#we'd go hang out in this little forested area
insipid-drivel · 5 months
I came across your horse FAQ post, which was really great.
I thought you would enjoy that’s there’s a company out of Scotland called Highlands Unbridled, that does week long hours treks.
They have right on their website, that if you arrive and you can’t ride properly, they will cancel your trip completely. My vet is going on one, and they had to send a resume of their horse experience, and videos of their riding abilities, before even being allowed to book their trip.
I can only imagine the people that try to book with zero knowledge that get turned down quite quickly.
Hnnngh, that sounds like an awesome service for cash-strapped riders! I don't think there's anything wrong with pay-to-ride trail rides, but when you've had enough experience riding to hold your own, they can get stale. Even the horses often seem pent up and bored.
It's been over a decade since a rode seriously, mostly due to health problems caused by a busted gallbladder that made riding extremely painful for me, but I've since had my gallbladder removed so it's no longer a risk to me anymore, I've been getting healthier, and I'm starting to feel the itch to get back in the saddle again o_o
Anyway here's a story about how I almost died because my trail riding horse got overexcited and I only encouraged him:
So, I live up in the Pacific Northwest in the US. If you've never seen it or been there yourself, the landscape is very similar to the landscapes in the British Isles, including Scotland (I lived in the UK for a little while, over in Stratford in Warwickshire, England). I was living in Oregon at the time, and hadn't ridden in a bit, so my mom decided to buy us slots on a trail riding tour. The area the trail took us through was gorgeous - green fields, steep gullies, tall hills, and forests. It was after I'd had to retire from regular riding, and I was depressed because we'd just moved away from the ranch I was working at as a stable hand, so I was going through full horse-withdrawal. It was after the 2008 economic crash, too, so I knew we'd probably never have the money to afford me going back to riding seriously again, and I was too disabled from my gallbladder to work in the stables.
We arrive, and everything is as boilerplate and dry as any other all-skill-ranges-allowed trail rides. The horses were doughy and sleepy and bored. They were already tacked up and lined up waiting for everyone to pick a horse and fumble up into the saddles. I was grumbling under my breath about it, because I really dislike hopping on a horse that was tacked up by someone other than me. If a shitty tacking job is gonna get me killed? Then it's gonna be my shitty tacking job.
The ride starts off painfully boring. We're moving at the slowest walk ever - I've literally warmed up horses on the lead rope at faster paces - and this was before smartphones and good signal, so I couldn't just check out and let the horse carry me through the trails while I took selfies and farted around on social media. The scenery was pretty, but oh my god, I was practically drowning in my own horse's boredom.
We finally arrive in the heavily wooded part of the trail ride, and come upon a steep dip in the trail with a near-vertical wall of scrub and trees to my left, and a ravine so deep on my right so deep that you literally couldn't see the bottom.
My mom gave me a look at this point, because now she's dying of boredom, too. She's like, "I can feel this horse's soul dying under me," and I'm like, "Just the horse's?"
So my mom suggests we give our horses the command to stop walking and hang back. We were the last two in the line of riders, and the path we were taking was too narrow for horses to walk side-by-side, so nobody noticed us not keeping up. We kept our horses waiting at the top of the dip in the ravine, and it wasn't until the last person in the riding group was around a bend and out of sight that we started signalling to our horses, "Hey, we're not noobs, want to cut loose?"
The horses both seemed to answer, "Hell. Yeah."
My mom takes off on a gallop, whooping with glee as her horse bursts forward, down the slope in the path, and back up to the top. It was less than 1/4 mile, so she was well within eyeshot when she turned herself around to see me follow her. Like I said; the trail was too narrow for us to run it together, so she went first.
This is why I hate riding on some other person's tack job. I gave my horse the signal to cut loose and gallop, and as soon as my horse reaches top speed going down a hill with a ravine to one side that promised certain death, that the combination of the summer sunshine sweats + a loose fucking belly cinch that my saddle started sliding down my horse's right side toward the Death Ravine.
I am officially In Trouble, and the world around me literally slowed down like I was suddenly underwater. I stopped hearing normally. Everything went in slow-motion as the "Oh god, if I don't fall correctly, I'm fucking dead," played in my head, combined with my memory shrieking my mom's old SCUBA training at me that she raised me to believe: "Panic and you die."
All of a sudden, my right thigh tenses up on its own, and with more force than I could account for, my leg - seemingly of its own volition - jettisoned me off the slipping right stirrup to the left instead, and I was able to tuck and roll into the scrub and land on the high side of the trail and not tumble to my doom down the ravine. I was bewildered, because I was completely unharmed, and on god, I swear I didn't know anything about how to actually tuck and roll. I'd been told how, but I'd never, ever had to do it before.
It wouldn't be until years later that I'd find out I have Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personalities) and one of my alter personalities took over and saved my life that day.
Because despite what movies like that bullshit Netflix trash "Splitter" would have you believe, DID can actually be pretty fucking amazing and save lives.
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siodium · 2 years
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i successfully balloted for some tickets through my company's attractions booking system and decided to bring my fam there~ it's been a long time since we went on a family outing like this. i think the last time was more than seven years ago?? oof
also brought along my camera for the maximum ✨ tourist experience ✨ it was a good opportunity to take it outside bc i haven't done so in a while.
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my staff pass granted us free entry to the cloud forest, flower dome, and ocbc skyway~ right now there's some avatar (the blue one not the airbender one) collab going on at the cloud forest. i didn't watch any of the movies so i don't know a thing about avatar but some of the interactive elements were pretty cool. i like the one where you hover your hand over this blue tongue-looking plant(??) to make the tubes connected to it glow.
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the flower dome was nice!! so many pretty flowers and cute succulents!!! for some reason there were many cny rabbit sculptures and decorations around. even though it's already february?? almost march actually???
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the alice in wonderland statues were a pleasant surprise though.
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the last stop was the skyway, which was located somewhere in the iconic supertree grove. we had to take a lift to the top of one of the supertrees and my dad commented that it was only going to be two storeys high. bUT NO,,, THERE WAS NO WAY IT WAS ONLY TWO STOREYS UP BC THE PPL BELOW LOOKED LIKE ANTS!!! and when we were up there it was so windy??? even though it was so hot and sunny when we were on the ground??? i felt like the hanging bridge was trembling a little from the strong winds. and i don't like how the bridge got narrower at some points... idk if claustrophobic or what but walking along the narrow path gave me Fear (bro felt the same)
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but ok gotta admit the view from the top was magnificent. it was also the least crowded area out of all the places we went to so that was nice too. good thing it didn't rain at all the whole time we were there bc if it did then we'd have to give the skyway a miss.
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overall, it was a good experience!! can't believe we were out for almost 12 hours O: and we didn't even finish exploring the entire place?? tbh all that walking felt like a good workout and i felt like i was ready to sleep when i got home.
