh it off by eating a bunch of Valentine’s day candy that Pearl gave in the basket.
Before you got picked up by your mom, you two told each other how much you two really cared about each other and that lead to a lots cute cuddling and a few sweet kisses. At last, when you really had to leave, Jaemin told you that he might leave you for the giant teddy bear you got him since it was super cuddly but then he reassured you that you were the best boy/girlfriend ever and that he would never leave you.
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*ahh I'm sorry for the delay, I kept changing the plot but I like how it came out and u can tell that I was getting lazy more towards the end but like its pretty cute as a lil V-day date thing idk how dates work man ive never been on one TT 
*also side note, I know hes not in the hospital any more but this was just a lil idea I had abt him when he was ya know. I hope he recovers soon, I've been worried about him so I hope he’s doing gud and that he’s resting up well
**so like I wanted to use his nickname ‘na-na’ but in Hindi Nana means grandpa so like I wasn’t tryna make things weird ya know like no one calls their bf ‘grandpa’ so yea ur welcome *wink* hope u guys enjoyed this
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