#we'll post these groups as we finish em
mantisgodsart · 2 years
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Valentines day is here. Unfortunately, this particular set of drawings is too small to line and color traditionally, so we did it digitally, instead. Proud to present: group 1/5.
(Part 2)
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keviniiryuu · 3 months
okay like last time, I will compile my reaction/thoughts for ep13 and gbc as a whole :D (i don't do this often bc I can't write well... but..)
I knew it.... I don't like Hina HAHA. Like, I get her, but you really left Nina just like that huh?
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Go tell her off! Maybe people will say that Nina is having a hero complex or sticking her nose in to other people's business, but I think it's very brave of her.
Also, ngl, I didn't expect for this to be the reason why she was bullied...
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Momoka no......
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Miura-san is a goat for this one and why does Subaru looks like she's saying "God, why did it end up being me explaining it to you"
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Seriously having this truck right by their agency is a huge slap to the face
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Nina Fang (also Nina stop reading the negative comments...)
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"I was wrong and Hina was right all long." You know what? Fuck you, Hina. I know at present it's like Hina lowkey pushing Nina and motivating her, but I can't appreciate it that much lmao.
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I love the moments where Momoka gets all serious/mature mode
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Momoka apologizing.... seeing everyone getting shocked about it.... Honestly, this one broke my heart a bit. Momoka, who had lost all self-confidence, had rebuilt it very slowly because of Nina's and everyone else's trust in her.
So, seeing the song that was made by her with the members in mind not doing well must be a blow to that fragile confidence yet again. She was guilty that she let everyone down.
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you're not wrong, nina. i promise you.
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Everyone is tired (affectionate) of Nina's outbursts while Momoka looks awestruck... Of course, we will add this to the album of the Momoka Gayze (tm) but I think this is also related to her self-confidence.
I just said that Momoka felt guilty and like how Momoka blew Nina away in Ep. 1, Nina's outburst blew her away in a way that no, no one was blaming Momoka for their failure and the person that she is closest to still believes and trusts in her.
That awestruck gaze, admiring Nina's confidence and unwavering belief for her and the group. To the song. To their decision and that they weren't wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but let me be lmao.
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ugh the softness in her gayze.... i can't...
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SHUT THE FUCK UP HINA. Nina is brave enough to do the things no one would normally do!!
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bro whoever that was, it's on sight. also momoka, subaru. fight em
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tomo no...
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sigh... i love togetoge
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let them drink!!!
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Momoka gayze again
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You love this city (and Momoka) and met friends (and a girlfriend) right Nina?
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Ngl, I did like the touch that no miracle happened. Like, oh wow, a sudden burst of tickets selling! It is what it is.
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First time when i'm sad we didn't get a training arc for Nina playing guitar
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I love them
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idiot (affectionate)
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ngl. the song is not for me HAHAHA but welp. I will take this camera angle. thanks.
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Okay, now for GBC as a whole: I adore this show so fucking much. I didn't expect to fall in love with the show when I started watching it, but man. I am so glad that I didn't wait for this to finish and got to wait each week for a new episode with everyone.
Personally, the ending was okay. It feels like it's just the beginning, so it didn't feel like an ending ending. Idk how to explain it. It just.... it's like not everything has been concluded.
Regarding momonina: I am not surprised that nothing happened on camera. But with all the subtext and hints, I will take it. Sure, I wished they addressed the confession more openly, but you can't win it all.
Overall, this is my anime of the season, possibly anime of the year, and definitely one of my all time favorites. Maybe I'll make a post about the ED (since it's an epilogue), about momonina, or my fave moments throughout the season but we'll see haha.
"I wasn't wrong, was I?"
"To fall in love with Girls Band Cry."
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nesta-apologist · 2 months
So if we've got Cleric!Elain and Paladin!Lucien, which D&D class do the other ACOTAR characters fall into?
Thank you so much for asking! Hope you're ready for a dump of all my ✨thoughts✨
Here's a summary if you aren't interested in reading my whole dissertation (If you're wondering: yes I do plan to draw them all, we'll just see what I have time for)
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If you're interested in more details on subclasses/multiclasses you'll have to come back later (I'll reblog and add it to this post) but if you're looking for explorations and ponderings of this so far:
Generically, I made these choices based on both personality and powers/skills. Sometimes these seem to conflict though, and I’ll do my best to explain the conflict.