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mongayakai · 2 years
I was running down weird halls and forest with a kid who was main character and a guy supporting character. We got to a grocery store looking house that was my home. I pointed the others in the direction of any supplies they needed and advised not to go in the room that has the dragon in it, but we'd still get XP for being in the house near it. We were running from main character's mother who's got crazy monster abilities and a gun. We got to a T shaped path in the hallway and I ran one way, the others ran the opposite way. I dipped into a bathroom as the mother rounded the corner of the hall to follow me. It was dark and I hid in the bathtub behind the shower curtain. I had laid down for optimal hiding ability, even attempted to go in the fetal position to occupy as little space as possible. I heard the mother enter the room, I held my breath, and she didn't turn on the lights. After a couple seconds i heard the door open and close, but hadn't heard footsteps the entire time so I hesitated to move. I then tried to escape through the ceiling tiles. The layout was the same as the actual rooms so when I tried to pass the bathroom door, one tile dropped, revealed itself to be a mimic, and the mother was also staring through the crack grabbing onto my leg. I died and was spectating the others who had been holed up in a master bedroom and seemed to have acquired another party member, a girl support type. They also had zip ties all over a bunch of ceiling tiles and a makeshift stair set that leads from the ceiling to the floor. I spawned back into my body and ran over to the group from the ceiling. I attempted to get in, careful of mimics and trying to open passage to the stairs. Party didn't know it was me so they agro'd the moment they saw me and broke the stairs while I was on them causing me to fall before they recognized me. They tricked the mother to go into the room with the dragon and locked her in there. They decided it was now safe and they left to run errands and side quests. I stayed in the room and summoned a bunch of people, not sure how to explain it, they're like my guardian angles but there's a shutting of them and they're just regular people living their lives and when I summon them it sorta interrupts whatever they were doing. Summoning is like pushing a button but you gotta do it a bunch of times to cycle through what you want. It summons office desk, person, their alcohol, their stuff, next office desk, next person, etc. If you want help from someone at the end of the cycle, you'll have a very crowded area. So I summoned all of them, not cause I need anything, but cause they're my friends and u enjoy their company. The first one is a dad and I had a deal w him to hang out with his son regularly. I drank his scotch and my alarm went off to indicate I'm late to hang with his kid. So I head out, pick up the kid and his friends, text the dad, then we all go to winco cause they're all late teens and there's nothing to go in town. When we get back to my grocery store, he mentions it's tradition that we have a dance at the end of the night so we started doing some cutesy waltz slow dance. Luckily Woke up before the dream could make that a bad thing
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implicitsink · 6 years
okay but mac & charlie as young kids growing up in shitty, unsafe situations and spending every hour possible biking around philly until way past the regular curfew of the street lamps to try and feel as normal as possible. standing on street corners in the winter bundled in layers of old clothes to smoke ms macs cigarettes and look through baseball cards, noses all red and runny. shwoing up at eachothers houses late at night when things got too much at home and the other sneaking them in so they could sleep and heading out to the train yard early in the morning, ditching school to hang out and forget everything. ms kelly making mac feel safe and wanted and loved whenever he visits!!! and mac letting charlie spend the night after finding out about uncle jack and having to be talked down from beating the shit out of him while his blood boils . bestfriends who make shit more bearable for eachother !!!! blood brothers !!!!!!
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archivistseye · 2 years
Statement of Jonah Hare, regarding a boy they met at summer camp. Original statement submitted September 24th, 2012. Recording by Vester Moth, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute.
Statement begins.
Before we continue I must apologize for any inconsistencies or vagueness. You see, this all happened a long time ago, back when I was about fourteen or fifteen. I'm in my thirties now, and my memory was never my strongest point.
But, my statement. Right.
It was at a summer camp.
School had ended for break, and parents were trying to figure out ways to get rid of their kids for just a bit longer. My parents were no different.
So despite my protests they tossed me into a summer camp. It was six weeks long for kids of ages eight to sixteen. I had just had my birthday so I didn't want to hang out with anyone younger than me. I didn't want to hang out with anyone, actually.
I was never the most social child. I had a multitude of reasons, but it was mostly a cycle of deciding I wanted to be alone, to bullies targeting me because I was alone, to me deciding I wanted to be alone because I didn't trust people, to bullies targeting me.
During the first week I kept to myself. I stayed quiet, I spoke when spoken to, and participated in activities as little as possible.
As an alternative, I took to reading the many books on fungus they had in the main cabin. I had always had a bit of an interest in them, something about them being such large contributors to the decay part of the life cycle had me enamoured, so when I saw their large selection of books from local fungi to those even across the world? Well, I was ecstatic.
I spent hours going through the books, reading each page over and over. I loved it.
And I wasn't the only one. I forget his name. I believe it was Stanley or Stokely, perhaps even Sydney. It's not all that important, but what was important, is that he loved fungi just as much as I did.
After years of being alone I finally had a friend who loved what I loved. It was a feeling I'd never felt before.
We would spend all of our spare time talking about our favorite mushrooms and how fascinating each type was. It was some of the most fun I'd ever had.
One day, the camp counselors revealed to us that we would be going on a hike, and that we were to bring journals and write down, draw, and describe all the things we found interesting. It was only natural that the boy and I team up.
At the end of the hike, the kids had the choice to go back to camp, or spend some more time finding things in areas of our choosing. Most kids went back to camp, with only a few of us staying behind. We all decided to split up, save for the boy and I.
It was just the boy and I in the area of the forest we had chosen. We were supposed to be watched by a counselor, but she disappeared at one point and we didn't particularly care to look for her, too wrapped up in our search for fungus.
And fungus, we did find. Of all different shapes and sizes. We had so much fun identifying what mushroom was what, going mostly by our memory of the books we'd read pretty much dozens of times.
It was all smooth sailing, until the boy stumbled across something he didn't recognize. When he called me over, I prepared to identify it and one-up him, but when I looked at it, I was completely and utterly stumped.
It was a bright cyan, frilly and covered in bulbous orange spots. It was beautiful. And something I had never, ever seen before, book or reality.
We stared at it for a moment. My mind was going a mile a minute, debating on whether this may be a mushroom from a county or two over that somehow managed it's way here or if it was an unidentified species.
That thought thrilled me. The idea of finding something new was so incredibly exciting, especially when it was something fungal.
It was then I noticed that during my inner debate, the boy had started poking at the mushroom with his finger. He was tapping and poking at the large orange spots. It snapped at him, told him that he ought to stop. What if this was a mushroom no one had seem before? We must tell someone!
As I say this, he gives one final poke to the bulging spot, and it bursts.
Puss spews out of it, covering his hand in a vile liquid. Some even managed to land on his cheek. It reeked of a smell I would later discover was rot.
I bite back the bile rising in my throat, and tell him we should head back and get cleaned up. He says nothing, and merely nods.
I, fortunately, was far enough away from the mushroom when the spot burst that I didn't get any on me. I certainly felt as though it had.
