#we're all just learnings wrong words off of each other like clowns πŸ˜‚
lu-sn Β· 9 months
what do you mean by β€œkeen debacle?” btw i love your fics, merry christmas and/or happy holidays <3
hello anon ❀️❀️❀️ augh u are so lovely and nice i hope you have a GREAT holiday season!!!
it is very simple. i have read a truly staggering amount of fanfiction and so a fun phenomenon that's happened is that there's a huge number of words that i've only become familiar with thanks to fic. and fic writers love to use "keening" as a substitute for "moaning" and "gasping" in sex scenes and i was like "wow! new word unlocked! thank fucking god now i don't have 32 instances of the word 'gasp' in this doc"
and then @suzteel was like "i don't think that means what you think it means"
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she's fucking right
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outsideratheart Β· 2 years
53 + patri please
A/N: At what point does a ficlet become a fic? I’m asking for a friendπŸ˜‚
53 β€œHow do we get out?”
The back and forth between you and Parti was becoming unbearable. At first the team thought it was cute, the way you two would blatantly flirt with each other but never follow up, you were inseparable during training, team bonding nights and you would always room together on away days.
Everything changed when you found out that Patri had starting seeing someone and from the way she talked about her it was serious. Was you upset that she was dating, no. Was you mad that she had replaced you, no. The thing that bothered you the most is that you had to find out from Leila. It turns out you was the last player on the team to be told about Patri's change of relationship status. She didn't think you important enough to tell you face to face, it was like a punch to the gut. Your movies nights became non existent and you found yourself trying the new coffee shops alone.
Since that day you avoided Patri whenever possible. You were hurting, both because of her actions and yours but you wanted to protect yourself and if that meant moving on from Patri then so be it, only it wasn't that simple. You tried dating but every woman that you went out with failed in comparison to your best friend.
Your unhappiness became contagious considering you were one of the clowns of the locker room. What's the saying, misery loves company.
A couple of months later you learned that Patri had broken up with her girlfriend and as if nothing happened, she tried to be your best friend again only now you had no interest. The damage had been done and you didn't care for Patri's efforts.
The team had hoped that you and Patri would fix things but when it was made clear to them that this wasn't happening, they decided to take things into their own hands.
"Y/N!" Jenni shouts of you, the urgency in her voice worries you.
"What? What's wrong?"
"It's Alexia, she took a knock after you left. She is in with the medics now but she won't talk to anyone"
"How bad is it? She has only just been cleared, she can't be hurt again"
Jenni eagerly pulls you in the direction of the physio's room. The panic you feel only increases the closer you get.
You open the door ready to be there for your best friend.
"Ale" you shout out but get no response.
You hear the door close and then lock behind you. What is going on?
"Y/N what are you doing here? Are you ok, did you get hurt?" Patri sits on the treatment table as if waiting for you to arrive.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me" you mumble to yourself when you realise what is happening.
"Guys! I don't find this funny in the slightest. I suggest you open this door before I kick it down"
"You two need to talk" you recognise your captain's voice.
"You're in on this? Do you know what Jenni said to get me in here?" you ask Alexia.
Unbeknownst to you, on the other side of the door Alexia gives Jenni a disapproving look.
"She told me that you hurt yourself. You know how that makes me feel, I had flashbacks to the euros" your hands start to shake at the memories, you breathing increases rapidly.
You close your eyes, trying to get your emotions under control.
"Breathe Y/N" Patri tries to hold you but it only makes you madder.
"You don't get to touch me. We're not like that anymore" you shrug her off.
"Jenni shouldn't have told you that. I am ok but you're not, you haven't been for a while and we all know why. You two need to fix this"
"I didn't do anything wrong" you are quick to respond.
"And I did?" Patri asks clearly oblivious to the consequences her actions have made.
"Yes" You snap back.
Patri is at a lost for words. She never wanted to hurt you.
β€œHow do we get out?”
"I β€”"
"I wasn't talking to you" again you snap at the girl you once called your best friend "I'm talking to masterminds behind this ridiculous plan"
"You need to be honest with each other. Y/N you have told me how you feel, now you need to tell Patri" Alexia says from the other side of the door.
You shake your head angrily, how could Alexia just out you like that. You had confided in her in your time of need and now she is all but telling the one person you never want to talk to about this.
"What is she talking about?" Patri asks you.
"I can't do this, Ale let me out here please" at this point tears are brimming your eyes.
"What did I do?" Patri asks from the opposite side of the room.
"You left me" you admit defeat as you sink the floor.
"When?" her naivety is both adorable and incredibly frustrating.
"When you chose her" you are honest, there is no point in lying "You discarded me like I was nothing to you"
"Oh Y/N" Patri gets up and sits near you "You were my everything, that is why I did what I did. I couldn't be around you and not have you, not the way I wanted to at least"
When Patri sits down you realise that this is the closest you have been in months. You can see the speckles in her eyes and can smell her perfume.
"I thought that if I starting dating someone then I would be able to move on"
"Move on from what?"
Patri was speaking but you didn't understand what she was saying.
"From you, but it soon became apparent that she couldn't compare to you, I don't think anyone will. For years you have been my person, in every situation but then I found myself wanting more"
"Why didn't you tell me? If you had β€”"
"If I did then I would lose you as my best friend"
"You lost me anyways"
"I know"
"I really wish you would have me P"
Patri's eyes light up at hearing her nickname, you hadn't called her that in months.
"I would have said that I wanted more too" you admit your true feelings.
"You would?" Patri asks in disbelief and you nod your head.
"I'm so stupid" the midfielder buries her head in her hands.
"The stupidest" you say teasingly earning a playful shove "I guess I have been stupid too"
"What do we do now?"
"There's a new cafe opened in Barceloneta. Would you like to go?"
"Would it be a date?"
"Yes" you say, the uncertainty in your tone making it sound more like a question.
"Then I would love to" Patri says with a huge grin on her face.
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