I'll start with Cassian and Nesta, because they're the clearest to me. Cassian is a Barbarian because of his Illyrian training. Nesta is a Warlock because of her power's connection to the Cauldron (for example: one could see the end of ACOSF as a conversation between a warlock and their patron)
Now that I've got you hooked, we'll revisit Elain and Lucien. Elain is a Cleric for the vibes yes, but also because of her source of power - the Cauldron. She is blessed with powers from the same deity/being that Nesta “bargained with” (stole from) for power.
Lucien is a tough one. I initially figured he’d just be a bard, but after thinking about it more I decided on making him a paladin. I’ve heard good arguments for him being a rogue potentially, too. I’m dedicated to him being a paladin because I believe it fits his loyalty and sense of justice. Plus, there’s a possibility of him having an oathbreaker subclass after leaving Spring 👀. I like to think he may have a history of being a bard/pursuing the bard class back in Autumn, but left it behind when he left the Court.
Non-specifically, I’ll think that all High Lords are some kind of Sorcerers. I also imagine at least some multiclass because I feel like it makes sense for people that are so powerful. Other than them, I’ll try to avoid multi-classing unless it makes a ton of sense (i’m figuring out alternatives I’ll get into when I make a later post about subclasses and multiclassing in Dnd!Acotar (probably after Cassian week)
Next, of course, is Feyre and Rhysand. Feyre naturally has had the Ranger class since she was human, and then she picked up the Sorcerer class when she gained the powers of the High Lords.
Rhysand, as mentioned his high lords, is a sorcerer as well. He will likely either multiclass in barbarian for his training in Illyrian fighting, or that will be the basis for his specific subclass (though I’m also considering basing the HL subclasses on their Court theme). Basically, I’m workshopping it! :)))
Rogue!Azriel seems pretty set in stone/obvious to me (though I’d love to entertain other ideas if y’all have 'em!). Once again deciding if he should be a barbarian of some kind for the Illyrian training …
I’m also workshopping if the Valkyrie’s develop a multiclass/subclass for finishing their training. Whichever that class is will likely be Emerie’s class. I’m deciding between Monk or Fighter for her, leaning toward monk.
Then there’s Gwyn! I’m considering her having a base class of Druid or Cleric because of her background. Maybe I just want a Druid in here, or maybe I think she should just match classes with Emerie. I’m leaning toward Druid!Gwyn + Valkyrie class.
Sorcerer!Amren makes sense to me, having the same sort of mystical magical background as the High Lords (though she’ll absolutely have a different subclass than any known HL).
Bard!Mor makes sense to me because a lot of her abilities seem to be in the diplomacy around fights. I’m sure other arguments could be made for her class, but we don’t know a ton about her powers, and I LOVE the idea of Mor giving Bardic Inspiration.
I didn’t mean to group Eris and Mor in any way, but Eris makes sense as a Bard for the same reasons Mor does. Eris is just trying to multiclass into Sorcerer right now lol(a.k.a. Become HL).
The last thought I had was about the potential of Helion being an Artificer/Sorcerer. If Helion isn’t an Artificer, he sure runs a Court full of them. I’m considering him to potentially be a Clockwork Soul Sorceror (I’ll get into in a later post), or being the only HL to be a Wizard instead of a sorcerer based on his study of magic. Once again: workshopping
Let me know if you guys have any ideas for characters I haven’t gotten to yet! Here’s a short list:
Tamlin, Tarquin, Kallias (once again, I’m thinking Sorcerer for HLs but maybe there’s more), Jurian, Vassa, Ianthe, Kier, Amarantha, the human queens, Drakon, or Miriam
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lilithblade1 · 1 year
We're Bad People. There's No Changing That.
I didn't realize until someone pointed it out that I had missed spelled the title so gratefully sorry for that! But I do hope this fixes this but I do hope you enjoy reading this. Also please go eat something and drink some water, and get a good night's rest! Also, this is not looked over by a beta reader so sorry for the miss spellings. But with that, I do hope you enjoy reading this!
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When I was younger I lost my daddy, and now It seems I'm going to lose every father I'll ever have. 
" Dutch! " I shouted as the cold started setting in, with the blizzard making me unable to see 10 feet in front of me.  