The boy was... Odd. After that event. He woke me up that night. He asked me to come with him, to see our "secret mushroom." I said no, and that I was sleeping. I told him he should he asleep too. I couldn't quite tell in the dark, but I think his face may have scrunched up. He sighed, and told me he'd go back to bed.
I dont think he did.
He wasn't quite right the day afterwards. Or the day after that. Or the day after that one. He disappeared often. In the time between activities, it seemed no-one could find him. One night, I'd awoken from a puss-filled nightmare and glanced over to his bunk. It was empty.
I knew where he was going, but I didn't say anything. I mean, it wasn't harmful. He was just looking at a mushroom. I figured it would be fine. And it was! For a few days. He... He went missing after the sixth. He left after some camp activity, I don't remember what it was, and he just didn't come back.
I could've told a counselor where he was, should've told them where he was, instead of watching them run around trying to find him. I don't know why I didn't. Maybe I felt like I'd be in trouble for not telling them sooner. Maybe I didn't want them to see the mushroom.
A week after he disappeared I thought it had been long enough. I would go out and find him and that damn mushroom he was obsessed with.
And I did.
I found him. He was sitting next to that cyan abomination. The fungus covered every inch of his arm, it crawling onto his chest and buried itself into where his heart were once located. There was even some on his cheek, right where that foul puss had gotten him.
Everything combined with the smell, a hundred times stronger now that it was a much, much larger mushroom, was too much, and I threw up.
He didn't spare much glance to the vomit. He simply smiled as he looked at me. He told me about how happy he was. How much he loved this revolting fungus and how much it loved him.
He spread his arms open, and his smile widened as he told me it loves me, too. He told me we could continue being friends if I joined him.
I turned, and I ran.
I never saw him again. The counselors had to call his parents. Camp continued on as normal, barely a dent in schedule.
I didn't say anything for the rest of camp. I didn't say anything for a long, long time.
And there we have it. My memory of what happened gets fuzzier and fuzzier each day, so I figured I'd give you my statement now before I forget too much. Thank you for your time.
Statement ends.
Interesting. Mushrooms, decay, love. What do they mean?
I wonder how much of this actually happened. It's not that I don't believe M. Hare, I simply can't help but notice their mentioning of their bad memory. But, due to the fact this statement didn't record digitally, I'm compelled to group it into the real statements.
M. Hare didn't give us much information to do research with. They did not tell us when or where this took place, and I found it very difficult to find anything
I really need some assistants.
Recording ends.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hi hi! May I request a romantic matchup for SCP Foundation from your ongoing event? Thank you so much!! And congratulations for reaching 1K followers!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I go by the name Prince or Jun, and my pronouns are : He/They. I'm an INFP and a 4'11" Pisces.
I'm a total introvert who would not leave the house unless necessary, and I tend to avoid large crowds and people since I have social anxiety. I'm quite distant, cold and awkward when I first meet people but I get really weird ( ahem, shameless.) and outgoing once I warm up to someone. I'm a worrywart and prone to have pessimistic/intrusive thoughts. My humor is dark and inappropriate and very sexual. Although, I'm panromantic asexual. My love language are physical affection ( back hugs, cuddles, face peppering, playing with your hands, hand holding, & arm over the shoulder. ), and cheesy/corny flirts. I'm also a psychology student, an artist, a cosplayer, and a creative makeup artist. I enjoy horror films and historical novels. I like playing pranks on others, listening to all kinds of music, and dancing. I dream to be a full-time cosplayer or a psychologist. I like to travel the world as well, take photos, and, of course, watch anime and read manga! I like hanging out in a dimly lit bedroom, watching movies, or at an abandoned area ( parking lot, building, etc. ) I enjoy solitude and the dark. Oh! I'm scared of butterflies and allergic to dust.
I tend to be impulsive at times ( mainly concerning money ), and I exhibit extreme mood swings. I'm very affectionate though, and always willing to lend a shoulder or an ear. I also care too much. Apart from that, I'm very sarcastic and a swearing sailor ( I cuss a lot with people I'm comfortable with. ) Playful, bad memory ( sometimes ), bad at picking up jokes most of the times, and has a tendency to suddenly disappear for a few weeks before returning like nothing happened. I need to recharge to be able to socialize again.
I'm a total sap and an affectionate person to the person I love. I'm the type to wake up every morning and message them, "Good morning, hun!" and I also check up on them if they're feeling well.
I have two ideal dates.
One : Just casually lounging at either one's bedroom. The lights are dim, the windows are closed along with the curtains while we cuddle on the bed, binge watching movie series or an animated series. We'd have snacks and drinks as we stay up late till 3 AM. Maybe we'd take short, funny videos and post them on our stories. Turn up the music and have small dance party. Do each other's hair and makeup. Have a small fashion show. A sleepover date, to be precise.
Two : Going on an exploring date to an abandoned building or a forest. Just the two of us. No other people around. Taking photos or videos, or just hanging out as we have small talk. It'll be even better if it's a haunted area and we do it at night, scaring each other just for shits and giggles.
Apart from that, I also like someone who can be submissive towards me. I find them to be cute and it makes me wanna bully them more for being so adorable :") ( Will spoil them to bits after ). I may be short but I do not enjoy being the little spoon/submissive partner.
I have wavy, black hair that ends above my shoulders, it's shaved on the left side. I have dark brown eyes and a slightly tanned skin tone. I have scars all over my legs and arms due to skin asthma. My ears are pierced.
I usually wear comfortable clothing such as hoodies, jackets, sweaters, long-sleeves, tank tops, jogging pants, shorts and oversized shirts. However, when I want to look presentable, I wear button up shirts, skinny jeans, cargo shorts, high heels, oversized sweaters, boots and a dress ( rarely ). As you can see, my fashion sense is a mixture of both feminine and masculine clothing. I love androgyny.
Your matchup is... Dr. Bright!
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3]
In General
I almost wanted to put you with Kondraki but I decided that Jack was better. Let's get into that.
Things He Likes About You
I feel he really likes your sense of humor because it's on par with his. Jack also gets along well with Pisces people tbh. And you're interested in cosplay?? I think Jack LOVES cosplay the two of you need to cosplay together PLEASE. Your date ideas seem to really resonate with him as well, and that's kinda why I put you with Jack over Kondraki. I think Kondraki is... tired. Let that man rest. Jack has energy. While I don't think he's super hyper funny man, he's definitely up for fun things like adventuring with you. I'll come back to this though. Jack loves that you're a little spitfire too, makes him smile and he finds it hot tbh. Your sense of style is really nice too, and he may lend you his coats and jackets from time to time. Your hair is super gorgeous to him, and he loves that it's shaved. Literally you physically match up so well with him.
You Two as a Couple
Alright here's the section I really like going off the rails in!! Jack actually doesn't mind large crowds or being around a lot of different people, but as an introvert he needs his time alone. He'll definitely spend days with you where it's silent and just the two of you so you both can replenish your energy. He knows about your social anxiety and will comfort you - Jack is pretty good on mental health matters for literally everyone but himself smh. He's protective, but you can probably bend him into submission pretty easily tbh. He's always in charge, let him let go once and a while. Will absolutely shoot back your humor with his. It's super fun. Loves your art and will doodle with you from time to time. I actually think Jack doesn't really listen to music but instead likes podcasts? But he'd never say no to dancing with you. I feel the two of you would get into small prank wars. Very cute. As he's a higher up at the Foundation, he's going to leverage that so the two of you can actually travel and see places. Doesn't matter where, he just wants to fill up a polaroid wall with you. He'll handle the butterflies, don't worry at all. Jack can and will act as a sense of reason when it comes to money matters. He'll keep you in check. LOVES that you are affectionate because I think he's just emotionally starved lmfao. He's pretty affectionate towards you in ways you probably wouldn't expect tbh. So, both of your date ideas line up with him pretty well. The first one definitely, I feel those happen a lot. Jack isn't entirely into makeup?? But he'd try it and probably grow a fondness for it whenever you do it for him. Do his nails though, he'd really like that. I feel he calls you "The Little Prince" as a joke -. The exploring date speaks for itself like, that's just guaranteed. Polaroid wall. Again, Jack can be pretty submissive at times just - like it works out lmfao. Jack is also a your rock whenever things feel like they're too much. You can confide in him wholly, and he'll love you even more taking proper care and consideration.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug, thank you so much! Hope you enjoyed this match up. <3
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serodev · 3 years
Hello! Hello! May I request a SFW matchup for your 500 followers event, please? Thank you so much in advance and congratulations reaching that many followers! 🎉🎉
Both humans & demons. I'm fine with either.
I hope this wasn't too long HAHAHA!
I go by the name Prince or Jun, and my pronouns are : He/They and I'm proudly 4'11" HAHAHA! I'm 18 years old.
I'm a total introvert who would not leave the house unless necessary, and I tend to avoid large crowds and people since I have social anxiety. I'm quite distant, cold and awkward when I first meet people but I get really weird ( ahem, shameless. ) and outgoing once I warm up to someone. I'm a worrywart and prone to have pessimistic/intrusive thoughts. My humor is dark and inappropriate and very sexual. Although, I'm panromantic asexual ( poly, as well ). My love language are physical affection ( back hugs, cuddles, face peppering, playing with your hands, hand holding, & arm over the shoulder. ), and cheesy/corny flirts. I enjoy horror films and historical novels. I like playing pranks on others, listening to all kinds of music, and dancing. I like to travel the world as well as take photos! I like hanging out in a dimly lit bedroom, watching movies, or at an abandoned area ( parking lot, building, etc. ) I enjoy solitude and the dark. Oh! I'm scared of butterflies and allergic to dust.
I tend to be impulsive at times ( mainly concerning money ), and I exhibit extreme mood swings. I'm very affectionate though, and always willing to lend a shoulder or an ear. I also care too much. Apart from that, I'm very sarcastic and a swearing sailor ( I cuss a lot with people I'm comfortable with. ) Playful, bad memory ( sometimes ), bad at picking up jokes most of the times, and has a tendency to suddenly disappear for a few weeks before returning like nothing happened. I need to recharge to be able to socialize again.
I'm a total sap and an affectionate person to the person I love. I'm the type to wake up every morning and message them, "Good morning, hun!" and I also check up on them if they're feeling well.
I have two ideal dates.
One : Just casually lounging at either one's bedroom. The lights are dim, the windows are closed along with the curtains while we cuddle on the bed, binge watching movie series or an animated series. We'd have snacks and drinks as we stay up late till 3 AM. Maybe we'd take short, funny videos and post them on our stories. Turn up the music and have small dance party. Do each other's hair and makeup. Have a small fashion show. A sleepover date, to be precise.
Two : Going on an exploring date to an abandoned building or a forest. Just the two of us. No other people around. Taking photos or videos, or just hanging out as we have small talk. It'll be even better if it's a haunted area and we do it at night, scaring each other just for shits and giggles.
Apart from that, I like someone who can be submissive towards me. I find them to be cute and it makes me wanna playfully bully them more for being so adorable :") ( Will spoil them to bits after ). I may be short but I don't enjoy being the little spoon/submissive partner. I hate being forced into that position too, just because I'm short and that I look "cute".
I also hate people who are ignorant, neglectful, and quick to jump into conclusions about another person. I don't like someone who isn't willing to understand me and communicate with me either. Other than that, I don't like bright lights, fish, open areas ( no walls, no closed windows, no doors, etc. ), And loud noises.
Note(s): Let's get these match-ups started! I have to say that you sent a lot of text to me, but I don't mind it at all! I actually have to say that I know this one guy who's around the same height as you, and he's really cute. I hope you enjoy your match~
I match you up with…
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Rengoku Kyojuro!
» I think this matchup was going to be pretty reasonable due to your personality and your love language! As we all know, Kyojuro's a big sap as well when it comes to showing off his love, so he loves (no pun intended) to cuddle with you, kiss you, wash you, etc.
» As long as he gets to touch you and you touch him in return, he's happy to be with you. I'd say the only negative part about your relationship with Kyojuro is the fact that you tend to be impulsive with your money from time to time. The reason why I say this is because I think that Kyojuro happens to be like that as well.
» However, you two can definitely work around that problem and find ways to keep your impulses low! Kyojuro also loves to play pretend with you, so you can surely get a boyfriend who acts submissively towards you. Of course, that's only going to be a facade of his, and he's going to pin you down for cuddles later on.
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cafe-de-lune · 3 years
Moonlit Dream! Here's my remade version.
I have two ideal dates.
One : Just casually lounging at either one's bedroom. The lights are dim, the windows are closed along with the curtains while we cuddle on the bed, binge watching movie series or an animated series. We'd have snacks and drinks as we stay up late till 3 AM. Maybe we'd take short, funny videos and post them on our stories. Turn up the music and have small dance party. Do each other's hair and makeup. Have a small fashion show. A sleepover date, to be precise.
Two : Going on an exploring date to an abandoned building or a forest. Just the two of us. No other people around. Taking photos or videos, or just hanging out as we have small talk. It'll be even better if it's a haunted area and we do it at night, scaring each other just for shits and giggles.
Emojis that describe me : 😩🙃🤷‍♂️🏃💝
( Tokyo Revengers | Male matchup | He/They | Adult )
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‧₊˚ʚ :: MOONLIT DREAM ꒷꒦ 🌙 ˖˚˳⊹
matches you with . . .