" Scarlet Over here!", " Where!? I can't see ten feet in front of me!", We shouted back and forth until I saw the light of one of the wagons. I rode up a bit and started riding beside Dutch and Hosea as Reverend came up beside me and told us that, Abigail said Davey was dying and we got to stop soon before turning around and going back to the wagon with Abigail and Davey. 
" If we don't stop soon we'll all be dying, This whether it's May, I'm just hoping the law got as lost as we did" Hosea started before dutch cut him off as the three of us saw Arthur through the snow on Charles's horse. 
" Arthur! Any luck?" Dutch's voice cut through the harsh winds. 
" I found a place where we can get some shelter." Arthur's text voice cutting through the wind brought me a little hope that we could get through this. Arthur rode towards us while saying " Let Davey rest while he... you know" stopping in front of us 
" An old mining town, abandoned, it ain't far. Come on," he said as he turned around to bring us to this place he found. And with that, we all started on our way to this old mining town 
We rode a little way, finally coming to a stop,
Hosea grabbed a lantern and started walking to what looked to be the main building of this place, as everybody unloaded from the wagons
"  Bring him in here," Hosea spoke looking at the group as the women went in first, Bill and Arthur brought in a frozen Davey and set him on the table as everybody else goes into the place, I stopped my horse getting off him as I calmed him down before hooking him to a post and walking to the cabin, to warm up and get away from the harsh winds and snow. My boots crunched against the snow, and I pushed the cabin door open to hear, Abigail announce that Davey died. I walked over and stood beside Arthur. As people started to speak before Dutch cut in.
" Well, First of all, you're gonna stay here. And you are gonna get yourself warm" Dutch said, before moving on " Now, I sent John and Micah scouting out ahead," 
Arthur and I shared a quick nod at each other before Dutch continued " Arthur, Scarlet, and I, we're gonna ride out see if we can find one of 'em" Dutch said as Arthur was quick to say something 
" In this?" Arthur replied pointing to the door, " Just for a short bit, I don't see what other choice we have" Dutch asserted before turning to the group and starting a speech  to try and keep everyone's hopes up a little bit I looked at Arthur, before looking out from in front of Arthur at Dutch
" Listen... listen to me all of you, for a moment. Now, we've had well, a bad couple of days." Dutch paused for a moment before carrying on, " I loved Davey... Jenny... Sean... Mac... they may be okay, we don't know." Dutch stated, then started speaking again, 
"But we lost some folks. Now, if I could... throw myself in the ground in their steed, I'd do it gladly. But we're gonna ride out and we're gonna find some food. Everybody, we're safe now. There ain't nobody following us through a storm like this one, and by the time they get here well we're gonna be... we're gonna be long gone, we've been through worse than this before. Mr. Pearson Miss Grimshaw, I need you to turn this place into a camp. We may be here for a few days. Now all of you all of you... get yourselves warm. Stay strong. Stay with me. We ain't done yet!" Dutch finished as he, Arthur, and I turned and walked out the door to stand there for a minute as Dutch spoke 
" Well, we ain't run into them yet. So they both must have headed down the hill. 
" Sure, Hey, I ain't had time to ask... What really went down back there on that boat?" Arthur questioned
" We missed you, that's what happened" Dutch answered as Charles came down the path with our horses,
" Hey! You need horses?"  Charles questioned 
" Oh yeah, and Mr. Smith, get yourself indoors." Dutch ordered as we all got on our horses " You need to rest that hand." Dutch said, 
" I'll live," Charles said
" Get inside son!" Dutch ordered before we three headed off into the storm to try to find either John, Micah, or food cause the gods know if we don't find food soon we all won't be around much longer. 
We started off getting out of the old mining town and went across a small bridge us three talked back and forth before seeing a lantern glow cut there the harsh snow, as I reached for my gun as Dutch started trying to speak with the person up ahead. 
" You, up ahead! Who's there?" Dutch asked as the figure came clear to for us three to see Micah bell. 
" Micah." Dutch breathed out as he rode closer to us, as I put my gun back in its belt 
" Gentlemen, and lady," Micah said as dutch asked if he had found anything yet which Miach replied 
" I think so. Found a little homestead down thataway." Micah replied 
" Okay. Anybody home?" Dutch questioned 
" Sure. The place is blazing with light and noise. Sounded like a party." Micah told Dutch before Dutch said we're gonna go see so Micah turned around and started leading us to this "Party of a place he found" 
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Arthur and Micah turned off their lanterns as we go closer we could hear laughter, nonsense, and a lot of other things over the harsh winds, I mean it was true the place looked like a party was going on inside maybe things were changing for the better for all of us. My thoughts got cut short as we approached the hitching post to Dutch, Micah, And Arthur, we hitched up the horses and started walking towards the cabin. 