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꒦‧₊ ꒷ shinichiro sano ๑ ✨ ꒱
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✧┊Cute sleepover dates is honestly something Shinichiro would like. After a long day at his motorbike shop and taking care of his siblings, he just wants to spend lowkey time with you. Nothing too extreme. And as a result, cuddling and having a home movie date where you watch movies and talk to into the hours of the night is perfect. And if you are doing each other’s hair or makeup, you probably have to teach him a few things or else (you or him depending on who is doing the make up on) will look like a clown. (This isn’t really about Shinichiro but Emma would love having you around because you show her all the makeup, hairstyles and fashion. This is really a plus for shin)
✧┊Shinichiro is the king of making funny faces or doing funny things. Sometimes, the things he do unconsciously are funny enough. (hAVE U SEEN THE WAY HE WALKS ITS LOWKEY FUNNY AND CUTE LOL) And as a result you will have a lot of videos of him being funny. This goes into dancing as well. I think he is the type of person who has no sense of rhythm and does the grandpa dance. Or if he does anything other than the grandpa dance, then it’s gonna be really funny
✧┊Going to abandoned places? Shinichiro would probably scream like a little girl (if you jump scare him or just scare him in general and it’s honestly pretty funny. (This goes into the funny videos you take of him) He might cling onto you because he’s scared shitless. (Tease him!) and before going there, he’s gonna at all tough and be like “I’m not scared at all!” While his legs are shaking like a newborn giraffe. But he likes exploring abandoned places with you and taking photos. He is gonna strike weird poses in order to make your photos look pretty and on the right angle
✧┊other compatibles: adult!mitsuya takashi
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taiyakiiwrites · 3 years
Hello! May I request a BNHA ( Male ) matchup, please? Thank you so much in advance!!
I go by the name Prince or Jun, and my pronouns are : He/They. I'm an INFP and a 4'10" Pisces.
I'm a total introvert who would not leave the house unless necessary, and I tend to avoid large crowds and people since I have social anxiety. I'm quite distant, cold and awkward when I first meet people but I get really weird ( ahem, shameless.) and outgoing once I warm up to someone. I'm a worrywart and prone to have pessimistic/intrusive thoughts. My humor is dark and inappropriate and very sexual. Although, I'm panromantic asexual. My love language are physical affection ( back hugs, cuddles, face peppering, playing with your hands, hand holding, & arm over the shoulder. ), and cheesy/corny flirts. I'm also a psychology student, an artist, a cosplayer, and a creative makeup artist. I enjoy horror films and historical novels. I like playing pranks on others, listening to all kinds of music, and dancing. I dream to be a full-time cosplayer or a psychologist. I like to travel the world as well, take photos, and, of course, watch anime and read manga! I like hanging out in a dimly lit bedroom, watching movies, or at an abandoned area ( parking lot, building, etc. ) I enjoy solitude and the dark. Oh! I'm scared of butterflies and allergic to dust.
I tend to be impulsive at times ( mainly concerning money ), and I exhibit extreme mood swings. I'm very affectionate though, and always willing to lend a shoulder or an ear. I also care too much. Apart from that, I'm very sarcastic and a swearing sailor ( I cuss a lot with people I'm comfortable with. ) Playful, bad memory ( sometimes ), bad at picking up jokes most of the times, and has a tendency to suddenly disappear for a few weeks before returning like nothing happened. I need to recharge to be able to socialize again.
I'm a total sap and an affectionate person to the person I love. I'm the type to wake up every morning and message them, "Good morning, hun!" and I also check up on them if they're feeling well. Although, I also enjoy playfully bullying them, I find it adorable but I always spoil them afterwards.
I have two ideal dates.
One : Just casually lounging at either one's bedroom. The lights are dim, the windows are closed along with the curtains while we cuddle on the bed, binge watching movie series or an animated series. We'd have snacks and drinks as we stay up late till 3 AM. Maybe we'd take short, funny videos and post them on our stories. Turn up the music and have small dance party. Do each other's hair and makeup. Have a small fashion show. A sleepover date, to be precise.
Two : Going on an exploring date to an abandoned building or a forest. Just the two of us. No other people around. Taking photos or videos, or just hanging out as we have small talk. It'll be even better if it's a haunted area and we do it at night, scaring each other just for shits and giggles.
i match you up with… HANTA SERO
notes: i’m so sorry this took so long T^T you added a lot of stuff and i wanted to get at least most of it in, plus my inbox is flooded ;-; but i hope you enjoyed what i cooked up nonetheless!
⇉ requests are open!! || main masterlist || rules
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you are all over the place and sero is just down for the ride
i think kaminari introduced you to him and that’s how you met?
even if you start out cold, sero will persevere. he’s a part of the bakusquad and he has to deal with bakugou everyday—don’t underestimate his determination to befriend with you
and then you two proceeded to get closer throoooough: humor (sero is a high school boy, there is no way he doesn’t share at least a little of your sense of humor), historic novels (he seems like the type to enjoy history!), and pranking bakugou (somehow neither or you have died yet and everyone is shocked)
the usual is sero is the chill one and you’re doing whatever, but there’s moments where he just has to let go in a different sense, yknow? and you help him do that 👏👏👏
will pretend to have no idea who you are if you show up in a cosplay
threatens to kill any butterfly that comes your way
he is your #1 simp
it’s like gregg and mae from night in the woods but romantically (if you know what night in the woods is)!
things they love about you
your affection towards the people you care about! your caring side, one could say, warms his heart whenever it’s out in the open. and it sounds a little “self”-centered when i say he likes it when he’s the outlet for that affection but hear me out: this guy is so used to just existing—just staying in the background. the SLIGHTEST but of affection will fluster him beyond reason
sero doesn’t really have too many sides of his personality—your versatility makes you a complete opposite to him. not only that, but it’s interesting to learn every little part of you. and picking up little facts you share with him subconsciously really shows just how much you affect him
your reliability! sero knows that he can come to you with any problem he has and you’ll lend an ear. stress of UA is a pickle enough, and adding the fact that he’s in class 1A, the class that has been targeted the most? the pressure on him to improve and succeed is almost unbearable at times. but he knows he has you and he couldn’t be more grateful
relationship headcanons
those two dream dates you mentioned? pack your bags cause he’ll be waiting for you at the front door the minute you tell him about them. he’s down for any kind of fun! and with you as well? sign him up
for the first one: he brings the snacks, you choose the media—tv or show. though, be prepared because no matter the genre, it’ll be hard to focus on the tv with sero’s stupid comments:
“let’s make a bet. who do you think will die first?”/“are you SERIOUS? HOW ARE THEY SO OBLIVIOUS? KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE—”/“he’s pretty. he’s really pretty. if he liked you, would you leave me? i wouldn’t even blame you—he’s really good looking”
first date scenario also includes making stupid videos, satirical spa treatment with the fuzzy slippers/robes and everything, dance party with sero’s dorky dancing, and more!