" Let me handle this, we don't want to spook these fine people," Dutch stated as we walked to the house 
"Someone having fun in there," Miach announced like we couldn't tell
" Thank you for telling us something we can clearly tell for ourselves," I scoffed we got closer but before we could all go up dutch spoke
" You three, get yourself out of sight, One lonely man is a lot less intimidating than four nasty-looking degenerates," Dutch commanded 
" Micah, hide behind that wagon, Arthur, Scarlet you guys take that old shed on the left. And stay low all of you." Dutch told us what to do
I walked over to the shed tucking behind the small wall of the old shed closer to the left side while Arthur took the right side so we had a different but similar view. I could hear the music coming from inside as I sighed and just listened to what Dutch was saying to these folks.
" Hello?" Now announcing his presents to the folk inside. I could hear some communication coming from inside the tiny house. 
" Excuse me? Hello?" Dutch still trying to get a person out here I heard the door open
" Oh well, Hello friend. " Dutch greeted the men as I peaked over the side of the wall of the shed trying to get a better look
" What you want?" The man questioned the Irish accent thick on him
": I am very sorry to disturb you. Uh, my friends and I, well got into some... trouble up the way. Lost in the storm" He pipped as the man came down the stairs getting closer to Dutch as another one came out. Micah and Arthur started talking. I turned my attention to Micah now drowning out the sound of Dutch and the other men.
" Arthur, Scarlet, we got a problem," Micah whispered while peeling back the sheet covering whatever was in that wagon  
" There's a corpse right here" Micah whispered as I and Arthur looked at one another 
" Scarlet, Arthur There's a body in the wagon" He spoke as he pulled out his guns me and Arthur gave each other a look and pulled out our guns before Arthur spoke back to Micah
" Yeah, we hear you, just keep your eyes on Dutch," Arthur ordered as we put our focus back on Dutch and the men 
" I think you should go now buddy" The Irish one spoke 
" Now, friend I ain't asking for much" Dutch replied 
" Please I'm kinda desperate," Dutch begged as the man raised his lantern  closer to Dutch trying to get a better look at him
" Hey... I don't believe it. Come here, partner. Come here!" The man shouted Dutch walked forward a bit more 
" It's goddamn Dutch van der Linde you morons! Colm is gonna shit his pants." The man announced to the rest of the men
Arthur popped out from behind the shed wall and popped the man holding the lantern in the head as his body fell to the ground I peeked over as well and popped the man standing next to him in the head as Dutch ran behind the outhouse. As we started firing at the house,
I saw the dude up in the upstairs window so I took the chance as he was focused on Micah and shot him in the side of the head. Arthur killed another two while Micah killed one, and Dutch killed another one before one ran away Arthur shot him, in result killing him before we all grouped up outside the house.  
"  Goddamn O'Driscoll boys here? Why?" Dutch questioned 
" I don't know, maybe the same reason as us," Micah replied 
" Micah, go bring the horses closer to the house. Arthur, Scarlet let's go check the cabin" He commanded as we walked up the steps into the house,
It was small but cozy with a small kitchen to the left of me a fireplace on the right-hand wall, A table in the middle of what looked to be a bathroom on the left back-hand side, with a bed in the back right-hand side with a small overhand above. I walked over to the fireplace and grabbed a picture of a man and woman on what happens to look like their wedding day. I put it back before going up the ladder and grabbing everything I could up there before heading back down and meeting back up with everyone outside. 
"Arthur go see if there's anything in that barn. Micah, you search the cabin, and see what we missed." Dutch Odered, as me and him, stood by the horses before he walked away to go check on Arthur. I started to run my fingers through my horse's hair before I heard a scream come from inside the cabin I stopped the act and grabbed my gun as I ran into the Cabin with Arthur behind me. 