second date includes: sneaking out of heights alliance to go to an abandoned house, scaring each other every two seconds, flashlights and phones dying halfway and ultimately getting separated accidentally, finding each other after getting separated with a long marco polo game, running, spinning, and dancing around in the dorm building’s parking lot on the way home
sero’ll check in on you as much as you do him! someone who cares so openly needs to be cared about just as much, and he is fully aware of that
be able to take your own medicine: despite how devoted he is to you, he will have a come back every time you bully him
also he has a TEASING SIDE—
sero is a little bit insecure about how amazing you seem to be compared to him, so there will be moments he is afraid you’ll leave him for someone better. but, his worries are washed away whenever he sees your smile
he will try to understand the times you disappear—he just hopes that with certain things, you’ll trust him enough to talk to him about it
(author’s note: as someone who has disappeared from friends unannounced multiple times and came back after months, it’s not a good feeling when you find out what the people you cherish accidentally thought. be sure to communicate with your friends about it and assure them that it’s not their fault!)
songs that remind me of you two
honeybee by the head and the heart
mr loverman by ricky montgomery
are you bored yet? (feat. clairo) by wallows and clairo
summer nights from grease
i love you too much from the book of life
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bangtancentricsblog · 5 years
vampire MC x human Yoongi (aka the one where Mc and Yoongi are mates)
mentions of blood loss, killing of infants, parent death, vampires are cunts, also heavily unedited as all works are when I post
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It'd been almost three months since you'd fed from Yoongi. His heart ached at your silent treatment of him. He'd smashed his phone after a month of you ignoring his calls and messages. He was a mess, blonde hair now showing the roots, eyes adorned with deep heavy purple bags from lack of sleep. The worst was that he'd wracked his brain for possible ideas on what he'd done wrong. He always came up with the same idea; you hadn't really loved him. Sure you'd begun dating under the rule that it was only so you could feed from him. But something had changed in you, some odd weeks later you'd taken less of his blood. Only feeding from him every Sunday, you still came around though often times just to hang out, go out, and sleep.
It was no wonder he'd grown accustomed to your presence in his apartment. It was during a feeding you'd taking a bit too much, so much so he'd weakly had to push you away as he pressed the silver ring on his finger into your arm. His barely coherent mind caught the sizzle from the silver making contact with your skin before you pulled away. Lips stained red, eyes wide once a beautiful shade of brown now glowing carmine. It faded in seconds your eyes quickly darting over his somewhat unconscious form lips trembling as your tongue wrapped around the abundant apologies fleeing your being. Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth as you realized what you'd done. You'd fled after sealing the wound and that was the last he'd seen of you.
Yoongi after so much time had made up his mind, he'd go to your house and get you to speak to him. He deserved an explanation, that was the least you could do. So he pulled on a jacket and headed out. His mind was so busy he'd made it there faster than he anticipated; and now stood before the door to the giant Victorian. A heaviness he hadn't felt before suddenly sat atop his shoulders with feet cemented to the ground. His game plan had been simple, show up, get an explanation, make up and then leave. Simple right? Except now it didn't seem like it. His heart hammered in his chest reminding him that he was in front of a house filled with vampires and he was very much human. So human in fact it took him promptly five minutes to finally notice that Jimin had been sitting just outside the front door. A small hesitant smile lining his lips that could turn any hetero man in an instant.
"Jimin, how long have you been there?"
"Long enough besides I knew you would come around sooner or later."
"Did you foresee this moment?"
"No, I'm just good at guessing games; and you forget I'm a half-blood. We don't get fancy powers like the pure bloods."
"Then how could you possibly know I was going to be over today? I'm here to talk to _____."
"I didn't. I assumed you would but I don't think it wise for you to be here."
"You do remember that you're human right? I mean how can one not realize their own mortality."
"Of course I know I'm human what does that have to do with _____? Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Hyung would kill me if he knew what I was doing. Lets take a little walk and while we're at it how about we have some story time."
"I'm not up for your crap right now. As your hyung I want to know where _____ is."
"In human years of course but I'm way older than you. Born in the 1400's, so that would make me a hyung by default no?" Yoongi sighed heavily watching as the young vampire stood, dusting off his jeans and casually walking down the steps.
"Your not allowed to see _____."
"Why not."
"She's gone on a rampage. So Hoseok had to lock her up to keep her safe."
"What do you mean by rampage?"
"You see pure bloods and half bloods differ only slightly. Half bloods are always from a vampire mother and human father. Pure bloods have both vampire parents except all vampire females are half bloods and all if not most males are pure bloods. Thus creating a pure blooded vampire such as Hoseok, and Jin. Namjoon and I are half blooded born from vampire mothers and human fathers. We're born with no special power, our fangs are shorter and appetite can be quenched with both human food and blood."
“So then what is _____?"
"She's a rare type of vampire. One of the few female pure blooded vampires in all existence."
"I don't understand just how many pure blooded female vampires are there?"
"In Korea, just two including _____. On the world, about 40 give or take."
"That number seems surprisingly low."
"Oh it is. The Vampire court usually keeps count of how many vampires consummate and spawn children. Those vampires belong to a smaller group called a coven and even smaller more family oriented clans. Our clan has tried our very best to keep _____ away from the watchful eyes of the Vampire Court."
"But why?"
"Pure blooded females are stronger in every manner. They'd easily outnumber vampire males 7 to 1 just like human females. Except instead of oppressing them like you humans do the vampire court eliminates them the day after their birth." Yoongi visibly recoils at the thought of killing babies, babies whom haven't done a single bad thing in their lives.
"It seems extreme to most and many clans are trying to fix this issue but we're not a democracy. Our entire existence is thanks to the monarchy, but just because they are stronger doesn't mean that they come without faults. _____ was born during a time where most were afraid to find out that their child was a female. We'd had some incidents where pure blooded females rampaged destroying entire towns and cities; so the court declared all female pure blooded babies be eliminated thereafter."
"So then how is _____ alive." Yoongi asked as he followed Jimin around the house and towards the forested area out back.
"_____ and I are distant relatives, hence the surname Park. Her mother was actually related to mine by some way or form. When her parents conceived they felt her automatically. Strange thing at that to be able to feel your child when she's so little just barely forming; but her mother did. So she reached out, and Hoseok came to stay with _____’s original clan keeping Namjoon and I updated. ____’s mother feared her daughters well being that she couldn't even see a doctor. So Hoseok had one brought in, one he knew could be trusted. That's when we met Jin. He'd stayed until _____ was born, unfortunately her mother died during childbirth. Her father had already agreed that Hoseok would take her and raise her as his own just like he'd done for Namjoon and I. Except he made Hoseok promise to fulfill his final wish."
"I don't even want to ask what that was."
"He asked Hoseok to burn down her estate. The rest of the clan was fine dying in the fire if it meant that _____would live. Hoseok gave us all a choice, die with the rest of _____ clan, keep this secret and stay in his clan or run with the fear that he'd find us and kill us if we ever mentioned her true heritage. It was a simple answer for all three of us; we'd been so enamored with her that we couldn't leave."
"Still doesn't answer how she went on a rampage." Yoongi pointed out.