I ran through the door to see skinny blond women going around the table throwing bottles at Micah while he tried to get to her, 
" Leave her alone!" Dutch told Micah what to do but he didn't seem to listen 
" I wasn't doing nothing, she's one of them O'Driscolls," Micah said as the women picked a knife off the table 
" No she ain't, Micah, look at her." Dutch spoke trying to get him to leave the poor woman alone as he just laughed
" Miss, Miss, are you-" Dutch tried to talk to the women before Micah flipped the table onto its side knocking the lantern over starting a fire as he walked over to her
" Oh, you fool, Micah!" Dutch shouted as the women went to stab him dutch got walked over and pushed him away from the startled women pushing him over to I pushed him away and then Arthur pushed him,  away as we walked over.
" Miss, now it's gonna be okay. We mean you no harm" Dutch said trying to calm the women down as I and Arthur looked as the fire spread quickly 
Dutch moved closer pushing the women's hand away with the knife while one hand grabbed her shoulder " Miss! Miss. Come on it'll be okay." He said as we started to walk toward the door
" We need to get out of here and quick! Come on now" Dutch piped as the fire spread across the house we all got out. We walked down the steps
" You okay miss?" Dutch asked with concern in his voice for the women 
" They came three days ago, and my husband they... " The women sounded startled I walked away mounting my horse waiting for everybody to saddle up 
" Okay, Miss. You're safe now and you can't stay here." Dutch spoke softly as they looked back at the burning house 
" You come with us, Arthur" Dutch spoke handing the lantern he took off one of the horses to Arthur as he mounted up 
" Miss, it's okay alright? We're bad men, but we ain't them, so it's okay. Get on"  he said handing Dutch the lantern as he put the woman on the back of the horse
" We'll keep you safe until you figure out what you wanna do." He said before walking away and mounting up his own horse we started riding away from the burning house. 
" What's your name, Miss? Miss?" Dutch questioned  
" Adler." The women replied 
" Adler?" Dutch questioned
" Sadie Alder. Mrs. .. I.. he.. he was my husband" Sadie responded we rode away but I looked back and saw it crack and collapsed in on itself poor Mrs. Adler barely know her but already feel bad for her, she or her husband didn't deserve those things.
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We rood into camp we heard Lenny shout as people started coming out to the sight of us being back I heard Hosea ask how we got on up ahead 
" Micah found a homestead. but we weren't the first. Colm O'Driscoll and his scum, they beat us to it." Dutch announced as we all got off our horses and Hoesea helped down Miss Alder from Dutch's horse 
" We found some of them there but there is more apparently scouting a train, thank you," Dutch announced
" That's the last thing we need right now, Dutch," Hosea responded 
" Well, it is what it is, but we found some supplies, some blankets, a little bit of food, and this poor soul, Miss Adler, Miss Tilly, Miss Karen, would you warm her up, give her a drink of something. He told as Tilly and Karen helped Miss Adler away from us to help warm her up and get her something while the rest of us stood around 
" And Mrs. Adler it's gonna be okay, you're safe now." He announced to her as she and the girl walked away from the rest of us. he looked towards his sweetheart and told her that she was turned into a widow by them before turning back to the rest of us.
" I need some rest, I haven't slept in three days." He spoke, while Miss. Grimshaw came over
" You're over here Miss O'Shea will show you the way. Mr. Morgan, Miss Miller we put you two in your own room over here." She announced 
" Thank you, Miss Grimshaw" Me and Arthur spoke
" Mr. Bell you're with the feller over there." Miss Grimshaw told as we started to walk to our rooms with her while Micah looked offended 
" How come Arthur And Scarlett get a room and I get a bunk next to Bill Williamson and a bunch of darkies?" He rudely questioned as we stopped in our tracks turning back to look at him before going back to walking to the place 
" Get yourself to bed," Hosea told him we walked up the steps shutting the door behind me, 
" Now you too get some rest if you need anything you know where to find me goodnight you too" Miss Grimshaw spoke, before leaving us alone shutting the door behind herself. I looked up and saw Arthur, 
" Goodnight Arthur get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow if you don't freeze" I laughed before turning to walk into my room
" Haha, But goodnight Scarlet sleep well" he spoke as we went into our different rooms. I walked over and sat on the bed banging my boots off before, pulling off my satchel and putting it on the bedside table before lying down. in the bed and shutting my eyes drifting asleep. 