"Your a fool to think that your special, but more a fool am I to not understand just how special you are to her. She's had human lovers before, and is the reason why we've chosen to only feed off animals. I've seen her slaughter entire towns because of her hunger for human blood. We keep her off it for her own safety; and she's been pretty good about it for a long time now. It isn't until she met you that she's begun to degenerate."
"Why's that?"
"Because you are her mate. The universe put you out in the world to be with her or be the end of her. All beings have a mate, human senses just aren't as fine tuned as the supernaturals. The day you met she knew, Hoseok made it so that she never went unescorted anywhere. We knew she snuck out just not where to, or who to. We knew she was feeding off something just not what exactly. She was always freshly cleansed smelling of fruits. Yet recently there was a stench that clung to her. Something foul and so pungent it would linger festering until the day she came home. Blood staining her clothes, tears clinging to her lashes and that crazed look in her eyes we'd all recognized."
"And that's why you locked her up."
"No, she asked us to. She begged us to do it, clung to Hoseok until he agreed. She's been here ever since."
"She chose this?"
"She did this for you, you are her mate just as she is yours. She'd do anything to keep you safe even from herself."
"Can I see her, I mean is it okay for me to see her?"
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chocolatechubby · 5 years
Encourager in a Blue Dress (part 2)
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1943 was one of the best and worse times to be a Negro. After the Great War, going back down South was more than I could take. Even though I knew the Creole flavor of Baton Rouge and Lafayette would remind me of France-I also knew the people were still the same ol' backward folk I grew up around. God knows the only action I saw overseas was the occasional backlog of PX supplies, but at 19, I had seen a world where people appreciated you for who you were. Hell sometimes wanted you over a white boy. That was especially a treat being black AND homosexual. I didn't want to go back to anything less. So, I went up to the progressive North. 
Detroit, Michigan: the last stop on the Underground Railroad before Canada. If it was good enough for Harriet Tubman, it was good enough for me. With the start of a new war, Detroit was the Arsenal of Democracy-all the auto plants were converted to making the stuff we needed to kick Hirohito's butt. There were jobs aplenty. Negroes were coming up from the South by the thousands. But then so were whites. And there weren't enough places for everyone to live. So, people started getting agitated. And suddenly Jim Crow was alive and well in the North. 
I found a place in the Brewster Projects, but we all knew we was paying twice as much as the whites in other places-and most of us didn't even have bathrooms in our houses. I knew something was going to explode. In the summer of '41, I was seeing a plump little dark-skinned kid named Maurice. He was 23, and far too young for me, but he had a round, tight ball belly that I would thump like a melon and send him off the deep end. Not only was I homo…I loved big boys. 
Anyway, he was a little hothead-had his hand in too many things. He joined this group of black boys who were fighting these white kids from Hamtramck. One day a bottle found its way to his skull and ended our good times. I should have left Detroit then. But I stayed and worked on assembly lines helping to build engines for bombers and PT boats. 
One day, on the way into my shift, I passed a group of white men. One of them looked my way then looked down and spit some chaw in the dirt in front of him. He said, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work beside a nigger on the assembly line." I could have stopped and challenged him. But what would have been the point? I knew most of the other men in the plant felt the same way. So, I did what we all did: looked the other way, did our job, prayed that things would change; and drank lots of whiskeys 'til they did.
That is until the summer of '43. It was a Sunday when I heard the rumor. I was preparing myself mentally to go back to work the next day. Soon after I heard that comment outside the plant, 25,000 Packard employees struck in protest to the promotion of three black workers. The air was so charged with violence, I was afraid to light a match for fear we'd all go up in flames. 
I'd stopped off at the Forest Social Club, just to hang out for a minute. I had a nice little hot bottle of hooch in my pocket to ease me into the evening, and I even thought I might make a hookup. Not many men in the Motor City were going to admit to having a thing for another guy, but I could often find some fat-bellied man at Forest who was just drunk enough to cut my drought with. And I had found him. Horace Ulmer was perfect. A mason who worked free-lance; Horace was a big man. Standing about 6'5", and weighing about 400 pounds, Horace could swing a sack of cement 10 yards. Sober, Horace could've intimidated the Devil. They say he once pounded a guy's ear into his skull. But Horace was a tea toddler-he couldn't drink anything stronger than a Dr. Pepper without getting drunk. And when he was drunk, Horace Ulmer was a pussycat…and the fact that he liked men would come out. 
As I was thinking about the head job I was going to be getting from big Horace, Lee Tipton, and Little Willie Lyons burst into the club. Lee and Little Willie were regulars. They often had a crowd of people around them, laughing and telling stories. They weren't laughing that Sunday afternoon. What they said changed my life, and the lives of thousands of people, black and white, forever. 
Leo Tipton and Little Willie came in shouting that whites had thrown a black woman and her baby off the Belle Isle Bridge. The crowd at the Forest Social Club went wild. More than 500 angry people swarmed onto the street that day. They moved to Woodward, near Paradise Valley and began breaking windows and looting stores. Nearby, west of Woodward, in an area inhabited by whites that had migrated from the South, another rumor caught fire: whites said that blacks had raped and murdered a white woman on the same bridge. Detroit turned into Hell. By the time it was all over, 34 people were dead. One of them by my hand. I left town and found my way home to New Orleans. Little did I know, there was something much hotter and more explosive than anything in Detroit waiting for me on the Bayou.
To be continued
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l-matthews97 · 3 years
The Ditch Witch
By L. Matthews
One of my best friends used to live on the edge of what is called Black Forest. His driveway is long and isolated with very few houses dotting the area. He told me that when he was a kid, the nights before his father would take him fishing, he would walk the ditch in search of worms for the next day's bait. Though, before he would go out with a shovel his grandmother would stop him and tell him "watch out for the Ditch Witch." We'd always laugh at this little scary story whenever he told it.
   Much later, after we had both graduated high school, I was staying over late at his house playing the newest horror game. Eventually, it got very late, around one o'clock a.m. I glanced over and he was wrapped up in a blanket snoring like a hog. So, I decided to let myself out. I made my way out of the house and got in my car. I always hated the drive back home from his house because I always had a creeping uneasy feeling, like id look in my rearview mirror one time and see something crawling over the back seat to get me. I tried scaring this feeling away with music. So, I turned on some classic rock and pulled away from the house to travel down the lone, dusty road. It was a long, narrow road so I wasn't really paying attention. suddenly in a split second, a figure came into view of my headlights. It was a woman with long, black hair covering her face and she was wearing a tracksuit. I barely had a second to swerve the car around her and leave her in a cloud of dust. I was so startled that I didn't even think to turn around and ask if she was okay. I made it home and went to bed forgetting the entire experience. About a month later, that best friend was at my house. We were just hanging out and relaxing but it all came flooding back to me. For some reason, I was excited to inform my friend what had happened on that night. I rattled off the event and explained what she looked like and where I had seen her on the road. When I had finished, my friend only stared at me in complete silence giving me a look of horror before he finally responded "I've seen her too." My friend described to me the exact same scenario but the only difference between us is that when I saw her she was closer to his house.