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wiccxn-child · 6 months
Divine Intervention
Hi all, I usually wouldn't post here as I'm not as involved in paganism as I used to be (I would say I still am pagan, however), much less online. I've always been a little more agnostic than actually believing the deities I work with are tangible beings, as I have a lot of trauma with fundamentalist Christianity and have a little distaste for literal faith, personally. Obviously, if you feel differently, that's perfectly valid. It's just how my spiritual journey has progressed over the years.
However, I just went through an experience that I genuinely feel was some sort of divine intervention.
I run a game development organization at my university, and over the last semester or so, a freshman I met became one of my best friends through this group (this will be important later). We'll call them Merry. Every Friday, after out meetings, a majority of the group goes out to dinner at a restaurant here in town. Because of Easter, we weren't going to have a meeting or our dinner this week. However, I truly think something intervened in my fate and put me exactly where I needed to be.
On Thursday, I was at my department's building, waiting to briefly meet with my advisor after he finished teaching a class. I almost didn't stay, because I had work soon after, but something just made me decide to stay anyway to meet with him. While I was waiting, Merry passed by me, and mentioned they had forgotten to take their medication and was heading back to their dorm to do so. Understandably, I was like "aw, that sucks" and then said "it's for epilepsy!" and I was obviously like "oh yes, go get that!"
I was supposed to go home for Easter weekend this Friday, to spend some time with my family. Since my university is 4 - 5 hours away from my hometown, I haven't been able to visit very often due to work and being extremely busy with my masters program. However, Thursday night, my parents called me to inform me that they had contracted COVID, and didn't think it was a good idea for me to come the next day. I was disappointed, but understood.
Because I was in town, although we couldn't have our weekly meeting, I decided to have dinner with the organization members who were still in town for the break. The other members (including Merry) decided to hang out later that night, and although they invited me, I wasn't sure I would go as well since I had a exam to take and was worried about being exhausted. However, I eventually decided to go last minute after I had completed the exam when my friend asked me I was going.
I showed up at 10:15p, and we hung out a little bit and eventually started watching a movie around 10:30p. Merry and my other friend were smoking, but I was sober since I have a drug screening for my medication coming up. I considered drinking that night, but once again, I decided last minute that I didn't really feel like it.
Merry had a seizure at exactly 11:00p. They stood up, collapsed, and started seizing. I was the only one who even knew they took seizure medication, and as my other friend panicked, I realized what was happening. Thankfully, I called 911 and I instructed my other friend to put Merry on their side. EMS came and we got them to a hospital and nothing severe happened other than a massive headache and some carpet burn from their fall, and obviously the hospital bills, but no money is worth someone's life.
I found out later from Merry's mom that they had only had one other seizure before - their doctor wasn't even sure if they had a seizure disorder or if it was a one-time occurrence, since they hadn't had any since. It wasn't something anyone was expecting, not even a little bit.
I realized today, that if all these things hadn't aligned weeks in advance, things may have gone terribly different. Not only could my other friend had been dealing with this situation on their own without any idea what was happening, but we probably would've never met for dinner if I hadn't been in town and thus my friends wouldn't be hanging out last night in the first place. Merry could've been in their dorm, where they no longer have a roommate. They could've had a seizure alone, and no one would've known. There's a very real possibility that they could've have died last night.
I am so grateful that things happened the way they did. And so many little situations occurred at just the right spots to ensure I never went home and was there in that moment.
I really feel like something knew I needed to be there for my friend. I'm really thankful, whoever you are.
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sadlowskijamie · 1 year
How To Play Golf Card Game?
Are you wondering how to play the popular card game Golf? If so, this blog post is perfect for you! Designed as a two-player competitive game, Golf is an incredibly fun and easy game that can be enjoyed by anyone. You may already have some of the playing cards needed on hand. If not, no worries; there are other ways to enjoy this thrilling card pastime! We'll walk through what materials you need and how to organize them in order to get ready to play golf. Plus, here’s where we cover all the fundamental rules and objectives of the game—so let's go ahead and hit 'em straight down the middle right now!
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What Is Golf Card Game?
Golf (or Golf Solitaire) is a classic card game that is easy to learn, but can be tricky and requires some strategy. It is with a deck of 52 playing cards, just like regular Solitaire. The goal of the game is to move all the cards from the tableau (face-up piles) into your foundations (card piles). The trick is that you only have so many moves to use and the “greens”—the cards that are at the bottom of each foundation pile—must match in rank. If a card cannot be added to any of the foundations, it must go onto your waste pile.