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susannaprouse · 5 years
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Fifty Three - Iquitos
After a restless night we both were awake very early so took the opportunity to get up and get to our destination for the morning early. Our activity for the day was something I'd been looking forward to for so long and was one of the major factors of us going to the Amazon from Iquitos. The place was called Isla de Los Monos and was a rescue and rehabilitation centre for monkeys.
As we'd trialled the route before (when we were trying to work out how to get there) we knew exactly where to go. We walked through the busy fruit market to the rickety dock area full of planks of wood precariously nailed together to form platforms. Entering these docks was like going into a film where we were definitely 'not from around these parts'. People were going around their daily business and it felt like a world away from what we knew.
We found the boats and luckily there were two spare seats on one so we didn't have to wait and immediately we were off. The boat was noisy and crammed with people. I tried not to think about how dangerous it was and instead enjoyed the view of the passing land and fishing boats.
After around 20 minutes the boat stopped and a couple got off. I saw a sign proclaiming 'Isla de Los Monos' and we quickly struggled through people to get to the front, lucky for us as the boat was about to head off to whatever the next destination was.
On land we found the very muddy trail to the centre and were glad we'd decided to wear our jungle gear, watching another couple struggle with their trainers. Five minutes in we quickly got on our long sleeve tops as we were being bitten by mosquitos. We couldn't put on any repellent or sun cream as it's toxic to the monkeys so we came prepared.
After twenty minutes of walking we came to an open area with some wooden structures. Following the signs instructions we walked to the purple hut and were met by a man who owned the centre. While he was explaining what the centre does and the monkeys they had I could make out something moving by his feet. I got excited thinking it might be a dog but when I moved closer I saw a monkey!!! I bent down and saw a tiny Saki monkey playing and being completely adorable. The man explained how when she arrived her coxis was broken and she had a bullet in her. Apparently people hunt Saki monkeys to make feather dusters from their bushy tails. I will never get over how cruel and desperate humans can be.
I didn't want to leave the Saki monkey but soon our guide arrived and we had to follow him. We went outside, walked to some trees and immediately we could see black bodies above and around us. Little wooly monkeys scampered in the trees, playing with each other and coming down for food on the feeding platform. It was completely amazing and I wanted to cry. Our guide told us how all the monkeys could roam wherever they wanted on the 40 hectare island. They'd all been rescued from the pet or meat trade and were young. When they got to around four years old they'd be taken somewhere without human contact so they could then release them.
The monkeys came down for food and weren't phased by us at all. They occasionally reached out a hand to us to touch us which was completely magical. Their fur was so soft and wooly (funny that!). They were unbelievably cute, so much like a child's drawing of a monkey.
After a while another couple joined us and while they did another breed of monkey came down. A tiny red baby howler monkey that was so timid and so cute. Our guide pointed over in the distance and said there was another. But this one was on the back of one of the other young wooly monkeys as it walked over to us. The wooly monkey had adopted the baby howler monkey and it made my heart swell, it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen!!!
As the monkeys got more comfortable with us they started to use us as climbing frames to jump onto trees or play fight together. Soon Mike had a wooly monkey on him and I had the timid baby howler monkey wrapped around me, watching the woolys from a safe distance. I couldn't believe it was happening and how the little monkeys trusted us and wanted to be with us already. It was the most amazing thing ever.
Although I didn't want to leave the troop of monkeys our guide led us through to the jungle trail. While we were walking some of the wooly monkeys followed us and before we knew it Mike had one on his head while walking. The guide told us because they didn't have mothers they needed love and also liked to hitch a ride. The monkey loved Mike and did not want to get off (at one point I was so jealous Mike said I could have a turn holding it but it clung onto Mike so we let it be). We walked along the trail like this with the baby monkey grabbing leaves to eat on the way.
It wasn't long before another wooly monkey had jumped onto me and was sat on my shoulders like a toddler. The weight of the monkey and the way it's tail wrapped around my arm like another hand was so unbelievably lovely I was again close to tears. So there we were walking through the forest with our new monkey babies. As we walked we saw other monkeys, a mix of wild and rescued that weren't as clingy as the woolys. We saw white crested marmosets, a lonely tiki that was abandoned by its troop and the tiniest of all the primates, pygmy marmosets - the size of my palms (which are tiny enough!).
As we walked my wooly monkey started to lick my face. I asked our guide if it was OK and he said she's just licking the salt. Well she was in for a feast with my sweaty head. While others might be disgusted with this I absolutely loved it. I could feel her tiny warm breath as she licked, smelling a bit like green tea.
We continued to walk to the end of the trail but before we got there my little monkey gestured to the floor. I assumed she wanted a leaf as she had been doing this the whole walk but I looked down to see a big snails shell on the forest floor. I bent down and she reached out to pick it up. I soon realised the shell was full of water and she wanted to drink it! She proceeded to do this pouring the water all over my head while trying.
Feeling like one of the troop we walked over to some more monkeys, a bigger Saki monkey, little tamarins and another red tiki. The woolys and the tiki took it in turns to climb onto our shoulders until Mike and I had both felt the little red tiki around our shoulders like a scarf. It was completely amazing to see all these breeds together and so close. I can't describe how happy I was.
Finally our walk came to an end and we had to let the monkeys go. Safe to say I really didn't want to. I kept saying to Mike, can't we stay? Do you think we can pay more and hang out with the woolys some more? Luckily I had the baby Saki monkey in the hut to take my mind off that fact that we had to leave. I consoled myself with the fact that we'd had this most amazing experience and we can't stay longer as it wouldn't be good for the monkeys.
The whole morning was maybe my best morning ever. I've always loved animals and this felt like a combination of that deep seated love and my maternal instincts melding together to make one giant emotion. It's amazing I didn't explode. It's kind of pathetic but I can't believe how much I loved those baby monkeys and how much I felt like I needed to care for them. Plus they were so soft.
Walking back to the boat I felt an absolute mix of emotions - complete euphoria at having seen and held the monkeys, complete sadness at having to leave them and an overwhelming anger at the greedy humans that had harmed them. I could see they were being well looked after so that was the only consolation.
The boat ride back went quickly and we got back to the hostel, showered and sorted out our very muddy clothes. After we went out for lunch, repeatedly looking at our photos and videos of the morning not quite believing how lucky we were.
We spent the afternoon relaxing at the hostel before heading back out for dinner. That night we went to a local place that served kebabs. When we arrived we were shown a fridge full of different kebabs that we could choose from. We opted for some fish, stuffed peppers, potato and cheese with pineapple. Each one came with vegetables and a salad and were delicious!
To finish off one of my best days of the whole trip we went to the ice cream place and got ice cream smothered in chocolate sauce. What a day!
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