The Benefit Of Playing Golf Card Game
The game of Golf is a great way to practice your skills in strategic planning and problem-solving. It also encourages mental agility as you attempt to get through each round with the fewest possible moves. Additionally, it is an excellent pastime for couples, groups of friends, or even family members who are looking for something fun and entertaining to enjoy together. Plus, since the game is relatively quick and straightforward, you can finish a round in no time!
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What Equipment Is Needed To Play The Game?
The equipment you need to play Golf is minimal. All that is necessary is a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Once the game starts, two piles are created in the tableau, while one pile remains in the hand. The waste pile is created as needed and can be placed on either side of the tableau. Generally, it is best to place it on the left side of the tableau.
How To Play Golf Card Game?
The rules for playing Golf are simple and straightforward:
1. Deal out seven cards face-up, one at a time, in two separate piles with each pile having four cards and one card remaining in your hand. The top card of each is the “green” and must match in rank.
2. The goal is to move all of the cards from the tableau into your foundations with as few moves as possible.
3. To make a move, you can either move one card at a time or build on existing piles by adding cards of the same rank.
4. If a card cannot be added to any of the foundations, it must go onto your waste pile. The top card of the waste pile is available for play.
5. Once all cards have been moved into the foundations, you count up your score and determine who won!
Different Ways To Play The Game
Golf is a very versatile game, and there are several ways you can customize it to make the game more challenging or interesting. You can add variations such as allowing only one card per turn or changing the number of cards in each pile at the beginning of the game. You can also choose to use jokers instead of regular playing cards for added complexity.
Tips For Playing The Golf Card Game Better
Golf is one of those games where the more you practice, the better you’ll become. Here are some tips to help you improve your game:
- Learn the basic rules and objectives of the game well
- Pay attention to how cards can be moved between piles in order to reduce moves
- Don't get stuck on a particular move; look for multiple options
- Focus on the long-term strategy to improve your chances of winning
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Golf is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. With its simple rules, it is easy to learn and the variations make it even more interesting. So why not give it a try! Play with friends or family today and test your skills in logical thinking and problem-solving. Have fun!
What is the objective of the golf card game?
The objective of the Golf card game is to move all of the cards from the tableau into your foundations with as few moves as possible.
How many players are required to play the game?
Golf is a game that can be played by one or more players. Generally, two to four people is the optimal number for an enjoyable game.
How are the cards dealt in the game?
The cards are dealt out seven at a time, one at a time. The top card of each pile is the “green” and must match in rank. The remaining card stays in your hand.
How is the winner of the game determined?
The winner of the game is determined by counting up the score and seeing who has the lowest number. The person with the least amount of moves will be declared the winner.
How is the score kept during the game?
The score is kept by counting the number of moves that it takes to move all of the cards from the tableau into your foundations. The player with the least amount of moves will be declared the winner.
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sungtaro · 2 years
well i hope u can make the most out of the free (ish?) summer time u have left!! and that you had a good time previously, which i'm sure u did based on some posts i came across 🥰
also yeah omg being closer to the finish line is so crazy 😭😭 but we'll all figure it out together 💘 i still have a while to go but either way i can't believe i'll be done with this some day... and then i'm meant to just... do the professional work???? insane 😔
i've been enjoying the occasional content (and hope for more anniversary content as well as the cb announcement we're all waiting for 😤😤😤) but i do miss them still, i wish they'd also bring back treasure map 😭😭😭 meanwhile i'm appreciating the to do episodes coming out on mondays ❤️
(just in case u didnt see i changed my sideblog user finally to hooniebeloved )
we will figure it out indeed !! and yeah i think the craziest thing abt like . living a post-student adult life is realizing every working professional is in fact just some guy who is figuring it out like you hahaha which is partially comforting partially terrifying 😵‍💫
oh em gee well we (sort of) got one wish granted and are getting a special tmap episode this weekend !! i rly need them to come back full swing with a season 3 though PLEEEASE 😭 i've had cravity park on mondays all summer and they just wrapped that up for the season bc they're headed on tour, but they pretty much constantly upload vlogs/covers/behinds and they just announced a september comeback so i'm like wow this is the life of stanning a group that actually does things ... KJDSBFGJHB treasure please i need u to just show me ur faces a little more often 😭
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